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spatio-temporal analysis - Science topic

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Questions related to spatio-temporal analysis
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
6 answers
Hi there,
I am trying to use VariogramST function in R, for spatial-temporal kriging.
The values I am working on, are monthly based; while in the function VariogramST, the predefined "tunit" is hours, days or weeks.
I appreciate if anyone can tell me how to change it to months?
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hello all, I have two queries: 1- I have random days multiple observations for 5 months, I need to aggregate these values on monthly basis. How can it be done? 2- No matter how much I change the parameters in vgmST my MSE and RMSE are really high (7 digits of a number).
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
4 answers
Dear esteemed colleague, Could you please provide an explanation of the primary challenges involved in conducting a spatio-temporal analysis of a model involving three species? Some references would be quite beneficial.
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I express my gratitude to you, Sir Andrew Paul McKenzie Pegman , for providing me with this valuable information.Any references you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
2 answers
Please explain
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Looks to me that people use a wide variety of software tool chains ( ). Usually my preference would be to use something similar to whichever Community of Practice is using, and / or what aligns with whatever GIS / statistical software you already are familiar with, if not, which is prevalent in your local academic or professional community so you have help nearby and close. And then other factors such as open source, etc. I say 'Tool chain' because it is often the case one uses a GIS for the data wrangling and clipping to the Area of Interest, etc., then might need some specialized algorithms in a package like R-Spatial, and then might have to write custom Python code in an Anaconda Notebook if you come up with your innovative algorithms.
Might be worth wile to use your own search terms in Google Scholar, my quick look showed 1100 papers on the topic, you don't have to look at all those just find ones that are in your domain to get some ideas.
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
3 answers
Hi -
I am looking for a way to quantify annual temporal variation in the intensity of space-use (per pixel across a reserve) into a single value. I was originally looking into using the coefficient of variation - however the CV does not appropriately quantify the intensity of utilization. For example, areas with high constant utilization and low constant utilization will both have a value of 0.
I will have yearly intensity of utilization values for each pixel with a park, where 5 is the highest possible utilization and 0 is no utilization. So for example:
2017 2018 2019
pixel 1 5 5 4
pixel 2 3 1 5
pixel 3 1 0 1
I'm looking for one single value per pixel, that can quantify the temporal variation whilst still accounting for the total intensity of utilization. Is there something similar to the CV that will also be able to account for the magnitude of utilization per pixel?
Thanks in advance for your help,
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
3 answers
I am planning to do a spatiotemporal analysis (2010-2020) of urban heat islands in Metro Manila, Philippines, specifically on how they correlate with factors such as population density, average precipitation, and the prevalence of infectious diseases (e.g. leptospirosis).
I am new to this field of study and the methodology in most papers I have read is highly computational and beyond my comprehension. Can anyone suggest a statistical method I can use to correlate urban heat islands to multiple factors? Also, can anyone suggest an appropriate software I can use to run these analyses?
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If you can bring all the information (ie both dependent and independent variables) into one Geographical layer then you can do a spatial regression. You may have to join the map layer that shows the geographical area of interest with tables containing the variables first. GWR, Geographically Weighted Regression has often been used for analyses.
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
28 answers
Is there any good software that able to show the good results of spatiotemporal analysis of GIS outputs?
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Es útil y amigable el Q.GIS. Es facil de instalar y hay muchos casos.
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
4 answers
have you encountered / used any spatial visualization technique before,
if so can you please take the following survey :
thanks in advance,
Mohammad Shaito
PhD Student The University of Texas at Arlington  Department of Computer Science and Engineering Mining and Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data (MAST) Lab
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If your are interested in good visualizations I recommend you to see this application:
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
1 answer
At present, most researches construct the topic model of the text first, and then analyze the results in time and space. Is there a better way to combine?
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That is an interesting question. KeyATM and Topic modeling allows for covariates. But I am not sure if they allow for spatial variables.
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
1 answer
Dear All , I am biggener in Bayesian spatial modeling . I have structured and unstructured random effects in my formula . I extracted and mapped the posterior means . I can't understand what a high/low value of structured and unstructured means (interpretation).
