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Venezuela - Science topic

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Questions related to Venezuela
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
11 answers
Sirs. ResearchGate
Receive a cordial and respectful greeting. For academic purposes only, we request collaboratively the following articles for one of our research professors, who is preparing her doctoral thesis. 1)  Direct cores for vital teeth--materials and methods used to retain cores in vital teeth. PH Wilson, NL Fisher, DW Bartlett. Th The European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 01 Dec 2002, 10(4):157-162 PMID: 12526272 . 2) Build-up restorations after extensive loss of tooth tissue. W A Fokkinga,  W M M Fennis, D J Witter, C M Kreulen, N H J Creugers. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd . 2013 Feb;120(2):81-90. doi: 10.5177/ntvt.2013.02.12259. Currently our university only uses open access articles, because there are no resources for subscription databases. Grateful in advance for your attention, and awaiting your prompt and positive response, yours sincerely, Ana Teresa Dávila Chief Information Specialist Library of the Faculty of Dentistry University of The Andes Merida - Venezuela Mobile phone  *58 0424 7389034 Emails:
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I am ready to be a part
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
5 answers
What kind of rites de passage regarding menarche have been researched? I am working on a book regarding the Wayuu people from Colombia and Venezuela. I am wondering if indigenous peoples in Brazil or in other countries have similar rituals when the first menstruation arrives?
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Isolating a female child during first menstruation was common in many Asian contexts in the past; it is still practiced in many communities, especially among the indigenous peoples.
In Sri Lanka, in the past, its indigenous community, the Vedda people, not only isolated a menstruating female during the first period, but also during subsequent menstruation. Often, the space provided, which was a hut made of sticks and leaves, left a female vulnerable to dangers during night time.
The same was true of the country's majority Sinhalese - even in some aristocratic families, the manor house had a separate space for menstruating females, to which they were confined for several days, up to early twentieth century.
Both these communities isolate a girl-child during puberty even at present.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
5 answers
Most of research discussing the geology and petroleum geology of eastern Venezuela, including offshore T&T, is outdated or decades old. The newest research I have come across discussing central/eastern Venezuela is by Pindell et al., 2009.
Any other new research from eastern Venezuela? Thanks in advance!
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Whatever you find is far from the truth.
I would be happy to help you. I would like to test some solutions got in mind.
I can't do it for free because everyone would call me stupid, my price is cheap,
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
10 answers
Hello everybody,
I was wondering about the classification of Bitcoin made in those few years. We've seen many authors trying to identify it as an asset, mainly justyfing it as the only feasible classification after excluding it from being a currency, just because it still doesn't have currency like characteristics like unit of account and store of value, while we can all agree is a mean of exchange. I would like to reverse the question showing you a paradox and I'm curious to know from you: If you say Bitcoin can't be a currency because of lack of store of value component, so how do you classify hyperinflationed currency like Bolivar in Venezuela which basically lost this characteristic? For sure you can't say that every currency that lost its store of value component have to be an asset....
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Bitcoin is a digital asset that has been around since 2009. It is a decentralized currency that is not backed by any government or financial institution. Bitcoin has been gaining popularity as an investment asset due to its potential for high returns and low correlation with other assets. According to The Economist, Bitcoin can be a good addition to an investment portfolio due to its low correlation with other assets. This means that it can help diversify an investment portfolio and reduce overall risk. Bitcoin has value because it is scarce, divisible, acceptable, portable, durable, and resistant to counterfeiting.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
8 answers
our Foundation is trying to learn how to use ICT for empowerment, we are located in Venezuela, and our blog (is spanish, but may be translated) is
Looking forward to a close interaction
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Very interesting& professional bitácora, Prof. Luis Arnoldo Ordoñez Vela, thank you for sharing the link:
Best Regards.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
5 answers
I am currently looking for up to the minute research or research within the last 18 months or so which details the effect that the venezuelan crisis is having on venezuelan society. Preferably non-partisan as there is a tendency to just blame the Venezuelan government rather than considering the wider causes.
