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Publications related to missionaries (10,000)
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Founded in 1800, edinoverie was a missionary mechanism that offered converts from ‘schismatic’ Old Belief the use of their anathematised rituals within the Russian Orthodox Church. However, the edinoverie clergy's distinctive social characteristics and working conditions stymied successful integration into the caste-like clerical estate. These repr...
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This article reconstructs the history of a Pentecostal denomination in Kenya that was established by Scandinavian missionaries from two missionary agencies, namely the Norwegian Pentecostal Mission (NPM) and Swedish Free Mission (SFM), during the early 1950s. It relies on oral narratives by early African clerics, missionaries and church leaders as...
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The Kitāb al-Maghāzī or “Book of the Raids” by the early Islamic historian Muḥammad b. ‘Umar al-Wāqidī (ca. 747–823) appeared for the first time in English translation in 2011. The editor and lead translator, Rizwi Faizer, asserts in her introduction (coauthored with Andrew Rippin) that “ … the primary theme that runs through al-Wāqidī’s Maghāzī is...
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Sacred Javanese mosques in Indonesia are believed to have taken over pre-Islamic sources, resulting in various syncretic forms. Accordingly, mosque ornamentation should be investigated as to whether its idea and form were inherited from the local tradition or the new arriving one. To examine how these were formulated in mosques, a broad view of t...
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Salah satu tugas gereja dan orang percaya adalah pekerjaan misi. Misi adalah semua kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk mengabarkan kematian dan kebangkitan Yesus Kristus sebagai pengorbanan untuk penebusan dosa manusia serta jaminan hidup yang kekal dalam nama-Nya. Jadi pekerjaan misi adalah Pengabaran Injil/penginjilan.Selanjutnya gereja bukan hanya mem...
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A transported culture which finds itself in a new environment will definitely interact with the native culture of that environment. Consequently, the super-culture tends to dominate and de-culturate the inferior-culture. The history of African interfaces with the West in the form of colonialism and missionary incursion evidently reveals the imperat...
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The purpose of this article is to investigate the ongoing attempts by the West to colonize the Non-Western cultures by the means of religion. To this end, the missionary was and is without doubt the frontrunner for the standard of civilization, providing the pretext and fertile ground for the subsequent infiltration of the colonialist who was eager...
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Drawing on auto-ethnographic descriptions from four decades of my own work as a Jewish guide for Christian Holy Land pilgrims, I examine how overlapping faiths are expressed in guide–group exchanges at Biblical sites on Evangelical pilgrimages. I outline several faith interactions: Between reading the Bible as an affirmation of Christian faith or a...
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This study examines a deep-seated anti-missionary sentiment of Korean theologians and church historians. Chai-Choon Kim and Jong-Sung Rhee were arguably most responsible for popularizing anti-missionary sentiment among Korean Christians. The main reason for the criticisms of both Kim and Rhee against the American Presbyterian Korea missionaries was...
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Статья преподавателя кафедры церковной истории священника Ильи Николаевича Письменюка посвящена начальному этапу развития современного экуменического движения после окончания Международной миссионерской конференции в Эдинбурге в 1910 г. На этом этапе экуменизм разделился на три основных направления: богословское, социально-практическое и миссионерс...
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Background: Missions were established in California in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to convert Native Americans to Christianity and enculturate them into a class of laborers for Californios (Spanish/Mexican settler). The concentration of large numbers of Native Americans at the Missions, along with the introduction of European diseases,...
Conference Paper
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In order to examine the collective social-symbolic work realized to address societal grand challenges, we use the concept of imagined communities. We define missionary organizations as organizations diffusing their imaginary in order to convert external members, and to build new communities. In this paper, we explore the social-symbolic work conduc...
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The city of Lagos is situated on an Island, surrounded by lagoons. The location of Lagos is six degrees and thirty minutes north latitude and three degrees and thirty minutes east longitude, thus, it is tropical. Before the advent of the slave traders, who were the first to install the trappings of Western Civilization, the land was mostly covered...
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Church school is a special type of school in old China. After the first Opium War, Western churches have come to China to preach. Missionaries open churches, schools, and hospitals in China. This paper selects the largest church school in Nanjing in the late Qing Dynasty(before 1911) as an example. Based on the historical data of archival materials...
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Women have been recognised as a crucial force in economic development of any nation. However, it is imperative to mention that traditionally their lives were confined to the four walls of the house. They were mainly engaged in household chores, bearing and rearing of children and were treated on different footings. Their existence was deeply influe...
