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Urban Studies - Science topic
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The complex social-ecological dynamics of homelessness in natural resource management have become increasingly apparent in recent years. Systematically understanding and engaging with these dynamics across sectors, disciplines, and landscapes has presented a conceptual and methodological challenge for both practitioners and researchers. Though some...
Doutora em Serviço Social Docente do PROURB/FAU/UFRJ RESUMO Os novos desafios impostos pela atual conjuntura das cidades, em nível global, exigem reflexões e novas formas de pensar o espaço urbano. Após forte tradição modernista alheia à dimensão humana, torna-se essencial uma mudança de paradigma, com reorientação do pensamento urbanístico. O obje...
Ceasefire City: Militarism, Capitalism, and Urbanism in Dimapur by Dolly Kikon and Duncan McDuie-Ra offers a critical examination of urbanisation in Northeast India, a region often overlooked in mainstream urban studies. Through the concept of ‘frontier urbanism,’ the authors explore how militarism, capitalism, and urbanism intersect to shape Dimap...
Since the emergence of Edward Said’s seminal book “Orientalism,”
numerous studies have been conducted on various aspects of
Orientalism, including those in the field of Islamic urban studies.
A wave of critical review of orientalist’s widely accepted discourse
on Islamic cities transpired. Most recent scholarship on Orientalism
and its perception o...
Scholars have developed various schemas to evaluate the wealth and social status of Pompeian residents based on the architectural features of their homes. These analyses combine quantitative and qualitative assessments, often taking inspiration from modern urban studies and ancient Roman social theory. But there isn't a universally accepted scoring...
Street view imagery is extensively utilized in representation learning for urban visual environments, supporting various sustainable development tasks such as environmental perception and socio-economic assessment. However, it is challenging for existing image representations to specifically encode the dynamic urban environment (such as pedestrians...
The volume Urban Marginality, Racialisation, Interdependence: Learning from Eastern Europe is a collective endeavour of 21 researchers, artists and activists aiming to enrich the field of global urban studies from within, but also extending beyond, Eastern European cities. In this introduction we unpack some central concepts from which our collecti...
Against the backdrop of rapid global urbanization, studying the spatiotemporal evolution of cross-regional tourism corridors can effectively guide decision-making for sustainable tourism development. However, previous studies have overlooked the role of geographical space in the construction of tourism corridors, particularly the spatiotemporal cha...
Este ensaio teórico analisa as “macro e micropolíticas” das lutas urbanas reivindicativas e afirmativas na cidade de São Paulo, conforme Suely Rolnik (2018), com ênfase no período de redemocratização iniciado nos anos 1980. A análise centra-se na relação dessas lutas com os processos de produção e transformação das periferias, atualmente ressignifi...
El libro aborda la relación entre estudios urbanos y teoría del género, proponiendo un marco teórico que combina el post-estructuralismo y la crítica feminista al marxismo. A través de tres capítulos, se exploran cómo las jerarquías de género influyen en la producción del espacio público y cómo este se convierte en un discurso en constante construc...
This book critically analyzes the hidden political dimensions associated with the planning of Indonesia's new capital. Planning Indonesia’s New Capital City reveals the underlying agendas behind the Indonesian government’s decisive and rapid action, under the leadership of President Jokowi, to relocate the national capital amid precarious global po...
Urban studies research has increasingly focused on placemaking and place attachment in public open places. While several studies have explored how immigrants interact with these places, this study investigates how cultural differences affect immigrants’ place attachment, providing a deeper understanding of inclusive urban design. Semi-structured in...
La revista Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos celebra con este volumen cuatro décadas de publicación científica ininterrumpida. Desde su creación, en 1986, ha constituido un referente nacional y regional en los estudios demográficos, urbanos y ambientales, lo que constituye un testimonio de dedicación y esfuerzo colectivos que ha hecho posible constru...
