Science topic
Veterinary Medicine - Science topic
Veterinary medicine is the branch of science that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in non-human animals.
Publications related to Veterinary Medicine (10,000)
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HE existence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) represents a considerable a major danger to the public health, contributing to both foodborne illnesses and hospital-acquired infections. Hundred eighty-nine of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) isolates were obtained from diverse food items, including poultry (103 isolates), sausag...
In equestrian sports and veterinary medicine, horse welfare is paramount. Horse tiredness, lameness, colic, and anemia can be identified and classified using deep learning (DL) models. These technologies analyze horse images and videos to help vets and researchers find symptoms and trends that are hard to see. Early detection and better treatment o...
Semiologia Veterinária: A Arte do Diagnóstico visa resgatar a essência do diagnóstico, pautado prioritariamente na disciplina clínica, na conversa com o tutor, no manuseio físico do paciente e na obtenção e avaliação de sintomas, com o objetivo de elaborar hipóteses plausíveis para a resolução do problema.
Literatura indispensável para estudantes...
Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are structural anomalies present at birth, resulting from aberrant embryonic development. In veterinary medicine, CHDs are an important reason for disease and death in both dogs and cats. Their prevalence varies across species and breeds, with certain defects being more common in specific breeds due to genetic predi...
Cranial cruciate ligament rupture is one of the most prevalent orthopedic injuries in veterinary medicine, significantly impacting canine stifle joint stability and biomechanics, and subsequently, the animal’s quality of life. This study investigates the effectiveness of custom-made knee orthoses as a conservative treatment for recent cranial cruci...
Umbilical hernias are common in equines, particularly in foals, and represent a clinically significant condi-tion in veterinary medicine. In this study, we describethe management and surgical treatment of 14 Quar-ter Horse foals with umbilical hernias, aged between 4 and 36 months. The hernias ranged from 4 to 8 cmin diameter and were all reducible...
Los parvovirus pertenecen a un grupo de virus no envueltos, capaces de infectar en una amplia variedad de hospedadores domésticos y silvestres, pudiendo causar diversos cuadros clínicos como fallas reproductivas en cerdos y bovinos, enteritis en caninos y aves de corral, panleucopenia en felinos, hepatitis en equinos, enfermedad respiratoria y cutá...
To assess the clinical and immunological effectiveness of resveratrol alone or combined with allopurinol for treating canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL).
This study included 50 dogs, 30 diagnosed with CVL and 20 healthy controls. Dogs were classified based on their treatment regime (receiving resveratrol [200 mg/dog/d] and/or al...
Canine pneumonia is a serious respiratory disease often associated with Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD). Current treatment strategies primarily rely on antibiotics and corticosteroids; however, the emergence of antibiotic resistance and potential side effects from prolonged corticosteroid use limit the effectiveness of these...
Continuous advancements in veterinary medicine have significantly improved the health and longevity of companion animals while also contributing to wildlife conservation efforts [...]
The isolation of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria from the urinary tracts of pets is increasingly common, particularly in animals with concurrent health conditions. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is one of the most significant antimicrobial-resistant bacteria affecting cats and dogs within the European Union (EU). This study aims to review the preva...
Objetivo: Comparar os efeitos do isoflurano e do sevoflurano na anestesia de gatos idosos, avaliando suas vantagens e desvantagens em relação à estabilidade cardiovascular, tempo de recuperação e taxa de complicações intra e pós-operatórias. O progresso da medicina veterinária tem ampliado a expectativa de vida dos felinos domésticos, tornando a an...
The study of the function of the right ventricle (RV) is a topic of great interest in the scientific community, and some studies have evaluated parameters of the right ventricular systolic function and have correlated them to various RV pathologies and possible clinical findings. Less information was obtained on the right ventricular diastolic func...
To capture veterinary professionals’ perspectives and applications of AI in veterinary care. This study assesses the perceived benefits, challenges, and potential areas where AI could enhance veterinary medicine and practice workflows.
An online survey was distributed to members of the American Animal Hospital Association and Dig...
La nanotecnología ha emergido como una herramienta clave en el ámbito de la salud animal, ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención de enfermedades en animales. El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar los avances recientes en nanotecnología aplicada a la medicina veterinaria, destacando su potencial...
A Biotecnologia Agropecuária, em um de seus diversos campos de atuação, busca o aperfeiçoamento de técnicas para o melhoramento genético de animais. Esse melhoramento é feito através da seleção e reprodução de animais com características genéticas de interesse, buscando o aumento da produtividade, diminuição do intervalo entre as gerações e aumento...
Sonoelastography is a rapid and non-invasive ultrasound-based technique to assess tissue elasticity. Interest in this technique’s application in veterinary medicine is progressively increasing, with preliminary reports also available to assess canine testicular parenchyma abnormalities. Since elastographic techniques are different and it is of para...
