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Cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma is infrequently associated with the Merkel cell polyomavirus

  • Cutaneous Pathology WCP Labs Inc.

Abstract and Figures

Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare, highly aggressive cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma most commonly seen in sun-damaged skin. Histologically, the tumor consists of primitive round cells with fine chromatin and numerous mitoses. Immunohistochemical stains demonstrate expression of neuroendocrine markers. In addition, cytokeratin 20 (CK20) is expressed in ∼95% of cases. In 2008, Merkel cell carcinoma was shown to be associated with a virus now known as Merkel cell polyomavirus in ∼80% of cases. Prognostic and mechanistic differences between Merkel cell polyomavirus-positive and Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative Merkel cell carcinoma may exist. There has been the suggestion that CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinomas less frequently harbor Merkel cell polyomavirus, but a systematic investigation for Merkel cell polyomavirus incidence in CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma has not been done. To test the hypothesis that Merkel cell polyomavirus is less frequently associated with CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma, we investigated 13 CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinomas from the files of the Cleveland Clinic and the University of Michigan for the virus. The presence or absence of Merkel cell polyomavirus was determined by quantitative PCR performed for Large T and small T antigens, with sequencing of PCR products to confirm the presence of Merkel cell polyomavirus. Ten of these (77%) were negative for Merkel cell polyomavirus and three (23%) were positive for Merkel cell polyomavirus. Merkel cell polyomavirus is less common in CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma. Larger series and clinical follow-up may help to determine whether CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma is mechanistically and prognostically unique.Modern Pathology advance online publication, 14 November 2014; doi:10.1038/modpathol.2014.148.
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Cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma
is infrequently associated with the Merkel cell
Andrew G Miner1,2, Rajiv M Patel3,4, Deborah A Wilson2, Gary W Procop2, Eugen C Minca2,
Douglas R Fullen3,4, Paul W Harms3,4 and Steven D Billings2
1Department of Dermatology, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA; 2Department of Pathology,
The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA; 3Department of Pathology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
MI, USA and 4Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare, highly aggressive cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma most commonly seen
in sun-damaged skin. Histologically, the tumor consists of primitive round cells with fine chromatin and
numerous mitoses. Immunohistochemical stains demonstrate expression of neuroendocrine markers. In
addition, cytokeratin 20 (CK20) is expressed in B95% of cases. In 2008, Merkel cell carcinoma was shown to be
associated with a virus now known as Merkel cell polyomavirus in B80% of cases. Prognostic and mechanistic
differences between Merkel cell polyomavirus-positive and Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative Merkel cell
carcinoma may exist. There has been the suggestion that CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinomas less frequently
harbor Merkel cell polyomavirus, but a systematic investigation for Merkel cell polyomavirus incidence in CK20-
negative Merkel cell carcinoma has not been done. To test the hypothesis that Merkel cell polyomavirus is less
frequently associated with CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma, we investigated 13 CK20-negative Merkel cell
carcinomas from the files of the Cleveland Clinic and the University of Michigan for the virus. The presence or
absence of Merkel cell polyomavirus was determined by quantitative PCR performed for Large T and small T
antigens, with sequencing of PCR products to confirm the presence of Merkel cell polyomavirus. Ten of these
(77%) were negative for Merkel cell polyomavirus and three (23%) were positive for Merkel cell polyomavirus.
Merkel cell polyomavirus is less common in CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma. Larger series and clinical
follow-up may help to determine whether CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma is mechanistically and
prognostically unique.
Modern Pathology advance online publication, 14 November 2014; doi:10.1038/modpathol.2014.148
In 1875 Friedrich Merkel described the Tastzellen,
or ‘touch cells,’ that now bear his name.1Nearly 100
years later, in 1972, Cyril Toker described trabecular
carcinoma, named after its characteristic growth
pattern, and favored a sweat gland origin for this
tumor.2Later ultrastructural studies demonstrated
dense core neurosecretory granules within the cells
of ‘trabecular carcinoma,’ and subsequently the
Merkel cell became a favored candidate for this
malignancy’s cell of origin.3Recent evidence
suggests that the cell of origin for Merkel cell
carcinoma may be a Merkel cell precursor stem cell.4
Merkel cell carcinoma is among the most lethal
cutaneous carcinomas, with significant mortality
rate.5Therefore, accurate distinction of Merkel cell
carcinoma from histologically similar tumors is
critical for prompt and appropriate management.
Merkel cell carcinoma may display histologic overlap
with basaloid or small cell cutaneous malignancies
including basal cell carcinoma, adnexal carcinoma,
lymphoma, and small-cell melanoma, although in
most cases morphologic distinction is possible
between Merkel cell carcinoma and these entities.6
However, Merkel cell carcinoma cannot be morpho-
logically distinguished from cutaneous metastases
of small cell carcinoma. Therefore, immuno-
histochemistry is critical for definitive diagnosis.
Characteristically, Merkel cell carcinoma is positive
for cytokeratins and neuroendocrine markers like
synaptophysin, chromogranin, neurofilament, and
neuron-specific enolase.6,7 Cytokeratin 20 has
Correspondence: Dr SD Billings, 9500 Euclid Avenue L25,
Cleveland, OH 44195, USA.
