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Urban Studies - Science topic

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Questions related to Urban Studies
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
1 answer
Hello, dear colleagues.
I'm trying to submit for review a paper about the production of peripheries in metropolitan areas (based on the conceptual framework of Henri Lefebvre), using film analysis as a qualitativa methodology. However, I already submitted it to four journals (Urbe, ACME, City & Society and Bulletin of Latin American Research) and in all of them the article got classified as out of the scope of the journal, so I didn't get a review at all from them.
Do you have any suggestion for a impactful journal that would accept work like this? Preferably a Geography or Urban Studies journal, but a film studies one would also be helpful.
Thanks already for you help,
Rodrigo S. Bogo
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Some of the journals where you can try are: Athens Journal of Architecture, Cities (Elsevier), European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, alphavillejournal you can find here @, Urban Planning Open Access Journal
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
2 answers
Dear all,
I am writing to confirm the details of the upcoming "International Conference on Urban Studies and Planning (ICUSP-2024)." Specifically, I would like to verify the following information: Conference Dates: August 27th - 28th, 2024 Venue: Hotel Newv, Seoul, South Korea
website: In the official website, it is declared “in association with Scopus, SCIE and WOS”.
Could you please confirm if this is a predatory conference?
Best Regards,
Jyun-Kai Liang
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Forget this one. First of all, their remark “in association with Scopus, SCIE and WoS is sheer nonsense. This is not how it works, what can happen is that a journal might be willing to publish (a selection) of conference papers (transformed to regular research papers or reviews) and when this journal happens to be indexed in Scopus then you might claim: your paper will be indexed in Scopus or something like this). Furthermore, if you click on the ‘journal’ link (scroll to above) you find numerous problematic journals, like:
- Journal of Electrical Systems, too long story why but this journal is no longer trustworthy (just look at 2024 and see the staggering increase of (unrelated) papers) and their claim to be memner of DOAJ is fake
-Journal of Namibian Studies see my reply of July 27th, 2023, here
So, just based on these serious red flags I would say: avoid.
Best regards.
PS. It is a remarkably similar list as found for another fake conference
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
2 answers
Dear Researchers,
I hope this message finds you well. I am currently delving into the concepts of "space of economy" and "place of economy," particularly in the context of economic geography, regional economics, and urban studies. I'm interested in exploring the nuanced differences between these two terms and their implications for understanding the spatial distribution of economic activities.
Best Regard.
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  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
2 answers
I am interested in complexity science and want to apply it to solving city problems, such as heavy pollution and the massive need for electricity, water, and food.
I am looking for a Ph.D. program where I can study this topic and learn more about complexity studies or urban studies.
I guess that asking on Research Gate might be a good idea?
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Dear Dr. Ewe,
I do agree with Dr. Maru that, The application. of complexity, and science to urban problems is valid for multi-disciplinary teams. Complex systems offer a nice in-depth perspective by looking at modern civilization's pressing issues facing modern civilization from unique angles. It fills the gap between societal information and actual knowledge, as well as basic models of complicated systems. Throughout the studies, we conduct, emerging characteristics like robustness, critical transitions, and predictability are crucial.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
I want to study the behavior of children in urban spaces to find the factors affecting their creativity. As an urban planner, how can I use artificial intelligence for this? For example, is it useful to process images of urban spaces with artificial intelligence, if so, how should I do this?
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AI can help deeply integrate sustainable strategies into the urban environment with real time information. AI can help urban planners decide routes that help with larger traffic management, equitable public transportation, smarter utilities with better efficiency.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
14 answers
I am working in the field of social sustainability research. I am struggling to find the theories used in Social Sustainability. Actually, for the development of the theoretical framework of my thesis, I need a theory that explains social sustainability and its themes, for example, Health, Transportation availability, Satisfied with Space, Open Space, and so on.
Would you please help me to provide the information about which theory can explain social sustainability and its themes?
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Many Thanks Khaled Mahmoud Heba
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
Hello, I have been working with gender issues in urban studies and I am looking for studies that have used photographic activities as a methodological tool with older women.
Thank you in advance!
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Hi Thais,
I'm fascinated by your research as I am also considering to do digital/ photography ethnography for my future research on women's entrepreneurship in poverty contexts. Have you read Sarah Pink and colleague's work on digital ethbography? You may find some inspirations there.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
6 answers
As I know, so far there has't been the attempt to combine those issues, but I'm not sure. Could be an interesting research item for urban studies
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In Poland prof. Śleszyński led such research.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
18 answers
Hello, colleagues!