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The present paper argues that Manche Masemola was constructed as an Anglican martyr to enforce and consolidate religious gains in Sekhukhuneland. Her story was born out of a contest of religious imperialism between the Berlin Missionary Society (Lobethal), the Roman Catholic Church (St Ritas) to win hearts and to claim space in a political environm...
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The evangelism and nativisation which is one of lack of aqidah which until today remains a da’wah challenge. Muhammad Natsir as one of the leading national and international has da’wah strategy to oversee the Muslim faith. This research focuses on the study of how the Mohammad Natsir’s da’wah strategy in response evangelism and nativisation. This i...
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This article offers an alternative to Christian witness and development in Muslim-majority nations. It reviews twelve Ibero-American projects in such nations in which believers have found ways to (1) live out their faith in a transparent but nonthreatening way, (2) communicate a holistic gospel through various projects, (3) evangelize in a manner t...
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Hamka is one of Indonesia's most productive scholars. His work is no less than 85 titles in various fields of science. One of them is Tafsir Al-Qur'an 30 juz named Tafsir al-Azhar. His role as an ulama was evidenced, among others, by his organizational position as Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in 1975-1981, and the honorary Doctora...
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The paper consists in a comparative study of the Celtic-Irish Otherworld and the Christian Otherworld in Early Medieval period. In addition to a description and extensive study of the Irish Otherworld, and the Celtic social, political and territorial organization before and after the arrival of the first Christian missionaries. A model that generat...
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This paper examines the predictions made by Chinese, Muslim and Jesuit astronomers of the eclipse of 21 June 1629 in Beijing, allegedly the event that determined Emperor Chongzhen resolution to reform the calendar using the Western method. In order to establish the accuracy of these predictions, as reported at the time by the Chinese scholar and co...
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Since the establishment of Muri emirate in 1817 by Hammarwa (1817-1833), Islamic scholars (Mōdibbe) have played vital roles in not only the dissemination of knowledge, but also the spread of Islam especially among the non-Muslim population of the emirate. The unlimited support they enjoyed from the emirs in the precolonial period, which include pro...
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The Korea Christian Action Organization for Urban Industrial Mission (Hanguk-gyohoe-sahoeseongyo-hyeubuihoe (Saseon)) was an organization which devoted itself not only to the Korean democratization movement against the military dictatorship, but also to the movement for the improvement of the quality of life of laborers, farmers, and the urban poor...
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The production of Japanese enamels for porcelain decoration was thought to have originated from the direct and exclusive influence of Chinese potters who moved to Japan during the chaotic Ming to Qing dynastic change in 1644. Recent systematic studies have identified, for the first time, the crucial influence of Jesuit missionaries on pigment and e...
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Although many new agers believe that enlightenment is the end goal of spiritual development, the importance of this concept has largely been overlooked by scholars until now. This article contextualizes the concept of enlightenment historically. After a detailed description of what the new age concept of enlightenment entails, it traces the origin...
Conference Paper
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Conversio Bagoariorum et Carantanorum describes the early history of the conver- sion of the Bavarian and Carantanian peoples. This source can be divided into two or three uneven sections, depending on the researchers who talked about this source: the first that concerns the baptism of the Bavarians (the action of two missionaries among the Bavaria...
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Based on the analysis of archival material, and combined with ethnographic fieldwork conducted among the Finnish Kaale (the Finnish Romani population) since 2011, this article looks at the historical intertwining of Roma religious and social activism in Finland from the beginning of the 20th century. A focus is placed on the role of the Gypsy Missi...
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The article considers the history of Buddhism in Central Asia and in Russia. It outlines the main periods of development and special features of Buddhism in the region, its influence on the local culture. It explorers the contemporary state of the Buddhist sangha in Russia and Central Asian countries. Central Asia has played an important role in th...
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German colonialism has long been treated as a sort of footnote in the epoch of the Empire due to its relatively short time span. The focus was mostly on the reconstruction of a story of ›white‹ men – as the story of pioneers, ›discoverers‹, missionaries or traders. But how were children included in the colonial project? This article deals with this...
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ABSTRACT: At the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and with a unique focus on ‘Mission Ad Gentes Divinitus’, the Church opened herself to God and to the world in many new ways, new relevant missionary approaches and experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the renewal, transformation of the Church and her evangelizing mission. The openness...
Conference Paper
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Historians of the extraterrestrial life debate, such as Michael Crowe and Steven Dick, have mostly focused on the West. Their narratives move from Democritus to Immanuel Kant, and to modern astronomers and science fiction authors, like Percival Lowell and H. G. Wells. In contrast, this paper contributes to a more global history of astrobiology by a...
