Science topic
Web Science - Science topic
Web & Network Analysis, Web Engineering, Semantic Web
Questions related to Web Science
Dear colleagues,
for my current research project I am trying to trace the effects of a CJEU verdict in 2011 via migratory activity of scientists. To do so, I need to obtain data that shows a year-name-affiliation link for scientists working in the respective field. So far I have used Scopus, but the database gives me the information in a format that is impossible to work with. I could do this by hand, but I would rather avoid sorting several thousand entries by hand, so I was hoping that there was a database that would enable me to retrieve the required information in a standardized format. So far I have tried Web of Science, Scopus, JSTOR, PubMed and Publish or Perish, but to no avail.
Thanks in advance!
Hello, dear researchers and scientists in the researchgate site. Can you help me find out which journals publish scientific researches related to water quality and the environment Sciences; It is indexed in the Web of Science as Expanded sources.
Higher education commission only accept paper with impact factor, and not accept scopus indexed journal, Does HEC accept Emerging Science Citation Indec (Web of Science) for for recruitment and promotion.
Many people have same question, how to get inactive/discontinued master journal list of web of science? It is very useful in various studies. I'll very pleased, if anybody can help me to get it.
In recent years there has been a growing demand for the recognition of our work as a peer reviewer since this is the most important step to guarantee the quality of scientific publications. Unfortunately, for a long time this work has been anonymous and scarcely recognized in our curriculum and as a criterion for hiring and permanence.
Recently, Publon, the platform of Web of Science, has begun to register, in addition to the metrics of the number of publications and citations, a separate graphic for the peer reviews made in indexed journals. Although this could be still insufficient, I think it is an important step that should have influence on those who evaluate our academic activity.
The Publon website explains how to carry out this process. It's very simple
How do I add peer reviews to Publons?
Modified on: Fri, 12 Apr, 2019 at 1:53 PM
Publons allows you to add reviews performed for journals or conferences to your public profile (with the privacy settings you choose). We can then verify your reviews, which can be used in promotion and funding applications.
There are four simple ways to populate your review record on Publons:
1. Add reviews performed for partnered journals
Reviews performed for partnered journals can be instantly added to your profile as you do them. Simply follow these steps:
- Check the box on the review submission form asking if you want to add a record of the review to Publons*
- Follow the link in the confirmation email we send you
- Done - the review record will be added to your profile subject to the journal's privacy policy.
We send you a confirmation email on purpose to make sure we never collect review records from people who accidentally checked the box in the review submission form.
We make this two-step process even easier. Simply turn on the 'Automatically add reviews from partnered journals" setting in your profile settings. With this setting enabled, you just need to check the box in the review submission form and you're done!
* This option appears in the peer-review submission system the journal uses, such as ScholarOne or Editorial Manager.
2. Send review receipts to
If you've reviewed for journals that are not yet partnered with Publons, you can still add verified records of those reviews to your profile.
- Search your inbox for any “Thank you for reviewing” emails that journal editors have sent you.
- Forward those emails to
- Done!
Publons verifies these emails with the journal and adds the record to your profile (subject to the journal's privacy policy).
You can speed things up by adding the review using the form on your Private Dashboard first, and including the URL of the review in your email to
To see exactly how to add reviews through, please watch the video below:
3. Enable auto-updates
Digging up old emails can take some time. So where we can, we’ll do the work for you! We work with our partners to look back at their review records for up to five years and update our users’ review history. Simply turn on the 'Automatically add reviews from partnered journals" setting in your profile settings and whenever we find a review, we'll add it to your profile and let you know.
4. Add reviews through the forms on the site.
You’ll find the pre-publication review forms here. You can use these forms to add unverified pre-publication reviews which will appear on your profile with the privacy settings you specify.
Note that you are unable to create journal entries on Publons. If you would like to add a review for a journal not in our database through the forms on the site, please contact us with the journal title, URL and ISSN and any other relevant information and we'll add it for you.
I am trying to use VOSviewer for analysis. I’ve come across with some difficulties when creating a map for bibliographic data. A set of keywords taken from Web of Science were added to the process. Because of being singular & plural, the keywords do not give the expected quantitative value for me. For example, cities & city were taken into two categories and because of that, the results do not give the expected value. Is there any method to edit them in the verification table or anywhere before going to the map?
I wonder if it is possible for the same conference, which takes place in different countries for the years with different committees, to have slightly different approaches to evaluation? Does the assessment depend on the reviewer? Could it be that in one country it is easier to pass reviewers than in the other? Please share your experience and knowledge.
