Science method

X-Ray Spectroscopy - Science method

X-Ray Spectroscopy are x-rays are emitted during electronic transitions to the inner shell states in atoms of modest atomic number. These X-rays have characteristic energies related to the atomic number, and each element therefore has a characteristic X-ray spectrum, thereby permitting optical analyses.
Questions related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
1 answer
While the plot is displayed in the analysis section when selecting the "crystallite size and strain" option in the workflow, the corresponding data values are not included in the report. The report only features the plot's graphical representation.
Note: It is possible to derive the graphs through manual calculations; however, acquiring the data values directly from the software following the fitting process would enhance both convenience and precision.
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Dear @Sangram Keshari Mohanty,
To obtain the data values for a Halder-Wagner plot or a Williamson-Hall plot after performing Rietveld refinement in PDXL2 software, follow these steps:
1. Perform Rietveld Refinement:
Complete the Rietveld refinement in PDXL2 using your powder XRD data. Ensure the refinement provides accurate peak profile parameters, as these are essential for strain and crystallite size analysis in the subsequent steps.
2. Extract Peak Broadening Parameters:
After Rietveld refinement, look for peak broadening parameters such as FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) or integral breadth of each peak. These values are critical for both Halder-Wagner and Williamson-Hall analyses.
In PDXL2, go to the "Results" section to find refined values for each peak.
3. Identify and Note Reflection Angles (2θ) and Broadening Values:
Record the 2θ values and corresponding peak broadening values for each diffraction peak. PDXL2 typically provides these in the peak list or profile fit results.
4. Calculate Williamson-Hall Plot Data:
For a Williamson-Hall plot:Calculate the strain (ε) and crystallite size (D) using the equation:
βcos⁡θ = kλ/D + 4ϵsin⁡θ
where β is the peak broadening, θ is the Bragg angle, k is a constant (usually 0.9), and λ is the wavelength of the X-ray source.
Plot β cos θ versus 4 sin θ using the extracted data.
5. Calculate Halder-Wagner Plot Data:
For a Halder-Wagner plot:Use the equation:
β²cos⁡²θ/sin⁡θ = k²λ²/D² + ϵ² sin⁡θ
which separates strain and crystallite size contributions more effectively than the Williamson-Hall method.
Calculate values for β²cos⁡²θ/sin⁡θ and sin⁡θ.
6. Export or Record Data:
To export data from PDXL2:Go to File > Export > Data and select the relevant parameters if the software allows.
Alternatively, manually record each 2θ, β, β cos θ, 4 sin θ, or β²cos⁡²θ/sin⁡θ values for plotting.
7. Plotting:
Use software like Excel or Origin to generate the Halder-Wagner or Williamson-Hall plots by inputting the calculated data.
These plots help in assessing the microstrain and crystallite size of materials by analyzing the slope and intercept of the linear fit to the data.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
To determine the weight percentage of iron oxides in glass, Mössbauer spectroscopy is one of the best options, but unfortunately, this analysis is not performed in Iran, and X-ray spectroscopy is not able to perform such analysis due to the amorphous structure of glass and the low percentage of iron oxides. Please let me know if you have experience or information about an analysis to determine iron oxide weight percentages and glass redox determination.
Thank you for your time in line.
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EDS, XRF, RBS, SIMS ... can be used for Fe analysis in soda lime glass.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
9 answers
Dear colleagues,
recently there was a question here on RG about a mysterious high energy shoulder of a gamma peak.The real reason for that is unknown up to now.
One of my ideas is EMI interference with cell phone radiation.
It is well known, that cell phone (handy) radiation affects/irritates sensitive electronic equipment.
A HPGe detector is such a sensitive device.
Does anybody of you have performed tests about that issue; are there any experiences?
Any contributions are welcome...
Thanks in advance and best regards
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does the shoulder appear in the total energy peak in the HPGe gamma spectrum of certain samples, there are two probabilities, if the problem in the HPGE detector, adjust it if not it is problem due to the high activity of the sample therefore it is necessary to remove the sample at the level of the detector to eliminate the peak sum phonomene
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
7 answers
Even though Artemis gives an error bar on the EXAFS fitting but it assumes the value to be zero at certain R values.
In the case of data with some experimental noise, the error bar needs to be corrected, weighted by the square root of the reduced chi-squared value, taking into account the experimental noise for each R-space spectrum from 15 to 25 Å, as described in
How do calculate the uncertainties in the coordination number when EXAFS is fitted using Artemis?
Thanks in advance
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Thanks, Gerhard Martens it was indeed insightful
I have one more case where relatively good data (up to k=14) gives the following fitting (see attached).
it still show a huge error bar? can it be solved somehow?
Thanking you,
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
While talking about X-ray spectroscopy, how can we briefly describe the fluorescence and Auger effect? And what will be the difference between them,
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Fluorescence: After absorbing an X-Ray photon, the substance reemits a characteristic X-ray photon again (no ionization, works basically like "normal" UV-Vis fluorescence).
Auger: The X-Ray absorption leads to photoemission of a core electron (could be seen with XPS). A lesser bound electron, often from the valence shell, fills the core state vacancy. This process sets free energy that leads to emission of another electron. Example:
C KLL Auger means: a K-shell (1s orbital) electron was emitted in the first step. An L-shell electron filled the K-shell vacancy. This lead to the emission of another L-shell electron. Since the L-shell is also the valence shell of carbon, this process is also named KVV in some tables.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
Does anyone have experience running any Shimadzu XRF instrument, in particular the EDX8000? We are looking for application notes or advice for analysing geological samples. We appear to be having problems with the software. If you can help, please contact Nathan Halcovitch email:
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I think the best advice would be to contact the manufacturer. They should be able to send you the documentation you need, or if they're good, even diagnose what's going on remotely, or help you navigate through the software.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
7 answers
I have XRD(x-ray diffraction) data saved in Excel sheet which is including Position(2 theta), Iobs[cts], Icalc[cts], Iback[cts], D spacings, CT [s]. Iobs = intensity observed, Icalc = intensity calculated, Iback= Intensity backscattered
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Link will be helpful to smooth XRD data by removing signal noise using origin
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
For the best of my knowledge, the absorption (excitation) energies calculations (using Gaussian) are performed on outer shell electrons therefore we obtain "simulated UV-Vis spectrum". But I need to calculate energies of core electrons so that I can obtain simulated X-ray spectrum. Anyone knows how to do that??????
