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eLearning - Science topic

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Questions related to eLearning
  • asked a question related to eLearning
6 answers
There are many people today living in the regions in the world where wars destroyed everything and access to education for children is almost non existent or very limited. Having current advances in the field of AI, eLearning, and Humanoid Robotics, will hopefully contribute to the betterment of mankind, in particular children who are victims of wars and need access to education.
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In a situation of deep economic, social, war, climatic, natural and other crises, in areas devastated after a climatic or other cataclysm, in areas characterized by destroyed or never built infrastructure of public institutions, poorly developed transport communication infrastructure, in areas characterized by a low level of civilization and/or economic development, in areas characterized by low population levels, lack of urban agglomerations, etc., building an efficient public education system is greatly hampered. In such a situation, children and young people's access to education is usually very limited. If the Internet is available, e.g. via satellite links, and at least makeshift schools have Internet-connected devices, then ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 can be of great help in building any system of public education in areas in crisis and/or characterized by underdeveloped necessary infrastructure of public institutions. Above all, the possibility of building a remote education system based on web-based video conferencing platforms will be of great help in this regard. Besides, the new technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0, i.e. generative artificial intelligence, Internet of things, cloud computing, machine learning, deep learning, humanoid robotics, digital twins, Big Data, Data Science, multi-criteria simulation models, etc., can make it possible to develop online educational platforms in which a teacher who implements the educational process remotely online will be assisted by the aforementioned technologies.
I would like to invite you to join me in scientific cooperation on this issue,
Warm greetings
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to eLearning
4 answers
What is scope for research in elearning?
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There is tremendous scope, but not in the Pedagogy or Andragogy but in developmental methodologies. We are still following the ADDIE model or variations of it. It would be great to have some insights into Needs Analysis and quicker course launches.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
3 answers
profesional question
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Yes it is essentail
  • asked a question related to eLearning
4 answers
"Is there any difference between collaborative learning and engagement learning? Are collaborative learning and engagement learning separate concepts or complementary aspects?"
Please provide references.
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Dear Dr. Zaidan!
You raised a very important question. I agree with Ms. Yao she made relevant points. I collected here below resources that I think might be of value to YOU:
1) Xu, B., Stephens, J.M. & Lee, K. Assessing Student Engagement in Collaborative Learning: Development and Validation of New Measure in China. Asia-Pacific Edu Res (2023)., Open access:
2) A case study: Zheng, L., Long, M., Niu, J. et al. An automated group learning engagement analysis and feedback approach to promoting collaborative knowledge building, group performance, and socially shared regulation in CSCL. Intern. J. Comput.-Support. Collab. Learn 18, 101–133 (2023)., Free access:
3) Lin, YL., Wang, WT. Enhancing students’ online collaborative PBL learning performance in the context of coauthoring-based technologies: A case of wiki technologies. Educ Inf Technol (2023)., Free access: '
4) Larkins, C., & Satchwell, C. (2023). Learning How to Know Together: Using Barthes and Aristotle to Turn From ‘Training’ to ‘Collaborative Learning’ in Participatory Research with Children and Young People. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22., Open access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to eLearning
3 answers
Social change, developments in high technology has affected higher education due to the increasing numbers of students completing grade 12 leading to new demands of teachers. Developments required include creation of new eLearning universities sourced out as outgrowers from a home portal as distance education modes.
Please comment on the above statement
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Yes, eLearning can make a significant difference in academic quality assurance management. Here's how eLearning can contribute to enhancing academic quality assurance:
  1. Standardized Course Delivery: eLearning platforms provide a standardized and consistent course delivery framework. This helps ensure that all students receive the same content, assessments, and learning experiences, reducing variations in instruction quality.
  2. Centralized Learning Management Systems (LMS): LMS platforms enable centralized management of learning materials, assignments, assessments, and grading. This streamlines administrative processes, reduces errors, and allows for efficient monitoring and tracking of student progress and performance.
  3. Continuous Feedback and Assessment: eLearning platforms facilitate continuous feedback and assessment mechanisms. Through online quizzes, interactive assignments, and discussion forums, instructors can provide prompt feedback to students, enabling them to monitor their progress and address any knowledge gaps in a timely manner. This feedback loop contributes to ongoing improvement in the learning process.
  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: eLearning platforms generate vast amounts of data on student performance, engagement, and learning outcomes. This data can be analyzed to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in academic quality. It enables institutions to make data-driven decisions, implement evidence-based interventions, and monitor the effectiveness of quality assurance measures.
  5. Standardized Assessments: eLearning platforms offer opportunities for standardized assessments and examinations. This helps ensure consistency and fairness in evaluating student performance across different cohorts and locations. Online proctoring tools further enhance the integrity and security of assessments.
  6. Access to Learning Resources: eLearning platforms provide easy access to digital learning resources, including textbooks, articles, videos, and multimedia content. This expands the availability of resources and supports a more diverse and inclusive learning environment, accommodating different learning styles and preferences.
  7. Collaboration and Peer Learning: eLearning platforms enable collaborative learning experiences through features like discussion forums, virtual group projects, and real-time communication tools. Students can engage in peer-to-peer learning, exchange ideas, and benefit from diverse perspectives. Collaborative learning enhances academic quality by promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, and active engagement.
  8. Continuous Professional Development: eLearning platforms offer opportunities for continuous professional development for educators. Through online courses, webinars, and collaborative platforms, instructors can enhance their teaching skills, stay updated with best practices, and engage in professional networking, thereby improving academic quality.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
6 answers
What child social development support programmes, child psychological support programmes are being developed in relation to the increasing scale of psychological problems in children, which have significantly worsened since March 2020, i.e. since the lockdowns, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc., introduced during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic?
At the beginning of May 2023, the World Health Organisation lifted the state of global epidemiological emergency associated with Covid-19. In Poland, the state of heightened epidemiological emergency associated with Covid-19 is not due to be lifted until the end of June 2023. This is likely to increase the scale of ongoing research into the various secondary effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, both the post-pandemic, post-vaccine health effects, then also the social and economic effects, including, for example, on the issue of rising inflation from 2021 generated by the introduction of a large amount of additional money into the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic, which was mainly intended to limit the scale of the increase in unemployment caused by the introduced lockdowns. In Poland, the PIS government is mainly responsible for the deterioration of children's mental state, which unreflectively and without applied research and public consultation introduced large-scale lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc. ... and even a ban on entering forests during part of the period of wave 1 of the pandemic.
