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Water Quality Analysis - Science topic
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Questions related to Water Quality Analysis
i used decision tree,random forest, xgboost. these algorithms are already used. how i show a novelty from my work.
Hello everyone,
We have a water treatment unit where the input water is TAP WATER. Tap water pass throw three steps in this order:
Softner ==> Filters (cotton filter+charcoal filter) ==> Reverse Osmosis
We are using water after reverse osmosis.
My question is what are the conductivity, pH and hardness limit and acceptable values of the tap water, water after softner, water after softner+filters and water after the three steps.
If you could provide references and/or standard I will be very grateful.
Thank you for your precious time.
I ANALYSISED anion and cation of water ( ca, Mg, Na,K, NO3,SO4, F,PO4,Cl) using ICP and IC. I got the ion balance error is higher than 5%. I don't why this happened? Could you give me your idea ?
I needed published articles or any applying reference with experimental data on how temperature affects the settling velocity of particles. How the temperature change also affects the kinematic viscosity of a fluid, not viscosity?
In shrimp hatchery, usually water exchange takes place after animal reached postlarvae stage. So how to retain the probiotic microbiome again quickly in order to avoid pathogenic bacteria's bloom???
Physical, chemical and biological water quality analysis
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the determination of dissolved aluminium by colorimetric method using pyrocatechol violet according to ISO 10566:1994. In the preparation of 'mixed reagent', we have to add 5 mL of the aluminum standard solution (10 mg/L) into 100 mL of this mixed reagent (total volume).
My question is:
- What is the role and function of the addition of standard solution for this method? In this standard it only says "accurate addition of the aluminum standard solution is essential in order to allow a linear calibration at low concentrations".
Note: if we calculate the concentration of this aluminium standard solution in the sample is about 15 µg/L.
Thank you for your answers.
Alklinity can be calculated by titration of acid on pH endpoint. I have a data set with bounches of water quality parameters, only without Alklinity. Is there a way to get Alklinity only by calculation from other parameters (pH, TIC, Dissolved CO2, temp, and cations, onions, ect.)
Several methods have been suggested in many studies
One of these solutions is to use the guidelines
Which of these guidelines are used and can they be provide (Name , Lien, PDF...) to me?
Excess of fluoride content in drinking water (more than 1.5mg/L) sourced from inland water bodies causes dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis. Although reverse osmosis (RO), electrodialysis, and distillation are available for deflouridating inland water bodies. However am not sure that how effective these methods can be used to deflouridate groundwater. I would like to hear some suggestions on the mechanisms effective at deflouridation of groundwater.
We are seek alternatives to Qual2kw in water quality simulation models based on R program. Present day, we use .xlsx based model. Our objective is calibrate/simulate water quality scenarios of river, with point/nonpoint sewage sources. Thanks a lot!
Water quality analysis is a costly affair where a large number of parameters are involved and each parameter requires a significant number of samples to be analyzed.
How we can quality check the data values when only one sample is analyzed for each parameter?
I am currently doing a study in water quality of a lake and need to calculate the total number of cells of phytoplankton in a sample, I already have the no of cells counted per view, no.of field of views. Could anybody help out please?
I wanted to ask that if we have to develop a modelling tool to anticipate the impacts of weather extreme events on the water quality of a lake but the amount of information collected in the field is scarce. What kind of models would be better to use and which are the natural processes we should include in the models. Please guide me briefly if possible.
Please, can you suggest a high graphical resolution software for creating hydrogeochemical graphs, especially for Gibb's diagrams?
Dear researchers,
Does anyone know how to use BASINS for Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) model? Since the database in BASINS is mainly from US, how can I apply it for other countries or area?
Thank you in advance.
Hello all! What equipments are used to identify chemical and biological contaminants and measure their concentrations in a water? Thank you
I am researching which wavelength I have to select to detect the metals gallium (Ga) and zirconium (Zr) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), but it is being difficult to find. Does anyone have any material to share?
I am interested in hearing about the experiences from researchers who have successfully used Google Earth Engine (Python Version)for water quality determination (chlorophyll, turbidity etc.).
Beryllium is exceedingly toxic and known to interfere with Human enzymes.
Analysts have developed techniques to measure Beryllium in parts per Quadrillion.
Beryllium is present in Fluoride industrial waste dumped into drinking water supplies in Australia, measured by one supplier to be 95 gram per tonne (see attached analysis).
I wonder if anyone has studied the concentration of Beryllium in drinking water, its absorbed dose range and risk factors for various diseases, including cancers, as a result of this "Fluoridation" waste disposal? What are the effects on the Human foetus?