Street View Imagery (SVI) has emerged as a valuable data form in urban studies, enabling new ways to map and sense urban environments. However, fundamental concerns regarding the representativeness, quality, and reliability of SVI remain underexplored, e.g. to what extent can cities be captured by such data and do data gaps result in bias. This res...
Standardisation, scarce spaces of encounter, and neglecting social identities when designing public spaces largely contribute to social discontent in neighbourhood upgrading processes. While discussions on intersectionality are mushrooming in urban studies, there is still a gap in understanding how this approach can be applied to public space desig...
This study explores the dynamics of urban green spaces in five major Indonesian cities—Central Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Semarang—using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and vegetation indices, such as NDVI and EVI. As major urban areas expand and become more densely populated, development activities have significantly altered urban gr...
The intersection of fractals, non-Euclidean geometry, spatial autocorrelation, and urban structure offers valuable theoretical and practical application insights, which echoes the overarching goal of this paper. Its research question asks about connections between graph theory adjacency matrix eigenfunctions and certain non-Euclidean grid systems;...
El crecimiento exacerbado de las periferias en América Latina a partir de la década de los setenta (a causa, principalmente, de los procesos de financiarización de la vivienda) es foco de discusiones teóricas y metodológicas en disciplinas como la geografía, la sociología o la antropología, por mencionar algunas; ello ha exigido nuevos acercamiento...
La globalización y el avance de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación han dado lugar a transformaciones en la estructura y la dinámica social de las áreas urbanas. Uno de estos cambios notables es el surgimiento de aplicaciones de entrega a domicilio y los fenómenos que han surgido como resultado de su uso. A pesar de que estas aplica...
There is renewed interest in conjunctural approaches within urban studies, human geography and beyond to help interpret the troubles of the political present. Moves have been made to specify and systematise a methodological remit for conjunctural analysis, yet there is a risk of losing the political impulse motivating such approaches. As such, this...
An in-depth interview is an effective and widely employed tool in qualitative research for collecting information. The research used an in-depth interview on urban planning and development. Different journal articles were thoroughly studied, and new knowledge was found. In-depth interview methodology was reviewed and applied in the context of data...
Understanding and achieving a deeper perception of urban environments as components of a city's structure in adaptation to psychological effects can create urban spaces with desirable environmental quality and citizens' mental health. A deep look at the studies conducted by conducting a systematic review will largely consolidate the domestic litera...
The study of impacts on and risks to citizens generated by climatic or environmental phenomena in urban settlements is made complex by the coexistence of events that can affect the risk assessment. In this work, a model for the assessment of impacts on and risks to the population generated by heatwaves in urban settlements in the presence of pandem...
Building type information is widely used in various fields, such as disaster management, urbanization studies, and population modelling. Few studies have been conducted on fine-grained building classification in rural areas using China’s Gaofen-7 (GF-7) high-resolution stereo mapping satellite data. In this study, we employed a two-stage method com...
This study explores residents’ opinions with the aim of understanding their perceptions of tourism in order to implement sustainable tourism practices in a medium-sized city such as Cáceres, which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS), in order to mitigate negative impacts such as gentrification and tensions. Using principal componen...
All over the world, urban communities face several pressures such as natural hazards, climate change, and other urban challenges. Yangon, the former capital city of the developing country, Myanmar also faces poor infrastructure and limited resources, complicating efforts to reduce risk, and increasing its vulnerability to various shocks and emergen...
This paper examines the evolution of urban vitality measurement, emphasizing the transformative impact of big data and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Traditionally assessed through direct observations and surveys, urban vitality measurement has shifted with the advent of these technologies, enabling the collection of vast amounts of urban d...
Corridors entail and promote pervasive logics of (dis)connectivity. Over the years, corridors have become increasingly predominant across a range of spaces, places and territories. Their prevalence reflects a critical global shift in planning approaches, urban-regional governance, investment trends, circulation regimes and broader urbanisation proc...