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Thanks Ulf.......I need to calculate simulated X-ray absorption spectrum of benzimidazole derivative
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
5 answers
I have a mixture of three different oxide powders ball milled in ethanol and then dried in a beaker. I would like to determine how well they mixed before sintering step. What procedure should I follow? What method can be used else?
Thank you very much.
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I'd make a special test specimen to check homogeneity. Mill, mix, sinter, cut, polish, examine with EDS. If oxides are of different elements, you can get good results. For oxides of the same element EDS is not the best method.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
5 answers
How to convert EPMA data in wt% of sulphides in to apfu (atom per formula unit)
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Excuse me, whether I can convert the LA-ICP-MS data(ppm) to apfu (atoms per formula unit)?
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
4 answers
Will it tell the dopant concentration accurately? I have done several times however, I could not get the accurate result?
Did anyone got the accurate results in weight percentage terms for the dopant concentration?
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Dear Rajagopalan
After of several years of experience applying TXRF spectroscopy, a variant of ED-XRF spectrometry, to the analysis of all kinds of matrixes, including dopant elements in stoichiometric materials, I believe that the lower source of uncertainty for dopant quantification is the technique used in the evaluation. In general and today, all types of analytical instrumentation of ED-XRF are robust and confidence. Nevertheless, the higher source of uncertainty that I have found in all the cases were first the sample homogeneity that is, segregation of the element in the solid sampled synthetized and second, the sample preparation for the ED-XRF instrumentation used and of course, the correct calibration of the system. Good luck.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
4 answers
Have a nice day everyone,
How does a Si/Ge photon detector discern energy from intensity, when both the energy of a photon and intensity of photons would proportionally contribute to the signal?
(The following is optional to read)
The working principles of energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) include the use of a semiconductor detector. The semiconductor is induced electron-hole pairs upon incident ionizing radiation. The number of induced electron pairs is proportional to the energy of the incident photon.
Ehv = N Eeh
where Ehv is the energy of an incident photon; Eeh is the electron-hole pair formation energy and N is the number of induced electron-hole pairs.
It is said that the detector use this proportionality to discern the energy of incident x-rays.
However, the number of induced electron-hole pairs is also proportional to the incident photon intensity/flux/number. Then we should also have
NhvEhv = Nt Eeh (I added this one. It was not written in the textbook.)
where Nhv is the incident photon number and Nt is the total electron-hole pair number induced: Nt = Nhv N
The question is: How does a semiconductor detector discern photon energy from photon intensity, if two of them both contribute to the number of electron-hole pair induced?
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adding to Erik's answer. The electronics of the detector must be designed to collect the electrons from a single photon. The detector and electronic system has a rate limit on collecting and forming the electron pulse. The photon rate striking the detector must be lower than the rate limit of the detector and electronics. The higher the photon rate the more pulse pile up and summing. A too high photon rate will render the system useless for both energy and intensity.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
Have a nice day everyone,
The working principles of energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) include the use of a semiconductor detector. The semiconductor is induced electron-hole pairs upon incident ionizing radiation. The number of induced electron pairs is proportional to the energy of the incident photon.
Ehv = N Eeh
where Ehv is the energy of an incident photon; Eeh is the electron-hole pair formation energy and N is the number of induced electron-hole pairs.
It is said that the detector use this proportionality to discern the energy of incident x-rays.
However, the number of induced electron-hole pairs is also proportional to the incident photon intensity/flux/number. Then we should also have
NhvEhv = Nt Eeh (I added this one. It was not written in the textbook.)
where Nhv is the incident photon number and Nt is the total electron-hole pair number induced: Nt = Nhv N
The question is: How does a semiconductor detector discern photon energy from photon intensity, if two of them both contribute to the number of electron-hole pair induced?
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Dear Yen-Chun Chen,
your issue is a matter of the time scale of the incoming photons.
Imagine that you have got ‚only‘ 1 photon for example in 1 sec.
Here the detector has enough time to collect the charges and to provide a voltage signal in the form of a voltage peak. The shaping time of the detector’s circuitry governs the width of the peak. Its height is proportional to your number N = Ehv / Eeh given above by you.
So far all things are ok.
But now the intensity comes into play.
Having increasing photon intensity falling onto the detector the time distance between two successive photons more and more decreases down to that point when two photons interact with the detector within the shaping time of the detector.
In the worst case now the electric charges arising from absorption of two photon are collected and the voltage peak height will be proportional to the sum N1+N2 of the two charge clouds. This effect is called ‚pile-up‘. However due to the statistical distribution of the photon time distances in the x-ray beam the fraction of voltage peaks suffering from pile-up is quite small. But for increasing intensity the amount of pile-up events increases nonlinearily.
For sufficient ‚high‘ photon intensity even three-photon pile-up events may show up.
In a peaky x-ray spectrum (e. g. from x-ray fluorescence or gammas from radio nuclides) pile-up shows up when sum peaks in addition to XRF or gamma peaks are popping up. Sum peaks have got the an energy position which is equal to the sum of the photon energies of the involved photons (double or even triple photon coincidence).
In countinous x-ray spectra arising from an x-ray tube, pile-up artifacts are seen as an up-coming photon background beyond the kV limit of the x-ray spectrum. In the ideal case(i.e. no pile up) only a very few counts are showing up from surrounding radio-activity and radiation from space.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
9 answers
When a sample is irradiated by an X-ray lamp, some amount of the radiation is absorbed by the sample at absorption edges and some remains as a background. Is a decrease of the background uniform for all energies over the absorption edge or only part close to the absorption edge is affected?