Some journals indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science were listed by Beall as predatory journal. Should we trust his list over Scopus and Web of Science which both have pool of experts, whose main business is indexing journals based on their credentials and consistency of publications?
Do you share your research ideas openly with others? Do you make your research process transparent? Do you make your research findings accessible?
If so, which online tools are useful?
Recently i submitted a paper to the journal. That journal ISSN (print) appears on the web of science list but ISSN (online) does not appear in web of science list. Will there be any problem if that journal issn online is not appeared in Web of Science list?
Dear scientists,
If the scientific work was done by a team, and some of the team became authors of the publication, the latter are co-authors. When referring to this publication, each of them receives one citation. It does not matter the contribution of each of them. Is this fair? It seems to me that the scientific weight of the contribution of the individual co-author should not be equal to the scientific weight of the publication. In general, it is difficult to assess which of the co-authors worked harder. Maybe someone is a sponsor, and someone is the boss, and the main performer simply decided to please his benefactors. In this case, he sold (or shared) his achievement. This means that the total contribution (for example, a citation) should be divided by the number of co-authors. This will be a fair assessment of the individual collaborator.
Otherwise, an injustice arises in relation to the single author, who took upon himself all the costs. After all, if two publications (1 author and 4 co-authors) turned out to be in the same journal at Scopus or the Web of Science, then it must be assumed that the quality of works is comparable, but the number of beneficiaries is 4 times more for the second article. We must distinguish between the scientific weight of the article and the scientific weight of the contribution of the scientist to this work.
Research Gate conducts work on the evaluation of scientific interest to a separate article. Can the scientific weight of one article be divided by the number of co-authors to estimate the scientific weight of one scientist? Otherwise, each co-author will get 1 unit of impact of the article and the total will be, for example, 4 units. Even if one of the co-authors has not made an effort. But this is a collective contribution! It must be divided by the number of co-authors.
We have multidisciplinary Journal in the college (St. Joseph's Journal of Humanities and science). We publish Research articles in all the disciplines. Till now we have published 8 issues as four volumes. Can any one tell me the ways and means to index the Journal in the scopus or web of science.
Anyone help me out if a journal is indexed in MJR (WoS) But not available on the JCR website or in JCR downloaded list? need clarification about this method along with reference?
Which database repository (e.g. ACM, IEEE, Web of Science, Elsvier, Science Direct , Scopus etc) should be used for systematic literature review?
How can we eliminate the threat to read the same paper exist in different database? I have an observation that there are many papers exist in IEEE and ACM and similarly web of science index many IEEE and ACM papers.
So what database or indexing should we prefer while doing the systematic literature review?
I'm conducting a systematic literature review about people's pro-environmental behaviour. I'm using Scopus and Google Scholar as my academic databases for searching peer-reviewed articles. Wondering if the two databases are enough or I should add other databases as well? Interestingly, I noticed that most of the papers I found in Web of Science are already included in Scopus too but not vice versa. Any advice or comments appreciated.
I recently came across the term "locus of evaluation". Some searching in known databases did not reveal much of its meaning, Carl Rogers seems to have used it first. Mij question is why there is no current research available in psychologie about this construct. Is it an obsolete construct? Is it replaced by a better to define construct? Or am I a miserable (re)searcher? (I work with PsychInfo and with Web of Science)
Is there an easy way to trace the origin of a concept better than back tracking cited literature?
For instance, when was first used a term in the literature? Could be a theory, or you just want to access the oldest report on anything.
With google scholar, you can't really sort by date.
Web of Science doesn't go that far back.
I recently heard of Google Ngrams but you can't have access to the documents behind the stats I am afraid?
Going further, how would you trace the evolution of a concept? The different milestones behind a concept. For instance, I could use the concept of "ecological niche" as I am aware of what I should get as a result.
Hi, I have downloaded data from Web of Science for a particular topic. My institute probably had access to this web of science but unfortunately we dont have access to SCOPUS data. We need to download data from SCOPUS and Google scholar for same topic. is there any way we can download this data from both of these databases?
Comparing RG with Google Scholar, Scopus and Publons (WoS)?
RG provides Citations and h-index (including and excluding self-citations).
Google Scholar provides Citations and h-index (all years and last 5 years).
Scopus provides Total Citations and h-index.
Publons provides Total Times Cited and h-index (from Web of Science "Core Collection").
How do they compare?
