Fig. l.-41-year-old woman with Kasabach-Merritt syndrome with multiple left breast masses. A, Mediolateral oblique radiograph of left breast shows manywell-defined round highdensity masses that obscure fibroglandular tissue. Note phleboliths. B, Sonogram of left breast shows cystic septated lesion with echogenic area of calcification corresponding to phlebolith (arrow). C, Sagittal MR image of left breast obtained using 12-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with fat saturation shows breast hemangiomas as hyperintense areas with well-defined round or lobular margins (straightsolidarrows).  

Fig. l.-41-year-old woman with Kasabach-Merritt syndrome with multiple left breast masses. A, Mediolateral oblique radiograph of left breast shows manywell-defined round highdensity masses that obscure fibroglandular tissue. Note phleboliths. B, Sonogram of left breast shows cystic septated lesion with echogenic area of calcification corresponding to phlebolith (arrow). C, Sagittal MR image of left breast obtained using 12-weighted fast spin-echo sequence with fat saturation shows breast hemangiomas as hyperintense areas with well-defined round or lobular margins (straightsolidarrows).  

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... À l'IRM, peu de descriptions ont été rapportées jusqu'à présent. L'hypersignal lésionnel en pondération T2 est retrouvé dans la majorité des cas, comme dans nos deux observations [3] [5] [10] [18] [19]. Un volumineux hémangiome en hyposignal T2 a, cependant, été rapporté [20]. ...
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... 6 Other types of hemangioma are rare. 1 The mammographic appearance of hemangiomas has been reported as a well-defined, lobulated mass showing fine microcalcifications or coarse, bizarre calcifications. [7][8][9][10][11][12][13] The sonographic appearance of a breast hemangioma has been described as a poorly defined, hyperechoic mass with marked distal attenuation or a well-defined, solid, mainly hypoechoic lesion. 7,9,14 Some lesions may contain small, bright echoes consistent with areas of calcification. ...
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Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (KMS) consists of a clinical trial of capillary hemangioma, thrombocytopenia and disseminated intravascular coagulation. KMS occurs most commonly in the pediatric population, and its occurrence in adults is rare. Specific guidelines or randomized clinical trials guiding clinical management of KMS in adult patient are lacking. This manuscript provides a comprehensive review of KMS and discusses recent advances in the medical management of KMS. We also propose a systematic therapeutic approach which would serve as a guide in the management of adult patients with KMS caused by hemangiomas.