Conceptual model and hypothesis.

Conceptual model and hypothesis.

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In recent years, information systems (IS) comprise one of the main fields of study in business organization, caused by the need to identify their business value. Therefore, in this research and based on a theoretical review, a model is developed for the evaluation of the success of the IS for small and medium enterprises (SME) to determine the infl...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... conceptual model utilized to guide this study is shown in Fig. 1, and is based on the model proposed in 2003 by D&M. The model explains that the quality of the system, of the information, and of the service affect both the use-utility of the system as well as the user satisfaction. However, it is important to mention that it has been proposed that the service quality variable should not be ...
Context 2
... can be observed in Fig. 1, the hypotheses to be tested are also represented, summarized in Table 1, where the theoretical support provided by the DeLone and McLean model (1992,2003) can also be observed. An additional relation of references of studies on IS that support them is ...

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... These three constructs positively boost system usage and user satisfaction. Finally, certain net benefits will be attained due to use and user satisfaction (DeLone and Mclean, 2003;Balaban et al., 2013;Ghobakhloo and Tang, 2015;Almazán et al., 2017). These net benefits can be in the form of individual benefits (Hsu et al., 2015), organizational results (Almazán et al., 2017), improving performance (Al-Hattami et al., 2021c;Al-Debei et al., 2013), management efficiency (Lee and Yu, 2012), or in the form of effective management control as in this research. ...
... Finally, certain net benefits will be attained due to use and user satisfaction (DeLone and Mclean, 2003;Balaban et al., 2013;Ghobakhloo and Tang, 2015;Almazán et al., 2017). These net benefits can be in the form of individual benefits (Hsu et al., 2015), organizational results (Almazán et al., 2017), improving performance (Al-Hattami et al., 2021c;Al-Debei et al., 2013), management efficiency (Lee and Yu, 2012), or in the form of effective management control as in this research. ...
... DeLone and McLean (2003) argued that the higher InQy produced by an IS, the more user satisfaction and system usage. This argument has been supported in many contexts of IS (Wang and Liao, 2008;Lee and Yu, 2012;Ojo, 2017;Almazán et al., 2017;Himang et al., 2019;Fadhel et al., 2018;Ouiddad et al., 2020). Although InQy is also a key determinant of net benefits, DeLone and McLean model did not indicate the association between InQy and net benefits (DeLone and McLean, 2003;Petter et al., 2013). ...
In today’s competitive market, SMEs need to realize that accounting information system (AIS) can enhance management control effectiveness (MCE) - one of the areas necessary for their survival and success. This paper aimed to measure the influence of AIS success on MCE among SMEs of Yemen, a less developed country, as research and knowledge are very limited in such context. Data were collected from 315 SME owners and managers via a questionnaire. SmartPLS 3 software was employed for data analysis. The results concluded positive links between AIS success and MCE. Specifically, the results revealed that AIS information quality, system quality, and usage positively impact MCE; quality of information and system are essential drivers of AIS usage and satisfaction; user satisfaction positively influences AIS usage. Interestingly, the quality of service showed to be insignificant in the context of AIS. Moreover, user satisfaction showed no significant impact on MCE. This research is deemed one of the first to introduce empirical evidence on the influence of AIS success on MCE among SMEs in Yemen, as a less developed country context.
... The information system is among the most important element of today's business atmosphere and offers chances for businesses to succeed in the timely and organized processing, storage, delivery, and exchange of data (Almazán, et al., 2017). Enterprise resource planning (ERP) provides enterprise-wide information on internal and external management including financial accounting, development, sales, service, and CRM. ...
