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Writing Skills - Science topic
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Questions related to Writing Skills
The article "Improving Undergraduates’ and Postgraduates’ Academic Writing Skills with Strategy Training and Feedback," published in Frontiers in Education, investigates the effectiveness of different writing strategies and feedback types on the academic writing skills of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Authored by Anke Wischgoll from Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, the study provides valuable insights into how structured training and feedback can enhance writing quality.
Summary of Key Points:
The study explores three main writing strategies: text structure application, summarization, and language use. It also examines two types of feedback: informative tutoring feedback and try-again feedback. The research aims to determine whether these strategies and feedback types improve the coherence and overall quality of academic writing among students.
Key findings include:
• Text Structure Knowledge Application: This strategy positively affects academic writing skills by promoting coherence.
• Feedback Effectiveness: Undergraduates benefit more from informative tutoring feedback, while postgraduates show greater improvement with try-again feedback.
• Combination of Strategies and Feedback: The combination of writing strategies and feedback did not significantly enhance text quality beyond the individual effects of each.
The study involved 212 undergraduate and postgraduate students who participated in a 2-hour experimental intervention in a computer-based learning environment. Participants were divided into three groups, each receiving different writing strategy training. After writing an abstract of an empirical article, they received either try-again feedback or informative tutoring feedback while revising their drafts. The researchers used analyses of covariance to assess the impact of these interventions on writing skills and text quality.
Discussion and Implications:
The findings suggest that tailored writing strategy training and feedback can significantly improve academic writing skills. For educators, this means that implementing specific training programs and providing appropriate feedback can help students develop better writing habits. The study also highlights the importance of differentiating feedback based on the students' academic levels to maximize its effectiveness.
Overall, the article makes a significant contribution to the field of educational psychology by demonstrating the benefits of strategy training and feedback in improving academic writing skills. The thorough methodology and clear presentation of results enhance the credibility of the study. These insights can inform the development of more effective writing support programs in higher education.
Personal Reflection:
As a reader, I found the article to be well-structured and informative. The authors effectively contextualize their findings within the broader literature on academic writing and feedback. This article is a valuable resource for educators and researchers looking to enhance the writing skills of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Academic writing is the core of all writings. If you want to improve your academic writing skills, it’s better to learn from experts. Striving for the best will help you grow. To aid you in that, I have prepared a set of tips with the help of professional research paper writers. Let it be the base of your improvement journey.
What Tips do you want to add here? I would love to hear from you:
Why did you choose to become an academic? Because you're curious? Are you a good observer? Do you have good language or writing skills? Do you want to be known and read? Is there some ego involved in this choice? And can it be done to make more money?
How can we demonstrate the efficacy of multimodal composing in enhancing writing skills, particularly in the context of academic writing, given the prevalent skepticism surrounding its effectiveness in improving academic writing skills? are there any methods or techniques of analyzing students' multimodal products to showcase improvement in terms of macro or micro-skills of writing? concerning coherence, content, organization, etc.
I think using ChatGPT and other AI tools is genuinely saving a lot of time. Yet, their inclusion in the academic sector is killing the creativities and writing skills of the students and academics.
You are welcome to throw your comments!
I'm doing a research on writing skill and writing activities which are included in coursebooks that are used in colleges or in university preparatory programs in Turkey. I am planning to compare two coursebooks. I'd like to highlight the similarities and point out the differences of the wiritng activities, even the syllabi of these two coursebooks. Are there any evaluation criteria for this? Could you suggest me some dissertations or papers to read in order to create the basis of my research?
I am in the process of writing a theoritical framework for teaching and learning the two productive language skills (speaking and writing) using technology, and I would like to explain that process relying on three theories, which are Vygotiskan theory, Swain's hypothesis of output and Long's interaction hypothesis. So, how should I organize the framework in an appropriate way, which can be well-organized and coherent?
Your guidance is really appreciated.
I would like to improve the students' knowledge related to writing skill.
how can teacher mentoring approach enhance university teachers' research and writing skills
My name is Barbara, and I am a current graduate student at Arizona State University in the MA Education program. I am in the midst of a research class. I am looking into strategies for improving reading comprehension and skills and writing skills for students with Dyslexia in elementary grades.
