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Vegetables - Science topic
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Publications related to Vegetables (10,000)
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A cross-sectional study was conducted from July 2022 to January 2023, designed to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices about toxoplasmosis. A total of 384 participants from various districts within the Benadir region were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The demographic profile of the participants revealed that 35.70% of responde...
The use of screened structures is an alternative for reducing light, creating an ideal microclimate for vegetable development. In this sense, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of shading caused by the protected environment on the dynamics and period of weed control in organic arugula crops. Two experiments were carried out u...
Í skýrslunni eru birtar niðurstöður aðalskráningar fornminja innan 53 km2 skipulagssvæðis í Húnabyggð, þ.e. á Steinárhálsi milli Blöndudals til vesturs og Svartárdals til austurs. Skráningin var gerð af Fornleifastofnun Íslands fyrir Landsvirkjun en ráðgert er að reisa vindorkuver á svæðinu, svokallaðan Blöndulund. Að þessu sinni var aðeins unnin a...
This report provides an in-depth overview of the regulatory framework, documentation requirements, and compliance procedures for importing food into Saudi Arabia. The document covers various essential aspects such as general requirements, product-specific regulations, and the roles of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) and the Ministry of Com...
Palavras-Chave: microemulsão, tensoativo verde, EOR. Introdução Os campos de petróleo em exploração estão entrando em uma fase de declínio na produção, enquanto simultaneamente ocorre um aumento significativo na demanda global por energia. Esse aumento é impulsionado pelo crescimento econômico em países em desenvolvimento e pelos avanços industriai...
This model farming system is a variety of farming as stallholder farmer on the same site or on residential land with the paddy rice throughout the whole year, which includes paddy field, rice-fish farming, small or/and large livestock, composting, and fruit trees.
Plain Language Summary
The South Slope of the Himalayas (SSH), known for its unique biodiversity and complex role in climate regulation, is undergoing noticeable changes in vegetation due to climate change. Due to diverse climatic environments and abrupt elevational variations, this region has different vegetation zones. However, there remains a ga...
Selenium is an essential micronutrient, yet its deficiency poses severe health risks, including Kashin‐Beck disease, a debilitating disorder endemic to selenium‐deficient regions like Tibet. Despite the known risks, the extent and drivers of selenium deficiency in Tibetan populations remain poorly characterized. Here, we present the first large‐sca...
This Integrated Farming System (IFS) model is a combination of many agricultural activities on a plot of land that contains homestead, including small livestock (chicken, duck and possibly 1 - 2 cows), composting, multi-purpose crops, some forage, and irrigated fruit trees/ vegetables.
Several Apulian (Southern Italy) vegetable landraces are considered at risk of genetic erosion, constituting an issue for the loss of important genetic traits. ‘Tiggiano’ and ‘Polignano’ carrots are two Apulian landraces, noteworthy for their historical, cultural, and agricultural significance. In this research, both the morphological traits and se...
Objective: To analyze the dietary habits of nursing students at a private university in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. An instrument consisting of 31 questions was used and non-probability sampling was applied.Results: 49 students participated with a mean age of 26.16 years (SD:...
This Integrated farming system is a combination of at least four types of farming components, including raising large livestock, biodigester (though optional), mixed vegetable crops, fruit trees, multi-purpose crops and composting on the land around or near the house. Each component of the system serves to complement each other, making the farm mor...
Получены трехлетние растения лука пскемского, выращенные из семян до цветения и образования семян. Семена интродуцированны из Казахстана в ЦБС НАНБ. Показан рост и развитие растения до генеративной фазы без существенных поражений патогенами и установлено наличие признаков дикого растения – растянутый на несколько лет характер прорастания семян и ос...
This Integrated farming system includes five main components: mixed vegetables, rice, fruit trees, small or/and large livestock, and bio digester (optional) or composting. This farming system provides interdependence and improves family livelihoods.
Objective: This study evaluated the impact of agricultural backyard production on the well-being of producing families in the context of food security in a Microregion of Chicontepec Veracruz, Mexico, highlighting the substantial economic advantages of this practice. Design/methodology/approach: Through probabilistic sampling, a structured survey o...
Integrated farming system between ponds, fish farming, mixed vegetables, fruit trees, some small/large livestock, composting is a systematic practice of mixed farming activities that includes all of these components in the area of residential land or near the house. Each component of this system plays an important role and functions to each other.
Agriculture remains the main activity sector in the rural area. This sector provides jobs for a significant part of the population and, after decades of difficulties, still has huge potential for development. The purpose of the paper is to emphasize the important role that agriculture has in the economic development of Ciumeghiu commune. The resear...
