Science topics: ArtVisual Arts
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Visual Arts - Science topic
The visual arts are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature, such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking and architecture.
Publications related to Visual Arts (10,000)
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The retinal afterimage is a widely known effect in the human visual system, which has been studied and used in the context of a number of major art movements. Therefore, when considering the general role of computation in the visual arts, this begs the question whether this effect, too, may be induced using partly automated techniques. If so, it ma...
There is considerable desire for climate action in Ireland, yet in practice it may not be seen as relatable, actionable or relevant to the reality of people’s lives. Ripple: Making Connections between Water and Climate Change in our Towns, funded by Creative Ireland, aimed to co-create a novel approach to the design of climate-resilient green space...
This study aimed to reveal the influence of teaching using the Midjourney artificial intelligence (AI)-based intelligence platform on developing the animation character design skills among students of the multimedia design course at the University of Jordan. The study used a quasi-experimental methodology with a sample of 60 male and female student...
La Theory of Mind (ToM) se définit comme l’habileté à identifier ses états mentaux et ceux d’autrui. Lors d’une expérience esthétique, l’élève peut ressentir de l’empathie en tentant de se projeter dans la peau de l’artiste ou des personnages représentés pour mieux comprendre et porter un jugement personnel sur l’œuvre. Cette expérience sous-tend u...
The article is written in Croatian language and English language.
Preschool education in the Republic of Croatia is structured to support artistic activities that contribute to children's holistic development through an interdisciplinary approach and integration of content from various areas. In this context, music and fine art education are impor...
Dear Creators,
We are thrilled to invite you to submit your work to the upcoming second issue of Starborne: The Journal of Autocosmology ( ). Autocosmology is an exploration of the universe through human experience, with an emphasis on the fact that each individual is a unique expression of the cosmos itself. To thi...
The Malay ethnicity in North Sumatra is rich in artistic traditions, including visual arts. Malay aesthetics, encompassing high aesthetic values, are commonly expressed through applied arts such as decorative motifs, traditional attire, and everyday objects. These Malay artistic expressions serve as the basis and reference for the creative explorat...
Disembedding is a crucial spatial thinking skill in visual arts and mathematics education. It is important in creating and analyzing artworks by separating a figure from its background, as well as for solving geometric problems where shapes must be viewed from new perspectives. Drawing upon research in psychology, arts, and mathematics e...
Deportations and the threat of removal are choreographic strategies of the nation-state's ever-growing monopoly of movement through border securitization and immigration enforcement, which persists into the twenty-first century. While literature and the visual arts have received critical and popular attention by considering forced family separation...
O nosso desejo aqui é a busca da fundamentação teórica para a experiência pedagógica aplicada pelo audiovisual Polaroides Contraculturais [Arquitetura, Artes, Cênicas, Cidade, Design e Música (1960-70)] como tática pedagógica no ensino de História da Arquitetura e da Cidade, das Artes Visuais, do Design e da Música. Esse nosso filme aproxi...
Introducción: Los murales de los templos budistas del noreste de Tailandia, introducidos con el budismo Theravada en el siglo XIII, combinan formas sagradas y seculares. Su contenido abarca historias budistas, escenas de adoración, sacrificios de religiones primitivas y vida cotidiana. Metodología: Utiliza teorías interculturales y enfoques de arte...
Aim: Teaching learners with dyslexia is often an uphill task for most teachers in primary schools in Cameroon where resources and specialized educational support are limited. However, arts educational strategies encompassing visual arts, music, drama, and dance, have emerged as a powerful tool to facilitate the teaching and foster the inclusion of...
The present study was conducted to examine how the practice of visual arts in elementary school can modulate students’ emotions in the classroom. A sequence of the program entitled “Experiencing Art at School” (Sanchez & Blanc, 2023a) was proposed to 135 children from third, fourth, and fifth grades. The chosen sequence, based on a painting by Henr...
Synaesthesia is defined as a multi-sensory phenomenon in which one sense can be triggered by another without external stimuli, for example seeing colours when hearing music. This paper maps findings from the literature to describe what elements of arts engagement facilitate synaesthetic experiences among non-synaesthetes. The rationale for this stu...