My name is Christiano Piccioni Toralles, I am a professor at the Inst. Fed. of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and student of the Doctoral Program in Spatial Planning at Un. Coimbra (Portugal), under the supervision of prof. Anabela Ribeiro. I'm here inviting volunteers to collaborate as an expert with my Ph.D. research on urban mobility, specially dedicated to walkability, in an inter/multimodal, inclusive, and participatory perspective.
The form link is found below. It starts with a brief explanation of the proposal and the Consent Form, then moving on to the questionnaire itself.
Globally and mandatorily, this questionnaire has 222 questions with multiple choice answers, except for two open-ended questions (one for the name of your city and the last one for optional comments or suggestions), with an estimated duration of 30 minutes.
This research has as its target audience only professionals who work in urban planning, mainly dedicated to the theme of urban mobility, in public or private institutions, including academic-scientific. Planners, designers, researchers, and teachers are invited to respond. There are no restrictions about their professional qualification (for example, in Urban Planning, Architecture, Engineering, Geography, Public Health, Environmental Psychology, Tourism, Sociology, Anthropology, etc.), as long as they have some experience in the subject.
If you have any questions or would like to request further information, feel free to write on this forum. Or you can contact me by email: <>.
Thank you for your attention.
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Walkabity has to have some real numerical basis, otherwise its just wasted words.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
7 answers
What is your suggestion for analyzing social networks in urban studies? Have you experienced such research? How should such an analysis be started?
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  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
12 answers
In urban studies as related to forestry and competing landscape studies, identification of relationship that exist among these urban studies
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  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
18 answers
Respected sir/mam,
I want to simulate the urban expansion using different time series LULC based on satellite image. please suggest me most suitable model for urban simulation.
Thanks and regards.
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  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
A relação entre o ruido urbano e a forma como os diversos atores sociais com ele se relacionam tem vindo a ser negligenciada dentro do seio académico (em especial dentro de áreas como a sociologia, antropologia e estudos urbanos). Por certo que, dentro do horizonte das ideias, ligada a uma relação bilateral entre as paisagens socialmente construidas e a evolução das cidades, existem algumas produções (como a de Carlos Fortuna; Augoyard e Torgue; Halligan e Hegarty; entre outros), mas ainda existe alguma falta no sentido da normalização (ou naturalização de G. Simmel) entre os sons e o meio urbano.
Assim, gostaria de perguntar se, dentro dos constrangimentos que a globalização permite, conhecem mais produções dentro desta área?
Obrigado pelo tempo.
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One of the rights of a citizen is his peace of mind. Lack of responsibility for this issue leads to lack of concentration, aggression and ultimately mental disorders of citizens. This is stated in Article 6 of the Charter of Citizenship Rights: Citizens have the right to participate in the performance of legal responsibilities and to provide the necessary financial resources, clean air, public green space and parks, clean and waste-free passages and a city without pollution. Have audio and ecology.
The main sources of urban noise pollution include factories, construction works, noises from the air conditioning system and noises from transportation (aircraft engine noises, car horns). Noise inside the home, such as the sound of televisions and vacuum cleaners, is also important.
Different sound levels based on the distance of each noise source.
Below are some frequently heard sounds with their approximate decibel levels at the same distance from the noise source. As you can see in the table below, it is defined in terms of "dB (A)" when the measurement is made on an "A" scale to simulate human hearing.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
6 answers
I use Michael Pascione's book which is OK but looking for some other source for master students
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Dear Joseph
The City Reader by Richard T. LeGates, Frederic Stout (Routledge, 1996, multiple reeditions) is a very good start. Of course you should also consider Leonardo Benevolo, Françoise Choay. And Urban and Regional Planning by Peter Hall, Mark Tewdwr-Jones (Taylor & Francis)
You should also invite students to read in other languages. For example: Bernardo Secchi, Prima lezione di urbanistica (Laterza)
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
5 answers
Please as an expert in urban studies choose one of these levels of degree to identify:
1= Strongly Disagree,
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree,
5 = Strongly agree
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2 = Disagree
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
How do we really measure environmental perception? And how do we measure relationship of environmental perception and associated behavior? What are the most prominent theories. It would be very helpful if some categorical answers are provided. Thanks in advance.
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Use real time study and measure the actual data.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
Social Innovation courses are often declined in a way that is often attached to social entrepreneurship or design methods (i.e. theory of change). Can you suggest any material on how to draw a course for MSc students combining social innovation theories/methodologies with territorial development policy and/or urban studies?
