Science topics: eBook
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eBook - Science topic

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Questions related to eBook
  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
Geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) is not just a tool but a potential revolution in geospatial data analysis. It is rapidly becoming a powerful force, providing unprecedented insights into complex environmental and societal challenges. From mapping and modeling land cover changes to mapping flood-risk areas, GeoAI is set to transform geospatial decision-making, harnessing the power of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) for more effective solutions.
GeoAI models can more efficiently analyze massive geospatial datasets such as high-resolution satellite imagery than traditional methods. This allows us to uncover patterns and trends that would be difficult to detect manually. It also helps automate complex tasks such as feature engineering and improve predictions. GeoAI is also valuable for solving real-world problems such as urban planning, forest conservation, disaster risk management, and climate change adaptation.
However, despite these benefits, GeoAI has its challenges. The complexity of ML and DL models often results in a lack of transparency due to their "black box" nature. This makes it difficult for users to trust the results. Data quality can significantly impact the performance of GeoAI models, leading to potential biases or inaccuracies in predictions. Furthermore, spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity are not readily incorporated into GeoAI, limiting its ability to capture the underlying spatial dynamics of geospatial data fully. Interpreting these results requires specialized knowledge, which may limit the accessibility of GeoAI for broader audiences.
Please share your experiences or thoughts on how we can effectively balance the benefits of GeoAI with the need for transparency and trust in geospatial data analysis.
Are you interested in learning more? You can download the ebook GeoAI Unveiled: Case Studies in Explainable GeoAI for Environmental Modeling here:
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Great job! Keep up the good work. This information is super helpful. I'm really looking forward to reading this book.
  • asked a question related to eBook
2 answers
The Role of the Fulbright Coordinator, Faculty Associate, and Community Mentor in the Success of the Fulbright Program: Tarla, Dr Divine N: 9781638819295: Books
(English, Fench, ebook and Paperback)
Poverty and Food Insecurity in Africa: The Voice of the Voiceless: Tarla, Dr Divine: 9798890615909: Books
(English, Fench, ebook and Paperback)
Evangelism in the twenty-first century anchored on building relationships: Tarla, Divine N., Tarla, Dr Divine N., Ambe, Ms Geraldine B., Awasung, Ms Stella N, Mayuka, Ms Carine M, Neba, Mr. Maurice, Ndifongwa, Dr. Emmanuel S: 9798375284422: Books
(English, Fench, ebook and Paperback)
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  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
Is it ethical and copyrightable to post ebooks created by ChatGPT on the Internet that lack citation references and commonly plagiarize entire sentences, paragraphs, chapters from other publications taken by OpenAI from various websites?
Over the past few months, a number of offers of various consulting services, training courses and webinars have appeared on online social media, which initially offer the first trial lessons, webinars, training courses as part of a promotion for free and subsequent ones for a fee. Initially, ebooks are offered free of charge as part of the promotion, which are usually developed with the help of ChatGPT, are of poor content quality, usually containing only general, well-known, popular science knowledge, which can be found independently on the Internet on various websites. Besides, the ebooks created with the help of ChatGPT or other similar intelligent chatbots do not contain all the sources correctly listed. Besides, the resulting ebooks contain many passages, whole sentences, paragraphs taken from other publications that are not shown in the bibliography, and plagiarism thus occurs. In addition, in the field of expertise, there are factual errors and irrational, random, random, combined content from different sources, and thus inconsistent with the facts, ridiculous content and/or descriptions of "fictitious facts" occur. This is because much of the database that constitutes the sources of data and information for ChatGPT is factually outdated, as it dates from late 2021 or January 2022. It may happen that in the ChatGPT-generated text there may be some sensitive data of specific companies or public institutions, which found themselves there accidentally by being mistakenly entered into ChatGPT by an employee of a specific company or institution. In view of the above, there are still gaps in paragraphs in the legal norms defining the rules for the correct use of tools such as ChatGPT, and still the adaptation of legal norms to the rapidly developing technology is often done with too much delay. Besides, popular online social media even feature partly free and partly paid training courses and webinars, where Internet users learn how to create texts for articles, columns, essays, etc., as well as chapters for books, which can be published as ebooks, in a relatively easy way with the help of applications available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence technology. Besides, in addition to text, graphics, photos, drawings, etc., which are included in the texts of chapters in ebooks can also be generated semi-automatically in applications based on generative artificial intelligence technology. It also happens that during the aforementioned online trainings and webinars, access is sold to specially created websites that act as intermediary platforms, overlays that contain links to various AI-based web applications, which have been classified in a certain way on a specially created platform and, to make identification more difficult, the links are called by different names relative to the web applications to which they direct. In addition, many of these web-based applications based on generative AI technology are made available on the Internet on the original source sites free of charge. On the other hand, on intermediary platforms created by companies or sole proprietors that contain links referencing these applications, access is paid for and is often sold as part of so-called promotional offers during the conducted, aforementioned online training courses and webinars. Internet users usually learn about such online trainings and webinars from banners and advertising posts posted on popular online social media sites.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Is it ethical and copyrightable to post on the Internet ebooks created by ChatGPT that lack citation references and commonly plagiarize entire sentences, paragraphs, chapters from other publications taken by OpenAI from various websites?
