Science topics: Agricultural Philosophyfarmers
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farmers - Science topic
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Questions related to farmers
Can I request or ask a suggestions for a research title that aligns with my study on implementing sustainable sourcing practices in hotel and restaurant operations. At the same time I want to help the local farmers and the health of Filipino people Its like from Farm to Fork.
Would you like to help me brainstorming if possible research titles could I do?
Thank you
What would be the practices for sustainable crop production to farmers, given the increasing frequency of climate extremes such as droughts and unseasonal rainfall in India ?
I am conducting a study on the health conditions of farmers in Rivers State, Nigeria, focusing on both physical and mental health challenges. The research aims to explore occupational hazards, access to healthcare, and the influence of agricultural practices on overall well-being. I am looking for contributors or fellow researchers interested in collaborating on this publication. Your expertise or insights would be invaluable in shaping this work. Please reach out if interested in contributing data, analysis, or perspectives.
Theories of Humor:
Philosopher Thomas Hobbes’s “Superiority Theory” said that we laugh at someone else’s inferiority. Later philosophers, including Frances Hutcheson, argued that what we are really laughing about is incongruity. We don’t go to asylums to laugh at the “inferior” beings, nor do we laugh at animals unless they resemble human beings. We laugh at someone who slips on a banana peel not because we feel superior, but because of the incongruity between our expectations and the sudden insight. And if the person who slips on a banana peel is pretentious, and is not seriously injured, we laugh even harder.
George Lakoff gives evidence that our view of the world is largely determined by the body we inhabit: Old vs. Young, White vs. Black, Male vs. Female, Strong vs. Weak, Educated vs. Uneducated, Farmer vs. Rancher, Muslim vs. Jewish vs. Christian, Norwegian vs. Spaniard, Athletic vs. Clumsy, etc. Lakoff and others have developed a theory based on this observation named “Embodiment.”
Victor Raskin is a linguist, and linguists tend to deal with one sentence at a time. Script Model Grammar allows linguists to deal with larger texts. Raskin talks about the structure of ajoke by saying that everything in the set-up of the joke is ambiguous but primed in the direction of the mundane. What the punch line of a joke does is to change the priming of the joke from the mundane to the dramatic, or scatological, etc. At this point the audience is able to see that the entire joke—set-up and punch line—have been ambiguous, and that the punch line has just changed the priming. Because the punch line allows the audience to see all of the ambiguity of the joke (both mundane and dramatic), the punch line is very epiphinal.
Don and Alleen Nilsen’s theory of humor analysis and synthesis relates to the Features (characteristics), the Functions (purposes), and Subjects (topics) of humor. The Features of humor include the following: Ambiguity, Exaggeration, Understatement, Hostility, Incongruity, Irony, Sudden Insight, Superiority, Surprise, Tension and Relief, A Trick or Twist, Word Play, Visual Imagery, etc. The Psychological Functions of humor are: To amuse, to establish superiority, to gain control, to persuade, to save face, to test limits, or to inbond or outbond with a social group. The Intellectual Functions of humor are: To amuse, to teach, to make connections, to compare two scripts—one mundane, and one dramatic. The Education Functions of humor are: To relax students, to teach facts, to argue and persuade, to teach vocabulary concepts, to teach careful observation, to problem solve, to engage students, and to aid memory enhancement. Because humor should be edgy, the Subjects of humor are the taboo subjects: Ethnic Identification, Politics, Sexual Roles and Body Parts, Occupations, Religion and Belief Systems. But taboos for Conservatives are not the same as taboos for liberals. Conservatives can use vulgarities, swear words, obscenities, or talk about sex, body parts, or religion. Progressives can’t talk about old people, ethnic differences, disabilities, LGBTQ issues, etc.
The most important theory of humor analysis and synthesis is called Incongruity and Incongruity resolution. For example, you could buy five pigs. On the pigs paint the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5. Let them loose at WalMart and watch everybody keep looking for pig number 4.
must need technology to improve agriculture and farmers status
Theories of Humor:
Philosopher Thomas Hobbes’s “Superiority Theory” said that we laugh at someone else’s inferiority. Later philosophers, including Frances Hutcheson, argued that what we are really laughing about is incongruity. We don’t go to asylums to laugh at the “inferior” beings, nor do we laugh at animals unless they resemble human beings. We laugh at someone who slips on a banana peel not because we feel superior, but because of the incongruity between our expectations and the sudden insight. And if the person who slips on a banana peel is pretentious, and is not seriously injured, we laugh even harder.