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This study examined the e-procurement parameters that is information system, procurement staff competences, information technology, procurement internal process, and its positive impact on organization performance. The study used multivariate regression techniques for data analysis. The results showed that information technology maximized the income limits of organizations. It observed that the 2d speculation records device could additionally have a wonderful effect on the company’s overall performance. Increasing the use of records systems in firms that have higher knowledge to increase those talents to set up a mechanism that helps and collaborates in attaining the company goals. The third variable team of workers competency defined that the agency workforce having to be sufficiently trained and geared up that allows you to compete with the organizational performance parameters. This cognizance and training give advanced understanding to personnel, thru which organization paintings higher in our future initiatives. The last hypothesis that is common is procurement inner approaches consistent with the company’s performance point of view. Research recommends that timely duty of employee’s actions and right justifications regarding their choices is beneficial for destiny lawsuits in company affairs.
... 2.1. Information systems security Evidence shows that human activities are increasingly dependent on information systems for operations and decision-making (Almazán, Tovar, & Quintero, 2017). In Tanzania, the use of ICT is growing at a rate of 4.9 per cent per year (Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority, 2022). ...
... In Tanzania, the use of ICT is growing at a rate of 4.9 per cent per year (Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority, 2022). Currently, the number of internet users in Tanzania is 50%, compared to 60% of the world population using the internet (International Telecommunication Union, 2021) It is indisputable that efficiency in the use of information systems requires a reliable security to enhance the performance of the organisation (Almazán, Tovar, & Quintero, 2017). ...
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Information and data in our organisations must be protected from illegal access and associated threats. Traditionally, a comprehensive information systems security policy sets the required foundation for protecting data by directing system users on how they must behave and offering necessary controls. With this understanding, the current study determined the quality of security policies adopted by learning institutions in guiding users on the prudent use of information systems. The following institutions were included in the analysis; The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), The Institute of Finance Management (IFM). College of Business Education (CBE), University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Ardhi University (ARU), Arusha Technical College (ATC), Open University of Tanzania (OUT) and Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI). This study was qualitative and descriptive. It compared the key themes of an information security policy with the actual policies of the selected organisation. The purpose was to know whether these critical policy elements are considered in sampled policies for learning institutions based in Tanzania. The comparison theme includes password management, email use principles, disaster handling and recovery, hardware and software management, and information handling. The study found that higher learning institutions in Tanzania have poor information system security policies. A harmonised policy framework is necessary to improve the quality of policies used in learning institutions in Tanzania.
... The impact of user satisfaction on user performance has been positively proven by a series of related studies such as Cidral et al. (2018), Aparicio et al. (2017), Hsu et al. (2015), Almajali et al. (2016),Tam and Oliveira (2016) andAldholay et al. (2018). By the same token, other scholars also support the positive effect of user satisfaction on IS efficiency from the organizational benefits viewpoint in a variety of contexts(Harr et al., 2019;Dezdar and Ainin, 2011;Chou and Hong, 2013;Almaz an et al., 2017) ...
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Purpose-There is a growing importance of business intelligence systems (BIS) adoption in today's digital economy age which is characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity considering the magnitude and influence of data-related issues to be solved in contemporary businesses. This study aims to investigate critical success factors that affect business intelligence efficiency based on the DeLone and McLean model in Jordanian banking industry. Design/methodology/approach-A quantitative research method through a questionnaire was used to collect data from actual users who depend on business intelligence tools to make operational and strategic decisions in Jordanian banks. The data obtained were tested using the partial least squares-structural equation modeling approach. Findings-The survey findings attest that system quality, information quality, user quality, user satisfaction and user performance are important factors and contribute to business intelligence efficiency in the Jordanian banking industry. Practical implications-The findings gained from this work can help policymakers in Jordanian banks to improve the business intelligence success and organizational performance. Originality/value-To the best of the authors' knowledge, this study is the first of its kind to propose a theoretical model to assess drivers of BIS efficiency from the Jordanian banks' perspective.
... Human activities require trustworthy Information Systems now than before (Almazán, Tovar, & Quintero, 2017). This is because most organisational activities are integrated to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ...
