Marie-Anne Ferlatte

Marie-Anne Ferlatte
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières · Département de Psychologie

Doctor of Psychology


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Additional affiliations
January 2016 - April 2017
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
  • Chargée de cours
  • Teaching the quantitative analysis introduction class to first-year undergrad students in psychology.
August 2013 - May 2022
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Field of study
  • Psychologie - bien-être mental, bien-être financier, endettement, méthodologie, analyse statistique mixte


Publications (4)
In Canada, there has been a substantial increase of opioid overdoses in recent years. PROFAN, a peer-led overdose prevention initiative, was successfully implemented in Montreal, Quebec, for people who use drugs (PWUD), or those likely to witness overdoses. The worsening of the situation during the COVID-19 pandemic sparked the need to expand the p...
Opioid overdose prevention training programs represent harm reduction initiatives for people who use drugs (PWUD). While studies have investigated their impact after participants have intervened in overdose situations, the impact of the training alone has not been examined in detail. This study explores the personal impact, including benefits and a...
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Contexte : PROFAN est un programme de prévention des surdoses initié en 2015 par l’organisme de pairs Méta d’Âme pour faire face à la « crise » des opioïdes qui commençait à sévir à Montréal. Au cours de sessions d’une journée, les pairs forment des « secouristes » pour intervenir dans les cas de surdoses. Objectif : La description du programme e...
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Statistics anxiety represents a situational anxiety that can impede the acquisition and integration of knowledge and school performance in statistics. Since training in this field is generally required in undergraduate studies in the humanities and health disciplines, and this type of course is usually considered to be a challenge for most students...


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