Science method

Virtualization - Science method

In computing, virtualization (or virtualisation) is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a hardware platform, operating system (OS), storage device, or network resources.
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Publications related to Virtualization (10,000)
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The concept of "sense of place" refers to an individual’s subjective perception and emotional attachment to a specific geographic location. It encompasses a multidimensional and complex experience that is influenced by various social, cultural, historical, and ecological factors. However, the increasing prevalence of hybrid and location-flexible...
Conference Paper
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Accurate analysis of the age of information (AoI) is crucial for timeliness-critical systems that often rely on carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) networks. Existing models that minimize the tagged node's AoI in CSMA networks, where nodes contend for channel access, perform well with near-saturated background traffic but struggle in heterogeneous...
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The chapter dives into the complicated interaction between moral contemplations and online behavior inside virtual communities. It investigates the advancing moral challenges confronted by clients, stage suppliers, and mediators in keeping up moral guidelines and cultivating positive intelligent in advanced spaces. Through a comprehensive examinati...
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Resumo Introdução: O Visual Abstract corresponde a uma síntese visual das informações mais relevantes, apresentadas como infográfico, de um artigo científico. Apesar da utilização crescente de Visual Abstracts por periódicos no mundo, ainda há escassez de estudos que avaliem os elementos que os compõem para orientar sua elaboração. Objetivo: O obje...
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This paper proposes a force controller for hydraulic actuators of the valve-manipulated type. The structure of the proposed controller is similar to that of the admittance controllers used for robotic systems, incorporating a virtual mass–damper system that transforms the measured force to the reference velocity. In the proposed controller, the ref...
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The chapter investigates the transformative effect of manufactured insights (AI) on instruction, especially within online and self-paced learning modalities. This chapter comprehensively examines AI-driven innovations and their applications, and explains the centrality, challenges, and suggestions for joining AI in instructive settings. Key topics...
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The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the banking sector is a significant topic in innovation research. This study analyzes the motivations, challenges, and opportunities associated with implementing AI-driven solutions in customer service within banks. The case study focuses on the integration of AI in the banking sector, with particular atte...
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This chapter investigates plans for utilising artificial brainpower (simulated intelligence) in advanced education to upgrade instruction, learning, research, and authoritative cycles. It involves the use of artificial intelligence, including custom-ised growth opportunities, versatile learning frameworks, virtual mentoring, and computer-based inte...
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Select electron-propagator (EP) methods agree as closely with experimental standards for molecular vertical ionization energies as they do with computational data of nearly full-configuration-interaction quality. Several EP methods consistently attain higher accuracy than alternatives with equal arithmetic bottlenecks expressed in terms of occupied...
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Pengantar Perubahan dan pemanfaatan teknologi merupakan sebuah isu yang saat ini memiliki pengaruh penting dalam proses perkembangan zaman yang ada. Seiring dengan majunya perkembangan teknologi, manusia telah melalui perubahan yang cukup signifikan dalam berbagai aspek untuk mendukung dan memudahkan kehidupan. Dalam konteks bisnis, inovasi dan per...
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Virtually unknown is the permanent natural background presence of strong antibiotic molecules in the human respiratory system. Only a small increase of this concentration can give profound results in the prevention and cure of lung diseases without any risk. All this is based on forgotten results by a Nobel Prize winner in Medicine
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Parts of this chapter have been published in a similar form as a research paper in: Conceptual Modeling. ER 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14320 with the title: A Domain-Specific Visual Modeling Language for Augmented Reality Applications Using WebXR (Muff and Fill 2023c).
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This study evaluates the effectiveness of an experiential learning assignment designed for criminology and forensic psychology students, requiring them to attend a Crown Court trial in the public gallery or to engage with a virtual mock trial. 48 students were surveyed to measure the impact of experiential assignments in helping students better und...
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Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has evolved significantly over the last few decades, driven by advancements in technology, user research, and a growing understanding of cognitive psychology. The field emphasizes the design of user-centered interfaces that enhance user experience (UX), ensuring that technology is accessible, efficient, and enjoyabl...
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Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has evolved significantly over the last few decades, driven by advancements in technology, user research, and a growing understanding of cognitive psychology. The field emphasizes the design of user-centered interfaces that enhance user experience (UX), ensuring that technology is accessible, efficient, and enjoyabl...