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This thesis examines the mission models of the Revd James McKeown, a British missionary who became the first chairman of The Church of Pentecost (CoP), Ghana. The relatively high growth of the CoP is normally attributed to McKeown's indigenous mission models by some members of the Church. Consequently, any attempt to introduce changes in the Church...
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Working at the intersection of ethnographic and missional theology, this essay argues for the central role of fieldwork for discerning missional identity in congregations. Recent developments in ecclesiology and ethnography have clarified the embodied nature of theological knowledge, disclosing the practical wisdom and cultural locatedness of the r...
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Ilm al-kalam or in short the kalam focuses on the fundamental aspects in Islam. This science is important, and it should be used as a guideline in conducting Islamic studies. Essentially, the kalam offers the metaphysical and theological realm, the transcendental domain and future direction; its openness and rational thinking characteristics are ne...
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Background and Objectives: One of the effective factors in improving the health of individuals and communities is having proper nutrition and improving the level of nutrition literacy, which includes the skills of acquiring, processing, and understanding nutrition information with the purpose of making appropriate decisions in this field. Consideri...
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At the turn of the twentieth century, Belgian sociology and Belgian colonialism in Congo developed into a small political and academic elite that shared the same ideological stances. Colonialism played a more significant role. Colonization provided a new stage for emerging disciplines such as geography and sociology – which played their part in cre...
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One of the characteristics of the pastoral ministry of Pope Francis is the insistence on assuming with a new impulse the Christian responsibility of proclaiming the Gospel. In this sense, his magisterium is situated in perfect continuity with the perspectives opened up by the Second Vatican Council for the Church in the contemporary world. Much of...
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Western missionaries played an important role as go-betweens, promoting communication and interaction between Europe and China in science, culture, and religion. In 1644, the Qing government appointed the Germany Jesuit missionary Johann Adam Schall von Bell head of the Bureau of Astronomy, placing him in charge of reforming the Chinese calendar. I...
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During my research on AT&T, I uncovered a previously forgotten early corporate strategist, William A. Hovey. This chapter outlines his efforts to develop strategies and tactics that would later become standard PR practices.
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The secularization project in the Islamic world has been going on for quite a long time, starting in the early 19th century, this ideology was under the rule of the western countries that colonized Muslim countries. likewise in Indonesia, this secularism under the Dutch colonialists. The Netherlands collaborates with Orientalist and Christian missi...
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The study aims to analyse the place and purpose of the mission in a religious cult through the lens of the Orthodox worldview. In order to achieve this, the article considers the biblical doctrine of the essential foundations of the missionary work phenomenon. The research is novel in that this phenomenon is explicated using not only the texts of t...
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Since the arrival of the Portuguese to Indonesia, many missionaries have spread Catholicism in Indonesia. The Maluku region became the beginning of the Catholicsm process in Indonesia, when a Portuguese missionary Francis Xavier came to the largest spice producing region in the world at that time. Previously, the arrival of the Portuguese in Indone...
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This essay argues that oratio in the Summa Halensis is best understood via the Franciscan appropriation of locus, which served in the construction and confirmation of their communal identity in the mid-thirteenth century. The question of their place in the church and the world was subject to intense discussion both inside and outside the Minorite O...
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The paper is focused on the two most outstanding figures among the Jesuit missionaries in seventeenth-century China: Johann Adam Schall von Bell and Ferdinand Verbiest. Schall aimed to introduce the telescope into Chinese astronomy, which was traditionally based on naked-eye observation and calculation. With the advent of the Qing dynasty, he becam...
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Missionary activity among the indigenous and small peoples of the North is inextricably linked with the reception of the culture of the people to whom the mission is addressed. Many elements of pagan beliefs have become part of culture and have been identified with the traditional way of people’s life. In turn, the interaction of representatives of...
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Anthony Mary Claret, a 19th century saint, archbishop, and founder of the religious order of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary a.k.a. Claretian Missionaries, was a mystic whose spiritual-charismatic core had a triple theme: the Eucharist, the Word of God, and the Cordi-Marian sonship. In the final decade of his life, he received t...
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The research was conducted in order to highlight the sources of missionary activity on the Protestant movement in the Ukrainian lands and to establish the information potential of the analyzed documents. The methodological basis is based on the principle of historicism and objectivity. Research methods used: heuristic, method of analysis and synthe...
