Science topic
Weights and Measures - Science topic
Measuring and weighing systems and processes.
Questions related to Weights and Measures
We are currently exploring how to work with weights in R as preparation for an upcoming survey, but we have encountered some limitations. To test this, we are working with a subsample of the 11th wave of the European Social Survey, focusing on data from Austria and applying the post-stratified design weight ("pspwght").
Our main issue is that the survey package lacks implementation for some measurements, such as McDonald's Omega. Because of this, we proposed an alternative procedure in which the rows in the dataframe are replicated based on the rounded weights:
Experimental_sample <- Austria[rep(1:nrow(Austria), times = round(Austria$pspwght)), ]
The purpose of this approach is to use the "weighted dataset" and directly apply the omegafunction from the psychpackage. However, we are uncertain whether this procedure is correct. Are there any alternative methods for dealing with survey weights and measures like McDonald’s Omega? Additionally, we have noticed that this method is somewhat similar to how SPSS calculates weights and that it could potentially introduce bias, is this accurate?
We would greatly appreciate any insights, alternative solutions, or feedback to ensure we are using valid methods while working with weighted survey data. Thank you in advance!
I use some official data form our national statistical office survey (N = 1350). I have one independent variable of 6 age classes and one dichotomous dependent variable (looking for health related information online 1-Yes, 0-No).
I use SPSS, Chi2 test to detect group differences.
I have a weight variable. So, when using weights, I get all classes to be statistically significant (attachment 1).
If I don't use weights none of the groups if significantly different from the other (attachment 1).
So, am I using the wrong test, should I just omit weights or is there some other issue with the data?
Thank you for your help.

Dear all,
I am in the process of developing an energy behaviour maturity model for organisations in my PhD. So far, I have conducted expert interviews and focus groups on developing factors and maturity level descriptions (for 5 maturity levels against the factors). The structure of the findings so far is given below.
As the final step, I am going to develop the tool further as an assessment tool. Therefore, I am seeking ways of assigning weights for each main factor and sub-factor (Reason: The main factors/subfactors identified seem to have different impact levels for the energy behaviour maturity. Therefore, if I can assign weights that can be reflected in the results of the maturity assessments conduct using this model in the future)
Note: There are no subfactors for some of the main factors. Altogether, under the 3 Areas, 15 main factors and 5 subfactors are available. If required, the 3 areas can also be assigned with weights.
The structure of the current findings is as follows:
Area 1
- Main factor 1.1
- subfactor 1.1.1 ------------ Level 1 to Level 5 maturity descriptions against factors
Area 2
- Main factor 2.1
- subfactor 2.1.1 ------------ Level 1 to Level 5 maturity descriptions against factors
Area 3
- Main factor 3.1
- subfactor 3.1.1 ------------ Level 1 to Level 5 maturity descriptions against factors
I would be grateful if you could provide your thoughts on this matter.
Hello everybody,
I was wondering whether the formula of a geometric mean can be solved to determine the weights. More specifically:
- I have the weighted geometric mean of two values. I know the two values and the geom. mean.
- The sum of the weights is 2, so if w1 = 1, then w2 = 1.
Changing the formula of the weighted arithmetic mean was fairly easy so I am surprised why conventional tools such as the online Wolfram Alpha tool seem to fail, so I presume that I failed somewhere along the way.
I am looking forwards to your thoughts on this!
The development of IT and information technologies increasingly affects economic processes taking place in various branches and sectors of contemporary developed and developing economies.
Information technology and advanced information processing are increasingly affecting people's lives and business ventures.
The current technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is determined by the development of the following technologies of advanced information processing: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies.
In connection with the above, I would like to ask you:
How to measure the value added in the national economy resulting from the development of information and IT technologies?
Please reply
Best wishes

I have a scale (12 items)
I go to Analysis -> Scale -> Reliability analysis and get my Cronbach alpha (0,5)
BUT 2 of my items are «inverse». If I recode this two items as it was not inverse I get alpha=0.8
Am I right? I should recode this items before counting Cronbach alpha?
written earlier
I conducted a study (correlation plan).