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Redes Sociais e a Sociedade do Espetáculo O aumento do uso das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, principalmente das redes sociais nos últimos anos, alterou de forma quase que irreversível, as relacções sociais, os hábitos cotidianos e os costumes das pessoas, especialmente nas grandes metrópoles. A internet rompeu fronteiras e democrat...
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Цель исследования-изучить эффективность и безопасность усовершенствованной программы реабилитации пациентов с ишемической болезнью сердца, стабильной стенокардией I-II функционального класса, включающей индивидуально подобранные интервальные акватренировки в бассейне с пресной водой в сочетании с релаксационными тренингами в виртуальной реальности...
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The DNS (Domain Name System) protocol has been in use since the early days of the Internet. Although DNS as a de facto networking protocol had no security considerations in its early years, there have been many security enhancements, such as DNSSec (Domain Name System Security Extensions), DoT (DNS over Transport Layer Security), DoH (DNS over HTTP...
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This study is devoted to the evolution of sport in the modern era, which can be considered as post-COVID reality. Today, there is a qualitative transformation of sport, a change of its whole multifaceted nature in interrelation and interaction with such spheres as technology, economy, culture, and science. The article explores the significant impa...
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Due to the difficulty in achieving a high-power output with a single converter, parallel converters are widely used in high-power applications. However, inconsistency in the output voltage feedback coefficients of individual converters and the associated dispersion in parallel systems often lead to unbalanced current sharing during transient proces...
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El impacto de la tecnología sobre las variables macroeconómicas, empresariales y sobre todo educacionales a nivel global han sido contundentes. En este contexto, la investigación evaluó la relación entre la motivación en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (EVA) y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de una Institución Educativa del Cantón Lat...
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Various methods are available to measure water storage across different landscape compartments, e.g. cosmic-ray neutron sensing, remote sensing, or hydrogravimetry. All these methods provide integral estimates that are representative of their corresponding measurement volume. However, we typically do not know the true value of water storage in thes...
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While teacher stress has been widely researched, teacher joy (aligning with the principles of positive psychology) is relatively understudied. To contribute insights, this interview-based qualitative study investigated this research question: How do early childhood teachers make meaning of their experiences with teacher stress and teacher joy? Data...
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3-Brief Overview of the Study: This study aims to explore the impact of combat electronic games on increasing violent behavior among individuals, especially among younger age groups. The focus is on analyzing the relationship between continuous exposure to virtual violence in games and its effect on real-life behavior. The study adopts an analytica...
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El jueves 21 de septiembre de 2023 se realizó de manera virtual el Foro Regional Temático Zona Centro: Desafíos para el fortalecimiento de la investigación en tecnología educativa. Dicho evento académico fue iniciativa del Área Temática 18 Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) en Educación, que es una de las áreas más nuevas en e...
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The Virtual Synchronous Generator (VSG) control strategy has garnered widespread application during the low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) of distributed energy resources integrated into power grids, primarily due to its inertia and damping properties. However, grid voltage dips frequently coincide with unbalanced conditions and harmonic disturbances,...
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The design of conventional digital predistortion (DPD) requires an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) with a sampling frequency that is multiple times the signal bandwidth, which is extremely challenging for sub-Nyquist sampling systems with undersampled signals. To address this, this paper proposes a neural network (NN)-assisted wideband power am...
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Abstract The present study sought to assess the impact of a virtual training platform, underpinned by artificial intelligence, on the development of smart board skills among English language teachers. This research employed a mixed methods approach, combining both descriptive and experimental research methodologies. The study was conducted with a...
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This study explores the application of three localization methods in identifying transient impact sources in the ship cabin structure. These methods examined are based on energy curvature and cumulative error, time-reversed virtual focusing triangulation, and energy correlation localization. It presents an elliptical region-based transient impact s...
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INTRODUCTION: Based on the riveting theory, a 3D model of the riveting structure was established, and the riveting process of three kinds of plate thickness was simulated by Deform-3D virtual simulation, and the theoretical values of the key parameters of the riveting structure were obtained. OBJECTIVES: Through the tensile and shear tests of rivet...
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Propôs-se planejar, desenvolver, implementar e avaliar um curso de especialização em gestão em oncologia na modalidade de ensino híbrido. Tal curso foi construído usando o Desenho Instrucional ADDIE, envolvendo as cinco fases: Análise, Design, Desenvolvimento, Implementação e Avaliação. Os dados de avaliação foram coletados dois meses após o términ...
