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Weights and Measures - Science topic

Measuring and weighing systems and processes.
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Publications related to Weights and Measures (10,000)
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In this paper, we introduce three new classes of binomial sums involving Fibonacci (Lucas) numbers and weighted binomial coefficients. One particular result is linked to a problem proposal recently published in the journal The Fibonacci Quarterly.
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We show the power of discrete calculus, especially the summation by parts formula, in evaluating Fibonacci and Tribonacci sums with polynomial and exponential weights. We provide new, short, and elementary proofs of several known results, and derive new identities involving Fibonacci, Lucas, and Tribonacci numbers.
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In this work we unified gravity into QFT and proved that Planck scale formalism and Alena tensor are equivalent. We further derive the dynamic of the universe which is oscillating and the period or time to collapse is ca. 10^18 years on comparison to ca. current age 10^10 years.
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Do fickle attitudes around self-representation effect IP scale results.
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We study the representations of some simple affine vertex algebras at non-admissible level arising from rank one 4D SCFTs. In particular, we classify the irreducible highest weight modules of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \...
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This study aimed to calibrate the Hargreaves-Samani (HS) model, a simplified alternative to the standard Penman-Monteith (PM) model, to estimate reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in Rio Claro, RJ, Brazil. Using daily meteorological data (maximum and minimum air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, and global solar radi...
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Let \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathcal {P}_n$$\end{document} be the set of real-valued algebraic polynomials of degree at most n, and consider the...
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A bstract Matched calculations combining perturbative QCD with parton showers are an indispensable tool for LHC physics. Two methods for NLO matching are in widespread use: M c @N lo and P owheg . We describe an alternative, KrkNLO, reformulated to be easily applicable to any colour-singlet process. The primary distinguishing characteristic of KrkN...
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Recent years brought considerable attention to the connection between chronic stress and the development of autoimmune diseases. However, little is still known about the impact of prolonged stress reactions on the onset and course of primary Sjögren Syndrome (pSS). This study aimed to seek for associations between chronic stress, resulting from str...
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Příspěvek se zabývá vztahem resilience a sociálních kompetencí u vychovatelů ve školských zařízeních pro výkon ústavní a ochranné výchovy. Výzkum byl proveden za pomoci standardizovaných dotazníků ISK-Inventáře sociálních kompetencí (Hoskovcová & Vašek, 2017) a CD-RISC Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (Connor & Davidson, 2003). Výzkumný záměr jsme...
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The control of the sequential self‐assembly processes of highly entangled (Ag3L2)n (n=2,4,6,8) and Ag21L12 coordination polyhedra using side‐chain effects was studied via the introduction of linear or branched side chains into the tripodal ligands. In addition to changes in the intermediate polyhedral species affording the multi‐ pathway process, d...
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يتطلب أداء حراس المرمى في كرة القدم قدرات بدنية عالية المستوى تشمل القوة، السرعة، والتوافق العضلي العصبي، بالإضافة إلى إتقان الجوانب الفنية التي تتماشى مع طبيعة الأداء. تأتي أهمية البحث من رفع مستوى أداء حراس المرمى من خلال استخدام تمرينات القدرة بأوزان مضافة مع التحفيز الكهربائي (TENS)، لمعرفة تأثير هذه التمرينات في تحسين سرعة الاستجابة الحركية لح...
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تتجلى اهمية البحث في الارتقاء بمستوى القوة العضلية للاعبي بناء الاجسام وفق التدريب الصحيح وهو التدريبات النوعية بالتثقيل المناسب مما يعطي نتائج افضل وتحقيق الدرجات المطلوبة في المسابقات الرياضية .وكانت مشكلة البحث التدريب في بعض الالعاب الفردية ومنها بناء الاجسام تتطلب تدريب صحيح ويتمشى مع خصوصية اللعبة والجانب البدني الذي تتطلبه اللعب ولهذا فان تد...
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We determine the uncorrelated modes that characterize the fluctuations in a semi-realistic model for the initial state of high-energy nuclear collisions, consisting of hot spots whose positions are distributed independently. Varying the number of hot spots, their size, and the weights with which they contribute to the initial state, we find that th...
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We investigate the multidimensional stability of planar traveling waves in competitive–cooperative Lotka–Volterra system of three species in n-dimensional space. For planar traveling waves with speed c>c*, we establish their exponential stability in L∞(Rn), which is expressed as t−n2e−ετσt, where σ>0 is a constant and ετ∈(0,1) depends on the time d...