The relation between the urban diurnal and the urban nocturnal has been famously conceptualized with the metaphor of the night as frontier. Originally proposed by Murray Melbin in 1978, the phrase suggests that the nocturnal has been gradually colonized by the capitalist logics of the day. This article contributes to provincializing night studies b...
The book investigates urban development and governance in China and introduces China perspectives to the understanding of governing urban development in the 21st century.
Building upon a rich and burgeoning literature on China, the book explains major changes in governance, offers a well synthesised account of state-centred governance, and provides...
A colossal mosque, recently built by the current Islamic conservative government, now threateningly looms over Taksim Square where the memories of the Gezi Park protests silently mingle with the spirits of the Armenian cemetery lying beneath. The recent transformation of Istanbul's historically most contested urban space, once recognized as Christi...
The prevalences of and factors associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in urban and rural areas of Bali, Indonesia have not been published. In this cross-sectional study, we aimed to compare the prevalences of and factors associated with GERD in urban and rural Bali, Indonesia, in order to better inform efforts to manage these condit...
This article explores the socio-political function of mythical representations of urban space in Latin American literature. Based on an analysis of the first chapter of José María Arguedas’s Los ríos profundos (1958), I argue that myth is a narrative technology of collective memory that binds together a regional community through the practice of re...
Este artículo analiza la teoría de las catástrofes a
través de eventos sociohistóricos que generan
importantes transformaciones sociopolíticas,
económicas y territoriales. Busca precisar
la noción de catástrofe desde un enfoque
interdisciplinario, considerando aportes de la
sociología, la psicología social y los estudios
urbanos. Se aborda como cat...
Stadtforschung ist ein interdisziplinäres Forschen, dass kein eigenes Methodenset besitzt, wohl aber mit immer wieder ähnlichen Zugängen und Methoden Veränderung von städtischen Lebenswelten begegnet. Diese Zugänge und Methoden interdisziplinärer Stadtforschung beziehen sich oft auf gemeinsame historische Wurzeln sowie auf dieselben Raumtheorien. I...
This study explores the multifaceted historical and cultural significance of Chitpur Road, one of Kolkata's oldest thoroughfares, through Rishika Mukhopadhyay's narrative A Street in Memory from People Called Kolkata. Utilising theoretical frameworks from allegory, spatial theory, and urban studies, this research examines how Mukhopadhyay intertwin...
This book chapter compares the potential of text-to-image generative AI tools to realize urban portraits that are described through literary creation. Stable Diffusion XL Turbo, Midjourney V6 and DALL-E 3 (through the Microsoft Designer Image Creator and OpenAI, GPT-4) — in this case, written descriptions turned to visual— for five fictional cities...
Este artículo analiza la teoría de las catástrofes a través de eventos sociohistóricos que generan importantes transformaciones sociopolíticas, económicas y territoriales. Busca precisar la noción de catástrofe desde un enfoque interdisciplinario, considerando aportes de la sociología, la psicología social y los estudios urbanos. Se aborda como cat...
La ciudad es un inmenso laboratorio de enseñanzas, que van desde el propio
ámbito de los estudios urbanos a la arquitectura y el arte, aspectos socioeconómicos,
relaciones humanas o historia. A lo largo de este capítulo, se busca demostrar el
potencial de los itinerarios didácticos para entrenar la mirada de los estudiantes y el
público general en...
O presente artigo busca refletir sobre produção de conhecimento e o Serviço Social a partir da experiência de trabalho do Laboratório de Estudos Urbanos e Socioambientais (LEUS), grupo de pesquisa do Departamento de Serviço Social da PUC-Rio. O LEUS privilegia uma abordagem multidisciplinar em seus projetos de pesquisa/extensão sobre espaços perifé...
The rapid increase in urbanization has led to a concentration of population and buildings, resulting in reduced green spaces and disrupted ecological balance. This trend negatively affects the well-being and quality of life in cities. Designing green spaces according to planning standards and protecting these areas is crucial for the sustainability...