What reference studies (Book, Article, Tesis etc) you know used ER Method was applied using the Vertical Electrical Survey (SEV) technique (Wenner-Schlumberger, dipole-dipole arrays) for definition of intrinsic vulnerability index to water contamination underground?
Are there any studies that have used this method to set parameters for analyzing groundwater vulnerability to contamination por geoelectric layers?
Our lab is currently adapting a previous working method (designed for the Turner TD-700) for the quantitative analysis of chlorophyll-a in water by fluorescence to be used with a new instrument (Cary Eclipse Fluorometer). Details in full about the method below. In testing our new method, we were able to produce a reliable standard curve up to 100 ug/L chl-a with a raw fluorescence of 781 (Attached Fig 1.)
In order to test this method with environmental samples, we prepared filters of increasing filtered volume from a single collected sample (e.g. 1 filter @100ml, 1 filter @250ml, 1 filter @400ml, etc). My thought was that we would see a proportional increase in fluorescence, based on filtered volume (i.e. the 400ml filter would have ~4x the fluorescence of the 100ml sample.) Instead, we saw what looked like quenching (or at least reduced fluorescence) around the 400ml mark (raw fluorescence ~500). Our 600ml sample had roughly the same fluorescence as the 400ml sample and our 800ml sample had significantly lower fluorescence than both of them etc. (Attached Fig 2.)
We do not see any similar effect in our standard curve and the fluorescence reading for these samples are well below where our standard curve tops out. Has anyone ever seen a similar phenomenon? Do you know what causes it or how to fix it?
Brief Method Description:
Water samples are filtered on GFF filters and stored with desiccant in a freezer. Samples are extracted in ethanol in a dark environment. Extracted samples are excited @434 and emission is measured at 673 nm.
Thank you.
Am doing my research on impact of urbanization on surface water quality. I want to compare the impact the last 30 years with the current and to forecast future deterioration of lake water quality. I do analysis the current water quality for different parameters by taking samples and analysis in laboratory.
What is the most economical and efficient method of analyzing surface and underground water quality?
Especially nitrate, thermotolerant coliforms, Total Dissolved Solids TDS.
Am doing my research on three water supply reservoirs concerning impact of urbanization on water quality of these reservoirs. I want to use modeling.would you please suggest me what kind of modeling shall use?
Wetland is very important however it is now degrading conditions due to anthropocentric and industrial pressure at many status and cities. we have baseline data of some of the wetland of Vadodara District
thank you
Bottle drinking water contained many floc. What is the reason? This water produced from fully automated systems.
I am currently working on black-water events that occur in reservoirs (south China) in certain times of the year. The sediments in the reservoir contain manganese and iron content. Apart from analysis of DOC (dissolve organic content) in the reservoir, i want to investigate the role microbes and bacteria play in this phenomenon.
I have 7 years of data outputs for a model I ran to test water quality response to Phosphorus loading. I have base model outputs as well as manipulated model outputs (in which I increased Phosphorus loading). The watershed is broken into 31 sub-watersheds and I am looking to find which sub-watersheds are most sensitive to Phosphorus loading. I have begun performing linear regression of base~manipulated outputs and am not seeing the results I expected. Is there a better way to analyze the sensitivity of manipulated model outputs for large data-sets?
I just want the name of the methods....
What is the best (easiest, cheapest) way to get degassed water to run some hydraulic measurements? I currently use a vacuum pump but it takes some time and it very noisy.
Blue, green and red - how does the reflectance change in turbid water compared to clear water?
Dear my colleagues,
I am working on article regarding hydro-geochemistry and water quality analysis of a groundwater basin in Afghanistan. I have the water quality test results and I want to show the results in Piper and other diagrams. Please kindly kindly let me know that by which software can I draw Piper diagram.
Thanks and advance
I have collected a sample of water from a small stream for a section of my masters dissertation but I am struggling to find literature regarding whether or not the water is of good quality quality/polluted or not, as I have little experience with water quality. I have compared them to guidelines, but need to know more information about their levels actually signify
These are my results:
Magnesium - 0.5ug/l; Copper - 3ug/l; Maganese - 0.1ug/l; Cadium - 0.9ug/l; Lead - 7.1ug/l and nickel - 18.8u/l
I am also struggling with my results for ammonia N-NH4 (0.42mg/l); nitrate NO3-N (0.1mg/l) and SRP PO4-P(0.13mg/l)
Any help or references towards papers would be much appreciated
I want to estimate the sulfide concentration in the wastewater. What is the sensitivity of methylene blue method (detection limit - how much ppm?, maximum how much i can quantify the sulfide?). Please anyone suggest easy and reliable method for sulfide estimation in the wastewater containg high sulfide concentration.