Is it ethical to post ebooks created by ChatGPT on the Internet that lack citation references and plagiarism commonly occurs?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Ethical questions nowadays are the most important ones especially concerning AI development. It is unethical to use a material without proper references and citations, and a plagiarism is still unacceptable. Authors and researchers who use AI to create an ebooks have to be critical to what was generated and add references manually if other ways do not work.
  • asked a question related to eBook
1 answer
Somebody can share me this book in pdf format?
I really need it for a project.
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Hola Julián, no tengo el libro pero me dedico al tema. Quizás pueda ayudarte.
  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
If any has an eBook on "financial management for nonprofits" to be used in my class as I will be teaching Master student course in the coming spring. Please if you have it share with me.
Moh' Awad
  • asked a question related to eBook
2 answers
Climate change and pollution are global problems and concerns. However, poor research scientists and the grassroots community from developing countries may not have the ability to purchase environmental books that are very expensive to them. One of the ways we can support them is by writing simple eBook(s) in plain English and supplying books free of cost. Do you have any suggestions?
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Dear Paul
Thank you for your feedback
We have taken some steps to translate selected environmental books which are in English into the native language(s) and supply them free!
  • asked a question related to eBook
1 answer
Hello i hope u doing well , I need some new E- books about the transfer and transplantation of organs in legal side.
With my respects.
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  • asked a question related to eBook
2 answers
I am interested in medical image processing using the python field, I want your help to start my journey in this field
Great Thanks to everyone
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Thank you for your reply.
  • asked a question related to eBook
10 answers
Many educational institutions replaced the textbook with electronic book. Is this a correct move, or still the printed textbook has readers?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
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Congratulations on your publication - apologies for not replying sooner. Have you done more work on the area since your original question/forum?
  • asked a question related to eBook
2 answers
It is very confusing when one sees a Springer (e.g.) eBook available for buying, while some claim that the same book is available free of cost on libgen.
What is the dilemma? Is it a matter of legalities only?
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Anton Vrdoljak That was helpful.
  • asked a question related to eBook
7 answers
I am looking for detailed ebooks on architectural materials and finishes that includes the whole list of pros and cons of using that particular material. Can someone suggest me some ebooks/magazines you came across?
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Dear Lizny Jaufer,
The architecture of the Present
Contemporary architecture is the architecture of the twenty-first century, constantly changing and encompassing a variety of styles ranging from high-tech design and open spaces to forms that reflect movement, some resembling massive sculptures. Contemporary architectural styles share characteristics such as the use of modern building materials and computer-aided design, which encourage taller, lighter buildings of organic design. The "Birds Nest" sports complex in Beijing and the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, both of which demonstrate the free-flowing forms possible with 3-D modeling software, are notable examples of contemporary architecture. The Kauffman Performing Arts Center in Kansas City is a local example, with its naturalistic metal forms and structural curtain wall of glass.
