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Relative Errors made according to intentional forgetting (t4) for the three action element categories

Relative Errors made according to intentional forgetting (t4) for the three action element categories

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Conference Paper
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Changing established business processes poses many obstacles. Employees falling back into old routines is one problem, change-managers have to cope with. This paper investigates the reasons of this fall-back actions and gives insight into how this behavior can be avoided and how newly learned actions are stabilized. From a psychological perspective...

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... this point it is not possible to draw any conclusion with regard to the effect of the cues since only 18 persons have participated thus far. However, we could demonstrate that there is no significant difference between the three error sources: on the machine, around the machine and in the documentation ( figure 2). This means that there is no bias in the experiment, where errors can occur. ...

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... Relapse would occur less often. It is, therefore, beneficial to highlight changes in business processes concerning these cues [47]. Not all cues are equally accessible for manipulation in a controlled change process. ...
Business processes are regularly modified either to capture requirements from the organization’s environment or due to internal optimization and restructuring. Implementing the changes into the individual work routines is aided by change management tools. These tools aim at the acceptance of the process by and empowerment of the process executor. They cover a wide range of general factors and seldom accurately address the changes in task execution and sequence. Furthermore, change is only framed as a learning activity, while most obstacles to change arise from the inability to unlearn or forget behavioural patterns one is acquainted with. Therefore, this paper aims to develop and demonstrate a notation to capture changes in business processes and identify elements that are likely to present obstacles during change. It connects existing research from changes in work routines and psychological insights from unlearning and intentional forgetting to the BPM domain. The results contribute to more transparency in business process models regarding knowledge changes. They provide better means to understand the dynamics and barriers of change processes. KeywordsIntentional ForgettingRoutinesBusiness ProcessesUnlearning
... However, knowledge and skills on SEL may be forgotten without continuous support (Aspegren, 1999;Brown & Bylund, 2008). Remembering can be disrupted by already existing memories when the old knowledge and routines confuse the new content and application of it (Thim, Gronau, & Kluge, 2019). Yet, theories on learning and forgetting stress that acquiring and deepening the knowledge is easier if a person is already skilled and experienced (Anderson, 2000). ...
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Although organizational forgetfulness is a modern term, it is used in most organizations in one way or another. The aim of this research is to study the relation and effect between organizational forgetting and the effectiveness of administrative decisions. The analytical descriptive approach was adopted in the research. managers in the State Company for Drugs Industry & Medical Appliances/Samarra (55) individuals. The questionnaire was distributed to them and 48 (valid) forms were returned for analysis. The research concluded that there is a strong correlation and effect between organizational forgetting (purposeful and non-purposeful) and the effectiveness of administrative decisions
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This mini review aims at summarizing the current state-of-the-art of empirical unlearning and intentional forgetting (U/IF) research at the individual, team, and organizational level. It adds to an earlier review and incorporates 31 recent studies from 2019 to 2022. The review reveals that predictors based on the organization’s adaptation context (e.g., competitive intensity), organization level (e.g., leadership exploration activities), individual task-related (e.g., features of the routines changed), and person-related level (e.g., cognitive control strategies) variables relate to process variables, such as the type of U/IF, the U/IF content (e.g., success beliefs or failure beliefs), and information processing variables (e.g., team information processing). The outcome variables are at the organizational level (e.g., cross-boundary innovation), team level performance level, the individual task performance level (e.g., errors), and person-related level (e.g., self-esteem). The analyzed studies at the team and organizational levels preferred cross-sectional study designs or in-depth qualitative methods, which severely limits the possibility of making causal statements. In contrast, at the individual-level studies use longitudinal designs as well to make temporal aspects of U/IF visible. But these individual level results are limited in terms of their generalizability to other levels. Even though all studies make valuable contribution to the understanding of antecedents and outcomes of U/IF, the temporal and process-related aspects of how U/IF unfolds at the different levels and subsequent options for its deliberate facilitation remain empirically little elaborated. It is proposed that in addition to studying the antecedents and consequences of U/IF in cross sectional designs, the topic needs more longitudinal designs to capture the nature of the U/IF processes in organizations.