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I am currently teaching social innovation to Master's student currently. If you are interested I could share with you the syllabus.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
8 answers
Different transportation, land-use, environmental, and other corresponding planners propose their work for new city urban plans in order to address the existing problems by identifying the major gaps they had. The existing land-use was following bad planning principles and it is already a failed plan. When planners integrate their proposed spatial plan to existing land use, they will have a real challenge in aligning. So, as a planner, what would be your choice to align the proposal you have with the existing land-use?
  1. Shall i follow the standard plan i have and remove the existing unplanned land-uses( NB: the compensation cost may be too large) ? or
  2. Shall i accept the existing situation as it is and compromise the planning standards?
What is your suggestion?
Any help is appreciated very much.
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From a southern perspective, I will go for option 2. Like @Luis Fernando indicated, we need to rethink our understanding of city making especially in the global south. Obviously the city is being shaped largely by the people as opposed to 'our plans' - let's plan from the peoples perspective (inclusive, participatory planning). Miraftab's piece on 'insurgent planning' will offer you a clearer insight of my point of departure. Hope this helps
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
I'm looking for a reliable and updated database that has information on European cities. The more topics are covered the best, but mainly I'm looking for the one connected to mitigation and adaptation to climate change (Population, Environment, Energy, Transportation, etc..).
The EPSON 2013 database was a great project, but it looks like it hasn't been updated since 2013. Therefore, data is at least 6 years old. On certain topics (plans, energy, emissions) this is too much for my research.
So, which portal do you use to retreive updated data on European cities?
Thanks and best regards
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You can find what you are looking for in the urban development publications on the website of the Research Center of the University of Stuttgart.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
My impression is that the theory behind urban policy mobilities is very well grounded and when reading a paper contributing to this literature stream the theoretical part usually appears to be very strong and important for the paper. Then again, I sometimes I feel that for scholars working on urban policy mobilities the methodology and the empirical research are less important than the theory. Does this observation make sense?
The most popular research methods seem to be expert interviews and document analysis but what I couldn’t find yet was some sort of guidelines on how to empirically study urban policy mobilities. It would be even better if there was an assessment framework for the analysis analysis of (urban) policy mobilities? I would be most grateful if somebody could recommend some specific literature on that.
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Here in Brazil, Costa (2008) created a Sustainable Urban Mobility Index (IMUS), which is a survey based on some areas, such as: accessibility, environmental aspects, social aspects, political systems, transport infrastructure, -Motorized, integrated planning, traffic and urban circulation, urban transport system. The document is in Portuguese, but for this we have Google Translate.
Fábio Matos.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
5 answers
I am looking for tools for collecting and interpreting data in the framwork of a content analysis on urban regeneration in margilalized areas.
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Content analysis is a research technique used to make replicable and valid inferences by interpreting and coding textual material. By systematically evaluating texts (e.g., documents, oral communication, and graphics), qualitative data can be converted into quantitative data.
Therefore, Use these tools as:
*URBAN GEOmatics
* Step-by-step narrative guide and the iterative approach
*since content analysis is relatively weak as compared to grounded theory or hermeneutic phenomenology, substantiate content analysis with thematic analysis and descriptive phenomenology
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
24 answers
I'd like some short opinion, or if possible, some literature recommendation.
Also, the discussion about this matter is welcome.
Concerning Sustainable Development Goals: It's an important commitment of leaders signed in 2015, the aim is to renew the millenium development Goals of United Nations. For more details, see:
#UrbanPlanning #SocialAppliedSciences #UrbanStudies #SustainableDevelopment #SDGs #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #Cities #City #MasterPlan #LandUsePolicy #LandUsePlanning (...)
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I definitely believe that SD goals can be a guide for achieving good urban planning. See especially No. 11 of UN S goal for 2030 -"Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable" which recommends 7 objectives for sustainable urbanism. International Standards Organisation (ISO) is also working for the 17 UN goals by preparing standards for city development@ : Health standards, Climate action, Sustainable urbanism and cities are the first 3 standards in line with the said goals.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
1 answer
Dear Colleagues,
We are scholars and researchers from the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University in Cairo. We placed and sending our inviting call for editors affiliated to institutions in Europe, Asia, and Latin and Northern America and Africa specialized in architecture and urban studies to join the editorial board of our forthcoming journal. We plan to have our journal indexed in Scopus, WoS and CrossRef. 