The United States Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) have provided recommendations for healthy eating patterns to meet nutrient needs and reduce chronic disease risk for decades. However, few Americans fully meet these guidelines, especially regarding five shortfall nutrients, and the vegetable, fruit, pulse, whole grain, and dairy food groups....
El frijol es el segundo cultivo más importante en México para consumo humano. Durante su almacenamiento se han registrado pérdidas arriba del 35% debido al ataque de gorgojos para los que el control químico representa el método más común. Se han realizado grandes esfuerzos en la búsqueda de métodos de control natural. El objetivo de este trabajo fu...
Gherkin is a vegetable widely consumed in the North, Northeast and Midwest of Brazil. Recent studies highlight the crucial role of seed physiological characteristics not only in the initial establishment of the crop, but also throughout its production cycle. Given the lack of research on appropriate methodologies to evaluate the vigor of gherkin se...
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to explore the addition of vegetable waste of Brassica oleracea interspersed with cattle dung into a continuous anaerobic digester that normally uses cattle dung as a substrate. Methodology: In this work, a 200-liter continuous anaerobic digester was operated to conduct the research. The digester was filled full...
El presente informe se enmarca dentro del Convenio No. 40 de 2014 celebrado entre INVEMAR y CORPAMAG, el cual busca el fortalecimiento del monitoreo ambiental en esta área, incluyendo el análisis de contenidos de metales pesados en tejido muscular de peces de interés comercial, los microorganismos que puedan afectar la salud humana o del ecosistema...
Malaysian Good Agricultural Practices (myGAP) promote the environmentally friendly production of vegetables. However, consumers lack awareness and knowledge about myGAP-certified vegetables; thus, their willingness to pay for sustainably produced myGAP vegetables remains unknown. Hence, this research aimed to (a) identify the level of consumers’ aw...
Scope of growing seedless watermelon as a value added fruit vegetable for poly house cultivation is discussed.
Aim This study aimed to evaluate the association between screen time and health behaviors (physical activity and healthy eating habits) in adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional school-based study was conducted on 1233 adolescents (13-19 years) from private and public schools of Pelotas, RS, Brazil. Participants reported socio-demographic and beha...
Resumen: El siguiente artículo de divulga-ción explora las propiedades biológicas de las chalconas, compuestos que pertenecen a la fa-milia de los flavonoides presentes en distintas plantas. Debido a que desde tiempos antiguos, las culturas han utilizado extractos de plantas para tratar de combatir enfermedades, y los fitoquímicos como las chalcona...
One of the most effective policy instruments for curbing the excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is the imposition of taxes on their production and consumption, a strategy predominantly advocated by the World Health Organization (WHO). The rationale underlying the WHO's recommendation is that a specific tax should be levied on all pr...
Selenium-enriched vegetables are a safe way to combat selenium deficiency in humans. Here, a new microbial selenium-enriched bacterial fertilizer (named “HJ”) was prepared and studied by dipping, and then its application strategy was optimized and compared with other commercially available selenium fertilizers. The results showed that the applicati...
Narration on biodiversity of indigenous tropical vegetables.
Procedure followed for maintenance breeding of public sector vegetable varieties by Kerala Agricultural University in Kerala.
Natural farming is a sustainable agricultural practice that
avoids synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals,
relying on ecological processes to enhance soil fertility and
plant health. This approach is gaining popularity in horticulture, ensuring safe, chemical-free fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants while maintaining
In a broad sense, Vegetables are highly perishable and experience significant qualitative and quantitative losses after harvest. Advances in post-harvest handling and storage technologies have become critical interventions for maintaining quality, extending shelf life, and reducing waste. This review explores recent developments in post-harvest man...
This article provides information on the methods of mass measurement on the automatically controlled conveyor belt used in the sorting of potatoes, onions and fruits and vegetables from one zone to the next zone, and what parameters can be controlled by mass measurement. Using the methods presented in the article, when measuring the mass of potatoe...
El 14 de agosto de 2023 se desató un incendio de origen
desconocido en el sector núcleo de la reserva, un área
representativa del pastizal pampeano, quemando aproximadamente
1,22 ha. El incendio inicial duró cerca de cinco horas y, aunque fue
controlado, se reavivó intermitentemente durante los dos días
siguientes hasta su extinción total. El 17 de...
Landslides present significant risks to southwest China’s mountainous regions, This study evaluates the efficacy of LT-1 satellites using InSAR technology where complex terrain and dense vegetation hinder traditional SAR detection. To identify landslides in Dafang and Nayong Counties, Guizhou Province, from June 2023 to June 2024. Utilizing Stackin...