The spatial arrangement of taxi hotspots indicates their inherent distribution relationships, reflecting their spatial organization structure, and has received attention in urban studies. Previous studies have primarily explored large-scale hotspots through visual analysis or simple indices, which typically spans hundreds or even thousands of meter...
This article reveals the role of Surabaya environmental cadre group participation in solving the waste problem in the city of Surabaya. Author want to find out the role of environmental cadres in responding to environmental conditions and city government policies regarding waste and unhealthy environments. The research method is a qualitative appro...
Vivemos um processo trans global de instabilidade que afeta diversas áreas da vivência e da ação social e humana e não-humana. Assim, ao pensarmos numa dinâmica de desconstrução da época do Antropoceno estamos, na verdade, a favorecer um entendimento mais abrangente em torno de processos de (re)construção identitários individuais e coletivos, inclu...
Although a retrospective analysis of maps of the territory of the city of Khabarovsk and its immediate environs shows quite characteristic signs of the presence of an urban agglomeration in the middle of the last century (a core city surrounded by satellites), this agglomeration turned out to be "hidden" for many Soviet and modern Russian researche...
During the recent decade, scholars from different disciplines have discussed social sustainability within urban studies from both academic and policy perspectives. This paper aims to review the current literature and characterize definitions and trends related to social sustainability consideration of various urban units. The methodology used in th...
Historically, waterfronts developments have undergone various stages of development initiatives and become the most challenging tasks for planners and urban designers nowdays. It reflected a dynamic natural resources with special characteristics and regarded as the most important factors that influence the growth and image of the cities and had a s...
Oriol Nel·lo es un destacado geógrafo y experto en estudios urbanos y ordenación del territorio, cuya trayectoria ha dejado una marca significativa en estas áreas. Formado en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, donde obtuvo su Doctorado en Geografía, y en la prestigiosa Johns Hopkins University, donde completó una Maestría en Asuntos Internaciona...
In the context of rapidly increasing global urbanization, studying urban landscape effects on wildlife is crucial for informing biodiversity conservation in cities. Small mammals are inextricably linked to their environment and respond swiftly to habitat alterations. Yet, the response of small mammals to urbanization in the Afro-tropics is rarely i...
This chapter provides an overview of the urban turn in the social sciences and humanities in Indonesia, and how it has been influenced by and contributing to the currents of thoughts in postcolonial urban studies. It outlines the mission of the research program represented by the book that is to contribute from the perspective of humanities to the...
Street view imagery (SVI) has been instrumental in many studies in the past decade to understand and characterize street features and the built environment. Researchers across a variety of domains, such as transportation, health, architecture, human perception, and infrastructure have employed different methods to analyze SVI. However, these applic...
The concentration of activities and public facilities in the Klaten Urban Area has led to an increased demand for land, while land availability is limited. This condition creates the potential for rising land prices and influences land use changes in urban area development. The research method used a quantitative approach with combined data. The ap...
The paper discusses the utilization of digital maps and an encyclopedia platform, hosted by the Center for Urban History in Lviv, to delve into the history of artistic milieus and practices within the spatial context of Lviv during the late 1980s. The digital project’s objective was to present the lives and artistic practices of alternative artists...
The paper examines street naming practices in contemporary Ukraine, focusing on the complexity and cultural significance of toponymic changes. In the wake of the Revolution of Dignity and the Russo-Ukrainian War, decommunization gained momentum, changing the names of streets from the Soviet period. The study employs a qualitative approach, is based...
We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners from theology, urban studies, environmental science, and technology fields to submit chapters for the "Urban Ecotheology in the Age of Technology" book. Contributions should provide innovative insights that can inform both theoretical understanding and practical applications in addressing the compl...
O avanço da financeirização requer uma atualização dos modos de entendimento das relações entre capitalismo e produção do espaço, tendo a urbanização periférica como eixo fundamental de análise. O artigo parte da centralidade do capital industrial na literatura dos estudos urbanos, apontando para a necessidade de atualização teórica para o tempo pr...
