Science topic
Wood - Science topic
A product of hard secondary xylem composed of CELLULOSE, hemicellulose, and LIGNANS, that is under the bark of trees and shrubs. It is used in construction and as a source of CHARCOAL and many other products.
Questions related to Wood
What is the ethical-spiritual and universal world formula, the Grand Unifying Theory? Does
ancient Indian knowledge lead us to an intercultural world peace formula? Does it have an impact
on physics, metaphysics, biology and our absorption of spiritual healing power, etc.?
11/27/24 Chris K. Früh – / /
(Summary of the Peace Manifesto on one sheet of paper, printed on both sides. The page numbers
refer to the free downloadable ebook at: – Sources for the Gunas and synonyms; e.g.
Bhagavad Gita 2.45, chapters 14-18, Bhagavad Purana 11.15.28, 11.25.2–5, 12.8.46)
First of all: What is the physical, spiritual and universal world formula, this “Grand Unifying Theory”?
The “Gunas”, to which the Bhagavad Gita (p. 3) devotes over three chapters, have an impact on
metaphysics, on consciousness, its respective forms of life, but also on physics, as time factors of
● emergence, creation (Raja), ● existence, preservation maintenance (Sattva) and ● decay,
destruction (Tama, p. VIII).
Let us begin with a simple, everyday example: our teeth and, in this comparison, first look at the
synonyms for the Sanskrit umbrella term Sattva (from Sat = being):
● Existence / preservation / maintenance: In order to preserve our teeth, we must clean them, then they
are beautiful, healthy, and attractive, and we enjoy them and also become fearless of the dentist. But
we must first know that and also have the wisdom and our mindfulness and self-control to carry out
this cleaning and care rhythmically and regularly. It is the same in music; Beauty is tactful and a
regular oil change also keeps the car engine running (for further synonyms see p. 31 ff and 64 ff).
● Decay and destruction: But if we come home every day intoxicated on drugs (or drunk), then we
forget to brush our teeth and soon our teeth are dirty, sick, disgusting, rotten; and we suffer and are
afraid of the dentist. These are synonyms for Tama, the thought transmitter that holds us down and
wants to prevent us from ethical-spiritual evolution.
● Creation: In order for the dentist to “create” new teeth, we first have to “acquire” the money, go to
work and/or exploit something (raw materials etc.): These are synonyms for Raja, the marginal
intermediate stage (p. 63) of the working person, because: “People have to eat (and work :-)!” (p. 65).
The knowledge of this natural and timeless scale of ethics,
which is described, for example, in the millennia-old Bhagavad
Gita, is not outdated, but rather timeless. It is timeless and old
and yet always relevant – and especially today of the utmost
urgency for all of us, for our spiritual evolution: This trinitarian
world view of the three Gunas is illustrated with further
examples: Just as a three-legged transistor controls the
dual/digital computer world, the three Gunas are now above material duality. This means that what is
really good or goodness can only be precisely defined in this trinity (p. 31)! Let us try to illustrate this
graphically, because these Gunas are always mixed in different ways in our changing, temporary
world: They are the umbrella terms for all characteristics and can thus be compared to the primary
colors or color diodes in a screen, which can display an infinite number of beautiful or ugly images;
● Red for Raja: origin, creation, exploitative passion, ● Yellow for Sattva: existence, preservation
and healing, goodness, happiness, joy, peace, health and wisdom, etc. and ● Blue for Tama: decay and
destruction and degenerating ignorance (on the graphic below, and on the website,
or in the e-book on
The knowledge of this intercultural-natural scale of ethics, which is described in the millennia-old
Bhagavad Gita (S V ff), is not outdated, but rather it is timeless and of utmost necessity:
● 1.: We, the conditioned souls, are ourselves the cause of our karmic radius of freedom and live
here as if in an amusement park, in a kind of virtual reality for training and testing our free will (within
the respective karmic radius of freedom) in (we hope) the direction of our ethical evolution, in the
direction of non-violence and Prema, the all-encompassing love. Our intercultural world peace
formula of the Grand Unifying “Theory” for the material universe is thus: S = Vs + R + T + Z, or:
Vs = S - R - T - Z (Vs = Visuddha-Sattva, S = souls, R = Raja-Guna, T = Tama-Guna, Z = time, as
the constantly remixing element of these Gunas).
● 2.: In the liberated state of the souls, Visuddha Sattva is S = Vs, since the unmixed pure form of
Sattva is the eternal spiritual good (NityaSattva, Gita 2.45) that is worth striving for. Sattva has its
root in Sat = eternal. Therefore, the word Guna (mixture) is omitted from the word Visuddha Sattva.
The Visuddha-Sattva is now ”the wood we are made of” and our eternal spiritual nature, and so is
pure all-encompassing love Prema, our actual, eternal, real uncovered nature.
● 3. When pure, spiritual love (Nitya-Prema-Sattva) comes into contact with exploitative passion
(Raja-Guna), it turns into lust, and when it comes into contact with destructive ignorance (Tama-
Guna), it turns into hatred. The exploitative passion and the destructive ignorance are only temporary,
material conditions that only temporarily cover the living being, the eternal spiritual souls. Even if,
from our materially conditioned perspective, this can last a very long time. From the perspective of the
liberated living being, all these quartillion+ lives, in all the possible life forms, are only an infinitely
short period of time.
● 4. On our liberated plane of pure, unmixed Sattva, after having left the gross and subtle bodies, one
has only a spiritual body of Visuddha Sattva, selfless and all-embracing love, without the slightest
trace of exploitative passion and destructive ignorance. The word body, however, is poorly chosen in
this context, for one must understand that the spiritual soul is no different from the spiritual body. The
yogi, the true artist and the true philosopher are all searching for one and the same substance; the pure
form of Visuddha-Sattva, because it is the “place” or state where the three aspects of cultural life
meet in their pure form: 1. Truth, 2. Enjoyment and 3. Spirituality (Tattva, Rasa, Yoga): Tattva =
Truth, Wisdom, Science, Philosophy etc. and Rasa = Enjoyment, Taste, Art, Music, Poetry etc.
Yoga = Connection, Spirituality, Healing, Religion etc. (Sanskrit: Yoga = yoke, connecting, Latin:
Religare = reconnecting). The Self-realization and highest stage of perfection is now Visuddha-
Sattva, which is achieved when the Yogi has understood and realized the principle of Rasa-Tattva: an
omnipresent Truth, unmixed Beauty and all-embracing Love, which is only possible in free will.
