Science topic

Volunteerism - Science topic

Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, but people also volunteer for their own skill development, to meet others, to make contacts for possible employment, to have fun, and a variety of other reasons that could be considered self-serving. Volunteerism is the act of selflessly giving your life to something you believe free of pay.
Questions related to Volunteerism
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
The refugee classroom is likely a multilingual or plurilingual one. In my experience, English language instructors (volunteer and paid alike) are monolingual. Thinking about the concept of translanguaging, or the practice of utilizing an entire set of language skills in the process of learning an additional language, and the tendency for ESL classrooms to hold an English-only pedagogical approach, I wonder how many monolingual instructors could use a new, more inclusive approach to English instruction that includes the use of the adult learners' language repertoire.
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I think that it depends on the language of the people learning English.
If the native language is Spanish or a Native American language, a lot of US citizen teachers are probably bilingual. There are languages spoken in other countries that likely have very few people in the US who are fluent in both that language and English.
I think you raise interesting questions about the traditional "all English during the class" approach. But it may still be contingent on having people capable of speaking both languages.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
6 answers
Hello everyone,
my Name is Amar, medical student at Freiburg University in Germany. I’m aspiring to be a neurosurgeon, and I would like to pursue a scientific career too. I am really interested in neurosurgery and neurooncology.
So therefor, does anyone here need a co-author or a research volunteer?
I will welcome every message every comment every opportunity!
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Hi Amar, I'm doing my doctoral project in Marburg university and my interests includes augmented reality and navigation in neuro-oncology. I have several idea in this direction but feel hard to perform experiments due to my busy schedual. So if you're also interested in image-guided neurosurgery and feel it promising, you can contact me via email : and so that we can discuss or find some nice colaborating project somehow. All the best, Ziyu
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
1 answer
We are working on a multi-author book in the field of health communication, which we plan to be published by Springer publishing house. Our book, which will be published in English, will include more than 40 chapters. Each chapter is planned to have two or three co-authors. It will be preferred that at least two of the authors are from different countries. Each unit will consist of a maximum of 10 pages. The book is expected to be ready for printing by the end of the year. We are waiting for your submissions.
You can be a partner with your co-author or only as a volunteer for the chapters that we can suggest. You can also indicate the chapter titles you think you can write.
Details will be announced later. For now, we just want to know who would like to join this team, who would like to join with which subject of study.
If you are volunteer, please submit our form:
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how does it work?
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
2 answers
I am developing a scale for volunteer motivation with 10 dimensions, where 6 dimensions with low Cronbach's Alpha (0.507, 0.651, 0.681, 0.663, 0.621, 0.654). The other 4 dimensions' are okay (a>0.7). The dimension with 0.507 Cronbach's Alpha will be dropped, but I want to keep other dimensions with low Cronbach's Alpha.
How can do to increase Cronbach's Alpha (>0.7)?
I understand that lowering than 0.7 is difficult to be published:(
Solutions that I thought of but couldn't solve the problem:
1. increase the number of items - I don't want to start all over again, of course, I may have to
2. try other methods to test the reliability - I have tried omega, from which I have similar results compared to Alpha
3. based on the skewness and kurtosis to remove items - I have done this step - all the items: -2<skewness <2, -7<kurtosis <7 , so, I didn't remove any items
4. remove outliers - I used Mahalanobis distance, from which 12 outliers have been removed.
Many thanks!!
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Hello Viola,
Very likely the first order of business would be to verify that all items/variables you believe to be associated with a specific dimension do, in fact, demonstrate adequate association with that construct. Confirmatory factor analysis would be one place to start.
If CFA shows that your allocation of indicators to factors/dimensions was on target, then here are some possible explanations for low score consistency (however quantified, whether via Cronbach's alpha or some other statistic):
1. Not all indicators contribute substantively to identification of the latent variable;
2. Possible instances of mis-scaled or reverse-polarity indicators;
3. A too-homogeneous sample (insufficient variation in scores...measures of internal consistency reliability require score spread in order to yield "high" values);
4. Extraneous noise in the data collection process;
5. A speeded administration (insufficient time);
6. The dimension isn't uni-dimensional (despite the fact that CFA would appear to suggest that the simpler, one-dimension model adequately accounts for the observed relationships);
Do note that, for purposes of making decisions about groups, you can tolerate lower estimates of score reliability than would be the case when your intent was to make decisions about individuals.
Good luck with your work.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
1 answer
Why does it take so much time to review a paper?
From my humble experience as an editor of a top tier journal, i can tell you its the editor’s lack of effort. in general. People should only volunteer if they have and willing to give enough time to find proper reviewers and review.
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This depends on many factors such as the resources available, the type of journal (we know that OA journals are faster), the average response time of the journal (reviewers included) and, of course, the fit of the manuscript with the editorial line.
With a colleague, we submitted an article that has been under review for a year now. It's coming along. I suggest you write to the editor to get a clearer picture of the situation...
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
Hi... Its my pleasure to inform all the scholars that we have create a journal in educational field. we will release this journal on march 2023. I would like to invite you as editor and reviewer in our journal. If you interest with this project you can send me direct message. Thank you
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I am glad that you have to start with the project which may see the daylight on march 2023 . My good wishes remain with you & in the light with my contribution i may help to carry out the project on a successful path .