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The background is produced by multiple scattering inside the sample and is not uniform for all the energies (in fact, it can be even peaked in certain regions, for instance in correspondence with the scattering peaks or in their neighborhood). The presence of an absorption edge means that the sample absorbs more in correspondence with its energy which reduces the emission. However, to see this your detector should have a great resolution and the sample should not emit characteristic lines associated to the absorption edge. In other words, you could see this with low Z samples, far from scattering peaks, and extremely good detectors if your measurement is energy dispersive.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
i am looking for explanations on the common use of Cu K(alpha) in XRD
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Dear Jean,
x-ray applications  always suffer from low net x-ray flux at the detector. So it is obvious that the strongest  fluorescence line is taken for the XRD  measurements. For the case of Cu anode the flux ratio of Cu K-beta (1+3) to K-alpha(1+2) is about 0,14.
Unfortunately not only the K-alpha radiation contributes to the XRD pattern but also the bremskontinuum  of the x-ray spectrum.
The bremskontinuum will lead to a continuous background of the diffractograms.  So also here it it advantageous to use K-alpha because of its higher flux compared to K-beta.
Some more aspects (e.g. different anode material and K-beta blocking)  of this topic are given in the answers of a similar question here on RG some time ago. 
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
I wanna  calculate  detector efficiency .can output of F8 tally be used detector efficiency or must be normalize. for defining source how do I enter fraction of energy(the same energy fraction or must be normalize)
sdef erg=d1
si1 L  0 E1 E2
sp1 D 0 F1 F2      or D 0 F1/(F1+F2) F2/(F1+F2)
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As I know, MCNP code (if you mean it) normalize the data in source description. Output data in any tally will normalized by one source particle by default (if you dont multiply on any constants).
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
These two phases appeared in an EBSD analysis (Bruker system), but I have no access to the software/database.
Thank you
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yttrium oxide, Y2O3, has at least a couple of polymorphs; cubic and monoclinic symmetry. You should be able to check the symmetry of these within the software. Otherwise it may be as suggested above by Vladimir that multiple entries of the same symmetry have  been entered. Even oxides of the same symmetry can have varied unit cell values depending on how they've been fabricated.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
5 answers
If we take a silica crystalline sample and apply to it both XRD and XRF, is there any way to predict XRF diffraction peaks based on  the XRD results?
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When working with X-ray tube excitation and analyzing crystalline samples, diffraction peaks (Bragg peaks) can occur in the XRF spectrum. These are in principle the diffraction peaks from XRD, though difficult to calculate and predict. To my knowledge there is no commercial software which includes these peaks. Monte-Carlo methods should be best adapted for such calculations.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
In order to calculate the crystallinity of a polycrystalline material (eg. clays), I would like to use XRD. It needs to deconvolute the XRD pattern coming from crystalline part and amorphous part of the material. How can I decompose or deconvolute the XRD graph using PANalytical X pert High score plus, Version 2.0 software.
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I'm not so sure about HSP V 2.0. But to do determine the amorphous phase if you know all the crystalline phases is by spiking method; add known wt% of crystalline material (not in the specimen candidates), do the quantitative analysis, change the refinement wt% of the crystalline material by its true wt%, in v3 u'll get the amorphous wt%. Or you can do POCNKS : "Quantification of phases with partial or no known crystal structure“ Nicola V.Y. Scarlett and Ian C. Madsen, Powder Diffraction (2006) Vol. 21(4), p. 278 – 284.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
x-Ray model HF 110A 
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Please refer to earlier question answered previously by Shankaran Sir (suggested above by Gerhard Martens as well): The links are:
He has already described two methods to estimate the x-rays output or dose. See equation 1-8; quoted by him. 
Its a excellent reply describing the facts from basics.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
11 answers
Hi everybody,
Is there any way to analysis the XRD data with high quality? I don't want to use the software that there is for analyzing the XRD data. Is there also a way to do a quantitative comparison of two XRD spectra over Origin software?
Kind regards,
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Dear Ian,
Many thanks for your consideration.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
17 answers
I am working on a crystal, and collected both electron diffraction pattern (ED) and XRD pattern. The strange thing is, one ring (low index) in ED can not be assigned to any peaks in XRD. How does this happen? is there any difference in diffraction by using electron beam or x-ray?
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here's one page of the book I find by googling the multiple electron diffraction. It is an example of symmetrically forbidden reflections shows up in ED at certain condition.
I'm sure  you can find detailed discussion in any TEM textbook.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
Where is the location of the amorphous diffraction peaks of Ti ?
About 20 degree or 40degree?
Do all the amorphous diffraction peaks of metals locate under one or several  crystal diffraction peaks of this metal ?
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  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
4 answers
energy dispersive X-ray analysis
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The variation can have multiple reasons
a. statistics is not high enough and variation stays within the statistical error of the counts of the spectra (should cause small variations in the few % range)
solution: acquire longer to reach higher statistics so that variance disappear
b.  sample is inhomogeneous in composition and the effect is real.
solution : Acquire a map to document variation over a big field of view
c. Sample degrades under the beam ( contamination or bema damage can lead to loss or gain in signal of elements due to absorption or simply loss of oxygen or other light elements.
Solution : reduce dose to avoid damage or clean sample to avoid contamination
d. Geometric effects of collection:  A rough surfaces can lead to shadowing towards the detector, which leads to differences (especially the light x-rays are absorbed by the sample)
Solution : Polish sample to make it flat
e. Crystallographic effects or channeling. When the electron beam hits the sample in a crystallographic main zone axis the electron distribution in the sample can be inhomogeneous so that different atomic columns are illuminated unevenly, leading to chemical variation compared to a spectrum taken far away form the zone axis.
Solution : Try to stay away for zone axis by tilting
F. wrong background fitting parameters set-up in SW leading to wrong fitting of spectra leading to wrong intensity determination of the characteristic peaks and then for a wrong quantification.
solution : Check for manual which mode is recommended and change parameters accordingly
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
These fibers are very much hydrophilic. Making dry and powder sample by grinding in mortar-pestle become troublesome for me. Suggest a effective technique.