George Lakoff gives evidence that our view of the world is largely determined by the body we inhabit: Old vs. Young, White vs. Black, Male vs. Female, Strong vs. Weak, Educated vs. Uneducated, Farmer vs. Rancher, Muslim vs. Jewish vs. Christian, Norwegian vs. Spaniard, Athletic vs. Clumsy, etc. Lakoff and others have developed a theory based on this observation named “Embodiment.”
Victor Raskin is a linguist, and linguists tend to deal with one sentence at a time. Script Model Grammar allows linguists to deal with larger texts. Raskin talks about the structure of ajoke by saying that everything in the set-up of the joke is ambiguous but primed in the direction of the mundane. What the punch line of a joke does is to change the priming of the joke from the mundane to the dramatic, or scatological, etc. At this point the audience is able to see that the entire joke—set-up and punch line—have been ambiguous, and that the punch line has just changed the priming. Because the punch line allows the audience to see all of the ambiguity of the joke (both mundane and dramatic), the punch line is very epiphinal.
Don and Alleen Nilsen’s theory of humor analysis and synthesis relates to the Features (characteristics), the Functions (purposes), and Subjects (topics) of humor. The Features of humor include the following: Ambiguity, Exaggeration, Understatement, Hostility, Incongruity, Irony, Sudden Insight, Superiority, Surprise, Tension and Relief, A Trick or Twist, Word Play, Visual Imagery, etc. The Psychological Functions of humor are: To amuse, to establish superiority, to gain control, to persuade, to save face, to test limits, or to inbond or outbond with a social group. The Intellectual Functions of humor are: To amuse, to teach, to make connections, to compare two scripts—one mundane, and one dramatic. The Education Functions of humor are: To relax students, to teach facts, to argue and persuade, to teach vocabulary concepts, to teach careful observation, to problem solve, to engage students, and to aid memory enhancement. Because humor should be edgy, the Subjects of humor are the taboo subjects: Ethnic Identification, Politics, Sexual Roles and Body Parts, Occupations, Religion and Belief Systems. But taboos for Conservatives are not the same as taboos for liberals. Conservatives can use vulgarities, swear words, obscenities, or talk about sex, body parts, or religion. Progressives can’t talk about old people, ethnic differences, disabilities, LGBTQ issues, etc.
The most important theory of humor analysis and synthesis is called Incongruity and Incongruity resolution. For example, you could buy five pigs. On the pigs paint the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5. Let them loose at WalMart and watch everybody keep looking for pig number 4.
Climate change adaptation requires changes in what we grow. Because of weather challenges, most exotic fruits and vegetables are grown outside the UK. Will the rise in temperatures in Britain provide an opportunity to grow such crops? How can black women get involved in this opportunity?
What is the potential for marginal farmers in India to participate in and benefit from the carbon market, and how can it help improve their income and promote sustainable farming practices?
Hi All,
I nee script python to detect endpoints information(path, method, parameters) from code source of java farmwork such as Spring boot, jax-rs
literature survey on Agri-Education and Farmer Training
Why not discussed about farmer emotional intelligence?
This question opens the way to discuss how smallholder farmers' productivity can be improved by adopting strategies such as modern technology, improved management, and training, and how these improvements can enhance their role in food production and meet local demand.
How does sustainable agricultural development benefit both farmers and the environment in India?
Farmers no longer have to apply water, fertilizers, and pesticides uniformly across entire fields. Instead, they can use the minimum quantities required and target very specific areas, or even treat individual plants differently. Benefits include: Higher crop productivity.
What measures can farmers take to mitigate the negative effects of high humidity on crop yield?
Causes of low economic and social status of farmers.
How can farmers integrate precision irrigation technologies to reduce water usage and optimize crop yield?
