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Urban Transportation - Science topic
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Questions related to Urban Transportation
Could you recommend some articles on Urban Transportation System optimization and Innovation?
How to develop sustainable modern urban agglomerations according to the green smart city model with the application of Industry 4.0 technologies, including Big Data and artificial intelligence technologies, and in accordance with the concept of sustainable economic development, the principles of green economic transformation, circular economy, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, development of urban parks and other green areas, self-sufficiency in energy and food production, environmental and climate social responsibility, etc.?
An important attribute of a modern agglomeration developed in accordance with the green smart city model is also the consideration of low greenhouse gas emissions, minimization of energy and resource consumption, minimization of the agglomeration's negative impact on the environment, on the surrounding biosphere and climate. Accordingly, agglomerations developed according to the green smart city should also become increasingly low-emission, energy-intensive and more neutral to the planet's biosphere and climate.
Urban development taking place according to the green smart city concept should also take into account the sustainable economic development of the urban agglomeration, which takes into account the principles of green economic transformation, the circular economy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and maximizing the issue of self-sufficiency in energy and food production. In terms of achieving energy self-sufficiency, the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources can be helpful. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved not only through the development of renewable and zero-emission energy sources, but also by insulating the facades of existing buildings to reduce energy intensity, and through the development of means of transportation within the framework of public urban transportation, taking into account electromobility and hydrogen-powered transportation. On the other hand, achieving self-sufficiency in food production can be helped by vertical vegetable and fruit crops created in abandoned office buildings and factory halls, as well as in new multi-story buildings created specifically for this purpose.
In addition to this, an important issue in achieving zero-carbon cities is to take into account the carbon footprint of not only the built housing blocks, office buildings, market halls, shopping centers, factory halls, public administration and public service buildings, etc., but also the greenhouse gas emissions emitted during the construction of the said housing developments, buildings, office buildings, halls, etc. As a result, there will probably be more than once issues to be resolved regarding the choice of less-emitting options, in which one will have to choose either to revitalize, insulate the exterior façade, install photovoltaic panels, etc. on existing buildings, or rather to demolish them and build new ones in their place, in which more modern construction, energy and material technologies, etc. will be used, ensuring greater durability, lower emissions and energy efficiency or even zero-energy efficiency of the new buildings.
In order to reduce the negative impact of urban agglomeration on the biosphere, it is essential to build wastewater treatment plants for rivers leaving the cities, and to establish water purification systems for ponds, lakes and other water bodies located in the city area or its suburbs. In order to reduce emissions, improve air quality, increase humidity and reduce air temperature, it is essential to create additional urban parks and other green areas. In the situation of limited space that can be allocated for the creation of additional green areas, urban parks, flower meadows, etc., an optional solution is the creation of many so-called pocket parks, i.e. parks and other green areas occupying small areas, which were created after removing parts of previously too extensive created concrete sidewalks, asphalt roadways, paved with concrete cubes squares, etc.
In view of the above, sustainable, modern urban agglomerations developed according to the green smart city model with the application of Industry 4.0 technologies, including Big Data and artificial intelligence technologies, should also be developed in accordance with the concept of sustainable economic development, the principles of green economy transformation, circular economy, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, development of urban parks and other green areas, self-sufficiency in energy and food production, environmental and climate social responsibility, etc.
Key aspects of the negative effects of the progressive process of global warming and the associated necessary acceleration of the processes of green transformation of the economy in order to decarbonize the economy, slow down the process of global warming, protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems I described in the article:
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in my co-authored article:
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How to develop sustainable, modern urban agglomerations according to the green smart city model with the application of Industry 4.0 technologies, including Big Data and artificial intelligence technologies, and in accordance with the concept of sustainable economic development, the principles of green economy transformation, circular economy, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, development of urban parks and other green areas, self-sufficiency in energy and food production, environmental and climate social responsibility, etc.?
How to develop green smart city with the application of Industry 4.0 technologies and the concept of sustainable economic development?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

R4TLI 2023 extended abstract submission site is open.
