Science topics: myalgia
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myalgia - Science topic

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12 answers
They were expected since the publication of press releases, the detailed scientific data on the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, BNT162b2, have just been released in a 92-page document. It summarizes all the information concerning the clinical trials of the Covid-19 vaccine, from phase 1 to phase 3, as well as specific elements on the effectiveness according to the profile of the patients.
As a reminder, in a press release released on November 18, the American pharmaceutical company and its German partner assured that their vaccine is 95% effective without further clarification. As a 90-year-old received the first dose of this vaccine in the UK the day before this document was released, let's take a closer look at the safety and efficacy of BNT162.
BNT162 vaccine is a messenger RNA vaccine. The syringe contains multiple copies of SARS-CoV-2 protein S mRNA encapsulated in lipid microdroplets. When they enter cells, mRNA is translated into S protein in the cytoplasm. Cells express this antigen on their surface, which stimulates the immune system.
At no time does mRNA interact with the cell nucleus and DNA. It is also rapidly degraded by cellular enzymes without leaving a trace.
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has a classic safety profile
Who are the participants in this clinical trial. 37,706 people volunteered, all over the age of 16 and having never had Covid-19. The average age of this workforce is 50.2 years, a relatively young group, with 42.3% over 55 years.
Over 80% of the participants are white people, mostly from the United States or Argentina. Finally, about 70% of the participants are overweight (34.9%) or obese (34.8%).
The participants are randomly divided into two equal groups: one who will receive the vaccine solution (a dose of 30 µg) and one who will receive a placebo, namely a saline solution. The protocol is the same for everyone, two intramuscular injections spaced 21 days apart.
How did they react to these injections? The inconvenience was more frequent for people in the vaccine group, which is completely normal and even reassuring. The vaccine plays its role by stimulating the immune system, which also causes some symptoms related to inflammation.
Locally, participants experienced pain and redness at the injection site. At the systemic level, fatigue, migraines, muscle pain and more rarely fever (<38.9 ° C) have been recorded. Side effects that can interfere with daily life, but disappear in a few days and do not require medical attention. Note also that these side effects are less common in people over 55, because of their less robust immune system.
In summary, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine causes the same minor side effects as most vaccines. Long-term data is still lacking, but at the moment there are no alarming signals.
The effectiveness of the vaccine by age group
What about the effectiveness of the vaccine? Good news, the results presented by Pfizer are good and reliable. Vaccination is 95% effective when all participants are considered. The 95% confidence interval is between 89.9 and 97.3%, which means that the BNT162 vaccine is at least 89.9% effective according to these data.
When we delve into the data by age group, we observe that the vaccine is a little less effective in people over 65 years old, "only" 94.7%. This is also due to the aging of the immune system which responds less well to vaccination. It is even lower for the “all others” group, which includes ethnic minorities such as Amerindians, Alaskan natives, Asians, and people from the Pacific, namely 89.3%. This is also the case for people vaccinated in Brazil, there, the effectiveness of the vaccine is only 87.7%.
the cumulative incidence of Covid-19 cases between the placebo group and the vaccine group. It clearly shows that the cases of Covid-19 increase regularly in the placebo group, unlike the vaccine group. It takes about ten days for the vaccine to effectively prevent the onset of the disease and the second dose is also essential. Regarding the prevention of severe forms, there were too few in the vaccine group to conclude on the benefits of the vaccine on this specific point. It is also not known whether people vaccinated are still contagious or not, this has not been tested during these clinical studies.
Despite the record time with which it was developed, Pfizer-BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine is effective and well tolerated. Even if some questions remain, the risk-benefit balance seems to be in favor of profits. The pharmaceutical company filed an emergency use request on November 20 with the FDA, which has yet to render its verdict. For Europe, the European Medicines Agency started the evaluation of Pfizer's vaccine on December 1st.
  • asked a question related to myalgia
32 answers
I want to know how much patients are who could not tolerate statin either due to myopathy or myalgia. What would be preferred alternative for such patients?
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I frequently observed that myopathie occurs after some months of statin use, one month with a washout can mask this sideffect of long time use. I always informed my patients about it but if it occured by decreasing the dose, it could nearly always being kept under control.