Needless to add that regarding my contribution you may arrange to see my profile & I shall also thank you if you will kindly arrange to appraisal me regarding your projected plan for my information .
With this I wish you for your successive plan .
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
151 answers
Hello everyone! Of course, many of us volunteer for the community / society. I have had access to many accounts of people who have turned this activity into an ideal of life, claiming that with this occupation, they became better, charitable, and happy with the results! How do you see that? Thank you for all the contributions. Cheers!
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"in volunteer work you find your self . its good for all
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
1 answer
mycelium based bio material is growing its interested among people like me which is a great volunteer in clearing carbon footprint from the planet.
seeking for vast amount of knowledge to gather on this topic to succeed in bringing mycelium based materials to develop in India.
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How would fungal mass serve to clear "clearing carbon footprint from the planet."? The fungi are not photosynthetic. They're saprophytes that evolve carbon dioxide via metabolism of organic matter.
Carbon is an element and neither created nor destroyed..
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
Study using questionaries' to determine the consumer attitude and consumer perception on meat consumption.
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In such cases, I usually conduct an a-priori power analysis in order to determine the required sample size. You can use G-Power, which is very intuitive and easy to download (see Faul et al. 2009):
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
Dear Community,
I read that the VFI is considered to be an outdated and incomplete instrument to measure the motivations in volunteerism studies. However, I read a very recent publication using the same to measure motivations. Does anyone know or has come across any other instrument within the functionalist approach which measures motivations in volunteers? Could anyone suggest an alternative instrument (close-ended) to measure motivations of volunteers? I wanted to use it for my thesis..
Thank you
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The VFI to measure motivations in volunteering studies, to be used today, should be adapted to the particular circumstance of the study in question. Adaptation work.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
6 answers
I was once asked to volunteer to teach a philosophy course for U3A. I had to turn down the request because of the excessive time involved in travelling to and from the venue, otherwise I would have been happy to do it. However, I later learned that even volunteer instructors were required to become fee-paying members of their U3A chapter. Since I had no interest in availing myself of their services I thought that policy was a bit much.
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I should emphasize that I don't have a problem with U3A's use of unpaid instructors. I have great respect for pro bono volunteerism. Nor do I have a problem with people who make use of U3A's course offerings and other benefits having to pay a reasonable membership fee; the various U3A chapters do after all have overhead costs to cover. But I was taken askance by the idea that volunteer instructors or tutors should be required to pay U3A membership fees even when they make no use of U3A's services. Also, it likely works as a disincentive for potential volunteers.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
5 answers
I need 1.000 responders for the below questionnaire - if anyone can volunteer or answer it - I really appreciate it ;) thank you M.
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Is this the same questionnaire that was posted a couple of months ago? I don't want to complete it if it is the same one I completed back then.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
34 answers
For journal editors, and their authors, reliable, timely and instructive reviews are worth their weight in gold. This comes at a time when many journals are inundated with higher numbers of submissions, and reviewers are equally inundated with a greater number of invitations to review.
For the most part, reviewers volunteer their time amidst their already busy schedule and undertake the task without reward or compensation (with the exception of Publons and various journal specific initiatives including best reviewer awards and certificates).
The question I pose, "What factors determine your decision to accept or reject a journal invitation to review for it?" resonates and one that I have generalizations for but keen to understand more fully.
The following are common reasons in my experience to accept or reject invitations:
  1. I have zero intention to review for a journal that I have no interest in publishing in
  2. I have had a bad experience with the journal (often this is related to having submission dealt with poorly, often when they have been though to have been rejected unfairly)
  3. It is not on the list of journals I am instructed to publish in by my university
  4. The invitation is too impersonal and the tone of the email invitation is off-putting
  5. The subject matter is irrelevant to my work
  1. I have published in the journal before
  2. I have reviewed for the journal before and have felt appreciated
  3. I know the journal editors and members of the editorial board
  4. The subject matter is relevant to my work
  5. I like the journal and the work published in it
What other reasons are there for rejecting or accepting invitations to review?
* Disclosure: I am the Co Editor-in-Chief of Tourism Geographies by Taylor & Francis, and run special issue for a number of other journals.
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Your area of interest
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
i'm doing an experiment where i'm inducing anger then fear in volunteers, and i need a topic to ask them to write about. so far i considered asking 3 questions about covid with paragraph responses of 160-240 characters. the questions are about wearing masks, taking vaccines, and congregation outrage. is there a better suited topic?
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Ask why it is thought that some people have to work unpaid?
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
Dear all,
Hope you are doing well.
I'd kindly like to ask if anyone may have any available internships/apprenticeships with regards to the field of research. I am a volunteer with IAESTE Malta and am currently in my second year completing a Bachelors of Science (Honours) with Chemical Technology where I place as one of the highest students in my class. I am looking for a 1-3 month period that focus' on spectroscopic technics or anything mycology and/or chemistry related.
I am asking here since I would like to have an experience outside of my country that would be both educational and enjoyable.
Anyone that may know of any offer and/or is offering one please leave a comment or email me through my student email:
Thank you for your time and considerations.
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Dear Shaun,
Do you know about Erasmus program studying abroad
here is the link
all the best,
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
6 answers
I'm a student in a master's program of counseling looking for research opportunities but having difficulty finding opportunities, even as a volunteer. Does Research Gate help people such as myself to connect with researchers in need of volunteers? How so?