What is the benefit of non paid journals ??
I want to carry out a research on Machine learning impacts on Customer relationship management, however, i am finding it hard to get relevant previous researches so as to enable me develop my research questions.
I have used web of science and scopus to search on this.
Has anyone got ideas on this as it would help me go a long way in developing my research questions.
Journal indexed in web of science JCR 2018 is attached . Can any one tell me any updates in JCR report 2019
I need to publish one of my paper in indexed ISI journal in mobile payment filed if anyone knows a good journal that publish with less than a year please help.
Thank you,
I'm striving to find the database that contains and able to search and surf the largest number possible of journal papers and other whatever scholar information sources
For instance
Web of Science and ..............
And if you see that there is difference between search engine and database please suggest both
Thank you
The Clarivate Analytics list of Highly Cited Researchers identifies scientists who have demonstrated significant influence via the publication of multiple highly cited papers. How the Researchers are selected for their exceptional performance in all fields?
I would like to hear the opinion of researchers from different parts of the world. In Brazil (in general) the index "h" of the web of science is considered more robust as an indicator of "quality".
Finding most citated papers in a given topics by using Web of Science tool
Dear colleagues,
I am searching for scientific literature in french, but I am still looking for some kind of search engine (such as "Web of Science") to develop a literature review. Do you have any idea?
Many thanks in advance!
Ana Paula
Rankings of journals in each subject category are divided into quartiles by both JCR (Web Of Science) and SJR (Scopus). These quartiles rank the journals from highest to lowest based on their impact factor or impact index. There are four quartiles: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.
Australian Business deans council publishes a list of journals with categories A to C. On the other hand Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) publishes Journal Citation Reports (JCR) as per the annual impact factor of the journal. My question is what is actually the difference bw the two? and which one is more Credible and prestigious? As some of journals listed in JCR are not listed in ABDC and vice versa??
I want to study what is hot in my field. Is it logical to check the trend of paper keywords? If yes, how can I do it for example in Scopus or Web of Science?
Can anyone suggest fast processing journals indexed in Web of science database?
I'm working on a systematic mapping in computer science subject.
In the step of "Identification of Research", I choose to work with these digital libraries : IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Web of Science, ACM DL, Science Direct.
My problem is that I found in total 60.930 results after doing all possible filters (ACM DL and Science Direct had the big part of this number and do not offer an interesting filters).
Is it normal to work with this number ? Or should I eliminate some libraries ? Or other solution ..?
Thank you all.
Anyone knows if the Clarivate uses "All databases" or "Web of Science Core Collection" number of citations to calculate the Impact Factor for particular journal?
Is there any guarantee that the article which you see in the Scopus and the Web of Science databases is useful, relevant and with scientific novelty? Is the quality of English considered the basic requirement and will not any progressive thought be lost due to this? Does the publication’s presence of an eminent scientist in the list of co-authors affect the decision to publish? Can a deeply scientific article of a novice scientist be rejected because of his obscurity in the scientific world? Does not the prestige of the article reduce the presence of someone included in the list of authors without a noticeable contribution to the work? Does the development of science limit the high fees for publishing in a prestigious journal (there are much less free magazines)? Is it bad or good to have some auto-quotes in references? Please add your quality assessment point ...
I am trying to understand how search engines look for search terms when, for example, two terms are placed in a single search field and without boolean operators (unlike using quotation marks to close the concept/search and different from searching each term in an independent search field).
Does anybody know if I can use Web of Science as a source of bibliography even though the institution where I belong hasn't a subscription to it?
Dear colleagues and friends, Happy New Year!
Could you recommend me conferences on Social Sciences (such as Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy, etc.), indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science.
Thank you in advance for your help!
This discussion is the hot topic nowadays between me and some colleagues. Is one of these databases better than the other? what are the criterion for this preference? are these two are the best? why?
Regards to everyone,
Is Journal Citation Reports something you use for your research? Do you know about it? Is it essential? Do you expect your library to have it?
Journal Citation Reports (JCR), accessed via Web of Science, includes data that can be used to evaluate and compare over 8000 scholarly journals in the sciences & technology, and 2600 in the social sciences. It can be used to show the:
- most frequently cited journals in a field
- highest impact journals in a field
- related journals in a field
- citation characteristics for a subject category.
- detailed citation, impact and ranking data on individual titles
How to force Web of Science to interpret asterisk (*) as a regular character? Normally, it is parsed as a wildcard, even within the quotation marks.