Ground water, surface water and wastewater always contain dissolved solids. Most of researchers used electrical conductivity (EC) meter for measuring dissolved solids. But the results are always different from that measures with gravimetrically. Question arises, how to testify, which one is authentic.
Gravimetric method is time consuming. If we use EC meter, what cares may be taken?
Is ion-balancing is of some use?
Bihar is the states that is recognized widely as highly affected with Fluoride in drinking water and affected with Fluorosis. A test conducted an on-the-spot of underground water confirmed the alarming presence of fluoride content which has caused physical deformities and accelerated the ageing process of the villagers. I am looking for the solution for this issue and hot spot locations? Suggest me where I can get the relevant data?
For i.e water quality index
Hi everyone,
I have analyses the on-site and major and trace elements some river water samples , and now I want to calculate several water quality parameters like pollution index, water quality index, metal index, ..etc. In the equations I encountered variables like Si and C0 to calculate the Pi and Cf values. I wonder if they are the same or different meanings. Also can I calculate pollution Loading Index (PLI) for water samples, not the sediments.
Thanks in advance
I'm about to do a water quality analysis, I was wondering which model to use?! WASP, Ce-Qual-W2, Mike ?! What do you recommend?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of WASP over the others?!
I want to do water quality analysis using Landsat images. Can anyone help show me how to estimate Chl-a from the Landsat images? In-situ data is required for this analysis or not?
I'm working on retrieval of turbidity from remote sensing approach and for validation want to compare in-situ data with satellite derived product so need conversion of NTU to mg/l.
Generally we use WQA for drinking water using WHO standard or national water quality indexes. Some countries also following river water quality analysis as per plankton, algae, benthos and invertebrates (aquatic flora and fauna. Fish species and their feeding ground would be the another parameter we can assume for WQA. Besides these what are the scientific standard as we can use the best method for river water quality analysis?
I found a variety of methods in the literature (single representative pixel, mean of 3X3 pixels, etc). Has anyone done a comparison?
Could you please anyone can suggest me,
what are the Best field testers (instruments) low cost price for pH, EC, TDS, Temperature testing in the water?
We recently aproved a grant for a project, and now we are searching the best equipment. Besides the already mentioned parameters, analysis of water hardness, nitrates, nitrites and phosphate would also be welcome. Some collegues told me already about equipments from Horiba and Hanna. Other suggestions?
-Have anyone quantify the sensitivity: contribution of temperature and precipitation in long-term algae biomass variation?
-In other words, how much more algae blooms would we see in the future?
If we use phosphate solubilizing bacteria as biofertilizer in farms, may this bacteria cause adverse effect on natural ecosystems like rivers and lakes?
Hey, I would appreciate if somebody help me “what is the Max permissible limit for Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Ca2+, Cl−, HCO3−, in drinking and irrigation water according to WHO standard. Thanks
I have a 350 ft borewell in my home. Physio- chemical parameters were analysed for the same. Almost all the parameters are above the permissible limits. I have attached the analysis report for more details. TDS is 3220 ppm, Total Hardness 1350 ppm, also facing with odor problem . I want to make this water safe for daily utilities bathing, dish-washing and clothes washing. can we use any chemicals or Is there any alternate solutions?

parameters are Temperature,PH,Conductivity,Turbidity,TDS,Salinity,Dissolved Oxygen,BOD,COD,Hardness,Nitrate,Phosphate,Total coliform and Fecal coliform
Is the same model can apply for surface and ground water quality?
Is there any universal standard method available for this?
I want to have some reference materials regarding the physico chemical parameters ( pH, salinity, conductivity, depth , nitrate , phosphate , DO, BOD , chlorophyll a concentrations, , COD, sediment carbon, sediment pH, sediment conductivity, texture) and environmental conditions preferred by several species given in word document.If you have some information that will be much helpful.
Thank you.
I have been unable to find anything that seems to even remotely answer this question.
Doesn't have to necessarily be a precise method; approximation would suffice.
Lake - BOD: 1.31, DO: 10.54 (mg/l)
Effluent - BOD: 20 mg/l
I realise that factors such as temperature and pH will come into it, and I do have some data for those...
Dilution is also to be considered separately via CORMIX modelling.