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline – 30th April 2023
Submission Link:
The Sri Lanka Society of Transport and Logistics (SLSTL) is organizing the 8th International Conference on Research for Transport and Logistics Industry (R4TLI) 2023, which is scheduled to be held on the 26th of August 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka both onsite and virtually.
R4TLI is an initiative that endeavors to promote Research and Development in the Transport and Logistics Industry in Sri Lanka, and in the Asian region helping diagnose its current issues, experienced by the industry and identify potential improvements and sustainable solutions, based on scientific evidence. This annual research conference intends to build a platform for effective dialogue among academics and professionals in the fields, and for showcasing of research outputs and dissemination of new knowledge developed in this regard.
We encourage all of you, academics and professionals interested in the research and development of the transport and logistics industry to join us by submitting Extended Abstracts (the extended abstracts template is attached herewith) on your authentic research, in view of presenting them at the conference and subsequently publishing them in the R4TLI Proceedings. (For past proceedings visit “PUBLICATIONS” menu at
The selected Extended Abstracts will be invited to submit the full paper for the Journal of South Asian Logistics and Transport (JSALT) which is a peer-reviewed fully open-access Journal of the Sri Lanka Society of Transport and Logistics, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and published by SLJOL (
Many people live in urban agglomerations, in large or small towns or in the countryside.
If you function in a city, I address the following question to you:
Is zero-emission urban public transport communication being developed in your city?
If so, what kind of urban, public, accessible zero-emission transport modes are being developed?
Please reply,
Thank you very much,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

Through this question, we try to understand the interrelated and influential relationships of a mutual nature between three sectors:
Energy sector, urban transport sector and sustainable development
Hello, colleagues!
My name is Christiano Piccioni Toralles, I am a professor at the Inst. Fed. of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and student of the Doctoral Program in Spatial Planning at Un. Coimbra (Portugal), under the supervision of prof. Anabela Ribeiro. I'm here inviting volunteers to collaborate as an expert with my Ph.D. research on urban mobility, specially dedicated to walkability, in an inter/multimodal, inclusive, and participatory perspective.
The form link is found below. It starts with a brief explanation of the proposal and the Consent Form, then moving on to the questionnaire itself.
- Form in English: <>
- Form in Portuguese (if you prefer): <>
- At the beginning of the form, there are instructions for translating into other languages, if necessary.
Globally and mandatorily, this questionnaire has 222 questions with multiple choice answers, except for two open-ended questions (one for the name of your city and the last one for optional comments or suggestions), with an estimated duration of 30 minutes.
This research has as its target audience only professionals who work in urban planning, mainly dedicated to the theme of urban mobility, in public or private institutions, including academic-scientific. Planners, designers, researchers, and teachers are invited to respond. There are no restrictions about their professional qualification (for example, in Urban Planning, Architecture, Engineering, Geography, Public Health, Environmental Psychology, Tourism, Sociology, Anthropology, etc.), as long as they have some experience in the subject.
If you have any questions or would like to request further information, feel free to write on this forum. Or you can contact me by email: <>.
Thank you for your attention.
I am currently working on my research topic on “Safe Urban Mobility”. I mean by “Safe” which ensures no transmission the infections during transport journeys in the time of the pandemic (Covid-19), especially with the poor mobility choices.
After searching the literature, I got a few studies pointing to the topic.
You can view and discuss your perceptions on this topic.
I welcome all opinions.
The future of urban transportation lies in mobility-friendly networks in which cars are just one element shrinking one as we move from a system in which the personally owned vehicle is king and toward a multimodal future of on-demand driverless vehicles, ride-sharing, expanded public transit, greater reliance on human-powered transportation and other alternatives.
How can I master on such matter?