The root of the English word ‘object’ is a compound of the Latin prefix, ob, meaning in front of, and jacere, meaning to throw. This applies to the word both as a verb: to oppose, I object to [x], and as a noun: a “tangible thing, something perceived with or presented to the senses.”[1] In both cases, the definition of ‘object’ invokes a relationsh...
In an increasingly visual world, where media, advertisements, and digital content constantly compete for attention, the ability to think critically about what we see is essential. Visual arts, often seen as a creative or aesthetic pursuit, play a crucial role in developing cognitive skills. Whether analyzing a painting, creating an artwork, or inte...
Society censors, rather than confronts, stories of rape and harassment. The artist’s work unveils the consequences of sexual assault trauma by engaging viewers with the emotional affect. Incorporating influences from Affect Theory, Relational Aesthetics, and Trauma therapy,the artist’s project proposal for TBA, “Your Comfort, My Silence,” examines...
Contemporary cross-border migration patterns often reflect historical colonial ideologies, with inequalities in freedom of movement closely tied to national identity, race, ethnicity, and gender. Representations of migrant women in news outlets frequently aim to symbolically position them as passive victims and depoliticized subjects dependent on e...
At the beginning of the 19th century, while many European countries and nations were undergoing significant transitions towards a civil society model, Montenegro remained in traditional isolation, cultural stagnation, and a struggle for mere survival. It was during this time that the first elementary schools were established as an attempt to instit...
Para José Revueltas la imputación histórica implícita en la expresión cine mudo causa un daño o un malentendido que afecta nuestra comprensión del cine, pues su aparición como arte visual y no auditivo no se corresponde con la imposibilidad física de ha[1]blar. Las imágenes cinematográficas, ya les llamemos silentes o no auditivas, siempre hablan,...
The article examines my artist’s struggle for inner freedom in practice-led artistic research through the medium of drawing. This inquiry, framed within a Catholic perspective, investigates the idea that the quest for inner freedom is vital for artistic work that aims to create and communicate the ineffable. This article focuses on my strive to rea...
In the late 1960s and 70s, architects and artists increasingly blurred disciplinary boundaries, with architects exploring installation as a form of spatial production and artists adopting architectonic forms. This paper investigates how these practices, described as "making (for) the exhibition," redefined disciplinary hierarchies and fostered the...
Le droit dauteur-e accorde aux auteur-e-s un controle exclusif sur leurs euvres, mais dans leducation, lequilibre entre lacces a linformation et le respect des droits dauteur-e est un defi majeur. Il est essentiel de garantir un acces equitable aux savoirs proteges tout en preservant les droits des artistes et auteur-e-s. Cest dans ce contexte que...
La educación escolarizada ecuatoriana busca formar sociedades con valores y conciencia ambiental para enfrentar los problemas relacionados con el medio ambiente. El abordaje de estos problemas se realiza desde las diversas disciplinas que constituyen el currículo a través de proyectos inter y transdisciplinares. En este escenario, la propuesta del...
O sistema de Ensino Secundário em Moçambique é uma etapa crucial na formação académica e profissional dos jovens, funcionando como um elo entre o Ensino básico e o Ensino superior. Estruturado de forma a proporcionar uma base sólida de conhecimentos essenciais, o Ensino Secundário também oferece a possibilidade de os alunos se especializarem em áre...
This discussion will focus on showing two relevant aspects to rescue from this research process on the importance of visual street art in the territory, initially to identify the relationship that exists between this kind of expressions with their creative and transforming capacity, their capacity of “cultural modification” through their different...
This paper compares the embodied aesthetic experience of three types of images: photographed flowers, drawn flowers, and mandalas, summarizing data from three former comparative papers. The findings denote the strong embodied emotional connection of participants (changes in mood expressed in neural and physiological responses) to images of real flo...
Artículo para libro: IMÁGENES QUE CUENTAN. REPRESENTACIÓN GRÁFI Profa. Asignatura: Durante el desarrollo de mi asignatura como pensamiento holístico multimodal y como enfoque metodológico de investigación en Artes Visuales y Educación Artística), en el curso 2018/19 posibles sinestésicos y categorías, a modo de ejemplo de cómo debe realizarse este...
In preparation for an invasion of France in 1544, Henry VIII signed his third Act of Succession, an inflexion point in his reign which established his two daughters, formerly declared illegitimate, as official heirs to his kingdom. This inclusion had been vigorously advocated by their stepmother, Henry’s sixth queen, Kateryn Parr (1512–1548). Evide...
