Figure 5 - uploaded by Helle Vesti
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Example of S-curve graph inspired by diffusion of innovation/technology trajectory studies (Becker & Speltz, s. 31-33. 1983; Maxwideman, 2017). Christensen, involving his background knowledge of S-curves, uses this to explain how an established company puts out a minimal value per iteration in the beginning of the curve. Once the company achieves a certain point of their development where they can improve the product radically per. innovation, the curve goes upward and the value per. innovation grows exponentially. This happens after many repetitions of improvements (iterations in the attempt to improve a product) (Christensen, p. 39-42, 2016).

Example of S-curve graph inspired by diffusion of innovation/technology trajectory studies (Becker & Speltz, s. 31-33. 1983; Maxwideman, 2017). Christensen, involving his background knowledge of S-curves, uses this to explain how an established company puts out a minimal value per iteration in the beginning of the curve. Once the company achieves a certain point of their development where they can improve the product radically per. innovation, the curve goes upward and the value per. innovation grows exponentially. This happens after many repetitions of improvements (iterations in the attempt to improve a product) (Christensen, p. 39-42, 2016).

Context in source publication

Context 1
... performed studies in companies in the disk-drive industry. Christensen´s thesis shows that, unlike previous studies of technological development, in which the S-curves was used as a framework for describing how new technologies replacing older technologies (see Fig. 5), the Scurves flattening (fig. 5, point marked with "C") are firm-specific, rather than a universal industry phenomenon. The following quote backs this ...

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