● 5. The universal ethical scale of the three Gunas is of divine origin as the world peace formula and
also the “creative design” of a world joy formula in the origin, nature, meaning, purpose and goal of
the universe. NityaSattva is the characteristic of the personal aspect of the absolute truth (p. 11). The
first verse of Sri Isopanishad is in this sense: “Om purnam adah purnam...: If the Absolute is to be
absolute, then it must contain all that is found in its parts, i.e. it must contain a holistic, healing
personal and loving aspect in addition to its impersonal aspect, otherwise we would have something
more than the Absolute. The spiritual joy and the eternal, spiritual sphere are attained through the pure
virtue of Nitya-Vishudda-Sattva.
● 6. Pure Sattva, i.e. Prema, all-embracing love and the strict avoidance of unnecessary violence, is
the definition and ethical development of the true culture of humanity. And this brings us to our
formulas for peace found in the Sanskrit texts. Gandhi was inspired, for example, by the Bhagavad
Gita with its formula for peace in verse 2.45: “The Vedas (ancient Indian scriptures) mainly deal with
the manifestations of the material nature of the three Gunas that occasionally mix (p. 32). Transcend
all these illusory mixtures and be free from the material dualities and manifestations! Do not worry
about illusory security and be anchored in the true self, in the NityaSattva (eternal, all-good Sattva
healing current) of the “Atmavan”, the individual soul!” This formula is further explained in the
Bhagavad Purana 12.8.46: “The place of fearlessness and eternal existence is the characteristic and
direct, liberating and healing spiritual energy (“Sattvam”) of the all-good personal aspect of the
Absolute. Exploitative passion (Raja) and destructive, degenerating ignorance (Tama) are only His
indirect material energies, which exist only in the material (= transitory) and illusory world; we never
consider these as His personal energy and divine attribute!” And we have an explanation of this verse
from Jiva Goswami, an Indian philosopher 1513 –1598, in his Sat Sandarba in Bhakti Sandarba
Anuccheda 103/38, p. 73): “Sattva-Guna is always a little mixed with Raja-Guna and Tama-Guna
in the transitory and illusory material world. If we let our emotional body (the Citta, p. 67) be
cleansed of the shell of the materially mixed and impure Sattva-Guna with the pure, eternal and
divine healing current, then we will soon be on our real, genuine, spiritual and liberating, i.e. healthy,
level of NityaSattva (the eternal goodness of the soul, as in Bhagavad Gita 2.45). (The page numbers
refer to the free downloadable e-book at: – More information about Jyotish, Ancient
Indian Ayurvedic Astrology (AAA), the “source code of the matrix”, the scientific, mathematical
proof of Guna, Karma, reincarnation and God and last but not least; setting the attitude to the Sattva
healing current at:
Is there any data in the current literature (from the last 10 years) that reports how much biomass is stored in the wood of the cacao tree? Is there any estimate of how many cubic meters of wood a cacao plant produces? I have been searching the literature but have not found anything yet. This information is crucial to determine how much biomass a cacao plantation yields at the end of its cycle.
anyone have idea about Lab scale Activated carbon process. can you suggest any method for prepared to activated carbon from wood base material at lab scale.
Dear all,
Does anybody have a pdf of this paper?
Wood, G.R. and Beeston, J.W., 1986. A late Permian lycopod cone Skilliostrobus sp. cf. S. australis Ash 1979 from Queensland. Geological Survey of Queensland, Publications, 387, pp.41-49.
I will be very thankful to receive!
Regards, Natalia Zavialova
I have a problem in which a steel nail is 'embedded' in a wood piece. The head of the nail is in contact with a steel bracket. As I apply cyclic load on the vertical wood 'wall', the bracket moves up and pulls the nails of the horizontal wood part, which gets pulled out of the wood (see Image). However, as the bracket unloads (and consequently so does the nail) the cohesive interaction that I defined between the nail and the wood simply unload to zero as well. This causes the nails to follow the bracket back into original position. I wanted the nail to retain the maximum displacement imposed by the contact with the bracket before the bracket starts to unload.
Looking at the ABAQUS documentation, it says the when using cohesive behavior, it will always unload to the initial position (see image of the cohesive material model used in ABAQUS). How can I overcome this? It can be either using contact pairs or any other strategy in ABAQUS (except cohesive elements, which I've tried and could not manage to work in my model).
I've already tried to use a custom defined FRIC subroutine in a tangential interaction behavior (doesn't work). I've thought about writing a custom UMAT subroutine, but ABAQUS does not allow a user-defined routine for cohesive response of contact pairs. I've tried to run an analysis with the ABAQUS default cohesive response, then get the nail deformations at peak and try to apply these as boundary conditions at the correct steps of the analysis. I also tried to use the option where ABAQUS maintains the initial position of an object during a step. However, these last two approaches seems to cause numerical instabilities in ABAQUS due to activating and deactivating boundary conditions in between steps.
I know that most wood degrading fungi have developed a certain resistance and protection mechanism against H2O2 and its radicals, but does someone know the MOST resistant fungus and maybe also the mechanisms by which it gets such a high resistance?!
This is a question that I've always had but never asked the bigger research body. For journal articles and presentations, I use PowerPoint or Canva to make specimen drawings or schematics. However, they look very amateur and not publish-worthy.
What other easy-to-use software/sites are available? I'm more so interested in drawings such as the one attached.
Thank you!
Using waste mango woods as the source, how can nanocellulose be produced from it using acid hydrolysis process
I have implemented an adsorption test of heavy metal solution using wood straw biochar(without any Acid/Alkali activation) as an adsorbent. The degassing temp was 200C for 6h. After adsorption, there is a 10-15% increase in surface area.
Kindly note that the test was repeated 2 times with the nearby same results. What could be the possible reasons for it?
I have implemented an adsorption test of heavy metal solution using wood straw biochar(without any Acid/Alkali activation) as an adsorbent. The degassing temp was 200C for 6h. After adsorption, there is a 10-15% increase in surface area.
Kindly note that the test was repeated 2 times with the nearby same results. What could be the possible reasons for it?
Has anyone assessed the wood properties (microfibril angle, acoustic wave velocity, basic density) of Araucaria species, such as Araucaria cunninghamii (Moreton Bay pine), hoop pine, Araucaria heterophylla (Norfolk Island pine), Araucaria araucana (monkey-puzzle or pehuén), or Araucaria angustifolia (Paraná pine)? Have any wood anatomy studies been conducted on these species? Are there any studies that assess longitudinal or radial variations in wood properties for these specific Araucaria species?
Are there already available technologies for producing paper from other forms of flora, plants other than trees, such as shrubs, grasses, perennials, fallen leaves, straw, waste from crop production and/or lumber waste?