O projeto de extensão intitulado “Desmistificando a Eutanásia: a educação como forma de conscientização da população sobre o fim do sofrimento animal” foi desenvolvido com o intuito de desmistificar um tema sensível, frequentemente envolto em tabus, e promover o bem-estar animal, abordando tanto aspectos legais quanto psicológicos relacionados à pr...
Dogs have multiple blood type antigens, among which DEA 1, DEA 4, and Dal can induce severe acute hemolytic transfusion reactions. Various antigen modulation techniques have been developed to reduce immunogenicity and transfusion reactions. Recently, trypsin has been suggested as a potential tool for modulating the antigenicity of DEA 1 in veterina...
Considering that tuberculosis of agricultural and domestic animals is of great social importance, since the causative agent of the disease can be transmitted to humans and cause tuberculosis in humans, and vice versa, animals can infect tuberculosis from people with tuberculosis. Therefore, there is an increasing need for a more thorough diagnosis...
Extended reality includes both virtual and augmented realities. In virtual reality objects are rendered in an artificial environment where the user can move and interact with a head mounted display. In augmented reality virtual objects are superimposed to real environment enriching it via a head mounted display. In human medicine these technologies...
Monoclonal antibody therapy has been a cornerstone of human healthcare for nearly four decades, effectively treating a wide range of diseases including cancers, autoimmune disorders, and inflammatory conditions. However, its application in veterinary medicine is a relatively recent development, offering a promising therapeutic approach for managing...
Mastitis is the leading cause of economic losses in dairy farming, significantly impairing animal welfare and the quality and quantity of milk production. MicroRNAs are increasingly gaining attention, in both human and veterinary medicine, as biomarkers for various diseases. This study evaluated the diagnostic potential of four circulating microRNA...
This literature review explores the impact of molecular, genetic, and environmental factors on the efficacy of targeted therapies in veterinary medicine. Relevant studies were identified through systematic searches of PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect using keywords such as “species-specific treatment strategies”, “signalling pathwa...
Complete fractures of the third metacarpal bone (MC III) diaphysis pose a significant clinical challenge, prompting advanced veterinary medicine to utilize constitutive and biomechanical modeling to better understand bone behavior. This study aims to compare the elastic modulus of the MC III cortical bone, supported by measurements of cortical bone...
Aquaculture is expanding globally and the environmental implications associated with this growth, including the increasing use of chemicals in aquatic locations, are an emerging concern for environmental legislators. Veterinary medicinal products (VMP) are used as chemotherapeutants to control sea lice infestations on open-net pen salmon farms and...
In this study, a comparison of traditional growth methods (length-weight relationships and von Bertalanffy growth function) with artificial neural networks in growth models was carried out in the growth of 783 specimens of Capoeta umbla from the Munzur River, Turkey from September 2019 to May 2021. The length-weight relationships of C. umbla W = 0....
We suggest an objective ranking formula that has wide national and international application. The new formula is presented with U.S. Colleges of Veterinary Medicine as an example. Methods used by ranking agencies differ, as do the ranks they generate. In some instances, relatively narrow information is collected from a limited number o...
Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi nilai impor daging sapi secara nasional yaitu dengan program peningkatan jumlah anakan sapi potong pada skala peternak rakyat, melalui peningkatan efisiensi reproduksi sapi menggunakan teknologi inseminasi buatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas semen segar dan semen beku sapi pejant...
Food animal producers and industries face a myriad of challenges. Integrated systems and research are needed to improve food animal disease control, food safety, and human health (Evans et al., 2022). Artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, genomics, and bioinformatics present important opportunities for food animal production (Williams et al...
Cell saver (CS) technology is an increasingly popular approach for autotransfusion in small animal veterinary medicine for the treatment of patients with abdominal hemorrhagic effusion.
To evaluate the utility, effectiveness, and safety of autotransfusions collected with a CS device and to assess whether the use of the CS devi...
Na medicina veterinária, as “linhas de pesca” (poliamida) têm se mostrado opção para substituição dos fios cirúrgicos de náilon ou poliamida, sobretudo na cirurgia de reparo do tendão. Com isso, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi comparar dois tipos de fios cirúrgicos mediante análises quantitativas das propriedades mecânicas à tração e qualitativas da...
Point-of-care diagnostic tests, such as lateral-flow immunoassay (LFIA), have emerged as a fast diagnostic tool in both human and veterinary medicine. In this paper, a gold nanoparticle-based LFIA device was developed for the measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP) in porcine saliva, using a monoclonal anti-porcine CRP antibody. The dilution ratio...