The development of smart cities has consistently drawn the attention of governments, academia, and citizens, especially amid rapid urbanization. As a result, evaluating smart city performance has become increasingly important in urban studies. Such evaluations are crucial for assessing current initiatives and guiding future development. However, th...
Esta entrevista foi realizada com Margareth da Silva Pereira (MP) e Romão Veriano da Silva Pereira (VP) em 12 de outubro de 2023, no Rio de Janeiro, por Mario Luís Carneiro Pinto de Magalhães (MM) e Elane Ribeiro Peixoto (EP). Contou com a participação inestimável de Leandro de Sousa Cruz e Ana Flávia Rêgo Mota, que fizeram o árduo trabalho de tran...
As melhorias habitacionais envolvem intervenções nas moradias e em seus arredores para garantir condições mínimas de habitabilidade, segurança, saúde humana e ambiental, e dignidade. Nesse sentido, este artigo tem como objetivos (i) identificar as relações entre as melhorias habitacionais e os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), assim c...
The process of peri-urbanization in the context of globalization has become a global phenomenon. Taking Budapest as a case study, this study aims to develop a breakpoint clustering method that combines breakpoint method and spatial clustering to identify peri-urban areas (PUAs). Landscape metrics were used to analyze the structure and characteristi...
Housing improvements involve interventions in homes and their surroundings to ensure minimum conditions of habitability, safety, human and environmental health, and dignity. This article aims (i) to identify the relationships between housing improvements and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as (ii) to present a methodological appro...
p>This paper investigates how the interplay of different actors has shaped the arrival of newcomers in the city of Palermo in Southern Italy. The recent debate on arrival infrastructures is currently developing in central Europe, where arrival has been experienced as part of the so-called reception crises starting from 2013-15. Within this framewor...
p>In recent years, scholars in migration, urban studies and urban planning have increasingly focused on the diversity of arrival processes experienced by international newcomers and the variety of spatial settings they involve. Current research on arrival infrastructures focuses on both place-based opportunity structures and newcomers’ agency in sh...
Urban building height, as a fundamental 3D urban structural feature, has far-reaching applications. However, creating readily available datasets of recent urban building heights with fine spatial resolutions and global coverage remains a challenging task. Here, we provide a 150-m global urban building heights dataset around 2020 by combining the sp...
Land use and land cover (LULC) dynamics have a substantial impact on human–environment interactions. Nowadays, remote sensing imagery has emerged as a useful tool for mapping and tracking LULC changes. Spectral optical indices derived from remote sensing data can provide insightful information about vegetation health, urban expansion, water bodies,...
Rapid socioeconomic development has congregated urban dwellers in various communities, and it remains unclear whether raising income has brought greater happiness or well-being in China. The study aims to validate the Multi-dimensional Community Well-being Scale (MCWS) in the context of Chinese metropolitan areas.
Multistage str...
The need to enrich the semantic completeness of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data is crucial for its effective use in geographic information systems and urban studies. Addressing this challenge, our research introduces a novel hierarchical feature augmentation approach to developing machine learning classifiers by the features retrieved from various levels...
La maggior parte degli studi urbani si occupa di “città” senza distinguere tra città di medie dimensioni e grandi città o metropoli. Tale differenziazione, tuttavia, si è sviluppata a partire dall'inizio del XX secolo e ha prodotto due tipi distinti di insediamento urbano. Esistono molte contaminazioni culturali tra loro, ma anche profonde differen...
This article addresses the application of information and communication technologies in the development of smart cities with a focus on urban planning. With rapid urban growth, significant challenges arise, such as the need for efficient infrastructure, quality public services, and environmental sustainability. Smart cities aim to tackle these chal...
RESUMO: Historicamente os mapas têm sido utilizados não apenas para representação do espaço geográfico, mas como instrumento valioso no planejamento de cidades, muitas vezes ignorando a complexidade das dinâmicas sócio-espaciais de forma a atender interesses hegemônicos. Entendendo o mapa como construído socialmente imbuído de poder, e não apenas c...