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It depends on what are you looking for by using XRD analysis. Also depend XRD equipment that you are using. Powder XRD can be one option, but it seems you had trouble of preparing the sample. If you need to prepare a flat surface sample, you can depose them or make the fiber sheet or simply compress them flat for a quick test.
Hope this will help
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
7 answers
Let's say Ni-20 Cu and Ni-30Cu. How the peak of each alloy varies in XRD. Can I be able to simulate the peaks or is there any package/software available for it?
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Vegards rule is a rule and no law. There are several mixtures which do not match to a simple linear interpolation between two constituents. One famous example is Au-Ag. In case of Cu and Ni it seems to be not critical.... see the attached link, however I have to admit that if you take the shown diagram and add the lattice parameter of Ni = 3.524A, the derived slope in the diagram will finally end in a lattice parameter for Ni which is considerably smaller than the correct one. Therefore, it might be that there is also a small deviation from vegards rule. I would suggest to look for some experimental data. Look e.g. the attached pdf. 
or the last reference.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
I have  porous samples  that exhibit unexpected narrowing of X-ray peaks in comparison with the starting GaAs substrate.
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may be due to coarser crystal size or thick flakes
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
6 answers
Fast neutrons
neutron counts
large neutron dose rate 
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Your question is unfortunately not fully complete. If the emission rate or fluence of a neutron source is known, we can calculate the same value at any distance using inverse square law. For the neutron sources mentioned by you, the fluence-to-dose equivalent conversion at a distance, d , can be computed using conversion factors for the particular neutron energy: Please refer to: NRC:10CFR 20.1004. Let me give you some values: For Am-Be, average energy of neutrons is 4.46 MeV and for Cf-252, average energy is 2.14 MeV and the corresponding fluence-to-dose equivalent factors are: Am-Be (QF=8.5): 1 rem = 24 x 106 n/cm2 and for Cf-252(QF=10); 1 rem = 28 x 106 n/cm2. The maximum permissible dose equivalent for a radiation worker is 20mSv/year or about 1mrem/hour (1 year = 52 weeks, 1 week = 40 working hours). From these values, you can work out whether, at the distance  away from the source you normally work, the dose is within the permissible limit. Otherwise, working backwards, calculate the distance at which you are safe. It may be of interest for you to know that you can design a shield for your neutron source by surrounding it by a paraffin cylinder on all sides to fully thermalize the fast neutrons which, in turn, is surrounded by a cadmium cylinder to absorb the thermal neutrons. The capture gamma rays produced by cadmium can be suppressed by surrounding this assembly by a further layer of lead on all sides. The high quality factor (QF) for neutrons implies neutrons are much more hazardous than gamma rays (QF=1). Personnel monitoring neutron badges are available from regulatory authorities. 
Hope the above analysis helps. For better accuracy, the energy spectrum of neutrons should be taken into account.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
11 answers
Dear All,
I was wondering what analytical method I should utilize in order to detect any chemical alteration in an organic sample that is irradiated by X-ray radiation?
Note: The color change was observed as a result of irradiation.
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You can also use IR and near-IR spectra. These methods are cheaper and often more easily applied to such samples.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
6 answers
Dear All,
Do you know if the peaks would be precise if I take the Raman of the sample which is stuck in the bottom of a very small vial? In other words, sample would be under the glass.
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Thanks Aurelio for sharing your experience. It was helpful. I actually will do my Raman today. I took the glass and glass+ sample first.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
I need to know the total elemental concentration of C, H, O, N, S, Si in a biomass sample. Is EDAX a more advanced and accurate technique than CHNX elemental analyzer?
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Be careful, because H you will not be able to detect using EDAX. C, O and N are also very likely not detectable with EDAX, depending on the detector type and system you use (entrance window, excitation energy, ...). Such light elements are not measureable using EDAX in a straightforward way because their fluorescence line energies are very low.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
5 answers
The elemental analysis is performed using EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) detector in SEM.
Then the method of finding the percentage of composition of the specimen by finding the ratio of intensity of that peak to the total intensity obtained in the spectrum is efficient enough to do elemental analysis or not?
Because the spectrum consists of several other artifacts. 
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It is not the original problem of EDS but mainly experimental errors as for chemical analysis as well. In fact YOU are the most critical component... The results are correct (if we exclude software mistakes), you only need to judge them correctly. If you find carbon in your analysis, it does not mean that carbon is inside since you perhaps measure a strong C-contamination on the surface (which can be different for different materials). If you do a chemical analysis you also have to take care that you don't contaminate your sample by residuals from former analysis. Finally no technique will give you correct data when you don't understand what is going on and which requirements have to fulfill since they are assumed in the software as restraints of the applied algorithms. Therefore, absolute values are in many cases questionable whereas relative results (precision) are often more reliable.
Thus, the answer on your question is: be critical, don't believe every number shown in a software, collect your own experiences, and read (mainly old) books since there everything is often better and more fundamentally explained than in new books where they usually only refer to older publications. Try to understand the physics behind the observed processes and try to get a feeling what statistics means and how big errors can be. If somebody tells you that the registration limit of the technique is e.g. 2%, then this is frankly speaking a lie for adults. There are combinations of elements where the reliability can be clearly better than 1%, but there are also combinations where it can reach easily 30% (like for carbon). This is not EDX-specific. The same happens even for XRD. The "2% rule" for the minimum phase fraction is only correct for two phases which are clearly different in their peak positions AND which have a very similar scattering power. Fe particles in a polymer you can even register with much lower concentration of 1%. In other words, there are some rules...but these are only rules, i.e. they are acceptable in 90% of all cases. But since you do not know whether your sample belongs to the 90% or to the 10% you actually don't know anything and you are only claiming something which has some statistical worth. 
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
5 answers
The spectrum of a beam of therapeutic x-rays (megavolt) or diagnostic x-rays (kilovolt) cannot be measured precisely. And it seems that an estimation of spectra using deconvolution of attenuation data is the most common method to get such spectra. The method of estimating x-ray spectrum using measured attenuation data is an ill-posed problem on itself (a situation where we solve for larger number of unknowns with fewer number of equations). Using an estimated or derived spectra we can calculate back the attenuation data. A comparison of the calculated attenuation data with the measured attenuation data is the only method that I use and know so far.
