Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... lymph nodes were noted on examination; normal heart and pulmonary auscultation, and abdomen without enlarged organs. He had a 5 to 6 cm wide ringform or target-like skin lesion on the left inner thigh (Fig.1), with erythematous border and scaly center, and two other similar though smaller lesions in the gluteal areas, bilaterally (Fig.2). ...
Context 2
... chest radiography showed a large mediastinum and a bilateral diffuse reticular infiltrate, allowing classification as Stage II Sarcoidosis (Fig.1). The CT scan of the chest and abdomen evidenced multiple hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy (larger paratracheal with 27mm - Fig. 2), micronodules along bronchovascular bundles mainly in the upper right lobe (Fig. 3), multiple retroperitoneum lymphadenopathy (the larger with 24mm) and homogeneous hepato- ...
Context 3
... ramified/bushy capillaries, and intense disorganization of the normal capillary array, changes compatible with scleroderma pattern in the late phase (Fig. ...