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Hi, I think you should first specify your area of ​​interest for research.
And then try to message experts and talk about your ability to do research related to your interest and say that you would like to volunteer for research opportunities related to your interest.
In researchgate, there are good professors who can easily help you to gain experience in this field. Try to find those professors and specialists and connect with them.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
6 answers
People in different communities need help and volunteer support but on the other hand, people are very busy and do not have time to participate, so how to reconcile between buy people and volunteer work.
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I totally agree with Olivier Serrat. At the end of the day volunteering is more about the persons willingness to do so.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
Need Volunteer for Article Reviewer with expertise of Psychological science and have Google Scholar (or Scopus ID) Profile with several collections of the results of writing the articles on it, for our new Journal named “Journal of Psychological Perspective (JOPP)” with url Please fill out the form via if there are interested in becoming our reviewer volunteer. After that, we will contact the volunteer that appropriate for our Journal via email.
Thankyou and warm regard,
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Very good initiative, wishing you all the best
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
11 answers
Need Volunteer for Article Reviewer with Education areas of expertise and have Google Scholar / Scopus ID/ or Orcid ID/ publons ID Profile with several collections of the results of writing the articles on it, for one of the new our Journal named “BORNEO EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL (BORJU)” Please fill out the form via if there are interested in becoming our reviewer volunteer. After that, we will contact the volunteer that appropriate for our Journal via email.
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Almost interested with just watching.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
5 answers
Be it resilience, communications, leadership, diversity & inclusion, etc., many of us have been provided soft skills training. Some of which we used and some of which we did not. If you are over 18 years old, have had any type of soft skills training and would be willing to share a few minutes with me to answer a few questions concerning why you used or did not use the soft skills learned, please use the link below to contact me. For anonymity please do not volunteer in the comments area of this post.
Thank You, Ricky
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It has to do with the way in which we, as homosapiens, regard any subject matter, situation, object, person, etc. Whenever we're making choices about anything, we subconsciously gravitate towards the choice that is 'perceived' as the stronger or more aggressive one. Evidence-based research in healthcare teaches us this time and time again. If there is evidence to support a more passive treatment approach, we will still discount it in favour of a more active, agressive form of treatment - even when it is not evidence-based. So, by the very virtue of the title 'soft skills', we readily and subconsciously discount them as being 'less worthy' and therefore not useful.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
2 answers
I have know sequence of mRNA. but i need to amplify the unknown region of 5'end ? to do this that needs GSP1(reverse) and GSP2 primer(forward). my kit protocol states your GSP2 primer is anneals to sequence located 3' (with respect to cDNA not mRNA). here how I design the GSP2 ? is from directedly the mRNA or from its complement ? for more clarity I attached my kit protocol and if there is any volunteer explain page. 4 from the document ? thanks in advance
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According to the strategy of anchor, GSP1 would anneal to the mRNA to synthesize cDNA. later on, GSP2 will correspond to a part of amplified cDNA. Totally, GSP2 would be reverse complement of cDNA sequence.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
I want to be a part.
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I hope so. I am also a Doctoral student, coming here for a specific research topic. You might consider staying and see what value it brings you.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
2 answers
I am a postgraduate student doing a dissertation research in relationship marketing. I am looking for volunteer expert on media and social network to answer to a quick questionnaire related to how social networking may affect audience behavior. If you are interested, just send me an email to Thanks in advance Best Regards, Florian
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
I'm doing a systematic review assisted by a volunteer who is only doing 30% of the papers that needs to be screened. Can I calculate interrater reliability between me (main reviewer) and the volunteer at all? Would the best way is to calculate some kind of percentage? Or is there someway to use Kappa calculator or some equivalent? Thank you
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You can count interrater reliability only when at least two people assess the same papers. You can count for the 30% of papers, if you both assessed them, but you need to consider whether it is informative at all, as for the rest 70% no information can be obtained. If you decide that it's worth doing, of course you need to highlight that the metric you counted applies for 30% of screened papers only.
For two raters Cohen's kappa applies. you can also count a percentage of agreement.
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
8 answers
My name is Mustafa and I'm currently in my 3rd year of my Biomedical Science major. I decided not to take any courses this spring and summer because I want to invest my time in studying the MCATs and also to help with research. Are there any scientist that want any help with research related to Cardiology or such related topics. I have an extreme interest and background information in Cardiac Pathophysiology and Cardiac rehabilitation and I'm also very good with excel. If you need any volunteer I am here for you. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Adil Al-Harthi thank you for that suggestion. Im looking into that website at the moment hopefully ill find something.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
I want to search any of the events as mega event, hallmark event regional event and local event of some countries which article will provide the data of number of audience, budget, volunteer number and many more. can anyone tell me how can i find articles having those information.
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  • Looking for the top experts in a given field.
  • Seeing what other authors have said about this topic in Google Scholar, Research Gate.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
I'm a retired applied mathematician seeking a volunteer job using my (math/EE) education and experience in (disc drive/airplane/space) industries. A calculus-level compiler provides a quick way to solve most continuous equations. Know where such a job may be found?
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You are in the right place, the RG platform for students and researchers as well.
Follow up on the member questions and share your experience.
Wish you good luck
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
I am in Wuhan (the epicenter of Corona Virus), China. My labs are closed and I am restricted to my apartment. My labs arranged some machines for a little duration which are not enough to carry out my research. If anyone can volunteer me online access of 6-20 nodes cluster based on the Linux operating system, I will very thankful to you.