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo evaluar la evolución de la cobertura vegetal en el Campus Salache, utilizando el Índice de Vegetación de Diferencia Normalizada (NDVI) mediante imágenes satelitales Landsat 8. La metodología incluyó la delimitación del área de estudio siendo un total de 89.43 hectáreas, la descarga y procesamiento de las imá...
Food color may signal vital food attributes, e.g., ripeness (yellow) or rottenness (brown) in a banana. Previous studies on the influence of color appearance on perceived food quality have typically used 2D images and confounded appearance changes with other factors. Here, using immersive viewing of real 3D naturalistic fruits and vegetables, we de...
The consumption of wild leafy vegetables as part of a balanced diet is a common practice among
local people. This study was carried out to assess wild leafy vegetables used for combating health issues among
the people of Ekiti State. A multistage random sampling technique was used for the study. One hundred and
twenty pre-tested questionnaires were...
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O controle de plantas daninhas é uma das práticas agrícolas mais importantes para garantir a produtividade e qualidade das culturas, especialmente e cultivos de milho. Este estudo investigou a influência de diferentes taxas de aplicação de glifosato no controle de plantas daninhas em uma área de cultivo de milho localizada em Pedra Mole, Sergipe. F...
Nutrients in NFT hydroponic are very crucial because plant roots grow in a shallow layer circulating water, nutrients and oxygen for plants. Commonly, the nutrient used in hydroponic is AB mix. Compound fertilizers contain nutrients needed by plants, but until now these fertilizers have not been used as a solution for hydroponic cultivation. From a...
Se evaluó el efecto de las coberturas vegetales café + eucalipto “Baby Blue” (T1), café (T2) y pasto (T3) en algunas propiedades físicas e hidrológicas del suelo de la finca “La Libertad” del municipio de Zipacón, las cuales llevan cerca de 14 años de establecidas. Las variables evaluadas fueron profundidad del horizonte A, resistencia a la penetra...
The seed health status of leafy vegetable crops, such as spinach and Indian spinach, and fruit vegetable crops, including bottle gourd, sweet gourd, and sponge gourd, was studied in the Seed Health Laboratory (SHL) at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, during 2015. Loose seeds for each crop were collected from various sources at the whol...
Vegetable pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a widely grown leguminous crop, primarily cultivated during the rabi (winter) season in India. Known for its rich nutrient profile, it is a significant source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Pea cultivation not only serves as a food crop but also plays an essential role in soil health due to its ability to fix...
Communication frequently involves discussions about real-world implausible events. Since most prior research used specific contextual cues to indicate a strong bias towards real-world knowledge violations, it remains unclear how real-world and contextual knowledge interact when the context is relatively unconstraining (e.g., dream scenarios), where...
Objectives】Ammoxidation process is a rate-limiting step of nitrification and impacts the cycling of nitrogen in soil. By analyzing the changes of soil ammonia-oxidizing microbial communities under the input of biochar to reveal the influence of biochar input on soil nitrification and the biological mechanism.【Methods】We set up biochar gradient (C 0...
Due to the impact of climate change, the accompanying disasters affect the operation of the world. In addition, the development of urbanization has also increased the frequency of disasters. Therefore, the United Nations has established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide the global joint efforts towards sustainable goals. Vegetated S...
Objectives: Food insecurity among college students, combined with limited nutrition knowledge and barriers to healthy eating, significantly impacts diet quality and fruit and vegetable intake. Efforts to address these issues are further complicated by the challenges of accurately and efficiently collecting dietary data in research settings. This st...
The skin serves as the primary defensive barrier of the human body against external stimuli and damage. Keratinocytes, which are the predominant cell type in the human epidermis, undergo a differentiation process that is crucial for the formation of the skin barrier. Myricetin, a dietary flavonoid present in various fruits and vegetables, is known...
The journal retracts the article titled “A Soft Computing View for the Scientific Categorization of Vegetable Supply Chain Issues” [...]
The low implementation of germas has a great impact on public health, namely the increase in the number of diseases in the elderly. This study aims to analyze the effect of the implementation of Germas on the health of the elderly in the working area of the Berohol Tebing Tinggi Health Center.This study uses a type of quantitative research analytic...
Few studies have empirically examined the impact of school salad bars on elementary students’ fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption within the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). This natural experiment evaluated the impact of salad bars on FV selection, intake, and waste within elementary schools.
Seven school pairs, matched o...