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The increasing integration of renewable energy sources is making power systems evolve, driving the necessity to interconnect different power systems to improve the robustness and operation of grids. Here, the so‐called virtual power line (VPL) control for interlinking converters (ICs) is presented, whose purpose is to couple different electric syst...
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Objectives To compare image quality and iodine attenuation intra-individually in portal venous phase photon-counting detector CT (PCD-CT) scans using protocols with different contrast medium (CM) volume. Materials and methods A prospectively acquired patient cohort between 04/2021 and 11/2023 was retrospectively screened if patients had the follow...
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Source number detection and Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) estimation are usually addressed in two stages, leading to high computational load. This paper proposes a simple solution to efficiently estimate the source number and DOAs using deep neural network (DNN) and clustering, named DNN-C. By observing that sources in space are usually few, DNN-C use...
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The recent Metaverse technology boom in major areas of the public’s life makes the safety of users a pressing concern. Though the nature of the Metaverse as a geographically unbounded space blending the physical and the virtual presents new challenges for law enforcement and governance. To tackle these, this paper supports the establishment of a un...
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This paper presents a numerical model based on the extended finite element method (XFEM) to tackle the problems of hydraulic fracturing and frictional contact in rock cracks. By considering the water pressure distribution on the crack surfaces and the virtual work principle of frictional contact on the crack surfaces, the governing equations for an...
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La obra aborda cómo la tecnología redefine las relaciones sociales, los roles de género, la pertenencia comunitaria y la relación con el territorio, evidenciando tanto las oportunidades como las tensiones y desigualdades que emergen en este proceso, en el contexto contemporáneo. Se analizan los imaginarios sociales, los estereotipos y los discursos...
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Background: Adults spend most of their waking hours at work, which offers a setting to improve employee well-being. This paper describes the impact of an evidence-based employee wellness initiative on employees at a large health system. Methods: The project team provided virtual technical assistance and training to a designated champion at 22 enrol...
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This comprehensive technical article explores the evolution and fundamental aspects of cloud infrastructure in modern software systems. The article examines the Amit Sant 2314 core building blocks, including virtualization, containerization, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC), while analyzing th...
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We present a theoretical study of forward-angle Delbrück scattering of light by the Coulomb field of a target nucleus. Special attention is paid to the Coulomb corrections, which take into account the interaction of the emerging virtual electron–positron pairs with the nucleus to higher orders of αZ. We compare the results from three different comp...
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Autumn Fiester suggests that trauma-informed ethics consultation (TIEC) should focus on surrogate decision makers (SDMs) in preference over patients when (a) the patient is comatose or neurologically devastated , and hence beyond the capacity for suffering or further trauma; (b) the patient is thus incapable of asserting preferences; and (c) the pa...
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Divergent wave imaging with coherent compounding allows obtaining broad field of view and higher frame rate with respect to line by line insonification. However, the spatial and contrast resolution crucially depends on the weights applied in the compound phase, whose optimization is often cumbersome and based on trial and error. This study addresse...
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Pro-environmental behavior (PEB) is crucial for achieving a sustainable future. Although prior research has investigated the relationship between virtual nature exposure and PEB, empirical findings have been inconsistent; some studies suggest a positive association, while others report null effects. Furthermore, the use of laboratory tasks to asses...
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Durante la pandemia se generó mucha incomodidad para los docentes en cuanto a la atención integral de los estudiantes en las clases virtuales. Este conjunto de nuevos retos configura un escenario propicio para la innovación pedagógica y el desarrollo de nuevas iniciativas desde el ámbito educativo, lo cual ha invitado a avanzar en alternativas desd...
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In this paper, a novel low-rank matrix recovery-based direction of arrival estimation algorithm is proposed for coherent signals with coprime arrays under nonuniform noise conditions. Firstly, we employ array interpolation techniques to transform the coprime array covariance matrix into a virtual uniform linear array covariance matrix. Subsequently...
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Este estudo analisou a produção científica sobre Políticas Públicas de Esporte e Lazer (PPEL) no Brasil entre 2003 e 2023, utilizando uma abordagem quali-quantitativa e descritivo-analítica. Foram examinados 208 artigos publicados em 39 periódicos, identificados nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Lilacs, Medline, SciELO e Portal de Per...