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Terror Management Theory seeks to explain the human motivation to find meaning in life. The theory proposes that humans experience anxiety, even terror, when faced with the reality of their own mortality. To manage this anxiety, humans are motivated to adopt worldviews that indicate that they are significant (in contrast to meaningless) and that th...
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This article attempts to provide a summary of a longer article that talked about SOCAE in relation to history in relation to Dogma, Language and relics, the persecutions that SOCAE faced throughout centuries especially the 1915 massacre (SAYFO), the colonialization and its negative impact on the demography of SOCAE in the East and in India. The ong...
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One of the foremost developments in literary criticism is the awareness that colonialism results in ecological devastation of the colonies through exploitation of nature. This phenomenon is legitimized through Western anthropocentric paradigm that considers nature merely as commodity to be utilized for humankind's benefit. This paper analyses the u...
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In this short article, and deriving from several earlier valuable sources, some of which have not been translated from their original language of Syriac/Aramaic, I intend to provide a very succinct historical overview of the origin, language, relics, dogma of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch and all the East (SOCAE). Thereafter, I will attempt...
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In this book the author addresses the origins of Cuban Pentecostalism from a contextual perspective. He rescues significant evidences of Pentecostal missionary endeavor from ten Pentecostal newspapers.
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Manifestation of western views above the culturally accepted standards in the society has been a major topical issue and over the year’s African countries have been heavily influenced by western cultures which permeated their religion by the early missionaries and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade that was predominant then. These western influence is...
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RESUMO: No século XVI, surgiu um movimento que transformou todo o mundo: a Reforma Protestante. Dentre seus líderes, destaca-se João Calvino. Reformador genebrino, pastor-exegeta, missionário, estadista, influenciou amplamente a história ocidental. O presente artigo objetiva estudar, de maneira geral, a vida, obra e o pensamento de Calvino em seus...
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This paper investigates the relationship between Portuguese missionary grammars, imperial-indigenous relations, and Tupí resistance between 1555 and 1630. Focusing on José de Anchieta’s popular grammar Arte de gramática de língua mais usada na costa do brasil (1555) and Luís Figueira’s Arte da Língua Brasílica (1621), it argues that the shifting fo...
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Objective To determine the yield of tuberculosis (TB) and the prevalence of Human Immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) among key populations in the selected hotspot towns of Ethiopia. Methods We undertook a cross-sectional implementation research during August 2017-January 2018. Trained TB focal persons and health extension workers (HEWs) identified fema...
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The use of religious images was already present in Filipino culture before the arrival of the Spaniards. With the coming of Christianity and the establishment of the Philippines as a Spanish colony, indigenous statues were replaced with Catholic images and icons, the santo. Records from the 17th to the 19th century show that missionaries relied on...
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This ethnographic research on embodied hip hop pedagogies bridges the fields of dance studies, hip hop, and education. This dissertation sheds light on the transgressive possibilities of embodied hip hop pedagogies, a curricular and pedagogical model I developed, which resists traditional Western teaching and learning systems by placing students’ r...
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This paper holds that the coming of the Catholic missionaries to Eastern Nigeria has been attributed to a number of factors which range from humanitarian calls to European presence and commercial activities in the Lower Niger.
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Viewing capitalism as emerging primarily from within the framework of empire rather than the nation state, this essay considers the relationship between capital, conversion, and settler colonialism in Samuel Butler’s Erewhon, or Over the Range (1872). It looks, first, at the novel’s critique of Wakefieldian organized settlement schemes as systems s...
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The 10/40 Window map is used by evangelical missionary societies to promote mission in Northern Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia. It has been widely popular among Christians worldwide, but has also suffered sustained criticism. The map itself, however, has received no scholarly attention. This article investigates the 10/40 Window map th...
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In this paper, with Collection of Chinese Works by Matteo Ricci written by Zhu Weizheng and A summary Interpretation of Chinese literature of Matteo Ricci in Ming and Qing Dynasties written by Tang Kaijian as major research texts and historical basis, as well as intercultural communication as the major research method, the aesthetic adaptation of n...
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Tarak Chandra Das was born in January 1898 in erstwhile undivided Bengal now under Bangladesh. Nothing in detail is known about his family background and school education in the existing literature. He had his early education in Tangail and Rajshahi of present Bangladesh. Das obtained his M.A. degree in ‘Ancient Indian History and Culture’ from the...
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This article discusses the use of the English language on the mission field in Africa today. While the learning of indigenous African languages was a must for every missionary in the past, contemporary experience shows that more and more missionaries tend to operate only in English (or some other colonial language). This development, which can be o...
