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Virtual Collaboration - Science topic
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Questions related to Virtual Collaboration
With deepfake technology making it easy to create convincing but false content, I want to understand how this affects trust within Industry 4.0 and 5.0. Specifically, how do deepfakes undermine trust in automated decision-making, digital communication, and cybersecurity? What impact do they have on industries relying on virtual collaboration, customer interactions, and supply chain processes? How do users maintain trust in what they see and hear online? Lastly, what strategies are being developed to mitigate these risks and restore trust?
Please don't provide chatgpt based created answers. Thank You.
Colleagues, good day!
We would like to reach out to you for assistance in verifying the results we have obtained.
We employ our own method for performing deduplication, clustering, and data matching tasks. This method allows us to obtain a numerical value of the similarity between text excerpts (including data table rows) without the need for model training. Based on this similarity score, we can determine whether records match or not, and perform deduplication and clustering accordingly.
This is a direct-action algorithm, relatively fast and resource-efficient, requiring no specific configuration (it is versatile). It can be used for quickly assessing previously unexplored data or in environments where data formats change rapidly (but not the core data content), and retraining models is too costly. It can serve as the foundation for creating personalized desktop data processing systems on consumer-grade computers.
We would like to evaluate the quality of this algorithm in quantitative terms, but we cannot find widely accepted methods for such an assessment. Additionally, we lack well-annotated datasets for evaluating the quality of matching.
If anyone is willing and able to contribute to the development of this topic, please step forward.
Sincerely, The KnoDL Team
In your opinion, what is the greatest role, function, importance, etc. of the development of international scientific cooperation?
International scientific cooperation plays an important role in the development of science and scientific research. In recent years, the development of online knowledge bases, online indexing databases of scientific publications, online science portals facilitates the development of international scientific cooperation. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the scale of remote communication conducted via the Internet increased significantly. The scale of realization of scientific conferences and symposia remotely through online video conferencing platforms has increased. With online science portals enabling discussions, the development of scientific cooperation on an international scale has been facilitated. Thanks to the aforementioned online science portals, i.e. this Research Gate portal, it is possible to set up and operate international research teams, where researchers and scientists operating in different countries can conduct collaborative scientific research, exchange experiences from their research, jointly publish the results of their research work in scientific articles and monographs. I hereby inform you that I am open to scientific cooperation, including scientific cooperation carried out internationally. I invite you to publish the results of the conducted scientific research in a scientific journal:
"International Journal of Legal Studies" (ISSN 2543-7097):
Legal sciences, normative aspects of various issues, various issue described in normative terms:
Publisher: International Institute of Innovation "Science - Education - Development" in Warsaw
"International Journal of Legal Studies" is a scientific journal published semi-annually (semiannual). After the publication of each issue of the journal, all articles are posted in a number of databases for indexing of scientific publications in the formula of open access. This significantly increases the visibility of articles on the Internet and translates into higher citability.
I invite you to join me in scientific cooperation.
I invite you to contact me by email:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, what is the greatest role, function, importance, etc. of the development of international scientific cooperation?
In your opinion, what is the greatest role of international scientific organizations?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

I am reaching out to #researchers in the field of #Biochemistry, #Biophysics and #Bioinformatics, for collaborative partnership in scientific research. The researcher should be academic staff at the tertiary institutions in following listed countries:
#Burkina Faso
#Democratic People's Republic of Korea
#Democratic Republic of the Congo
#Lao People's Democratic Republic
#Marshall Islands
#Micronesia (Federated States of)
#Moldova (Republic of)
#SaintVincent and the #Grenadines
#SaoTome and #Principe
#Sierra Leone
#Syrian Arab Republic
#Tanzania (United Republic of)
Interested researcher should kindly email to with the subject: Research Collaboration from "your country".
Toluwase H. Fatoki
Visionary @ Heze-Sapience International, Nigeria.
Lecturer @ Department of Biochemistry, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.
The onset of the coronavirus has catalyzed an acceleration in the adoption of digital teaching practices that have been trending in Higher Education for over a decade. The most obvious of these has been the abrupt switch to online training.
Given the speed at which this transition from in-person instruction has taken place, many instructors' natural first inclination has been to maintain teaching styles as similar as possible to those employed in person, including the traditional lecture format.
However, a growing body of research is confirming what instructors across the educational spectrum are observing: namely, that student behaviour, the psychological effect of the medium, participation levels, attention span and learning outcomes online can vary widely from those demonstrated in traditional classroom settings.