Example: how to find the papers dealing with the B3LYP* density functional (and exclude B3LYP, B3LYP-D3, etc. from the search results)?
Dear colleagues, I really would like to know your opinion. I am asking specifically for electrical engineering field and related fields.
What value of H-index (Web of Science citations only) is considered as "good enough" for Assistant Professor and Associated Professor job in your country (or university)?
Did anybody ask you for its value when applying for a job?
I would like to publish my research work which deals with assesment of thermal inertia, natural building materials in Scopus/Web of
Science cited journal. My budget is up to 200$. I know that there are several ways to publish my paper, even for free in abovementioned cited journals. Can anybody give me some tips/links/advices about it?
I'll be very grateful for relevant information
Relanzamos este post, con los datos actualizados extraídos del Master List de Web of Science en fecha del 6/12/2015, pensando especialmente en los profesores que tienen que acreditar la calidad de sus revistas en el proceso de sexenios que comienza mañana.
Thomson Reuters lanza un nuevo órdago a la mesa. Si hace un año aumentaba la cobertura de Web of Science con las revistas de Scielo e incluía la base de datos Scielo Citation Index, ahora, crea un nuevo producto, Emerging Source Citation Index, que vió la luz en Noviembre. Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) consiste en una base de datos dónde están todas las revistas que en la práctica están siendo evaluadas para entrar a formar parte de las bases de datos de Web of Science Core Collections (Science Citation Index,Social Science Citation Index y Arts & Humanities Citation Index). Por tanto no estamos realmente ante un nuevo producto, sino ante la explotación pública de la base de datos que utilizaban los analistas de Web of Science para realizar el seguimiento de aquellas revistas que optaban a entrar en los productos de evaluación de revistas más exigentes (Core Collections). Esto añade transparencia al proceso y hace públicas las métricas de estas revistas. Thomson se postula como el producto de evaluación de revistas con un mayor número de cabeceras.
Emerging Source Citation Index empieza con 2400 revistas de 82 países, lo que amplía mucho la cobertura, en un claro ejemplo del interés de Thomson Reuters por mejorar la presencia de áreas sub-representadas en el producto. No obstante, los cinco países con mayor presencia en ESCI son anglosajones (Inglaterra, USA, Canadá, Países Bajos e Italia). La presencia Iberoamericana en el producto es secundaria, y sin embargo, porcentualmente es el producto de Thomson Reuters, si obviamente descartamos Scielo Citation Index, donde nuestras revistas tienen una mayor presencia. En presencia se sitúa España la sexta con 165 revistas y Brasil la octava con 81.
Que opinan de esto ante Conacyt para el SNI??????
in the bibliometric analysis usually authors show that the number of records in WoS rise across given time. Still it might happen that the total number of records rise as well. In order to avoid this bias those two dynamics should be compared.
Anyone knows where to find the total number of records in WoS across last ten years?
Hello, is it possible to add a journal : i would want to add : exercer. La revue francophone de médecine générale.
It's now indexed on Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate analytics / Web of science)
thank you for your response
I’m trying to implement semantic similarity based on Normalized Google Distance and i have many problems to obtain correct data. I tried to simulate browser, get data via Google API (PHP, Java, R, Google Docs) and every time i had different results. Is there any proper way to get accurate and current data?
Hi!) I am a university teacher in Russia and looking for an opportunity to gain some research experience. I`ve done Russian bacherlor`s degree in Pedagogical Education, then MSc Education Management and Leadership at the University of Southampton and at the moment doing a PhD in Higher Education at Lancaster University.
I teach English at Perm State National Research University (Russia) and wish I could collaborate with more experienced researchers. I am ready to provide a sample of Russian students and work really, really hard!
Alternatively, there is a conference (with a publication in a research journal included in Web of Science/ Scopus) in December in Nijnii Novgorod (Russia), which I wish I could participate in, if you are interested and ready to provide a sample from your countries, I will be also happy.
plz suggest me for bibliometric studies
Including the predatory Publishers...