#Urban #Transportation #Multimodal #Future #lies #mobilityfriendly #networks #shrinking #vehicle #ridesharing #padroneggiare #futuro #multimodale #trasporto #urbano #Randieri #Intellisystem #IntellisystemTechnologies
In my opinion, the development of the necessary infrastructure and security stabilities is of key importance for the development of autonomous cars technology, so that the development of autonomous cars technology and the increase in the number of autonomous cars does not increase statistics on the number of road accidents.
In addition, the development of autonomous cars technology can be paralleled to the development of electromobility. For the development of electromobility and the number of used electric cars, it is also necessary to build the necessary infrastructure installed on roads, urban streets and interurban arteries of communication charging points for batteries into electricity.
In some countries there are active policies for the development of electromobility, under which the state from public finance funds pays extra to purchase an electric car and invests in projects to develop the necessary infrastructure for charging points in electricity. Other power plants are also being built as part of the development of renewable energy sources, because the development of electromobility is causing a significant increase in electricity demand. Unfortunately, this pro-ecological, active policy for the development of electromobility is carried out only in some countries.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What are the main determinants of the development of electromobility and autonomous cars technology?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes

Covid-19 is heavily impacting our lives and activities. Transport and mobility is also directly related to our daily lives and activities. Definitely there might be some innovations in transport sector due to Covid-19 or post-Covid pandemic. I am curious to know what could be the possible innovations in urban transport, particularly in developing country contexts.
“How to solve traffic congestion” and "why is it so congested" are questions usually asked by my friends, when I told them that I am a researcher focusing on transportation. It seems a very basic question but really difficult to answer in a short time.
In your opinion, what is the most effective way of solving/mitigating traffic congestion? Various and interesting points of view are expected. Thank you in advance!
Mobility is changing. New types of mobility concepts are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus mitigate climate change or to prevent the mobility sector from becoming overloaded. Individual mobility as we know it today will not exist in this form in the coming decades! In the literature, numerous concepts such as alternative drive concepts, ridehailing, ridepooling, car sharing, more attractive public transport, better cycling and walking infrastructure are listed for future mobility. What is missing are studies that prove the effectiveness, for example, in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions! Which concepts offer the highest potentials considering which parameters (acceptance, infrastructure, financing, etc.)? Which concepts offer the least? Do you know studies on this topic?
I have just published a paper in Transport Policy about the mediator role of satisfaction in public transport ( using data from the same survey in five cities (Madrid, Rome, Berlin, Lisbon and London). I have found that satisfaction exerts a complete mediator role between service quality and behavioral intentions in urban and metropolitan public transport services.
My personalized Share Link is,L-HRby6v (valid before Dec 27, 2020).
I would appreciate feedback from anybody that has compared both models (partial vs. full mediator) in the field of public transport or in any other fields?
I am relatively new to this field, my research interests are smart cities, shared mobility, transport service integration. We have data about CO, NO2, O3, PM10 from several cities. I would like to ask your opinion about
- what do you think are the most relevant research directions?
- what are the key questions of urban air pollution?
- what analysis methods should I review?
- how would you describe the most important goals of an air pollution / emission analysis?
I would be happy to read your opinions and related literature as well.
Thank you very much for your answer and suggestions!
Kind regards,
Simon NAGY
I am looking for a good book that can help me explore the road navigation systems. The key details i am looking for are;
- The scientific relationship between GPS Navigation and road safety.
- The History of Road Navigation Systems.
- What was the cause of this kind of innovation?
- Does the use of Navigation Systems increase road safety? How?
The questions above and more are the examples of the research questions I need to answer so I can gain some knowledge on GPS Navigation.
Dear researchers,
I am looking for information how Oslo is financing the development of sustainable city transport (any reports, strategies?) Moreover how urban transport is changing in terms of green mobility (qualitative and quantitative data). I will be grateful for your contribution
I`m working on "Evaluation of The Post-Earthquake Urban Transport Network Vulnerability" and i need to know about the literature review of earthquake (specially about urban internal path block).
I have run PCA for 3 years of data so by this I got factor scores for each item/subject for every year. Now, I need a single value to use in my model from three values.