It is becoming increasingly clear that conditions such as "Zoom fatigue" are very real, and that, if teaching is to be effective, different methodologies based on digital learning experiences should be added to educators' repertoires that take the particular challenges and new opportunities of the online environment into consideration.
How to enhance digital collaboration between students while teaching them soft skills & employability?
We are currently developing software to enable scientists and researcher to work together on new discoveries and current research. We have not found anything dedicated to the scientific field and was wondering what kind of features would you need?
Some researchers have told me that it is usually a mixture of what is used in enterprise collaboration (MS Teams, Dropbox, etc.), is this the case, and would you like some more specific capabilities?
Thank you,
I am trying to access understanding of team goals in teams which are collaborating virtually. The conditions in which the goals have not been elaborated. Can you share some reliable tools. (short if possible)
We are proposing a projected titled ``Framework for the mitigation of the spread of rumors in Online social networks.'' the main objective of the project is the proposal of a frame work that is able to mitigate the propagation of rumors in online social networks.The project requires several discipline from different field in computer science, where different compounds of project are illustrated in the proposed figure and listed as follows:
Data collection: As in any problem that deals with data mining, machine learning, or artificial intelligent, the data is the primary resource the investigate any problem. Thus, this step is one the first and significant steps in framework. The main objective is to develop method and algorithm to extract data from online social networks. Then, it requires structuring these data in order the facilitate their storage and exploitation.
Rumor detection: This step has the objective to detect rumors that are spreading in OSNs. In order to accomplish this task four steps as distinguishable, which are: Rumor classification, Rumor tracking, Stance Classification, and Veracity classification.
Study and analysis of rumor propagation process main objective is to study the dynamic propagation process of rumors in online social networks. this component highlights the the influence or the impact of different factors on the propagation of the rumors. These factors could be related the human factors such as: human individuals and social behaviors, or factors inherent to the networks structure.
Rumor influence minimization compounds aims to stop the propagation of rumors in online social networks.
If you have interested this project, I sincerely invite you to follow it:
For more information or further collaboration please visit our website:
Please contact us at :
Any collaboration is welcome in this project, we are looking forward to working with you.

Before, in my country and several countries was considered the first author more important than the corresponding author. Recently the situation has changed.
I believe that first author is usually carried out most of the practical part of the research and must be the correspondence author too. Co-authors do part of the work.
What is the difference between first and corresponding author? Can PhD students be a corresponding author?
Dear all respected researchers; kindly let me know your opinion.
I study contact and regional metamorphism of Dizi series, Great Caucasus, Georgia. I have a problem only with analytical part of my work. And It would be great to share knowledge and experience with someone who works in metamorphism.
There are many reasons why Augmented Reality (AR) will be the future battleground. However this battleground cannot be won without solving some of the most difficult technical challenges. Among all the technical challenges, what is the most important technical challenge in Augmented Reality?
I was wondering if there is existing research on measuring the impact / contributions that an individual has in an online collaboration setting. Literature has shown that there are different user roles and that their contribution to the overall "success" also differs (e.g. providing solutions, connecting people, providing guidance / comments, ...). What I did not find so far is any paper trying to measure the "performance" of individuals to such a platform / community. I would be interested in doing research on how the log data from online collaboration platforms can be used to measure the "performance" of individuals. Does anybody know of research in this direction? Can anybody recommend papers / streams of research that might be helpful to look at getting started?
Thanks a lot!
please provide useful theoretical framework (apart from TAM and UTAUT) that can be a good basis or that i can combine with the 2 given above to form a good conceptual model.
I just want to spot any inconsistencies, before going into the field. Since the survey is dedicated to a very special target group with specific knowledge, please select always "yes" and then random answers and concentrate on the wording and sense! Please use the comment-section on every page for your input :) (English)
I am doing a literature review for my thesis and currently looking for publications on how to define goals (at the high level) between collaborating companies. It would be especially useful if there is something specific about companies that are branching out to become international, will be sharing resources across borders and using virtual means to do engineering design work. I'm looking for best practices for defining goals for companies that will be using virtual teams and where collaboration is important.
In addition to this, I am looking for good literature on how to define: key processes, roles and responsibilities and support mechanisms in the context above.
- We do not have concepts for these virtual drug libaries and the population they represent (I suggest to treat them as an autonomous population)
- We used the methods in order to show "what is possible" with software-based analyses, especially for further ethnograhic research
- We think that results like the interactive (!) "co-consumption network" could give us new insights in substance clusters/drug culture/risk assesment
please play around with the website!