Anything on:
social divisions
cultural division etc.
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Niamh Grogan Hi, thanks for the help. My current work in this area has ended. However, anything added here may help others searching for something similar.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
1 answer
If you need a distribution map from a book, how do people deal with that? Do u email authors to obtain the layers or is there a way to export the polygons from the book images?
Colleagues and I need the polygons of the whole distribution of two #snake vipers: Porthidium nasutum and lansbergii. This goes from Mexico, thru Central America, to Venezuela/Colombia/Ecuador, so it isn't as simple as creating the polygons by "hand".
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Of couse, asking for the author is the most effective method. If not available, there is an another way to deal with it. Save the species distribution map as a pic, then use georeferencing or spatial adjustment tool in arcgis to convert the pic to feature, i.e., polygon you want.
Hope it helps.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
58 answers
This is a big question. We ussually discuss about the APCs and the high cost of it, and maybe the importance of Open Access and free publication, but in the other hand hand we think about the time the reviewers invest in our papers and the work hours that the editor and the team spend in the process and it is a trick question in fact... Can we have a good and quality process without paying the review and working with small resources?
I have the experience with TELOS: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Ciencias Sociales and is not easy, because DOIs have cost, work in social difussion cost and even in Venezuela we have the problem of personal rotation, the university pay for that but is hard to educate each time new people... What do you think about?
I was thinking about a way to make it sustainable in time... In our case, in the country is almost impossible to have access to pay for international services and of course is a disadvantage for the journals in here... We have many teachers and researchers that collaborate in the review because I mean, is the normal way in here... but sometimes you can demand so much about fast reviewing...
What do you think about it? Do you know a way to grow without all the limitations we have? Let me know
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  • asked a question related to Venezuela
3 answers
This is a large bird native to Colombia and Venezuela and currently is considered an endangered species by the IUCN and the red books of these countries. We are looiking for checking if it is present in certain areas of Venezuela where no new reports have been recorded in at least seven years.
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Thanks you very much for your answers. We found that this year, in our place, Venezuelan Andes nesting time was April-June.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
3 answers
Coastal management is a topic that has been much debated around the world in the last two decades, in view of the need to organize our coastal areas. In view of this context, I ask if the countries of South America present governmental programs of Coastal Management.
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Hi Fabio
Could be this information help you about Colombia: Ley 1450 de 2011, decreto 1120 del 31 de mayo de 2013:
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
9 answers
I am modeling with gravimetry a small section of the rapakivi granite
of Parguaza, Venezuela. I am located near from the left flanc of the Parguaza graben so I am also in an extensional setting. I am trying to understand the implications of this and what is the gravity response expected, taking consider that the country rock is another granite.
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Dear Mr. Toledo:
See this paper with literature cited there:
O. Eklund, A.D. Shebanov: The origin of rapakivi texture by sub-isothermal decompression. Precambrian Research 95, 1999, 129-146
With kind regards
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
27 answers
Special issue on Mineral Deposits of Latin America and the Caribbean (Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana)
Heads up! We are intending to publish a special issue on Mineral Deposits of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana (BSGM, The BSGM is a completely free access semi-annual journal, the oldest strictly peer-reviewed journal on Earth Sciences in Mexico and one of the oldest in Latin America, and is included in the Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, SciELO, Scopus, and in many other instruments. We do not aim to restrict our scope to any type of deposits or type of studies, and all contributions related to the formation of mineral deposits in Latin America, the Caribbean or conterminous regions are most welcome, from the regional to the mineral-association scales of observation and analysis. Both original research papers and original thematic reviews are welcome as either full-length papers or short notes. Both Industry and Academia authors are encouraged to submit their contributions. Contributions focused on mineral deposits from Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela and the Dominican Rep. are so far lined up! The guest editors to this special issue are · Joaquín A. Proenza (Universitat de Barcelona), · Lisard