Should i take average of factor scores or should i use a recent value? What is an appropriate way to use factor scores for transport delay data analysis?
The urban transport system is an example of artificial intelligence application, by identifying the correct position of each bus and subway, users can travel at the time needed for each trip, optimizing the costs and time of individual trips.
What are the best practices and innovations that AI can provide in a city?
I would like to learn more about the contract design of urban transport by bus that stimulate competition and better performance. Among the elements that I would like to learn more about are:
risk allocation; remuneration schemes; performance and quality indicators; contract lenght; award criterion
I am comparing two urban transportation policies / plans and through that the effort of Vienna and Barcelona in providing a ‚sustainable‘ urban mobility. Therefore, I’d appreciate any valuable literature, case studies regarding the method of comparing.
📷 European International Conference on Transforming Urban Systems (EICTUS-2019)
🔷 26-28 Jun 2019 Strasbourg (France)
✅ Introduction of the conference
With climate change, increasing world population, and new expected worldwide shares of fossil fuel energy resources, all cities will face to serious tensions in a very near future.
The EICTUS-2019 conference is proposed to bring together all the actors working on urban environment at international scale. The project aims to share experiences and create an international dynamic to find collective solutions to environmental and social problems that are arising progressively in many cities of the world.
✅ Major themes of the conference
📷 Sustainable cities
📷 Urban metabolism and sustainability
📷 Urban ecology and eco-services
📷 Urban land-use, development and planning
📷 Energy resources, sustainable urban energy productions and supplies
📷 Urban mobility, sustainable and innovative urban transport systems
📷 Urban pollutions (air, water, soil) and reduction strategies
📷 Urban risks, remediation and protection strategies
📷 Urban economy and cost-effectiveness strategies
📷 Other inter-disciplinary topics related to urban transition
The conference is proposed by the “Zone Atelier Environnementale Urbaine” (ZAEU) ( ZAEU is an interdisciplinary research network, part of the Zones Atelier (ZA) of the Institute of Ecology and Environment (INEE) of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France. It is also art of the Long-Term Ecosystem Research in Europe (eLTER, Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) is an essential component of world-wide efforts to better understand ecosystems. ZAEU is supported by the University of Strasbourg through the involvement of ~100 research scientists working in 13 research laboratories covering several fields and disciplines. It was built in connection with the Strasbourg city authorities, Strasbourg Eurometropole (EMS).
The main objective of ZAEU is to co-build common knowledge to face current and future environmental issues in a logical sustainable urban development. This co-understanding is based on a long-term observation of the processes and dynamics of the eco-social system. This involves understanding through the analysis of information collected, measured or simulated, the validation of these processes, the proposal of scenarios for the future, but also the exchange of information with local authorities to quickly applied results.
The accepted manuscripts will be published in conference proceedings. Other than the publication of conference proceedings, selected papers with extraordinary findings mainly about solutions to combat the environment problems at urban scale, will be published in form of a book for policy makers.
📷 Conference Website:
This question is aimed at solving the traffic problem of Pune City where we are trying to select one of the Public transport systems between BRTS and MRTS, which further will be analyzed and proposed at the completion of our Thesis study.
TIA comes with the legal background. Therefore it has been allowed normalize traffic level for all. But there are significant road segments that cannot allow the legal level.
If there any article journals related this please let me know. I like to make a framework for my study. therefore I need the base that other localities use.
Thank you,
Battery operated cars are really a sustainable solution for urban transport? What about the disposal of the dead cells of the battery after it's life?What to do with the e-waste of dead batteries?
I understand that TOD development can also promote to use the urban transport. I am also curious about creative urban space and related with automobile usages.
Parking facilities in Delhi need to be improved and I want to use VISSIM for this purpose. Is it practically possible to do using VISSIM 5.4.
As a part of my research on urban transportation, I am using System Dynamics as a tool. If anyone has experience in System Dynamics / Systems Thinking, software tools for System Dynamics or its application on transportation systems, please get in touch with me.
