Science topic
Vascular Diseases - Science topic
Pathological processes involving any of the BLOOD VESSELS in the cardiac or peripheral circulation. They include diseases of ARTERIES; VEINS; and rest of the vasculature system in the body.
Questions related to Vascular Diseases
las principales causas de insuficiencia renal crónica en adultos mayores incluyen la hipertensión, la diabetes, enfermedades vasculares, y el uso prolongado de medicamentos nefrotóxicos
It is been a long time I have been trying to stimulate vascular smooth muscle cells (MOVAS) for ROS generation. I am using DCFDA assay for ROS detection....
Everything I tried, has failed to stimulate it! LPS (short and long incubation time), high and low concentration!, Iron (Fe3+), glucose (25 mM 50 mM etc), Beta-glycerophosphate (up to 10 mM).... none works!
Does anybody have any idea what is happening?
Extremely frustrating cycle of trial and failure !!!
The origin of many, if not all, vascular diseases can be correlated with endothelial cells (ECs) mechantransduction. The mechanosensory of ECs is strongly linked to the physics of blood flow. CFD models of vascular blood flow can provide insightful information about the hemodynamic environment associated with different vascular disease. Hence, CFD can contribute to the research on ECs mechanotransduction. However, since blood flow is inherently multi-harmonic pulsatile flow and vascular geometry have complex 3D morphology, CFD models require rigorous validation practice in order to ensure that their results are as valuable as they are considered to be.
I would like to discuss the previous efforts conducted to provide consistent, reproducible and physically meaningful validation procedure for CFD models of pulsatile flow for vascular hemodynamics applications. Is there any validation resource available for public access? What would a good and reliable validation database include?
Acroangiodermatitis has been described in amputees (especially in those with poorly fitting suction-type devices), in patients with paralyzed legs, in patients undergoing hemodialysis (from arteriovenous shunts distally), and in association with hepatitis C. It has been documented in chronic venous insufficiency and in vascular malformations (eg, Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, Stewart-Bluefarb syndrome, Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome).
For how long? Just 2-4 weeks? And is topical steroid necessary? Or it the patient can be on other medications without fearing complication? I.E does topical steroid prevent any serious complications? Or just treat the symptoms like Erythema?
I am using survival analysis for vascular disease of lower limbs and need to categorize patients according to a risk factor eg hypertension. is there a minimum number of patients that needs to be in one specific group eg on one drug only?
Any paper or help that can assist with predicting the life course of primary vasculitis of the skin if left untreated ?
In this scenario, I'm interested in Daflon (Trade name). Could misdiagnosis be harmful and turn the Pharmacological and therapeutic effect of a drug (Daflon) into an adverse reaction? We know that Daflon is used in case of chronic venous insufficiency as it helps with capillary permeability, etc..But is it dangerous for someone with healthy veins to ingest Daflon? Does decreasing capillary permeability in case of healthy veins(someone who is healthy) affect it in a negative way? And if so, is it imperative that drug shouldn't be given unless we are 100% sure of the diseased state, so when given the drug, it'll return normal? And how can I know when the drug pharmacological effect can be turned into an adverse reaction?
Beta carotene 15 mg twice per day, and Daflon 500 and both failed to treat this rash.
Medical history:
Atrial Fibrillation
Allergy related to temperature changes
Bisoprolol 2.5 mg once per day
Cetirizine 5 mg once per day (Sometimes, to treat allergy related symptoms like shortness of breath)
Daflon 500 once per day (Hemorrhoids, and was given previously to treat this rash)
Multivitamin supplement from time to time
Age: 52
Gender: Female.
What is the diagnosis?
Cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events are the causes of more than 50% of deaths in developed countries. Atherosclerosis is a diffuse vascular disease, which may have a common mechanism of stenosis in both coronary and carotid arteries.
However, several reserches show that presence of plagues in carotid artery has low correlation with coronary artery disease.
I am interested in the oxidative stress response in ECs and I have noticed that after treatment with H2O2, cells are going into cell cycle arrest and are down-regulating DNA replication and repair mechanisms - is this a symptom of senescence? I'm not sure why they would go into arrest if not to repair DNA.
Hi all, does there any score system by DSA OR angiography to assess the CVT? Or standard to calculate the venous phase which indicate the venous flow is slow?
Plz provide references, thanks!
can anyone give me suggest what happen with this aorta?proliferation, hypertrophy, hyperplasia? i give it NaCl 8%
I have picture with 400x magnification in microscope of aorta with HE staining

plaque classification obejective
I am looking for How lungs have got an association with liver..what is the underlying mechanism that causes Intrapulmonary dilatations from portal hypertension????
I had a case of deep cervical artery anastomosis with occiptal artery because of internal carotid stenosis in the right side.
Have you ever seen a case like this?
Artur J. Rocha Lima, M.D.
Does diabetes contribute significantly in pathogenesis of vascular dementia or are those two diseases with separate pathophysiological processes?
1/ If they're linked, what are these links?
2/ Should cognitive assessment be preformed on regular check-ups for patients with diabetes mellitus?
3/ Since Alzheimier disease (AD) is also recognized as diabates mellitus type 3, is diabetes mellitus type 2 generating a pathophysiological process towards AD, vascular dementia or both?
4/ How does chronic glucose regulation affect cognitive performance and would some other substances rather than glucoregulation per se improve diabetic patients cognitive status?
5/ Why isn't cognitive performance reported more in studies involving diabetic patients?
Hoping to get some answers to these questions. Related recent literature is in links, but doesn't provide answers to these questions.
A 34 years old female presented with cyanosis and pain of the right hand. Her patient angiography has been shown in Figure 1.
What is your diagnosis ? and What can we manage this patient ?