  • asked a question related to myalgia
1 answer
I need to measure if my mice have muscle pain after exercise. I'm not sure which test to do, I was thinking of running them on a treadmill first to simulate the exercise, but then I'm not sure what to do exactly. maybe a Von Frey but it's indirect. a PAM? I saw images of pam at the level of the thigh to press on the muscle but in the rat, in the mouse it seems to me impossible to do. How to hold the mouse, apply pressure on the thigh, leaving it enough freedom to express the signs of pain?
thank you in advance for your suggestions :)
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There are a few reviews on this subject such as these attached that should help you get some ideas. It does look like some of the models you mentioned have been used in the past. Also, some models such as those measuring grip strength following exercise or muscle injuries have been used. I think there is also something to be said for measuring reductions in innate behaviors following the muscle pain induction. For example, do the mice exhibit reduced locomotor behavior in open field test, or reductions in nest building? That might be something comparable to people "not being able to walk" (or otherwise very uncomfortable) the day after a tough workout.
  • asked a question related to myalgia
3 answers
I was pleased to be informed that the American International Medical University in St Lucia trains its students in the causes, diagnosis, management and prevention of diseases caused by Fluoride bio-accumulation.
Listed problems include: calcification of ligaments, with resulting impairment of muscles and pain. Constriction of vertebral canal and intervertebral foramen exerting pressure on nerves, blood vessels leading to paralysis and pain. Neurological manifestation: Nervousness and depression, tingling sensation in fingers and toes, excessive thirst and tendency to urinate. Loss of muscle power, inability to carry out normal routine activities. Skin rashes, Perivascular inflammation. Effects on foetus: Abortions, still births and children with birth defects are common in endemic areas. Formation of echinocytes by damage to erythrocytes leading to low haemoglobin levels.
Can anyone add to the list of institutions covering this topic in their curricula?
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Geoff, you are asking a great question. Let me more specific, I think inclusion of fluoride toxicity is particularly important in pediatrics. Imagine what will be the situation if it is not taught in depth in the dental school.
J Public Health Dent. 1997 Summer;57(3):150-8.
Acute fluoride toxicity from ingesting home-use dental products in children, birth to 6 years of age.
Shulman JD1, Wells LM.
Author information
1Texas A&M University System, Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas 75266-0677, USA.
This paper analyzes reports to the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) of suspected overingestion of fluoride by children younger than 6 years of age between 1989 and 1994, and estimates the probably toxic amounts of various home-use fluoride products in children younger than 6 years of age.
Annual incidence rates of reported fluoride exposures attributed to dietary supplements, toothpaste, and rinses were calculated. Probably toxic amounts of each product were calculated using the frequently cited dose of 5 mg/kg.
Children younger than 6 years of age accounted for more than 80 percent of reports of suspected overingestion. While the outcomes were generally not serious, several hundred children were treated at health care facilities each year. A 10 kg child who ingests 50 mg fluoride (10.1 g 1.1% NaF gel; 32.7 g 0.63% SnF2 gel; 33.3 g 1,500 ppm F toothpaste; 50 g 1,000 ppm F toothpaste; and 221 mL 0.05% NaF rinse) will have ingested a probably toxic dose.
Overingestion of fluoride products in the home is preventable. Dentists and other health care providers should educate parents and child care providers about the importance of keeping fluoride products out of reach of children. Manufacturers should be encouraged by the ADA and the FDA to use child-resistant packaging for all fluoride products intended for use in the home.
  • asked a question related to myalgia
31 answers
If you want various benefits of life, you should also want costs, if you want absolute value, you have to want sweat, muscle pain, early morning presence at the gym, and low-carb diets, if you want to be a man successful business, you also want to stay up late at night, make risky business deals and make critical and dangerous decisions, and the possibility of failing 50 times to know what you need to know to succeed, if you find yourself wanting something month after month, year after year , but you do not achieve anything; For reality, you may be unwilling in reality at all; because you don't want to suffer.
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If the suffering can be alleviated with access to health and medical facilities, this would seem to be prudent.
If the suffering is in terms to trying to achieve professional goals, it might be worth re-evaluating them carefully.
  • asked a question related to myalgia
4 answers
i have data of 1210 patients under statin therapy examined at three months since the start of this therapy. we wanted to know if vitamin d deficiency/ insuffiency can make muscle symptoms more likely.
these patients are divided for
vitamin d status: deficient, insufficient, sufficient,excess
statin associated muscle symptoms: not significant, fatigue, myopathy, myalgia
sex M,F
I asked information about age but my professor says he doesn’t have it.
My professor practised a statin dechallenge for 3 months on these patients to see the effects that vitamin D deficiency can have on the same symptoms after removal of statin therapy... in my opinion there are flaws in the data, so I don’t know what I can do with it... I tried a multinomial regression considering statin yes/no and vitamin d as independent variables and as muscle symptoms asa dependent variable. Nevertheless statins can have effect on vitamin D... so i don’t know what to do... can anybody give me some advice? What statistical method can I use? How can I fix the data to make it better?
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Unfortunately my dependent variable is categorical (symptoms) and, as I read here, I am not sure if I can perform this test