Due to the rapidly increasing level of plastic waste pollution in the green transformation of the economy, plastic packaging is being replaced by packaging made from biodegradable plastic substitutes, materials of organic origin, produced from vegetable crops, or packaging made from paper, wood. Unfortunately, the production of packaging from paper and/or wood is not a pro-environmental solution either, as it generates the cutting down of trees, increases the scale of forest deforestation. On the other hand, in connection with the still increasing scale of greenhouse gas emissions, the accelerating process of global warming, the processes of forest deforestation should be replaced by the processes of aforestation of civilizationally degraded areas, post-industrial areas, areas with sterilized soil, etc. In view of the above, there is a growing need to create green technologies and material eco-innovations, where it would be possible to create and implement paper production technologies from other forms of flora, plants other than trees, e.g. from shrubs, grasses, perennials, fallen leaves, straw, waste from crop production and/or lumber waste.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Are there already available technologies for the production of paper from other forms of flora, plants other than trees, such as shrubs, grasses, perennials, fallen leaves, straw, waste from the production of agricultural crops and/or lumber waste?
Are there already available technologies for producing paper from plants other than trees?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
I'm trying to model a wood-steel connection in shear in ABAQUS CAE, but I'm having some troubles with convergence and overlapping in the model.
In one model ('With-interaction') I apply an interaction (surface-to-surface) between the steel plate and wood and another one between the steel plate and the base of the connectors' head, but the model do not converge since the begining.
In the other model ('No interaction') I remove such interaction, the model still perform some steps but there is overlapping of the steel plate on the wood.
Does any one had experienced such type of problem? What maybe the causes? Files and print screens are in attachment.
Best regards
If so, do you have any idea on the relative abundances of both types of fibers?
Hello everyone,
I am currently working on my bachelor thesis and struggle with a concept.
The goal of the thesis is to analyse the potential benefits and risks for a data exchange Platform for SMEs in the wood supply chain.
My strategy way to conduct a „literature review“ to find potential use cases in both the wood industry but also potential applications from other sectors that can be adopted.
Additionally, I would like to conduct Semi-structured Interviews with industry experts to validate/invalidate the findings and extend the knowledge pool.
My question now is, what kind of methodology is that? I often read that a literature review is not a methodology but what else is it called.
I would appreciate any advice on how such research Design is called or can be adjusted to fit the project goals.
Thank you very much in advance.
Twenty years ago I operated a biofilter for wastewater treatment. I set layers like this (Pic_004_b):
Superficial layer: earth with live earthworm (Eisenia foetida).
Layer 1: sawdust
Layer 2: gravel diam 3/8"
Layer 3: gravel diam 1/2"
The remove BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand in five days) efficiency was 79.6 %, but chemical oxygen demand (COD) for both influent and effluent was the same.
Then I suspected was lignin from wood. Can someone confirm o reject it? and why?
In most African countries, a large number of people rely on charcoal, which is made by burning wood. We are all aware of the climate crisis, and the endless efforts being made to reduce deforestation, as well to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions across the globe. Many countries in Africa have been severely affected by the crisis in terms of food shortage, floods, disease and so on. If African countries are to make a move of banning the production and usage of charcoal( eg in some parts of Uganda), what else can they use? What will this mean for the numerous people who relied on coal, and for the economies?
Is wood vinegar potentially toxic to insects and bees?
Is there any research or work done on the use of transparent wood in medical equipment such as disposable syringes, gloves or medical marks? Does anybody have any idea?
What, in your opinion, are the methods, ways, legal solutions, new material and other technologies to reduce paper consumption, save wood and trees?
What, in your opinion, are the actions and projects that can contribute to forest conservation, to convert deforestation into afforestation, to protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and counteract the ongoing process of global warming?
As we know, trees, forests, especially old, natural forests, primeval forests with old-growth forests without human interference, without the influence of civilization, are the refuge of the greatest resources of biodiversity of natural ecosystems. Besides, forests play a particularly important role in the issue of slowing down the human-induced global warming process, which is progressing faster and faster. Forests also play a very important role in mitigating weather and climate anomalies, maintaining a mild microclimate friendly to living organisms, keeping the soil and air moist, maintaining the high level of biodiversity and soil fertility created over thousands or millions of years, and so on.
Deforestation still dominates over afforestation in many regions of the world. Forests are still being cut down and burned to acquire new areas for agricultural development, the cultivation of crops, which is usually carried out in the form of unsustainable robbery. In addition, this practice is carried out mainly in the tropics and subtropics, where after logging, forests created new arable land is quickly subject to drought and the soil becomes barren. Restoring a forest that has functioned for thousands of years or more in a specific area on the depleted soil requires huge expenditures. In addition, vegetable crops are grown on these new agricultural areas, which are either transported thousands of kilometers to other countries, which generates high greenhouse gas emissions, or are not used for human food but for livestock feed, which also generates high emissions, as industrial livestock farming is a source of high emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane. Therefore, with a view to protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and counteract the ongoing process of global warming.
Various examples of reducing paper consumption and saving forests are as follows:
In some countries, the scale of printing notebooks, notebooks, books, including school books, has been reduced and students as early as elementary school write at school on tablets or laptops rather than in paper notebooks. Green economic activities involving, for example, the production of furniture from recycled materials are also emerging.
Another example is the replacement of dirty energy based on burning firewood with renewable and emission-free sources of clean energy. Unfortunately, in some countries, in order to falsify statistics on the development of renewable energy at the behest of the government, central statistical institutions, ministries and government agencies dealing with climate and environmental issues also count firewood as a renewable energy source. Such absurdities unfortunately still exist in some countries.
Another example is the use of secondary raw materials of various origins in the construction industry instead of using wood, and especially instead of newly harvested wood from companies producing building materials based on fresh, new wood raw material from a sawmill.
As of 1.8.2023, paper receipts are not printed in France to save trees. You have to ask for a printed receipt if the customer needs one.
What other examples of reducing paper consumption and saving forests are as follows?
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What, in your opinion, are the actions and undertakings that can contribute to forest conservation, to convert deforestation into afforestation, to protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and counteract the ongoing process of global warming?
What do you think are the methods, ways, legal solutions, new material technologies and others to reduce paper consumption, save wood and trees?