Best Regards!
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Aleksandar S. Sokolovski Thanks. I will follow your advice and if I find any difficulty, I will contact you.
Really helpful advice!
Stay blessed!
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
6 answers
Is there any international journal or conference that welcome new volunteer reviewer who experiences its first contribution as paper reviewer?
If not, would you please tell me how I can initiate my first international experience?
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Ask your supervisor, classmates, and colleagues because some of them may serve on editorial boards of journals and/or conferences. Start with a few personal contacts. Once you get into the system as a reviewer, they will never leave you alone :). I get around 2 requests per week :( - have to decline most of them. Also note that most journals rank the reviewers based on the quality of their reviews, so do a good job!
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
Hi everyone,
I would like to apply a Likert Scale questionnaire to analyze the process of a volunteer subtitle translation on certain websites. I can not figure out how to analyze the data that I receive. I am also open to any other suggestions regarding quantitative questionnaire models in social sciences.
Many thanks in advance.
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Your welcome,
Yes, for SPSS you can see:
Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics
Basic SPSS Tutorial
For R, you can see:
Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
1 answer
What kind of bias is introduced from consent in cohort studies.
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The informed consent process may over select individuals who are depressed and for some reasons are at high risk for dementia (they may be more eager to participate and to continue follow up) and thus would potentially inflate the association; sort of selection bias. Also if outcome data collectors are not blinded to exposure status, there may be information bias.
On the other hand, depressed individuals may die earlier and thus would not survive long enough to get dementia, which would reduce the association.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
1 answer
Congratulations on this wonderful international project. I am a postdoc researcher conducting microanalysis studies of vocal interactions (speech and singing) in premature mother-baby dioids at the Center for Studies of Sociology and Aesthetics at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon and Professor of the Master of Science. Music Therapy in Portugal in addition to performing duties as a volunteer music therapist in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Lisbon-Portugal. I would like to know if Portugal would be viable to apply as a partner of the LongStep Project and what are the conditions or requirements for this application.
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Dear Maria,
Thank you for your interest in the LongSTEP study, and for your inquiry. Generally speaking, when we establish relationships with partner sites, we look for a combination of the following: 1) sites with Level III or IV NICUs with adequate and stable census, 2) "social support" countries/societies with generous parental leave policies that enable at least one parent to be consistently/continuously at bedside throughout NICU hospitalization and at least one parent present at home with the infant during the first 6 months following discharge from NICU, 3) a local research team at the NICU (or in conjunction with a partnering university) that has experience with interventional research and ideally with conducting randomized controlled trials, and that has personnel resources sufficient to dedicate at least one staff person to the role of site investigator (other roles like research assistant for data entry may be required in addition), and 4) availability of at least one music therapist (educated, certified and/or credentialed) who already has advanced training in the use of music therapy with premature infants and their caregivers and can be trained on the LongSTEP protocol (typically with at least a 50% position in the NICU). That being said, we are currently focusing our efforts on improving recruitment at our current partner sites (especially our Norwegian sites), instead of adding new international partners, but we are happy to hold dialogue with sites that feel they have resources aligning to the four points mentioned above, in case there is a need to add sites in the future. The project is not able to fully fund each site, and thus sites must be prepared to contribute resources in kind to make the project feasible to implement.
Your areas of research expertise sound very interesting and complementary for this project, so we can also keep you in mind if opportunities for related side-projects arise.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
5 answers
I'm a medical student. I love neurosurgery.
I want to involve in neurosurgical researches as a volunteer. I don't need money I'll work for free. I need to obtain knowledge only.
Could you help involve me in neurosurgical or neuroscience researches? (for free as a Volunteer)
this is my mail address
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What kind of research do you have in mind?
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
2 answers
Hi, I am a novice research and currently putting together a proposal for research with refugee children at a centre. I do not know the number of children as I am not able to access this data due to their privacy act until my proposal is accepted. I have had some reviewer feedback asking how I determined the sample size and this is based on my guesstimate while doing volunteer work at the centre. My question is regarding some feedback I received about how I will determine power of the sample. How would I go about doing this? Is it possible when I don't actually know the population number?
Many, many thanks in advance.
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Hello, although you do not know the potential sample size, it is always possible to get some idea of minimums, so I suggest that, knowing the analyzes you will perform, and speculating on the expected minimum effect sizes, calculate the sample size to reach X statistical power given x effect size. Then you report that the minimum sample size will correspond to X, which gives a minimum statistical power X given X size of the effect.
I suggest using GPower is very simple, quite complete, versatile and free
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
23 answers
Are you considering further training in psychology? A student shares their experience researching the psychology of helping others...
Thank you kindly in advance,
Justin and Keirissa
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Self-awareness, self-compassion and self-acceptance
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
6 answers
Last time I posted a photo of my community, it has got 18 dumpsites. These are illegal dumpsites by law but not much is being done to control the situation. I volunteer part of my time with a community based youth organization that has been working to raise awareness among the residents of this community. From the year 2017, when this started, not much progress has been registered to curb the behavior. Even understanding of the behavior has been crippled by lack of necessary tools to capture vital information, what kind of waste materials are disposed on daily basis and also what days of the week do people dispose least/maximum amount of waste. While that these questions have left me with a lot to be desired, I want to explore if there have been developments to tap the potential of smartphones to capture this information. Extending my question, are there techniques similar to those that are used in land cover change detection that have been customized for these kinds of problems. Looking forward to learn from others.