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São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil. IS S N: 2 17 8-9 01 0 DO I: http: // doi .o rg /1 0 .7 7 69 /g es e c.v 1 6 i1. 46 20 Produtividade e peso de mil sementes em função de inoculação e coinoculação em cultivares de soja (Glycine max L.) cultivadas em terras baixas Productivity and thousand seed weight in response to inoculation and co-inoculation...
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We present in this paper a new way to define weighted Sobolev spaces when the weight functions are arbitrary small. This new approach can replace the old one consisting in modifying the domain by removing the set of points where at least one of the weight functions is very small. The basic idea is to replace the distributional derivative with a new...
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هدف البحث الى: بناء مقياس الشك بالذات في درس السباحة لدى طالبات كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة. تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي بالأسلوب المسحي لملاءمته وطبيعة البحث، واشتمل مجتمع البحث على طالبات المرحلة الأولى بكلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة في الجامعات (الموصل , الانبار , ديالى , تكريت , كركوك , سامراء , الحمدانية) في قسم للعام الدراسي (2023 –...
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The primary objective of this paper is to introduce a novel integral transform, referred to as the Hartley-Bessel-Stockwell transform, and to establish several fundamental results associated with it. Specifically, we derive generalized versions of Parseval's identity, Plancherel's theorem, the inversion formula, and Calderon's reproducing formula f...
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In this note, we investigate the existence and asymptotic property of positive periodic solutions to non-autonomous predator-prey system with stage-structured predator on time scales. Via Schauder’s fixed theorem, easily verifiable sufficient existence conditions of positive periodic solutions for the considered system are obtained. We also study a...
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We give estimates for positive solutions for the Schr\"odinger equation $(\Delta_\mu+W)u=0$ on a wide class of parabolic weighted manifolds $(M, d\mu)$ when $W$ decays to zero at infinity faster than quadratically. These can be combined with results of Grigor'yan to give matching upper and lower bounds for the heat kernel of the corresponding Schr\...
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We gather evidence for a conjecture of Galkin predicting the derived category of the Fano variety of lines contained in a smooth cubic fourfold to be equivalent to the Hilbert square of the Kuznetsov component of the derived category of the cubic. We prove the conjecture for generic Fano varieties admitting a rational Lagrangian fibration and show...
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We prove a Liouville theorem for ancient solutions to the supercritical Fujita equation \[\partial_tu-\Delta u=|u|^{p-1}u, \quad -\infty <t<0, \quad p>\frac{n+2}{n-2},\] which says if $u$ is close to the ODE solution $u_0(t):=(p-1)^{-\frac{1}{p-1}}(-t)^{-\frac{1}{p-1}}$ at large scales, then it is an ODE solution (i.e. it depends only on $t$). This...
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Consider the general linear group G=GL_n(K) defined over an infinite field K of positive characteristic p. We denote by Δ(λ) the Weyl module of G which corresponds to a partition λ. Let λ, μ be partitions of r and let γ be a partition with parts divisible by p. In the first main result of this paper, we find sufficient conditions on λ, μ and γ so t...
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McMule, a Monte Carlo for MUons and other LEptons, implements many major QED processes at NNLO (eg. $ee\to ee$, $e\mu\to e\mu$, $ee\to\mu\mu$, $\ell p\to\ell p$, $\mu\to\nu\bar\nu e$) including effects from the lepton masses, making it suitable for predictions for low-energy experiments such as MUonE, CMD-III, PRad, or MUSE. Recently, McMule gained...
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Objective The present study aims to explore the initial dosage optimization of sertraline in pediatric major depressive disorder (MDD) patients based on model-informed precision dosing (MIPD). Methods A total of 111 pediatric MDD patients treated with sertraline were included for analysis using MIPD. Sertraline concentration levels, physiological...
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We use the Almkvist-Zeilberger algorithm, combined with a weighted version of the Even-Gillis Laguerre integral due to Foata and Zeilberger, in order to efficiently compute weight enumerators of multiset derangements according to the number of cycles. The present paper is inspired by important previous work by Mourad Ismail and his collaborators, d...
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The overlap function has been extensively utilized across various fields. In this paper, we introduce the concepts of the similarity and δ-equality of overlap functions to measure the degree of similarity between two overlap functions. Subsequently, we examine the δ-equality of several operations on overlap functions, including meet, join, and weig...
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In this paper, we define the weighted embedded homology of super-hypergraphs, give a quasi-partial order and a pseudo-metric on the set made up of all non-vanishing weights on a finite set, and clarify the relationship between the torsion parts of weighted embedded homology with integer coefficients of super-hypergraphs under certain weights.