The two first reflections on the politics of money you will see in Eich’s book, a substantial intervention (indeed, the notes are fully one-third the length of the main text itself), come from the visual arts and poetry. Commented upon at the end of his book, the cover image comes from Otis Kaye’s simultaneously playful and biting memento of the Me...
Fruto del convenio de colaboración entre la Universitat Politècnica de València y la Colección BEEP de Arte Electrónico, y promovido por el Máster Universitario en Artes Visuales y Multimedia de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, en octubre de 2017 se llevó a cabo la exposición "Electronic Timing. Colección BEEP de Arte Electrónico. Caso de estudio"; el...
This chapter explores the practical aspects of accessibility in ocean literacy, embodying the principles of Dana Ahmed’s approach to blue education as demonstrated in her project, EcoSpectrum. The focus is on pragmatic strategies to enhance inclusivity and accessibility within the realm of ocean education, ensuring that learning about the...
İçerisinde bulunduğumuz dijital çağda, hayatımızın her alanı dijitalleşmektedir, dijitalleşmenin hızlı değişimi sanat dünyasında olduğu gibi grafik tasarım alanlarını da önemli ölçüde etkilemekte ve değiştirmektedir. Özellikle her gün bir şekilde etkileşimde olduğumuz ve hayatımızın bir yerinde var olan dijital teknolojiler, gündelik hayatla birlik...
Sexuality, Consent and Relationships in Swedish Arts Education. The aim of this study is to examine how the knowledge area of sexuality, consent and relationships could come into being in the context of Swedish Arts education. More specifically, it explores how phenomena such as identity, sexuality, and gender are material—discursively produced dur...
In the educational standards, creativity is named as one of the key competences in education. However, not enough is being done to promote creativity in the education system. In this paper, we present the results of a study that used a pedagogical experiment to investigate how the inclusion of contemporary artistic practices can successfully influe...
The relationship between visual arts and activism has shaped societal transformation across generations. Visual arts have historically been a powerful medium for dissent, mobilization, and solidarity in social movements, offering an emotional resonance that transcends verbal advocacy. This paper investigates the evolution of art as activism, from i...
Art engagement is essential for well-being and flourishing. This study investigates the relationship between perceived social support and art engagement, focusing on how drawing self-efficacy mediates this relationship in extracurricular visual arts activities among primary school students. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 511 primary sc...
This article presents the use of digital technology and visual arts in higher education during the second corona virus lockdown in Greece. The continuous effort to identify creative ways to renew the interest and commitment of students to ongoing distance education led to the engagement of alternative teaching methods via digital means for the cour...
Although the Arctic is warming three to four times faster than the global average, the lived experiences of its residents are often overlooked, reduced to their ability to adapt and remain resilient in the face of a so-imagined “melting world”. This doctoral thesis addresses the urgent need to re-ground environmental and climate upheavals in salien...
We often use an ambiguous term like premodern to discuss various topics that occurred before the modern era. Despite its familiar use, no one has attempted to classify research on premodern themes. This research tries to map the topics that can be discussed under the premodern umbrella by classifying theses written by Institut Teknologi Bandung (IT...
Landscape paintings were one of the earliest visual art renditions of the Malay land in Malaysia. Traveller artists who arrived in Malaya and Singapore during the 18th and 19th centuries illustrated various subject matters that they observed. The most common examples included tropical flora and fauna, various views and landscapes, British residence...
Background: Lighting manipulation and lens choices are essential components of visual storytelling, widely used in cinematography, photography, and digital media to influence the mood, perception, and emotional engagement of viewers. Scientific research highlights the psychological and physiological effects of light, including its impact on mood, c...
Since the emergence of generative AI, creative workers have spoken up about the career-based harms they have experienced arising from this new technology. A common theme in these accounts of harm is that generative AI models are trained on workers' creative output without their consent and without giving credit or compensation to the original creat...
This thesis explores player experiences caused by glitches in horror video
games. Those uncanny experiences attributed to software failures are analyzed
from the perspective of horror studies. The goal is to find out how to apply the
findings in the creative process. At first, the paper examines the concepts of
agency, interactivity, and immersion...