How can we reduce paper consumption, save wood, trees and reduce forest deforestation, protect biodiversity and climate?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please respond,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Speed=Utter Energy*Velocity Equation…. Speed=F*dx,Then Speed=ma*dx,Then Speed=m*v/t*dx,Then Speed=mdx/t*v,Then Speed=Utter Energy*Velocity.S=UV..Simple Equation but my Very Favorite…And I Guess This Equation Speed=Utter Energy*Velocity Equation It Goes Everyside In Science In Universe….People-Animal-Fish Walk-Run-Planet Movement-Chemistry Atom Velocity And Everyside In Science In Universe It Goes.Here At Elements Mass And Utter Energy Comes With Mass Inside Atom Velocity When Atom Distribution And Distance comes With Time And Utter Energy Velocity Comes With Mass And Atom Distribution. By Utter Energy And By Environmental Partial Reaction And Environmental Reaction Another Velocity Comes Which Velocity Increase And Decrease Depend On Environmental Partial Reaction With Environmental Attraction And Repulsion And Increase And Decrease.Utter Energy And Mass Comes From Elements Mass And Mass Inside Atom Velocity With Distance And Time And By Environmental Partial Reaction And Environmental Reaction Another Velocity Comes Which Velocity Increase And Decrease Depend On Environmental Partial Reaction With Environmental Attraction And Repulsion And Speed Goes To=Utter Energy*Velocity And Work-Energy And Kinetic Energy Equation Gonna E=mv2Square...Man,Animal,Bird,Fish Walk- Run And Others All Equation Same And It Is Speed=Utter Energy* Velocity.And I Guess This Equation Speed=Utter Energy*Velocity Equation Is Number One Equation Is Universe Among Trillion Trillion Equation In Universe Cause It Goes Everyside In Universe….People-Animal-Fish Walk-Run-Planet Movement-Chemistry Atom Velocity And Everyside In Science In Universe It Goes
Work-Energy And Kinetic Energy Equation……Physics Books Says…..E=1/2MV2(SQUARE)……And Work=1/2MV2(SQUARE)……….But Here Acceleration And Velocity Uniform But Nothing Is Uniform In Universe…….But My Equation….
And Simply…..Kinetic Energy Or Work Or Energy Equation=F*Dx….. Then..W=ma*dx...W=m*v/t*dx….W=mvdx/t…..W=mv2(SQUARE)……….Here Dx=Distance,T=Time,V=Velocity,a=Acceleration
Work Equation= We Know W=F*Dx...Then..W=ma*dx...W=m*v/t*dx...Now....W=M*V*Dx/t..W=M* Δm (Delta Mass)/Δt (Delta Time)*dx/t...Now..W=M*V* Δm (Delta Mass)/Δt
Now...W=M*V* Δm/Δt…….W=MV Δm/ Δm/V……..W=mv2(SQUARE)……….
HERE, Δm (Delta Mass)= V× Δt……And…. Δt= Δm/V
I Guess my equation is correct cause earth physics books Says…. Kinetic Energy Equation-Energy Equation And Work Equation……Physics Books Says…..E=1/2MV2(SQUARE)……And Work=1/2MV2(SQUARE)……….But Here Acceleration And Velocity Is Uniform…..but nothing is uniform In Universe…At Our Physics Book Work-Energy-Kinetic Energy Equation=1/2 mv2square But Here Velocity And Acceleration Uniform But Nothing Is Uniform In This Universe...Atom Velocity,Air Velocity,Water Velocity,Light Velocity And Nothing Is All Time Uniform In This Universe But Our Physics Books Many Many Equations And Isac Newton Equations Depends On Uniform Velocity And Acceleration Equations.but nothing is uniform In Universe
*********I Have Physics Four Force Accommodation Rule.When Gravitational Force Strong Then Weak Nuclear Force Strong Then Electro-Magnetic Force Strong Then Strong Nuclear Force Strong.When Weak Then All Are Weak. Now If Gravitational Strength=Mgh/tan90.I said One cm degree angle if increase then it will be 1.135cm(According to my Rule). Now Gravitational Force Strength=Mgh/tan90 that 1.135*90. Now Weak Nuclear Force Strength=M*(-NB that break nucleoli beta)gh/tan 90 that 1.135*90. Now Electromagnetic Strength=M*EES(Electromagnetic Energy)gh/tan90 that 1.135*90. Now Strong Nuclear Force Strength=M*(+NB that Compact Nucleoli Beta)gh/tan90 that 1.135*90. Now If we will identify Four Force math then it will be When Gravitational Force Strong then Others Three Force Strong,When weak all Are weak. .Now will be just 4force Accommodation=mgh{1+{-NB(Less or huge)+EME that electromagnetic energy+(+NB Less or Huge}}/tan90 that 1.135*90
*******Desert Mirage Equation=Light Intensity*Warm Vapor.When Light Intensity high then Silica burns Inside and warm Vapor Comes.Why it is not seen from near but seen from far cause vapor ripple.When vapor comes then its ripple small.When we see from far then we can see large length ripple cause ripple become slowly large.When we see from far then we see large ripple&we can see mirage.when we see from near then ripple length small&we cannot see any mirage.This is the Desert Mirage Mystery And Also Cause For Road Mirage Mystery….We Can Also Prove It By Water Hot And Make Vapour
Jupiter,Mars,Venus,Moon Planet Mystery……….. Other Planets People Who Are Live Inside{Under Soil Surface} Those Planets Like Jupiter,Mars,Venus,Saturn And Others Cause They Are Rolling On Magnetic Force And Light Is Absorbing There. And It’s Also True Creator Also Showed Me Symptom That Signs And Creator Also Confirms Me That There Are People Live Inside That Under Soil Surface Others Planet Around The Earth Like Jupiter,Mars,Venus,Neptue,Saturn,Urenus And Others Cause They Are Rolling On Magnetic Force And Light Is Absorbing There. Those Planets Just Like Coconut Fruit That Upper Surface Normal After That Hard Surface Inside And After That Blank Inside .And If We Will Digging Right Upper Corner Then We Will Be Able To Enter Inside.Cause Only Right Upper Corner Side Pale And Others Everyside Thick. At-First It Should Be Come In Mind It Is Quiet Impossible Or Unbelievable That People Live Inside Others Planet.But Truth Is Actualy They Are Live Inside.And There Radio Frequency Will Not Work Cause Radio Frequency Weak Frequency And It Is Not Go So Under Of Soil.You Can Use Light Or Satellite Or Sound Frequency Or My Light Absorb Equation Frequency. Then You Must See Them.Why They Couldnot Or Cannot Come Outside Cause May Be They Did not Or Donot Know How They Can Come Outside.Otherwise Not Every Planet But Many Planets Can See Sun,Moon,Twinkle Star For Light Frequency When They Are Live Inside But Every Planet Cannot See.Now We Have Electric Recycling And Triangle Vehicle And Missile Like Electric Force.We Can Go Any Planet This Sky Or Invisible World Sky….