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EFA and CFA techniques for the scale/ instrument/tool/ questionnaire validation process
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Let x be a large real number, d(n) be the Dirichlet divisor function and Δ(x)=∑n⩽xd(n)−xlogx−(2γ−1)x. In this paper, we consider a weighted form of the three primes theorem: S(N;k1,k2,k3):=∑p1+p2+p3=NΔk1(p1)Δk2(p2)Δk3(p3), where p1,p2,p3 run over primes, k1,k2,k3∈{1,2,⋯,9}, and N is an large odd integer. For the case ki∈{2,3,⋯,9}(i=1,2,3), the othe...
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This article delves into Korovkin-type theorems in Banach function spaces as established by Zeren et al. (Positivity 26:28, 2022). We prove that in this theorem, the positivity of the operators is not a necessary requirement and provides an example of a sequence of non-positive operators where it is applicable. Under the assumption of positivity, w...
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Set \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\textbf {g}}}=(g_0,g_1,\cdots ,g_{n-1})$$\end{document} with \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \u...
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Motivated by studies of data retrieval in polymer-based storage systems, we consider the problem of reconstructing a multiset of binary strings that have the same length and the same weight from the compositions of their prefixes and suffixes of every possible length. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for which unique reconstruction up...
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The paper is devoted to two-weight estimates for the fractional maximal operators $\mathcal{M}^\alpha$ on general probability spaces equipped with a tree-like structure. For given $1<p\leq q<\infty$, we study the sharp universal upper bound for the norm $ \|\mathcal{M}^\alpha\|_{L^p(v)\to L^q(u)}$, where $(u,v)$ is an arbitrary pair of weights sati...
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A graph Z(V, E) with p vertices and q edges is categorized as mean graph if there is an injective function δ: V (Z) →{0, 1, 2, ..., q} such that the weights {1, 2, ..., q} of all edges are distinct. Weight of each edge uv can be calculated by equation w t (uv) = ⌈ δ(u)+δ(v) 2 ⌉, u, v ∈ V (Z). In this paper, we prove that different families of comb...
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Skala satysfakcji z życia miłosnego (The Satisfaction With Love Life Scale; SWLLS; Neto, 2005) została opracowana w celu oceny subiektywnego poczucia zadowolenia z życia miłosnego. Skala składa się z 5 stwierdzeń, które oceniane są na 7-stopniowej skali Likerta od 1 (zdecydowanie się nie zgadzam) do 7 (zdecydowanie się zgadzam). Potencjalne wyniki...
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We study the connections between operator moment sequences \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{\mathcal {T}}}=\displaystyle (T_n)_{n\in {\mathbb {Z}}_+}$$...
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This article primarily examines the approximation properties of a weighted Sobolev space W2,κr defined on a sphere Sd−1 equipped with Gaussian measures. Specifically, this study focuses on both the average case and probabilistic case settings. The exact asymptotic orders of the Gel’fand n-width and the linear n-width of W2,κr on Sd−1 are derived fo...
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This paper proposes an extension of standard mixture stochastic models, by replacing the constant mixture weights with functional weights defined using a classifier. Classifier Weighted Mixtures enable straightforward density evaluation, explicit sampling, and enhanced expressivity in variational estimation problems, without increasing the number o...
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Gymnopilus dunensis is described as a new species from Punjab province Pakistan, based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data and morphological characters. Presence of grey scales on the pileus, slightly radicating and fibrillose stipe that is white at the apex and orange-brown at the base, and its unique phylogenetic position confirm t...
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In this paper, we consider a recent channel model of a nanopore sequencer proposed by McBain, Viterbo, and Saunderson (2024), termed the noisy nanopore channel (NNC). In essence, an NNC is a noisy duplication channel, whose input source has a specific Markov structure. We present bounds on the channel capacity of selected NNCs, via simple informati...
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Gurumukhani et al. (CCC'24) proposed the local enumeration problem Enum(k, t) as an approach to break the Super Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SSETH): for a natural number $k$ and a parameter $t$, given an $n$-variate $k$-CNF with no satisfying assignment of Hamming weight less than $t(n)$, enumerate all satisfying assignments of Hamming weigh...
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This paper is concerned with an optimization problem of Robin Laplacian eigenvalue with respect to an indefinite weight, which is formulated as a shape optimization problem thanks to the known bang–bang distribution of the optimal weight function. The minimization of the principal eigenvalue of the problem in a spherical shell of an arbitrary dimen...
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Skala harmonii w życiu (The Harmony in Life Scale; HILS; Kjell i in., 2016) została opracowana w celu oceny subiektywnego poczucia harmonii we własnym życiu. Skala składa się z 5 stwierdzeń, które oceniane są na 7-stopniowej skali Likerta od 1 (zdecydowanie się nie zgadzam) do 7 (zdecydowanie się zgadzam). Potencjalne wyniki mieszczą się w przedzia...