In the contemporary era, where visual arts have expanded significantly, words have largely given way to visual art, and sometimes to a phrase or a word in an artistic or literary work that serves as a symbol or sign. Artists, especially poets, illustrators, and graphic designers, have a specific goal and correct path in using these elements. Theref...
The Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB) has designed a video game in which playerscreate their own characters and enter the institution’s building to playfully explore the collections distributed among the Archives, the Library and the Visual Arts Collection. The aim of the launch of IEB Minecraft is to promote the Institute to a new audience -...
Throughout history, art creation has been regarded as a uniquely human means to express original ideas, emotions, and experiences. However, as Generative Artificial Intelligence reshapes visual, aesthetic, legal, and economic culture, critical questions arise about the moral and aesthetic implications of AI-generated art. Despite the growing use of...
Franz Liszt's symphonic poem Mazeppa (1854) recreates a narrative that portrays Cossack commander Ivan Mazeppa's torturous Ride – bound naked to an unbroken horse – to miraculous survival and triumph. To evoke this legend, Liszt incorporated familiar musical tropes: persistent galloping triplets, fanfares, apotheosis and a march-like finale. These...
MozArt, a pioneering platform in multimodal 3D design, offers transformative solutions for creative industries by merging cutting-edge 3D modeling with a suite of multimodal interfaces. With the integration of technologies such as gesture recognition, voice commands, haptic feedback, and real-time collaboration, MozArt is redefining how designers,...
The study employs a documentary method from qualitative research methods through
a literature review. Different examples are used within the scope of purposive sam-
pling to demonstrate the synthesis of artificial intelligence and editing: The selected
examples show how artificial intelligence technologies are used in different areas and
how they a...
The Arts are known to foster creativity, empathy, self-efficacy, social awareness, and critical thinking skills. Engagement in and through the Arts contributes to building social cohesion while supporting wellbeing. This research takes place in Australia were the Arts (Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, and Visual Arts) play an important role in soci...
After three decades of concrete teaching experience in Visual Arts classes at the public University of São Paulo, the position of the artist and of art in the academic space is discussed, as well as the appropriacy of the institutional criteria for this knowledge. The idea of artistic intervention at the Academia has accompanied the entire process...
Art has always been a reflection of humanity’s deepest emotions, conflicts, and aspirations. From the grandeur of Renaissance frescoes to the existential intensity of Van Gogh’s canvases and the searing immediacy of Picasso’s Guernica, great art has often embodied a sense of "drama"—a raw, emotional power that resonates across time. However, contem...
Dementia is a progressive clinical syndrome which is marked by pervasive cognitive impairment and deterioration. With the ever‐increasing number of people living with dementia, it has become a global concern. Current medications focus on slowing the progression of dementia and managing the comorbidities and not on directly enhancing memo...
Recent theoretical ideas emphasise the non-direct environmental influences on child development. Environmental factors affect child development by the principle of refraction rather than by the principle of reflection: any environmental condition is refracted in a child’s mind in unique ways depending on his or her actual abilities and personal att...
We have developed a didactic design for high school students that focuses on Hokusai's artwork, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, for students' learning of notions related to fractals through an interdisciplinary approach. Our design is based on documental research, which included previous studies on mathematical analyses of fractals in paintings and Pa...
This paper examines the interplay between Christianity, painting, and literature in Michael D. O’Brien’s The Father’s Tale, with a focus on its exploration of divine grace and redemption through art. Anchored in Étienne Souriau’s theory of inter-artistic correspondences, the analysis demonstrates how key artworks—John Ruskin’s Study of a Kingfisher...
Visual art has been created, enjoyed, and debated throughout history. The possibility of universal properties related to aesthetic experiences has a long history and more recent additions to the debate are results showing correlations between art aesthetics ratings and basic visual properties such as contrast and colour. However, since most researc...
Background: Learning art plays an important role in developing students' creative and imaginative abilities. Through art, students not only learn about techniques and aesthetics but also express their ideas, feelings, and imagination. Art education is realized in the form of visual arts, which can be enjoyed through the sense of sight. This enhance...
The contribution aims to explore the theme of disgust within the rejected substrate of the monstrous. While there is a fascination with what we perceive as deformed – be it body, matter, or space – this fascination often struggles to mature into an approach that em- braces the monstrous as a design strategy. This research seeks to frame the disrupt...