Main Purpose -
1. Make friends from same working background :)
2. I want to engage in discussions with a peer
3. Get some inputs on selecting suitable software package
Madhur Jain
Emission factor development
Vehicles operating at high altitude
Due to their noise would they be allowed only in special flight corridors? Could they hurt communities living under their corridors? Would it be an A-B transport (station to station) or based on the network of default connections? Would automation enable flights to everybody using autonomous air vehicles (AAVs)? How could ii impact suburbs and towns deeper inside regions?
The contradiction between supply and demand of parking is apparent in the downtown areas of metropolitan around the world. One of the most important reasons is that not all kinds of parking resources within the region have been applied fully. With the advent of shared economy, I wonder how can we tackle this thorny problem of parking by sharing the private parking lots. Are there some relevant research or materials of it? Thanks for your reply!
What are the sequenced steps of urban transportation planning process?
Hi guys
It's me again. Currently - I have been doing research about the airline self-service technologies. I am writing about how passengers perceive the SSTs and how can they change the passengers travel experience. I have found few gaps in Literature review - I have found that there is no a lot research about how passengers can be actually convinced to use the SSts or what type of passengers can be more likely keen to use SSTs.
I think these are good gaps that I could focus and base my primary research on but sometimes I feel these topics can be only used for my recommendations for future research... Is anyone of you have any suggestions? What exactly you mean by gap? Is there anything you feel it hasn't been discovered in the Self-service matter ?
Thanks in advance for your help xx
In what urban mobility scenarios ICTs can be harmful?
Is it viable to calculate the pollution only near bus terminals and across the red light crossings and on the basis of that predict the pollution of the whole city?
I'm interested in studying the statistical properties of pedestrian flow through subway systems (not within a single subway station, but through the subway system. I.e. from station A to station B, etc.) In particular, I want to fit a model to determine the distribution of paths people take through the subways.
Given a dataset of the topology of a subway system (which stations connect to which stations) and timeseries of how many people enter and exit each subway station for during each interval of time. I want to imagine this as a network where each node is a subway station with a decay rate to each of its neighboring stations.
I wrote a little more about my ideas on this problem in the included document and am hoping for some advice on how to approach this problem. I'm taking an introductory statistics course now and (this is independent of my course work) this is the first time I've had to imagine a model of my own and fit it.
I'm hoping for some advice from the experts here on how to approach this problem
I am working on trajectory mining and I am looking for mobility dataset of vehicles and neither those collected from smartphones nor taxi traces
Thank for any help in this topic
I have the information of 150 companies in terms of their location (latitude and longitude) throughout the UK.
I would like to identify the location for the waste collection centre for all of them, so it requires all of them to be clustered/grouped which will minimise the total travel distance. Each cluster may have their own waste collection centre.
How this clustering can be done? Maybe companies in 50km radius in one group, etc? Anyone can help me on this?
I am looking for the best alternative to realize urban last mile deliveries.
We are preparing a research about private vehicle ( Specially private car ec...) monioring system experiment and we are looking for researchers that have made something similar to exchange information
As New York has mapped the income levels along individual subway lines, earnings range from poverty to considerable wealth, namely income inequality exist obviously.
But how and when such inequality form along the time, i.g. before, in the middle and after the construction of metro? The procedure is rather complex, relating with the change of accessibility, spillover of land price and house price, agglomeration of economic activities, increase of commercial and housing investment, job attraction, etc.
Does this inequality has a spatial pattern? That is the spatial difference of the degree of inequality between the regions near to the metro and the ones slightly far away from the metro. And how does spatial pattern of income inequality evolve or change before, in the middle and after the construction of metro? Maybe the evolution of such income inequality will be impacted greatly by the density of metro, gentrification, sub-urbanization, urban renewal, built environment, etc.
