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Web 2.0 - Science topic
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Questions related to Web 2.0
I've found, as the result of several searches, the the term networked learning is less mentioned in educational bibliography: published articles, books, and in activities like congress, workshops, etc.
Is this really happening? Is not the activity reflected by the concept currently relevant or simply its identification has been substituted by other?
What is your opinion in that regard?
This dataset, available at, contains the data of 4011 videos about the ongoing outbreak of measles published on 264 websites on the internet between January 1, 2024, and May 31, 2024. These websites primarily include YouTube and TikTok, which account for 48.6% and 15.2% of the videos, respectively. The remainder of the websites include Instagram and Facebook as well as the websites of various global and local news organizations. For each of these videos, the URL of the video, title of the post, description of the post, and the date of publication of the video are presented as separate attributes in the dataset.
After developing this dataset, sentiment analysis (using VADER), subjectivity analysis (using TextBlob), and fine-grain sentiment analysis (using DistilRoBERTa-base) of the video titles and video descriptions were performed. This included classifying each video title and video description into (i) one of the sentiment classes i.e. positive, negative, or neutral, (ii) one of the subjectivity classes i.e. highly opinionated, neutral opinionated, or least opinionated, and (iii) one of the fine-grain sentiment classes i.e. fear, surprise, joy, sadness, anger, disgust, or neutral. These results are presented as separate attributes in the dataset for the training and testing of machine learning algorithms for performing sentiment analysis or subjectivity analysis in this field as well as for other applications. The paper associated with this dataset (please see the following citation) also presents a list of open research questions that may be investigated using this dataset.
Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:
N. Thakur, V. Su, M. Shao, K. Patel, H. Jeong, V. Knieling, and A. Bian “A labelled dataset for sentiment analysis of videos on YouTube, TikTok, and other sources about the 2024 outbreak of measles,” Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2024), Washington, USA, 29 June - 4 July 2024. (Accepted as a Late Breaking Paper, Preprint Available at:

Virtual education is a wide field of research and applicactions. The rise of Web 2.0 based resources, including social networks (among them, academics ones), accelerated by applications of Artificial Intelligence, has transformed the shape of what students and educators understand as "class", "learning", "teaching", and "classroom".
Among all those unnumbered topics of virtual education: what is your favorite? Can you share some resources and thoughs on them?
In which levels of education (primary school, secondary school, high school, university) and which skills should we prefer to use augmented reality applications and web 2.0 tools in foreign language teaching?
This is to provide updates on my research as a backup communication channel for my project Multidimensional Integrable Systems
should Researchgate go through with its plan to discontinue the project feature altogether on March 31, 2023.
For the previous update log please see this snapshot
made on April 1, 2023.
You are welcome to follow this question, especially if you are interested in my research, and/or have already followed or intend to follow the above project.
For now, here are the links
0) to my lab
1) to the presentation explaining the most important research results in the project
2) to the key paper of the project
and to the other works in the project
which is now a spotlight, see
You can find our reseach on how digital platforms are used during public health emergency of international concern.
Your questions are welcome
For my PhD dissertation, I would like to study critical reading/creative writing in English classes. How can I design my research? And, also, I would like to use Web 2.0 tools. My students are gifted ones.
I am also open to other research ideas.
To identify, to describe and to classified didactical use given to technologies to develop mashups between non formal learning at web 2.0 with formal learning at higher education courses.
Para hablar de convergencia cultural, habra que acordar, en primera instancia ¿qué es cultura? y para el tema en comento: ¿que se entiende por convergencia cultural?, amén de acordar, Educación, Aprendizaje y lo que aquí se describe como "Investigación"
I am doing a research on Twitter and would like to archive tweets over 6 to 10 months. is there any software that I would use to archive the tweets?
Do you share your research ideas openly with others? Do you make your research process transparent? Do you make your research findings accessible?
If so, which online tools are useful?
I am doing research about infuences of socail media on students, I want to use both data. The question is, is it possible to do that? for instance both data will be gather for coming up following six months.
thank you in advance.
Specially in teacher education programs.
I'm aiming to:
1. Reveal views of faculty/PhD researchers as well as academic librarians on the adoption of Web 2.0 platforms at my university, specifically the altmetrics as a new impact indicator for scholarly output;
2. Discover the factors influencing the adoption of best practices matching the university environment;
3. Define implications for adapting the library service portfolio to include research data management accordingly.
To identify, to describe and to classified didactical use given to technologies to develop mashups between non formal learning at web 2.0 with formal learning at higher education courses
To identify, to describe and to classified mashup actions that professor realize in mashup to connect non formal learning at web 2.0 with formal learning at higher education courses.
please provide useful theoretical framework (apart from TAM and UTAUT) that can be a good basis or that i can combine with the 2 given above to form a good conceptual model.
Hi All,
My name is Jasmin and i am currently researching about female/women involvement in computer/ related fields.
My question is, is there any where I can find real data about women participation in either public or private institutions? I would like to do some statistical analysis of the data for a time scale of 2 to 3 decades in order to have concrete outcomes.
Kind regards,
I'm brand new to social network analysis. I'm trying to identify meme creators in twitter. Is there a way to do this using data downloaded from twitter?
Stack Overflow advertises several official ( and de facto standard guidelines ( for writing good questions -- that is, questions that have greater chances to be resolved.
We built a statistical model to empirically validate this question-writing netiquette. The last step we're missing in our research is: What does the SO community think of these recommendations?
If you ever used Stack Overflow before, please help us find out by taking this very short survey:
Thanks for your contribution!
The time to completion for the survey is about 5 minutes only (before June 21, 2017).
This is a purely academic research project with no commercial interests. We will openly publish the results so everyone can benefit from them, but will anonymize everything before doing so; your responses will be handled confidentially. Please, note that you are not obligated to participate in the survey. If at some point during the survey you want to stop, you are free to do so without any negative consequences. Incomplete survey data will not be used.
This survey is anonymous. The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it.
Doing a project on Web 3.0 and just wondering how businesses will possibly use the new technologies?
I want do regression on content quality of tweet text. Any good reads ?
I am now working on project related to statistic.
So I am not expertise in this field actually.
I would like to ask you guys how to predict the revenue of new movie for the first week revenue in box office from IMdb data.
Which statistical model is suitable for example linear regression or whatever?
What data should I collect to start up?
Thank you
Trying to see there newspaper databases that include page numbers for stories
Social networks and Web 2.0 are common tools that the young generation use everyday. So if we could motivate them to spending part of their internet time in practicing mathematical problems it would be a great thing for our future generation. What do you think?
what is characteristics of a good computer scientist?
I want to know who can I train myself as a computer scientist.
may you recommend whatever you think is useful?
thank you in advance.
I want to use the data to publish a paper on to determine the influence of audience reactions page owner's performance.
Hi All, any of you have tried to use NCapture to capture tweets recently? It always went fine (the last time I used this was around a month ago), but suddenly when I tried to do it today it resulted in 0 capture. I only want to capture live tweets not historical ones. Have Twitter change their policy on the use of Twitter data?
I need to write a research paper that employs Critical Discourse Analysis of tertiary level teachers' perceptions of the magnitude of official workload assigned to them rather than real classroom teaching assignments. I also need to get this data from online teachers' forums so that I may integrate efficacy of Web 2.0 in the research methodology.
Any ideas ?
Dear all,
I am conducting a study on the effect of on-screen text on developing L2 vocabulary acquisition. I want to see whether participants' memories would be affected by load of multiple modes of the task (video, text. audio) and whether decreasing modes (i.e., text) would enhance the students' working memories. I want also to find if there is any correlation between the gain of vocab and the abundance of input in which the students will be engaged in. I would be so thankful to you if anyone has developed a tool or administered reliable measures to assess the cognitive load of students' memories.
I have one group on which I am going to perform my intervention. There are no control and treatment groups, just one group. I want to test if using web 2.0 technologies we can improve student learning in a history course. Therefore, I am using Pretest-posttest for measuring student learning and to see if by using students level of working/interest with web 2.o technologies increases or decreases with time. So, i have used two web 2.0 tools. There are 4 assignments.2 each for both tools. by using one-way repeated measures ANOVA I just want to check if the level of interest is increasing or decreasing with using web 2.0 for it possible to do pretest and posttest separately while also doing one-way repeated measures ANOVA for the assignments? because i am doing both for different purposes.
Thank you
I am undertaking the effects of using Web 2.0 technologies in the classroom and whether this will have an impact on student's learning. In order to facilitate this, I have tested the students prior to the inclusion of the web 2.0 technologies and I have also tested them after making them aware of it in the hope that I can compare these two sets of information. I have also carried out a survey before the study and after to see if their perception of the course has altered.
I I feel that the survey should be analysed using a Wilcoxon test and the pre-test/post-test results that are mentioned above should be analysed using a paired t test.
I was wondering if someone could help me to understand what statistical method I should employ for the tests and what statistical method I should use to analyse the survey data - either confirm or correct what I have written above.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated and if you need more information on this, please let me know.
Many thanks for your help in advance.
Kind regards,
I am doing a research on web 2.0 technologies by using them in a history art course.
I want to conduct a focus group discussion on two groups of students, each group has six students. I am checking the level of engagement and collaborative learning of students in the course. I want to ask questions like did you ever use web 2.0 tools or any technology before in the class? in pre-focus group but in post focus group. I want to ask how did they find online collaboration? etc
What would be best to do in this situation? should i keep questions same in both pre and post focus group? should i conduct focus group discussion one time? I am conducting this to support my engagement survey.
I have some questions:
1. What is the difference between social computing and social media?
2. Web 2.0 tools are identical with social computing tools and the human element exists in the Web 2.0 and social computing, so technically what's the difference between the two concepts: web 2.0 and social computing?
3. Can we say that the three concepts web 2.0, social computing and social media, are the same if there is no difference between them?
Thank you for your help.
My greetings, Nadia
Consider the importance of social media and other Web 2.0 technologies in the context of cultural heritage.
I am carrying out a research on “Postgraduates’ perceptions of the usefulness of Web 2.0 applications to facilitate collaborative learning in their university". The aim of the research is to investigate which Web 2.0 tools are used generally by post graduate students of various disciplines and to assess their usefulness as well as to explore how the collaboration of knowledge can be made productive in collaborative learning.
Traditional English writing process vs digital English Writing process.
Are there any researches on using web 2.0 tools effectively in EFL learning?
We have been experience digital divides despite progressive adoption of policy driven ITeS for development. With the increasing use of internet enabled services (Web 2.0 and above!!!) it is likely that prominence of ISPs would increase along with dominating market control through telecom network operators. So, are there any positive indications to support net-neutrality in any country whatsoever?
Many quantified self-solutions offer personal statistics such as walked distances, burned calories etc. Many Web 2.0 solutions also offer statistics such as number of likes, karma points. Ect. We know from interviews users find such statistics motivating in the beginning, but our informal observation is that this effect often wears of. Relapse rates are known to be high in behavior change contexts, statistics are not likely to solve this. So I wonder whether this effect is studied empirically? Are there long term studies of use of personal statistics such as these?
Hi, are you aware of any open data set on crowdsourcing, which include information such as profiles of workers/tasks, records of behaviors, completion status of tasks? Or are there any recommended method for obtaining such data set quickly? Thanks!
I'm currently writing a paper and want to present the argument that educators need to understand the types of technologies at their disposal and their various features before they can make discerning technology selection and deployment decisions. However I'm struggling to find evidence for this.
Does anyone know of any research that substantiates this idea? My paper is on Web 2.0 technologies, but the evidence could stem from any domain.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
What are different statistical tools or otherwise to measure the reliability of tools?
I am puzzling that how to define what is emergent technology / software in the context of pre-service teacher education and what are such examples of technology / software which should be integrated into curricula and instructional practises
I created recently a Slideshare Pro account for our organisation and, in the last two days I added many powerpoints to it, with tags, description, field. It's a great tool. But, how surprised I was when I saw that soon after a presentation was uploaded, there wer already 4 views to it. After 2 days, I got more than 300 for the whole set of our presentations - increasing by about 10 views every hour. I could be proud of those results and thinking that I did a great job for an high virality score... but that efficiently? What do those stats view tell me? How to interpret them? "Who" are those viewers? Are they real "people" or is it search engines? Did those viewers simply arrived on the presentation without going through it? Advanced stats could give me some info, but not really the answers.
Merci-Thank you
I am trying to show one image in pop up portion in a div. It's quite easy & it's showing in Mozilla Firefox and opera, but it's not showing in google chrome & related servers like Chromium, Comodo Dragon, etc.
It's also not showing in Safari and IE.
Guys It's really an unusual problem that I've never faced.
The I give absolute path on the image portion and the popup is showing in facebox By jQuery.
Note: I am using HTML 5
I explain Below....
1) This is the div::::::::::
<div id="info3" style="display:none;">
<div class="popup2">
<div class="popupbox">
<a onclick="jQuery(document).trigger('close.facebox');test()" href="javascript:void(0)"> <img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>images/closeButton.png" alt="" style="position:absolute; left: 750px; top:-10px;"/></a>
<div style="width:auto; margin:10px auto; padding-bottom:10px; border-bottom:double 4px #a3a3a3; alignment-adjust:central;"><img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>img/top-logo.png" alt="" style="margin-left:254px;" /></div>
<div style="width:auto; margin:10px auto; padding-bottom:10px; border-bottom:double 4px #a3a3a3; alignment-adjust:central;">
<div style="width:550px; margin:0 auto;">
<?php /***This two images I want to show[Start]****/ ?>
<img src="<?php echo base_url() ?>images/book1.jpg" alt="" style="float:left;" />
<img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>images/book2.jpg" alt="" style="float:right;" />
<?php /***This two Images I want to show[End]******/ ?>
<div style="clear:both; line-height:0;"></div>
<div style="text-align:center; font-size:14px; line-height:18px; margin:20px 0;"> Not ready for the 15 hours of training with John Lane? Get started with his eBooks. They are filled with great advice! Today both eBooks are $19.95. Start Educating Yourself Today!</div>
<div style="width:250px; margin:20px auto;"> <div class="newlearnmorebutton">
<a onclick="mailSend()" href="javascript:void(0)">Buy Now</a>
TO show this div in a popup window,I call jQuery
like :----
window.onbeforeunload = function(e){
// window.onbeforeunload = '';
return "Do you want to Quit";
To know facebox I have provided two links here.
The Images are perfectly showing in firefox and opera but, it's not showing in Chrome, Safari and IE.
To investigate this problem, I am using firbug. The html is clearly good, but the portion showing the status of the images is pending whether the status of the images are 200K (Connected Successfully).
To help me to solve the problem...
For any confusion mail me: /
There is a wide range of social media/Web 2.0 tools available on the market. Social media tools seem to be more promising in product design and development contexts in order to keep pace with ever changing trends and styles. Where do you use (or see major benefits of) these tools?
I am assessing the effectiveness of communication by E-governments using Web 2.0 tools to communicate with their citizens. Could anybody assist with any relevant theoretical background for this topic?
I'm very interested in the idea of combining online social networks, communities and other web 2.0 elements with the classic support group or 12-step program ideologies.
Has there been any research done into this? I know and their parent company are doing a lot of research into it, and there are a few other sites like, as well as Facebook Groups full of people helping each other quit.
Just looking for more information, want to use the web as an option to combat addiction and dependence.
Information interaction is one of the most important issues in web 2. But it does not have a precise definition. From your perspective; define scientists’ information interaction in Web 2.
I am wondering if there is a research paper that considers the ratio of unstructured text over the web and whether it is the cause for rapid increasing in data on the web? What is the responsible data resource for the rapid in increasing in web data? Is this the unstructured data (text)? Is there research paper talking about this issue?
Thank you very much.
Which ResearchGate features are most useful to you and how would you like to improve them?
Jaron Lanier, in his new book “Who owns the future?” (2013) proposes the thesis, that the non-payment culture of free information and reduced transaction costs provided by the internet will shrink our economy. What is your opinion?
We have recently seen a lot of down-votings in some threads. We also saw different kinds of reactions on this phenomenon. I would like to ask a question about these reactions.
First I assume that there are several possible reasons for downvotings: dissent – misunderstandings – misuse of buttons without knowing it– a social scientist who writes a paper about the reactions – a test carried out by RG – some technical problem, etc.
I would like to have a discussion about the reactions on the part of researchers. We have seen calls to ban down-voters or to cancel their anonymity. Elections in democracies are anonymous and there are good reasons for this. I think most of us agree about some basic traits of democracy, the right to stay anonymous is among them. What about these basics in social media?