This study explored the integration of visual arts elements into music education and its impact on students' musical understanding, creativity, and artistic literacy. The study used a mixed-methods approach that included classroom observations, analysis of student work, and interviews to explore interdisciplinary arts education practices. Findings...
El ledger art o arte en libros de cuentas es un tipo de arte mixto que surgió en el siglo XIX, a partir del contacto entre la antigua tradición pictográfica de las Grandes Llanuras de Norteamérica y la cultura europea. Se originó cuando artistas nativos de las Llanuras comenzaron a realizar dibujos y pinturas sobre papel, un material nuevo para ell...
This study focuses on the basis of contemporary scholars' research on the artistic style of Chinese and Western combination of different patterns of falangcai painted enamels in the Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty and the study of mother and child images in the Qianlong period. This study is of great significance to the study of the pattern of fala...
The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a cruel confrontation whose consequences were aggravated by Franco’s repression. One army corps that represents the suffering and, at the same time, the will for individual and collective recovery at its best is the Republican air force. The airmen lost the war, their profession and democracy, and those who sur...
The article demonstrates the possibilities of synthesizing different types of visual arts and styles of interior design of residential premises. The use of different types of visual arts is considered, which help to make the interior not only functional, but also artistically expressive, in particular, painting, namely: paintings, abstract works or...
Este artículo analiza la relación entre la educación superior, el arte y la presencia de las TIC en los planes de estudio y programas profesionales a nivel nacional en artes plásticas y visuales, arte, historia del arte e ingeniería de las artes. Utilizando un enfoque mixto y análisis de contenido web, el estudio examina 30 programas de pregrado en...
The COVID-19 pandemic created the largest global disruption of education processes and systems in history, forcing diverse educators within schools, universities, communities, and nonprofit organizations to shift the ways in which they deliver knowledge. Transitioning from face-to-face learning to online learning posed many challenges for both educ...
When conceiving attention as an exclusive selection process, it becomes evident that certain areas of three-dimensional space are underestimated in relation to a visual hierarchy associated with the principle of utility (Rosa et al., 2023), as well as lighting and accessibility. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that such seemingly periph...
Art-based learning in English is able to integrate different forms of art into learning process to enhance language acquisition and creativity, such as visual arts, drama, etc. This approach not only engages students but also supports their cultural and interactive development. Learning a foreign language is a complex and multifaceted process that...
The Arab Spring revolutions, a series of political uprisings that began in 2010, that dramatically reshaped the political landscape of the Middle East. Despite the varying positions of Arab governments on these revolutions and the different descriptions of the popular movement during what was known as the Arab Spring in the theories currently circu...
Judeus na Amazônia é o tema central do livro Sefarad na Amazônia, organizado por alunos e professores do Núcleo de Estudos Sefarditas da Amazônia (NESA), da Universidade Federal do Pará, coordenado pela professora Alessandra Conde, da Faculdade de Letras, campus de Bragança. Esta coletânea de ensaios versa sobre Literatura, Artes visuais, Linguísti...
Synthography, a term that describes images generated by Text-to-Image (TTI) technologies such as DALL·E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion, enables the creation of images generated through software that involve linguistic prompts. Such prompts are processed by encoded semantic systems, able to capture compositional aspects of arbitrary language text...
Virtual patient (VP) simulations can offer educational benefits in healthcare disciplines by supplementing traditional training approaches and enabling the acquisition of clinically relevant skills and knowledge. Although the existing body of literature covers VP usage in healthcare professions such as medicine and nursing, there are no current rev...
In this article, we intend to discuss the growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the fields of art. The phenomenon, which has long been familiar in the visual arts sector, is now also gaining relevance in the music sector. The impact of AI on music, particularly on the more avant-garde and experimental sub-genres, is generating debate...
Introduzione al numero 7 di Connessioni Remote. Suono: la dimensione sonora del quotidiano tra arti visive, macchine, musica elettronica. Prospettive teoriche, pratiche e culturali (Vol. 1)
Music generation has been established as a prominent topic in artificial intelligence and machine learning over recent years. In most recent works on RNN-based neural network methods have been applied for sequence generation. In contrast, generative adversarial networks (GANs) and their counterparts have been explored by very few researchersfor mus...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) models are now capable of producing artifacts that mimic human creation, such as visual art, text or music. The remarkable sophistication of these results reignited the debate on authorship, calling into question issues such as intent, originality, autonomy or aesthetic engagement. I will present and explain the main po...