Kamal H Karim started the discussion here in RG six month ago: “Why there are too many false citations in research papers published in international and local journals?” My impression is this process is boosted exponentially during the last decades. Many causes reasons and problems have been discussed here by many researchers. Many participants in discussion said: Responsible for a correct citation are primarily the authors, but also the peer-reviewers and the publishers have a share of responsibility. Many participants in discussion united the desire that it should become better again. The implementation, however is difficult for many reasons like: 1. A culture change in universities of the past 2 decades has been; students are expected to start doing research in their first year. In some cases, they are required to have publications before graduating. This puts more pressure on students to do things faster. They feel they don't have the time to spend doing things the 'long' way. 2. In the age of Big Literature we can see knowledge is published in prolific rates. The magnitude and rapid expansion of literature makes it increasingly impossible to conduct comprehensive and transparent assessments. During my study at the university and my first scientific work in the 1980s I have learned by my old professor that I have to read all literature sources entire, not only the summary and I have to read always the primary sources of literature, the original paper, not only the cited extracts in a secondary source. I worked so in this way over all the years and I’m doing it in this way today. But this means, I’ not able to write and publish 10 or more papers in the year as some researchers do. However the evaluation of researchers and the allocation of funds for projects often depend on the quantity of published papers. That’s not a good development and it might contribute to false citation and plagiarism. Somehow, there is often a lack of time to be thorough and conscientious and that’s not good at all. Can modern technology help us with this? Can computer algorithms now make fewer mistakes then we do or make more mistakes? On the one hand at the moment it is often still this: When we use automatic literature search systems like Web of science advanced search or Scopus, we get many hits, but many of them turn out to be useless because they do not really contain what was queried. It is still difficult to rely on it. On the other hand: Innovations in research and assessment practices and tools are needed. We need gig data methods for analyzing literature and making assess urgently. But caution: we also should ensure comprehensiveness. This is a problem really. What do you all mean: In the age of big literature, can new computer-aided methods and procedures reduce or increase the numbers of false citations in research papers?
in the context of my master thesis I would like to point out that the publications in the area of the topic blockchain in supplychain management have increased enormously in the last two years. For this I would like to make a graphic and compare the results with those of web of science and google scholar. unfortunately it is not possible for me to get a filtered output (research gate) for the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
kind regards
In the Web of Science, there were 13,592 peer reviewed papers (topic: additive manufacturing OR 3D printing as of 7 April 2018) during 2015-2017. This is a fairly large volume of literature and indicates the enthusiastic support of the research funding agencies in this area. How does the volume of research in this area compare with the industrial activity in this area? What is the value of all the 3D printed /AM manufactured products sold per year in recent years?
Dear Scholars,
Is there any website beside JCR, where I can check impact factor for Journals. We don't have access to Web of Sciences in my country, therefore searching for alternate
Many Thanks
I just ran across an excellent paper (Iwahashi et al. 2018) entitled
"Visualization of Temperature Distribution around Focal Area and Near Fields of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Using a 3D Measurement System," in Advanced Biomedical Engineering, and then found out to my surprise that this journal is not indexed by the Web of Science despite it being published by the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering. It has also been around for several years (since 2012). What would need to happen before they're indexed?
Dear friends. Your theme is very interesting. We are engaged in mapping research topics based on methods of text analysis. Although we do not understand anything in the climate, we decided to map one of the directions of your research. Usually this is about a dozen articles with basic information on the topic, about a dozen articles potentially with novelty, subtopics and terms. We limited ourselves to the latter, because the number of articles is not enough, in the hope that this will be useful for one of you. We invite to intellectual cooperation: each of you can send initial data on any topic and will receive a map in return. We really appreciate the feedback and accumulate the experience of analyzing the research topics.
Results are in the topic_report.doc file. The analysis is performed using the Web of Science. Depending on the request of the scientist, we also apply and the patent database. We look forward to collaborating.
Scientific Journal about agriculcural or animal breeding
Research area: immunology, dendritic cells, effect of sulfated polysaccharides of brown algae on innate immunity, cytokines.
If I want to remove stop words from text in order to do Sentiment analysis on reviews and classifying it to positive or negative, does it effect ?.. For example :
" This movie is not good."
If I remove (not ) in Pre-processing step the sentence (movie good) indicates that it is positive which is false.
Web of Science owner Clarivate Analytics has purchased a start-up company whose web-browser extension tool helps researchers to find and access journal articles they have legal access to, with one click and even when off campus. The tool, created by the firm Kopernio, is already freely available. Clarivate will integrate it into its Web of Science subscription package.
Hi, All
Recently, I have received one email for a paid peer-review proposals. I am wondering if it is legit and anyone has similar experience. The email is as follows:
Dear Expert,
The National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation (NCSTE) in Kazakhstan regularly organizes peer-review of research proposals from Kazakhstan’s scientific community. The center was founded in 2011 according to Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan #891.