From mid-2022 onwards, more and more comparative studies began to appear, which compared internationally the question of the correlation between the rate of development of the pandemic, the number of deaths categorised as caused by the severe Covid-19 disease state and the occurrence of co-morbidities, usually in more than 90 per cent of cases, and the so-called 'anti-pandemic safety instruments' introduced to varying degrees in individual countries. The results of the study did not confirm the findings of the study, which was based on the results of the research carried out by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The results of the research carried out did not support the thesis regarding the validity of the
of the lockdowns introduced during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic as an instrument to significantly reduce the level of mortality caused solely by the severe Covid-19 condition, exclusively, i.e. by subtracting the factor of co-morbidities. In some countries, the generating factors of specific comorbidities were key influential determinants shaping mortality levels. For example, in Poland, where, due to the government's neglect and deliberate slowing down and blocking of the development of renewable energy sources in recent years, more than three quarters of energy is still produced by the technologically backward dirty power industry based on burning hard coal and lignite, which generates the worst air quality in cities during heating periods compared to Europe and the world. This poor air quality, determined by high levels of particulate matter (PM 2.5, PM 10, etc.), is the source of premature deaths, estimated at around 50 000 people, i.e. deaths caused by respiratory and other diseases resulting from high levels of air pollution. Such diseases are examples of diseases coexisting with Covid-19, which were compounding factors in the level of mortality qualified as caused by these diseases in combination with Covid-19 during the pandemic. In the government-led pandemic risk management process, different structures were adopted to prioritise safety on the one hand for health and on the other hand also for socio-economic safety. Different solutions were adopted in the countries in terms of the applied anti-pandemic safety and anti-crisis instruments with regard to the economy. Consequently, the effects of these measures were also not the same. The economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and the applied anti-pandemic instruments also varied significantly between the various different industries and sectors of the economy.
These systemic anti-pandemic measures mainly benefited the technology sectors, companies operating on the Internet, businesses developing e-commerce, courier companies, state-owned companies receiving additional government contracts for the production of anti-pandemic assortments, e.g. hand disinfectant fluids, production of protective masks, etc. On the other hand, there were many more companies and enterprises, mainly operating in the service sectors, which were subject to lockdowns and suffered severe financial losses, some going out of business because of them, which in macroeconomic terms generated a deep recession of the economy during the 1st wave of the pandemic. However, as it later turned out, there were many more problems caused by such anti-pandemic socio-economic policies. Among these various secondary effects of the negative and particularly socially significant problems generated by the misguided antipandemic socio-economic policy, one stands out the increasing scale of psychological problems in children, which have significantly worsened since March 2020, i.e. since the lockdowns introduced during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc., and have been exacerbated by the controversial pseudo-reforms applied to the education system over the past few years. In Poland, this problem is very serious. This is confirmed, inter alia, by the data on the growing scale of child suicides in the period from 2020 to 2022. Lockdowns, national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc., introduced and applied on a large scale during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in Poland, have caused disorders in the social development of children and adolescents. In view of this, it is essential to create and develop programmes to support the social development of children, programmes of psychological assistance for children, which should prevent the growing scale of psychological problems in children.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the Honourable Community of scientists and researchers:
What programmes of support for children's social development, programmes of psychological assistance for children are being developed in connection with the increasing scale of problems of a psychological nature in children, which have significantly worsened since March 2020, i.e. since the lockdowns introduced during the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), national quarantines, universal e-learning, social distancing in public places, etc.?
What child development support programmes, child welfare programmes are being developed in relation to the increasing scale of mental health problems in children?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Knowing and doings are different things far from each other.
Parenting is very challenging, and regret is very painful. The system fails, and force fail innocent and knowledgeable ones.
After tremendous endurance, Wake up and realised, failure enforced upon me, despite hardest, full effort dedication and attentions... Love fails.. love is weak and only to walk ., Delicate..
Sincerely with pain,
  • asked a question related to eLearning
4 answers
A study of student's satisfaction on various e- learning apps usage..
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Participants in my research on ADD (Attention-Driven Design: How Instructional Designers Design to Capture the Learner's Attention) identified a few steps for making a questionnaire on E-Learning apps. Although, I could not include everything in my research, here are a few things I deduced from our discussions and from my own experience developing 2D and 3D apps and games for education. Here are some steps to create a questionnaire on E-learning apps taking an Attention-Driven Design (ADD) approach:
  1. Define your goals: Start by defining your goals and what you want to achieve with the questionnaire. What kind of feedback are you looking for? Are you trying to measure user satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, or collect demographic data? Defining your goals will help you structure your questions and focus your efforts.
  2. Choose your questions: Choose questions that will help you achieve your goals. You can include open-ended questions to gather detailed feedback or use closed-ended questions with rating scales to measure user satisfaction. Make sure your questions are clear and easy to understand.
  3. Use a variety of question types: Mix up your question types to keep your questionnaire interesting and engaging. You can use multiple-choice questions, Likert scales, open-ended questions, and more. Just make sure you choose question types that are appropriate for your goals.
  4. Keep it short: People are busy and don't want to spend a lot of time filling out a questionnaire. Try to keep your questionnaire short and focused. Limit the number of questions and only ask for information that is essential.
  5. Test your questionnaire: Before you launch your questionnaire, test it with a small group of users to make sure everything is working correctly. This will help you identify any issues or confusing questions before you send it out to your entire user base.
  6. Send it out: Once you've tested your questionnaire, you can send it out to your users. You can use in-app notifications, email, or other communication channels to reach your users. Be sure to explain why you're collecting feedback and how you plan to use it.
  7. Analyze the results: Once you've collected responses, you can analyze the results to identify areas for improvement and measure user satisfaction. Use the data to make informed decisions about how to improve your app and better meet the needs of your users.
By following these steps, you can create a questionnaire that will help you gather valuable feedback and improve your E-learning app using what I call the ADD approach.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
3 answers
I am working on E- learning area . So ,I need various datasets required for my research of students pursuing online courses , for eg MOOC's , various educational organizations.
kindly help me in this regard.
Awaiting for your reply .
Thank You .
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I recommend you to search in the UNESCO characterization open source databases.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
16 answers
The main goal of the research paper is to review the application of new learning technologies in African and European countries that face crises! There is a draft that needs to be revised and updated!
Please, if you're interested to cooperate, write to me privately!
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Dear Prof. Abdelfatah!
May I state I am interested. Still, may I state I am not an IT - specialist. My focus is on digital supply chain management:
I am especially interested in the role of open science (policies for sharing of information) in advancing interactive learning:
1) Boström, L., Sjöström, M. MethodViz: designing and evaluating an interactive learning tool for scientific methods – visual learning support and visualization of research process structure. Educ Inf Technol (2022)., Open access:
2) Cirkony, C., Tytler, R. & Hubber, P. Designing and delivering representation-focused science lessons in a digital learning environment. Education Tech Research Dev (2022)., Open access:
3) Xia X. Application Technology on Collaborative Training of Interactive Learning Activities and Tendency Preference Diversion. SAGE Open. April 2022. doi:10.1177/21582440221093368, Open access:
I will contact YOU only in case you consider me to have the potential to be a partner in your research project.