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Blockchain was introduced in 2008, yet it remains poorly defined over a decade later. Despite the lack of a universally accepted definition, its utility continues to be widely advocated. However, a function or feature can only be classified as a technology if it addresses a specific human discomfort. A mere combination of ambiguous functionalities...
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A word $w$ is said to be concise in a class of groups if, for every $G$ in that class such that the set of $w$-values $w\{G\}$ is finite, the verbal subgroup $w(G)$ is also finite. In the context of profinite groups, the notion of strong conciseness imposes a more demanding condition on $w$, requiring that $w(G)$ is finite whenever $|w\{G\}|< 2^{\a...
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Behavior shapes population and community dynamics through feedbacks with habitat configuration and interaction networks. Work on this interplay includes longitudinal surveys, experiments, and models. Multiplayer online videogames foster real-time interactions among lots of players in virtual spaces. Data from these games could complement theoretica...
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La educación universitaria en línea ha experimentado una transformación significativa gracias al avance de las tecnologías digitales, que han facilitado nuevas formas de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Innovaciones como la realidad aumentada (RA), la realidad virtual (RV), la inteligencia artificial (IA) y los sistemas de aprendizaje adaptativo están rede...
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Teaching in the metaverse presents a dynamic frontier for educational innovation. Avatars, serving as digital representations of teachers, play a pivotal role in shaping virtual learning experiences. This study explores the impact of avatar design and behavioral realism on student perceptions of credibility and teaching effectiveness in avatar-medi...
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Introduction Digital mental health treatments (DMHTs) have begun to be implemented in some healthcare systems across the United States. These implementations are conducted as business arrangements. Thus, information on successful or unsuccessful implementations is not published or disseminated. This slows progress, as experiences and learnings are...
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La enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y nacionales en la era digital exige un enfoque psicopedagógico y pedagógico integral que aproveche las oportunidades tecnológicas para optimizar el aprendizaje. Este estudio analiza el impacto de las herramientas digitales en la adquisición de competencias lingüísticas, fundamentándose en teorías psicopedagógica...
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Background: During the 2024 annual meeting in London, The European Society of Cardiology released new guidelines (GLs) on chronic coronary syndromes (CCSs) and simultaneously published them in the European Heart Journal. Method: A few experts on the topic from Europe, South America, India, and Asia, who attended the presentation and the Question an...
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Virtual Exchange (VE) is an educational practice which connects students of diverse cultural backgrounds in virtual interactions and collaboration with the aim of developing linguistic, intercultural, and digital skills that benefit them on their personal and professional pathways. While traditional approaches to VE have usually involved bilingual...
Experiment Findings
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The National Flying Laboratory Centre (NFLC) operates Cranfield’s aircraft, including the flying engineering laboratory, a facility virtually unique in the European academic sector and used to support teaching, research and consultancy. More than 2,000 aeronautical students from over 20 universities fly in our unique Saab340B Flying Classroom and...
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In societies with aging populations, the active participation of elders in all aspects of societal life is crucial. Cultural heritage provides a rich vehicle for engaging elders, stimulating both cognitive and affective responses, and keeping human brains active. This study focused on gathering requirements for creating content for virtual cultural...
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In this paper, we present a cohesive zone model for simulating complex crack propagation, including crack branching and coalescence, in multiphase composites. The adaptive element splitting scheme is utilized in relation with the domain integral to describe arbitrary crack propagation in the matrix as well as crack coalescence and branching phenome...
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Existing hybrid energy storage control methods typically allocate power between different energy storage types by controlling DC/DC converters on the DC bus. Due to its dependence on the DC bus, this method is typically limited to centralized energy storage and is challenging to apply in enhancing the operation of distributed energy storage. To add...
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The Universal Automation Framework (UAF) represents a transformative approach to test automation that addresses the persistent challenges faced by organizations in maintaining effective testing strategies. This comprehensive article explores how UAF's tool-agnostic architecture revolutionizes test automation by introducing a standardized, maintaina...
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In this paper, applying dynamic CoVaR models and the Tail-event driven network (TENET) approach, we measure tail-risk interdependence among 11 industries in China over the period between October 2006 to December 2023. The TENET approach extends the bivariate CoVaR model to an ultra-high dimensional analysis framework. Backtesting analysis illustrat...