About Gog And Magog (Bible) That Yajuj And Majuj (Quran)………… I Told You About Gog And Magog(Bibel) That Yajuj And Majuj(Quran) Who Are Live Inside This Earth And They Will Be Come And Attack You Just Like Ripple Wind Ripple Within Very Short Time And Many People Will Be Die Or Can Be Die.And I Told You Some Places Name In Earth If You Have Frequency Which Go Under 500 Kilometer Of Soil {Under Soil Surface}Than You Must Be See Them Those Places And Creator Allah Showed Me Symptom That Signs Those Places Like Very Vast Near Iran And Turkeministan Border{Like "Mashahad" Name Place}.You Can Go And Fall Frequency On Turkeministan Near Iran Border Mashahad Name Place Or Turkeministan To Near Iran Border And Take Prove Yourself Of My Word That I Am Cheater Or True. And You Must See They Are Also Vast Caste{Tribal} Like You.I Told You Some Places Name In Earth If You Have Frequency{You Have Earth Quake Vibrate Or Soil Vibrate Identifying Machine And You Can Easily Identify Them} Which Go Under 500 Kilometer Of Soil {Under Soil Surface}{They Are Under Soil Surface But Not So Under Deep Soil Surface}Than You Must Be See Them Those Places .And You Should Get Words About Gog And Magog(Bibel) That Yajuj And Majuj(Quran) In Quran And Bibel.Creator Send Them Long Thousand Years Ago Under Soil For Their Cruelty.And They Are Originally Cruel Caste.Its Your Matter You Are Believe Or Not.He Created Everything And He Knows Very Well About Creation.He Is Mine And Our Creator.We Are Nothing.Who You Are Donot Know About Gog And Magog(Bible) That Yajuj And Majuj(Quran) You Can Just Give Internet Search And Get Knowledge About Gog And Magog(Bible) That Yajuj And Majuj(Quran).
New Basic Color Making Procedure From Plant(Like Heaven Color)……………….. New Basic Color Making From Plant Main And Important Matter Is Color Contrast…….And Here How Color Will Be Contrast…………..Color Contrast Main And Important Matter Is We Should Be Hold Whole Plant Or Branch Or Leaf By Rope And Stick Or Fence For No Movement…….Without Color Will Not Contrast…….That There Will Be No Movement Of Leaf Or Plant Or Branch Without Color Will Not Contrast. So…We Should Be Work On Unexpress Color Pigment And Sunlight Color Wavelength Change By Mirror Device…..If Sunlight Color Wavemength Suppose Green Color Wavelength 25nm And If We Are Change With 50nm 70 nm 75 nm 100nm Than New Basic Color Will Be Come And Bloom At Plant. We Can Push Others Color By Injection Syringe At Plant Soft Bark Or Leaf Or We Can Work Just Like Paint Others Colors By Painter Without Erase Soft Skin Elastic Or With Erase For Beautification Or Others Or We Can Cover Leaf By Cloth Or Others For Somedays To Make White And When We Will Give Cover Than After Somedays It Will Be Whitish Color And After That We Will Be Give Color Or Just Paint Color On Leaf And Branch And Root…..And If We Are Cover Plant Or Little Plant By Poly-Ethylene Normal Polybag That It Will Be Change Sunlight Color Wavelength And After Follow Some Procedure And If We Are Push Others Color Or Paint Color At Plant Than Cover Plant Or Little Plant By Poly-Ethylene Normal Polybag For Somedays Than After Somedays It Will Be Various Colorful Croton Plant And Normal Green Plant Will Be Various Colorful Croton Plant….By This Way We Can Also Change Sunlight Color Wave Length And Make Green Plant Various Colorful Croton Plant And Also We Can Make New Basic Color
Corona Mutation Pathogen: Corona Symptom…..Taste Less,Fragrance Less,Weakness,Gut Problem,Inspiration Problem,Liver Problem,Fever,Body Pain And Others………….Those Are Mutation Pathogen Symptom And Those Are Not Virus Diseases Symptom….Though Pathogen Type Diseases Comes For Virus And Bacterial Infection But Cure System Different…….Here Corona Spread From China……..Maximum Chinese Eat Half Boil Food……Corona Spread From Sick Mammals Or Flying Mammals……Animals Eat Maximum Times Rotten Food…..At Rotten Food Various Types Of Germ, Virus And Bacteria Lives That Various Pathogen Lives……When You Will Be Not Properly Temperature Cooking Food And Eat Half Boil Food And Eat Than It Should Be Sick Animals Inside Germ Should Not Be Die And By Half Boil Eat Food Sick Animal Inside Diseases Germ Should Be Enter At Your Body And You Should Be Attack By Diseases Germ And Gonna Sick…..Like That Half Boiled Sick Mammal Or Flying Mammals Eaten By Chinese And Corona Pathogen Enter Chinese Body And Like Influenza Its Spread All Over Earth And Kill People.To Take Corona Sampol And If You Are Exam Pathogen Diagnostic Lab Than You Will Be Easily Sure That Corona Is A Pathogen And Not Virus….Just Exam Its Sampol.If You Are Simply Eat Taro,Coconut Fruit And Water,Vit-D,Sunlight Than Corona Pathogen Will Be Ultimately Ok…..Cause Taro,Coconut,Vit-D,Sunlight Has Usefulness Against Pathogen Type Diseases…..To Take Corona Sample At Pathogen Diagnostic Lab We Can Easily Prove Corona Is A Pathogen Not Virus
Every Fruit,Vegetable,Plant Or Leaf Has Medicinal Value…………….Creator Gives Every Diseases Cure And Remove Solution To Every Fruit,Vegetable,Leaf…………
Condition:You Should Be Eat Regularly Those Fruit And Vegetable Than Those Fruit And Vegetable Chemical Will Be React With Body And Disease Germ And After Certain Time It Will Be Kill Diseases Germ And Body Will Be Good And Ok And Antibody Will Be Arise Also At Body
Suppose: Diabetes Disease Solution……..Malta Fruit(Blood Organge) And You Can Also Eat Garlic,Orange,Lemon,Ginger And Vit-E And Flattened Rice(Poha) When We Put Water For 15 To 20 Mintutes And Than We Will Be Take That Water And Eat That Water And Fish Head And Leaf Vegetables
Body Fat Removal--------Apple,Cumin,Elachi,Water Melon,Jack Fruit,Carrot,Potato,Lettuce,Ginger,Lemon,Pumpkin,Taro,Cabbage,Cauliflower
Corona Pathogen:Taro,Coconut Fruit And Water,Vit-D,Sunlight
Good Skin:Mango,Jack Fruit,Pumpkin,Cabage,Taro,Sandal Wood
Like That You Should Be And Must Be Get Every Fruit,Vegetable,Plant Or Leaf Has Medicinal Value…………….Creator Gives Every Diseases Cure Or Remove Solution To Every Fruit,Vegetable,Leaf But
Condition:You Should Be Eat Regularly Those Fruit And Vegetable Than Those Fruit And Vegetable Chemical Will Be React With Body And Disease Germ And After Certain Time It Will Be Kill Diseases Germ And Body Will Be Good And Ok And Antibody Will Be Arise Also At Body