Received 8 July 2014; revised 2 September 2014; accepted 3
September 2014; published online 14 November 2014
Modern Pathology (2014), 1– 7
&2014 USCAP, Inc. All rights reserved 0893-3952/14 $32.00 1
become a standard marker for Merkel cell carcinoma
and is positive in B95% of cases, frequently with a
classic paranuclear dot-like pattern of staining.7–9
Cytokeratin 20 expression is absent in most
other small round cell malignancies including
metastatic small cell lung carcinoma, as well as
less-aggressive cutaneous malignancies such as
basal cell carcinoma.6–8
Lack of cytokeratin 20 expression has been
described in B5% of Merkel cell carcinoma.6,10–12
Diagnosis of cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel cell
carcinoma typically involves immunohistochemical
studies for cytokeratins other than cytokeratin 20
(including AE1/3, Cam5.2, or CK7) and neuro-
endocrine markers. The important differential
diagnosis in this context is metastatic small cell
lung carcinoma. Thyroid transcription factor-1 is a
useful marker for small cell lung carcinoma;
although it may be negative in 10–15% of cases
and has been reported to be expressed in excep-
tional cases of Merkel cell carcinoma.7,8,13,14
Neurofilament protein expression is frequently
observed in Merkel cell carcinoma but not in small
cell lung carcinoma.7,15 Although it has been
speculated that cytokeratin 20 negativity may be
the result of de-differentiation,16 it is unclear
whether the absence of cytokeratin 20 expression
is an isolated finding in Merkel cell carcinoma,
or whether these tumors are characterized by
distinct molecular changes and prognostic differ-
ences relative to cytokeratin 20-positive Merkel cell
A breakthrough in understanding of the molecular
pathogenesis of Merkel cell carcinoma came in 2008,
when Merkel cell polyomavirus was shown to be
present in a high percentage of Merkel cell carcino-
mas.17 Merkel cell polyomavirus may promote
tumorigenesis via oncogenic actions of viral small
T antigen and large T antigen, which are generated
from a single gene via alternative splicing.5Merkel
cell polyomavirus associated with Merkel cell
carcinoma displays tumor-specific mutations or
deletions in large T antigen which render the virus
replication deficient, a common characteristic of
oncogenic viruses.5,18 Although numerous assays
for Merkel cell polyomavirus detection have been
reported, PCR targeting small T antigen and/or the 5’
region of large T antigen is commonly used and
highly sensitive.19–21
Although present in the majority of Merkel cell
carcinoma, Merkel cell polyomavirus has not been
commonly observed in other malignancies. In
particular, the presence of Merkel cell polyomavirus
is highly specific for Merkel cell carcinoma relative
to small cell lung carcinoma,12,22–24 and hence might
be considered as a diagnostic marker in challenging
cases including cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel
cell carcinoma. However, studies examining the
association between cytokeratin 20 negativity and
the presence of Merkel cell polyomavirus in Merkel
cell carcinoma have been limited to case reports or
incidental findings within larger case series. To our
knowledge, there have been seven total reported
cases in the literature of cytokeratin 20-negative
cutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma assessed for
Merkel cell polyomavirus status; of these, five were
negative for Merkel cell polyomavirus.12,13,25,26 We
hypothesized that Merkel cell polyomavirus is less
frequently associated with cytokeratin 20-negative
Merkel cell carcinomas.
Better understanding of the incidence of Merkel cell
polyomavirus in cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel cell
carcinoma has implications for the diagnostic utility
of Merkel cell polyomavirus in this setting and may
yield clues regarding the molecular pathogenesis of
this subset of Merkel cell carcinomas. Therefore, we
examined the incidence of Merkel cell polyomavirus
by PCR in a cohort of 13 cytokeratin 20-negative
Merkel cell carcinoma tumors.
Materials and methods
Case Selection
All studies were conducted with prior approval by the
Institutional Review Board. The archives of the
Cleveland Clinic and the University of Michigan were
searched for cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel cell
carcinomas. For inclusion in the study, the tumors
had to have typical histologic features of Merkel cell
carcinoma and compatible immunohistochemical
profiles including positivity for cytokeratins coupled
with positivity for at least one neuroendocrine marker.
The medical charts were reviewed, or for cases
received in consultation, contributors or treating
physicians were contacted to establish that the tumors
were clinically consistent with Merkel cell carcinoma
and that there was no evidence of a neuroendocrine
carcinoma for a different site.
All of the immunohistochemical stains were reviewed.
Most were performed at the time of initial diagnosis
either by the referring institutions or at the Cleveland
Clinic or the University of Michigan. A limited number
of stains were performed at the Cleveland Clinic for the
purposes of this study including cytokeratin 7 (DAKO,
Carpinteria, CA, USA; clone OV-TL 12/30, dilution
1:40), neuron-specific enolase (DAKO; clone BBS/
NC/VI-H14, dilution 1:50), chromogranin A (DAKO;
clone DAK-A3, dilution 1:100), and synaptophysin
(BioGenex, Fremont, CA, USA; clone Snp88, pre-
diluted) using the Ventana BenchMark XT or Bench-
Mark Ultra autostainer (Ventana Medical Systems,
Tucson, AZ, USA).
DNA Extraction and PCR
Five 4 mm tissue sections per specimen were
deparaffinized and DNA was extracted using the
CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma
2AG Miner et al
Modern Pathology (2014), 1– 7
commercial microbead system (NucliSENS-easy-
Mag, BioMı
´rieux, Durham, NC, USA), following
the manufacturer’s instructions, as previously
described.23 DNA quantification was performed
and diluted if necessary to achieve DNA concen-
trations between 3 and 50 ng/ml. Qualitative PCR
was performed for Merkel cell polyomavirus using
previously reported primers sets including two (LT1
and MCVPS1) targeting the large T antigen and a
third (LT3) predominantly targeting the small T
antigen unique region (Table 1).19 Quantitative PCR
for b-globin was used as the positive control to
confirm the presence of amplifiable DNA. Negative
controls included purified, distilled water and a
sample of aortic valve tissue from a patient
unaffected by Merkel cell carcinoma.
Quantitative PCR with LT1 and LT3 primer sets
was performed using SybrGreen fluorescence (Life
Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Threshold cycles
were calculated for all samples. All samples were
subsequently submitted for Sanger sequencing to
confirm the presence of Merkel cell polyomavirus.
MCVPS1 quantitative PCR was performed using a
TaqMansprobe (Life Technologies) for its high
sensitivity and specificity.27 The TaqMansprobe
used was designed to specifically identify
nucleotides 1104–1123 (50-30sequence GGACCCGA-
TATACCTCCCGAAC) within the sequence ampli-
fied by the MCVPS1 primer set. All 14 samples were
evaluated with the MCVPS1 primer set in conjunc-
tion with the MCVPS1 TaqMansprobe.