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to eLearning
7 answers
As the world has changed with the global pandemic, capacity, labor, and funding constraints continue to change the corporate learning environment. As more companies transition from eLearning to Microlearning, what are the best interactivities to increase learning engagement and retention?
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In addition to all the interesting previous answers, according to Moodle VLE:
* "microlearning is an approach to learning & development, based on offering the learner bite-sized content items to help them achieve a well-defined goal."
Therefore virtual platforms based on specific teaching philosophy also can offer microlearning: repositories they have with images, videos, forums, peer-to-peer interaction, etc.
I am not aware of the theory of specific Moodle plugins to extract those contents for microlearning, but they should be for sure.
Best Regards.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
2 answers
Big Data , personalization of E- learning Big Data , learner behavior . machine learning .
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thank u
  • asked a question related to eLearning
46 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Determinants of e-learning development?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Determinants of e-learning development.
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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The quality of former distance education models is the prototype of e-learning development; besides excellent teaching materials to master the basic facts of a subject via a rigorous (self-) testing system (now possible with automatic repetition), communication of the learner with a good teacher and a small learning group is essential. The main danger of e-learning and remote work is social isolation, which depends on environmental factors, e.g. place of living, single or not, with family or not, quality of the apartment, etc.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
244 answers
Dear RG community,
I would like to open this thread in order to have some feedback gain about the importance of creating and developing a virtual teaching portfolio (VTP).
According to Wikipedia [1] an Electronic portfolio - EP has the following definition, I unquote:
"An electronic portfolio (also known as a digital portfolio, online portfolio, e-portfolio, e-folio, or eFolio) is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include input text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user's abilities and platforms for self-expression. If they are online, users can maintain them dynamically over time."
In this thread, we aim to understand the differences between a virtual teaching portfolio-VTP and a scholar blog-SB where not only we share written documentation---but also learning and teaching experiences, becomes crucial for a teacher`s career.
Thank you all.
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The big ideas behind micro-credentials by T. Blackman at The Open University & K. Jona at Northeastern University, Sep. 2021.
Two experts in flexible learning programs discuss the evolution and adoption of alternative teaching models and credentials in higher education.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
5 answers
Hi Dears,
Is there any case study or experiment for implementing Session-Based Recommender Systems for eLearning systems?
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  • asked a question related to eLearning
6 answers
I am doing a research about real-world implementations for Educational Resources Recommendation System (ML/DL) within the eLearning domain. For example in a university LMS.
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The recommendation system is a very trending topic at present. It is basically an extension of semantic analysis.
You can follow these articles for better insight.
Hope it will help you.
With regards,
Sayan Surya Shaw.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
46 answers
Dear Scholars
I would like to have a reference to an authoritative or relatively well-established definition of "online education" or "online teaching" or "e-learning". I also look for definition of related terms, such as "hybrid teaching" and "distant education", "distance learning", etc.
I looked at UNESCO documents to find a kind of international set of definitions, but I couldn't find any. Does anyone have a reference or a source?
Many thanks.
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Journal of Business Theory and Practice ISSN 2372-9759 (Print) ISSN 2329-2644 (Online) Vol. 8, No. 1, 2020 1 Original Paper Online Preparation for the Remote Global Workforce
  • asked a question related to eLearning
85 answers
University education is beyond academic benefits. It gives students a chance to develop attitude and skills that give them courage, ability to work with others and a better understanding of himself and the entire world around them. It is during University years that a person gets to understand his/her identity, role, and dreams. To become what you want to be, you need not only formal education but also real-life experience and opportunities for self-development.
How much of this is missing in these cruel times of eLearning & social distancing?
Your comments are highly appreciated!
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Dear Dr. Ahmed T. Hussein , thank you for this student centric & education centric question. I think both Dr. Manal Hadi Kanaan & Dr. Anamitra Roy have already highlighted the pros and cons of distance learning on students psychological development.
The observation of Dr. Anamitra Roy that "we may get professionals without the personality of a professional" and Dr. Manal Hadi Kanaan 's observation that the "student no longer feels the value of the success" - worth the attention of everyone considering the unpredictable nature of covid-19 pandemic end.
Thanks a lot.
Warm regards
  • asked a question related to eLearning
18 answers
Does anyone have, or know where I might get a comparison of the threaded discussion features among popular learning management systems? By "features" I am thinking about threading, adaptive release, email from thread, push notifications for posts, etc.
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Moodle for learning journals & discussion forums, both used as graded assignments, Prof. Barbara Miller Hall.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
3 answers
What is Gamification Analytics ? How Gamification Analytics can be used in terms of Elearning more specifically MOOC or any elearning platform?
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Dear Razaul Haque Subho, although this is not the answer to your question, the following website has relevant information about gamification and E-learning.
The has been using gamification in HighEduc as an E-learning (MOOCs and NOOCs) tool and also as a methodology for several years.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
79 answers
How do new information technologies implemented in the didactic processes, advanced information processing technologies change and modernize the education process at universities?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Standardised online teaching at the global level
  • asked a question related to eLearning
11 answers
How do you organize your eLearning?
Which sources do you use to organize your online training?
The spread of COVID-19 has forced millions of students and teachers to move their communication online. I would like to know how do you solve this problem with your classes?
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For the development of my online courses and subjects, I use Socrative as a virtual learning environment. I believe that you have all the necessary tools for an efficient development of online training.
My main sources of information are the courses provided by the Ministry of Education and the enriching talks with colleagues who work within the online training sector.
The problems in the online teaching and learning process are multiple, but as a general rule, I try to maintain adequate communication with the students, that positive emotions are strengthened during the course, the contact links between the students and the students are strengthened. that they have adequate feedback on their development, avoiding that they feel alone in the E-learning adventure.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
16 answers
The Internet has been developing only for 3 decades becoming the main global information medium and the environment for creating new types of websites and innovative, technological startups that are successful in business if they offer attractive information services. Examples of companies that initially as startups and now as large technology companies have achieved spectacular business successes are corporations offering Internet information and marketing services in the environment of created and developed social media portals.
Currently, there are many, at least several dozen globally operating social media portals, several of which have gained a large, minimum percentage or larger share in the market of information and marketing internet services. Globally, these markets are dominated by several social media portals that have specialized in a specific profile of information and / or information offered to a particular segment of Internet users. Social media portals dominating globally include: Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest and others. Among the Internet users, the largest segment of the recipients of information services for social media portals are young people, many of whom are still students of primary and secondary schools as well as students studying at universities. As a result, social media portals used as a communication medium by students are increasingly becoming an instrument supporting the learning process.