I hope to find more current research studies and gather professional opinions on this topic. Do you have any best strategies you would suggest for improving reading and writing skills with these learners?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my questions.
Barbara Lucke
I would like to discuss about the writing skill capacity of the hearing impaired students and searching for good ideas for making new strategy.
As I've been researching how to improve literacy skills in middle school students, I've found a lot of fascinating work being done, including this case study of morphological skills' role in literacy development. In my view, this study is another confirmation that there are proven methods of promoting writing skills that don't rely on rote memorization or endless drilling - it's all about producing MEANING for students! What other approaches are you aware of to help students better develop their literacy skills?
#researchisrelevant #coe501Summer22 #forksup
I am currently a 3rd year Civil Engineering Undergraduate. I have a particular interest in the Geotechnical discipline, which I have come to learn that a good base of report writing skills are needed to convey your designs. Not to mention the various types of reports which I would needed to become familiar with.
Would anyone have any text books or courses they would recommend to improve my grammatical and writing skills, perhaps specifically catered towards Civil/Geotechnical Engineering Reports? I am taking this opportunity to prepare for both my thesis project next year and my future career.
Thank you everyone for your help in advance. Any advice will be highly appreciated.
Greeting Scholars I am preparing to apply and begin my Doctorate journey in Higher Educational Leadership. I have not been a student in over 5 years and want to improve my research doctorate scholarly writing skills for the doctorate journey. Please recommend any courses - self-paced, on-line, and/or just support resources that some have used and/or recommend
As well as ones to stay away from
Thank you in advance
The theme of the above-noted article is comparable to this already published article: An author’s guide to mastering academic writing skills: Discussion of a medical manuscript.
I mean one is not so aware of journals in the discipline of Education and Teaching that may be suited for such scientific content? Or rather journals that bridge the gap between Education and Medicine?
I intend to understand the common errors in writing Formal emails, understand the difficulties students face in academic writing. What are the common areas that students fail in academic writing? How does Online teaching impact/impair the students' academic writing Skills?
Hope to have a good academic discussion going. Thanking all of you in advance for your ideas and comments.
I am currently working on my research paper about the Impact of Communication Disorders on Reading and Writing Skills of Special Education Learners, and I am currently working on my instrument. My Research Adviser suggested to look for instrument, but I can't find any thing.
When using CLT, other than relying on explicitly pointing out syntactic slots, (Subj, Adv, etc.), to be filled with appropriate grammatical forms, (such as word, phrase and clause types), it seems that students do not fully understand how they can build sentences or even embed recursiveness. Without this learning of form they are merely trying to memorize situational vocabulary - with or without knowledge of strategic competence. Many forms or structures must be taught explicitly - at first, especially for learning upper level writing skills. When teaching ESL, even in Task Based Learning, language learning can not succeed without structural models and graphic strategies.
What are the advantages of of writing chapters in edited book?
Do they enhance writing skills?
Do they enhance Research aptitude?
Feedbacks are welcomed.
Hello folks,
I'm interested in knowing what support you and your institution give your students (e.g., teacher feedback, teacher-student conference, writing centre, etc.) to help them develop their English writing skills. Your answers are much appreciated. Cheers.
Dear RG members,
Researchers and educators have concentrated on the development of creativity in education, and students’ creativity and innovation enhancement are considered to be a top goal in all societies. I have two questions here: How would one place great efforts to develop students’ writing skills in general and creativity in writing in particular? How would an individual assess creativity in writing?
i am currently conducting my action research using color-coded cards(Colored cards )to the creative writing skills of my learners,do you have any recommendation for a standard rubric for my pre and post tests?Thank you
I'm working on my research problem, looking into the role of rote learning in developing the writing skills of students.
•Is the writing skill of CLIL students better than mainstream students of EFL classes regarding the use of linking words.
•The CLIL students outweigh the mainstream students in the use of cohesive markers, in this case linking words.