Torró (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), and · Carl E. Nelson (Recursos del Caribe S.A.). All inquiries associated with this special issue or the journal itself are be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief of the BSGM (Antoni Camprubí, Contributions can be written in either English or Spanish, and must adhere to our instructions to authors ( We apply no restrictions with regard to number of pages, number of figures or tables (other than those determined by our valued scientific reviewers), and we do not charge for coloured figures of for any other matter. First, we need to have a precise idea of how many contributions can be effectively expected for this call for papers; therefore, we need the interested contributors to kindly provide a tentative title, a list of authors (with their institution names and contact emails), and a 300-word synopsis of their intended contributions. Important dates: · November 3, 2018: deadline for submittal of tentative title, author list and synopsis. · May 31, 2019: deadline for submittal of original manuscripts · August 31, 2019: deadline for all revisions by peers of submitted manuscripts. · October 31, 2019: deadline for submittal of revised manuscripts. · April 30, 2020: deadline for online publication of all accepted contributions. The dates above are only tentative and may be corrected depending on the amount of contributions to this issue. Any changes in schedule will be notified to all contributors as soon as necessary. Do not hesitate to forward this message to any colleagues you may consider to have a potential interest in this special issue. We will surely be most grateful to you for your help in disseminating this information.
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It is all about mineral deposits of any type in Latin America and the Caribbean and that is the only restriction we have thought of. One may send contributions at any scale of study regardless of their focus, whether it is mineralogy, the characteristics of mineralizing fluids (or their sources), timing of mineralization, local metallogeny, regional metallogeny, etc. Or all the above at once.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
4 answers
I know that sightings of manatee have been very rare for the central Venezuelan coast. I have only heard of one for 1990 and one in 1991 (UNEP 1995). I would like to be complete in my reference to venezuela and see that you made a rare sighting for Mochima. I would be very grateful to cite you as personal communication. Good luck with your photo contest.
Dolfi Debrot
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OK, Thank you very much! I would love to be able to cite it.
As you answered my mail to Gaby I assume you might eventually publish that sighting for Mochima. Can I refer to the record as "in press"?
Dolfi Debrot
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
4 answers
I have done a research on entrepreneurial intentions of students at Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela. I relate such variables as career options, previous studies and experiences on entrepreneurship, and some other demographics variables age, sex, level of studies, and so on.
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You may communicate with Philip Sieger
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
19 answers
He had multiple contacts with Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Russia about Oil production and prices.
Its outrageous and confrontational rhetoric, which increases during times of internal instability, has consistently worked to unite its followers in support of his leadership; it portrays itself as a modern day Simon Bolívar It is this unquestionable support of the lower class of Venezuela that allowed him to survive the slow destruction of Venezuela's economy, internal strife and finally a coup attempt in 2002.
His internationally recognized victory in the August 2004 referendum certainly encouraged him. For this consummate narcissist, this victory would have been expected to have swelled his ego
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Hugo Chavez was a Venezuelan politician who served as the President of Venezuela from 1999 to 2013. During his rule, he sold oil to Cuba and resisted efforts to stop narcotic trafficking in Columbia, and subsequently bitter relations with United States of America.
Please have a look at these useful links and PDF attachments for more details.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
6 answers
Today, after successful elections in Venezuela, boycotted by the US backed opposition, we are told that:
"The US vice-president Mike Pence, described the vote as a “sham” which was “neither free nor fair”, while in a separate statement, the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, said the US “will take swift economic and diplomatic actions to support the restoration of their democracy.”
Also today we are told that following the unilateral US tearing up of the international treaty with Iran :
"Mike Pompeo has threatened Iran with the “strongest sanctions in history” if it does not comply with a list of a dozen US demands. In a speech that attempted to lay out the Trump administration’s strategy on Iran after quitting the nuclear deal it agreed with other major powers in 2015, the secretary of state warned that the US would not just reimpose all the sanctions that were in place before the deal, but also pile additional punitive measures.