Urban agriculture provides an effective solution to meet the needs of urban residents while reducing dependency on external sources. This study aims to analyze (1) the characteristics of spinach and water spinach farmers, (2) vegetable cultivation technology, (3) sources of production risks, and (4) the level of production risks. The research was c...
Agriculturally-driven habitat degradation and destruction is the biggest threat to global biodiversity, yet the impacts on extinctions of different types of food and where they are produced and the mitigation potential of different interventions remain poorly quantified. Here we link the LIFE biodiversity metric – a high-resolution global layer des...
O artigo avalia a implementação da política estadual de rastreabilidade na cadeia produtiva do açaí no estado do Pará, operacionalizada pela Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do estado do Pará, no período de 2021 a 2023, por meio da Portaria nº 2.789/2020 que institui a Guia de Trânsito Vegetal (GTV). Utilizou-se o Protocolo 5C de Najan (1995), que es...
Introducción. Los pigmentos vegetales son una opción para sustituir los artificiales y consumir alimentos sanos. Objetivo. Evaluar en campo y laboratorio cruzas simples exploratorias (CSE) de maíz con grano y olote morado, formadas con líneas aleatorias, para analizar la integración del patrón heterótico B-49N x B-41N. Materiales y Métodos. La inve...
Previous studies (various designs) present contradicting insights on the potential causal effects of diet/physical activity on depression/anxiety (and vice versa). To clarify this, we employed a triangulation framework including three methods with unique strengths/limitations/potential biases to examine possible bidirectional causal effe...
Compilation of research work done on vegetable crops at Kerala Agricultural University for the last 50 years
Objetivo: Determinar la ingesta de alimentos asociados a la desnutrición crónica en niños peruanos menores de 5 años con y sin lactancia materna. Material y métodos: El diseño de la investigación es no experimental, enfoque cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo y transversal. La muestra fue de 12183 niños menores de 5 años, siendo el estudio un...
Cultivation practices for growing vegetables in home garden
Scientific crop husbandry to be adopted for cultivation of vegetable crops for producing poison free vegetables. Text in malayalam
To characterise children’s lunchbox contents for food, waste, and packaging.
A cross-sectional study was conducted. Lunchboxes were photographed at two time points on the same day: before first morning break to capture food and packaging and post-lunch break to capture food waste. Contents were coded using an audit tool developed...
Nuestro conocimiento de la dieta islámica en al-Andalus se basa principalmente en fuentes textuales y arqueológicas, tan complementarias como, a veces, discordantes. Sin embargo, los datos que documentan de manera directa la dieta vegetal en las áreas rurales a través de restos biológicos seguían escasos. Recientes investigaciones arqueobotánicas e...
Early garlic (Allium sativum L.) cultivars are an alternative for growing this vegetable in low-altitude semi-arid regions, due to its lower requirement for mild temperatures and photoperiod. However, it is necessary to identify the cultivars that best adapt to these environmental conditions to improve management and maximize their production chara...
Spinach (Amaranthus spp.) is a vegetable plant that is highly dependent on the availability of light and nutrients for its growth. Proper spacing plays an important role in influencing a plant's access to light and nutrients, which ultimately impacts its yield. This study examines the impact of planting distance on light and nutrient competition in...
En este trabajo se evaluó el proceso de obtención de colorantes a partir de especies vegetales como la Bixa Orellana (Achiote) y Brassica oleracea, var. capitata (col morada). Las absorbancias de los colorantes obtenidos fueron comparadas con Indigofera suffruticosa (añil) y azul de metileno, adquiridos comercialmente, utilizando espectroscopía en...
CV SOGA Farm Indonesia experiences overproduction of vegetables including basil leaves and oregano leaves every month, this is due to fluctuating and erratic supermarket demand. One alternative is to utilize over production into a processed product called herb powder. The purpose of this study is to analyze the financial and non-financial aspects,...
Microcredit plays a crucial role in supporting agricultural development, particularly for smallholder farmers. This study aims to analyze the influence of socio-economic characteristics on vegetable farmers' access to formal and informal microcredit in Cikidang Village. Using a quantitative method with a survey approach, data were collected through...
In Cote dIvoire, the absence of good hygiene practices in certain sectors is common, especially in the market gardening sector, which could increase the risk of collective food poisoning. The objective of the study was to evaluate the practices and risks of microbial contamination, in the production chain of the suburban area of Abidjan. A survey w...
Integrated Farming System is a modern agriculture that has a sustainable and environmentally friendly concept with productivity as a result. The utilization of yard land not only increases agricultural productivity but in economic terms can also increase socio-economic needs with good management. The benefits obtained by applying this principle are...