The present study investigated whether electro-acupuncture (EAP) can improve front hoof thermal asymmetry in horses as detected by front hoof thermography imaging. Thirty-five client-owned horses that presented for traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM) exam and treatment for poor performance were enrolled in the study. After 20 minutes of...
A nine-year-old Warmblood gelding was presented with a clinical history of irritable behavior when being ridden, tic-like movements of the head and laryngeal hemiplegia. It was noted that clinical signs were exacerbated by intense exercise and sun exposure. Due to the clinical signs observed and exclusion of other etiologies, a suspected convention...
ackground: Wound healing through second intention was prone to issues. As a result, there is a high need in veterinary medicine for medicines that hasten the healing of secondary wounds. These studies demonstrate the effect of autogenic, allogenic and heterogenic PRP on healing of wounds. Methods: Six rabbits weighing (1.8-2.5 kg), blood samples we...
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a widely distributed pathogenic bacterium that poses a substantial hazard to poultry, leading to the development of a severe systemic disease known as colibacillosis. Colibacillosis is involved in multimillion-dollar losses to the poultry industry each year worldwide. Avian pathogenic E. coli is also involved in causin...
This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM) in treating canine heart failure. Thirty-six dogs with heart failure were included based on the following criteria: (1) poor response to Western medicine (WM) after 4 weeks or owners opting for TCVM; (2) treated with TCVM for over 3 months; and...
Male calves are not economically attractive for most dairy farms in the current system and are therefore considered surplus in the dairy industry. The issue has gained growing attention in many countries, due to economic and animal welfare implications. It is known that livestock extensionists play a crucial role in facilitating change and promotin...
The world is changing due to factors like bioterrorism, massive environmental changes, globalization of trade and commerce, growing urbanization, changing climate, and pollution. Numerous diseases have emerged because of these factors, especially in companion and food-producing animals. Numerous pathogens have established themselves in naïve popula...
This document should be used for reporting to EFSA samples analysed for chemicals. It provides guidance on how to use the Standard Sample Description (SSD2) data model for submission to the EU of analytical results of food and feed samples taken during control activities carried out to monitor residues of pesticides and veterinary medicinal product...
Background: For the first time in the history of medicine and public health, we observed some clinical situations where a parasitic infection on a plant infects humans and other animals and vice versa and is unfamiliar in medicine and plant pathology nor in veterinary medicine. We noted that this is similar to the kind of situation where diseases f...
A didática representa uma das conjunturas fundamentais do campo de atuação tecnológica da radiologia na história, sendo um ramo central das concepções a radiologia veterinária vem expandindo e trazendo métodos de diagnósticos cada vez mais sofisticados e com isso proporcionando rapidez na resolução dos casos clínicos na clínica de pequenos e grande...
A utilização da ultrassonografia tem se tornado cada vez mais frequente na aquicultura como uma ferramenta não invasiva para identificar o sexo e o estádio de maturação gonadal de peixes que não apresentam dimorfismo sexual visível, como por exemplo a tainha (Mugil liza) e a sardinha-verdadeira (Sardinella brasiliensis). Esse método consiste na emi...
Background/Objectives: When attempting to study neurocognitive mechanisms with electroencephalography (EEG) in applied ecologically valid settings, responses to stimuli may differ in time, which presents challenges to traditional EEG averaging methods. In this proof-of-concept paper, we present a method to normalize time over unequal trial lengths...
The work vindicates the figure and professional career of the veterinarian Mr. Cristóbal Hernández Roca (Mazarrón, 1921-Murcia, 2011) and describes and values the clinical material that he donated to the FVTUM during his lifetime, consisting of a horseshoe bench, instruments related to the equine clinic and the articulated skeleton of a horse. The...
Os tumores mamários em cadelas são uma das neoplasias mais frequentes nessa espécie, sendo influenciados por fatores hormonais e ambientais. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos dos tumores mamários em cadelas. A metodologia utilizada consistiu na pesquisa de artigos científicos em bases de dados como...
To survey academic journals for the presence and clarity of author instructions for submitting veterinary systematic reviews.
Instructions to authors for submitting systematic reviews were surveyed across the 10 academic journals publishing the greatest number of veterinary systematic reviews listed in VetSRev, a citation databas...
Reproduction plays a pivotal role in livestock productivity, and efficient reproductive performance is essential for sustainable goat farming. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and characterize the gross and histopathological lesions of the reproductive tracts in does slaughtered at Wurukum Abattoir, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. A to...
In Europe, there is a growing concern for animal welfare, encompassing both their rights and health. Consequently, identifying biomarkers that predict serious pathological conditions has become crucial in veterinary medicine. The Buccal Micronucleus Cytome (BMCyt) assay is a minimally invasive method that uses biomarkers to evaluate DNA damage and...