Due to the above, the dynamic development of social media portals on the Internet is currently underway. For young people using smartphones, social media portals are one of the main sources of information. Probably the next stage in the development of social media portals will be the implementation of artificial intelligence to these portals and to search engines and the creation of applications of the type of interactive advisors on individual Internet information pages. New technologies of computerized, advanced information processing, technologies typical for the current fourth technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0, are increasingly integrating and functioning in the Internet environment.
The current technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is determined by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies. These technologies are successively implemented to developed social media portals. Due to the development of applications of these advanced information processing technologies, new types of computerized teaching instruments are created in educational processes, and educational systems also undergo technological transformation and Education 4.0 is defined.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
Therefore, I am asking you the following questions:
- Does the development of social media portals affect educational processes in schools and universities?
- How will education change in the future due to the development of smart social media portals?
- How can this development affect education, pedagogy and education in the future?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Social media has become an integral tool for medical societies, hospitals, and advocacy groups. These groups are using social media to engage, teach, and connect, and they play an important role in providing accurate, vetted health information. In addition, organizations have realized that encouraging live-tweeting or blogging of conferences provides opportunities for wide dissemination of content... Sutherland, S., & Jalali, A. (2017). Social media as an open-learning resource in medical education: current perspectives. Advances in medical education and practice, 8, 369.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
9 answers
The pandemic has put a reset button on most facets of our lives. This gives us educators a reason to stop and rethink of our path going ahead. The present crisis has shown the importance of e- learning and many of us have been grappling to adapt in this changed learning/ teaching scenario. In this new era of webinars and e- learning, many educators are converting their traditional pedagogy to e - learning and eventually to LMS (Learning management system) platforms. This also is an opportunity to start afresh and create a more contemporary content that can lead to better employ-ability.
Hospitality education, special in South Asia, has long been accused of being lagging in providing up-to-date skills and knowledge that the Industry demands. In response to these challenges, what would be some key changes you could suggest as we begin to return to teaching/ learning, post reopening.
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Thank you for your inputs Maniazhagu Dharuman .
  • asked a question related to eLearning
4 answers
i want to be part of this as long it improve modern trend blended learning
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This link talk about: 9 Benefits Of eLearning For Students
  • asked a question related to eLearning
7 answers
Hello all,
I used a framework (incorporated from instructional design theory and instructional design model) to design and develop LMOOC for attitudinal learning.
My question about the appropriate ways to measure the effectiveness of the design and develop of LMOOC. In other words, how effective is this framework in designing LMOOC for attitudinal learning?
Thank you in advance!
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Murat Artsin Thank you for sharing this article.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
16 answers
As everyone knows the impact of Covid-19 on Education System in whole world. Mostly experts prefer the Online-Education/eLearning/Distance Learning to overcome this pandemic situation. I have a quick query....Will eLearning or ICT-based Education helpful for practical-based courses like Medical, Pharmacy, Civil, Dental instead of Traditional Education?
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Yes, it will, once the VR simulators thereto are developed. In fact, I have plans to develop some inventions of mine in those areas, but not for the near future.
VR stands for "Virtual Reality".
  • asked a question related to eLearning
4 answers
Academic voice in this context refers to the learner becoming independent and competent academics in their own right.
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  • asked a question related to eLearning
66 answers
according to recent events , in your opinion , do we have another method to connecting with our students rather than E- learning?
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e-learning + wats app.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
15 answers
At midnight South Africa will undergo a complete societal shutdown due to the coronavirus. In the course I coordinate, LST 110, academic literacy for natural, agricultural and veterinarian science students, the pathogen has coerced a shift from a hybrid to an e-Learning model of interacting with students and instruction. This has had significant implications for teaching and learning practices. I am interested in colleagues' actual methods of applying e-Learning strategies, online tools, linkages of assessments with online learning platforms, integration of Learning Management Systems with course content in the face of the coronavirus.
Significant and related text >
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Dear Oscar,
For areas in the world where internet access is not available to all learners, I would suggest to investigate other ways to keep in touch with students. I have a hunch (not yet researched), that the medium does not make the big difference, but that the frequency and the quality of the teachers actions have a larger impact. And if it is the teacher's actions that are important, then any medium will work, even mail through traditional postal services. Or boxes per child or student that can be put in the school yard. Teachers put in the assignments, students collect their box, do the assignment and hand in the box again.
With this pandemic, it can also be wise to ease down a bit on the curriculum set. It will not be possible to match curriculum standards for all children/students in this time. There is another opportunity for learning though that, as educators, we often fail to deply. Children and students are now in their home surroundings. How can we, as teachers, connect the curriculum standards to these home settings? How can we organize children/students to share what they learn at home? Maybe we can, for now, skip some of the stuff we normally do in class and leave that for later. Instead, keeping in touch frequently and providing do-able assignments in the home surroundings might keep the learning going at a feasible pace.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
3 answers
Corona virus has forced many countries to switch to eLearning mode to maintain education without sacrificing students' health to catch the Corona virus. Allthough this is a smart move but teachers are facing a challenge about assessing students achievement in this situation.
What are the best strategies to assess students learning keeping the same assignments and tests that were assigned for regular face to face teaching?
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Cheating can be reduced (not abolished) for online tests by setting a short time frame for the test, randomize questions, randomize answers. An application like Quayn does a fantastic job on this.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
5 answers
There are risks and security concerns exist in literature but no framework to mitigate in Elearning environment.
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There are existing models, though, it is always better to build on one such as NIST and adapt it to your project taking into account your specific needs.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
3 answers
I need to build elearning system and network should be SDN based network architecture.
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Check my book chapter that I have written for Smart Learning Environment in a Private cloud.
The SDN approach is different here as the hypervisors, cloud activators, orchestrators need to support your backend systems...
Almost we could not call our servers as SDN, but most of the learning softwares runs under Private cloud follows 20% of SDN methodology....
  • asked a question related to eLearning
36 answers
In my country and due to the present economic situation, we have problems with participation and attendance at conferences. Fees are often too expensive without mentioning travel and accommodation costs. Our research structures are no longer able to finance us. As a mentor I can not find conferences for my students which are either good and affordable. So my questions are:
- do you know of any good IT , education and/or computer science conferences that are not too expensive or that offer a special reduced fees for students?
-do you know organizations that can finance students from developing countries?
Thank you all.
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Arranging conference is the business with the intellectual people without risk and harms. So, try to never attend in the seminar , conferences without sponsor. Few days back a conference committee from Sri Lanka sent me a mail for my permission to join there as the keynote speaker. I agreed and the following week , they mailed me for a donation of $1500 ! I didn't reply at all. So, be careful !!!
  • asked a question related to eLearning
7 answers
As I was working through my research on MOOCs usage in corporate training, it dawns on me that MOOC can be just an ordinary elearning and whatever research I am doing might have already been done, just that it's under a different name. The things which probably distinguish MOOC from a traditional e-learning are the massiveness and the openness. Apart from that, what makes MOOCs worth studying about? Would love to hear some opinions here.