I used (including) 2 psychological tests, which were adapted by another author according to all the rules.
And I run into problems:
Situation1 (solved)
My first test (14 items) has 2 subscales. In Ukrainian adaptation, the Cronbach alpha for the scales is 0.73 and 0.68. But I did my own research and counted Cronbach's alpha. 0.65 and 0.65 came out.
Question1: Should I count correlations with this test or, maybe, exclude this test from analysis?
Situation 2 (see update)
My second test is Zimbardo’s Time Perspective Inventory (56 items). In Ukrainian adaptation, four of five scales have Cronbach Alpha above 0.7. One scale is 0.65.
But in my research everything is ok only with 3 scales, they are higher than 0.7.
Two scales have a very low Cronbach Alpha: 0.55 and 0.49.
Question2: should I exclude this two low scales and count correlations with only that 3 scales which Cronbach Alpha more than 0,7?
PS: N=336 in my study
Hello everyone, I want to understand the weights systems in the Bronze age in MiddleEast but what I don't get it, is the ratio of these weights and the basis for these ratios. like in the Mohenjo-Daro case, we have 2, 4, 8...1600 ratios.
so I want to know two things: 1. what is the basis for these ratios? is that just arbitrary numbers for divisions of weights or maybe it has equity for reaching these ratios?
and question 2. if in one site we got different ratios so what is the difference between Mesopotamian and Indus weight system? from my perception, it's just a difference between ratios in two civilizations just like the difference between ratios in one single site, a regular difference that not a big deal, so maybe there is no difference and we want just imagine there is!!!
The "Convocation de la Conférence générale des poids et mesures (26e réunion)" held in Versailles, 13-16 novembre 2018, has revised the International System of Units.
In particular, the definition of the Kilogram in force since 1889 has been abrogated. In its place, effective from 20 May 2019, it is agreed that:
"the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram m(K) is equal to 1 kg within a relative standard uncertainty equal to that of the recommended value of h at the time this Resolution was adopted, namely 1.0 × 10–8 and that in the future its value will be
determined experimentally"
"The kilogram, symbol kg, is the SI unit of mass. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6.626 070 15 × 10^(–34) when expressed in the unit J s [Joule•second], which is equal to kg m^2 s^(–1), where the metre and the second are defined in terms of c and Δν(Cs)."
Under these conditions, what exactly the new Kilo inherits from the old one?
What is the "relative standard uncertainty" referred to in Appendix 2?
I have a survey dataset- male and female. It has been suggested not to combine these datasets, as they were sampled differently. However, if the datasets have to be combined together, then this combined dataset can be used only if we create a combined weight for male and females. I wanted to check if someone has taken up a similar path to create a combined weight so as to use male and female datasets together.
There is a powder substance in 10 mg. Since it is trace amount, how to accurately weigh 1 mg to prepare the standard solution? Any special tools or tips? I am looking forward to your reply.
HI All,
It is highly admired your suggestions and opinions in advanced.
I'm wondering what is the best way to identify weight and its location simultaneously.
Example: object A is a 10kg weighted while object B is 20kg weighted. Both objects are moving around known area. But need to identify where is the A and where is the B suddenly by their weight. Any Method,suggestions?
I want to evaluate fresh weight of the wild type and transgenic plants after 7 days. Is there any good protocol about fresh weight measurement method?
I work with radioactively contaminated biomass. The problem is the quantity of biomass needed for experiments. Now I begin with some experiment: the biomass is in 0,5 l bottle and it seems that degradation runs. Which paramaters should I observe? I weight it, measure the temperature, pH of leachate,... what else? My possibilities are a bit limited, we never before dealt with this issue. My attention is focused on radionuclides behavior during composting process.
thanks for advice
I need to supply power to a vibrating component fixed on an accurate electronic scale, but the electric wire applies a random pressure on the scale. I need to figure out how to remove or maintain a constant pressure from the wire.