Michael Ruscio

Michael Ruscio
College of Charleston | C of C · Department of Psychology


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Publications (18)
Social environment has well-established effects on an animal's social behavior and associated neuroendocrine responses. The presence of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in limbic system brain regions is related to the expression of a variety of social, reproductive and aggressive behaviors. We hypothesized that alterations to the social environment, s...
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Social environment has direct effects on an animal's behavior, physiology and neurobiology. In particular, adult neurogenesis is notably affected by a variety of social manipulations, including social isolation. We hypothesized that social isolation should have particularly acute effects on neurogenesis in a highly social (monogamous and bi-parenta...
Traditional study abroad experiences take a variety of forms with most incorporating extensive cultural emersion and a focus on global learning skills. Here we ask the question: Can this type of experience co-exist with a quality scientific experience and continued progression through a typically rigorous undergraduate neuroscience curriculum? What...
Collaborative and international scientific efforts continue to be of increasing importance in the development of successful educational and research programs. The goal of our study abroad program, Neuroscience Seminar in Germany, is to bring this fact to light for undergraduates and make them aware of the global opportunities that exist in the neur...
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Rates of adult neurogenesis in mammals can be affected by various extrinsic factors, including social environment. Generally, enriching environmental stimuli increase, whereas certain stressful stimuli can decrease rates of adult neurogenesis. Social isolation is known to have a number of detrimental neurobiological and behavioral effects associate...
It is well established that social environment, particularly isolation, has a significant impact on social behaviors and neuroendocrine responses. Estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) expression in limbic structures and associated nuclei is related to the display of social behaviors. We hypothesized that the stress of isolation would cause changes in...
The neurobiology of social behaviour is interwoven with autonomic, endocrine and other homoeostatic processes responsible for the adaptive functions of reproduction and survival. Young mammals are dependent on their mothers for nourishment, and the interaction between the mother and infant may be a physiological and neuroendocrine prototype for mam...
The onset of parental behavior has profound and enduring effects on behavior and neurobiology across a variety of species. In some cases, mere exposure to a foster neonate (and a subsequent parental response) can have similar effects. In the present experiment, we exposed adult male and female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) to two foster pups...
Stressful social conditions, such as isolation, that occur during sensitive developmental periods may alter present and future social behavior. Changes in the neuroendocrine mechanisms closely associated with affiliative behaviors and stress reactivity are likely to underlie these changes in behavior. In the present study, we assessed the effects o...
Japanese quail provide an advantageous avian model for assessing long-term biological consequences of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). These studies examined route of exposure and vulnerability to biological impact of EDCs over the life cycle in a precocial avian model, the Japanese quail. Embryonic exposure occurs with maternal deposition an...
Certain species can be induced to foster infant or neonatal animals through the process of sensitization. We induced brooding behavior in adult Japanese quail through repeated exposure to foster chicks across five 20-min trials. Brooding behavior was characterized by a bird allowing chicks to approach and remain underneath its wings while assuming...
Brooding behaviour is a likely cue to a female's reproductive status and therefore a potentially important factor in male mate assessment. We induced brooding behaviour in adult female Japanese quail by exposure to foster chicks for five 20-min trials over 3 days. In two experiments, we assessed the influence of this brooding behaviour on male mate...
Nucleus taeniae (Tn) is a prominent cell group within the medial archistriatum of birds. Based upon similarities in sex-steroid binding sites, this nucleus has been hypothesized to be homologous to the medial nucleus of the amygdala (Me) in mammals, which is known to modulate the expression of sexual behavior in rodents. We therefore tested whether...
As in the adult lactating female, opioids disrupt (and naloxone restores), parental behavior in juvenile rats (∼25 days of age). Because the preoptic area regulates the display of parental behavior in lactating females, we examined its parental behavior role in the juvenile rat. At 21 days of age, juvenile rats were implanted with bilateral cannula...
In rodents and other mammals, prenatal stress disrupts both sexual differentiation and sexual behavior. The present study examined the area of the anterior division of the anterior commissure (the Aca) in coronal, thionin-stained sections of prenatally stressed (P-S), and control male and female rats. Pregnant rats were exposed to thrice-daily heat...


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