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The Puquina language, which was spoken in the South-Central Andes until the early nineteenth century, is documented in just one missionary text published in 1607. This has made it difficult to describe the language with much precision. In this chapter, we present a new picture of the Puquina kinship system, based on a close analysis of a passage re...
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30-ые годы IV века христианство официально было объявлено религией Восточно-грузинского государства-Картли. Это событие во многом определило направление последующего культурно-политического развития грузинского народа. Поэтому неудивительно, что изучение истории обращения грузиноведы всегда уделяли большое внимание. Настоящее исследование ставит це...
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This study aims to determine the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and HIV infections among pregnant women visiting Healthcare Institutions within Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Blood samples were collected from 100 pregnant women who visited Rural Improvement Missionary Hospital (RIMH) and General Hospital (GHE) within Ebonyi State. The presence of he...
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The production of Japanese enamels for porcelain decoration was thought to have originated from the direct and exclusive influence of Chinese potters who moved to Japan during the chaotic Ming to Qing dynastic change in 1644. Recent systematic studies have identified, for the first time, the crucial influence of Jesuit missionaries on pigment and e...
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Global histories of technology tend to tell one-sided stories of transfer and exploitation, and they usually analyze the activities of large corporations, nation states or the military. By focusing on missionary societies in the colonial era, this article tells a different story. On the basis of primary sources from German missionaries in the Dutch...
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This article discusses Muhammadiyah and the statehood politics in Indonesia. Through the literature study method, this article reveals that Muhammadiyah is a social organization that grows and develops in tandem with the socio-cultural and political growth and development in Indonesia. In his journey, Muhammadiyah concentrated more on his social wo...
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This chapter analyses the role of the Zimbabwe Church Health Association (ZACH). The author discusses the role of the missionaries in the provision of health care in the country. Further, she analyses the partnership between church hospitals and the government after independence. She maintains that during the crisis years church hospitals continued...
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This article revisits Zambian church history in order to show the interconnectedness of the mission of the Catholic Church through education and individual narratives of the clergy in the public sphere. This is done through the example of James Spaita. Informed by an interpretative phenomenological study that drew on interviews and content analysis...
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This dissertation spotlights Paul’s use of the olive tree as a word-picture in Romans chapter 11, with the aim being to examine what Paul designed the picture to communicate about his conception of the people of God throughout covenantal history. It will be argued that the picture of the olive tree (and its component parts in light of the wider con...
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The novel coronavirus disease-19 (COVID‑19) pandemic is spreading across the globe at an alarming rate, with approximately 2.5 million people having tested positive, and more than 150,000 deaths recorded from this infection as on April 18, 2020. On one hand, hospitals in the affected areas have a shortage of ventilators for severely ill COVID‑19 pa...
Conference Paper
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The publication volume of translation works of Christian literature from English to Chinese soar recently with the contextualization of Christianity in contemporary China. Four Chinese translation versions of C.S.Lewis' Screwtape Letters, published in the Mainland of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan respectively, as well as the identities of their trans...
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The technological gap between Urhobo traditional medicine and that of the west (orthodox) is very wide. This disparity was facilitated by the approach of the early missionaries towards Urhobo traditional medicine and it kept on relegating the Urhobo medical heritage to the background instead of improving on them. Using the methodology of inculturat...
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This article focuses on one of the important books of Muḥammad Qāsim Nānawtawī—Ḥujjat al-Islām. Many of his 32 books, epistles and letters are written in response to Christian and Hindu missionaries. From the perspective of neo-ʿilm al-kalām (Islamic scholastic theology) they have great importance. These are the works through which a lay reader can...
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From the 1570s onwards, the territories of southern Ottoman Hungary with their amalgam of Orthodox, Catholics, Reformed, Antitrinitarians, and Muslims of various ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, were the focus of Rome–directed Catholic missionary and pastoral endeavors. Prior to the establishment of the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide in 1...
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We are currently witnessing the emergence of global humanitarianism as a fully fledged historical field. Eighteenth-century transatlantic abolitionists, nineteenth-century imperial missionaries, twentieth-century aid workers, and twenty-first-century activists inhabit the pages of more and more published books and articles. Global humanitarianism d...
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Psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) is an indole-based secondary metabolite produced by numerous species of mushrooms. South American Aztec Indians referred to them as teonanacatl, meaning “god’s flesh,” and they were used in religious and healing rituals. Spanish missionaries in the 1500s attempted to destroy all records and eviden...