The CLIL students outweigh the mainstream students in a similar test after 2 months.
•To carry out the comparison of the CLIL students and EFL students in terms of the use of cohesive markers, in this case linking words, two cloze tests are distributed to both classes of equal number of students (50) once at the beginning of the term and once more two months later to see if there is any progress in any of the two classes regarding the use of linking words.
I highly appreciate your help to get rid of my doubts.
My students often make a lot of mistakes when they write essays, whether in the exams or in the exercises that are part of the curriculum. These mistakes are basically related to the mechanics of writing (spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure...). Thus, I would like to get new insights from experienced teachers on how to improve students` writing skills.
It’s not only mendatory but also part and parcel fpr a researcher to publish his or her article in a high Impact factor journal. But it needs a good writing skill too. So how a researcher can develop his skill.
I work on reversible image steganography. If your writing skill is good and you wish to do a research in that field, just contact with me. The process is simple.
1. We will study a number of article.
2. We will try to critic on the state of art.
3. We will find solutions for the raised issue.
4. We will experiment the proposed model to test its justification.
5. You will write an article.
6. We will submit it to a journal
I may ensure you that we will publish at least one article in a year in an SCI/SCIE journal. But, you should have a good skill in writing English. I will teach you the research methodology.
I would much appreciate that if other researchers will contribute or share their ideas , links , web tutorial or any personal techniques to improve the writing skills at the doctoral level ;which will be helpful to write concisely and authentically.
What kind of correlation, if any, is there between speaking and writing? How true is it that some good speakers cannot write well, and vice versa?
I would like to improve my writing skills for my manuscripts.
Suggestions and personal experiences are really welcome!
I am conducting a clinical trial in rural area of developing country with low education level and no reading/writing skills. We will be providing them some instructions to follow during the trial period. The instructions are available in written form and used in multiple research projects, however we want to convert the written instructions into a video and distribute the video amongst our participants.
Are there any specific rules/principles that need to be followed in doing so?
Dear colleagues,
What can you tell me about conventional English writing skills ?
Is there any software that can help non-native English researchers ? Otherwise, any other solution ?
Do you think creative idea (science, literature etc.) and writing skill are two different qualities from intelligence and knowledge?
Or all of them are totally different qualities?
Am planning to invest more time in research skills and writing research documents
any recommended full guidance, tutorials , resources , online-courses ?
Thank You
Now a days we can see high quality of work in lower impact journals, while papers containing fewer work were published in higher well renowned journals. It eventually demoralize the scholars suffering from rejections and unable to express there knowledge. I am curious to know how this technical writing skills can be improved.
My mixed methods study is on the impact of feedback in the writing process and I have three questions (listed below). To resolve the first question, a repeated measures design was used to determine which form of feedback has the most impact. A survey design was used for the second question and a discourse analysis will be used to analyze the language for similarities and differences. After referring to Crewell and Plano Clark's book, I know that I can not use what I find in question three to explain question one and two. Based on my research questions and what I read in Crewell's book, I am thinking that this is not a true mixed methods and my study will not fall under any of the major mixed methods designs. Am I on the right track?? Please advise
1. What is the impact of feedback via teacher one-on-one writing conferences versus computer-based writing feedback on the writing skills of at-risk Pre-college students?
2. How do students who participated in the study perceive the effectiveness of teacher feedback versus computer-based feedback?
3. How is the discourse in teacher-student interactive feedback versus computer-based feedback alike and /or different
My research project is based on developing students' writing skills competence. it is quasi experimental study mixed method involved pre-test and post test nine weeks intervention. data were collected from think aloud protocol of group discussion based on three genres ( narrative, descriptive and argumentative) and semi structured interview was conducted on the key respondents students with the largest gained scores, medium and lowest on post-test. I am now confused which approach to use Inductive or Deductive for analysis of interview . deductive is based on predetermined concepts and its frequency of occurrences in the data set file whereas inductive looks for new or emerging themes from analysis of the interview data. I need help in this regard. Thank you!