Studies evaluating the melting temperature of
double-stranded PCR products were consistent with
expected melting temperatures of LT1 and LT3
double primer sets and support the results of PCR
and sequencing.
Thirteen cases of Merkel cell carcinoma, occurring
in 7 men and 6 women ranging in age from 56 to 93
years (mean 72), were identified out of B380 cases
in the combined archives. The tumors arose on the
head and neck (n¼7), upper extremities (n¼3), lower
extremities (n¼2), and in an unspecified location
(n¼1). None of the patients had evidence of a
neuroendocrine carcinoma from another potential
primary. Patients treated at the authors’ institutions
all had appropriate clinical evaluations, including
radiologic staging studies. For all cases seen in
consultation with the exception of one, we were able
to obtain additional clinical information. None of
the consultation cases had evidence of a neuroendo-
crine carcinoma elsewhere. These patients had
detailed clinical and radiologic evaluations. For
the case in which additional information was unable
to be obtained, the patient was a 93-year-old man
with a lesion on the nose (see below).
Histologically, the tumors showed characteristic
features of Merkel cell carcinoma, including trabe-
cular or nodular proliferations of primitive round
cells with high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios, fre-
quent mitoses, and a stippled (‘salt and pepper’)
chromatin pattern. Nuclear molding was present at
least focally in six of the cases (Figure 1). There were
no morphologic findings to suggest basal cell
carcinoma or adnexal carcinoma with aberrant
neuroendocrine marker expression.
All our cases were positive for at least one
cytokeratin (Figure 2; Table 2); however, the
most common pattern was diffuse cytoplasmic or
Table 1 Primers used for MCPyV detection (LT1, LT3, MCVPS1) and control (b-globin)
location Forward sequence Reverse sequence Probe
size (bp) Reference
109 19
Abbreviations: bp, base pair; NT, nucleotide.
Figure 1 Histologic features of the cases. All of the cases of
cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma had typical
histologic findings of Merkel cell carcinoma. The tumors were
composed of cells with high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios with a
neuroendocrine chromatin pattern. Prominent nuclear molding
was seen in six cases.
Modern Pathology (2014), 1– 7
CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma
AG Miner et al 3
membranous and not the usual paranuclear dot-like
pattern. All had immunoreactivity for at least one
neuroendocrine marker (Figure 2; Table 2). Synap-
tophysin was the most commonly positive neuroen-
docrine marker (6/8), while chromogranin was less
sensitive (4/9). None of the cases tested were
positive for thyroid transcription factor-1 (13/13).
Dot-like immunoreactivity for neurofilament protein
was seen in two of three consultation cases.
The one case in which there was no detailed
clinical information had typical histologic features
of Merkel cell carcinoma but also had a squamous
cell carcinoma component that included overlying
squamous cell carcinoma in situ. This case also
exhibited dot-like immunoreactivity for neurofila-
ment protein.
The specimens were analyzed by PCR for
MCVPS1, LT1, LT3, and b-globin. Ten cases (77%)
were negative for Merkel cell polyomavirus. Three
(23%) were positive for Merkel cell polyomavirus
(Figure 3). Of these, two were positive for all three
primer sets tested, including MCVPS1 and LT1
(targeting large T antigen) and LT3 (predominantly
targeting small T antigen). The remaining case was
positive for MCVPS1 and LT3 (Table 3). PCR
products for LT1 and LT3 were further analyzed by
Sanger sequencing, which demonstrated 498%
similarity to the Merkel cell polyomavirus genome
(NC_010277.1) for all PCR amplicons (Figure 4).
Case 4 displayed a C1923T mutation resulting in a
premature stop codon in large T antigen, consistent
with a tumor-specific truncating mutation.
Merkel cell carcinoma is a primary cutaneous
neuroendocrine carcinoma that typically occurs in
older, fair-skinned patients. Merkel cell carcinoma is
aggressive with metastatic rates of 36–55% and
overall 5-year mortality between 31 and 64%.28–30
The diagnosis of Merkel cell carcinoma is confirmed
Figure 2 Summary of immunohistochemical stains. All specimens were negative for cytokeratin 20 (a); cytokeratin 7 was positive in a
cytoplasmic, membranous pattern in two of our samples (b); all cases were positive for neuroendocrine markers such as neuron-specific
enolase (c); other keratin immunohistochemical stains such as Cam5.2 usually had a diffuse cytoplasmic or membranous staining similar
to stains for cytokeratin 7 rather than a perinuclear dot-like pattern (d).
Modern Pathology (2014), 1– 7
CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma
4AG Miner et al
with immunohistochemical stains for distinction
from other small cell malignancies, including meta-
static small cell lung carcinoma.6–8 Particularly
useful is cytokeratin 20, which is positive in
B95% of Merkel cell carcinomas but negative in
most small cell lung carcinomas.6–8
Increased insight into the pathogenesis of Merkel
cell carcinoma was gained in 2008 with the
discovery that Merkel cell polyomavirus was geno-
mically integrated in a significant subset of Merkel
cell carcinoma.17 Merkel cell polyomavirus appears
to be a common constituent of normal microfauna
on the skin of healthy individuals.5,31 However,
evidence suggests that Merkel cell polyomavirus
detected in Merkel cell carcinoma has an oncogenic
role, rather than incidental detection of background
infection by wild-type virus. Merkel cell polyo-
mavirus in Merkel cell carcinoma displays clonal
integration, high viral copy number, and tumor-
specific mutations of large T antigen resulting in
incapacity to replicate.5,17,18,32 Furthermore, in vitro
studies support a role for Merkel cell polyomavirus
T antigens, especially small T antigen, in trans-
formation and cell survival.5
Most studies have reported that a significant
minority of Merkel cell carcinoma lack detectable
Merkel cell polyomavirus,5raising the question of
how Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative tumors
might differ from Merkel cell polyomavirus-posi-
tive tumors. Reports have been mixed regarding
immunohistochemical and clinical differences
between Merkel cell polyomavirus-positive and
Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative tumors.31
Merkel cell carcinoma with squamous elements or
coexisting squamous cell carcinoma is often Merkel
cell polyomavirus negative.12,23,25,33–36 Recent
findings indicate that Merkel cell polyomavirus-
negative tumors may be associated with RB1
inactivating mutations37 and (in a subset) PIK3CA
activating mutations.38 Hence, although additional
study is needed to clarify differences between
Merkel cell polyomavirus-positive and Merkel cell
polyomavirus-negative tumors, current data suggest
that molecular differences exist that may have
implications for immune-based or targeted therapy.