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This study examines the origins, early history, and theological problems of the Barthian and Germanic predominance in Korean Protestant theology. The originators and most influential promoters of the predominance were Rev. Chai-choon Kim (1901–1987) and Dr Jong-sung Rhee (1922–2011), the theological and denominational leaders of the more or less li...
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With the rise of Islamic states as the dominant powers of India and Indian Sub- Continent (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) and South Asia Sultanate and Mughal period (1200-1800 A.D.), by Turkish heroic figure (horsemen), Indian art was subjected to Islamic influence, resulting in a hybrid aesthetics as well as Indo- Islamic art which flourished to...
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Most studies on the growth and evolution of Nigerian litreature overlook the importance of the publishing firms in the making of this fast-growing corpus of literature. Without the role of publishers, litreary voices would remain unheard. Yet, Nigerian literary space continues to experience the dearth of a comprehensive examination of the contribut...
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Dionysios Pyrros o Thettalos and the protestant religious propaganda: "An improvised and brotherly Letter" (1851) The purpose of this paper is to examine the views of the famous Greek hieromonk, scholar and doctor Dionysios Pyrros o Thettalos (1777-1853), concerning the protestant "propaganda" in Greece and the Ottoman Empire, in the middle of the...
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F.F. Bosworth confronted criticism in one form or another throughout his many years of ministry. In the early 1920s, he faced criticism by Paul Rader and other leaders in the Christian & Missionary Alliance. They initially accused him of placing too much emphasis on divine healing. Were they justified in making this accusation? #FFBosworth #Boswort...
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ماهية لعبة الكرة الطائرة تعتبر لعبة الكرة الطائرة من أكثر الألعاب الجماعية التي تحقق فرص الممارسة والمنافسة والترويح ، مما جذب إليها أنظار العالم من الأطفال والشباب وكبار السن من الجنسين وذلك لما تتميز به من إثارة ومهارات فنية ذات طابع مميز وخاص، ولقد نالت اهتمام الباحثين فحظيت بنصيب وافر من الأبحاث العلمية في المجال الرياضي بهدف تطوير القدرات البد...
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This book review of "Found in Translation," by Laura Rademaker, looks at the role of translation in the interactions between Church Missionary Society (CMS) missionaries and local people living in the Groote Eylandt archipelago in North Australia in the mid-twentieth century. The author argues that translation allows cross-cultural communication, b...
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The nature and the missionary role of the laity in the church is one of the issues currently vital to the church and theologians. From the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) perspective, the word laity is technically understood to mean all the faithful except those in holy orders and those in the state of religious life specially approved by the Ca...
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A plethora of scholarly works have been published on male Western travelers in the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea regions, however the accounts of female travel writers drawing attention to experiences hidden from history could also be a welcome addition or an alternative discourse with a gender perspective. Motivated by a cross-examination of...
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Missionaries, who reached different parts of the globe starting from the 16th century onward, engaged themselves in the grammaticisation (Auroux 1992) of several languages among which Tamil. The révolution technologique de la grammatisation (Auroux 1994), realised throughout the lens of the Latin grammatical framework, led to a certain uniformity a...
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5-Fluorouracil is a member of cytotoxic drugs with poor selectivity to cancer cells. Currently, systemic administration of this anti-cancer drug (oral or injection) exposes normal tissues to the drug-induced toxicity. Nowadays, attention has been greatly directed towards in situ gel-forming systems that can be injected into the affected tissues in...
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The US missionaries Elijah Bridgman and Samuel Wells Williams leveraged authority from extraterritorial printing in South China to rebut the oratorical eloquence of ex-President John Quincy Adams on the First Opium War. They did this by editing Adams’s ‘Lecture on the War with China’ (1841) for The Chinese Repository that they published monthly fro...
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This article introduces the missionary work of Lillias Horton Underwood (1851–1921) at different stages of her life. The goal is to elaborate her mission and work regarding education objectively. This article is comprised of two major parts: a brief introduction to her life, delineated according to her marital status, and an examination of her majo...
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The study is devoted to the analysis of the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries in the context of the history of church-state relations of the period. An attempt is made to classify the key problems of missionary activity based on an analysis of its leading areas using a regional app...
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In modern Shanghai, smallpox was one of the most threatening diseases with its mortality rate going up to 30 percent. In response to the disease, Dr. William Lockhart, a medical missionary of the London Missionary Society, introduced vaccination(牛痘) to the Chinese people in Shanghai. He built the first western style hospital in Shanghai, Renji Hosp...