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Dear Patrick,
what you did so far is great. however if you want to monitor the situation then this is a change detection analysis using satellite imagery and multi-temporal LULC maps. to do that you need hi resolution satellite imagery. google engine can be a good start for that. on the other hand, the photos you are taking with your smartphone are very useful and will be useful for at least two purposes: keep evidence for small scattered dumping sites which can be difficult to monitor with satellites, second these photos will be valuable as ground truths when you produce your accurate multi-temporal LC maps...
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
1 answer
As i am a student of third year in Mehran university and looking for collaborative working and i can be a volunteer in your project
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Good afternoon, Saifullah Baloch!
I am developing volunteering in Ukraine.
I am ready to cooperate!
What can I do for you?
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
some cancer are graded no be non accessible and few times asymptomatic ,the cell be be metastasizing in blood and ,this person may be volunteer donor ,can these cells be incidentally transfuse leading to cancer in others ?
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Foe cancer (solid tumour) to spread, definitely it is at stage 3 and above and never found in an asyptomatic individuals. Certainly, tumour cells metastasize through the blood and lymphatic systems and there is possibility to transfuse them, but ask me, I will tell the two instances put together are nothing but theoretical. In clinical practice, a malignant growth upto that stage will never leave an individual healthwisely free to be settled for transfusion and thus can never be symptomless.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
9 answers
Hi, I am trying to figure out if I can use snowball, convenience and volunteer sampling methods at the same time for a single survey ? For instance, if I send emails, post public posts social media and within both ask my audience to recruit other participants?
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Thank you for you answer Ahtisham Younas.
The thing is, if I sent out the online survey by private message to my contacts and made public posts on social media, and additional asked my audience to share my study with others, how should I qualify my sampling? I feel like I relied on snowball, convenience and volunteer sampling methods. But it is not multi stage as I did it all at the same time. The aim was purely to get as many participants as possible.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
6 answers
I have designed a questionnaire for my final year research project and I am looking for volunteer to test the questionnaire.
Kin regards.
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Happy to help. PM me.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
5 answers
We found a Cantharellus which i keyed out to C. ianthinoxanthus but it's not known in Singapore as yet. I really would like to know what exact species it may be. Are you doing phylogeny on it as well? Do you also need Cratharellus?
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Dear Anton,
thanks for your email. I am indeed interested in specimens from this part of the world. I would suspect they are small and yellowish-orangish to greenish... I hope you have pictures of them to help with interpretation and identification and data on the habitat. You can send them to me at
Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CP 39, Sorbonne Université, Institut de Systematique, Evolution, Biodiversite (ISYEB - UMR 7205) , 12 Rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France
thanks again and very best wishes !
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
2 answers
Are there enough human research study volunteers today? Why do some volunteer and others do not?
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No there isn't many who nowadays volunteer towards human research study.
Human research is literally a different subject but many don't prefer because it seems to be vague. But we can give it a try
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
Research has demonstrated that sheltered dogs may form new bonds with a person in a period of time as short as three handling encounters, owing to the lack of social contacts with humans (Márta Gácsi 2001). On the other hand, how long does it takes for a volunteer to form an attachment with a sheltered dog?
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Dear Hao-Yu Shih,
It depends on many factors; the volunteer's gender, experience, skills and the condition of animals in that specific shelter. Thus, I guess you can not calculate that easily. Anyway, in the long term, Burn-out and compassion fatique is almost inevitable in volunteers, you can support them by organizing supportive trainings and/or self-help groups.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
16 answers
Hello, I am interested in everyone thoughts on what motivates a volunteer to participate in a survey of any form.
I am currently undertaking a literature review on citizen science and would like first hand experience reviews on why volunteers participated.
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Have a look at these references.
- Rosenthal, Robert. "The volunteer subject." Human relations 18, no. 4 (1965): 389-406.
- Clary, E. Gil, Mark Snyder, and Arthur A. Stukas. "Volunteers' motivations: Findings from a national survey." Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 25, no. 4 (1996): 485-505.
- Farrell, Jocelyn M., Margaret E. Johnston, and G. David Twynam. "Volunteer motivation, satisfaction, and management at an elite sporting competition." Journal of sport Management 12, no. 4 (1998): 288-300.
- Peterson, Dane K. "Benefits of participation in corporate volunteer programs: employees' perceptions." Personnel review 33, no. 6 (2004): 615-627.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
9 answers
Getting people to volunteer for research is always difficult and we cannot offer any inducement to participate.
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I follow answers
best regards
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
Most laws in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and the United States have been interpreted as including a "patients right not to want to be told the risks of the medical treatment recommended by his or her physician. Should there be an "opt out clause" in research informed consent so that the individual can volunteer for a research trial for a new drug or new medical device without being told of the risks by the researcher, research team, or informed consent? Is this "opt out clause" in clinical care vs. research on human subjects a "good idea" of a "bad idea"? Why? On what grounds?
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The doctrine of patient autonomy, one of the principalist medical ethics suggests that there would be a right "not to know".
The rather difficult problem is what it is they would not know. Since all current medical law and treaties require the consent of all research subjects in clinical trials they would need to be informed before consent could be given.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
8 answers
To date, the peer-review process is blind and the reviewers always do as a volunteer.