It is unclear what role Merkel cell polyomavirus
plays in the rare subset of Merkel cell carcinoma that
are cytokeratin 20 negative. We undertook a study to
examine series of cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel
cell carcinoma to further explore the prevalence of
Figure 3 PCR melting curve analysis for Merkel cell polyomavirus. PCR melting curve for Merkel cell polyomavirus LT3: 1—
Amplification of the Merkel cell polyomavirus cell line in the positive control cell line. 2, 3, and 4 demonstrate the amplification of the
MCV in patients 4, 10, and 13, respectively. All of the other specimens were negative for Merkel cell polyomavirus.
Table 3 MCPyV positivity as detected by LT1 and LT3 (PCR,
sequencing) and MCVPS1 (Taqmansprobe-based PCR)
10 þþþ
11 
12 
13 þþ
MKL-1 þþþ
Table 2. Summary of immunohistochemical stains
Stain Positive/Total
Cytokeratin 20 0/13
Cytokeratin-7 2/12
AE1/AE3 11/11
Cam 5.2 2/4
Any cytokeratin 13/13
Neuroendocrine markers
NSE 2/3
Synaptophysin 7/9
Chromogranin 4/10
CD56 3/4
Neurofilament 2/3
Any neuroendocrine marker 13/13
TTF-1 0/12
Abbreviations: CK20, cytokeratin 20; CK7, cytokeratin 7; NSE,
neuron-specific enolase; TTF-1, thyroid transcription factor 1.
Modern Pathology (2014), 1– 7
CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma
AG Miner et al 5
Merkel cell polyomavirus in this subset of Merkel
cell carcinoma. Our PCR results suggest that Merkel
cell polyomavirus is uncommon in cytokeratin 20-
negative Merkel cell carcinoma, as 10/13 (77%) were
negative for the virus. This finding agrees with the
few previous reports of cytokeratin 20-negative
Merkel cell carcinoma evaluated for Merkel cell
polyomavirus, the majority of which were Merkel
cell polyomavirus negative.12,13,25,26
These results have diagnostic implications. Lack
of cytokeratin 20 expression may make definitive
diagnosis of Merkel cell carcinoma challenging, and
additional markers may be desirable in this context.
Detection of Merkel cell polyomavirus either by
immunohistochemistry or by molecular means has
been proposed as a diagnostic test for Merkel cell
carcinoma, which may aid in distinction from
other carcinomas, including metastatic small cell
carcinoma.12,22–24 Our results suggest that Merkel
cell polyomavirus detection is insufficiently
sensitive to be useful in the diagnosis of cyto-
keratin 20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma. Other
markers such as thyroid transcription factor-1
and neurofilament may be more useful in this
In summary, our data suggest that cytokeratin 20-
negative Merkel cell carcinoma is more likely to lack
detectable Merkel cell polyomavirus. Further inves-
tigations will address whether Merkel cell poly-
omavirus-negative/cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel
cell carcinoma displays genetic changes similar to
other Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative Merkel cell
carcinoma such as RB1 mutations, or whether these
tumors possess a unique spectrum of mutations and
hence represent a distinct molecular subclass of
Merkel cell carcinoma.
We have shown through three primer sets that
cytokeratin 20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma is
associated with a low incidence of Merkel cell
polyomavirus positivity. Further study of cytoker-
atin 20-negative, Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative
Merkel cell carcinoma may prove helpful in eluci-
dating genetic changes and prognosis of this subset
of Merkel cell carcinoma.
Disclosure/conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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CK20-negative Merkel cell carcinoma
AG Miner et al 7
... Most causes are neither necessary nor sufficient in the absence of other factors to produce the disease; however, a cause does not have to be either necessary or sufficient for its removal to result in disease prevention (Rothman and Greenland 2005; zur Hausen and de Villiers 2014). Moore and Chang (2010) (2014) also expressed concern over all attempts to summarize criteria for "causality" of infectious agents in cancer development and proposed replacing "causal factor" with "risk factor" and grading them according to their contribution to an individual's cancer risk. This will require a greater understanding of the complexity of factors involved and their mechanistic contribution to individual cancers. ...
... Cimino et al. (2014) reported that the retinoblastoma pathway was dysregulated in both MCVnegative and MCV-positive Merkel cell carcinoma cases and proposed two separate pathways of Merkel cell carcinoma oncogenesis. In MCV-positive cases, the retinoblastoma protein is functionally inactivated as described above. ...
... A sevenfold increase in mRNA encoding the survivin oncoprotein was reported for MCV-positive compared with MCV-negative Merkel cell carcinoma tumors (Arora et al. 2012b). Xie et al. (2014) reported that decreased transcript and protein detection of the survivin gene in MCV-negative Merkel cell carcinoma cells was due to overexpression of microRNA (miRNA) miR-203. miR-203 functions as a tumor suppressor that is downregulated in certain cancers, and its expression was significantly lower in MCV-positive tumors compared with MCV-negative tumors. ...