Is Air Particle Or Ripple Wave?.....Is Light Particle Or Ripple Wave?......Is There Air Or Light Has Weight And Mass?....Here Water Is Liquid…..But Water Can Be Solid Or Gas……Just Like That Air Is Wave But If We Wanna We Can Make Air Solid Or Liquid…..Now How? Here Environmental Light,Cloud Movement,Plant Movement Depends On Air…..But At Environment Various Types Of Partial Reaction Happen Everytime…..And Various Types Of Frequency Happen At Environment…..By Air And Moments Maximum Heavy Wave And Acceleration At Environment Goes To Around Earth Or Planets…Air Has Mass And Weight? Now How We Can Identify…..You Know People Use Air At Vehicle Tyre….If You Are Take Mass And Weight Of Vehicle Tyre Before Push Air And After Push Air Than You Must Be Get Difference And After Push Air Tyre Weight And Mass Increase And That Is Air Mass And Weight…..So….It Must Be Air Has Weigh And Mass And Every Air Atom Has Mass And Weight….Like That Light Wave Has Also Mass And Weight And Every Light Atom Has Mass And Weight(If We Are Exam Light Just Like Air And Vehicle Tyre) And All Wave And Particle And Aton Has Mass And Weight….And If We Want Than We Can Make Air And Light Solid,Liquid,Gas Or Wave……Here If We Want Than We Can Make Air Or Light Crush That Pulverize Than Environmental Everything Will Broken Just Like Broken Glass And People Animal Plant And Their Body,Blood,Hand,Leg,Head Will Be Scattered Just Tear Down That Tattered That Broken….Air And Light Will Be Kill People Just Like Archer If We Will Crush Air And Light….If We Are Use Some Procedure Than We Can Crush Air And Light Easily…And Environmental Atom And Free Atom And Its Charge Gonna Charge And Their Charge Arise With Seasonal Air And Change With Seasonal Air With Light And Time But…..By Air And Moments And Light Maximum Heavy Wave And Acceleration,Particle At Environment Goes To Around Earth Or Planets ……And Here There Are Various Types Of Particle,Wave At Environment To Control Climate And One Is Flemingo Particle…..And This Flemingo Particle Maximum Control Environmental Climate…..And Flemingo Particle Absorbs Environment Extra Everything……When Flemingo Particle Gonna Inert Than Environment Carbon,Temperature,Storm,Tsunami Increase….Though Environmental Temperature Depends On Light But Increase Or Decrease Or Environmental Abnormal Temperature That Heavy Temperature Or Low Temperature Depends On Flemingo Particle… Climate Control…….You Can Simply Work On Flemingo Particle……Flemingo Particle Is One Kind Of Particle Which Blows Or Flows At Environment,Soil,Water,Air.And Environment Temperature,Carbon,Partial Reaction,Tsunami Storm Depends On Flemingo Particle……Flemingo Particle Absorbs Environment Extra Everything…When Flemingo Particle Gonna Inert At Environment Than Temperature,Carbon,Tsunami And Others Gonna Increase………We Can Work Just On Flemingo Particle From Inertness By Electric Wave And Resonance Reaction And Work On Flemingo Particle That Environment And Climate Will Be Ultimately Ok…. According To Theory Of Relativity------Light Velocity Is Constant---------If Light Velocity Is Constant Than Why Temperature Gonna Different?Why Seasonal Change(Summer Winter Rainy Season And Others Seasonal Change Happen?----We Know Plant Takes Light To Make Food-----So,If Light Velocity Is Constant Than Why Short Day Plant-Long Day Plant And Day Neutral Plant-Seasonal Vegetables-Fruit-Flower Comes When Season Change?And When At Open Field Where There Is No Obstacle Of Light And There Also Short Day Plant-Long Day Plant And Day Neutral Plant-Seasonal Vegetables-Fruit-Flower Comes When Season Change.So,Light Velocity Is Never Constant----It Can Be Light Spped High But Truth Is Light Is Ripple Which Goes By Master Force--- Now What Is Master Force?Master Force Is One Kind Of Force Which Flows Or Blows All Over Universe Within Sometime Just Like Wind Flows All Over Earth.And Light,Wind And Others Velocity And Intensity Flows Or Blows By Master Force.Example:Suppose Sea Water Wave Or River Water Wave Blows By Wind And Its One Kind Of Ripple And Light Is Also Ripple.If Wind Is Just Like Sea Water Wave Then Master Force Is Just Like Wind.By Master Force Light,Wind And Others Intensity And Velocity Pass Planets And All Over Universe.Now Why Master Force Comes?----Its Cause Planets Rolling In All Over Universe And Rolling Planets Has Scale Of Balance For Rolling Balance.And For Rolling,Absorb,Spark And Others Cause Master Force Comes And Blows Or Flows All Over Universe.Why Your Sky Color Is Blue?I Guess,Its Cause Your Plant Leaf Color Green,Soil Color Ash Or Red And Sea Water Blue.So,Light Velocity Is Never Constant……… We Can Work Just On Flemingo Particle From Inertness By Electric Wave And Resonance Reaction And Work On Flemingo Particle That Environment And Climate Will Be Ultimately Ok….Or We Will Be Crush Flemingo Particle From Inertness By Resonance Reaction Than Earth And Environmental Climate Will Be Ultimately Ok….Is Those True About Work-Energy And Kinetic Energy Equation- (Speed=Utter Energy*Velocity That S=UV Equation)-Mirage Equation And Others Equation?....Please See Attachment For Further Discussion
Hi everyone, I am researching about the potential use of the liquid byproducts of the carbonization process of Gmelina aborea wood residues (i.e. wood vinegar and wood tar), as fungicides against Ceratocystis fimbriata which is causing a vascular wilt in Gmelina arborea trees.
I am conducting a in vitro experiment but I also want to do an in vivo test. I would appreciate recommendations of methods and procedures.
Thanks in advance,
Jair Granados-Chacón
I want clarification on the type of wood powder to opt for as an adsorbent for removing Copper and Lead from soil. Also which sieve size will you recommend, is 60 mesh sieve size okay?
I have some lake sediment cores which I am planning to date using AMS radiocarbon dating and tephrochronology. Are there any recommended procedures for sampling lake sediment cores to remove terrestrial plant remains and things such as wood, charcoal, bone, etc, for radiocarbon dating?
I have come across some methods that mention placing the sediment sample in water, sieving the samples and then picking out the target items using fine forceps or a paint brush.
Any recommended papers or procedures would be welcome.
Thank you.