Das Ziel ist der Weg – Monitoring der Nürnberger SDG-Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren
Seit zwei Jahrzehnten verfolgt Nürnberg ein Nachhaltigkeitsmonitoring auf Basis verschiedener Indikatoren, um lokale Entwicklungen messbar und transparent zu machen. Das auf die globalen SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) abgestimmte Indikatorensystem wurde nun mit F...
Estudos Urbanos e das Cidades: debates e reflexões" é uma leitura essencial para acadêmicos, planejadores urbanos, gestores públicos e qualquer pessoa interessada em compreender as cidades de maneira crítica e aprofundada. A obra transcende os casos específicos de Palmas e Porto Nacional, oferecendo insights valiosos para refletir sobre os desafios...
Als Stadtforschende sind unsere methodischen Zugänge die Werkzeuge um Urbanes
sichtbar, verständlich und analysierbar zu machen. Aus der Vielzahl an methodischem Werkzeug
lässt sich der Vergleich als übergeordnete methodologische Herangehensweise beschreiben,
die mit verschiedenen Methoden vereinbar ist. Die hier vorgestellten komparativen Vorgehen...
Urban elements influence atmospheric flow, turbulence, and the local microclimate, modifying the transport and composition of pollutants. However, although this focus on cities is crucial for managing climate change, our knowledge of most cities in the world is still quite limited. Thus, the classification of Local Climate Zones (LCZs) aims to incr...
The primary aim of this paper is to thoroughly define the dialectical structure of the theory of rhythmanalysis, while at the same time providing a clear and detailed framework for the method it entails. To achieve this, the paper seeks to establish a useful link between Henri Lefebvre's theory of rhythmanalysis and its practical reflections in the...
Degrowth is coming of age, and its analysis of what can be called degrowth spatial politics is advancing rapidly. In this article, we attempt to unravel the history of spatial thought in the degrowth literature to reveal its tendencies, tipping points, and blank spots. We argue that the more recent degrowth spatial literature overly focuses on the...
his research explores the portrayal of traditional urban culture in Yogyakarta through the narrative found in the song 'Sesuatu di Jogja,' narrated by Adhitya Sofyan. The song is believed to carry profound meaning in representing the traditional urban culture of the Yogyakarta region in urban studies in Indonesia. This study will employ textual ana...
Der Beitrag stellt die vielfältigen methodischen und forschungspraktischen Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Mixed Methods in der Stadt- und Wohnungsforschung in den
Mittelpunkt. Zu Beginn geben wir einen Überblick über Methoden und Zugänge in den Sozialwissenschaften im Allgemeinen und der Stadt- bzw. Wohnungsforschung im Spezifischen. Anschlie...
Hitzeanpassung in urbanen Gebäude- und Siedlungsstrukturen unter Beteiligung verschiedener Akteursgruppen – wie die Kommune, Wohnungswirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft – erfolgreich umzusetzen, war ein Ziel des vom BMBF geförderten Verbundforschungsprojekts „HeatResilientCity II“. Dabei ging es vorrangig darum, die kommunale Klimaresilienz und gesund...
Resumo Para além da dimensão espacial do urbano, entendida como uma escala onde ocorrem fenômenos sociais e políticos, a literatura tem dado importância às suas especificidades, sobretudo em relação aos processos decisórios de políticas públicas nas cidades. Desta forma, a política urbana tende a ser mais abordada no âmbito da urbanização, sendo po...
Bumble bees are essential pollinators that provide critical ecosystem services yet, studies are documenting global species declines while recognizing those declines may be understated due to insufficient baseline data. This study investigates bumble bee species richness and abundance across urban and natural sites in Prince Edward Island, Canada, f...
Urban farming has gained significant recognition and interest in less developed countries as it has the potential to address challenges linked to rapid urbanization, unemployment, and food insecurity. This study aimed to determine the drivers of market participation and the level of market participation among smallholder urban vegetable farmers in...