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Introduction: In the United States, Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV or MCPyV) infection (as assessed by seroprevalence) ranges from 22% to 88%, with lower rates in children and higher rates in adults. MCV is a stable, nonenveloped DNA virus found in the skin. Transmission of MCV is not fully characterized, but possible transmission through personal contact via saliva or skin has been suggested. MCV establishes a chronic, lifelong, symptomless infection in a large majority of healthy individuals. MCV was discovered in 2008 when nonhuman DNA was detected in human Merkel cell carcinoma cells. Methods: The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted a cancer hazard evaluation of MCV infection for possible listing in the Report on Carcinogens (RoC). The evaluation included the findings from studies reported in the 2008 IARC monograph and from a search for all literature related to MCV. For each cancer site, the evidence from human and mechanistic studies was integrated, considering the following guidelines: Hill’s characteristics of causality, multicausality epidemiology issues, and concepts of direct and indirect carcinogenesis proposed by several virus experts. Finally, the RoC’s listing criteria were applied to the assessment to reach an overall cancer hazard conclusion. Results and Discussion: Epidemiological, clinical, and molecular studies demonstrated evidence of a causal association between MCV and Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare cancer most commonly observed in the elderly and in immunosuppressed individuals. This association was seen in studies of populations in different geographical areas. Case-control studies and a nested case-control study found consistent evidence of elevated risk estimates among MCV-infected individuals. Risk estimates were highest among those with high levels of anti-MCV antibodies. Clinical studies found significantly higher MCV antibody levels in MCV-positive Merkel cell carcinoma cases, and case series studies found MCV DNA integrated into tumors. Molecular studies in humans found MCV monoclonally integrated into the cellular genome of tumor cells, providing evidence that virus infection precedes cancer. Mechanistic studies support the epidemiological evidence. Integration of MCV DNA can lead to the expression of two proteins, including a large T (LT) antigen and a small T antigen, which are required for transformation of the host cell into a cancer cell and for proliferation and survival of the cancer cells. The mutated LT antigen prevents viral replication and allows the virus to evade immune detection. Only the mutated, integrated form of MCV is associated with carcinogenicity, which may explain why only a small percentage of infected individuals develop cancer. NTP Hazard Conclusion and Significance: The conclusion of the cancer hazard evaluation was that MCV should be listed as known to be a human carcinogen in the RoC. The Secretary of Health and Human Services approved the listing of MCV in the 14th RoC. The rationale for the listing was sufficient evidence from studies in humans (human cancer, clinical, and molecular) and supporting mechanistic data. Globally, MCV is estimated to be responsible for approximately 10,000 cancers per year.
... The staining characteristics of cytokeratins may guide the diagnostician to the possibility of a special NEN. For instance, a NEC with paranuclear dot-like cytokeratin 20 reactivity may be a harbinger of a Merkel cell carcinoma [35,36]. In the context of an invasive or ectopic PitNET, the identification of diffuse fibrous bodies on CAM5.2 (Fig. 5) in a sinonasal biopsy should prompt the application of PIT1 transcription factor to confirm the diagnosis of a sparsely granulated somatotroph tumor [37]. ...
... The tumor cells express neuroendocrine differentiation markers including INSM1, chromogranin-A and synaptophysin [105]. Cytokeratin 20 (Fig. 12) often shows a characteristic perinuclear dot-like reactivity in around 90% of MCCs [35,36]. ...
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This review article provides a brief overview of the new WHO classification by adopting a question–answer model to highlight the spectrum of head and neck neuroendocrine neoplasms which includes epithelial neuroendocrine neoplasms (neuroendocrine tumors and neuroendocrine carcinomas) arising from upper aerodigestive tract and salivary glands, and special neuroendocrine neoplasms including middle ear neuroendocrine tumors (MeNET), ectopic or invasive pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNET; formerly known as pituitary adenoma) and Merkel cell carcinoma as well as non-epithelial neuroendocrine neoplasms (paragangliomas). The new WHO classification follows the IARC/WHO nomenclature framework and restricts the diagnostic term of neuroendocrine carcinoma to poorly differentiated epithelial neuroendocrine neoplasms. In this classification, well-differentiated epithelial neuroendocrine neoplasms are termed as neuroendocrine tumors (NET), and are graded as G1 NET (no necrosis and < 2 mitoses per 2 mm²; Ki67 < 20%), G2 NET (necrosis or 2–10 mitoses per 2 mm², and Ki67 < 20%) and G3 NET (> 10 mitoses per 2 mm² or Ki67 > 20%, and absence of poorly differentiated cytomorphology). Neuroendocrine carcinomas (> 10 mitoses per 2 mm², Ki67 > 20%, and often associated with a Ki67 > 55%) are further subtyped based on cytomorphological characteristics as small cell and large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas. Unlike neuroendocrine carcinomas, head and neck NETs typically show no aberrant p53 expression or loss of RB reactivity. Ectopic or invasive PitNETs are subtyped using pituitary transcription factors (PIT1, TPIT, SF1, GATA3, ER-alpha), hormones and keratins (e.g., CAM5.2). The new classification emphasizes a strict correlation of morphology and immunohistochemical findings in the accurate diagnosis of neuroendocrine neoplasms. A particular emphasis on the role of biomarkers in the confirmation of the neuroendocrine nature of a neoplasm and in the distinction of various neuroendocrine neoplasms is provided by reviewing ancillary tools that are available to pathologists in the diagnostic workup of head and neck neuroendocrine neoplasms. Furthermore, the role of molecular immunohistochemistry in the diagnostic workup of head and neck paragangliomas is discussed. The unmet needs in the field of head and neck neuroendocrine neoplasms are also discussed in this article. The new WHO classification is an important step forward to ensure accurate diagnosis that will also form the basis of ongoing research in this field.
... Miner et al. have reported that 13 patients of cytokeratin 20-negative MCC were also negative for MCPyV by polymerase chain reaction. They also showed at least one of three cytokeratins, including cytokeratin-7, AE1/AE3, and Cam 5.2 immunoreactivity in CK20-negative MCC cases (35). Iwasaki et al. have reported additional CK20-negative MCCs. ...