To improve the peer-review process, should the peer-review process be open, the reviewers be paid for their contribution and take responsibility for their comments to guarantee the fast speed and high quality?
Is it possible or necessary to build up the system?
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No,  one is fortunate to be able to serve the scientific community in such a way.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
7 answers
Hi Guys,
I am looking for volunteer software development opportunity for some project. I carry 5 years of software development experience mostly with Python. Currently I work at a company called Seagate on monitoring of exa scale storage product.
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Hello I'am interested to volunteer. What kind of software?
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
Do I need to have ethical committee approval for collecting 10 ml of peripheral blood for PRP preparation and cytokine profiling or will I be accepted with the Informed consent form alone from the volunteer?
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Sunil Abraham, your research question definitely requires informed consent. For details you can check details with all five components of valid inform consent.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
The study plans to recruit participants for FGDs by open advertisement in the selected area.
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Who is your sample?
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
2 answers
Do you need participants for your investigations? My daughter has an autistic disorder.
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10 answers
There is an instrument was validated outside Malaysia among nurses, then same instrument was translated to malay language and validated inside Malaysia among volunteer participants (not nurses).
I want use this instrument in Malaysia among nurses, Is it necessary to validate again ??
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You don't mention how the Malaysian version was validated, but here's what is typically done in published research. The original instrument is translated and then back-translated into the original source language to be sure meaning is maintained. Tests of measurement equivalence/invariance (ME/I) are conducted on samples using the scale in the source language with individuals who are native speakers, and then a sample using the target language. Assuming you have evidence for ME/I, you would proceed to use the scale in samples using the target language. If the prior Malaysian study established ME/I, then I think you could use it with nurses, but be careful that there could be sample differences. One way to check for this is to include some of the scales the prior study did with nonnurses to see if results are similar with nurses. They should be variables where you would not expect differences due to occupation.
In the following, we discuss ME/I and other issues concerning cross-cultural/cross-national research:
Spector, P. E., Liu, C., and Sanchez, J. I. (2015). Methodological and substantive issues in conducting multinational and cross-cultural research. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 101-131.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
I am developing items for my data collection instrumnets. I need scholars who have the expertise in research and innovation leadership and management in higher education institutions, and who are volunteer to lend me their hands to validate the items.
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Then I will gladly help you.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
I am a student of Masters Disaster management. I am to submit my thesis on the 5th of Dec. I got some comments already from my supervisor which I am currently working on. I would appreciate more comments please. Thank you
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Send Me in pdf . I will read and revert you. But prior to sending me please take a approval from your supervisor.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
11 answers
I'm conducting a qualitative study with a Delphi design. I want to demonstrate that my data has been properly triangulated. I've shared my data collection with a trusted associate (another researcher). In your experience, does that qualify as triangulation? If not, how have you approached triangulation? Thank-you in advance!
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Merely sharing your data in this manner does not in any form translate into triangulation. Triangulation of data have to involve the implementation and validation of data through  verification from two or more sources. It is a technique that applies and combines two or more research methods within the same study domain.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
My report is on volunteersim. Plpease send information concerning the behaviors on mandatory volunteering
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That you be fantastic, thank you!
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
2 answers
Please could you help us by sending the interpretation of the MBI-GS sheet. Kindest regards
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
5 answers
Hello Hans and Ingo
Good evening from Korea, it's been ages, I hope you doing well.
I retired from previous job and trying to settling down my home country.
We occasionally encountering relatively young manager's trust issue towards his/her sub managers (which relatively experienced) and which leads zero sum or even minus productivity and/or long term strategy for specific unit/department. 
How we can tackle this concern? Via leadership mentoring from senior management or bottom to top sharing experience?
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Thank you for kind reply all.
Dear Hans,
Higher level manager couldn't trust sub managers as she/he is foreigner and sub managers are local.
Sub managers understands her difficulties and why she distrust them - young, no managerial experiences, no professional background about her own dept, etc - however the situation continued for over six months. both parties are getting tired of distrusting and being distrusted.
Dear Ingo,
I'm not sure, since I left the service and joined corporate field, I have to discuss with my wife. if everything went well. I hope I can join you this June.
Dear Evelyn,
Thank you very much for kind help.
I will read the book and get back to you to ask your insights (hope you don't mind)
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
I am research student and for this purpose i need to use following tools but i don't know from where i can get permission please help me.
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thank u Mr Billy
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
5 answers
CAn personal observations  be a substitute for triangulation?
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I recommend Merriam's book, as she offers an excellent explanation of how to triangulate qualitative data. Even though her book is about case study specifically, what she says about triangulation could be applied to other research designs as well:
Merriam, S. B. (1988). Case Study Research in Education: A Qualitative Approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
The response rate is important for a survey for its representativeness. But what is the trade-off for this?
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
Hello everyone,
currently I am struggling to find enough participants for my research project of my master thesis. I am trying to identify the factors that affect knowledge sharing in higher education and which role social networking sites (SNS) like Facebook play in this process. As I am conducting a cross-cultural comparison to analyze if there are cultural differences, I need more volunteer students.
If anyone of you can spare some little time and help me by filling out my questionnaire or share it with other students and friends, I would be beyond happy! The survey will take around 7-10 minutes.