If you are interested, please send us your information via the link
We are very much looking forward to fruitful cooperation with you!
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Dear Dr. Abeer Elshater
It will be great if there is a full description on the scope and aim of the journal if available.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
2 answers
I need a list of blockwise codes used by NSSO in the survey for sampling of households in urban area.
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Hello all,
I came across two very interesting web pages for NSSO Data.
I had queries on nsso extraction, weights and analysis with linking UFS blocks to unit level data to which both have helped.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
I'm evaluating the possibility of a PhD in Urban Future Studies. So I'm looking for academics, literature and programs that work along these areas:
  • Urban Future Studies
  • Systems Thinking on urban studies
  • Future Urban Material Flows
  • Sci-fi and Urbanism
  • Civilization and the city - Future perspective
  • Future Urban-Human-Material interactions and the Environment
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I think ETH has the best programs in these areas.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
Historical institutionalism seems a very good fit with urban studies and planning history, but only a few researchers have explicitly developed this approach, particularly at local governance scales. Most of the HI literature in political science focuses on national government policies. I have contributed to this scholarship myself, and I am interested in finding and learning from other scholars who are developing this approach. Any suggestions are welcome.
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Thanks, it looks interesting.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
7 answers
Urban planning studies are increasingly drawing on the science and technology studies (STS) to examine the relationship among technological artifacts, social practices, and agency. How the STS approaches can contribute to retrofit research and practice?
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المدينة (البيئة الحضرية )...هي كائن معقد فيه جوانب اجتماعية واقتصادية وثقافية وحضارية وعمرانيةمعقدة ومتفاعلة ببعضها البعض .............وكل هذه الجوانب بحاجة الى مزيد من التخطيط الحضري ........وبحاجة الى منجزات كل العلوم الاخرى لحل مشاكل البيئة الحضرية ...........فعلى سبيل المثال عند تطبيق مبادئ المدن الذكية بحاجة الى قاعدة بيانات تفصيلية وتتحدث بشكل اةتماتيكي وفق برامج معدة لهذا الغرض ....وهذا يعني يجب ان يكون لدينا حكومة الكترونية وسكان لديهم خبرة في مجال الاتصالات فضلا عن بنية الكترونية في كل القطاعات الخدمية والاقتصادية والنقل والامن وووو....الخ حتى يتمكن المخطط الحضري ان يقوم بوضع اسسى لمدينة ذكية ....اي انها تبدا بحل مشاكلها بنفسها.......
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
Dear Researchers
i hope its all fine. i am conducting the household survey for my doctoral study and my area is urban studies. i am interested to know what should be the optimal size of household survey considering the population of the city is 20 million (Karachi). please do let me the universal principle to justify the sample size.
kindest regards
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The number of participants can not be 1% here for so large population size. You may take maximum number of participants as per your capacity.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
6 answers
I know Madrid and my research is about the city and urban renovation to apply in neighboorhoods of Madrid.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
5 answers
Looking for working papers on urban studies
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Elena Andreyeva : Georgia State University, United States
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
5 answers
Doing research on informal settlement growth and their relationship with roads.
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Hi Sandycarmello,
it is important to recognise that the internet is fundamentally transforming the way economies work and will fundamentally alter how we build cities.
Consider also exploring a new settlement theory such as we are developing at
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
8 answers
third bridge over the Bosphorus, the new airport, redevelopment of the suburbs.
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Have a look at the publications below. I am certain there is something of interest
There has been plenty published on urban development in Istanbul. A few publications that covers various themes and aspects I have listed below. I sincerely hope htat they are helpful to you.