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Objective: In a study of Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), a fusion transcript between MLH1 and SPATA4 was identified. This fusion has the potential to generate the inactive or dominant-negative form of the protein. Therefore, we aimed to investigate whether mismatch repair protein deficiency occurr in MCC cases or not, in addition to the overall survival association with histopathologic features. Material and Method: A retrospective review of 15 patients diagnosed with a biopsy-proven Merkel Cell Carcinoma between 2012 and 2019 was performed. Mismatch repair (MMR) protein expressions were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Results: The median follow-up time was 36 months (mean 41, range 2-103 months). Six (40%) patients died during follow-up. The overall survival (OS) at 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, and 5 years were 87%, 80%, 62%, and 53%, respectively. The patients diagnosed at <60 years had an improved OS compared to those ≥60 years of age (p=0.016). Patients in clinical stage I had better OS than patients in clinical stage IV (p=0.011). Cases with pathological tumor stage (pT) 1 had better OS than pT3 and pT4 (p=0.045). Adjuvant radiotherapy or adjuvant radiotherapy+chemotherapy treatment improved OS compared to adjuvant chemotherapy (p=0.003). MMR protein nuclear expression was intact in 12 cases available for immunohistochemical study. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the second study that preferentially investigated the mismatch repair protein status of Merkel Cell Carcinoma. No mismatch repair protein deficiency of MCC cases was identified in the current study.
... The MCPyV associated MCC pathway is different from the previously known UV-induced mutations. The UV-induced MCC shows mostly a CK20 negative expression pattern whereas MCPyV associated MCC is CK20 positive [6,7]. MCC has shown a dramatically increasing incidence over the last 30 years [8,9]. ...
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Merkel cell carcinomas (MCC) are highly aggressive skin malignancies, resulting in death of more than one-third of patients with increasing incidences over the past decades. The carcinogenesis is associated with Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) infection and/or ultraviolet-induced DNA mutations. Diagnosis is made by histology and specific immunohistochemical stains. Among them, cytokeratin 20 (CK20) expression represents indeed the most important marker. The treatment consists of either wide local excision to achieve clear margins accompanied by nodal dissection or radiation therapy. In advanced stage diseases, survival rates still remain low, but immunotherapy with PD-L1 and PD-1 inhibitors are promising. The increasing incidence, the rapidly and aggressive clinical course as well as some unsolved diagnostic and therapeutic challenges underline the need for a better understanding of MCC. Therefore, the aim of this short review was to present an overview of the current literature regarding diagnosis and treatment of MCC patients.
Introduction. Small cell carcinoma can arise from various sites. Herein, we analyze the ability of 2 thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) antibodies (SPT24 and 8G7G3/1) to separate pulmonary from nonpulmonary small cell carcinoma. Materials and Methods. We analyzed 26 pulmonary and 83 nonpulmonary small cell carcinomas, and 14 Merkel cell carcinomas. Each tumor was stained with SPT24 and 8G7G3/1. Extent of nuclear staining was scored as diffuse (>50%), focal (11%-50%), rare (1%-10%), or negative (<1%). Results. All pulmonary small cell carcinomas were positive for SPT24 and 8G7G3/1. Four Merkel cell carcinomas (29%) were positive for SPT24 (ranging from rare-to-diffuse), while 2 (14%) showed rare expression with 8G7G3/1. For nonpulmonary small cell carcinomas, 69 (83%) were positive for SPT24 and 40 (48%) were positive for 8G7G3/1. For SPT24 positive tumors, the extent of 8G7G3/1 expression was equal in 17 (25%) and less in 52 tumors (75%), including 29 (42%) that were negative for 8G7G3/1. No nonpulmonary small cell carcinoma had more staining with 8G7G3/1 compared to SPT24. The differences in staining between 8G7G3/1 and SPT24 in the nonpulmonary cohort were statistically significant (P < 0.0001) with no significant difference between primary and metastatic lesions for 8G7G3/1 (P = 0.66) or SPT24 (P = 0.77). Conclusion. Most pulmonary small cell carcinomas are diffusely positive for both SPT24 and 8G7G3/1, whereas most nonpulmonary small cell carcinomas exhibit focal-to-no staining with 8G7G3/1 and significantly less staining with 8G7G3/1 compared to SPT24. However, these trends are not absolute and should be interpreted in conjunction with clinical and radiological findings.
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an uncommon primary cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma associated with an adverse prognosis. In recent years, our understanding of MCC biology has markedly progressed. Since the discovery of the Merkel cell polyomavirus, it has become clear that MCC represents an ontogenetically dichotomous group of neoplasms with overlapping histopathology. Specifically, most MCCs arise secondary to viral oncogenesis, while a smaller subset is the direct result of UV-associated mutations. The distinction of these groups bears relevance in their immunohistochemical and molecular characterization, as well as in disease prognosis. Further recent developments relate to the landmark utilization of immunotherapeutics in MCC, providing optimistic options for the management of this aggressive disease. In this review, we discuss both fundamental and emerging concepts in MCC, with particular focus on topics of practical relevance to the surgical or dermatopathologist.
Purpose Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) infection is a known to be a critical risk factor for the development of Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC). Various reports on cutaneous MCC have shown that the differences in clinicohistopathological characteristics depend on the presence of MCPyV, but the situation in eyelid MCC is unknown. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of MCPyV in patients with eyelid MCC and examine the clinicohistopathological characteristics of MCPyV-associated eyelid MCC. Design Retrospective observational case series with laboratory investigations Methods Ten patients treated for eyelid MCC were included. Histopathological characteristics were examined by immunohistochemical staining using 12 antibodies. MCPyV infection was evaluated by PCR using primer set targeting large T antigen of MCPyV genome and by immunohistochemical staining using CM2B4 and Ab3 monoclonal antibodies. MCPyV viral load was also quantified by PCR using three primer sets. Results All patients (4 males and 6 females) were Japanese with mean age of 79 (range: 63 to 87) years. One patient died due to distant metastasis 8 months after surgery for MCC. Immunohistochemical studies showed typical MCC findings in all cases, including CK20 and neuroendocrine marker positivity. PCR and immunohistochemistry with CM2B4 and Ab3 detected MCPyV antigen in all tumors. Quantitative PCR using sT, LT4 and TAg primers yielded 0.94, 1.72 and 1.05 copies per cell, respectively. Conclusion Clinical and histopathological characteristics of ten patients with eyelid MCC were elucidated. MCPyV infection was detected in all the eyelid MCC studied. These results provide insight for understanding the tumorigenesis of eyelid MCC.