Furthermore, each participant has a chance to win one of the $5 , $10 and $20 Amazon Gift Cards, if helping isn’t enough of an incentive. ;)
Please click on this link to complete the survey:
Many thanks in advance for your help! I greatly appreciate your support!
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Do you have a Twitter handle because one way of getting this survey out to the target group of interest is to tweet out the link and combine it with hashtags- eg #students ?#university, #knowledge. It may also help to tweet out in both German as well as English.
RG may not provide enough leverage on it's own. Plus it is useful to identify what other social media sites are popular with your target audience and then specifically target them as well. If you also have friends and/or colleagues who can help that is important. The greater the number of individuals who can push out the info the better.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
6 answers
Mobilization, Motivation, Intent to return, Festival, Social Exchange, Situationnnal community, Feeling of belonging, etc..
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If you have not already read about basic motivational theories, I would suggest to do so, for the theoretical foundation of your research. Self determination theory, among others, works well for a wide variety of phenomena for me. A handy, yet scholarly remarkable website with explanations and resources:
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
1 answer
I looking for the best theoretical framework that suit to obtain tourists perception or opinion towards a suggestion of volunteer tourism concept into current tourism activities. 
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Theoretical framework has been tested before by researchers. All frameworks that you see on research articles which analyzed using SPSS or AMOS or others software, are theoretical framework. 
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
5 answers
Mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS) linking corporate volunteerism and organizational commitment.
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Thank you everyone for your feedback.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
Student volunteerism for internationalization of universities
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  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
Does anyone know of person who might be able to assist in developing a database of prisoner re-entry resources that can be developed initially for Pennsylvania and then potentially expanded nationwide? We are interested in a potential volunteer to develop such a program at the start. Perhaps a retired IT specialist looking for volunteer opportunities. 
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Thank you, Uvernes. I will pass along this link to my neighbor who is working on this problem with the Department of Corrections here. He is Rich Jacobs ( ). Ultimately a nationwide network of links is needed, available to released prisoners, and for companies and agencies committed to successful reentry into society. The initial step would be developing or expanding what is a available locally to a wider region. Much of what is available may be outdated or limited in scope.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
Volunteers are the integral part of any community radio station of the world and they are the working force that ensures the community participation. But who are the volunteers? Are they persons used to spend their times for the community radio or who have a clear aim or objective to serve a community using any media of communication? Or simply a volunteer is an unpaid labour? Can we define volunteer as individual, organizational or in the community as a whole? The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of ‘volunteerism’ in context of community radio of South Asia and to find a sustainable model of volunteerism for the community radio stations.
Your cooperation shall be highly appreciated.
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The definition of community radio itself says that it is for the people, by the people and to the people.  In true sense the members of the community who own the community radio devote their own time for the betterment through programmes broadcast.  Nothing will be paid to volunteers.  
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
I am doing something like, but for fundraising purposes. I do not need the precision of allourideas algorithm, but I do need to cut costs. I just tried to take a blank tear-off pad and asked 20 people that know me for half a year: "What do you want to do in society ? I got about 50 good ideas with preferences, contacts for 15 people with permission to ask for help, 4 that are offering specific help and two young enthusiasts that volunteer for me.
That seems good to me. Does anyone know about some methodology that is concerned with something similar ?
I am working as philosopher, no need to be strictly scientific. Thank you.
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Hello Mary,
thank you for visiting both websites. I understand you position, I will try to improve the concept site and get some more  academic collaborators soon.
Very best wishes
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
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I was involved with a bit of research on this topic about 15 years ago. While I appreciate the importance of quantitative studies on the topic, there are so many variables that it may be difficult to really draw many conclusions. I think it's important to contextualize and localize any studies you find.
For example, climate affects volunteering for seniors in a northern city (Canada) with a lot of snow and long winters, often making them more homebound or at risk for falls themselves. In smaller cities and towns, there may be transportation considerations that prevent seniors who no longer drive from being able to be as mobile and available for volunteering. And of course there are gender differences.
The other point I would like to suggest you consider is: what is volunteering? Gender plays a role here -- many older women provide a great deal of care to neighbours and those in their social networks but may not be doing so in the context of a formal community agency. My own disciplinary focus might consider such activities to be volunteering, but the women themselves might not necessarily name it that way.
Good luck with your project and I hope you are able to find the studies you need. Sorry I wasn't able to directly answer your question.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
5 answers
Want to know about how to carry out projects of social interaction ?, a specific method that you could recommend me ?, What steps performed and what indicators use ?, how their results support; What viability parameters used?
Thank You So Much
The only two references that I have is the Scout method and the method of ELOS Institute in Brazil
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Dear Andrei
I would recommend having a look at the web site of Charities Evaluation Services, a UK organisation which offers many free tools and resources for evaluation research with social projects:  For academic references, download my publication 'Putting evaluations to use' and follow the references from the bibliography that seem relevant for you. The journal 'Evaluation' may be helpful if you can access it.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
10 answers
I am particularly interested in the capacity to promote social entrepreneurship through participation in university volunteer programs. Thank you very much for your contributions and opinions.
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Hi Emma,
Are  you still focusing on students? a number of issues exist to prevent volunteering/ success in the SE sector.
The level of (mis)understanding of, skills required, culture and individual behaviour(student or the community at large) towards the SE sector in general.
The barriers or support by Govt, Private sector or the Universities themselves. Are they actively promoting the concept? in creating social value through this alternative model.