Farmers are facing several natural disaster like cyclone, hailstorm drought, salinity etc. regularly and agriculture sector is the first victim of such catastrophes! Is there any study linking the catastrophe and farmer's vulnerability in developing nations?
What economic disadvantages do local farmers face due to the import and sale of off-season vegetables?
What are the major challenges faced by small and marginal farmers in accessing credit and financial services?
What are the most economically viable alternative crops that farmers in the arid regions of Punjab can consider for diversification?
How has climate change affected agricultural patterns and productivity in Punjab since 2011, and what adaptive measures have been implemented by farmers?
I performed this analysis on R to estimate the labor use efficiency of smallholder agroforestry farmers, by running the two-stage analysis simultaneously. I am finding it difficult to make the difference in the OLs and MLE estimates to interpret the results appropriately. Also, I find it difficult to interpret the hypothesis testing for inefficiency and Model correctness.
How can farmers integrate indigenous knowledge with scientific methods for sustainable local food systems?
What are some key challenges faced by Indian farmers in adopting sustainable agricultural practices?
I understand that it is possible to estimate the capacity of a certain soil using the freundlich and Langmuir models. I am sure that running this models is quite an acquarate approach to determine P fixation.
I decided to ask this question, because I feel that for farmers it is a very complex approach. Therefore I was wondering if there is a different process to follow that would be more in-practice oriented situations?
Currently, Agricultural science is advanced. Unfortunately, precise nutrient management is not implemented by all the farmers, but most of the farmers are doing annual soil tests. we need crop-specific and location-specific nutrient recommendations (like STCR equation). A precise Fertilizer recommendation for crops is required.
Agroforestry is considered and identified as a good land management practice. But most of the farmers prefer monoculture or mixed cropping system, But not agroforestry provide lots of tangible and non- tangible befit to the ecosystems. However it is not popular. Any reasons? .
As we know that India is having a large number of livestock population in the world and most of that i.e. 80 percent are the non descript population. Also, more than 80 percent population are reared by the small farmers and landless labours where the number is less than five. In such a situation is it necessary to go for digital livestock farming in India. If yes what measures we have to take as a scientific community and what Govt has to do?
I am strongly agree with this but Govt has to take a part and give a support in technical and monitary to farmers for this digiltalization in India.
How can farmers adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects on crop production?
Dear Researchers:
I'm wondering if you were a Farmer raising cattle or poultry to earn monthly income for yourself and your family, and could have been asked to convert your farm to a wheat, corn, or any other crop production field with less revenue than a meat-production farm, what would you do?
Please, also consider (please, put yourself in that situation) that beyond the significant difference in revenue between these two types of farms, some Farmers may have been doing meat-production farming for several generations as their family's business legacy.
Updates on April 16, 2024: First, many thanks to all contributors to this discussion for sharing their thoughts and ideas. I'd like to add a new concern that came up after reading all the answers provided by contributors to this discussion:
Please, also consider that as a Farmer, you may be aware that both types of meals, meat-based and plant-based/vegetarian, have different essential nutrients. For example, Animal Products such as Beef are rich sources of Vitamin B12, vital for body health as it helps with Red Blood Cell Formation and Anemia Prevention.
Please, take a look at the following link, about the importance of Vitamin B12, provided by the Healthline website, managed by several physicians to collect beneficial information for the public and science communities, based on the scientific literature in medicine:
How to write hypothetical research proposal on climate change adaptation strategies adapted by farmers.
If you must advice farmer in terms of frost management for a Peach, what will you take into account?. Name and discuss five (5) passive methods of frost protection and five (5) active methods that can be considered?
Dear user,
I'm Johnny Waked, a Ph.D. student at the University of Sassari, Department of Agriculture. My research activity concerns the study and implementation of land-based agricultural robots to support farmers' activities.
The study in which I ask you to participate involves the analysis of the factors that could influence your intention to use land-based agricultural robots also known as Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV). These vehicles, in fact, could support the farmer's activities in field and crop management (soil tillage, phytosanitary treatments, fertilization, etc.).