Besides this, could anyone please suggest me any other idea to check the accuracy of a spectrum?
Thank you in advance.
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Dear Rajesh Panthi
You can get the HVL of your beam in a high purity Al or Cu according to the kV of you x-ray beam.
From the HVL, calculate the corresponding attenuation coefficient and so the effective x-ray energy can be calculated by the aid of winxcom of NIST as Heyang explain.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
I have the Pt L3-edge EXAFS data which can be described by a short Pt-Ce distance, of about 2.3-2.4 Angstr.
The bulk alloy structures does not show such a low Pt-Ce distance, it is usually exceeds 2.9 A.
On the other hand, the bulk Cerium shows large volume collapse (for example, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.146402) when f-electrons are hybridized with valence ones.
So there is a hope that the "miracle" could occur and the Pt-Ce distance will be  smaller.
My naive attempts of ab initio calculations with nwChem (crebl_ecp basis and core potential, DFT or HF) failed here, it seems that system containing even 2 Ce atoms is very complex.
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2.9 A would be the covalent bond length. Any possibility that 2.3-2.4 could be a mutiple bond or an ionic bond?
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
18 answers
I recorded XRD pattern using Cobalt-K alpha, but I have the PANalytical software with data base which was with Cu-K ALPHA radiation. Using POWDLL, I cannot convert it. Can you help me convert XRD pattern from Co-K alpha to Cu-K alpha?
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The formula i have written in ORIGIN LAB is this
In your case
I hope you have x-y data . If the data is not in x-y form first do the conversion.
Step 1:paste the x-y data in origin worksheet.Remember x axis is 2THETA in degrees(not theta , not radians).If you forget this ,you will make mistake.
step2:create two more columns in origin worksheet.Remember
column A is x axis,two theta value in wavelength L1.
column B is y axis, intensity value
step 3:Right click mouse on column C,select Set column with values.
Paste the following line
Step 4:set column C as 'X'. This is the new x axis for your 2theta .
step 5:copy and paste the values  of column 'B' into column D.Remember there is no change for y axis.(column B and D set as 'Y')
Now plot column C and D
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
14 answers
I am trying to find a table of X-ray mass attenuation coefficients for SiO2 in the energy range 4 keV to 7 keV. I expected this information to be easy to find, because ionizing dose is a concern for electronic devices exposed to radiation, but the only tables that I found so far apply to various biological materials. I have to estimate dose in silicon dioxide and I need this data.
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Use XCOM from NIST: It's very simple to use.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
9 answers
I am trying to map the structure of water molecules at the water-hydrophilic interface. X-rays have a high resolution but can they detect water enough to be useful in this study?
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The structure of water layers near a flat macroscopic interface can be mapped with very high resolution using synchrotron X-ray scattering methods such as X-ray reflectivity (XR or XRR). Since hard X-rays can penetrate water to some extent, this can be done in situ using specialized cells filled with water or humidified gas. Fitting XRR results to an atomic model can reveal the ordering of water layers near an interface and can also resolve the termination of a hydrophilic surface. While hydrogen atoms are not "visible" to X-rays, oxygen atoms can be resolved, and the distance between O and other heavier atoms can be used to infer the state of surface-bound O (i.e. whether it is part of a water molecule, hydroxyl group, or bulk-like species). If you're interested in water-solid interfaces, the linked paper and references therein might be a good place to start.
It's possible to measure flat liquid-liquid interfaces by similar methods, but I think this is usually done in a Langmuir trough using monolayers or bilayers of hydrophobic molecules. I'm not sure how you'd do this for hydrophilic molecules (assuming they form a homogeneous mixture with water), but perhaps you could play tricks with the density of the hydrophilic species (e.g. using heavy covalently bound halogens) to separate the species via gravity.
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3 answers
Ex, ZnO compound in the EDAX spectrum 1-3 kev presents in the Zn and again 8-10 kev presents same Zn? How we are telling small height (intensity) peak also showing presents of compound.
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Hi Sukumar, In SEM-EDAX  ZnO presented 2 peaks (major Intensity peak Zn K-alpha in lower keV and minor Intensity peak Zn L-alpha in a higher keV). It means the energy used is appropriated to exclude the electron from inner shell (K-level) as a high intensity (1-3 keV) and a small quantitiy of the electron back to L-level (from higher level) by emitting energy 8 -  10 keV. Hoping this information will be useful.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
Generally, REC photopeak merged in the background of X-ray spectra, and getting the sign for this effect is very difficult. Is there any other technique to suppress the background or enhance the REC photopeak?
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Measure coincidences of X-rays and ions that have reduced their charge state by 1 unit.
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10 answers
What is the implication of a normalized K-ratio from Sem/Edx analysis? How can I interpret the result?
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I appreciate you all for your contributions.
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33 answers
Energy dispersive and wave length dispersive X-ray spectroscopy are complementary techniques where the first is quite fast and (theoretically) enables the observation of all elements simultaneously with a lower precision, whereas WDS is not that fast but has a clearly better precision, and only permits the parallel acquisition of n element (n...number of spectrometers). WDS is affected by the chemical shift which is the result of different bonding conditions so that standard samples with the same or very similar bondings are required. If this is not available, the accuracy is not that good but the precision still excellent.
My main question is: How ACCURATE (not precise) are both techniques if the same samples are measured? When EDS can replace WDS? I am not talking about critical element combinations, e.g. a combination of Co, Al, Ta, and W, i.e. all peaks in EDS are well separated.    
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@Gert Nolze 
I have worked a lot with microprobe (3 WDS, but no EDS), but it was 20+ years ago. Since then I am working exclusively with different systems of EDS, so no direct comparison on the same instrument from me.
You have mentioned many times that WDS requires standards, but EDS also requires the same standards, no difference here (standardless analysis is pretty unreliable). 