As pure electric vehicles become widely used, it seems that it will replace the conventional vehicles (driven by combustion engine) in the future because of environment protecting and energy conservation advantages. However, one of the important disadvantages is that pure EV has limited driving range, ranging from 100-400km which is obviously less than that of conventional powered cars. Thus, drivers have to consider where and when the pure electric vehicles should recharge in order to ensure that it will not affect their daily traveling negatively, e.g. escort children, go to work, visit friend, go shopping, etc. And such consideration absolutely will further change their decision about their travel behaviors. But how this change will happen? What kinds of travel behavior will be affected mostly?
I am working on a research to look at the question of demand for BRT and how it is shaped by the urban environment (densities along the corridor, population characteristics, employment characteristics, etc.)
Postman is one who moves door-to-door and delivers mail (written communication) and small packets. Postman usually moves on foot or a bicycle (environmental friendly modes) considering the nature of movements associated with delivery of mail. However, the roles of postman is slowly changing over the period, during last decade or so, especially post development of communication facilities such as e-mail and resultant decline of hard copy mail. Today postman not only delivers mail (that for which there is an essential requirement of a hard copy) that is mostly flowing between individuals and business / government establishments but is also handling delivery of e-commerce goods and resultant collection of money (as part of cash-on-delivery). The origin of postman being post + man may over a period be replaced by courier or any other word considering the changing roles of the person termed postman. In this light ‘postman’ and ‘postmen’ may become obsolete words. The modes postmen use constitute active travel modes and are part of the overall sustainable transport modes which are gaining greater attention currently.
Therefore, can ‘postman’ and ‘postmen’ have a new avatar or meaning based on the modes postmen used or are using even today?
That is, the words ‘postman’ and ‘postmen’ can represent transport planners associated with the planning of modes used by postmen. This allows societies to remember, postmen who have served our communication needs for the past century plus, for longer duration in future. The reasons for which are the two words can be expanded as illustrated below.
POSTMEN - Planner(s) Of Sustainable Transport Modes caring Environmental Needs
POSTMAN - Planner(s) Of Sustainable Transport Modes And Networks
It is for a Macro (Synchro) and Microscopic (SimTraffic, CORSIM and/or Vissim) simulation that provides performance measures such as delay, throughput, capacity, air emissions and fuel consumption?
A "before and after" analysis is needed which may take months for a downtown study of 1 square mile. The funding will go to a transportation professional engineering consulting firm.
I am interested to learn and "play" with a group of students a "serious games" related to urban and transport planning. It would be very useful therefore to know some available examples and already usable to didactic purpose.
I am looking for scientists interested in studying trolleybus transport with special regard to its social and economical conditions. I am particularly focused on impact of electric public transport (for ex. trolleybus transport) on real estates prices. On the other hand I analyze effects of implementing innovative technologies and sustainable development policies on trolleybus transport.
I'm trying to raise a doctoral dissertation regarding the regional urban economy. and I'm looking lean on some empirically proven methodology that supports my proposal.
Transport system plays a role in the urbanization, which means the growth of cities are horizontally and vertically. But does this apply to small and medium-sized cities too? In some developing countries, cities do not have an urban transport systems, which means that the existing transport system is characterized by randomized, and many other factors plays a major role in urban transformations.
Does this mean that the relationship is between the planned transport systems and urbanization only?
Sustainable transport achievement bears on integration of modes. but the fragmentation of limited capacity modes in developing countries threatens urban transport sustainability. am thinking of possible, and economical (for the developing countries) frameworks for achieving transport sustainability through integration of modes.
The pedestrian flow line is one of the main factors affecting the efficiency of transiting, how can I design the lay out of subway stations based on the flow lines?
Hello everyone,
I am working on a typical problem of real-time data analysis/datamining of an urban transport system where i have following information
- Data about how many vehicles are part of the transport system with their last known location always updated as GPS coordinates.
- Data about different routes the buses may travel with a list of stops, their zone and their GPS coordinates. Worth mentioning that a stop can be part of more than one routes where buses going to different destinations may share some stops with other buses.