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Theories about the effects of fictional romantic partners on real romantic relationships have been considered for centuries. In recent years, emerging technology has made these fictional romantic partners feel more real, and these technologies allow for greater engagement than ever before. In the present study, we consider this subject in the conte...
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La educación es fundamental para el progreso personal, proporciona saberes, fomenta la igualdad y la justicia social al ofrecer oportunidades equitativas; en este argumento, la tecnología es promueve el aprendizaje mediante el acceso a la información; Moodle es esencial para la reflexión, el razonamiento, el pensamiento, la atención, la autoconcien...
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In order to solve the problem of angular effects and reduced positioning accuracy caused by rapid speed changes in position tracking and positioning methods in wireless sensor networks, as well as the difficulty of improving positioning accuracy with a single solution, the author proposes a research on improving node positioning accuracy in wireles...
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Digital twins are a new paradigm for our time, offering the possibility of interconnected virtual representations of the real world. The concept is very versatile and has been adopted by multiple communities of practice, policymakers, researchers, and innovators. A significant part of the digital twin paradigm is about interconnecting digital objec...
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The improvement of educational practices in virtual spaces is the focus of this chapter's exploration of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). It offers a thorough introduction to SoTL highlighting its significance in the context of online learning for both teachers and students. Exploring cutting-edge techniques that enhance student eng...
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Single inverter-side current feedback (ICF) LCL-type grid-following inverters (GFLIs) have gained popularity in industrial applications owing to their convenience in over-current protection and economy. However, they suffer from poor injection current quality in the presence of distorted grid voltage conditions and the risk of oscillation when the...
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The application of Impulse-Based Substructuring (IBS) might be advantageous compared to the classical Frequency-Based Substructuring (FBS) approach because it is a time domain method, e.g., allowing for the addition of non-linear elements. In order to be viable for experimental applications, the method must be able to handle real-world systems and...
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Esta publicación electrónica, resultado de investigación, está dirigida a docentes e investigadores interesados en la educación modalidad virtual. Esta obra realmente es una mediación pedagógica que se convierte en una guía práctica e interactiva para el docente interesado en comprender y actuar de forma mediada en entornor virtuales de aprendizaje...
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Hepatoblastoma is the most common pediatric liver cancer and represents a serious clinical challenge as no effective therapies have yet been found for advanced states and relapses of the disease. In this work, we use a well-established agent-based model of the immune response now equipped with anti-cancer therapy response to study the evolution of...
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Threat modelling is the process of identifying potential vulnerabilities in a system and prioritising them. Existing threat modelling tools focus primarily on technical systems and are not as well suited to interpersonal threats. In this paper, we discuss traditional threat modelling methods and their shortcomings, and propose a new threat modellin...
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The presence of numerous distributed power sources in distribution grids leads to a diverse array of controlled object points and significant uncertainties, thereby posing a series of challenges to the control and operation of distribution grids. Hence, this study proposes a virtual cluster partitioning model for active distribution networks using...
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We prove stability and interpolation estimates for Hellinger-Reissner virtual elements; the constants appearing in such estimates only depend on the aspect ratio of the polytope under consideration and the degree of accuracy of the scheme. We further investigate numerically the behaviour of the constants appearing in the stability estimates on sequ...
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The beauty industry, blending art and science, has always sought ways to deliver innovative products and services. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in this industry, elevating customer experiences to a new level. AI has not only changed the purchasing and selection process for products but has also...
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In analogy to Nekrasov's theory of gauge origami on intersecting branes, we introduce the gauge origami moduli space on broken lines. We realize this moduli space as a Quot scheme parametrising zero-dimensional quotients of a torsion sheaf on two intersecting affine lines, and describe it as a moduli space of quiver representations. We construct a...
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The least action principle played a central role in the development of modern physics. A major drawback of the principle is that its applicability is limited to holonomic constraints. In the present work, we investigate the energy lost by particles as a result of the gravitational interaction in a homogeneous low-density medium subject to non-holon...
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With the increasing cognitive dysfunction of the elderly and the incidence rate of dementia caused by aging, in recent years, many countries have studied and applied artificial intelligence (AI) to reduce the pressure on caregivers and improve the quality of life of dementia patients. This study comprehensively summarizes the impact of AI cognitive...
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Let \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$A=(a_{1},\ldots , a_{n})$\end{document} be a vector of integers which sum to \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackag...