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Watermarking - Science topic

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Questions related to Watermarking
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
1 answer
and are each posted illegally (I am the senior editor of the book, in which these chapters appear).
I have written to the authors of these chapters today demanding they be removed.
Kind Regards
Colin Butler
Colin D. Butler PhD, MSc, BMed, DTM&H Honorary Professor, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health and Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
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Hey Colin,
You have to send a request to RG. It's strange because they usually spot these things quite rapidly.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
2 answers
pursuing phd on geospatial data security.suggest good paper on robust invisible blind watermarking for copyright protection
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Here are some recommended research papers on geospatial data security:
  1. "Secure and Privacy-Preserving Geospatial Data Collection and Querying: A Survey" by R. Lu, X. Liu, and J. Shao. This paper provides an overview of secure and privacy-preserving techniques for geospatial data collection and querying.
  2. "Geospatial Data Security and Privacy: Challenges and Opportunities" by S. Wang, Y. Zhang, and L. Zhang. This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities in ensuring security and privacy for geospatial data.
  3. "Secure Geospatial Data Sharing in Cloud Computing" by W. Wang, J. Liu, and K. Ren. This paper explores secure methods for sharing geospatial data in cloud computing environments.
  4. "Location Privacy in Geospatial Data Publishing" by M. Gruteser and D. Grunwald. This paper focuses on preserving location privacy when publishing geospatial data.
  5. "A Survey of Geospatial Data Security Techniques" by A. Alabdulkareem and S. Al-Muhtadi. This survey paper provides an overview of various security techniques for protecting geospatial data.
These papers cover a range of topics related to geospatial data security, including privacy-preserving techniques, secure data sharing, and location privacy. They can serve as a valuable resource for understanding the challenges and solutions in securing geospatial data.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
2 answers
2 Logistic chaotic sequences generation, we are generating two y sequence(Y1,Y2) to encrypt a data
2D logistic chaotic sequence, we are generating x and y sequence to encrypt a data
whether the above statement is correct, kindly help in this and kindly share the relevant paper if possible
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after reading an article baesd on quantum image encryption I think these two chaotic sequences are used for a key generation, not for encryption.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
I want to use MSE in watermark metrics, but there is an RMSE , so what is the difference and which one is better?
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Many regression models rely on distance metrics to determine the convergence to the best result. Even the definition of a “best” result needs to be explained quantitatively by some metric.
Usually the metrics used are the Mean Average Error (MAE), the Mean Squared Error (MSE) or the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
2 answers
Is there a standard dataset of medical images for cryptography, watermarking, and steganography projects that has received much attention in the research literature?
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
How one can prove that the proposed scheme is reversible? Any objective parameters that can be used to claim this?
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Peak Signal to Noise Ratio may be used for the said purpose
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
If LSB technique is combined with any frequency domain (DCT, DWT,SVD etc.) watermarking scheme. Is this technique (DWT-LSB) or(DCT-LSB) etc. can be considered as hybrid domain watermarking?
OR only two frequency domain techniques are combined than it is termed as Hybrid domain?
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Dear there is link I putted in the below comment about a paper discussion about the same subject that you asked about it...
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
1. Images must be original (with no watermarks or software generated)
2. Images of intact bones and bone fractures are needed
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  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
What is the main reason that most of the researcher uses ACM to encrypt the watermark? There is various other image encryption technique but for watermarking ACM technique is used?
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From my limited experience, I wish to add a few points here. Hope you know that Arnold transform can be used for image scrambling. A sequence of scrambling can be applied on a image to convert the image into a completely noise-like or texture-like content. Note that if we continue the scrambling process K more times, we shall get back the original image. Now the K value (periodicity) is purely dependent on the image/image block size.
Now come to your question, why Arnold transform frequently used in watermarking. I have two justifications:
1. A simple method to scramble the watermark (assume watermark is also an image) before it is embedding it into an image. So if some unauthorized person extract the watermark also, he will not able to infer anything from that. Note that like encryption algorithms watermarking algorithms are also public. But of course, the intruder can perform number of Arnold transforms and verify each version to see whether a visually meaningful watermark is generated or not.
2. Arnold transform is used in "Digital Image Watermarking via Adaptive Logo Texturization" (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, 2015) to rearrange the pixels in the watermark (logo) in such a way that while it is embedding in an image the visual quality degradation will be minimum. For this the authors basically selects one version of the Arnold transform sequence which is best suited.
Hope the discussion give above may give some spark to you to solve your problem!!! All the best!!
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
7 answers
Hi all, is it possible to send video information secretly in invisible video watermarking, not for copy right protection?
information - video & cover - video
if possible, send any related research paper to
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you can embed any digital information within the payload of the watermarking technique and provided that the video length is sufficient.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
7 answers
I am looking for free images of plant anatomical structures to be included in a book on plant anatomy. Specifically, I am looking for light microscope images of plant cells and tissues. I have many I have taken myself, but still are missing a few. The sites I have found have watermarked images. I would also like you to recommend a manual on how to cite the source of these images while respecting copyrights. Any information will be appreciated.
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Seems that the images I found have a water mark, or have strong restrictions, so the best way to go is to generate my own images, which is not that bad. It requires more time. The issue here is that images I need will be used for a book , and although I am not expecting to get rich very likely the publishing company will get its share. So the images will be used for commercial purposes. That is the little but important detail that makes this issue tricky. Thank you all for your interest.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
I am working on a watermarking algorithm in the contourlet domain using svd and optimization algorithm. The result of psnr value is 72db when no attack has taken place . My question is whether this value could be an acceptable value.
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In general, SVD-based image watermarking has a high impermeability and is robust against cyber attacks. It's perfect for the results when one of the multidimensional optimization algorithms is used. But you need to test for all non-geometric and signal attacks, so you can say that the proposed scheme is robust and secure. Most SVD schemes used singular values S in the embedding process. You have to take care of the false-positive problem FPP. My advice is to read this article.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
I want to implement steganography to image to hide data and then implement watermarking algorithm to ensure the owner.
Someone suggest me to use cloudsim software.
Is it possible to implement this and how to implement this?
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
I am doing image watermarking in DWT domain, after the attacked watermarked image image I have to extract the watermark back using PSO optimization algorithm. I am not understanding how can we apply PSO in watermarking and embed optimized value of alpha. Anyone can help me out with codes ?
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The following link may help you
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
I need the time complexity in form of asymptotic order for different watermarking techniques like LSB, DFT, DCT, DWT, SVD, WHT, etc. I there any paper in which the detailed comparison is carried out??
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The time consuming in the information hiding systems like a Watermarking is based on the method used to watermark the logo. Also the pre-processing stage of the cover image plays an important criteria to determine the complexity of the time .
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
5 answers
Hi everyone,
I am analyzing pages of a newspaper over 100 years and I want to understand whether the mean length of the copy increased or decreased over time. Since I have two years that can serve as watermarks, I divided my data into three groups (i.e. time periods) and I performed a one-way ANOVA to check differences among groups. Statistics is not my suit and I want to know whether it makes sense or not (I know that there is a risk of autocorrelation). I was thinking to use time series analysis, but my observations are not equally spaced (there are even gaps of years between observations).
Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance
PS: I am using SPSS
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Try time series data, if not possible try to reduce autocorrelation
  1. Improve model fit. Try to capture the structure in the data in the model. ...
  2. If no more predictors can be added, include an AR1 model.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
9 answers
Maximum of image watermarking scheme has been implemented in DWT domain. In that also watermarking is done in LL Sub band . Why watermarking is not preferred in other sub-band specially in HH sub-band.
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most of energy in the LL then get robustness but loss imperceptible so many researcher in the last year prefer HL or LH to get robustness with imperceptible
because if you are using HH get imperceptible and loss robustness
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
Hello, I am working on a graduation project on audio watermarking, and I have found many articles on the subject, but I could not choose an algorithm to do the practice, I would like it to be the most robust and most imperceptible found today, can you help me make the best choice? Thanks to all.
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i think you must working in transform domain like R-DWT and CT this give you large capacity, imperceptible and robustness
you must read paper in the 2020
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
7 answers
C = normxcorr2(template,A) is not working.
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Yes, I agree with the second reccomendation of Aparna: convert the image to grayscale to use in 'normxcorr2'. Try the example on the Mathworks website:
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
9 answers
when using this [peaksnr,snr]=psnr(watermarked_rgb,host); value is 44.13 and 38.39 but when using MSE=mse(watermarked_rgb,host); value is 0.2456,0.2146 and 0.2691 respectively. If you use the mathematical equation PSNR = 10log10(255*255/MSE) values came 54.So which one is correct.
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Dear Sanjay Kumar,
Convert the original and enhanced images to HSV color space first, and then, use MSE & PSNR to the V-component only.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
6 answers
I want a hardware which support MATLAB code code for my data hiding algorithm . Kindly suggest me the hardware board which support MATLAB code.
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Dear all
I need a base paper to implement my algorithm in hardware. if anyone working in this area kindly share those details
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
Apart from extra security, what are the advantages of the non-blind watermarking scheme over blind and semi-blind techniques
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in non-blind watermarking schemes there is an access to original cover or host data to extract the embedded watermark signal; thus, for embedding we need less information to embed in compare with blind schemes which results in higher quality of watermarked cover data and even more robustness. That's the advantage of Non-Blind watermarking scheme over blind and semi-blind watermarking schemes.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
13 answers
Dear, I would like to know if the audio watermarking has a meaning for speaker recognition task. Because most documents talk about music audio files watermarking to prove ownership. Also, can audio watermarking be used for security purpose ?
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Maybe there is a confusion about watermark and fingerprint. A fingerprint is intended to uniquely identify (in this case) a speaker by features found in possibly all audio spectra of him, whereas a watermark adds information to a particular recording in a way that it survives standard operations applied to audio, like adding noise, playing with a different sample rate, filtering. A watermark can encode any kind of information, usually the copyright owning company.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
Recently, what kind of challenges and limitation are there in watermarking, especially in the development of Database and text watermarking techniques
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Refer this article. It may be useful for you.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
1 answer
I am looking for the definition of adaptive watermarking. I will be glad if you will recommend some papers where definition of adaptive watermarking is given.
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Two new image adaptive watermarking techniques which are based on multi-scale morphological segmentation are presented in the following(attached) paper. One of the proposed techniques extends the conventional spatial domain LSB watermarking technique while the other is an extension of blind watermarking in the discrete wavelet domain. The effect of the use of segmentation information on the quality of the watermarked images is discussed and examples are given to show the advantage of morphological segmentation as a preprocessing step for image adaptive watermarking.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
2 answers
"PSNR of image increase an the entropy of image increase (in watermarking)". How one can prove this statement mathematically.
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Sanjay Kumar In my opinion, obviously PSNR is somehow proportional to the Entropy. But, I think if the PSNR increases (which means the image has lesser noise components) then Entropy should decrease. As noises only add randomness and undecidability to the original signal which in turn increases the Entropy. Therefore, I beg to differ with the statement "PSNR of image increase an the entropy of image increase (in watermarking)".
Please feel free to correct me if I don't get your question.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
5 answers
Maximum of research paper on Dwt Watermarking follows the equation Watermarked=Cover +(alpha * watermark) but few paper uses, Watermarked=(1-alpha)Cover +(alpha * watermark). What is the difference between these two equation and whats its impact on watermarking scheme.
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The research paper are using "Watermarked=Cover +(alpha * watermark)" because most of the algorithms are applied in transform domain and embedding watermark in transform domain with assumption that the transform coefficients are slightly modified. And reconstructing image by modified coefficients.
If you use want to "Watermarked=(1-alpha)Cover +(alpha * watermark)" then alpha should be small otherwise it watermark will reduced cover image feature and create visual artifacts. The alpha can not be 0 or 1, it will be between 0 to 1 depends on image and watermark characteristics.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
12 answers
attached the extracted watermark image. is completely distorted than the original ... and the psnr is very high???
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Hi, as I understand you are comparing the original inserted binary mark and the extracted one for a watermarking scheme? If it is the case i advise you to use the correlation and the BER(Bit error rate) metrics to measure the difference between them. In fact, they give accurate results than the PSNR.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
There are lots of watermarking survey based on particular techniques, like reversible, or based on image , or audio only. There is not a single survey paper which deals with audio video image in the same.
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Because generally when we deal with a host data, we search for techniques related to this specific media type, so almost of watermarking survey, discuss a single type in order to expose the maximum of existing watermarking techniques related with it. In fact, each media (audio, image, video or even 3D video) have different proprieties and so different ways to be marked with. I think for this reason researcher focus in a particular type.
But, a survey which deals with the different multimedia types can be helpful to have a general idea about digital watermarking.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
6 answers
I am working with DWT using 'haar' wavelet. I have done the embedding and extraction process. After these steps were achieved i decided to add an attack on the already watermarked image. This step is also achieved. My problem is, I am trying to extract the watermark image using the attack watermarked image. I am sure what I am doing is the right thing. I need on how to extract using the attacked image?
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You can use median filter or confidence limit.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
6 answers
Lots of comparison has been done between the stenography and watermarking techniques but , what is the main difference between the lsb based stenography and lsb based watermarking.
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As far my understanding of the topic is concerned, there is no difference between LSB based steganography and LSB based watermarking (invisible watermarking) because in both cases we embed and hide some data in the cover object so that it go undetected. But the intention of using steganography is primarily to hide a message (data) for the intended recipient while the intention of watermarking (invisible here) is to hide the watermark (data) to prove ownership of the cover object.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
Steganography is the art and science of hiding information by embedding messages within other, seemingly harmless messages. Steganography means “covered writing” in Greek. As the goal of steganography is to hide the presence of a message and to create a covert channel, it can be seen as the complement of cryptography, whose goal is to hide the content of a message. Another form of information hiding is digital watermarking, which is the process that embeds data called a watermark, tag or label into a multimedia object such that watermark can be detected or extracted later to make an assertion about the object. The object may be an image, audio, video or text only. In steganography a covert channel is the medium for sending stego messages. Observes are unaware of any kind of data hidden in the medium. For a steganography technique to be effective, it must be resistant to various steganalysis attacks, it must not degrade the fidelity of the image. The data should be hidden in such a way that it is indistinguishable for a human eye. Audio steganography embeds the message into a cover audio file as noise at a frequency out of human hearing range. Data Hiding by LSB: Various techniques about data hiding have been proposed in literatures. One the common techniques involve least significant bit manipulation by directly replacing LSB bit planes with message bits.
P Huang. K.C. Chang., C.P Chang. and T.M Tu. A novel image steganography method using tri-way pixel value differencing. Journal of Multimedia, 3, 2008.
H. Inoue, A. Miyazaki, T. Katsura, “An Image Watermarking Method Based On the Wavelet Transform.” Vol. 1,pp. 296-300. Aug 2002.
C.K. Chan. and L. M.Cheng. Hiding data in images by simple lsb substitution. Pattern Recognition, 37:469–474, 2004.
Ahmad T. Al-Taani. and Abdullah M. AL-Issa. A novel steganographic method for gray-level images. International Journal of Computer, Information, and Systems Science, and Engineering, 3, 2009
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There are some factors to be considered when designing a steganography algorithm:
1. Invisibility: Invisibility is the ability to be unnoticed by the human.
2. Security: Even if an attacker realizes the existence of the information in the stego-cover. It should be impossible for the attacker to detect the information.
3. Capacity: The amount of information that can be hidden relative to the size of the cover object without deteriorating the quality of the cover object
4. Robustness: It is the ability of the stego-cover to withstand manipulations such as filtering, cropping, rotation, compression etc.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
What frames per seconds can be considered as video ?
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Frame rate, the number of still pictures per unit of time of video, ranges from 6 or 8 frames per second (fps) for old mechanical cameras to 120 or more frames per second for new professional cameras.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
8 answers
I have downloaded the file from below link .
Thank you in advance.
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Dear Manashee Kalita; compute the difference between the image before and after embeding to check if the image have any secret data within it.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
7 answers
Hi, I am working on image watermarking using dtcwt(dual tree complex wavelet transform).
My question is:
1)Does my understanding that decomposition using this technique produces 8 sub bands for each tree(4 real and 4 imaginary)? And if yes, how can I get the coefficients of each sub band(HL,LH,HH).I see the explanation of MATLAB, but I can't get it.
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Zebbiche, K., Khelifi, F., & Loukhaoukha, K. (2018). Robust additive watermarking in the DTCWT domain based on perceptual masking. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-24.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
14 answers
I want the present day standards for digital image watermarking. For example, for a  proposed watermarking technique how much should be the PSNR for its acceptance by the industry?
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what should be the minimum PSNR value to say that a technique is acceptable? some paper use it as 35dB. Why 35dB?
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
6 answers
Is there any algorithm for reversible image watermarking that can be used for both spatial and frequency domain?
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Dear DAs
You can rely easily to the hybrid domain watermarking algorithms which are mixed form the spatial domain and frequency domain algorithms.
A lot of papers and thesis cover the topic, just search for hybrid watermarking techniques
Good Luck
Prof. S. El-Rabaie
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
8 answers
DWT algo for embedding watermarks on audio signals.
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You can use MATLAB for this aim. 1D, 2D, 3D,...or more degree DWT functions are ready for use in here. Use dwt for transformation and use idwt for inverse transformation.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
9 answers
I need a Matlab code for an intelligent watermarking approach based particle swarm
optimization in discrete wavelet domain.
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link for DCT watermarking and pso matlab code
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
I'm looking for source code free for dwt "Discrete Haar Wavelet Transfermate" to image watermarking
Please help me
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The one consideration to choose dwt library is a good documentation. I recommend you to use pywavelets
You can integrate it in your java source code using java runtime execute
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
I have a watermarked image I need to apply some attacks , I do fragile watermarking and now I cant define vq attack and text addition in image is a grayscale image,I would appriciate any help .
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Please read the following articles for easy understanding
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
8 answers
I want to learn the use of machine learning for image watermarking from basics
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You can look into google cloud machine learning and google vision api. It is easier for deep learning startup.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
7 answers
I am working on image watermarking.
I already heard and read many articles about using genetic algorithm for secure and robust watermarking.
How to combine these two?
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Dear Girdhar Gopal,
Look the link, maybe useful.
Regards, Shafagat
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
1 answer
Audio signal watermark
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- when the mse is zero, then the psnr will be infinity , but in the programming the range of the psnr values between (0-100). If the value go to the 100 then good quality, else if the value go to zero then poor quality
min psnr is zero
max psnr is 100
- according to the second part of question
yes, may be the values greater than 40dB
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
I am working in fragile watermarking i generate the watermarkbits with svd and fsdwt so the values are negetive and i dont know how to change it to binary bits
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thanks alot for your really works.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
7 answers
what's new one can do in digital image watermarking using LSB method for the research work? 
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There are so many articles on this topic, so you may go for combining this method with other algorithms or optimization methods to improve it. This method actually is matured enough!
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
2 answers
Someone can orient me to an audio watermarking method in the time domain but it does not use transormes In order to implement it on DSP. thank your for your help
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thank you for your answer, please tell me it is possible to implement signle echo hiding in real time ?
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
6 answers
Dear Researchers,
I am novel researcher of image processing. I am researching  and developing new digital image watermarking method. For evaluation of this research, I need to compare the original image and watermarked image. Then I have to calculate degradation or information loss of watermarked image (after watermark embedding process). I need to know how this evaluation done and what are the tools I can use to this evaluation?
Thanks and Best Regards,
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you can use PSNR and structural similarity index metric (SSIM) to evaluate your algorithm.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
5 answers
I am working on a watermarking project using dwt and dct . The embedding seems to be correct, but after the embedding using alpha equation, the resulted watermarked image has a mix of negative and positive values, when I converted to uint8 the watermark can not be extracted. If I save it as double image (tif format),the watermark is extracted correctly, But if I attacked the double image , the watermark is lost completely because matlab convert it in the range[0,1],
What is the correct way to save and manipulate watermarked image to extract the watermark with any data loss(without attack) and how to extract it with attacks?
plz help me I do not have any time more
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Thank you Mrs.Murthy  ,, But I do not understand how to convert watermark image in another set
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
Hello, does anyone have an example of Matlab source code for image watermarking using ABC algorithm to optimize the scaling factor?
I read many papers using this kind of algorithm but I'm confused about the order where to implement ABC algorithm! Is it after the watermark embedding and extraction method? then apply ABC to get scaling factor and use the selected one for the same image watermark embedding? I'm a bit confused!! Does anyone of you have an idea?
Thank you in advance.
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There many links on the WEB where you can download Matlab code for watermarking using ABC algorithm. For example, you can try this one
The usage of ABC algorithm is described in the following paper
Schemes of the watermark embedding and extraction are shown in Figures 1, 2 respectively.  The order in which ABC algorithm should be implemented is shown there. The flowchart of ABC algorithm is shown in Figure 4.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
1 answer
I have to classify a medical image in ROI(Region of Interest) and RONI(Region of Non Interest) for image watermarking, but NOT able to create predictor data or features for SVM. Please help me.
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Probably the extracted reason of interest in the feature vector. can you explain which type of model you are using?
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
Hello, I'm working on image watermarking, I use DWT and SVD and I want to embed a watermark in some coefficients that changing in them wont destroy the quality of the image, do you have any idea how? should I use the edge detector for this or selecting the ROI of the image? I'm a bit confused!
Thank you in advance
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Non sensitive coefficient are selected in such a way to preserve information or feature of the image. It depends on type of image used to embed watermark. The image quality is quantify by type of image. The edge detector will work if you are embedding watermark in first level LH & HL sub images and in reconstruction the coefficients are corrected by parent-child relation between other bands coefficients. The ROI is also work if it will not in required portion of image. But all depends on type of image. I think it will help you.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
5 answers
i have worked on image processing for image fusion and image watermarking.
At present time i want to work on big data analysis and apply it in medical image processing. 
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Content Based Medical Image Retrieval (CBMIR)
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
Hello, I want to optimize the threshold of insertion in my image watermarking technique and I want to use the ABC optimization. I'm a little confused about 2 things:
  1. How to define the parameters of The ABC if I'm working with an original color image of size 512*512*3 and a color watermark of size 32*32*3. Should the number of employed and scout bees equal 32 ?
  2. How can I implement the ABC in my matlab code? Do I start by defining the parametrs, then process the embedding then the extraction!? I'm confused about it :(
Could you please help me or give some examples? thank you in advance :)
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Dear Youssra Lakrissi,
As mentioned previously, population size can be set to any integer number. For implementation code, please see the following link which is provided by the corresponding author:
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
2 answers
Could you like please to gave me some articles for uncompressed video fragile watermarking? I need them for comparison with my method.
Thank you very much
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Thank you very much
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
5 answers
I'm working on image watermarking and I want to apply the Abc optimization algorithm ( Artificial Bee Colony) to find a threshold for inserting a watermark. I read in some articles like here and I'm asking how can I choose the parameters and the objective function to get a threshold or scaling factor for insertion?
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
I am trying to implement the video watermarking based on visual cryptography. I have created two share of a image in '.bmp' formats. How these two shares will be embedding  in the video while using the frequency domain.
I have divided the video into parts ( Suppose the video consisting 300 frames. In this way each part is having 150 frames each) to embed these share in two different parts. I have extracted the Y component of each part of the video. On which I had applied the DWT. Extract the HH Band. Apply SVD. And get the singular matrix.
How could I process the two share of transparencies in order to embed into the singular value obtained of these two parts of video as indicated above. Also requested to please tell me the extraction process of these two transparencies from watermarked video ?  
You are most welcomed to informed me about any other method to implement the visual cryptography based video watermarking.    
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  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
I have seen that nobody design a reversible semi-fragile audio watermarking. However, there are many reversible semi-fragile image watermarking specially for medical images.
I would like to know the logic behind this.
Can anyone explain why?
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A  reversible watermarking requires high payload on the medium. If the medium allows high payload without affecting the perfectibility, i dont see any reason why it cannot be done. 
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4 answers
I have found some watermarking techniques such as 
1. watermarking using QIM
2. histogram modification based reversible watermarking.