And what classroom and self-study tasks would you recommend to deal with these challenges? I would appreciate answers that deal with any of the following areas:
- Different rhetorical patterns and discourse styles.
- Persistent grammatical or lexical errors that may on occasions impede comprehension or distract the reader.
-Frequent non-impeding, "non-distracting" errors which may lead to a negative evaluation of the writer's language level.
- Poor L1(Spanish) writing habits which may transfer to the L2 (English). For example, run-on sentences are frowned on in both English and Spanish, but tend to be used far more by Spanish writers. The transfer of this vice to English may have a stigmatizing effect.
What are the best way to write a good quality research article? My English write-up is not good but I want to improve my English writing skills in relation to creative article writing. Please share your experiences. Thank You!
Can you please share the best and successful methods you follow for teaching writing skills?
Thank you very much indeed!
Is there some good tool that can format the research paper automatically in IEEE ACM etc format.
Being a teacher and researcher, I have found my language learners so conscious of producing language in terms of writing skills. I may be due to the fear of committing errors in writing or a thinking process to make ideas coherent in the mind first than on the paper.
Researchers write to keep records of their work for themselves, but more importantly also for the readers and peer researchers who are expecting a standard form, language, and style when reading research papers. Writing in a scientific style may be hard in the beginning for novices, but clear communication and concise writing have no magic involved. How the paper is written and the way it is published. The process leading to publication is equally important as the content, style, and organization of the published paper.
Once a paper is drafted, written, rewritten, and finished it deserves to be published validly. However, dealing with publishers, their editors, peer reviewer’s comments, deadlines, submission guidelines, and other obstacles on the way to the paper appearing in a printed volume can be one of the most time-consuming and exhaustive tasks in a researcher’s life.
Please share your comments and provide your support for further communication.
In writing a survey, would I use the words or phrases written by other people and add the proper citation for that. Sometimes the abstract could gib=ve an enough idea about the work which was conducted by the authors and I need just to summarize it.
While my descriptive statistics shows a degree of progress in students' performance after receiving academic writing instructions, the inferential statistics rejects the evidenced progress. Overall, 35 students took part in this study, but only 20 students completed the textual borrowing exercises. However, the small samples effected on the distribution of the variables, so the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was the only solution. Do I have to accept that the statistical contradictions have to do with the small samples or any other factors might have influenced the study? Any recommendation for overcoming the research difficulties and improving its power will be appreciated.
Working at a bilingual school (two-way-immersion german & english) got me very interested in collecting some mid-term-data from the students, to monitor and analyze their progress in language learning. I'm still at the evry beginning and I'd be really happy for any suggestions/hints/reading suggestions on
a) what to consider when collecting the data
b) how to best analyze the texts, to really measure progress in language aquisition/proficiency
Thanks a lot in advance!!!
I'm doing my research about blogs and its influence on writing skills, but I would really appreciate if someone lets me know how I can measure the results of my research?.
Also, if you have some recommendations about my topic of the research.
Finally, do you think it would be a good idea if students use blogs to write anything they want or, should I focus on asking teachers for providing topics that they want students write in the blog.
Thanks for your suggestions
It is quite difficult to impart academic writing skills effectively without exactly knowing the important components and sequence of components to include while teaching.
hi there I want to know how can I write a book based on researches?
the book is about technology and related challenges in computer science.
what is the first step?
whatever you think is important about it is good.
feel free to ask or tell me anything you think is useful.
thanks for attention
What are your thoughts about how we can encourage students to use feedback to improve their writing skills? Based on my research and years of teaching writing, error correction and feedback on organization and style (for both first and second language writers) seems to be useful for the student only some of the time. I have found in teaching both undergraduate and graduate level academic writing, some of the students respond very quickly to my comments and suggestions, others don't. Any ideas on how to make the feedback more effective?
Hellos Respected Scholars, Experts, Researchers, My research title is Improvement of Reading and Writing skills through web based tools. I have identified an experiment group for try out by using web based tool.
Can someone provide/offer me PRE-TEST and POST-TEST which contains the exercises of READING and WRITING SKILLS?