To this end, we ask you to participate in the survey by answering questions, lasting 7 minutes, which you can access from the following link:
#management #research #university #phd #agriculture #robots
Helle fellow researchers,
I have the following problem and also after long research have not find a good way to analyze my data. I want to find groups within my data and I have the following variables avaiable:
Age (in groups e.g. 21-25, 26-30 etc.)
Farm mode (Main occupation or part time)
Farm system (conventional vs organic)
Farm status (owner vs. family member vs. other)
Three yes - no type answers
School education (5 answer possibilities, one could be chosen)
Professional training (several answer could be chosen, can be transformed in yes - no for each type of training)
Sex (male-female-divers-no answer)
Two continous variables with agricultural and grassland area
Four likert scale answer
I have looked into farmer typologies and into PCA and/or clustering, however as I have not a very high number of variables and many categorical variables it is quite difficult to find a method that is adequate.
Would you have any suggestions? I would be very grateful as this is my first analysis regarding those kind of methods.
The lab is assisting farmers with the analysis of their leaves
Explore the role of government policies in the decline of millets cultivation. How do agricultural policies and subsidies influence farmers' choices, and are there instances where millet cultivation is not adequately incentivized?
Agriculture is an important sector of the U.S. economy. The crops, livestock, and seafood produced in the United States contribute more than $300 billion to the economy each year. When food-service and other agriculture-related industries are included, the agricultural and food sectors contribute more than $750 billion to the gross domestic product. Agriculture and fisheries are highly dependent on the climate. Increases in temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) can increase some crop yields in some places. But to realize these benefits, nutrient levels, soil moisture, water availability, and other conditions must also be met. Changes in the frequency and severity of droughts and floods could pose challenges for farmers and ranchers and threaten food safety.
I have the data on the DBH and the age of the trees. The farmers provided the ages, and some of them are not related to the reality of the DBH. Is there any scientific method that I can use to remove some ages that I can consider false data or outliers? Methodology: I can use DBH and ages to screen some data.
Thank you
Agrophotovoltaics is based on photovoltaic installations that consist of light-transmitting modules placed on structures higher than those commonly used on land. Thanks to this, you can farm, grow flowers, vegetables, fruit and cereals under the panels.
Photo from the Internet:
Dear friends,
I have an experience of conducting feasibility (cost-benefit) study of different crop production practices using plot level treatments. In this case, the methodology is simply recording the costs and returns of each treatment (plot) and compare their profitability. However, now I planned to undertake a feasibility study on different crop production practices (technologies) using face to face interview with producer farmers. But, I fear that the data will face some realiablity issue due to farmers' recalling problem.
So that, in order to releave such problem and to increase the scientific acceptability of the study, 1. What type of methodologies should I follow?!
2. Again, can you please share or recommend me some documents like questionnaires, methods and studies used some where else?!
Thank you in advance!!
I am a PhD student in agricultural extension and education and a high school biology teacher. I am ready to cooperate in the field of collecting research information at the school level and among farmers.
Thank you
I want to know more on basic examples of Artificial intelligence in Agriculture or that could be used in Agriculture ?
Does herbicidal residues used during termination of cover crops have impact on soil health? Other alternatives for cover crops termination may have benefits over use of herbicidal residues.
📣Calling all experts in sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and open education resources!
We're seeking insightful chapters for our upcoming book, "Sustainable Management of Natural Resources: Energy-Smart Farming." to be published by Apple Academic Press under the editorial role of Pedro Aguilar-Zarate, A. K. HAGHI, PhD, Dr. Sachin Gupta and Dr Pushan Kumar Dutta. This comprehensive guide aims to equip farmers, agricultural professionals, and students with the knowledge needed to adopt green practices, harness renewable energy, and enhance profitability in farming.