In our laboratory, we are looking for the application of wood anatomy as a precise and key tool for identifying not only species but also varieties within a species. Specifically, we are interested in studying the different varieties of Cocoa, Coffee, Cedrela, and Clusias.
Then, we would like to know What are the key anatomical wood features that can be used to accurately distinguish between different varieties within a species?
If you have experience in identifying species based on anatomical characteristics of the wood, we would greatly appreciate your insights and any recommendations you may have for our research. Can we consider the Pits and perforation plates as key features of wood identification?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
I am interested does anyone tried to measure tree rings from sub-fossil oak cross-sections using an image analysis technique? When working with tree-ring measuring table, I usually do the measurements when the wood is still wet. I prepare a band on surface with a razor blade and treat it with chalk. However, the taking scans is problematic because the samples usually are quite big/heavy and the preparation of entire smooth surface is too difficult. What are your thoughts or experience with such samples?
I am working right now on a paper that validates the experiment of the double shear on a wooden dowel, and I am using Abaqus for the numerical analysis of this connection. I am trying since a while to define the plasticity of wood in Abaqus, but I can not. Where can I get the values of the Plasticity of a specific type of Wood?
I can not simulate as well the failure that would happen to the connection.
It would be really helpful if anyone told me how I can overcome those two problems.
Thanks in advance
During concrete casting works in construction projects, there are several factors that affect the quality of concrete on-site, some of which are related to the supplier concrete, some of them are related to casting workers, and the other is the implementation of wood molds and reinforcing works.which the factor was critical
How we can interpret the presence of Hf peak in EDX spectra of reference birch wood ? While I have not seen this peak before in wood samples.
I m trying to estimate the concentration of lignin in rice husk. I m using TAPPI T222 method for this purpose. On treating with 72% sulphuric acid, the husk powder is still visible. Is it correct or I m missing somewhere.
Since after this water will be added and 4 hrs boiling will be done and then protocol says to filter and weigh the filtrate. Under such condition the filtrate will have husk powder as well.
Dear all, is anyone able to identify this beetle (wood devouring)? Could find many similar images, but none with a crenelated pronotum.
In advance many thanks
The wood of the endangered tree species Paubrasilia echinata (previously Caesalpinia echinata), has traditionally been used for making string instrument bows. Currently, there is a discussion about how best to conserve this species. In particular, there is an initiative to upgrade its international conservation status on CITES, which would lead restriction of Brazilwood trading . Bow makers and related industries are presently lobbying against the CITES upgrade. I find it difficult to obtain unbiased, objective information on how to best address this problem from a conservation perspective. Can anyone please comment? Many thanks,
We are interested in view on whether the different planting patterns in softwood plantations significantly affects form and wood property variation, and studies that examined them. For example if a stand is planted at 1111 sph, does the row x column pattern have any measured effect? Do stands planted on a 3 x 3 spacing differ noticeably and consistently from stands planted at 2 x 4.5?
Do you have any recommendations for low-budget acoustic emission (AE) sensors and instrumentation for wood testing? I expect to register activities that will go up to 400 kHz.
BACKGROUNDS: As we all known, the capture of the failure and post-failure in simulation of timber structures is very important. Timber structures deveops fast up to now, simulation methods have been play ing critical roles in understanding the failure mechanics and structural behavior. With the success of simulation, i.e. getting reasonable simulation results, one can proceed the subsequent works, such as design, assessment, and strengthening, etc.
FIELDS : CLT, GLT, Ttaditional timber structures, wood-based structures, furniture structures, etc.
especially some elements needed fined simulation to reflect the whole failure process.
PROPOSE: every one can actively say anything here, from ideas to some discussions, dont just limited to the answer of my questin.
Hi!, I'm currently on a investigation project that consist in production of charcoal by slow pyrolysis of wood. As we know, the products of this process is char, syngas and tar. The thing is that we want to minimize this tar production because its complicated usage. For what we saw, the tar can be degraded to volatile non-condensable gases and avoid that liquid phase. The temperature we are modeling the process is about 400-450 ºC,. My question is: is this enough to only have coal and syngas at the end of te process?. If not, how can we avoid the tar production and only have syngas as byproduct? I hope I have explained myself well.
Eleven months ago I girdled 17 trees and measured the moisture content, at the place where they had been girdled, with a wood moisture meter. Typically, the moisture meter showed a reading of about 30%. Now recently I have cut down the trees and cut them into pieces, and I have measured the moisture content at the same place as before, as well as at 5, 10, and 15 meters height, both externally (cutting of the bark with a machete) as well as internally (at the place where I have cut the trees in to short pieces with a chainsaw). The weird thing is that, in spite of that the trees now are dead and very light, the readings on the moisture meter indicate the opposite, they typically are around 40%, as if the moisture content would have _increased_, something which obviously is not the case.
All this happened in western Amazonia (Ecuador) where the climate is very humid, such that I think it sounds quite normal that wood has a moisture content of 40% even in trees that have been girdled 11 months ago. But what I do not understand is why the moisture meter showed just 30% when the trees were alive and the cells must have been basically full of water.
Hello everyone,
I intend to do some investigation on applied Computer Vision on Wood Log Detection. For that I would need a proper sized Image Dataset. Ideally, this should be publicly available to give others the chance for comparison.
The only source I found on this topic was the paper "The HAWKwood Database", but the link given to the Database in [1] is offline.
Anyone knows how to get access to that - or similar - datasets?
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you very much!
Kind Regards,
I tried to solve this on my own, however, this is way out of my area of expertise. Can the remains of a snake become fossilized within the interior of a tree? My husband is big into woodworking and around a week ago he brought back a piece of oak that was down. It has been through a fire. On the edge of the piece of wood, there is clearly a snake. I can see what appear to be vertebrae in a section or two in the areas where the spine would be. It is absolutely stunningly beautiful. Can this happen? Does this happen? Thanks.
Biomass burning smoke, wood smoke and wildires smoke, what's the difference among them ragard to their chemical components/ size/ coatings/ toxicity ?
I am looking for reliable data processing to convert cubic meters of Quercus cerris (Hungarian oak) wood into CO2 equivalent. Thank you.
Fossil wood rotting fungus, spores 2-3 celled, growing in an cf. Anacardiaceae fossil wood.
Wood is a wonderful resource and we use it in almost everything. It would be fun if wood could not be seen but touched. So, could wood ever be transparent?
I have recently started a wood decay experiment in a soil medium and, only two weeks after placing the samples in the jars, an unwelcome fungus started to grow on the top of a large number of samples. I suspect that the contamination may come from the samples themselves, as there are no signs of contaminations elsewhere in the jars and the contamination was absent until the samples were placed in the jar.