- Data about the journeys that have been travelled and more specifically the journeys that are being travelled right now in real-time. This contains information about the routes, stops and then actual arrival and departures times being reported. It also contains information about planned start/end time of the journey (based on planning) and actual start and end time for the whole journey. It also contains planned arrival and departures time for each stop that is/will be travelled by the bus.
Having all that data available, I need little creative thinking to suggest what different scenarios or problems that can be addressed using analysis/mining of this data. Like congestion detection, different types of congestion, scenarios for delays and emergency situations, resource planning, rerouting - anything you can think of will be helpful. Please share your ideas.
As you can imagine, daily urban densities changes during each 8 hr cycle 3 times; or each 12 hr cycle twice. Can you offer data source or information?
I’m looking for good practice example(s) of social responsibility policies and practices of a transport system company, in a major city of a developing country. Ideally, a company that runs an extensive network of busses, trains, trams, etc in a major city that is polluted, dirty, hard to live in, and riddled with corruption. I’d like to find examples of such companies and read about how they deal with such issues and what good practices they implement. Could you please point me to any such examples?
It's quite interesting to create some green and health paths in the city. Recently I have finding some precedent studies about shared space streets.
It can provide more opportunities for citizens, for example the new road In Brighton as the weblink below.
But i feel confused how to guarantee the safety of pedestrian in the shared space street?
how to find out if a new site is suitable to create a shared space street?
Any suggestions? Thank you!
I am interested in constructing and measuring suitable indicators that model safety perception in order to understand how safety perception influences transport choices.
Overnight delivery in large cities can be a problem for security reasons and/or because of a clash of interests among actors. For example, carriers prefer night deliveries because the huge traffic during the day, lack of unload areas, etc; while shippers prefer day deliveries to fulfil their customers’ requests. On the other hand, carriers have problem when the deliveries are in unsafe areas. Retailers prefer day deliveries because they would avoid extra costs with wages, for instance. In your opinion, which reasons (positive and negative) to/or not adoption overnight deliveries? Could you suggest me any research?
I search particullary about how we can evaluate this plans. Thanks
I mean of course some economic indicators.
I look forward to brainstorming.
Do you know any cases of congestion charging/pricing schemes in the global South? I have heard that New Delhi has been considering implementing one, and so has Beijing... but apart from several European cities and Singapore (where the idea came from, apparently), are there any other municipalities in Africa, Asia or South America that have played with this idea?
Thanks for your help!
I looking for cities/towns located in the global South (South America, Africa, ... but the list could include also China and India!) which have experimented (or at least considered) the introduction of free (= zero-fare) public transport.
Your help is much appreciated!
Hi everyone,
I would like ask a question about data analysis. I have two data sets about buses in an urban transport system.
Timestamp and Speed with GPS Coordinates.
How can I mine this data based on spatial coordinates and speed and use this to make short-term and long term-predictions about location, speed as well as using these as parameters to identify patterns for traffic bottlenecks, congestion etc before time.
I have attached two images to show an example of the data sets. Suggest me a tool as well if it can help.

In developing countries, demand aspects of public transit have received very limited attention as compared to the design and engineering aspects. Further, transport studies conducted in those countries are suffering from virtual lack of a database on urban transport statistics or project based or either very aggregate.
Given circumstances, there is a need on a simplified method to measure transit demand of public transit stops. This study suggested that network centrality measures tool is robust, dynamic planning tool that will offer promise for transport planning applications in Indian context.
I am working on genetic algorithm implementation of an optimization problem in Urban transportation planning. So, I need to know what are the parameter setting guidelines for genetic algorithm so that I can get better results and faster convergence.
The video attached explains why urban sprawl is not a good approach in America based on health, security and sustainable aspects.
I want to explore gender and transport in South Africa, in the province of KwaZulu - Natal. I observed women using transport which leaves them far away from their destinations and want to know their experiences as compared to their male counterparts. Can somebody help with the focus of this study. Is it doable? Any relevant literature?