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Cytokeratins are proteins of keratin-containing intermediate laments found in the intracytoplasmic cytoskeleton of epithelial cells. Cytokeratins are represented in epithelial tissue by at least 20 different polypeptides. They range in molecular weight between 40KDa and 60KDa and isoelectric pH between 4.9-7.8. The individual cytokeratin polypeptides are designated 1 to 20. Cytokeratin 1 has the highest molecular weight and highest isoelectric pH, while CK19 has the lowest molecular weight and a low isoelectric pH. Cytokeratins are divided into type I and type II subgroups. The detection of cytokeratins in neoplasms by immunohistochemistry has numerous diagnostic and investigative applications. The patterns of cytokeratin expression in the normal epithelium, as well as their altered expression in premalignant lesions and malignancies, might suggest newer diagnostic improvements for positive patient outcomes.
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Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a very common malignant skin tumor that rarely metastatizes, but is often locally aggressive. Several factors, like large size (more than 3 cm), exposure to ultraviolet rays, histological variants, level of infiltration and perineural or perivascular invasion, are associated with a more aggressive clinical course. These morphological features seem to be more determinant in mideface localized BCC, which frequently show a significantly higher recurrence rate. An immunohistochemical profile, characterized by reactivity of tumor cells for p53, Ki67 and alpha-SMA has been associated with a more aggressive behaviour in large BCCs. The aim of this study was to verify if also little (less than 3 cm) basal cell carcinomas can express immunohistochemical markers typical for an aggressive behaviour.
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The clinical and morphological picture of Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) may be rather challenging; therefore, the immunohistochemical profile plays a relevant role in confirming the microscopic diagnosis. A panel of antibodies including cytokeratins 20, 7 and epithelial membrane antigen, and neuronspecific enolase is used in confirming the morphological diagnosis of MCC. The majority of MCCs express CK20 and are CK7-negative. Herein, we present a case of primary cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma with an atypical immunohistochemical pattern. A 83-years old woman presented with a painless plaque, red to violaceous in colour, located in the leg. The skin tumor was excided, formalin-fixed and paraffinembedded. Tissue sections were immunostained with a panel of antibodies routinely utilized in complex primary skin tumors for evidencing epithelial and neuroendocrine differentiation of tumor cells. The neuroendocrine differentiation of tumor cells was evidenced by their immunoreactivity for synaptophysin, chromograninA and neuron-specific enolase. Tumor cells also showed diffuse cytoplasmic staining for CK7. No immunoreactivity was detected for CK20 and thyroid transcription factor-1. Our data, together with previous rare reports of CK20-/CK7+ MCCs, lay stress on the importance of routinely utilizing a panel of antibodies in the differential diagnosis of complex primary carcinomas of the skin and may have important implications in expanding the differential diagnosis of skin tumors. In particular, caution should be taken in excluding the diagnosis of MCC only on the basis of the absence of reactivity of tumor cells for CK20, favouring the wrong diagnosis of less aggressive skin tumors.
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Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an aggressive neuroendocrine tumor of the skin with a rising incidence. MCC has metastatic potential regardless the size of the primary tumor and a 5-year disease associated mortality rate is 46 %. Surgery and radiation are the mainstays of management for primary MCC. There is no evidence-based effective chemotherapy for recurrent or metastatic diseases to date. In-depth mechanistic studies in MCC have uncovered important cellular events and the association with a polyomavirus, which has provided direct evidence for molecular targeted and immunotherapy. Further perspective studies and clinical trials are warranted to provide reliable evidence of possible pitfalls and effectiveness of molecular targeted immunotherapy alone or in combination with chemotherapy in MCC.
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Merkel cell carcinoma is a highly aggressive cutaneous neuroendocrine tumor that has been associated with Merkel cell polyomavirus in up to 80% of cases. Merkel cell polyomavirus is believed to influence pathogenesis, at least in part, through expression of the large T antigen, which includes a retinoblastoma protein-binding domain. However, there appears to be significant clinical and morphological overlap between polyomavirus-positive and polyomavirus-negative Merkel cell carcinoma cases. Although much of the recent focus of Merkel cell carcinoma pathogenesis has been on polyomavirus, the pathogenesis of polyomavirus-negative cases is still poorly understood. We hypothesized that there are underlying human somatic mutations that unify Merkel cell carcinoma pathogenesis across polyomavirus status, and to investigate we performed whole exome sequencing on five polyomavirus-positive cases and three polyomavirus-negative cases. We found that there were no significant differences in the overall number of single-nucleotide variations, copy number variations, insertion/deletions, and chromosomal rearrangements when comparing polyomavirus-positive to polyomavirus-negative cases. However, we did find that the retinoblastoma pathway genes harbored a high number of mutations in Merkel cell carcinoma. Furthermore, the retinoblastoma gene (RB1) was found to have nonsense truncating protein mutations in all three polyomavirus-negative cases; no such mutations were found in the polyomavirus-positive cases. In all eight cases, the retinoblastoma pathway dysregulation was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Although polyomavirus-positive Merkel cell carcinoma is believed to undergo retinoblastoma dysregulation through viral large T antigen expression, our findings demonstrate that somatic mutations in polyomavirus-negative Merkel cell carcinoma lead to retinoblastoma dysregulation through an alternative pathway. This novel finding suggests that the retinoblastoma pathway dysregulation leads to an overlapping Merkel cell carcinoma phenotype and that oncogenesis occurs through either a polyomavirus-dependent (viral large T antigen expression) or polyomavirus-independent (host somatic mutation) mechanism.Modern Pathology advance online publication, 10 January 2014; doi:10.1038/modpathol.2013.235.