In an early, highly influential book in the field of Internet studies, The Virtual Community (1993), Howard Rheingold wrote that “the idea of a community accessible only via my computer screen sounded cold to me at first, but I learned quickly that people can feel passionately about e-mail and computer conferences. I’ve become one of them --added Rheingold--. I care about these people I met through my computer”.
Online groups have some advantages over real, offline communities. A social networking site such as RG is joined by people from a unique diversity of backgrounds, countries and demographics. What brings us together is a common interest: research, science, a particular discipline or topic. We are able to communicate with each other and share and exchange information beyond constraints of space and time.
But human relationships are not just a matter of information exchange. Feelings and trust are essential. Online communication has disadvantages in this respect, because it transmits much less nonverbal cues than face-to-face interaction: facial expressions, vocal intonations, gestures, postures and movements, on which mutual impressions and emotions are based.
To what extent can we talk about a “genuine community” if the relationships among its members lack at least some sense of attachment?
“The poverty of social cues in computer-mediated communication inhibits interpersonal collaboration and trust”, said one of the main experts on social capital, Robert D. Putnam (Bowling Alone, 2000). Because of this, “computer-based groups are quicker [than real life groups] to reach an intellectual understanding of their shared problems”, but “they are much worse at generating the trust and reciprocity necessary to implement that understanding”. Putnam adds: “Building trust and goodwill is not easy in cyberspace”. Cheating would be more common online than offline.
However, the current massive diffusion of social media has proven that “a major facet of social networking and part of its vast success” lies in “the communicational desires and motivations –the need to connect and relate to others” (Fenton, 2012, in Curran, J., et al.: Misunderstanding the Internet). This author notes that “social media have been invested with the ability to facilitate the development of strong relations with family members and friends and weaker relations with a range of acquaintances”.
What are your views on these arguments?
Hello I teach a large university center in Brazil and I am looking for partner teachers to teach classes covering topics relating to relationship marketing emphasizing the distinct characteristics of each country highlighting their cultural differences , the idea would be two or three polls meetings via skype so that students can interact and understand the differences , progress and possible delays thus having the possibility of learning about new culture and ending the process with certificates of each institution creating value for students who will experience different experiences and can relate to other cultures students, Would anyone I would be interested in setting up this project? thank you
7 parental lines were crossed using diallel mating technique, I now have 21 F1 and 21F1 reciprocals and 21 F2 and 21F2 reciprocals. The objectives of the study are to investigate the morphological and molecular traits associated with seed yield in the soybean genotypes, to evaluate QTLs conditioning seed yield and its components in the soybean genotypes, and to investigate the consistency of the QTLs associated with seed yield and its components across the soybean genotypes.
Based on a situational factor, I drew a model for a new motivational theory that could be applied to the overwhelming majority of organizational members in different sectors. The theory is consistent with Maslow's theory of needs. But my theory has just two items instead of five in Maslow.
Does anyone know of any research or applications with regards to an immersive environment where you can build your building, or design something?
I'm investigating collaboration features on software (such as Revit, ArchiCAD, OpenBIMserver etc..) and looking to find more references and research on this subject. I am focusing on model creation and visualisation.
I'd appreciate any papers/written work that is related to the subject that I might have overlooked in my reading.
So far I've read the OpenBIMserver papers, Chuck Eastman's, and a few others.
I am interested in developing a virtual platform for collaborative engineering design and problem solving. I would like to be able to conduct network analysis to monitor team/individual interactions, information flow, idea conception, and evolution, etc.
I am a PhD student looking at developing models for virtual collaborations in some specific areas such as manufacturing. I wonder if there is any model validation method I could use to validate the models I develop.
I want to study the process of appropriation of the information through virtual communities of Facebook. Would you help me with this?
I want to know if you could advice me to provide a review of the literature on these concepts:
-a / the concept of information (not the information system)
-b / the adoption of information (not the adoption of information systems)
-c / the acquisition of information (and not the acquisition of information systems)
-d / the ownership of the information (not the ownership of the information system)
Can we classify them in this order:
-1 / Adoption information;
-2 / Acquisition of information;
-3 / Ownership information
Thanks a lot
Has communication increased or decreased?
Is it better to have multi-cultural teams spread worldwide without physical interaction or international teams working in the same office?
Is communicating in English following strict intercultural rules (in order not to be in conflict with anybody) leading to better understanding and/or results?
I am doing a survey of collaborative tools to facilitate distributed research. Could you please share your experience with the tools that you have used - eg. what did you like or not like about those tools? Also, please share your experience on tablet/mobile based tools.
The term appears to be developed by or associated with Betty Collis. Some quick internet searches do not adequately define this concept or distinguish it from existing pedagogies.