From physic's point of view there is no substantial difference between EDS and WDS, just different detectors with different abilities. For quantification purposes WDS is always better: much better energy/wavelength resolution, much better peak/background ratio. Energy shifts (chemical shifts) are determined by interaction of electrons with specimens, WDS is just better suited for their detection. So, both accuracy and precision are better for WDS.
So, whenever good quantification required WDS should be detector of choice.
But: WDS is a bit slower (may take 5 minutes to acquire the full spectrum when about the same quality spectrum could be acquired in 1-3 min with EDS. 
WDS is highly sensitive to topography - small changes in specimen height  can lead to significant changes of signal intensity
WDS is sensitive to.beam deflection from the center of field of view, so that maps of homogeneous material at lower magnifications (usually less than x1000) will show lower intensity at their edges (it could be corrected with software, but any software corrections a prone to errors). EDS is much better suited for everyday use, when only qualitative/semi-quantitative results are needed, and more forgiving to insufficient level of operator's training. However, with proper standards (yes, standards), EDS can provide very good quantitative results.
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5 answers
My sample is a seasonal fruit
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As Michael says freeze-drying works very well to remove water - this step you need to do anyway, rather independently of used method. The actual factor depends on water content. Be also careful, the dry organic matter especially if containing sugars and mineral salts (like fruits) will be hygroscopic. Also the XRF samples if you decide for this method (this means the sample mass will change in open air, during the measurement, sample preparation, storage, etc. especially in your climate - I suspect not quite dry :-) ) .
Mineralization can be tricky, but with your samples (low amounts of fats, mainly sugars) should go easily. I was using a wet mineralization in closed Teflon bomb, with addition of one element (that is not present in your sample) as an internal standard and analysis by TXRF. Everything worked quite well for peat samples (also organic matter, so similar).
Regarding the dry mineralisation - it should also work fine (maybe a bit slower), the difference will be for elements creating volatile oxides, like S. Personally I also prefer to work with substantial amount of liquid comparing to very tiny amount of solid ash. At the end, for XRF you would need a lot of material (ash) to make a sample...
Summarizing, I would advise one of two ways:
(freeze-)drying - milling (homogenization) - XRF sample preparation - XRF (powder or pellet, remember - sample is hygroscopic; you can also use internal standard).
(freeze-)drying - mineralization (+ internal standard addition) - wet analytical method (ICP-MS, TXRF, AES, AAS).
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
Finding  peaks corresponding to Ag in XRD.
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Thanks a lot.
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49 answers
Hi everyone..I'm running elemental analysis using XRF for carbonated hydroxypatite. I want to find the elemental value of Ca and P. As we know XRF give the analysis in the oxide such e.g CaO . How to obtained the Ca weight percent from the CaO given by the XRF?
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Dear Nur Farahiyah,
A model calculation is done in the attached Excel Sheet. Hope this is self explanatory for you.
Good Luck!
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
6 answers
I have two samples which consist of nitrogen and carbon element. To reveal the chemical environment of carbon and nitrogen element, I did XPS analysis. The intensity of nitrogen/carbon spectra of the samples were not the same. Should I normalize the spectra of nitrogen/carbon before I proceed to analyze?
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Dear Jiawen,
it depends on what you want. If you are interested in the quantification of the different Nitrogen and Carbon species, then you should make use of the measured intensities without any additional normalization. The only correction you have to apply are the different photoionization cross sections and the transmission function of your XPS system. Check the literature for details how to do this. In any case, if you only have C and N in your sample, the related (corrected) signal intensities should add up to 100%. Then you can make a peak assignment and calculate i.e. the amount of C-N, C-C, N-O, C-O, etc bonds.
Good luck, Dirk
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
12 answers
Is EDS sufficient to confirm the elemental composition of powder samples (composite) or is it necessary to go for advanced techniques like X-ray fluorescence (XRF) or XPS.
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EDS, WDS....they all require for an exact chemical analysis a compact sample with a flat surface at a certain position (working distance). This is the fundamental condition and unfortunately often forgotten since you can of course measure everything you want in an SEM (as P. Hoenicke already pointed out). For powders your object is neither compact nor flat in the sense that you cannot exclude multiple scattering of backscattered electrons at another position. For a quantitative analysis I would recommend to infiltrate the powder by high-liquid resin or epoxy and prepare it like a compact sample. Still in this case you cannot say how thick is the grain you are investigating, but by analyzing many grains you will get an impression how repeatable your result becomes. 
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
5 answers
Hello, I am trying to make a simulation of a x-ray nanobeam with the Monte Carlo package GATE, and compare it with another MC code. However, I am not sure about the results of both softwares. Does anybody have knowledge regarding the physics list and the simulated particles orientation in a similar scenario?
Thank you!
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(in Greeklish-alologise)
Ti theleis akribws na prosomoioseis; Ti ennoeis me ton oro "nanobeam"?
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
4 answers
high temperature anhydrate
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Use high temperature X-ray diffractometer.
see the attached file and link below.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
1.  Indeed, I want the method for analyzing and calculating the crystalline fraction for a microcrystalline silicon film from a diffraction spectrum of x-rays.
2.  What is the position of the peak 110 in the case of microcrystalline silicon ?
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Michael thank you for the interest in my question. And thank you for the article and the data
Actually, my problem is divided into two parts, the first is that I want the method to determine the crystalline fraction present in my films. The second part, I made a measurement with XRD, and I got the spectrum in attached. two peaks that I have never met in the literature for microcrystalline silicon, the first around ~ 22 °, and the third around ~ 34 °. is that these two peaks have an original or is a measurement error.
Thank you in advance.
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15 answers
I am  going to characterize
powder sample by using XPS
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Powder samples are not good for XPS analysis. If you make a pellet out of the powder and sinter it, it will work better. Powder particles are covered with adsorbed contaminants like carbon, oxygen etc. When it is in the form of pellet, you can remove contamination by scrapping the surface in UHV. Powder as such can not be cleaned in-situ. In any case, many people carry out XPS studies on powder samples. XPS signals are influenced by contamination. Your interpretation may be wrong if XPS is taken on powder as it is. If you have no option than doing on the powder, for usual XPS(no-monchromatic), X-ray spot size is about 5 to 10 mm, you should have enough powder to cover whole of this area. It cannot be mentioned in terms of mass, as it depends on the kind of sample you have.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
That depends on the electronegativity of Ligabdsd.