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Since the first description of the Merkel cell carcinoma by Cyril Toker in 1972, the number of studies has significantly increased over the last 4 decades. In this review, we will illustrate the historical background of the Merkel cell carcinoma beginning with the 19th century, the first description of the Merkel cell to the finding of the CK20 as a highly specific diagnostic marker and finally to the recently detected Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV). Moreover, we will highlight the beginning of adjuvant therapeutic regimens with radiotherapy and chemotherapy and discuss the diagnostic work-up including imaging and histology of patients with Merkel cell carcinoma. Another very rapidly growing and interesting field of research is the development of patients' specific and tailored targeted therapy, in particular in patients with distant metastatic disease.
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is synonymous with primary cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma. It tends to affects elderly whites, but there is also an increased incidence among immunosuppressed patients. The recent identification of a novel polyomavirus associated with the tumor has stimulated renewed interest in its pathogenesis. MCC tends to show classic histologic features of a neuroendocrine carcinoma and is often positive for CK20, but nonclassic cytologic findings and unusual immunophenotypes may be observed-and can lead to a diagnostic confusion. MCC need to be distinguished from other primary cutaneous tumors with a small cell appearance and metastatic tumors. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice, but radiation therapy has also found to be effective. Sentinel lymph node biopsy has become an integral part of the staging of patients with MCC.
Background: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an unusual and potentially aggressive cancer of the skin. There is no consensus regarding the optimal therapeutic approach, and the relative roles of surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy still are controversial The aim of this study is to analyze the roles of these therapeutic options. Methods: The medical records of 16 patients with a diagnosis of localized, primary MCC treated at the University of Alabama at Birmingham were reviewed. An extensive review of the English-language literature also was performed. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to develop the survival curves. Comparisons were made using Fisher’s exact test. Significance was defined as P < .05. Results: MCC presented primarily in Caucasians (98.3%) with a median age of 69 years. Immunosuppressive therapy appeared to play a role in the development of this cancer. In the UAB experience, 3-year actuarial survival was 31%. The only factor significantly associated with overall survival was the stage of disease at presentation: median survivals were 97 vs. 15 months for stages I and II, respectively (log-rank, P = .02). From the literature review, adjuvant radiotherapy was associated with a reduced risk of local recurrence (P < .00001). Conclusions: MCC is an aggressive cancer, with a high tendency for local recurrence and distant spread. Surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy appear to provide optimal local control. The role of chemotherapy remains to be defined.
Objective This study aimed to document three new cases of primary small cell carcinoma (SmCC) of the parotid and examine immunohistochemical and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) data of the recently developed Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) within these tumors. Study Design Immunohistochemistry for neuroendocrine markers (Chromogranin A, CD56, CD57, [NSE], [TTF-1]), epithelial markers (CK20, CK7, CAM 5.2), and MCPyV large T antigen (LTAG) were examined. qPCR and Sanger sequencing were performed to confirm the presence of MCPyV LTAg gene. Results Two males and one female, average age 76, presented with left parotid masses. Clinical examinations, histories, and imaging studies were negative for cutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma, pulmonary and extrapulmonary SmCC, or any other malignancy. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated positive immunoreactivity for CK20 in a perinuclear dot-like pattern (3/3), CAM 5.2 (3/3), (2/3), NSE (3/3), CD56 (2/3), and CD57 (3/3). Two cases stained positive for MCPyV, showing moderate to strong, diffuse positivity, confirmed with qPCR. PCR-Sanger sequencing of LTAg exon 2 showed >97% similarity to the MCPyV reference genome in both cases. Conclusion Our findings expand the number of reported cases classified as primary parotid SmCC which harbor MCPyV, and underscore the similarity between cutaneous MCC and parotid SmCC. Further investigation is needed to determine whether immune-based therapeutic strategies targeting MCPyV in MCC are also effective in the setting of parotid SmCC harboring MCPyV.
Most of merkel cell carcinomas (MCC), a rare, aggressive skin cancer with neuroendocrine features, harbor merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV). Seroepidemiological studies suggested high prevalence of MCPyV in the human population. More than ten sequence data on MCPyV strains in Japan have been available, whereas most sequence data were detected from patients living in Europe or European ancestry. Analysis of nine almost complete and 19 partial sequences from two oncogenes, small T antigen (ST) and large T antigen (LT) genomes obtained from 32 Japanese MCPyV-infected MCC revealed that each Japanese MCPyV-infected MCC harbored a specific MCPyV strain with some synonymous or, silent mutations and stop codons or deletions, but functional domains of T antigen had no amino acid changes. All stop codons were localized after retinoblastoma protein-binding domain. These Japanese MCPyV strains were very closely interrelated to themselves and a consensus sequence of Japanese strain was generated. Phylogenetic analysis of our nine sequences and 70 other sequences for ST and LT gene registered in GenBank indicated that Japanese or Asian MCPyV strains formed distinct clades from Caucasian clade, and phylogenetic tree of our nine and 75 other sequences for ST gene formed characteristic three clades and showed that all Japanese or Asian strains were included in the dominant clade. These suggested the possibility of geographically related genotypes of MCPyV. The genomic characterization of MCPyV variants will provide an important database and insights for illuminating their evolutional and biological differences.
The Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV), identified in humans in 2008, is associated with a relatively rare but aggressive neuroendocrine skin cancer, the Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC). MCC incidence is increasing due to the advancing age of the population, the increase in damaging sun exposure and in the number of immunocompromised individuals. MCPyV must be considered as the etiological agent of MCC and thus is the first example of a human oncogenic polyomavirus. MCPyV infection is common, and seroprevalence studies indicate that widespread exposure begins early in life. The majority of adults have anti-MCPyV antibodies and there is a growing body of evidence that healthy human skin harbors resident or transient MCPyV suggesting that MCPyV infection persists throughout life. However, the mode of transmission, the host cells, and the latency characteristics of this virus remain to be elucidated. In addition, it is still not clear whether MCPyV is associated with diseases or lesions other than Merkel cell carcinoma. The etiologic role of MCPyV in MCC opens up opportunities to improve the understanding of this cancer and to potentially improve its treatment.