I am measuring NO3- in drainage waters from arable fields and for some drainage samples the sensor is dead on the true value from lab analysis, while some other samples results in it measuring too much
There is a stream/river with permanent white (milky) water color in Southern part of Blue Nile, Ethiopia. The Gumz tribes living around it call this river " Impua Aya" in their language. Impua mean "White" and Aya " Water" in English. The color of water doesn't change with time and space according to the people who told me. I appreciate any one who can tell me the probable causes for the permanent whiteness (milky) color of the water of this stream.
With kind regards.
Kassahun Birhanu
I am looking for best ways to analyze data for water quality parameters, pH, conductivity, TSS,TDS, COD, SS, Salinity, Zinc, ammonia Nitrogen NH3, cloride, turbidity, and Total and free chlorine residual, Total coliform and E.coli, what is the best test in statistics and best method to follow to analyze, the water quality is for harvested rainwater.
Thank you
I would like to know what would be a good method development for the analysis, as my previous method has resulted in no results appearing for the Mg analysis.
please go through the link once...
and i wish to apply for the same
i am in need of an US personal to be collaborated with me in this project
anticipating the best from you
thanking you
In laboratory test, COD value is obtained with minus value.
I would like to ask you about new technologies to remove aluminum and herbicides (such as atrazine) from surface water to public supply. I have read about biochar and GAC, so if you have any other sugestion I will be thankful.
I am studying the treatment on drinking water from an undergound water source. It is high in Fe2+ and Fe3+ content. The drinking water that is supplied to residents is full of Ferric chloride that leaves significant stains on clothes and other items.
I am new to piper plots. After going through reviews for freeware available to plot water quality data, I found Grapher to endorse an easy UI for novices such as me into piper plots. However, am unable to understand the exact procedure as to how may the percentage of cations and anions be normalized to 100 before plotting the graph. Answers and suggestions for alternate freeware with plotting SOP are most welcome.
We would Iike to determine water quality by measuring the reaction of bioluminescent organism when they are added to a water sample. Can anyone provide us with a reproducible procedure?
Stedman had a design that took the solids off ahead of digestion and converted the removed solids to a fuel source. I liked this process as it pulled out a lot of material, which if it had gone through bacterial digestion, would have been converted into solution which is more difficult to control. Is anyone working along these lines? I ask because a lot of the pharmaceuticals are broken into more toxic daughter products either by bacterial digestion or later oxidative processes, and many are mitochondrial toxins (MT). Thus using the effluent as an irrigation source or drinking water augmentation sees these MTs bioaccumulating in irrigated crops or being chronically delivered with drinking water. Thanks------------Edo
I want to sterilize water at rate of 1 liter per second.
there is two main question:
1. which process has lower cost (for this rate or higher)
2. which process has highest accuracy. in fact it is very important for me to kill all living organism in water !
I'm running an experiment to see how pH and NaCl concentration affect desorption of metals, using pond water as the solvent. Because I'm changing pH and NaCl concentration, I wanted to keep the original pH intact in the sample taken, so took two 10 litre samples and compared the difference between an acidified sample and non-acidifed sample, as expected most metals decreased in the non-acidified samples, but only by a small amount (I'm assuming sample size helped). However the Sodium content was much higher in the non-acidified sample, any idea why?
Dear all ,
In our well water fishes all has died due to what reason ? Please share your idea? I have checked water some parameter.
pH = 7.83
COND=377 micro s
DO= 14.96 ppm.
When this rainwater sample was kept at the room temperature for several months, it turned from colourless to brown/ green color in the water sample. Why is it so?
I know that there is a squeezing technique to sample pore water of mudrocks. But this technique is very sophisticated and potentially time consuming. My question if it is possible to evaluate the pore water chemistry of mudrocks from a chemical analysis of water sampled from boreholes?
The water samples would be from a depth of about 20-25 m. Is it possible to assume that the groundwater is in equilibrium with the pore water inside the hydraulic active pores of the mudrock and that the groundwater is representative for the composition of the pore water?
Unfortunately I can't rule out that there is a hydraulic connectivity to a quartenary aquifer.
Best Regards
What Should be the maximum total hardness concentration in feed water of Sea water membranes RO? Which range will help me to maintain the good life of membranes?
Simple mixing of organic manures with water increases bicarbonate value.
How calculate water quality index for irrigation purpose if you have concentration of all cation, anions ,SAR, SP, RSC EC and pH.
I need a chemical method with less chemical use for determination of Arsenic in drinking water. The work is focused on developing low cost and field portable sensor for detection of Arsenic in drinking water resources, which may be used by the people from rural areas.
Is there any standard colorimetric method to determine Antimony concentration (Sb-III and Sb-V) in water? Also, describe the minimum detection limit.