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I think MOOCs may be an excellent community service. While Wikipedia offers an brief overview of a topic, with sources for follow up, MOOCs offer the same self-service access to education. I would be interested to read studies about the longer term retention of the issues, and if the need for which people chose them turned out to be met by the MOOC. My impression is that they are an underutilized resource but there is little formal research to prove that, or to prove their value in various situations.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
2 answers
Learners are made to create their profiles and their contextual information is stored at server end. This information is updated by learner, whenever learner makes an attempt to access learning content sequential role mining comes into major role to help extracting some behavioral patterns from the database.
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  • asked a question related to eLearning
3 answers
I cannot find one such paper through my searching.Thanks a lot for recommendations
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There are three sources that focused on the interactions of ubiquitous mobile computing on learning outcomes.
- Pernas, Ana Marilza, Diaz, Alicia, Motz, Regina (2012) Enriching adaptation in e‐learning systems through a situation‐aware ontology network in Interactive Technology and Smart Education. 9, 2, 60-73
- Bates, Anthony (2015) Teaching in a Digital Age. Vancouver, Canada: Tony Bates Associates Ltd
- Kerres, M. (2007). Microlearning as a challenge for instructional design. In T. Hug and M. Linder (Eds.), Didactics of Microlearning. Muenster, Germany: Waxmann. 98-109. Retrieved from
  • asked a question related to eLearning
12 answers
I've created an eLearning resource. My sample group consists of 22 Biology and 7 Environmental Science students. How do I find out if there is a correlation (or difference?) between 1) the scores achieved in the test and the course taken 2) the scores achieved in the test and the students' year of study (first year, second year, final year)
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Dear Nur,
before you can determine the appropriate test, you have to find out the distribution type. Because you have a small sample size, I suggest the Shapiro-Wilk test. After performing the test, we can choose the right test. In this calculation, there are no correlations, but comparisons between 1) two or 2) more than 2 groups. Thus, you have to chosse following test:
For normally distribution:
1) t-test
For non-normally distribution:
1) Mann-Whitney-U-Test
2) Kruskal-Wallis-test
Best regards
  • asked a question related to eLearning
1 answer
The e-Learning at many islands of South Pacific and elsewhere, is accessible only via Satellite upload and download links connecting on earth WAN, MAN and LAN computer networks infrastructures.
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Check this thesis
  • asked a question related to eLearning
8 answers
I have been using PBL for two decades now. Two things struck me in the goups randomly assigned to work together. I wrote about this extensively in the endnotes section in my book on TE Education since it is something of a hobby horse of mine. The process of using this teaching strategy, even in large groups, is explained fully ther
The group might be dysfunctional for various reasons but usually the two reasons I gave above in the question predominate though I tried to minmise them by randomly assigning group leaders for each group.
I also encountered both problems mentione above during my elearning course, and frankly found the ostracising one much more disturbing personally.
I never liked giving group assignments as an assessment strategy; the PBL presentations were a simple teaching strategy to engage students with learning and further reading as required at HE level.
Once I was constrained by student demands to give them the option of doing an assignment in pairs. If done in pairs both students had to write a small reflection on the whole process. Reading the reflections, everything was as smooth as silk, which made me sceptical of course.
Come a year later I learnt how the assignment was done by one person while the other did the assignment of the other study unit in a couple of instances; so much for the reflective account..
With regards to group assignments allocated by other academics, I had heard too much hoary incidents by students confiding me, to even remotely consider it, hence my duo students effort.
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Journal wise, it's a bit like an annotated bibliography, in which they keep their research and record thoughts and reflections, more context orientated than the reflective journal which I suppose in this case is more concerned with content and form.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
3 answers
Student support is an important function of any learning institution. At open distance elearning (ODeL) institutions it is mainly offered through different supportive structures, namely systems support, affective student support, study support, and academic student support. This project focuses student support from the viewpoint of academic student support in elearning.
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The key principles of a successful self-directed program are the same regardless of the use of e-learning, distance learning or face-to-face learning. However, the means for applying these principles will vary to match with the system/method used in teaching.
First, the method of teaching should provoke thinking processes, and cognition, and raise questions (e.g., use of cases, scenarios).
Second, the sessions should enable students to identify gaps in their learning and define their learning needed.
Third, students should phrase their learning needs in the form of questions related to the case/session discussed. Usually about 5-6 questions.
Fourth, the resources available for students to search could be textbooks, reviews, research articles, e-resources, multimedia, etc
Fifth, students should have time on the schedule to do their self-directed learning, then meet to discuss their findings and the answers they found. They should also use the information collected to address issues raised in the case.
Six, there is evidence that exchange of ideas from students reinforce learning and enable students to retain information for a longer time.
Seven, peer-teaching is a useful approach to reinforce this process.
Eight, facilitation and feedback reinforce self-directed learning.
Nine, student's reflection on their self-directed learning reinforce learning.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
8 answers
platform that focus on student's learning experience. name them
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I agree with Fernando, it depends on the teacher’s conception. If you consider that transmissive techniques are convenient according to the learning objectives and the target audience, then you might consider Coursera or edX as efficient solutions.
I have designed two MOOCs with edX and, from my point of view, it’s difficult to create engaging activities since it is video-based. Creating with Moodle was more interesting because I used the Test Mode to develop many Socratic dialogues which are more engaging activities for learners. In these dialogues, it was easy to embed case studies, audio clip, video clips, questions, feedbacks, etc. thus creating a quite interesting environment. Such an approach could be difficult to implement with Coursera and edX.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
17 answers
Developing upskilling and capacity building for the Overseas Countries and Territories, and currently looking for the cooperation for these tasks.
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Dear Ahmad,
Thanks for the interest. I do appreciate your work, and I am coming back to you on this issue
Very bests
  • asked a question related to eLearning
7 answers
Please can you help me to find Thomson Reuteurs Journals that covers Information Systems and Elearning with Rapid Publication? Where can I find the time needed for review, first response and publication for Journals?
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  • asked a question related to eLearning
1 answer
Dataset containing "users rating to the elearning object".
Can you please provide us the dataset for recommending elearning objects for academic research purpose.
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You may find what you are looking for in the following paper:
Verbert, K., Manouselis, N., Drachsler, H., & Duval, E. (2012). Dataset-Driven Research to Support Learning and Knowledge
Analytics. Educational Technology & Society, 15 (3), 133–148.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
3 answers
Where could I find quality sources, databases for evidence-based cost effectiveness analysis, or cost benefit research, for online work training programs?