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As a d9 system Cu(II) exhibits Jahn-Teller-distortion in various coordination modes. Actually, the observed SP is a distorted octahedron with two axial ligand indefinitely wide departed.
Depending on the ligand field stabilazation energy (LFSE) a distinct coordination geometry is prefered in a complex. If LFSEs of two different coordination geometries are similar switching between these geometries may occur.
Energy schemes according to ligand field theory may also be helpful for understanding.   
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3 answers
I want to model the edema formation of the prostate during brachytherapy and I can't find any references to the initial phase of the edema right after the seeds insertion. Is there anyone with experience in this domain who could help me?
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For the past 20 years, we have obtained a CT of our prostate implants as soon as the patient is released from the recovery room, about 1 to 2 hours after the completion of the implant.  We did a study on a small group of patients followed with sequential CTs and found that the maximum prostate volume was on the first postimplant scan.  (GS Merrick et al., Influence of timing on the dosimetric analysis of transperineal ultrasound-guided, prostatic conformal brachytherapy. Radiat Oncol Investig. 1998; 6:182-190,  Furthermore, the use of dexamethasone does not prevent edema but merely postpones it.  (GS Merrick et al., Influence of prophylactic dexamethasone on edema following prostate brachytherapy. Tech Urol. 2000; 6:117-122, 
Zhe Chen and colleagues presented an excellent theoretical analysis of the extent of edema and its rate of resolution.  (Z Chen et al., Dosimetric effects of edema in permanent prostate seed implants: a rigorous solution. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2000; 47:1405-19, 
For a long time, we thought that edema and its detrimental effect on urinary function was primarily due to needle trauma.  Then 10 years ago we started doing transperineal mapping biopsies with over 50 cores taken from most patients.  Their urinary function returned to normal much faster than our implant patients, so we feel that most implant edema is due to radiation effects rather than trauma.  (GS Merrick et al., The morbidity of transperineal template-guided prostate mapping biopsy. BJU Int. 2008; 101:1524-1529,
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
  1. Synchrotron radiation
  2. XANES and XEOL
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Dear Yuting, X-ray absorption spectroscopy is generally associated with the creation of a photoelectron, that can be treated as an electron wave propagating through a sample, and the interaction of this photoelectron wave with neighboring atoms modifies the absorption probabilty if the energy of the incident radiation is varied in the vicinity of an absorption edge. You may in many cases directly measure this absorption coefficient by means of a transmission more experiment, however, in several situations you may not penetrate your sample and measure the transmitted intensity., for example in the case of a bulk material sample or if you are working with very low energies, for which the attenuation length in solids is very small (in the order of some 100 nm, see e.g.
In those cases, you may use different other signals, that are closely related to the absorption coefficient. For example, the X-ray fluorescence, i.e. the number of excited characteristic X-ray photons of a considered transition of an element. The fluorescence originates from the relaxation of the created core hole, and its intensity is proportional to the number of core hole, and thereby to the absorption coefficient.
Other signals are the absorbed current, the X-ray excited luminescence, the total electron yield, ... - all these quantities are directly linked to the photoabsorption process itself!
Differences in PL and FL may originate from the fact that the fluorescence is usually not site-selective, while the XEOL is, which has implifications especially for magnetic materials, or complex crystallographic structures, where different optical transitions are representative for specific sites in the crystal lattice.
For the XEOL, check the following article published in
EXAFS and Near Edge Structure III, Springer Proceedings in Physics Volume 2, 1984, pp 490-495 by J. Goulon et al.,
"X-Ray Excited Optical Luminescence (XEOL): Potentiality and Limitations for the Detection of XANES/EXAFS Excitation Spectra"
If you compare fluorescence and 
Hope this short explanation helps, Dirk
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4 answers
I want to calculate the interaction volume from a philips x'pert mpd diffractometer. But i can't find the spot diameter. Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance!
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Right. The spot size is determined by your own set-up parameters (slit dimensions, the divergence in your mirror system including goniometer radius, etc.).
You can observe the spot on a fluorescent target placed as a sample when you darken your experiment room (event it is difficult). 
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
3 answers
If I measure a uniform crystal with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), is the EDS signal influenced by the crystal orientation? If yes, by how much?
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Yes, EDS signal can be significantly affected by crystal orientation, as the work cited by Volker Klemm clearly showed.
The reason for this stems from the anisotropy of crystal structures (i.e. different ordering scheme of matter in the crystal structure depending on the crystal orientation). Therefore, crystals with very strong differences in their structure in certain orientations as compared with others, may be affected by large differences in the production of primary X-rays generated by the impinging electron beam in EDS analysis.
Such anisotropy can also be observed in the actual crystal morphology (or crystal habit). For instance platy crystals will certainly give different results if they are analysed parallel or perpendicular to the plates. The same may occur for fibrous morphology, etc. etc.
Generally speaking, equant crystal grains with cubic structure should present the least effect.
The answer, as for many other problems with EDS quantitation resides in the use of standards of known composition, similar crystal structure and crystal orientation as your unknowns.
In order to quantify the variation you may have in response of crystal orientation, try and analyse several grains with different known orientations and compare the results with models of the crystal structure. The aim is that of understanding the physics of the electron beam interaction in terms of depth distribution of the generated X-rays and their absorption paths before they reach the detector.
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6 answers
We are working on the synthesis and consolidation of Cerium hexaboride (CeB6), it will be highly appreciated if any one guide us to know the peak location in XPS. 
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Dear Tammana,
I don't know the exact number. But you can check this from  NIST XPS database from the internet. From here, you will find the value in accordance with the oxidation state of Ce in CeB6. 
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
23 answers
How can I calculate the percentage of a phases from X-ray diffraction spectra ? Can anyone explain it to me?