As a result of industrialization, modern architecture developed in response to new industrialized materials and technologies, resulting in-plane and sleek facades shunting ornamentation and rejecting earlier traditional styles, materials, and construction techniques. The material contributes to the physical form of a design. The only factor that is tangible in nature is building materiality. And this tangible component provides a variety of intangible emotions and feelings that can be controlled by choosing the appropriate material.
1. Concrete In Modern Architecture
2. Brick In Modern Architecture
3. Steel In Modern Architecture
4. Glass In Modern Architecture
5. Aluminum In Modern Architecture
6. Natural Stone In Modern Architecture
7. Wood In Modern Architecture
8. Tiles Design In Modern Architecture
  • asked a question related to eBook
9 answers
I could find many platforms when I google, like notionpress, prowesspub, including amazon.
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Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a free e-publishing site that allows you to publish your eBook without paying a single penny to the publisher.
To upload the eBook to the site, you may have to convert it to Amazon’s proprietary format. The website automatically converts word (Doc), Pdf, Html, and ePub format to Kindle’s proprietary format.
  • asked a question related to eBook
4 answers
Hello Everyone!
I have recently started my research in Surface Plasmon Resonance and I was wondering if someone can share some in-depth papers or ebooks regarding understanding the Math and concepts behind Surface Plasmons on various cases and surfaces. Actually, I am looking behind understanding the physics and math behind how they are created and their various cases and consideration. If someone can guide me through, that can be really helpful.
Thank you in advance
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To start with and to get an insight into the field of Plasmonics, my advice is to start by reading good review articles on Plasmonics. These will really help you to get acquainted with the recent happenings in the field and motivate you to think about the real problem and opportunity at hand.
At the same time, the book suggested by
Farooq Abdulghafoor Khaleel
is really good for learning the concepts required for reserach.
Some of the important papers are attached for your help.
Thank you.
  • asked a question related to eBook
4 answers
Lecture Theatre and/or Presentation
•Place the QR Code in a slide that links to a YouTube video you want the students to watch, but you don’t want them to take up your valuable time in your lecture by showing them there and then.
•Generate QR Codes that refer to materials the students may want to explore, but you haven’t time to show them in the limited lecture/seminar times.
•Place the QR Code in your slides that links to the information about the core text for the lecture, details of what it is and where in the Library it can be found (floor, section, shelf details, etc, or even link to eBook version if it’s available?).
•Generate a QR Code that links to an online survey or question you want them to answer while they’re with you, and show them the results (like a CPS system?)
•Put the QR Code at the end or your presentation for the students to scan as they exit the theatre, that links to an audio copy of the lecture, or to the activity you’ve asked them to do.
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^^ To: All 19 million scientists and researchers at RG platform!
  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
Due to coronavirus protocols I am now considering whether I am able to digitise the picturebooks I want to use for research purposes with children. Maybe I would have to approach individual author's/author's estates?
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I think you'd have to contact the publisher and author for this, as it wouldn't be fair, but if you're going to put indications that the material will only be used for research purposes and not for anything else, then I think it's possible.
  • asked a question related to eBook
4 answers
O 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico é considerado um período formativo essencial no percurso escolar de cada sujeito. A Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto (ESE—P.PORTO) irá promover um seminário que tem como objetivo refletir e partilhar perspetivas e investigações sobre o currículo, as práticas e a identidade docente, no âmbito do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O seminário — O 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico — Que identidade(s)? | Currículo, práticas e formação docente — dirige-se a todos que, de forma direta ou indireta, se relacionam com este nível de ensino, como professores, futuros professores, formadores de professores, investigadores, pais/encarregados de educação, dirigentes políticos e comunidade em geral.
A realizar-se em abril de 2019, o Seminário é gratuito com inscrição obrigatória e pretende contar com a intervenção de um grupo alargado de participantes, incentivando-se que sejam feitas diferentes propostas para comunicações, a realizar em sessões paralelas, conforme é indicado no programa.
O envio de resumos termina no dia 17 de fevereiro, e após o evento será publicado um ebook com as atas de todas as comunicações.