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I suggest you rethink what you are searching for a little. If the effectiveness of the program is published and so is the cost, then cost effective is simply (cost per participant/effectiveness per participant). So for example, Royer Cook's Healthy Workplace program (aka Prime Life, based on a social-cognitive model of health behavior change) is embedded in a wellness website that the employer urges employees to explore. The program costs $13 per employee. It results in 2.2 percent of employees no longer binge drinking. Dividing $13 by 2.2 percent, the cost-effectiveness ratio is $591 per employee who stops binge drinking. If I used published estimates of the costs of binge drinking to society, the benefit-cost ratio is 22.4, with medical cost savings alone exceeding the program costs. The cost per QALY is less than zero. One place where you probably will find BCAs for some online training programs is the Washington State Institute for Public Policy's trove of BCAs. Some of the substance abuse prevention programs they feature probably use online training approaches. The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Policies (NREPP) also lists the costs and the outcomes for some online prevention programs, so you could readily compute the CE ratio. If you do a division like mine, be sure to use the absolute percentage reduction, not the percentage of users who quit (e.g., in my example that 2.2 percent of employees could represent a 30% reduction in employees who binge-drink). 
  • asked a question related to eLearning
5 answers
This question is common in eLearning interview.
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See Dick, Carey, and Carey's latest edition (2015) of The Systematic Design of Instruction.  They've been a standard for several decades and have taken pains to update it as theories and practices have evolved.  It's a good standard for those who have not designed any type of instruction before.  I've used it to manage many eLearning projects across many years and as a basis for teaching introductory courses for instructional designers.
A well-developed analysis of the situation in which the learning is to be used is essential to the effectiveness of the eLearning, as is the development of evaluation measures that emulate as much as possible the situations in which what is learned is to be used.  Selection of the medium, format, experiences, and evaluation methods are an outgrowth of the analysis. 
The easy, quick way to design is to select eLearning, populating it with pretty pictures and text that bear no relation to the way the content will be used.  Sponsors will find this pleasing to see and will applaud.  But will it have the desired impact?  It will not.  Follow Dick, Carey, and Carey (2015) to link your process to desired real-world outcomes. 
  • asked a question related to eLearning
26 answers
A recent question on what online educational tools people use generated a lot of answers, among them a suggestion to use Second Life.
I looked into it a few years ago and it appeared to me that Second Life is not really alive anymore. Particularly, there seems to have been an issue whether to change from an installable application to a browser-based application.
I design eLearning modules in the field of accounting and business, including statistics, and I was wondering whether there is any experience out there you would like to share.
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You don't have to buy or rent a whole island in Second Life. You can rent office space in someone's building.
Also, check out Open Sim which is the free open source version of Second Life. You can use the Firestorm Phoenix viewer in both Second Life and Open Sim.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
4 answers
I am looking for a standardized and widely adopted way to integrate an e-learning platform I am working on with several LMSs (Moodle, Blackboard, etc.). I have found Tin Can API (a.k.a Experience API or xAPI) which looks like the ideal solution for my use case, but I would like to hear about alternatives (if any) and compare them.
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You may find some technical answers to your question in the various specifications developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium
  • asked a question related to eLearning
29 answers
Hi RG community,
While working on a project to support technological uptake in Higher Education I discovered that there is a lot of information on:
1- The difficulties to adopt technology-enhanced learning in Higher education;
2- The strategies for Faculty development as a general problem (connected to the several academics' tasks, from research to pedagogical practices).
My question could be placed at the crossroad between the above mentioned issues. The thing is: which are the specific strategies of faculty development that would enforce quality eLearning adoption?
I know there must be plenty of literature, but your opinion and concrete cases would be of great help!
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The best method I've found is to create the training course online.  This puts the instructors in the role of student and gives them a very different perspective about what they will be doing.  Spread the class over five or so weeks and have them create their course during this time if that is part of their assignment.  If not they can have plenty of time to review the course that they will use.
Monitor the new instructors for two semesters to determine if they are applying the instructional strategies that are policy at the institution.  Coach them through this time so that any former undesirable behavior from a traditional classroom is not carried over.
I was a master trainer where this process was used and it created a good environment for the students, instructors, and elearning administration.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
61 answers
This is meant to be like a poll. I would like to hear those who are specialists in education field in general and learning theory in specific. In your opinion, what are the most influential scientific papers in learning theory and why? 
It is good to know if educators have consensus on a set of papers in the first place but why those papers not others is not less important. Please indicate why you choose these papers.
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Good question! I interpret it as searching for a paper written after the year 2000? ("21st century"?) Many papers mentioned here in the discussion are surely important for us today, but written in the 20th century.
With this limitation, I would like to suggest George Siemens "Connectivism and connective knowledge" , not because it it yet so influential, or "right" or fully developed (it isn't) but because it takes very seriously the task of thinking of reconsidering what learning is or should be in an age of information flow and rapid development of knowledge, without falling in a trap of digitalisation of learning content, "e-learning" as something completely revolutionary per se. 
Without being related, the information philosopher Luciano Floridi has similar freshness and approach in taking ICTs seriously, but is very much more radical, he aims at reconstructing philosophy "of our age, gor our age". Learning is important, but used as an area of examples so far. But you can read his "E-ducation and the languages of information" to get an idea of his approach. In learning theory he is a kind of constructionist, like Seymour Papert.
I hope these papers provokes you!
  • asked a question related to eLearning
5 answers
I'm actually working on an evaluation model for MOOC, yet I need to compare it with existing theorietical and technical methods
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Dear Jihane
If I try to deconstruct your question, you are asking for methods / frameworks to evaluate effectiveness of learning tools (except in this case the mode of delivery is precised). So, in my impression you might want to look into ways of assessing effective educational practices. There are different models (for example instructional design theories (David Merril, Jeroen Van Merriënboer, etc.)) that might give you a framework to do that. I can imagine (based on your background, that you want to do something with the technological or media component of the environment. There are different multimedia theories for learning (Mayer) that might help you with that.
My advice would be not to look for specific theories to tackle the description of MOOCs, but to look for solid educational frameworks to analyse the effectiveness of instruction.
I hope this helps.
All the best,
  • asked a question related to eLearning
8 answers
I am recently seeking for information about e-learning standards applied in MOOC so I can define the learner profile.
If anyone has any research papers concerning this topic, i'd be so thankful if you share it with me.
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I think taking this guidelines there are some that MOOCs take, but differ in one very important aspect: 
E-learning is rigid, they say what you must learn and now, MOOCs are amazingly more flexible with some schedule. I think the other difference is the level of metacognition you need to be successful with courses
  • asked a question related to eLearning
5 answers
Can someone please give me some input and advice on the following?
Is there an alternative solution than VitalSource /CourseSmart to provide study guides to students in an online e-book copy produced by VitalSourse/CourseSmart software? Or are they the best, although expensive? 