R code is as under:
nb <- poly2nb(map)
nb2INLA("map.adj", nb)
g <- = "map.adj")
map$re_u <- 1:nrow(map)
map$re_v <- 1:nrow(map)
hyperprior2 <- list(theta=list(prior='loggamma',param=c(1, 0.0005)))
formula2 <- obs ~ NDVI + f(re_u, model = "besag", graph = g, scale.model = TRUE, hyper = hyperprior2) + f(re_v, model = "iid",hyper = hyperprior2)
res2 <- inla(formula2, family = "poisson", data = map, E = E, control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE),control.compute = list(dic = TRUE))
map$RR <- res2$summary.fitted.values[, "mean"]
map$LL <- res2$summary.fitted.values[, "0.025quant"]
map$UL <- res2$summary.fitted.values[, "0.975quant"]
map$spatial <- res2$summary.random$re_v$mean
map$nonspatial <- res2$summary.random$re_u$mean
tm_shape(map)+ tm_polygons("RR", alpha = .50)
tm_shape(map)+ tm_polygons("spatial", alpha = .50)
tm_shape(map)+ tm_polygons("nonspatial", alpha = .50)
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
6 answers
I have been trying to download the bands 10 and 11 of LANDSAT 8 for a GIS analysis however the images downloaded from both Glovis and Earthexplorer have been resampled to a 30meters spatial resolution. Please who knows how I can get the 100m spatial resolution TIR band for my analysis
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Hi Ibrahim,
to get Landsat 8 TIRS band 10 and 11 you can follow the steps below:
2- create your account
3- Enter your search criteria (place and date range)
4- Click on the Datasets tab and expend Landsat
5- Once you expend Landsat, click on the + sign to choose Landsat Collection 1
6- Expend Landsat Collection 1 and click on Landsat Collection 1-Level-1
7- Once Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 is expended, check the box of Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS C1Level-1
8-Optionally, you can click on the Additional Criteria to narrow down your search (cloud coverage percentage)
9- Click on the Results tab to see your search results
10- Download the data to your working folder and unzip it to extract band 10 and 11.
I hope that could help. Best of luck with your research.
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
7 answers
If POD or DMD is applied to flows which are not turbulent in a broad sense, which means that there is not much chaotic mixing, will they carry any significance? Because there will be not many spatial and temporal scales like in a turbulent flow.
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Thank you Prof. Sengupta.
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
3 answers
Hi, good day all 😊 Does anyone know how to calculate the lag time of a disease? ..I want to associate between environmental variables such as rainfall, humidity, temperature etc with Tuberculosis incidence research is on spatiotemporal analysis using Geographic Information System (GIS) ..I have read few journals, some of them use Spatial Lag Model, Excel Stat and SPSS to calculate the lag time but I did not know which method that was accurate and easier for me to learn ..thank you very much for your suggestion ..really need your guidance 🌹
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Time lag present between disease onset and usual time of diagnosis.
Accordingly, that depends on the choice of the variables that represent the characteristics of the land parcels and the precision of the data used, while someone concerns the selection of the most suitable functional form to the particular problem at hand. Regarding the precision of data, this is ensured by the tools that are used in the work for their retrieval, whereas their reliability is achieved by the sources from which they have been obtained.
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
3 answers
I am postgraduate student who is very stuck with some statistical analysis.
I am trying to calculate the biodiversity of continuous plankton recorder (CPR) data of phytoplankton which has been resolved to genus level. I was originally wanting to calculate average taxonomic distance but have had some technical difficulties there so have resulted to trying to find a different biodiversity index.
I know all the indexes have pros/cons based on research question, but am struggling to find anything to help inform my decision. So far am leaning towards Hill numbers?
If anyone had any advice about these biodiversity indexes, or could point me in the direction of some useful references, that would be very helpful!!
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For plankton biodiversity analysis, Shannon -Weaver index is the most popular index. You can measure it by using software like: R Srtatistix, Past etc.
Like you, I already identified plankton at genus level also find difficulties to do some statistical analysis. You can get technical help about using software from seniors or supervisor.
  • asked a question related to spatio-temporal analysis
2 answers
We have constructed grids of abundance in different dates. We intend to model the spatial shift of abundance in time in a way that would allow comparisons between different species. The core task is to create paths/vectors that represent the spatial shift of raster-like quantities. ArcGIS, QGIS or R implemented algorithms?
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Thank you Kostis, I will have a look at the SpatioTemporal in R package, there is a recently issued tutorial.