Tolga İslam, Current Urban Discourse, Urban Transformation and Gentrification in Istanbul Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)   Architectural Design     Year:2010, Volume:80, Issue:1, First page:58, Last page:63
Idil Arslan-Alaton; Gulen Iskender; Aysegul Tanik; Melike Gurel; Suleyman Ovez; Derin Orhon         Current situation of urban wastewater treatment plants in megacity Istanbul , Elsevier Desalination, Year:2009, Volume:246, Issue:1-3, First page:409, Last page:416
Ahmet Karaburun; Ali Demirci; I-Shian Suen, Impacts of urban growth on forest cover in Istanbul (1987–2007) , Springer-Verlag, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Year:2010, Month:07, Volume:166, Issue:1-4, First page:267, Last page:277
C. Nil Uzun, Globalization and urban governance in Istanbul, Springer-Verlag, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, Year:2007, Month:03, Volume:22, Issue:1, First page:127, Last page:138
DIKMEN BEZMEZ    The Politics of Urban Waterfront Regeneration: The Case of Haliç (the Golden Horn), Istanbul             Wiley Blackwell (Blackwell Publishing)            International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Year:2008
First page:815
Last page:840
ÖZLEM ÖZ; MINE EDER     Rendering Istanbul's Periodic Bazaars Invisible: Reflections on Urban Transformation and Contested Space         Wiley Blackwell (Blackwell Publishing)            International Journal of Urban and Regional Research             Year:2012
First page:297
Last page:314
Sencer Ayata   Migrants and Changing Urban Periphery: Social Relations, Cultural Diversity and the Public Space in Istanbul’s New Neighbourhoods          Wiley Blackwell (Blackwell Publishing)            International Migration             Year:2008
First page:27
Last page:64
Tahire Erman; Aslýhan Eken    The “Other of the Other” and “unregulated territories” in the urban periphery: gecekondu violence in the 2000s with a focus on the Esenler case, Istanbul           Elsevier            Cities   Year:2004
First page:57
Last page:68
Ülke Evrim Uysal         An urban social movement challenging urban regeneration: The case of Sulukule, Istanbul             Elsevier            Cities   Year:2012
First page:12
Last page:22
Kuyucu, T.; Unsal, O. 'Urban Transformation' as State-led Property Transfer: An Analysis of Two Cases of Urban Renewal in Istanbul      Sage Publications         Urban Studies Year:2010, Volume:47, Issue:7, First page:1479, Last page:1499
Arzu Kocabaş Urban conservation in Istanbul: evaluation and re-conceptualisation      Elsevier            Habitat International             Year:2006, Volume:30, Issue:1
Ozan Karaman            Urban Renewal in Istanbul: Reconfigured Spaces, Robotic Lives         Wiley Blackwell (Blackwell Publishing)       International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Year:2012
Lovering, John; Türkmen, Hade           Bulldozer Neo-liberalism in Istanbul: The State-led Construction of Property Markets, and the Displacement of the Urban Poor       Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)           International Planning Studies             Year:2011, Month:02, Day:
Volume:16, Issue:1, First page:73, Last page:96
Dinçer, İclal     The Impact of Neoliberal Policies on Historic Urban Space: Areas of Urban Renewal in Istanbul             Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)           International Planning Studies   Year:2011, Month:02, Day:, Volume:16, Issue:1, First page:43, Last page:60
Lovering, John; Evren, Yigit     Urban Development and Planning in Istanbul    Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)             International Planning Studies   Year:2011, Month:02, Day:, Volume:16, Issue:1, First page:1, Last page:4
Demir, Hülya; Yilmaz, Ahmet   Measurement of Urban Transformation Project Success Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process: Sulukule and Tepeüstü-Ayazma Case Studies, Istanbul          American Society of Civil Engineers     Journal of Urban Planning and Development        Year:2012, Month:06, Day:, Volume:138, Issue:2, First page:173, Last page:182
Enlil, Zeynep Merey     The Neoliberal Agenda and the Changing Urban Form of Istanbul       Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)           International Planning Studies   Year:2011, Month:02, Day:, Volume:16, Issue:1, First page:5, Last page:25
Karaman, Ozan           Resisting urban renewal in Istanbul       Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)           Urban Geography             Year:2014, Month:02, Day:17, Volume:35, Issue:2, First page:290, Last page:310
Ozus, Evren; Turk, Sevkiye Sence; Dokmeci, Vedia    Urban Restructuring of Istanbul            Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)           European Planning Studies       Year:2011
Month:02, Volume:19, Issue:2, First page:331, Last page:356
Mills, Amy       Cultures of assemblage, resituating urban theory: A response to the papers on ‘Assembling Istanbul’             Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)           City      Year:2014, Month:11, Day:02, Volume:18, Issue:6, First page:691, Last page:697
Schoon, Danielle van Dobben ‘Sulukule is the gun and we are its bullets': Urban renewal and Romani identity in Istanbul             Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)           City      Year:2014, Month:11, Volume:18, Issue:6, First page:655, Last page:666
Eyüboğlu, Engin; Sema Kubat, Ayşe; Ertekin, Özhan   A New Urban Planning Approach for the Regeneration of an Historical Area within Istanbul's Central Business District         Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)           Journal of Urban Design Year:2007, Month:06, Day:, Volume:12, Issue:2, First page:295, Last page:312
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
6 answers
we need high resolution for temporal and spatial data, for urban study.
these data are used for study purpose and helping my student in many different theme research.