While I have not chosen yet to stop the experiment, I would like to try to identify this fungus without removing the lids; it is blue-ish green in color and has a powdery appearence. It may also be resistant to heat, as it withstood autoclaving. I suspect that it might be Aspergillus flavus, but I would like your insight in case other fungi exists with a similar description.
Thank you for your help,
A patient had bp of ,170 by 13O and could hear his heart pounding.
Pulse study
Wood pulse was strong,and moving back vwards
Understanding and findings
Strong pulse indicates.excess Chi
Going back husband controlling wife
Our treatment
Wood had excess chi
Indicates pericardium has exess heat in it.
And Metal being controlled .
P-metal points poked.
When bp checked shows normal
Hi everybody,
I want to examine the relationship of wood density with tree growth rates expressed as (i) diameter growth rates and (ii) biomass growth rates. In your opinion, what would be the best way to compare these two relationships, for example in terms of strength and/or the slope. Any advice on R packages or functions would be very valuable.
I'm looking for an answer to question:
Is there a universal method for converting and determining wood density from drilling results using a resistograph?
Tool: IML PD400
I'm doing a conservation project regarding the deacidification of PEG treated waterlogged wood.
First, I did some analysis to identify sulfur acid compounds such as FeSO4, FeS, FeS2.
I chose SrCO3 and CaCO3 to make this acidic atmosphere to the neutral condition.
I understand the chemical reaction between sulfuric acid and Sulfur dioxide ion with SrCO3 or CaCO3.
But most of the iron-sulfur compound is FeSO4.
FeSO4 can react with SrCO3 or CaCO3 to produce SrSO4 or CaSO4(which is a stable compound) and FeCO3.
Could FeCO3 can directly or indirectly damage PEG treated waterlogged wood?
or can FeCO3 produce other acidic compounds in humid and oxygen conditions?
Thank you.
Clostridium acetobutylicum is a solventogenic bacteria, still can it use C1 compounds like CO and CO2 as substrates for fermentation process.
Using a muffle furnace, I synthesised several ferrite materials with varying sintering temperatures. Cotton and wood are used inside a muffle furnace, but they are not burnt since the muffle furnace is kept at a higher temperature. why?
Anyone who can share the standards or guidelines required for wood/biomas to produce charcoal. E.g. Moisture content values, fixed carbon, volatile mater, ash of the wood.
Dear Wetland scientists,
We are currently carrying out a synthesis about every “rapid” tool which can be used to provide information about conditions of soil saturation in wetlands at one point or over a short period of time.
We have already listed : alpha dipyridyl, orthophénantrolyne, FIRIS and MIRIS tubes and films, iron stick, wood stick, lead rich PVC tube, TDR and FDR, well, piezometers, maximum-minimum recorder, water-stained leaves, soil redox potential measurements. Note that we are also documenting tool pros and cons.
Please, do you know other interesting tools that we may add to this synthesis?
Yours sincerely.
Guillaume GAYET PhD
Dear All
Modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) are two parameters in heat-treated woods. In the following paper, the Authors used time, temperature, and relative humidity or wood species parameters for determining the MOR and MOE by Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).
Are there mathematical equations and formulas for determining MOR and MOE with time, temperature, and relative humidity in standard codes and other papers?
Best regards
Mehdi Nikoo
Dear All
I need laboratory data to do a scientific research on cross laminated timber. I want to use artificial neural networks combined with meta-heuristic algorithms. Data can be suitable for my study work in any of the following cases:
Axial strength
Compressive strength
Finite Element
Multi stories
Shear walls
Are there websites, laboratories, or papers that can be used from them to collect or receive data?
Could you please kindly help me?
Best Regards
Mehdi Nikoo
Most of conservationist advocates total ban on any human interference in natural forests including silvicultural management practices.will by doing so in terms of carbon cycle weheter old tree stands as well as dead trees is increasing carbon storage or decreasing by decomposition. That unused wood if utilised properly for lock carbon in natural furniture or structure will be more useful than laying in the forests. Is there any study which can suggest in decomposition of wood how much and carbon di oxide liberated or added to soil to increase soil carbon along with net gain of carbon after decmposition of wood.
How can the mechanical properties of wood be improved? Are nanoparticles possible to improve this, and how can they be added?
looking for a chemical paint used for wood and has anti-fire properties
I was looking for a digital copy of master plan for forestry sector in Nepal. I am mostly in need of wood density values for Nepalese's species so that i could calculate AGB from volume equations.
Good morning.I am a graduate student in the College of Forestry, Guangxi University.I have read the article《Brittleheart as a critical feature for visual strength grading of tropical hardwood: Approach of detection》.I don’t quite understand some parts of this article. May I discuss it with you?
(1)When we characterize visible CF’s,how do we know if the CF’s are caused by brittleheart(compression failures) or Wood splitting or wind.Because I have cut some wood(very distinct,with fibre separation) to characterize CF’s,but I can’t find fibre bucking in microscope(image0012).
(2) I cut it perpendicular to the surface of the CF'S to get the longitudinal tangential section(Figure DSC08441). Is this cutting method correct?
I'm looking forward for your reply!
I'm working on some project: degradation pattern of wood from mudflat
it is easy to find paper or references regarding wood degradation but it is hard to find
wood degradation from mudflat.
does anyone give some references that I can lookup? thank you.
biodegradation or insect attacks both are okay for me! thank you!
I have an upcoming research on binderless wood particleboard that uses hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulfate to "get the lignin out of the wood cells" by oxidation. However from my literature searches, it seemed that there is no exactly defined concentration for H2O2, and that other fellow researchers only describe the amount of mass they use (for example, 5% of the dry particle weight). What exactly is the concentration that we need for the lignin oxidation? My target time is 15 minutes of oxidation in 29 C and 65% RH. If i may cite the research, this was the reference for the method:
Suhasman, S., Hadi, Y.S., Massijaya, M.Y. & Santoso, A. (2012). Binderless Particleboard Resistance to Termite Attack. Forest Products Journal, 62(5), 412-415.
Thank you, and i will very much appreciate the answer.
I've been searching for days in databases to find the correlation between porosity in materials (for built environments like porcelain, ceramics, wood, etc.) and biofilm formation (index of bioburden). The findings will help me then understand the correlation between porous/non-porous materials and their cleanability properties.
It has been reported that chemicals used for finishing hardwood furniture and hardwood flooring may potentially cause health effects since they can cause cancer. The California Proposition 65 law outlines potential health risk of such items which are listed as cancer causing. In spite of such regulation, people have been using hardwood for years. Where is the fine line between use and not to use? Does it bother you to use hardwood for residential and commercial purposes? Is there any such regulation (e.g., Prop 65) elsewhere?
Dear colleagues
I am looking work that describes the characteristics of exhaust emissions from combustion process of wood and straw (comparison)?