Heartily Thank you
Chintan vaghela
Hello Respected Researchers,
My research title is Web Based learning : a tool to improve reading and writing skills, i have framed methodology and now i would like to show the effect of web based tools to improve reading and writing skills, so pre-test and post-test are necessary to conduct to show the impact of web based tools, so from where i can get pre-test and post-test regarding reading and writing skills. Is there anyone who can share/offer pre-test and post-test regarding reading and writing skills....
Thank You
Chintan Vaghela
Give special consideration to the constraints instantiated by syntactic features of the first language which are at variance with those of the target language.
Nominalization is the most typical structure of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor (IGM), particularly in scientific and political discourses as well as academic writing. Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) point out that information density, nominalization and GM are as the foremost lexico-grammatical features of the academic and written language. we are doing an empirical research based on the explicit teaching of Nominalization to advanced EFL learners to find out its impact on their writing skills. What do you think of it? State your informative experiences and advice please.
Which web based tools are used to improve reading and writing skills?
My research title is EFFECT OF WEB BASED LEARNING TOOLS for the development of Reading and Writing skills. I want some sources in which it is clearly mentioned about the effect of web based learning tools for the development of Reading and Writing skills.
Is there research on how to improve writing skills among middle school students in inquiry science classrooms?
I want to design a lesson plan to teach "short story writing for elementry students" using the CREDE standards, so which three of the five standards is recommended?
I am interested in carrying out a case study to see if the use of drama can improve children's understanding of language and help provide a context for language, in turn improving their creative writing skills. I think that this could also benefit children with EAL. I would specifically focus on KS1. Is there any existing research around this area?
What are some resources others have found helpful? For context, I am teaching an undergraduate course called Culture, Ethnicity, and Mental Health at a university in New York City. Critical/analytical writing skills are not the primary focus of the course, but nevertheless very important skills for students to develop. I am interested in accessible, incremental approaches that will help my students learn these skills. Any and all ideas are welcome!
There are quite a few of us who are very concerned that plagiarism is rather prevalent. When I was teaching in secondary school, I observed that student collaboration in science practicals and getting a result for a group seemed to lead 'quite naturally' to their copying when it comes to writing a report. So I insisted on individual reports and I assessed their work separately.
What ways have been identified through research to be effective to teach scientific communication skills in English, and writing skills so that students are equipped to write a thesis ethically and independently?
One of the biggest problem for EFL learners is writing skill, does anybody have any new and efficient ideas, methods, technique to improve my students' writing skill?
As a law researcher, I always have the feeling that these three are the same. Therefore, I want to learn from your experiences in this area of research. The concise answers and comments here will be of immense help to novice and up coming scholars.
Nominalization is the most typical structure of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor (IGM), particularly in scientific and political discourses as well as academic writing. Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) point out that information density, nominalization and GM are as the foremost lexico-grammatical features of the academic and written language. We are doing empirical research based on the explicit teaching of Nominalization to advanced EFL learners to find out its impact on their writing skills. What do you think of this? State your informative experiences and advice please.
Every author is keen to get his/her research published in international journals, sometimes in the most prestigious ones like Nature and Science. Failure to do so means frustration. The failures could result from gross overestimation of the outcome of their research and/or overconfidence due to their inexperience, thus, rejection of a paper from a journal of high-international standard. Inexperience and/or lack of confidence may debar a scientist from approaching Nature and Science, though the paper is of extremely high-standard, thus, ending up in another popular journal. Many researchers whose native language is not English may find it very difficult to highlight the value of their research, though it is worth an international publication, thus, may satisfy themselves with local journals or journals published in their native language. Even those who have good language skills may show deficiencies in proper presentation of data, thought provoking and stimulating in-depth discussions, and may sometimes come-up with conclusions that are inadequately supported with data. Everything done to an acceptable standard by the authors, personal biases on the part of the reviewers and/or editors could lead to an unfortunate rejection of a paper too. There could be numerous other reasons than summarized here. In the best interest of all authors, it will be useful to find-out, why and where do authors fail most?