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LGBT Psychotherapy - Science topic

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Questions related to LGBT Psychotherapy
  • asked a question related to LGBT Psychotherapy
2 answers
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Yes, socialism vs capitalism is more about the timing and methods of wealth distribution and control rather than simply which system is adopted.
  • asked a question related to LGBT Psychotherapy
1 answer
Who agrees genetic engineering should individualize life? Elaborations desired. My answer: I agree genetic engineering should individualize life because queer lives matter and human asexual reproduction supports the LGBTQAA+ community.
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Individualise life? Well by your description it looks to me that sexual relations aren't important.
Nevertheless even if the genetical studies reach pinacle, it will not try to dehumane the love hetros
  • asked a question related to LGBT Psychotherapy
4 answers
Illinois just signed a new law mandating that LGBT figures that have made significant strides in humanity in the state's history be taught in schools. What do you guys think?
Teaching tolerance is very important in school, specially when it comes to LGBT tolerance
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We are all learning to re-think and re-examine history in many different fields. Whose history is taught? Who is excluded from history? If a group is excluded from history, we need to ask why. As groups that have been traditionally excluded from the mainstream of history such as women, Hispanics, blacks, and other groups of color, etc. are now being addressed, as research surfaces that questions heteronormativty, it is logical that LGBT persons who have contributed to historical accomplishments be recognized.
  • asked a question related to LGBT Psychotherapy
2 answers
As the author of Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma, I understand the various long-term psychological and neurobiological effects of circumcision. A growing number of men are aware of their PTSD symptoms connected with circumcision. Circumcision could affect the results of your work if it is not controlled in data collection. There is much that is not known about the effects of circumcision. Please help to increase our knowledge on this as you improve the methodology of your study.
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Thanks for your response. I'm primarily referring to circumcision forced on healthy infants and children for no medical reason due to cultural beliefs and social pressure.
  • asked a question related to LGBT Psychotherapy
4 answers
Could you hint me on relevant research on the theme of child-looking sex dolls and risk for sexual offending against children?
Thank you!
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I have a student who is interested in this as a research question. I think we will likely include questions about strategies people use (e.g., the use of dolls) to manage their sexual interests in a survey we are developing for online recruitment.
  • asked a question related to LGBT Psychotherapy
5 answers
I'm currently working on my MA linguistic thesis that deals with narratives of people suffering from Sexual Orientation Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (SO-OCD or also called HOCD). My aim is to do a corpus analysis and critical discourse analysis of these narratives and compare them to coming out narratives of self-identified gay people. My aim is to explore if both groups share some similarities or if there are differences.
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Have a look on the Researchgate profile of Monnica Williams and colleagues. They published recently a few papers about this topic.
  • asked a question related to LGBT Psychotherapy
3 answers
Can anyone recommend case studies or other qualitative studies regarding homosexual parents and their children? I’m especially interested in the children’s phantasies and psychosexual development.
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Dear Mathilde,
Check this out:
Lesbian and gay parents and their children: Research on the family life cycle. Division 44: Contemporary perspectives on lesbian, gay, and bisexual psychology.Goldberg, Abbie E.
Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association. (2010). v 233 pp.
  • asked a question related to LGBT Psychotherapy
20 answers
What do know about the psychological characteristics or well-being of children of lesbian and gay parents? What do we know about same-sex parent headed families and the further psychosexual development (gender typed behavior) of boys and girls?
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Not that Wikipedia is a peer-reviewed publication, but I recognized the name Paul Cameron. This is copied from the site (please note Cameron was expelled from the APA regarding an ethics inquiry):
[from Wikipedia] "Paul Drummond Cameron (born November 9, 1939) is an American psychologist and sex researcher. While employed at various institutions including the University of Nebraska he conducted research on passive smoking, but he is best known today for his claims about homosexuality. After a successful 1982 campaign against a gay rights proposal in Lincoln, Nebraska, he established the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality (ISIS), now known as the Family Research Institute (FRI). As FRI's chairman, Cameron has written papers associating homosexuality with perpetration of child sexual abuse and reduced life expectancy.
In 1983, the American Psychological Association expelled Cameron for non-cooperation with an ethics investigation. Position statements issued by the American Sociological Association, Canadian Psychological Association and the Nebraska Psychological Association have accused Cameron of misrepresenting social science research."