Secondly and on a separate note we give students access to our online e-library called “Cyberlibris” or Scholartext in order for them to have access to other books, publications and articles. Are there other similar or better e-libraries systems available?
Thirdly what is the best software or system to track and get feedback on academic tasks, projects, report back and deadlines? Something like Trello or Todoist is just some examples?
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There is nothing like the best one, there are many applications available which can also be customized or create your own developed with dot not framework, SQL data base, HTML.  The data centers shall provide services through cloud, an  unique access point for all the requests coming from the users spread far and wide on Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
  • asked a question related to eLearning
10 answers
I feel that you don't need any explanation about MOOC. Your know them. You have your own opinion. My question is oriented to develop a collaborative SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) matrix analysis. So, I appreciate it if your answers are oriented to these four aspects (related to MOOC):
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Thank you for your answer. I have received not enough answers to build a coherent SWOT analysis about MOOC. This was a research action: was it possible to build this kind of analysis in this environment? I see that we continue needing the cooperation of closer colleagues. Thanks again.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
102 answers
Various disruptive technologies have affected teaching learning process. . In view of this , can we contemplate role for teachers, especially in higher education? He/she should be a coach, facilitator, technology savvy etc. What else can we visualize?
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The most prominent role for teachers, professors, and instructors is as mentor and cheerleader. They spark and expand imagination, and bring tools and resources for their students. Technology represents a tremendous expansion of resources and databases. But they do not replace the vital attributes of a teacher. 
  • asked a question related to eLearning
26 answers
After the first release in 2002 Moodle has become one of the most frequently used learning management systems. Many successful educational projects have been designed using it. At the moment, a group of researchers is developing an e-learning course on innovative textile fields (Advan2Tex) using this platform. Although I find Moodle suitable for this task, I also find some disadvantages of this LMS (or maybe some personal “dislikes”). I am interested in users’ experiences related to application/functionalities of Moodle versus other learning management systems.
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I think Moodle is a good  free LMS. They need some improvement in some functions, but you can do most of the things you need for your online course. If needed, you can make changes in the code. Here at University of São Paulo - Brazil we used Webct (old one)  in the past and now we moved to Moodle. Some courses, we have more the 1K students and works fine.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
2 answers
Authoring tools allows the generation on web content. ATAG 2.0 Part B established the need of features in authoring tools to facilitate the generation of accessible web content. Part A has to do with the accessibility of the authoring tool itself, i.e. accessible for disabled authors.I´m specially interested in published results about authoring tools in the context of LMS or CMS. For instance, the level of compliance of Moodle with ATAG 2.0. Any help is very much appreciated. 
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Thanks :)
  • asked a question related to eLearning
13 answers
My focus is on Engineering Education. 
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It's really a complex question
Why a teacher will want to develop a digital learning material? And if he is motivated to do it, does he have the required competencies for this task?
For the students’ side, how can we maintain their motivation? Is the content adapted to each of them? How can we control cheating …etc   
  • asked a question related to eLearning
10 answers
Let me know here and/or please take our short (about 10 minutes) survey and feel free to distribute to your networks.
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Today, we are developing researches using the Virtual World OpenSim to create educational activities. It allows you to create several different objects and virtual agents that can be directioned to the development of educational tasks. I consider a great option to create simulations in many different areas, like chemestry, physics and informatics.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
173 answers
Several years ago, I ran a debate with one of my professors at Education Department about human working memory. He insisted that technology has ruined human memory; many people rely more and more on their mobiles and laptops instead of their own memories. He also presented some research evidence showing that.
At that time, it was hard for me to accept this idea. I argued that human is a clever being. If tools or technologies would help us to save our memories, then is it logical to kick these technologies out or even reduce our usage of them because they harm our memories? However, my opinion was not supported by a solid theory. Cognitivism and Constructivism clearly state that our inner memories are important in a learning process.
This debate has carved in my mind and the case was not closed, at least for me. Recently, we have investigated some of new learning theories. Among a long list, we visited Actor-Network Theory, Community of Practice, and Connectivism. And to be honest, I found Connectivism wide enough to answer my question and to build upon. Knowledge is a network and learning is a process of finding patterns reside in this network. Inside or outside human skull, it does not matter.
This is not to end the discussion; actually, it is to open it. Are you with or against of proposing new learning theory? Our understanding of knowledge network, learning and Connectivism presented in this paper.
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This article by George Siemens (2004) may interest you:
Connectivism: A learning Theory for digital Age
There is a more recent article by Terry Anderson and Jon Dron (2011).
The authors examine “The three generations of cognitive-behaviourist, social constructivist, and connectivist pedagogy are examined, using the familiar community of inquiry model (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000) with its focus on social, cognitive, and teaching presences” (Extracted from the abstract).
As stated by many responses that technology changes the pace and method of teaching, learning including our lifestyle and new laws need to be established in accordance to our digital environment. Winston and Edelbach (2011) theorize that the world is now experiencing a technological revolution. The authors state that the predecessor of the technological revolution was the industrial revolution, which followed the earlier agricultural revolution. The industrial and agricultural revolutions had longer lifespans than the technological revolution, in which new technologies have a shorter lifecycle and faster pace of change.
I believe that constructivism constructs knowledge in cognitive stages, and pragmatism builds knowledge on learners’ past experiences. Pragmatists may possess past relevant technological knowledge that may be useful to conduct research on the complexities of online learning. I argue that the learning paradigm shift follows the cycle of constructivism, social constructivism, and then pragmatism. The cycle will go back to social constructivism when a new demarcation point for learning process is integrated, which includes all the influential factors, such as technological tools.
Finally, I do agree that new learning theories should be proposed. You have posed an interesting discussion question. 
  • asked a question related to eLearning
5 answers
How can we rank e-learning problems like learning path sequencing, object recommendation etc..
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This study is not specific to your question but assessed the difficulty level of e-learning tools which can probably help inform your study.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to eLearning
7 answers
Is there any site where we can get the seminars/conferences and workshops conducted in India in the last five years in different subjects?
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Mayby following site can help you to the info you need.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
5 answers
Usability components: 'easy to use' as efficiency ,'easy to learn' as learnability, memorability and satisfaction. I would like to search for many other indicators that may have effects on these components.
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integration - ability to integrate with existing materials, methods, etc.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
30 answers
i need Moodle elearning data set for research 
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Hi, Mushtaq.
If you are looking for actual site data, you will need to be friendly to an institution who would be willing to give it to you. You could post a request on the Moodle Research forum, but people are, understandably, protective about the data from their sites.
Michael de Raadt
Moodle Research Director
  • asked a question related to eLearning
6 answers
please, if there any one that he is working on the analysis of interaction traces (in elearning). thank you to send me data base of interaction traces to use it in my research.