Livestock are vital to the health and economic stability of communities worldwide. However, infectious diseases threaten both animal and human health due to losses in livestock, decreased production, and transmission of zoonotic diseases. To manage and mitigate these risks, access to livestock vaccines is critical. This is often gendered, with soci...
Neoplasias mamárias e reprodutivas em Cavia porcellus e Rattus norvergicus domestica são subnotificadas na medicina veterinária. Com o crescente número de novas espécies habitando com humanos como novos animais de companhia, se faz necessário compreender os processos patológicos das comorbidades que acometem essas espécies, afim de encontrar um dia...
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have gained significant attention in veterinary medicine due to their antimicrobial properties and potential therapeutic applications. Silver has long been recognized for its ability to combat a wide range of pathogens, and when engineered at the nanoscale, silver’s surface area and reactivity are greatly enhanced, maki...
Background and Objectives: As a medicinal and food homologous substance, Eupolyphaga steleophaga is renowned for its potential health benefits, including anti-tumor effects, immune system support, and anti-inflammatory properties. Eupolyphaga steleophaga polypeptides have demonstrated significant biological activity, including the regulation of coa...
This study is to isolate and diagnose some intestinal protozoa, namely Eimeria and Cryptosporidium, that cause diarrhea in cattle. To this end, the study investigates the frequency of infection in different districts and localities in Al-Diwaniyah and Al-Najaf Provinces. Also, the study examines whether age and sex are effective factors in the prev...
Amino acid supplements are crucial for animal health and productivity. Traditional analysis methods face limitations like complexity, long testing times and toxic reagents. Therefore, a more efficient and reliable method is needed.
This study aimed to develop and validate an efficient method for the simultaneous analysis of e...
Melanocytic cell tumors, commonly known as melanomas, are frequently observed in grey horses, especially in older animals. These tumors can range from benign to malignant and are often diagnosed in areas such as the base of the tail, perineum, lips, and parotid glands. Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA) has proven to be a valuable diagnostic tool in the...
The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of the prolonged use of the broad-spectrum antimicrobial widely used in animal husbandry. By means of a mouse model, a translational study was carried out on immunocompetent mice (with a complete immune system). This study highlighted the effect of antimicrobial residues taken in with food on...
As the human cannabinoid (CBD) market grows, there is an inevitable transfer of the same or similar products into the veterinary sector. Advances in veterinary medicine and care of companion animals has led to extended life expectancy and consequently, there is an increased incidence of age-related chronic conditions that compromise quality of life...
Pets play a vital role in human lives, yet approximately 10% of pets in the EU and USA are disabled, facing challenges with traditional prosthetics due to high costs and surgical risks. This study explores the application of 3D printing technology to develop customizable and affordable prosthetics for disabled pets, focusing on dogs. By leveraging...
This study aimed to assess the impact of an educational intervention on knowledge, acceptability, and willingness to pay (WTP) for dapivirine vaginal ring (DPV-VR) by undergraduate female students at the University of Nigeria (UNN).
A cross-sectional design was adopted to obtain responses from the respondents using a validated 23-item questionnaire...
Choledochal cyst or biliary tract cyst is a pathological condition characterized by abnormal dilation of the hepatobiliary system. In veterinary medicine, case descriptions and histological characterizations of this biliary malformation are scarce, requiring reliance on data from human medicine. A presumptive diagnosis typically involves imaging st...
Protothecosis is a severe, emerging opportunistic infection caused by the saprophytic, achlorophyllous microalgae of the genus Prototheca. Though uncommon, human and animal cases are increasing worldwide, making awareness of this fungal-like pathogen important in both human and veterinary medicine. We report a fatal case of disseminated protothecos...
The zoonosis is a significant health issue for both the medical and veterinary fields. Students in these disciplines play crucial roles in preventing and controlling such diseases. This study aimed to understand the knowledge (K), attitudes (A), and practices (P) regarding the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases among students majoring in a...
Cardiorenal syndrome, also known in veterinary medicine as cardiovascular-renal axis disorder, is a pathophysiological condition that involves the combination of cardiac and renal dysfunction, which accelerates the progression of individual organ failure and leads to a significant increase in morbidity and mortality in patients with this disease. B...
Prediction of renal recovery after surgical management of feline unilateral ureteral obstruction (UO) is crucial to guide therapeutic decisions, but predictors of this outcome are still lacking. Despite the functional importance of the contralateral kidney, there is currently no precise description of its ultrasonographic (US) features...
Fluoroquinolones are indispensable antibiotics used in treating bacterial infections in both human and veterinary medicine. However, resistance to these drugs presents a growing challenge. The SOS response, a DNA repair pathway activated by DNA damage, is known to influence resistance development, yet its role in fluoroquinolone resistan...