I have a patient who has gross clubbing of fingers and toes, who is smoking cannabis for last 15 years, 10 cigarettes a day. He is underweight with BMI of 22.5. I also noted epigastric mid line hernia.
The choice of the more appropriate method of SFA recanalizazion represents a very interesting and actual topic. This is particularly relevant in claudicant patients. It is reasonable the use in these cases of a covered Stent ?
I'm specifically interested in whether anyone has observed differential expression of Nox1, 2, 4 and/or 5 in the endothelium at regions of disturbed shear, I.e at vessel branchpoints and bifurcations, compared to straight sections of the downstream vessel or the preceding feed artery. Also, comparisons between small and large vessels, and similar sized vessels from different beds.
Atheromatous plaques are commonly seen in the coronaries, carotids and aorta. Despite sharing the same risk factors only certain sites are predisposed. Even in the same individual, despite similar blood vessel size, hemodynamic stress and blood flow patterns, plaques are often unilateral and seem to spare vessels sharing similar stress.
Why this variation?
Pulse wave velocity is the best predictor of cardiovascular events. So why don't we use it in outpatient clinic? Can you support this idea? Are you ready to use it in your daily practice?
Dear all,
I am working on an experimental ex-vivo protocol that involves induction of hyperglycemia on Wistar rats. We have tried to incubate the aorta and mesenteric arteries for 3h or 4h in 25mM D glucose then we did the bioassay vasoactivity, but there was no endothelium dysfunction observed. Another protocol we tried 20h incubation in 25mM glucose in Krebs or DMEM medium then we did the bioassay vasoacitivity, but the vessels didnt relax at all after 20h. We use D glucose powder and Krebs 11mM glucose, DMEM with 10% FBS Penicilin / Streptomycin.
Any advice or reference would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance.
Phuong Nga
Would you advise against use of cortical or whole brain slices for in vitro I/R studies? Why?
Airborne particulate matters are the major air pollutants responsible for many cardio vascular diseases.
I want know how many genes for responding cardio vascular diseases, diagnosis and what are the genes expressed myocardial infarction and coronary artery disease can tell me whom are working these relevant working
The use of Avastin is justified if a surgery like AGV is planned to reduce intra-op bleeding, but in long term does it effect IOP?
Accumulating evidence suggests frequent consumption of select foods rich in certain flavonoids is important for optimal health
For examples; in hepatocellular carcinoma, it can be classified into 3 categories; small size below 3 cm. , intermediate size 3-5 cm. and large size >5cm.
they showed that Microvessel density (MVD) in small size is lower than intermediate size. on the other hands, the MVD in intermediate size is not larger than the large size.
Thanks you so much
In the last two years have been published about 5 original articles that describe the equation to calculate Apolipoprotein B from various other 2 - 3 - 4 lipid parameters. Does anyone have experience using the calculated Apo B in clinical practice or research?
In patients with exhausted upper limb options or subclavian vein stenosis is a HeRo device preferable to lower limb access
I am used to growing human primary bronchial smooth muscle cells in DMEM - high glucose medium + 10% FCS, which works very well. Now I am planning to start growing primary human vascular smooth muscle cells (e.g. coronary artery), but I am uncertain if I can use the same medium or need to switch to commercial smooth muscle cell medium . Does anybody have information on this? Thank you in advance.
Or, how and by which mechanism can hydrogen sulfide modulate endothelial dysfunction?
I want to stain for inflammatory markers in the endothelium and I have some times the problem that after mounting there are some kind of lipids or tissue on top which makes patchy the microscope view and difficult to get a complete view.

A lot of research is carried out in vitro and using rats but not a lot of literature on human studies.
The PVR related to resistance in both pulmonary artery and vein.
In peripheral interventions: Do you make any difference in use of antiplatelet therapy after bare metal stent / drug eluting stent / drug eluting balloon / covered stents? What is your regime like?
Estimating and quantification of the amount of wave reflection should provide a better understanding of the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and a better assessment of cardiovascular risk in patients with hypertension, arteriosclerosis or peripheral vascular diseases. But where are the reflection sites for arterial pressure waveforms? I need help with physiological explanations.
I would like to know if there is an established chronic hindlimb ischemic model in mice especially for new angiogenic / arteriogenic therapy. Since most researchers use an acute femoral artery ligation model in healthy mice, results from these studies are difficult to be translated to the clinical patients. Thus, there should be a consensus regarding a reliable model and reliable end-points that could be measured in a timely fashion in vivo (angiography, tissue perfusion, and molecular imaging). Are there any suggestions or comment?
They are both related to deep vein thrombosis,
I have been infusing rats with angiotensin II, which causes severe vasoconstriction and probably should induce systemic hypoxia. How could I prove my hypothesis? I’m looking for a molecule or something that I could determine by ELISA. Does someone have experience with systemic hypoxia and HIF expression in the body?