Which attributes can evaluate the performance of content available from a university website from a user perspective?
Here, users can be prospective students or parents of students, or can be a employee who wants to join the organization.
Tools of the web 2.0 lead to faster access to any and more information. This rules as well for scientific information. But is the impact big enough to lead to a change in the methods you use in your scientific work?
I am working on my PhD methodology, and writing a paper around using social media as a way of securing key informant gatekeepers to access local business communities.
If yes, what implications can be anticipated?
I am interested to know the best advantages and disadvantages of social networks. I use them in my thesis.
The speed at which both, the number of internet-users and the total time devoted on the net, is growing, it is only imaginable about the unimaginable amount of e-pages that might be flooding/ crowding the net-space, very next moment. Thanks to the support of 'cloud-computing' and other software/ technology, which is now supported by much better IT-infrastructure, provided by every country, across globe, that makes it happen.
Question here is about the 'proportionate amount of junk & objectionable pages' (and abuses of internet) that also goes up and have negative effects on our society. Though 'junk & objectionable pages' can be subjective and debatable, should we not worry about e-garbage, e-waste and clear-junk pages..?
There are of course research-initiatives and other initiatives from Governments and regulating bodies. But perhaps not adequate (so as to match the speed/ pace at which the net-e-pages growing).
Shall appreciate, if you could respond on the following issues:
1. What are the voluntary (individual/ institutional/ NGO) initiatives available/ being-taken, to make the net, neat and clutter free?
2. What are the free softwares (may be another institutional initiative) available for this
3. Latest research contributions, like:(a).
As everybody probably already knows, social interaction according to" Vygotsky" may improve learning ability, however, there are still many steps toward this phenomenon to be adapted with new emerging tools including social networks. Which aspect of web 2.0 tools is the most important part to be evolved in this way?
I am conducting research on the cultural impact of Web 2.0, related to the "Cult of the Amateur" as argued by Andrew Keen, and would like to do an ethnography of an online art community. I know that some artists participate in virtual platforms such as Second Life, but I'm looking for exposition for a broader audience (preferably ongoing work).
I am a PhD student using qualitative research methodology. I am collecting web-mediated data from webpages and social media (Twitter / Facebook), to analyse in Nvivo 10. However, I need to edit the captured information and Nvivo doesn't allow me to do this. Any tips and suggestions will be appreciated.
Here is a presentation slides to a 1/2 day seminar I will be giving at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) on the 28th June, 2013. Your thoughts, experiences and ideas on this topic would be highly appreciated. Still in ultra learning mode :)
I'm currently compiling case studies of scientists using social media and blogs effectively to communicate about their science to the general public.
As we move to the use of collaborative web technologies (social networks, blogs, podcasts, Wikis, RSS, mashups), what infrastructure is needed to make sure that students learn from anywhere, anytime using mobile phones, smartphones, laptops or PCs especially in developing nations?
Do they have different professionals and separate goals or not?
What happens to those Web resources when the organisations are no longer in existence? Public money has often been used to develop these resources - from that perspective it would be a shame to lose them.
My thesis is about researchersˊ information seeking behaviour in social network sites.
I have developed and currently implementation a blended curriculum of surgery for undergraduate students of Dow University of Health Sciences.
According to Nonaka's SECI model, knowledge transfer takes place through the dynamic conversion of tacit to explicit and vice versa. This conversion takes place when knowledge is being 'transported' from source to recipient through a communication channel. I want a model that could be used to explain how these theories could be combined to facilitate knowledge transfer in a farming community.
Web Services are inevitable components in current computing scenarios. For any kind of E-Business, negotiation over the Internet, Web Services are utilized. We need a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages (if any) of Web Services implementation in Cloud Computing environment as opposed to a regular Distributed Computing environment.
I create a view with joining 3 tables--
User Table--
CREATE TABLE `rb_user_details` (
`uid` bigint(255) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`uname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`fname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`lname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`email1` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`email2` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`user_image` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`address1` text NOT NULL,
`address2` text NOT NULL,
`phone1` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`phone2` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`add_time` int(11) NOT NULL,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL,