Frank Dickmann

Frank Dickmann
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | GAUG · Zentralbereich Vorstand - IT-Controlling



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January 2008 - January 2013
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
  • Research Assistant


Publications (40)
The German Research Foundation (DFG) recommends preserving research data for at least ten years. The DFG funded project LABIMI/F establishes an infrastructure for preservation, retrieval and reuse of biomedical research data based on grid/cloud computing technology for two applications a) genome and b) imaging data. The requirements for this infras...
The current situation at many university medical centers regarding the management of biomedical research imaging data leaves much to be desired. In contrast to the recommendations of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Council of Sciences and Humanities regarding the professional management of research data, there are commonly many...
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In der modernen biomedizinischen Forschung werden Mess- und Analysegeräte verwendet, die besonders große Mengen digitaler Daten produzieren, u.a. im Zuge des Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) [13]. Die daran beteiligten Forschungseinrichtungen stehen daher vor der Aufgabe, eine dramatisch wachsende Datenmenge verwalten und aufbewahren zu müssen [12]...
Conference Paper
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We analyzed alternative software tools for the visualization of medical images on distributed computing resources. The method consisted of three phases: 1) an internet search in order to identify available, free or open source tools that would fulfill given requirements, 2) the identified software was measured against requirements including usabili...
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Research data management (RDM) is an important topic for biomedical research due to the issue of "bit rot". RDM aims to implement access to reliable digital data for local and distributed research groups. A key aspect for the understanding of data is the use of metadata. This understanding has been investigated on the basis of two use cases of the...
Conference Paper
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The biomedical community produces and uses a continuously growing amount of data while it lacks an inter-institutional research data management system. The LABIMI/F project founded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) implements an infrastructure to close this gap with an exemplary prototype for the use cases of medical image and genome research...
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The non-invasive method to track fibers of the human brain by analyzing diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images improves research of human brain structures and becomes therefore increasingly important. With fiber tracking, a connectivity map which depicts the degree of connectivity of the single voxels can be generated and used to improve know...
This chapter describes security and privacy issues within the scope of biomedical Grid Computing. Grid Computing is of rising interest for life sciences (Konagaya, 2006) and has been used since many years in sciences like high energy physics. Anyhow, medical applications on the grid require a special focus on data security and data protection issue...
Conference Paper
The infrastructure of the German Grid Initiative is mainly used for computational jobs. A visualization infrastructure to process and visualize, among others, medical imaging and genome data, was set up for the German biomedical community. Interactive jobs like these require advance reservations, since they are used in combination with computationa...
Conference Paper
Advanced visualization technologies are gaining major importance to interpret, present and manipulate high dimensional biomedical data. Since new health technologies are constantly increasing in complexity, adequate information processing is required for diagnostics, therapy planning and treatment. The combination of advanced visualization resource...
Conference Paper
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For the present efforts in dynamic IT outsourcing environments like Grid or Cloud computing security and trust are ongoing issues. SLAs are a proved remedy to build up trust in outsourcing relations. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether SLAs can improve trust from the perspective of the outsourcing customer by integration of security mea...
Conference Paper
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The hardware and software requirements for parallel applications depend on the problem size, type and the number particles / parameters, the degree of parallelization possible, the load balancing over different processors / memory, the calculation type and the input / output and storage amount. These determine the suitability of a hardware and soft...
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Technical Report
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berblick In der quantitativ-empirischen sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung sind IT-gestützte Datenanalysen schon lange ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Forschungsprozesses. Von unterschiedlichsten Datenan-bietern zur Verfügung gestellte, umfangreiche Datensätze werden mit Hilfe komplexer Verarbeitungs-algorithmen unter Verwendung von Statistiksoftw...
Natural scientists such as physicists pioneered the sharing of computing resources, which resulted in the Grid. The inter domain transfer process of this technology has been an intuitive process. Some difficulties facing the life science community can be understood using the Bozeman's "Effectiveness Model of Technology Transfer". Bozeman's and clas...
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Especially in the life-science and the health-care sectors the huge IT requirements are imminent due to the large and complex systems to be analysed and simulated. Grid infrastructures play here a rapidly increasing role for research, diagnostics, and treatment, since they provide the necessary large-scale resources efficiently. Whereas grids were...
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Bringing new users into grids is a top priority for all grid initiatives and one of the most challenging tasks. Especially in life sciences it is essential to have a certain amount of users to establish a critical mass for a sustainable grid and give feedback back to the technological middleware layer. Based on the presumable lack of grid IT knowle...
Natural scientists such as physicists pioneered the sharing of computing resources, which led to the creation of the Grid. The inter domain transfer process of this technology has hitherto been an intuitive process without in depth analysis. Some difficulties facing the life science community in this transfer can be understood using the Bozeman's "...
Conference Paper
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Einleitung: Im Rahmen der D-Grid-Initiative wurden vier Hochleistungs-Visualisierungs-Cluster bereitgestellt. Die Vernetzung der Cluster über die D-Grid-Infrastruktur soll rechenintensive Visualisierungsanwendungen standortunabhängig ermöglichen. Dies bietet insbesondere für die biomedizinische Forschung neue Möglichkeiten, aufwändige interaktive 3...
This chapter describes security and privacy issues within the scope of biomedical Grid Computing. Grid Computing is of rising interest for life sciences (Konagaya, 2006) and has been used since many years in sciences like high energy physics. Anyhow, medical applications on the grid require a special focus on data security and data protection issue...
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Sustainability is a top priority for nearly all grid communities. The German grid communities in the area of life sciences are continuing their dissemination efforts in order to bring the grid to scientists. With cloud computing another concept for distributed IT infrastructures is on the rise. In this regard the grid has a different focus and matc...
Conference Paper
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Advanced visualization technologies are gaining major importance to allow presentation and manipulation of high dimensional data. Since new health technologies are constantly increasing in complexity, adequate information processing is required for diagnostics and treatment. Therefore, the German D-Grid initiative started to build visualization cen...


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