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This study developed an Information Systems Security Policy Framework relevant in governing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in public institutions of Tanzania. It used higher learning institutions as the case for study, The framework is to guide professionals on how to secure ICT environment. Operationally, this study used a qualitative approach. It began with a review of the literature, followed by a focus group discussion to formulate new themes for the proposed Information System Security policy framework. The output of the study suggests a policy framework with the following themes: Data and information handling, Internet and network Services Governance, the use of company-owned devices, physical security, guidelines on how to acquire new hardware and software, incident handling and reporting, monitoring and compliance, and policy administration. This study recommends the use of a new comprehensive and harmonized Information Systems Security policy framework for all public higher education institutions, for a more secure environment. In addition, thestudy recommends additional studies including other types of organisations for comparison. Keywords: ICT Policy, Information System Security, Policy framework, Tanzania, Higher learning institution
... As the literature notes, innovation is the sole goal. That is why it is being enumerated among the information system's net benefits [22]. The literature, as well, highlights that the human factor is responsible to lead to organizational innovation [23]. ...
... Organisasi semakin membutuhkan sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi, guna mengintegrasikan data, mempercepat pengolahan data, meningkatkan kualitas informasi dan meningkatkan layanan manajemennya [3]. Penerapan teknologi dan sistem informasi yang tepat dapat menghasilkan kepuasan yang lebih besar dan mengarah pada hasil yang lebih baik bagi perusahaan atau organisasi tersebut [4]. ...
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Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin cepat mempengaruhi bagaimana melakukan pekerjaan yang terdigitalisasi dan mengutamakan penggunaan teknologi. Keselarasan strategi teknologi informasi dengan bisnis menjadi faktor penting perusahaan atau organisasi. Namun, tidak semua perusahaan dapat melakukan implementasi dan pengembangan teknologi informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Salah satunya yaitu Telkom Corporate University Center (TCUC) unit Planning and Controlling pada fungsi Risk and Quality Management. Pada fungsi Risk & Quality Management terdapat kendala dalam operasional fungsi yaitu memiliki aplikasi yang berbeda setiap proses bisnisnya yang mengakibatkan ketidakefektivitasan. Untuk itu diperlukan solusi Enterprise Architecture dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Enterprise Architecture dirancang menggunakan kerangka kerja TOGAF (The Open Architecture Framework) dengan metodologi ADM (Architecture Development Method). Perancangan tersebut dimulai dari Preliminary Phase hingga Migration Technology Architecture. Adapun hasil akhir penelitian ini berupa blueprint Enterprise Architecture yang dapat diimplementasikan pada fungsi Risk and Quality Management unit Planning and Controlling Telkom Corporate University Center (TCUC).
... Keberhasilan e-learning sangat terkait dengan kualitas informasi [23]. Kualitas informasi merupakan keyakinan pengguna internet terhadap informasi internet yang akurat, relevan, up to date, tepat dan lengkap serta tampilan dan format baik, mudah dipahami dan ditafsirkan [24]. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa kualitas informasi berdampak positif terhadap kepuasan pengguna [25]. ...
... Ketersediaan informasi yang terorganisir mempunyai peran yang paling penting dalam pengukuran kualitas informasi, ditunjukkan dengan nilai loading factor paling tinggi yaitu 0.951. Hasil penelitian ini memperkuat penelitian sebelumnya yaitu kualitas informasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna [4], [24], [25]. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the whole world impacted all sectors, including the education sector. The learning process cannot be done face-to-face but virtually. E-learning is a form of online learning process that is highly dependent on information technology. In addition, it is necessary to consider the suitability of technology with the task so that the technology can support the implementation of user tasks. This study integrates the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology (UTAUT) and Task-Technology Fit (TTF) models to analyze student satisfaction through e-learning processes. This research used 157 samples of respondents from Budi Luhur University Jakarta. The collecting data using a questionnaire distributed via a Google form. Data analysis using Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) approach with WarpPLS 6.0. software. These results showed that task characteristics had a significant effect on TTF. Technological features have significant effects on TTF. TTF has significant effects on performance expectations. Performance expectations and business expectations affect user satisfaction, but the condition of the facility does not significantly affect user satisfaction. Although, TTF and information quality have a significant effect on user satisfaction. Higher education managers need to pay attention to the factors driving student satisfaction in the use of e-learning, namely the suitability of the function and usability of e-learning, ease of use of e-learning, and the availability of organized information in e-learning. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the knowledge resources possessed by students to be able, to support the e-learning-based learning process.