Mais informações no site:
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  • asked a question related to eBook
4 answers
We are undergraduate students and would like to work on simulating tsunamis. Could you suggest study material/ebooks/lectures to learn SPH basics from? 
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In adittion to all interesting posts in this thread, I would like to add that
for 2D/3D simulation, it is useful the free code of the book by G. Liu & M. Liu, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. For example, 3D water drop formation can be reproduced fairly well by this book methodology & code.
  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
The electronic form of it does not exist anymore on the Internet. I even contacted Polygon publishing house and they told me they don't sell it anymore. A year ago, I bought " The Burn" (another collection by James Kelman ) and now I regret I did not buy "The Good Times" with it for it was available then. Anyway, i am hoping that sb have the ebook.
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Dear mate, Unfortunately I could not find this version in my ebook collection. I got only this book about this writer:
The Edinburgh Companion to James Kelman (Edinburgh Companions to Scottish Literature).
Hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to eBook
4 answers
Does anybady know about smo journals ebook: Cervical Cancer: Recent Research and Review Studies ? Is it predator?
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  • asked a question related to eBook
5 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I am looking for a basic protocol to process rodents testicles and ovaries to examine their general histological structures as well as to examine spermatogenesis and folliculogenesis respectively.
I used to refer to McManus-Mowry or Bancroft, but I lost my physical books somewhere... Could you help me if the ebook version is available?
Or... I would be happy if you have another recommended references for me. Thank you :)
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Hi Laksmindra
In addition to the sites recommended by Subhash, the attached article may also be helpful. All the best
  • asked a question related to eBook
4 answers
Does anyone have a copy of the book :Cloud Robotics Technologies, Solutions, Challenges, and Market Opportunities 2018 – 2023
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Hi Parag,
I saw the table of content but would require the text for each content.
Thank you.
  • asked a question related to eBook
2 answers
Dear colleagues,
I am looking for interesting reviews, chapters or ebooks concerning mycoremediation of Polystyrene.
Thanks for your response.
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Dear Julian,
Thank you very much for your kind response.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to eBook
1 answer
Dear Scientist,
Bentham Science is an established international publisher of quality print and online journals and ebooks covering varied disciplines of science, technology, medicine and social sciences. A number of notable journals published by Bentham have impact factor rankings, Bentham ebooks are indexed in various indexing agencies like Scopus and Chemical Abstracts. Please visit our website Bentham eBooks for more information. Considering your important contributions in the field of Ethnoveterinary medicine: A system-based approach (book 1 and book 2), we would like to invite you to submit your proposal for an eBook in your scholarly area of expertise as an author.
In case you are interested in publishing your chapter with Bentham eBooks, please send us a one-page abstract till April 23.
Each eBook manuscript must be submitted in MS word format till June 23. The chapter would be subject to peer-review by a neutral panel of international experts and subsequently by an advisory board of Bentham Science to assess its scientific merit, timeliness and potential readership, prior to approval. Please visit the Author Guidelines for further instructions about manuscript preparation.
If you have any further questions, please contact us by replying to this discussion.
With kind regards,
Isaac Karimi (DVM, DVSc in Physiology)
Editorial board of Cardiovascular and Hematological Disorders - Drug Targets, Bentham
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Razi University 67149-67346, Kermanshah, Iran. Phone: +989129480462
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Dear Dr Dutta, Any drop of neglected ethnoveterinary medicine may bring us to a hidden ocean of knowledge, therefore it worth to prepare and publish your idea. To your knowledge, in this book, authors are free to write their chapter in classic or narrative format. I am waiting your chapter and please do not hesitate to invite your young colleagues to contribute. India is the cradle of ethno-sciences and your contribution is welcomed. Cheers, Isaac,
  • asked a question related to eBook
5 answers
I am working on a research paper for school and have to reference a book or ebook on Police Social Workers. I have found plenty of peer reviewed articles and journal postings, but have not come across a good research book. Any help would be appreciated!