The areas of innovation/adaption of ideas, sustainable, resources required within the organisation and the product or service it is going to provide. What support mechanisms are in place? e.g. Specific training/courses, mentors, seed funding etc. Again are these provided from Govt, Private sector or Universities? Another question is how innovative are these institutions?
The scaling (expansion) of the social enterprise, including its accountability and social impact that its mission achieved/measured within the community!
Within the UK, the Third sector ( SE's + Charities+ Co-ops) are some what already established and with their volunteers integrated within their work-force are seen as a tool to provide social benefits outside the State and Private sectors.
Conversely, the HE (university) sector has been slow to recognise the benefits, commitment or their engagement in this social area, however in future they will be measured on their impact (not just academic achievements/outputs) which will effect their level of funding (Govt + Private donations) and their reputation will be influenced by their environment/communities in which they are based and serve.
Hope this helps
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
4 answers
Actually i conduct study about the correlation between religiousity and motivations to volunteer. Because many studies talking religiousity on a Christianity concept. So today, I curious how volunteering happening in Islam. Thank you
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Unfortunately I do not have the answer to your main question, but with regards to studies done on the religiosity of Muslims, I can recommend:
The Sahin-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Islam and the Sahin Index of Islamic Moral Values 
At the end of the article you will also find references to other studies on religiosity of Muslims living in different societies. 
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
Do you have any articles from many perspectives.
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Hello Saifuddin 
There was a question from another ResearchGate member which may have suggested suitable articles for your requirements:
One of the papers suggested in the answer above was:
Clary, E. G., Snyder, M., & Stukas, A. A. (1996). Volunteers' motivations: Findings from a national survey. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 25(4), 485-505.
Prof. Arthur Stukas is a ResearchGate member; he has written other papers on volunteering. It might be worth looking at his RG page:
These are a few more papers that might help you:
This can also be requested on ResearchGate if you are unable to obtain a full text elsewhere. On this RG page there are other papers that might be of interest to you:
Finkelstien, M. A. (2009). Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivational orientations and the volunteer process. Personality and Individual Differences, 46(5), 653-658.
Giannoulakis, C., Wang, C. H., & Gray, D. (2007). Measuring volunteer motivation in mega-sporting events. Event Management, 11(4), 191-200.
Also see Dianne Gray's other papers:
Twynam, G. D., Farrell, J. M., & Johnston, M. E. (2002). Leisure and volunteer motivation at a special sporting event. Leisure/Loisir, 27(3-4), 363-377.
Bang, H., & Ross, S. D. (2009). Volunteer motivation and satisfaction. Journal of Venue and Event Management, 1(1), 61-77.
Brown, S. (2005). Travelling with a purpose: Understanding the motives and benefits of volunteer vacationers. Current Issues in Tourism, 8(6), 479-496.
See p.249 in:
Rafaeli, S., & Ariel, Y. (2008). 11 Online Motivational Factors: Incentives for Participation and Contribution in Wikipedia.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
6 answers
My review of the volunteerism literature, and especially the empirical studies, leads me to conclude that most studies appear to fall into one of two camps:
  • Those that focus on volunteer behavior relative to a single organization, versus
  • Those that investigate volunteer behavior in aggregate, e.g., number of hours volunteered overall.
I am interested in investigating how many organizations are supported, how one's volunteer hours are divided among those organizations, and the underlying decision process.
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 Thanks Christopher & Jo,
I will certainly look into the articles you've mentioned and appreciate the advice you have provided.  I am in the process of lining up interviews with volunteers from a local public radio station as the next step in my research on this topic.
I am realizing that the volunteerism literature is studied from the perspectives of so many disciplines that it is all too easy to miss important studies that may have been published in journals that are common outlets for particular disciplines, but not well known to others from different fields.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
10 answers
I manage a research participant registry. I have just come on board and the data from participant surveys has been being input by volunteers. I have checked the first 100 surveys for errors and have found around a 60% error rate (around 60% of the surveys have at least one entry error). I plan to double enter all of the current surveys at 100%. However, outside of more extensive volunteer training, I am looking for measures to ensure data integrity for the  future surveys.
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One error on 60% of surveys does not constitute a 60% error rate -- the rate would be dependent on # of responses entered.  Actually, only l error on 60 out of 100 surveys doesn't sounds unusual.  All manual data entry is subject to error. The best way is to double enter, as you are doing. If you could load the survey on to a telephone survey software, you would reduce your error rate and lessen the # hours in data entry.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
3 answers
I recently gave a talk to CVS volunteer centre managers about the results of a survey conducted for Community First New Forest. One volunteer brought up they felt motivations didn't capture reasons why people volunteer. We know there is a difference between reasons and motivations. Which do you think are most relevant to practitioners? Background information on the study can be found at
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To the practitioner:  Reasons.  However, the motivations must be in place.  If the motivations are in place, because they are beyond reach due to limited time allowed practitioners in most scenarios, motivations should be assessed and reasons targeted for evaluation and change if change is part of the desired outcome.
  • asked a question related to Volunteerism
5 answers
My organization is involved in community based inclusive development (previous CBR) and one of the cornerstones is the use of volunteers. We need to strengthen our understanding in what motivates these valuable individuals sharing their time with the most needy in society. Since most of our programs are in Africa, studies from there would be highly relevant.