Molti musei stanno spostando la propria mission e ruolo da centri per l'apprendimento e l’educazione a centri per il benessere individuale e sociale. Tutta una serie di studi qualitativi, ma anche quantitativi e randomizzati, suggeriscono che i musei promuovono la salute ed il benessere in diversi modi: attraverso esperienze sociali positive che ri...
El papel de la materia de Historia del arte en la educación artística moderna es constantemente reducido y convertido en un elemento del conocimiento humanístico general, que se adquiere durante el proceso de estudio. En este documento se propone organizar y estabilizar el conocimiento relacionado con la materia de Historia del arte, para formar un...
La importancia del archipiélago de Fårö (Suecia) en el cine de Ingmar Bergman, como un espacio de conocimiento, deprimente y paradójicamente sosegado. Las pinturas sobre islas de Arnold Böcklin, y según la estética de Georg Simmel, expresan un intenso aislamiento, soledad y atemporalidad que son del mismo modo semejantes a las formas insulares de l...
Purpose: Indigenous threaded hairstyles are integral to cultural sustainability in many communities, which has recently been a cardinal discourse at global and local levels. This paper focused on unveiling the art of threaded hairstyles in some selected areas in Ghana. Design/Methodology/Approach: This article employs an interpretivism approach, wh...
Main objective of this work is orientation of pedagogical thought to system use of an art material of the Russian national arts and crafts and, as a result, construction on the basis of it flexible educational technologies in the field of visual art at school. In particular, in article is opened value of studying of national arts and crafts in a co...
Higher education institutions have devoted substantial efforts to providing first‐year students with resources and support to successfully navigate their academic journey. The rapid challenges at the academic and social levels lead to the need for more inclusive and innovative supporting methods. This scoping review explores the use of shared activ...
The stigma surrounding mental health remains a significant barrier to help-seeking and well-being in youth populations. The invisibility of mental health issues highlights the critical need for improved knowledge and stigma reduction, underscoring the urgency of tackling this issue. Arts-based interventions have shown promise in addressing stigma,...
Introduzione al numero 8 di Connessioni Remote. Suono: la dimensione sonora del quotidiano tra arti visive, macchine, musica elettronica. Prospettive teoriche, pratiche e culturali (Vol. 2)
“Slavic Core” – an Internet Aesthetic or Generation Z’s Struggle for Identity? The main focus of the work is the so-called “Slavic Core” TikTok phenomenon. The authors attempt to describe what this new trend is, how it is implemented by users, and how to interpret the results of its analysis. The research draws from cultural studies, implementing e...
This study aimed to study the attitudes of art education teachers towards the use of AI in teaching visual arts at the general education levels in the KSA. The study sample consisted of 144 art education teachers at the general education levels in the KSA. The study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, as the study used the questionnaire...
The Art and Design Academic Writing Workshop and the Oriental Creative Star Competition & Teaching and Research Capacity Enhancement Training (Shanghai Edition) were successfully held in the summer of 2024 at the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts. The workshop implemented the guiding principles and recommendations for pre-competition training under...
Il presente saggio si pone l’intento di delucidare gli assidui esempi dotati di accentuato valore iconologico, che sono insiti nella scrittura suggestiva e interdisciplinariamente poliedrica della letterata italiana moderna Cristina Campo, costituendovi l’espressione di una sensibilità affinata per le arti visive. Così verrà determinato quello che...
This article introduces several original documents used to teach French and French Literature to Taiwanese university students. The audiovisual documents were made in cooperation with a female French singer and harp player, a former Taiwanese student who studied French and visual arts, and a Taiwanese teacher. The result of our work is a video with...
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as metodologias adotadas na mediação do ensino de Artes Visuais ao estudante com deficiência visual, por meio do estado da arte, no período de 2015 a 2021. De abordagem qualitativa, o processo metodológico aconteceu por via da pesquisa exploratória, bibliográfica e documental, sendo desenvolvida por intermédi...
The purpose of the research is to examine the distinctive characteristics of the process of filming television programmes in the interior and their impact on visual art and audience perception. In order to gain insight into the crucial elements that shape the quality of the resulting television content, this study will investigate the use of light,...