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I have to disagree slightly :-). The RIR method is actually coming from a time we did not have computers and algorithms to predict "absolute" intensities as comparison between different phases. Therefore it was required to make defined mixtures in order to see how the intensities change. But also in those days major problems exists (which are already forgotten) e.g. mainly preparation problems (homogeneisation, grain distribution, textures for different compositions etc.): Vegard's rule is a rule and only fits ideally if the conditions matches in the same way. Nothing against this approach, but it is hard to generalize, although the other way - full pattern analysis - is not the ideal one since it is "only" a mathematical approach and only considers parameters we are implementing, activating etc. And this might be wrong as well, even if R-values become dramatically better.
Regarding Murats question I have to add that the major problem is the missing information about the scattering power of your phase. If you don't know the chemistry you cannot say anything. Imagine two structure with the same unit cell, e.g. Cu and Al. The diffracted intensity of both pure phases is quite different so that also a mixture of 50-50 would show much more intensity coming from Cu than from Al. If you now imagine you wouldn't know this percentage you would certainly underestimate the Al fraction and overestimate the Cu content. But already during preparation the more heavy Cu particles could be more placed in deeper regions so that your sample actually does not shows a sufficient homogenisation since you perhaps have more Al in the top. But even in case of an ideal homogenisation the different absorption would reduce the Al content and overestimate the Cu. AND: don't underestimate the influence of H. There are many phases containing crystal water or OH groups which are known but not described in the crystal structure. E.g., for ettringite 11% of the entire scattering power is not considered during missing description of H. For the phase identification it doesn't mean anything, but for the phase fraction is is dramatical.
Therefore, it is a hard job to find reliable quantitative phase descriptions of mixtures. The annual Reynolds cup shows you how "wrong" even experienced scientist in this field can be. The majority of us even wouldn't find the correct number of phases mixed together. And: They will never work with RIR!   
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5 answers
I have Nb-doped MoS2 samples. How reliable is XPS for determination of Nb content? What other techniques could be used for that? Thank you.
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Sure you can use XPS. It can see down to 0.5 atomic %, which depends somewhat on the cross-section. The only principle trouble with XPS - it's sensitive to the first 1 nm of the surface. Among other methods are Rutherford backscattering (RBS), SIMS, EDX.
Have fun!
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
5 answers
Sometimes the sum of the major and trace elements of some samples exceeds 100%. I would like to know why this happens.
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Hi Nima,
Could you be more specific:
(1) Are you using WDXRF?
(2) Are your samples fused or just powder pellets?
(3) What quantification method you used?
Sometimes when you choose quantification in terms of oxides then all metals (detected) are theoretically taken as oxides which may not be the the stoichiometry fails.
In XRF usually you detect from Na and above so there is an undetected dark matrix wherein all characteristic X-rays from especially low Z elements are attenuated and hence there should be a correction. The correction methods are different in different softwares. If you are using Fundamental Parameters where you consider that the sum of oxides is 100% it may not be so in the sample actually.
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2 answers
In other words, why are there more higher energy photons entering the detector of a diffractometer for a sample of NaCl than is predicted by using the accepted values for Planck's constant (h) and the speed of light(c) in the equation hc/minimum wavelength = electron charge x accelerating voltage. Am I misunderstanding what the minimum wavelength is or is there some other process that I'm not aware of?
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Dear James
One possibility if the flux of photons is reasonably high, is the 'pile up' phenomenon. In other words, two or more photons arriving simultaneously at the detector. This problem we have ourselves faced in bremsstrahlung spectra. These counts are spurious counts, and do not correspond actual physics. Hence there is no violation of your minimum wavelength principle ( i.e. endpoint energy). Your definition of endpoint energy is correct.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
2 answers
The measured fission lifetime with Crystal Blocking technique and K X-ray measurement resulted in 10-18 sec. But the fission dynamics theory suggests it would be 10-21 sec. To incorporate this large change in lifetime one needs to consider a large damping which would result in uniform angular distribution of fission fragments, but experimental results on quasifission show forward focussing of fission fragments.
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I understand what you are asking that there might be some distribution of fission timescale... But, it is not so.. It has got much deeper implication on the dynamics involved in that time scale... Fission timescale as mentioned by Bohr Wheeler is 10-21 sec which is not verified experimentally, measurements shows only 10-18 sec only, so it raises the question what is happening for 10^3 sec, why it got delayed?
The question is why at all we get 10-18 sec timescale...Do we understand the reason.
It is a much argued topic for decades and it is still not understandable......People bring in viscosity and argue that viscosity increases with temperature which seem quite irrelevant...It require a much better explanation...
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2 answers
Bragg diffraction is applied by using a Johann quartz crystal. It includes n=1 to n=inf diffraction order. How can the refraction efficiency of the n=1 order related to the incident flux be calculated?
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OMG, did you mean electron diffraction or x-ray diffraction?
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9 answers
Looking to optimise magnetic properites by altering the thickness of sputter coated thin films. Analysis method Soft Xrays and MFM.
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Dear Patrick, upon studying a few experimental studies on wedge shaped magnetic thin film samples, you will realize that average domain size and structure does in general depend on film thickness. So in oreder to have that remain the same, you will probably need to achieve changed materials properties in a clever way. For doing that you will need to understand how domain size and structure scale with thickness, spin stiffness, anisotropy and magnetization (assuming homogeneous materials, for simplicity). Probably the best starting point for getting there is the book by Hubert and Schäfer, "Magnetic Domains: The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures", published with Springer in 1998.
  • asked a question related to X-Ray Spectroscopy
8 answers
I have a solution of gold branched nanoparticles and I need to measure the mass concentration. I'm thinking to use X rays scattering and/or absorption to calculate the amount of gold in solution.
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As always there are limits, but in general the answer is yes. You could use XRF and measure the concentration of gold from the fluorescence light emitted from Au atoms in a well defined volume. This is a standard procedure used in many commercial XRF devices for the analysis of concentration in galvanic cells. Click the link for a picture of a sample measuring cell ( For a first try you could think of sending a sample to one of our application labs or simply visit an application lab.
Joerg Leske