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The actions of operators from strongly-continuous contraction semigroups are applied to weighted graphs. Quadratic vector fields are obtained. Topological shifts are considered for applications.
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Contractive mapping is studied from contraction mappings on the opportune spaces. The Borel measures which form a converging sequence are studied, with the aim to specify the Feinberg-Kasyanov-Zgurovsky Theorem for the weighted fields. Applications are found for the l(µ) Radon-systems norm.
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In this study, weighted Hermite-Hadamard inequalities for convex functions are derived through a novel approach that incorporates both Riemann integrals and the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral. Furthermore, new fractional trapezoid and midpoint-type inequalities for di¤eren-tiable convex functions are established by proving several related eq...
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This spreadsheet allows you to conduct a simple analysis of the basic psychometric properties of short, unidimensional scales with up to 50 items in the format of dichotomous responses or likert scale (both starting with 0 and 1). To download spreadsheet, check the second file.
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ภูมิหลังและวัตถุประสงค์: การเรียนรู้แบบมีส่วนร่วมช่วยเพิ่มการมีส่วนร่วมของนักเรียนและทำให้การเรียนรู้มีความเป็นพลวัตและมีการโต้ตอบกันมากขึ้น ดังนั้นความสามารถของครูในการวางแผนและอำนวยความสะดวกจึงมีความสำคัญ นอกจากจะส่งเสริมการคิดวิเคราะห์และความสามารถในการแก้ปัญหาแล้ว ความสามารถนี้ยังช่วยให้นักเรียนสามารถรับมือกับความท้าทายที่อาจเผชิญในโลกแห่งความเ...
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In this paper, we study the Cauchy problem for the 3D energy-critical inhomogeneous nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation(INLS) $$i\partial_{t}u+\Delta u=\pm|x|^{-\alpha}|u|^{4-2\alpha}u$$ with strong singularity $3/2\leq \alpha<2$. The well-posedness problem is well-understood for $0<\alpha<3/2$, but the case $3/2\leq \alpha<2$ has remained open so far...
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We characterize Carleson measures for weighted harmonic mixed norm spaces \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$B^{p,q}_\alpha (\Omega )$$\end{document} of ha...
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Jednopozycyjna skala samooceny (Single-Item Self-Esteem Scale; SISE; Robins i in., 2001) została opracowana w celu oszacowania poziomu samooceny. Skala składa się z jednego stwierdzenia, które może przybierać jedną z dwóch równorzędnych form: „Mam wysoką samoocenę” lub „Postrzegam siebie jako osobę o wysokiej samoocenie”. Skala odpowiedzi może być...
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Given a graph $G$, let $\lambda_3$ denote the third largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix. In this paper, we prove various results towards the conjecture that $\lambda_3(G) \le \frac{|V(G)|}{3}$, motivated by a question of Nikiforov. We generalise the known constructions that yield $\lambda_3(G) = \frac{|V(G)|}{3} - 1$ and prove the inequality...
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This study considers Markovian queues with different service speeds, where the server speed can only be changed at control instants assumed to follow a Poisson process. Núñez-Queija et al. (Queueing Syst 100:233–235, 2022, Indag Math 34:990–1013, 2023) formulated a conjecture on the asymptotics of the stationary distribution for the scaled process...
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In this work, we study the weighted empirical risk minimization (weighted ERM) schema, in which an additional data-dependent weight function is incorporated when the empirical risk function is being minimized. We show that under a general ``balanceable" Bernstein condition, one can design a weighted ERM estimator to achieve superior performance in...
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This article discusses current methods for ranking researchers and proposes a new metric, the output-normalized score (OnS), which considers the number of publications, citations, coauthors, and the author's position within each publication. The proposed OnS offers a balanced approach to evaluating a researcher's scientific contributions while addr...
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We show that b-Hurwitz numbers with a rational weight are obtained by taking an explicit limit of a Whittaker vector for the W-algebra of type. Our result is a vast generalization of several previous results that treated the monotone case, and the cases of quadratic and cubic polynomial weights. It also provides an interpretation of the associated...
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In this paper, we investigate a weighted overdetermined problem within the framework of Riemannian manifolds with density. Initially, by examining a Poisson problem associated with the drift Laplacian, we derive a Heintze-Karcher inequality and a soap bubble theorem that characterize geodesic balls in these spaces. Subsequently, by imposing both Di...