NCSTE invites you to participate in peer-reviewing process of technical and scientific projects. The payment for assessing a research proposal is $250 (USD). One expert may assess up to 10 research proposals per call. The calls are expected to be announced throughout the year.
If you are interested in cooperation and would like to be a member of our peer-review expertise, please let us know by filling in the “Form for international experts” (see in the attachment). To choose relevant scientific field please refer to the file Scientific Fields (see in the attachment).
Please note, that NCSTE expects your H-index to be equal 5 or above according to Scopus or Web of Science databases for a particular period 2012-2017. Links are provided below:
In case your H-index is lower than 5, we still include you into our database, however won’t be able to use your service until it reaches 5.
All expenses (postage and bank transfers) will be covered by NCSTE.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
P.S.: For more information, please visit our official web site at
Sincerely ,
Arman Mamyrbekov,
National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, JSC
406 Office, 221 Bogenbai batyr Street, 050026, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tel.: +7 (717) 341 01 32
Mob.: +7 (708) 520 9786
We are conducting a systematic literature review on KM, we included three Databases;
1) Web of Science,
2) Science Direct,
What are the other reliable databases related to KM?
For a paper, i want to cite meta data from web of science, like the development of citations of a specific subject. What do you think, is it neccessary to cite directly the subset of data i used?
The quote is not a key argument for the paper, just a nice intro.
Thank you for your answers.
For pub med search strategy development, we can use Mesh term as controlled vocabulary. How about other databases that don't have Mesh term? May I know which types of controlled vocabularies should we use in search strategies development of other databases such as scopus, science direct, Proquest , PEDro and Web of science?
Why flotation kinetics models (phenomenological, mathematical and practical) have not been evaluated based on likelihood ratio test (LRT) and/or information criteria (IC) in order to consider the number of model parameters (complexity of models) and fitness together?
It has been seen for over decades that the sum square error (SSE) or goodness of fit was used as the only criterion for evaluation of the flotation modeling. However, literature shows that selection indices of a model are developed using likelihood ratio test (LRT) and information criteria (IC) (i.e., Bayesian information (BI), low of iterated logarithm (LI) and Akaike information (AI) indices). Why still minerals engineers don’t use these statistical tools for evaluation of molding?
I brought up the discussion shortly in my previous paper (10.1080/12269328.2017.1392900) but I'm going to present it in detail in IMPC 2018 as a proceeding paper entitled:
AIC formulated by the statistician Hirotugu Akaike; it was originally named "an information criterion". It was first announced by Akaike at a 1971 symposium, the proceedings of which were published in 1973.
As of October 2014, the 1974 paper had received more than 14000 citations in the Web of Science: making it the 73rd most-cited research paper of all time.
The other paper is the blow one which is cited more than 19000.
Gideon E. Schwarz, Estimating the Dimension of a Model, March 1978, The Annals of Statistics 6(2).
Which of these or others should be the focus as an international generally accepted ranking metric in this field?
How to calculate H-Index of an University / Institution? Do we have any formula for such? Though its author level metric, but how web of science calculate H Index of the University.
Hi Respected Senior Scholars & Dear friends
I need your help and guidance. Would you like to recommend some rapid publication journals that are indexed by SSCI (Web of Science), in the field of Economics/Finance?
Thanks in Advance.
This is actually a challenge... I am looking for research journals on architecture, published in English, peer-reviewed, with gold open access policies, and already included in any (or several) of these index/databases: WoS, Scopus, Avery Index.
I guess no more than 25 would be listed, but I hope I'll be wrong.
I need to know which conference is indexed through web of Science
I could not be able to get citation report of our university from Web of Science since 1974 as records exceeds to greater than 10000. Maximum set size for generating citation report in Web of Science is limited to 10000 records only. Is there any mechanism available for getting citation report of more than 10000 records from Web of Science?
What is the difference between an ISI journal and the Journals which are listed in the WEB OF SCIENCE: SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED? Some journals are an ISI journal but cannot be found in the list of Web of Science
What is the probability of a popular content being accessed by a user in a unit time in modernor current internet? or i can say what is the access time of popular content in current will be really helpful if the answer includes refrence to a research paper.
I am starting up a thesis in web science (Semantic web + data mining)
My question is:
How, Where can I find a recent cutting-edge open data in RDF format for medical researches in certain disease, germs or viruses (Ebola for example) ... ?
A tool which can accept tamil documents for classification and other processing steps for mining
What are the parameters to find the performance of web service in functional testing?
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