Networked bio interface challenges. Networked bio interface challenges graphically visualized and stated in three broad categories.

Networked bio interface challenges. Networked bio interface challenges graphically visualized and stated in three broad categories.

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The digitally connected body with clinical grade multimodal and multisite biosignal acquisition is a key goal of the wearable device communities, which will enable advanced diagnostics and therapeutics. Recent advances in sensor and biointerfaces have enabled insight into biomarkers and physiological states that far exceed the commercially availabl...

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Context 1
... of these epidermal approaches from the laboratory to scaled application in the clinic or at home use however are difficult and challenges are broadly outlined in Fig. 1. The challenges can be classified into 3 categories, Material and Interface, Integration and Adoption. In particular crucial for widespread adoption are materials and engineering schemes compatible with skin renewal, smart interfaces and technologies for seamless integration into healthcare systems to enable potentially significant ...