The Iranian regime should know this is just the beginning,” Pompeo said. The speech did not explicitly advocate regime change, but in remarks immediately afterwards Pompeo suggested that it would be up to the Iranian people to end the US pressure campaign by changing their own government.“I can’t put a timeline on it, but at the end of the day, the Iranian people [advised by the CIA] will decide the timeline,” Pompeo said at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank in Washington. “The Iranian people will get to make a choice about their leadership. If they make the decision quickly that will be wonderful. If they choose not to do so, we will stay hard at this until we achieve the outcomes that I set forth.”
Among the 12 conditions laid down by Pompeo were: demand Iran to give a full account of its alleged past work on nuclear weapons development; stop all uranium enrichment; halt launches of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles; end its support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad;(??) withdraw all forces under Iranian command from Syria; and end support for Houthi rebels in Yemen.
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I agree largely with Mr. Botchway's line of thought being a Retired Marine Veteran on the tactics and measures the current administration is applying. I fear what is being lost is clear-headed thinking and a reasonable diplomatic approach that attempts to change or sway the ideology behind the unsavory behavior conducted by those who would do us and our allies harm. You have to have a thorough understanding of the people and their way of life, before you can attempt any measure at changing their behavior.
Furthermore with the manner that our current President is going about breaking agreements and disrupting long established relationships with our allies he no longer has any credibility with the free-world. Reputational consequences will have long and lasting effects and will be an impediment to getting others to comply with the current administrations wishes. You have to have the ability to talk to people with mutual respect of their sovereign and positions and then seek a solution that will be a "win-win" for both or all parties involved. Talking down and bullying is never going to accomplish anything in our modern society.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
3 answers
Saludos cordiales, mi nombre es Rafael Quintana y soy Licenciado en Biología Marina de la Universidad de Oriente Venezuela. Durante mi formación académica inicio mi pasión por la búsqueda de nuevos fármacos de origen marino. Es por ello que me enfoque a aprender todo lo relacionado a esta línea de investigación durante mi periodo universitario. Dedique muchas horas de estudio, obtuve certificación de buceo, trabaje en laboratorios de la Universidad de Oriente y realice diversas pasantías en el instituto científico más importante de mi país (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas IVIC). Una vez que me sentí capacitado, desarrolle mi tesis de grado titulada: “Evaluación de la actividad citotóxica de la ascidia Polyclinum constellatum y su posible efecto sobre la línea celular de cáncer de mama 4T1”. En dicha investigación se encontraron resultados muy interesantes y prometedores que ameritan continuar con su desarrollo, no obstante la fuerte crisis en la que se encuentra mi país me imposibilita iniciar los estudios de postgrado, obligándome a buscar oportunidades en otras fronteras. Es por eso que le escribo a usted, he leído sobre el proyecto que iniciara y veo que tiene bastante similitud con la línea de investigación que tanto me apasiona. Por tal motivo quiero preguntarle ¿existe alguna posibilidad de poder realizar alguna maestría en la universidad, donde pueda trabajar con usted en su proyecto de investigación? Realmente me interesa su trabajo e independientemente de su respuesta seguiré al tanto de su proyecto. Espero que podamos estar en contacto, saludos.
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Hola Nikolay, muchas gracias por su consejo. Ya estoy enviando mi CV, saludos!
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
3 answers
This is an endangered species. In my country Venezuela, only two small spots of this species remain. Despite similar environmental and biotic conditions in the surroundings and no apparent dispersion barriers, the species is totally absent out of these spots.
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Dear Mauricio, search by Alessandro Camargo Angelo in ResearchGate.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
5 answers
Will you have plans to extend your work in Latin America? Please, I am at your disposal if you wish to work in Venezuela
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Thanks Andrew. I have just forwarded on the email I sent in September to the addresses you have provided. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
10 answers
I have seen in the last decades in Latin America, that countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru and Colombia, have move to try to organize national systems of research, in which the classification of research groups as well of researchers, is officially made in a periodical way. E.g. in Colombia, research groups, after criteria-based measurement (based mainly in article and other products historic and recent performance), classifies them in four levels: A1 (highest recognition), A, B and C. Also researchers as: junior, associate and senior (highest recognition). Then, my question is in which other countries, a national science agency classifies and certifies the research groups and researchers officially?