3. prediction-error expansion based reversible watermarking approach
i dont know i am in corrrect direction. these three techniques are the latest one else please suggest some different technique  
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The watermarking techniques you mentioned i.e Histogram Bin shifting ,Prediction Error expansion are in spacial domain.If you feel these are obsolete methods,You can try DCT or DWT which uses frequency domain..
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
3 answers
How to calculate data capacity of watermarked image?
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calculate the score  of a pixel based on its neighbor's smoothness and connectivity in its bitplanes
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
2 answers
I want to hide Image file into .WAVE audio file using LSB Algorithm.
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Read Audio file
Digitize the Audio Signal
Separate the LSB and MSB Bits
Read the image as binary
put the image binary into Audio Signal in place of LSB's
Write back Audio
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
7 answers
kindly suggest any of the paper  with watermarking and neural network
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Yes, you can use ANN for such an application. check this paper for instance:
1. for voice watermarking 
Design of DSP supported systems for real-time voice watermarking
2. image watermarking:
Wavelet based watermarking approach of hiding patient information in medical image for medical image authentication
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
7 answers
Does anybody have experience with watermarking in 3D models?
I would appreciate any advice.......?
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but I want  a matlab code for digital watermarking in 3D models (how to embed and how to extract)
I need also a code for digital watermarking  using genetic algorithm
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
5 answers
Digital watermarking of digital images
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i m working on same area pl. guide me how to compress medical image using lossless compression method
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4 answers
I need to introduce some few strong sift key points in an image. I have studied SIFT algorithm(few concepts are not clear), but while reading a paper, they are introducing new sift key points as a watermark by updating the pixel intensity value non-linearly. I am not able to link with the theory of SIFT concept with this one. Any suggestions on this regard will be very helpful for me. If I want to introduce a new sift key point in an image, what I want to do?? Thanks in advance.
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This paper talks about introduction of new SIFT keypoints. The idea is to introduce new keypoints to create image forgery.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
10 answers
Using dwt transform and using host+@watermark signal where @ is 0.3.
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W bits=168*300 and length of audio in seconds is 10.6661 so embedding payload comes out to be 4725.25 bps.
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
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website or book that gives details to how implement this algorithm programmatically in simple way
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  • asked a question related to Watermarking
12 answers
Please do you have some articles in fragile watermarking for videos?
Thank you very much
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Thank you mr Ersin
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
4 answers
I am working with opencv and c++ to watermark a video but the problem is that when I write the video watermarked the watermark is damaged due to compression of codecs using during the writing phase of video. Are there any tools to work with uncompressed videos or to solve this problem?
Thank you very much
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Thank you very much mr Guillaume
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
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Inquiry into the practical performance of audio watermarking.
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Payload depends upon the data you want to enter but with increasing the payload, your quality of the watermarked media file will going to be reduced. There must be a trade off between the payload and quality. So, this trade off depends upon your application. 
  • asked a question related to Watermarking
1 answer
So far I have an idea that in QIM we first modulate the index of the multiple orthogonal quantizers as per the code bits. In dither modulation good noise is added first and then quantized.
Can you explain a bit more to direct me in implementation of QIM? Also, it would be nice of you if you suggest some good references.
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In basic QIM, a quantizer maps a value to the nearest point belonging to a class of pre-defined discontinuous points. The function round (.) here denotes rounding value to the nearest integer and the standard quantization operation with step size is defined
as QΔ(x) = round(x/Δ)Δ.
Let Δ be the quantization step size and L represent the length of the host signal x and the message m (we embed one bit per sample). QIM embeds a message by modulating an index or sequence of indices with a watermark to be embedded and then quantizing the host signal with the associated quantizer. For QIM with dithering, we choose d0 pseudo-randomly with a uniform distribution over [-Δ/2, Δ/2] and
d1 = d0 + Δ/2,   if d0 <0
d1 = d0 - Δ/2, if d0 >0
Here d0 or d1 is used for embedding message bit “0” or “1” respectively. The watermarked signal is given by:
yn = QΔ( xn , dm)
       = QΔ( xn + dm) − dm                             m∈[0, 1]                 n=1, 2, …, L
where QΔ(x) = round(x/Δ)Δ and the function round (:) denotes rounding value to the
nearest integer.