... Estos procesos han evolucionado significativamente y hoy se puede definir la gestión de la información, según estos autores, como el proceso de organizar, evaluar, presentar, comparar los datos, controlando su calidad, de manera que ésta sea veraz, oportuna, significativa y exacta. Además, permiten a los empleados ser más eficientes porque pueden comunicarse, aunque no se encuentren en el mismo espacio físico, lo que se refleja en una mejora de los procesos, la administración y la gestión de la información, dan como resultado un impacto positivo en la productividad y competitividad de las empresas, así lo expresan Abrego, et al. 2017). ...
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La investigación se centra en la utilización de una herramienta de análisis de Business Intelligence en un área de la universidad para potenciar las decisiones académicas de la organización. Se aplicó la metodología de Ralph Kimball o también llamado modelo dimensional. La aplicación de la metodología de Ralph Kimball conllevó las siguientes fases: en la primera se recopilaron datos históricos de inscritos y estudiantes matriculados de diferentes períodos académicos; en la segunda se elaboró un datamart que contiene tablas de hechos y tablas de dimensiones; en la tercera se procedió a depurar la matriz en Excel que se recopiló del departamento de Secretaría Académica y finalmente en la cuarta se elaboró los dashboards. Por consiguiente, la utilidad que se obtuvo fue la presentación de informes a los directivos de la Institución que les permitió mejorar y plantear nuevas estrategias a la hora de tomar decisiones.
... resultado un vocabulario capaz de expresar los cambios operados (Moreno y Dueñas, 2018;Abrego et al, 2017). ...
... Los Sistemas Informativos (SI) se han definido como un conjunto formal de procesos que, operando sobre una colección de datos estructurada de acuerdo a las necesidades de la empresa, recopila, elabora y distribuyen selectivamente la información necesaria para la operación de dicha empresa y para las actividades de dirección y control correspondientes, apoyando, al menos en parte, los procesos de toma de decisiones necesarios para desempeñar funciones de negocio de la empresa de acuerdo con su estrategia (Moreno y Dueñas, 2018;Jiménez y Torres 2020;Lapiedra et al, 2011;Díaz et al, 2017). Para la gestión de las organizaciones resulta imprescindible contar con adecuados SI que le permitan operar de forma ágil ante las situaciones internas y externas que la misma enfrenta, requiriendo proveer de información veraz y completa a los gerentes que les permita la planeación, control y organización y control de todas las actividades que la misma lleva a cabo, con el propósito de tomar la decisión (más acertada que pueda ayudar a cumplir los objetivos propuestos por la organización ( Díaz et al, 2017;Alvarado et al, 2018), requiriendo que la misma sea útil y eficiente utilizando el conocimiento individual y colectivo (Castillo y Pérez 2017), en todos los niveles en que conforma la organización (Abrego et al, 2017). ...
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With the use of information systems and information technologies, the operations of organizations has been transformed, contributing to improvements in decision-making and obtaining competitive advantages in many organizations. Companies are engaged in an extraordinary task, the improvement of their business system, which has reaffirmed the need of having a business information system that supports their management. The main objective of this work is to propose a methodology for the evaluation of the business information system to improve it's effectiveness. Techniques were used such as: interviews, documentation review, group work techniques, decision-making tree, questionnaires, among others. It was possible to determine in this effort seven essential qualities; updated, complete, clear, relevant, timely, safe and economical, which were evaluated with a tendency to the effectiveness of the information system. Using group work's techniques and the cause-effect diagram, the causes were specified and a set of actions to be undertaken by the organization could be developed.