We're particularly interested in topics such as:
- The effectiveness of Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Sustainable agriculture practices
- Sustainable energy solutions for small-scale farmers
- Development of solar-powered irrigation systems
- Impact of climate change on agriculture
- Agroforestry as a solution to deforestation
- The role of micro-organisms in biodiversity conservation
...subthemes including Impact on Farmers and #AgriculturalProfessionals, Sustainable #EnergySolutions for #SmallScaleFarmers, Development of #SolarPoweredIrrigation Systems: Testing #BiogasDigesters, Impact of Sustainable Agriculture Practices, Effects on #SoilHealth and Biodiversity: Promotion Among Farmers, Role of #LocalFoodSystems in Sustainable Agriculture, Reduction of #GreenhouseGas Emissions, Potential of Agroforestry System: Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture, #CarbonSequestration and #BiodiversityConservation, Innovative Approaches to #SustainablePestManagement, Exploration of #PrecisionAgricultureTechnologies, Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture Practices: Reduction of Resource Use, Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, Promotion of #ClimateResilience Among Farmers: Sustainable Agriculture, Practices for Urban Agriculture System, Development and Testing for #RooftopandCommunity Gardens, #FarmProfitability and the Business Model of Sustainable Agriculture, Assessing the Impact of Sustainable Practices: Promotion Strategies, #Agroforestry as a Solution to Deforestation, #DualProduction and #LivestockGrazing Benefits, Opportunities for Farmers in Temperate Systems, Agroforestry as a Sustainable #LandUseSystem, Addressing Production Needs and Providing Environmental Benefits, The Role of #MicroOrganisms in Agroforestry and Biodiversity Conservation, Agroforestry Systems in Biodiversity Conservation: Assessing Their effectiveness Across #LandscapeContexts and #LandUse Histories, Assessing the Role of Local and Landscape Scale Management in Agroforestry Systems and Biodiversity Conservation, Unveiling the Connection Between Agroforestry, #AgriculturalProductivity, and #HumanWellBeing
📅 Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th Dec, 2023
📅 Full Chapter Submission Deadline: 10th March, 2024
For more details, please email us at
#sustainablefarming #renewableenergy #openeducationresources #callforchapters #agriculture #sustainability
Assessing the effect of GIS market mapping and marketing applications in enhancing market linkages for smallholder farmers.
In this study I wanted to find out what factors that can be change milk yield of dairy farmers and do farmer’s attitudes, skills on farming, knowledge on farming relate with yield of milk production in cows. Further, living environment of the animals and nutrition of animals relate with milk production of cows.
The farmers’ attitudes can be affecting the way farmers treat their animals and it could be affecting the milk production. This study is focusing this context as we could be improving our milk production with the resource available with our farmers if their attitudes are contributing to milk production.
We are working on a formula to calculate irrigation needs for agricultural soil, to help farmers (and the planet) with saving water. We work with water sensors in the agri fields and want to assist the farmers with a time sheet for telling them when they would need to start irrigation. Let's say you need to irrigate field A in 4 days and field B in 9, so they would have a timetable. We have many different factors at the moment, and we do not think it is realistic to account for them all because it would make the formula too complicated and maybe inaccurate. We have the following factors in mind:
Absolute and relative humidity of ambient air. (plus minus 2 meter)
Near surface soil humidity.
Soil humidity at the lower basis A(h) horizon (plus minus 30 cm), both absolute and relative.
Air temperature.
Soil temperature at the depths given above (1-5 cm and plus minus 30 cm).
Amount of precipitation over the last 24-48 hours.
Evaporation + transpiration= evapotranspiration rate.
Duration of sunshine exposure over last 12-24 hours.
Amount of water required by the crop for healthy growing circumstances (statistical data).
Stage of plant growth
Irrigation practice.
Type of soil (to account for soil drainage)
Plant density
They all affect the irrigation needs but some are not as important, please assist me with your expertise in telling me which are not as impactful/ important. And which are absolutely crucial to account for. Maybe we even have missed some?
With kind regards, Morris la Crois
I am in the writing part of conceptual framework for the farmer typology. The complications are
Farmers are categorized according to the landholdings - marginal, small, medium and large.
These farmers have their own features and ideologies towards farm practices and intentions. For eg., farming type are subsistent farmer, modern farmer, organic farmer, sustainable farmer.
Each type of farmer behaviors may vary.
How should I bring all those considerations in my conceptual framework as farmer typology? Kindly give suggestions .
What are the most effective ways to promote climate smart agricultural practices among small-scale farmers in developing countries, and what role can governments and NGOs play in this effort?
Looking for advantages and limitations for metaverse in agriculture special focus on developing countries...