At the detector the received signal z, possibly a corrupted version of y, is requantized with the family of quantizers used while embedding to determine the embedded message bit, i.e.
As eqn are difficult to write refer my paper
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6 answers
I am trying to reconstruct a watermarked image through sparse signal recovery technique. I've taken a gray-scale LOGO image as an watermark and trying to reconstruct a watermarked image through BASIS PURSUIT principle but failing to retain the robustness of watermark under common image processing operation e.g. filtering, cropping etc. If anyone can shed light on  this then it will be highly appreciated. thanks in advance
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The problem with combining images and watermarks is designing a suitable representation of the spacial frequencies of each within the combined image and still have an image that looks acceptable. Watermarks generally like to add to the high frequency content but that is exactly the content that lossy compression algorithms affect the most. If you try to use a low-frequency watermark, it makes the image look strange. This is a 'no win' on a practical basis.
How about  trying a pixel replace algorithm that encodes the watermark into a pseudo-random 2D noise signal that 'sprinkles' the replacement pixels all around the image. You have to hope that the user cannot detect this 'noisy' additive to the true image. The pixel depth is chosen so that lossy compression does not reach its low frequencies. I have not done this myself so maybe somebody has already done something similar in a paper. Good Luck
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I haven't found any paper that provides an elementary analysis.
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I agree with Peter. Adding a pseudo-random sequence in the time domain is equivalent to adding a pseudo-random sequence in the frequency domain because the transformation is usually linear and invertible. So one choose one domain rather than another because:
- one has a good perceptual model in this domain enabling to weight the watermark signal energy.
- one expects some attacks which are better modeled in this domain so that their impact on the watermark is better understood.
I strongly disagree with people making a clear difference between time and frequency watermarking, and claiming that frequency domain is better.   
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Here is the steps that I am successful so far :
1.Apply 3Level of DWT to host image
2.Apply SVD to one of the subbands
3.convert the subband and SV's to semi-binary using my own algorithm which will convert a number such as 205.36 to a semi-binary form like :
1.36 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
4.insert my watermark inside the frist and second LSB of the semi-binary form
5.Apply the reverse SVD
6.Apply the IDWT
Until here my watermark is remain intact But when I am going to write the image like
% convert back to uint8
After extracting the watermark , the watermark is something else, I was wondering if I am doing something wrong? DO I have to convert the whole thing to uint8? because otherwise the written image is one blank image if I don't convert it to unit8
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I Think you don't pay attention to the matter that the image representation in spatial (color) domain contains only integer numbers, so if your watermarking is sensitive to the fractional part it will be discarded.
At the most of the practical methods, parameters are set in way that the method became robust against this quantization error.
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9 answers
I am trying to write a code to watermark some binary information inside the SVD form of DWT of image. Here are the steps that I am successful with so far:
1. Apply 3 Level of DWT to host image
2. Apply SVD to one of the sub-bands
3. Convert the sub-band and SVs to semi-binary using my own algorithm, which will convert a number such as 205.36 to a semi-binary form like this:
1.36 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
4. Insert my watermark inside the first and second LSB of the semi-binary form
5. Apply the reverse SVD
6. Apply the IDWT
Until here my watermark remains intact, but when I am going to write the image like this:
% convert back to uint8
after extracting the watermark , the watermark is something else, I was wondering if I am doing something wrong. Do I have to convert the whole thing to unit8? Otherwise the written image is one blank image if I don't convert it to unit8.
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Check the following, it may be useful to you,
1. Format of the image (imread, imwrite).
2. Transform and Inverse Transform must be applied correctly (levels).
3. There must be a solid reason to apply SVD.
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4 answers
Convex optimization or classical optimization etc
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Frankly I am unaware of any watermarking optimisation method for a completely unknown attack. Your question is more related to signal processing attacks. You can possibly generalise the attack characteristics and investigate the effected image regions (mostly high frequency components). However if the attack is intentional, there are few works available in the literature, e.g. 'Oracle Attacks and Covert Channels' by Ilaria Venturini. This may lead you to create a similar model for signal processing attacks.