Current mental health status analysed by obesity categories stratified by parity

Current mental health status analysed by obesity categories stratified by parity

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Background Maternal obesity and depression are common and both have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Aims The aim of this observational study was to examine the relationship between maternal body mass index (BMI) category and self-reported depression at the first antenatal visit. Methods Women who delivered a baby weighing ≥ 500 g...

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... results demonstrated a higher prevalence of selfreported depression, postnatal depression and antidepressant/anxiolytic use in women with severe forms of obesity (class III) compared with women in a milder obesity subcategory (class I) supporting evidence of a dose-response relationship (p < 0.05) ( Table 3). ...


... Background Antenatal depression is characterized by a nonpsychotic depressed mood disorder lasting two weeks or more, marked by feelings of low mood, loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, low self-esteem, guilt, low energy, and suicidal thoughts, occurring during pregnancy [1]. Various stressors during pregnancy, such as unintended pregnancy [2,3], pregnancy complications [4], chronic disease [5], previous mental illness [6], fear of childbirth [7], gestational age [8], and maternal age [9], increase the risk of developing depression. ...
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Introduction This study aimed to investigate the prevalence, severity, and factors associated with antenatal depression among women receiving antenatal care at Mubende Regional Referral Hospital (MRRH) in Uganda. Antenatal depression is a critical concern for maternal and child well-being, as it is associated with adverse outcomes such as preterm birth, abortion, low birth weight, and impaired maternal-infant bonding. Despite several international guidelines recommending routine screening for antenatal depression, local Ugandan guidelines often overlook this essential aspect of maternal care. Methods A cross-sectional study involving 353 pregnant women utilized the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) to assess antenatal depression. Participants were categorized as having antenatal depression if their total PHQ-9 score was ≥ 5 and met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria for either major or minor depression. Psychosocial demographic and obstetric characteristics were recorded. Logistic regression analysis identified factors linked to antenatal depression. Results The burden of antenatal depression was notably high, affecting 37.68% of the participants. Among those with antenatal depression, the majority exhibited mild symptoms 94 (70.68%). The significant factors associated with antenatal depression, revealed by multivariate analysis, included younger age (≤ 20 years), older age (≥ 35 years), history of domestic violence, alcohol use, gestational age, history of abortion, history of preeclampsia, and unplanned pregnancies. Conclusion This study revealed a significantly high prevalence of antenatal depression, emphasizing its public health importance. Most cases were classified as mild, emphasizing the importance of timely interventions to prevent escalation. The identified risk factors included age, history of domestic violence, alcohol use, first-trimester pregnancy, abortion history, previous preeclampsia, and unplanned pregnancy.
... In the current work obese women were more likely to had APD. These results are in line with Tuthill et al. (31) who reported that, maternal obesity was significantly associated with an increased APD in both nulliparas and multiparas. The APD prevalence was proportionately correlated with the severity of obesity. ...
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Objective: The current study aimed to track the prevalence of APD, its associated factors and perinatal outcomes among Egyptian pregnant women. Methodology: The current work included 122 pregnant women, with singleton normal pregnancy. They were evaluated for antepartum depression and perceived stress. In addition, demographics and obstetric data were collected and documented. The psychiatric status was assessed in the third trimester (preferably at 35 to 37 week of gestation). Then, the feto-maternal outcome was recorded. The primary outcome was the prevalence of APD and perceived stress. Neonatal outcome was document especially preterm birth and neonatal weight. Results: APD was recognized among 28 women (23.0%). The APD was significantly associated with employment (82.1% and 57.4%, in those with and without APD respectively). The unplanned pregnancy was significantly increase in women with than those without APD (35.7% vs 9.6%). Maternal obesity, low birth weight and preterm delivery were associated with APD. Finally, the perceived stress score was significantly higher among women with APD than those without APD (18.92±7.30 vs 14.75±9.07). Conclusion: APD was reported in nearly one of four women and significantly associated with maternal obesity, unplanned pregnancy and employment. In addition, preterm birth and low birth weight significantly increased with APD.
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Introduction This study investigated the prevalence, severity, and factors associated with antenatal depression among women receiving antenatal care at Mubende Regional Referral Hospital (MRRH) in Uganda. Antenatal depression is a critical concern for maternal and child well-being, as it can lead to adverse outcomes, including preterm birth, abortion, low birth weight, and impaired maternal–infant bonding. Despite several international guidelines recommending routine screening for antenatal depression, local Ugandan guidelines often overlook this essential aspect of maternal care. Methods A cross-sectional study involving 353 pregnant women utilized the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) to assess antenatal depression. Participants’ psychosocial demographic and obstetric characteristics were recorded. Logistic regression analysis identified factors linked to antenatal depression. Results Antenatal depression burden was notably high, affecting 37.68% of the participants. The majority of patients with antenatal depression had mild symptoms (72.68%). The significantly associated factors at multivariate analysis included younger age (≤ 20), older age (≥ 35), history of domestic violence, alcohol use, gestational age, abortion history, history of preeclampsia and unplanned pregnancies. Conclusion This study revealed a significantly high prevalence of antenatal depression, emphasizing its public health importance. Most cases were classified as mild, emphasizing the need for timely interventions to prevent escalation. The identified risk factors included age, history of domestic violence, alcohol use, first-trimester pregnancy, abortion history, past preeclampsia, and unplanned pregnancy.
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The prevalence of obesity is increasingly common in the United States, with ~25% of women of reproductive age being overweight or obese. Metaflammation, a chronic low grade inflammatory state caused by altered metabolism, is often present in pregnancies complicated by obesity. As a result, the fetuses of mothers who are obese are exposed to an in-utero environment that has altered nutrients and cytokines. Notably, both human and preclinical studies have shown that children born to mothers with obesity have higher risks of developing chronic illnesses affecting various organ systems. In this review, the authors sought to present the role of cytokines and inflammation during healthy pregnancy and determine how maternal obesity changes the inflammatory landscape of the mother, leading to fetal reprogramming. Next, the negative long-term impact on offspring’s health in numerous disease contexts, including offspring’s risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders (autism, attention deficit and hyperactive disorder), metabolic diseases (obesity, type 2 diabetes), atopy, and malignancies will be discussed along with the potential of altered immune/inflammatory status in offspring as a contributor of these diseases. Finally, the authors will list critical knowledge gaps in the field of developmental programming of health and diseases in the context of offspring of mothers with obesity, particularly the understudied role of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.