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This paper introduces a novel approach to the Lyapunov eventual stability of Caputo fractional dynamic equations on time scales. By utilizing comparison principle, we develop eventual stability results that simultaneously holds for discrete and continuous domains allowing for an in-depth study of systems that exhibit both continuous and abrupt chan...
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Bregman divergences are a class of distance-like comparison functions which play fundamental roles in optimization, statistics, and information theory. One important property of Bregman divergences is that they cause two useful formulations of information content (in the sense of variability or non-uniformity) in a weighted collection of vectors to...
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Complex Pythagorean fuzzy sets (CPFSs) extend Pythagorean fuzzy sets by expressing membership, non-membership, and hesitancy degrees using complex numbers. An urgent issue in CPFSs is determining how to accurately measure the similarity between sets. Similarity measures are crucial for assessing the closeness between two objects and are extensively...
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Let S be a punctured surface of negative Euler characteristic. We show that given a generic representation \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\rho :\pi _1(...
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Various testing methods have been proposed and conducted on cable bolt pull out in the last century. Large and small scale tests have both provided valuable information about the behaviour of the cable bolts. This study compares large scale and small scale pull out experiments with similar cables, bonding agents (grout and resin), and loading paths...
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Approximate analytical solutions to doubly degenerate reaction-diffusion models pertinent to population dynamics and chemical kinetics have been developed. The double integral-balance method applied to preliminary transformed models and by a direct integration approach has provided physically reasonable results. The model equation scaling has revea...
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We consider weighted p-Laplace type equations with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions in convex domains, where the weight is a log-concave function which may degenerate at the boundary. In the case of bounded domains, we provide sharp global second-order estimates. For unbounded domains, we prove local estimates at the boundary. The results ar...
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Let V be a finite tree with radially decaying weights. We show that there exists a set E ⊂ R 2 $E\subset {\mathbb{R}}^{2}$ for which the following two problems are equivalent: (1) Given a (real-valued) function ϕ on the leaves of V , extend it to a function Φ on all of V so that ‖ Φ ‖ L 1 , p ( V ) ${\Vert}{\Phi}{{\Vert}}_{{L}^{1,p}\left(V\right)}$...
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Let \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$H_k(\Gamma )$$\end{document} be the set of primitive holomorphic cusp forms with even integer weight \documentclass[...
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Large language models have emergent capabilities that come unexpectedly at scale, but we need a theoretical framework to explain why and how they emerge. We prove that language models are actually non-ergodic systems while providing a mathematical framework based on Stuart Kauffman's theory of the adjacent possible (TAP) to explain capability emerg...
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Recent work of the author connected several parking function enumeration problems to enumerations of Catalan paths with respect to certain weight functions that are expressed in terms of the ascent lengths. Motivated by this, we generalise and solve analogous weighted enumeration problems for a large family of lattice paths and weight functions, an...
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In this short paper we propose to extend the ETAS model to micro-seismic events. For that we interpret the triggered events in an ETAS model as individual local clock advances of an independent background process. The solution of the ETAS model thus becomes the sum of an infinite Markov chain of independent time adjusted background processses. This...
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This paper is devoted to the variational inequality problems. We consider two classes of problems, the first is classical constrained variational inequality and the second is the same problem with functional (inequality type) constraints. To solve these problems, we propose mirror descent-type methods with a weighting scheme for the generated point...
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In a single-switch forward converter, which is a type of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) DC–DC converter, voltage changes are observed at the outputs due to the current passing through the diodes, the difficulty of winding the transformer in full and half windings, differences in resistance in the windings, the presence of leakage inductance an...
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Let $S_{\lambdab}$ be a bounded left-invertible weighted shift on a rootless directed tree $\mathcal T=(V, \mathcal E).$ We address the question of when $S_{\lambdab}$ has Wold-type decomposition. We relate this problem to the convergence of the series $\displaystyle {\tiny \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty} \sum_{u \in G_{v, n}\backslash G_{v, n-1}} \Big(\frac...
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The hydrofluorination of enynes has been developed for the synthesis of fluorinated dienes. Using a pyridinium tetrafluoroborate salt that is easily prepared on large scale, this approach enabled the direct...
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For a simple graph $G$, a vertex labeling $\phi:V(G) \rightarrow \{1, 2,\ldots,k\}$ is called $k$-labeling. The weight of an edge $xy$ in $G$, written $w_{\phi}(xy)$, is the sum of the labels of end vertices $x$ and $y$, i.e., $w_{\phi}(xy)=\phi(x)+\phi(y)$. A vertex $k$-labeling is defined to be an edge irregular $k$-labeling of the graph $G$ if f...