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  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
I need to access the book : Energy Efficiency in Air Transportation Published by elsevier. I tried many options but no use. Since i can't afford to buy this, is there any way to access the ebooks
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  • asked a question related to eBook
1 answer
Interested to review eBook titled "Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adults- Clinical Cases and Approved Practice" edited by Dmitrieva Elena Germanovna, please contact
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I am a book reviewer and professional beta reader. If you are still seeking reviews, I can help.
  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
Whatsapp, Facebook and some other social media are intensively used by students. Particularly in under graduate level its use is more. Most challenging situation as teachers, we face,, students are using these social medias in classroom, either overtly or covertly. Even it is not possible to check, whether all students have switched off their is difficult to ban to carry mobile in class room. Please share your view... So that, at least we can stop use social media during class lectures........... Please
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  • asked a question related to eBook
2 answers
I am searching for a ebook: The Politics of Policy Making in Defense and Foreign Affairs: Conceptual Models and Bureaucratic Politics written by R. Hilsman.
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Thank you. But those articles are different.
  • asked a question related to eBook
39 answers
I have received a mail from Omniscriptum Publishing Group offering the possibility to publish some of my works with them in ebook format. I woul like to know if someone has experience with this. Is it worth to send them a manuscript? What kind of impact this type of published work has? They say that the orocess is completely free, is there any caaution I should have about this?
  • asked a question related to eBook
4 answers
Dear Scholars,
The book is very costly so if anyone have the pdf or ebook please mail me on
Thank you
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Please can i also have the book? My email is
  • asked a question related to eBook
5 answers
I need a comprehensive handwriting, book or ebook of GT-suit software. specially GT-power tool.
I will be very thankful for any help.
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GT-SUITE is the industry-leading simulation tool with capabilities and libraries aimed at a wide variety of applications and industries.
  • asked a question related to eBook
2 answers
I have proposed to bracket my views in my research.I would like to read more on Moustakas work on the subject.
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Go to Genesis library; his books are free there.
  • asked a question related to eBook
6 answers
I am very confused because it is not very clear to me whether there is a dance between reflexivity and bracketing as Finaly(2008) suggests.Anyone with that eBook please send it to me?
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Dora, I don't have Finaly (2008) and the references on my bookshelves are probably a bit out of date (e.g. Ahern 1999) but still provide a useful foundation for understanding. In my view, the two are sequential. Given that your research topic has probably been derived from your own interest, reflexivity is almost bound to be built in - as soon as you have data to analyse, you will reflect on it in light of personal experience. You can never (I believe) be totally objective or unbiased because your own experience will colour your perceptions, but you then need to bracket off your own instinctive responses when you are interpreting the data further so that your findings are - as far as possible - based on your respondents' views, not your own. You can compare/contrast them as you wind up towards conclusion. I offer this based on my own experience and others might disagree - that's the nature of qualitative research! But that, to me, is what makes it vibrant and challenging.
  • asked a question related to eBook
1 answer
I have been reading the article entitled, "Some Statistical Techniques for Bio-Efficacy Trials" (
I am conducting a mortality trial with a non-uniform population. It appears that the Sun-Shepherd formula is best suited for corrected efficacy. I would be very grateful for feedback concerning the controls:
1. As we are normalizing to the controls, do I normalize the controls with the formula? Or do I leave the controls as is when conducting statistical comparisons? 2. When determining the value of the controls do I use the average of the controls or do I randomly select a control value?
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Dear Thomson M. Paris,
I suggest you to see links and attached files in subject.
-The Impact of Tumor Biology on Cancer Treatment and ...
-Advances in Biology and Treatment of Glioblastoma
-Principles of Bone Biology
-Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine 8
-Biology of Bile Acids in Health and Disease
-Abeloff's Clinical Oncology E-Book
Best regards
  • asked a question related to eBook
5 answers
We're considering to join a consortium for licensing IGI Global eBooks - is IGI a legitimate publisher? One of our researchers said it's not a reliable publisher and what can be found online is quite contradictory.
We're kind of surprised by this because the German National Library of Economics is negotiating this consortial offer - we just assumed it to be fool proof. Please let me know about your experiences!
Thanks in advance!