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I think each OLE have a DB of interaction traces that can be invistigated in order to study about the interactions of students with others and with the materials. Is this what is needed?
  • asked a question related to eLearning
10 answers
Will Learning Dynamics change for Gen Z learners ? How it will impact the Student Support in eLearning environments in such case?
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Agree with Dintsis. They need to be given short duration lectures than long 3 hour lectures. The attention span of the Z-s much less compared to the previous generations. 
  • asked a question related to eLearning
15 answers
The possibilities of using Web 4.0 tools are currently being discussed by IT experts and other interested stakeholders at conferences. Artificial intelligence is seen as one of the key characteristics of these tools and their ability to solve problems for humankind. How do you anticipate using Web 4.0 tools in education or is it "tool" early to begin thinking of these possibilities? Your views are much appreciated.
Many thanks,
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Concepts belonging to Web X.0 class are not formal, they are not part of a formal system, where every term has a unique interpretation. They were assumed as a result of on-line social practice. Usually  these are web related terminology, and there are not Educational Web X.0, or in Education, but application of them in Education.
Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 are almost universally understood. Many persons think that Web 3.0 is the Web where resources have formal meaning, they are understood by machines. In this case Semantic Web and Web 3.0 are synonymous (several persons are not agree with that, for them Semantic Web and Web 3.0 are different concepts).
Currently Web 1.0 and 2.0 are fully extended. Many sites and services are currently semantic. But transforming resources into semantic ones is a process linked with ontology creation, or application, and it is not a trivial task.  Theory and practice with ontologies is a specialized field of Artificial Intelligence.
Web 4.0, 05,  are not yet well defined or commonly understood. I think Web 4.0 could be the Web of Things (there are who thinks that it is the Semantic Web), where not just web resources, but every artifact, used by people in common life are interconnected, and their properties and interactions are semantically represented (again, in the sense of formal semantic, understood by computers, which use that information as data).
I think the first task for educational institutions, should be fully apply Web 2.0 resources, and that means changes current educational approaches (in the most of cases).
The next step should be introduce semantic resources, development of ontologies and knowledge bases systems based on them, extension of Web 2.0 based analytics to semantic one.
Later tasks fall in the field of speculation, scientific or not, but in any case, far from practical applications.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
13 answers
I don't know a lot about K-Means clustering technique but it seems that it is working along with Regression and Bayesian Clustering Modeling. Thus, I would like to read any useful articles that explain step-by-step "When" and "How" to use K-Means technique in social sciences research only. I don't like to know the statistical equations and complex algorithms involved in K-Means, I just want to use it, as education researcher.
If applicable, please refer to any software in which I can apply K-Mean on.
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An easy way to select k is to make a loop for different values of k and select the min. error. e.g. 
for loop = 2: NumberOfClusters
      [idx, C, sumd, D] = kmeans(X,loop);
      S(Color, loop) = sumsqr(sumd);
and I got the fig. 
  • asked a question related to eLearning
17 answers
I am studying in educational sciences so I would like to hear from the experts in the field of social sciences. I would like to study the relationship between Learning Styles and student's socialization: how the student react with his teachers/parents/fellows/friends in Higher Education.
Any help will be highly appreciated to find the instrument/inventory/questionnaire that has been proved to be valid and widely accepted in the field.
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Alaa, I understand that You want to measure the student's socialization. To this, I believe you should observe how a participant or non-participant the day by day and write your impressions in a notebook (field diary). The interations can be displayed. You can create a table with a socialization's level. Questionaires or interviews can to help you. They'd be auxiliar's tools.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
56 answers
Studies in Learning Styles are quite different in the way they conceive the scope of Learning Styles. For examples, Coffield et al. (2004) identified 5 families of learning styles:
  • constitutionally-based learning styles and preferences
  • cognitive structure stable
  • stable personality type
  • ‘flexibly' stable personality type
  • learning approaches and strategies.
In each family, there are many models and inventories to examine student's Learning Styles. Coffield et al. gathered these models which are counted to 71 model. I already studied many of these models but I couldn't find any inventory that consider how the students interact in their social network (real life and online) as part of their learning styles. First, do you know any inventory that include this factor? If not, do you consider this thought worth studying?
Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E., & Ecclestone, K. (2004). Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning: A systematic and critical review. Trowbridge, Wiltshire: Learning & Skills Research Centre.
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Yes, as students are socialized in different ways in their own cultures and bring this socialization to their learning environment. For example, research on Mexican students show that they value team work and perform better when working together in a learning context. I think my research article regarding accommodating learning styles for different cultural backgrounds can be helpful in answering your question:
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to eLearning
14 answers
I am interested in the processes of diffusion and sustainability of innovations and finding the connections between actions that enable and inhibit further adoption beyond the first wave of early adopters of proven elearning innovations in universities?
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I've looked at the Fishbone; and adored it as highly comprehensive. The only thing I really saw as missing was HR structure and process to recruit the right people for innovation/adoption. But I have a broad quibble as to whether the fishbone structure  isn't a generally applicable one, around technology adoption, rather than specific to Higher Education, an observation I feel highly relevant. The point is, in HE, I've seen ineffective technology as a barrier to adoption and I've seen resistance to change, but HE has a particular enabling factor for resistance to change, that you won't find elsewhere - Academic Freedom
  • asked a question related to eLearning
2 answers
We are planning some eReading experiments. Therefore we need standardized texts in German with different difficulties. Ideally, they should be rather short (1000-2000 characters including spaces) and tell a story or explain something (i.e. no senseless text).
I am glad for any help.
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One option may be the Gutenberg project, which has a large collection of free ebooks in german (see
There you find basically all classic authors like Goethe and Schiller, but also non-fiction. But since it collects just material which is free of IP issues, it does not contain "modern" literature.
  • asked a question related to eLearning
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I am interested in incorporating the use of a clicker (audience response systems) into our established large group lecture based curriculum in tertiary education. Many of the younger lecturers have been keen to have a go, but most of the older, more established teachers are reluctant or out-right refuse to try. There is plenty of literature to support the benefits of this technology in this setting, but the uptake has still been difficult.
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Jennifer, I do not know about the research but I use mobile technology to facilitate this as it helps to break up the mass lecturer and provides multidimensional formative feedback.  This approach to student centred involvement promotes satisfaction and belongingness within the student population.
I present a QR code to the students via the projector which takes them directly to the vote/ response form.  I tend to use google form as the data is instantly presented in graph form. I have some secondary school friends who have taken this a step further and the interface look like game show 'millionaire.'
  • asked a question related to eLearning
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Research That can include any of the following:
-  Evolution of Digital Technologies relevant to the Target Audiences
-  Impact of Digital Technologies on the Target Audiences
-  Digital Technologies and their Impact Locally and Globally on the Industry 
- Future Trends
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