Recent results (2017) of classification of research groups and researchers in Colombia by the national agency Colciencias (in Spanish):
Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales
Senior Researcher,
Research Group Public Health and Infection A1,
Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira,
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I offer you the book:
Portugal: A Companion History
by José Hermano Saraiva, Ian Robertson (Editor), Ursula Fonss
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
2 answers
I'm working with a group of community leaders in Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela to assess the most important needs, and form an humanitarian organization to help resolve them, directly or doing the bridge to existing institutions. 
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Please let me know if these references/sites of tools to assess unmet health needs is helpful to you:
1.  Community health needs assessment - WHO/Europe - World Health ... can identify priority health needs, target resources to address ..... Appendix 4: Example of a family health assessment tool developed by health visitors ..... It will be of particular use to those countries that are introducing the family .... of information, confidentiality, raised expectations versus unmet needs, and the.
2.  Best Practices for Community Health Needs Assessment and ... A Review of Scientific Methods, Current Practices, and Future Potential ..... concentrations of unmet needs at the sub-county level, and the use of .... current examples of regional partnerships and tools and resources to guide and ..... growing number of excellent programs in communities across the country , the ...
3.  Health needs assessment : Development and importance of health
... needs assessment is a new phrase to describe the development and refinement of well ... and health care is now one of the largest sectors in most developed countries. .... It is a systematic method of identifying unmet health and healthcare needs of a ....
Dennis Mazur..
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
4 answers
You may be aware of the serious political-economic situation in Venezuela by means of the written press or, failing that, by means of the diffusion on newsreels or even by social networks. What is true? What is false?
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Dear Teacher. I have by no means tried to say that yourr perceptions are not correct. As you well said, you know from your own experience what you described.
The question asked is intended to know its impact in an environment where knowledge, academia, experience have life.
For example, your commentary is not superfluous, it has a foundation born of your knowledge.
In order not to bias the answers that are given, I can not express an opinion on this one.
Again, I want to thank you for your interest in the question.
Thank you thank you very much.
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
1 answer
do you think it is possible that you send me sample material from your rock phosphates, Riecito (RIO) and Monte Fresco (MONTE)? We collect mineral fertilizer materials, but have no rock phosphates from Venezuela yet.
Thanks in advance!
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You need to message Susmira directly :)
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
3 answers
I have been told that obtaining information about birth certificates, etc. during this period is nearly impossible. Are there any duplicate records anywhere in Venezuela?
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Thank you - both, Rusty and Eduy! - Conchita
  • asked a question related to Venezuela
7 answers
Venezuela, Haiti and the Dominican Republic are the only three countries in the Americas that have not achieved significant reductions in malaria cases (estimated over 30-50% in all the rest endemic countries, including Brazil) during the last decade. I would like to read opinions regarding the current performance of the malaria control program in Venezuela. During the last years over 50,000 cases per year have been reported in the country, according to the WHO, based on national official data.
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Thanks for the new link in your edited post. Quoting the Epidemiological Bulletin #52 of 2013, available at, situation in 2013 was worse than in 2012. For that week there was a cummulative number of cases of 76,621. With an increase of 50.1% compared to 2012. "Hasta la fecha existe un acumulativo de 76.621 casos, lo que representa aumento de 50,1% con respecto al período homólogo del año anterior". According to endemic channels of 2013, malaria was most of the year in epidemics. Finally until week 20 of year 2014, there is a cummulative of 29,931 cases, which is more than the whole year number of cases reported up to 2002 (29,491) and before. Although this is an interesting discussion, solutions are beyond the health systems, and involve other sectors in the goverment that should look at the importance of the increasing burden of disease in those neglected populations of the southern area of the country.