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I think this is not a serious publisher. See "Rogue book publishers" in
  • asked a question related to eBook
1 answer
How should design differ on mobile devices to drive deep learning and motivation?
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There is a great book on this issue. published by Springer.
  • asked a question related to eBook
1 answer
This book should be well-received or acclaimed in our profession.
This book should be also concise, comprehensive, accurate, no redundant, well-organized in strucutre.
I post a ebook that I think it is good in explaination of some research technique. It is comply with these requirements above.
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My dear friend,
My new book has published. It is about design
as you are in this field i hope you will like it
Please read it and share it with everyone. It is talking about prosumer also for the first time in this book we talk about magic and its power in product design. It is talking also about future of consumers .I request you put the link of book on your page and your school website for your students.
Name: Everyone Is a Designer
Author: Mohsen Jaafarnia
Publisher: MJ
Ghochan, 2017
In Persian, Chinese and English
Topic: Industrial Design
Jaafarnia, Mohsen (2017). Everyone Is Designer. Ghochan, Iran : MJ Publication. ISBN: 978-600-04-7870-4
  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
If possible share me some Ebook or website link where I can learn the details of characterization which are to be known by a student working on nanomaterials
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Hi Hitesh,
If you search for the books or papers authored by 'Mildred S. Dresselhaus' there would be good options to learn characterization techniques and different aspects of nanomaterials.
  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
I need to ebooks and articles that explain how to preprocessing and analyzing of resting state fmri data.
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In SPM's web site, there are a lot of documents that can provide answers to your questions
  • asked a question related to eBook
4 answers
its for my long essay 
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Thanks a lot
  • asked a question related to eBook
4 answers
I want to pursue my research using thermal imaging techniques. For that i am in need of books related to thermal imaging applications, challenges, research opportunities etc..
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Dear Sasikumar Balasubramanian,
These books have been attached:
1. Thermal Imaging Techniques: Proceedings of a Conference Held October 4–5, 1962 at Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts [1 ed.]
2. Thermal imaging techniques to survey and monitor animals in the wild : a methodology [1 ed.]
3. Infrared Thermal Imaging: Fundamentals, Research and Applications [1 ed.]
Hope to be useful.
Best Regards
  • asked a question related to eBook
3 answers
Particle swarm optimization, Ant Colony optimization, Bees algorithm, Bacterial Foraging  Optimization algorithm
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The first two algorithms are well surveyed in "Computational intelligence : an introduction (Andries P. Engelbrecht)". The pdf is available on the web.
  • asked a question related to eBook
2 answers
How to set up a commodities collection - books, ebooks, journals, ejournals and databases - in a business library?
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Hello Balbinder, Are you looking to identify a classification scheme to manage these resources ? It would be helpful to know.
  • asked a question related to eBook
2 answers
We are planning some eReading experiments. Therefore we need standardized texts in German with different difficulties. Ideally, they should be rather short (1000-2000 characters including spaces) and tell a story or explain something (i.e. no senseless text).
I am glad for any help.
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One option may be the Gutenberg project, which has a large collection of free ebooks in german (see
There you find basically all classic authors like Goethe and Schiller, but also non-fiction. But since it collects just material which is free of IP issues, it does not contain "modern" literature.
  • asked a question related to eBook
6 answers
Most ebooks in academic libraries live in the cloud and are browser based with no need for a dedicated reader. However some books would be more useful if one can download the entire book and use it offline. There are various options in doing so, ranging from the use of a dedicated reader, to an application on a tablet to a smartphone and even a PDF or EPUB file downloaded to a computer.
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About two years ago, I thought that eBooks would be the way to go. I purchased a Kindle and found out, subsequently, that many titles I sought were not compatible. Furthermore, I found that often times there was a time limit on the textbook type eBooks - meaning the books deactivate and deny access after a stated time period (e.g., 4 months), and this occurs despite the fact that the eBooks are nearly the same cost as the print versions. I have opted to continue purchasing the majority of my books in hard copy for these two reasons (i.e., cost & time limits). When I am able to purchase an eBook without time restrictions, then I most certainly do so.
I do also send many journal articles, in PDF format, to my Kindle.