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You can get pretty good data here:
This US agency provides all kinds of data related with images from satellite from all around the world. There is unclassified and classified data. I recommend the landsat series which has data along the last decades.
Another alternative may be the Corine land-cover data ( in Europe or a similar program for your study area.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
Urban greening is significative for the city economic and social development. We want to construct a method to evaluate the direct economic benefits of city greening, such as the GDP index.
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You say that it is significant, and it might be so. However, this should be your hypothesis and not your conclusion. The impact of greening can be measured as the increase in the total value of land associated with the elements of greening you identify. This is found by the use of hedonic analysis. Whether the value increase is worth it depends on the relative cost of the greening.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
Is it meaningful to analyze urban sprawl of a single city by using dmsp/ols data ?
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Be careful of correlation, especially spatial autocrorelation
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
2 answers
I have measured and analyzed data in urban and suburban environments of a wireless communication system. now I want to know if my analyzed data is correct. What would you except for the  coherence time and coherence bandwidth for suburban and urban measurements?
So I mean is BC (surburban) > Bc urban and what is it for the doherence time?
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OK. All the beat
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
7 answers
I'm wondering is it possible to determine thermophile plants by following urban heat islands? There is an argue about Hordeum murinum L. is thermophilous. This idea based on occurrence of this species on urban heat islands in urban areas. Is this reasonable enough or should there be something else?
I also wonder if there is any specific studies about this topic?
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Thank you Mr. Towe and Mr. Singh for information.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
Maybe there are political or economic goals - distract people from real problems that governments cannot solve?
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Are you denying that we recently had a near miss and lucky escape from a large asteroid?   I don't think this was overblown in the media.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
8 answers
A clear definition of experience and action could improve our understanding and analysis of agency in general.  In my own research within urban studies, I see that people being able to share experience- and action-based knowledge, are better equipped to phrase their local and social needs.  I've theorized that these types of knowledge exceeds their personal lives, being partially determined by the constraints of the physical and societal constraints of the environments they live in. These constraints being rather stable, one may hypothesize that relevant and area specific knowledge patterns will outlast individual lives.    
Classical american pragmatism and especially John Dewey provide good theoretical arguments for such a claim: long term experience with an environment, establishes specific knowledge patterns that are relevant to both daily live and the formulation of common goals.  My question now is that in the actual renaissance of classical American pragmatism, there is almost no attention to such dynamics of agency.  
Hans Joas and Gary Bridge have insisted on creativity, bodily knowledge and the intentional structure of action, but how do these (or other) authors relate to my understanding of agency?  Does Dewey's theory on experience and action help us in understanding long standing agency patterns bound to specific urban areas? 
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Extract from my PhD
Dewey highlights that experience comprises of the transactions between mind and matter; where thinking individuals interact with a physical world. He states ‘all conduct is interaction between elements of human nature and the environment’ (Dewey, 1922:10). As highlighted by Almeder, whilst there are differences between strands of pragmatism, fundamentally, ‘all pragmatists are united in the belief that human existence inherently involves the active practice of making meaning through interaction with our environment’ (Almeder cited in Stark, 2014:88). It is argued that knowledge is generated through our transactions; our experiences, which occur within an environing context that consists of both social and physical realities. Dewey notes the importance of the physical environment in stating that ‘an experience is always what it is because of a transaction taking place between an individual and what, at the time, constitutes his environment’ (1938:43). The social dimension of the environing context is highlighted by Dewey’s colleague Mead who notes that human action is socially contextualized and human conceptualisation is a social reflection he states ‘we play the roles of all our group […] The inner response to our reaction to others is therefore as varied as is our social environment’ (Mead, 1913:377)
The relationship between the individual and their environment is viewed as two-directional.  Dewey states that ‘Where there is experience, there is a living being. Where there is life, there is a double connexion maintained with the environment’ (Dewey et al., 1917:8). He believes that we are simultaneously ‘of this world’ (shaped by our social environments and history), and ‘in this world’ (part of the world’s physical reality and able to affect the physical environment). Whilst every person’s action (agency) is affected by their environing context, influenced by the physical world, historical events and social constructions (structure), every individual is also regarded as having agency; an ability to make choices and to act on them.
pragmatism is an approach that asserts that all experience is situated within an environing context that consists of material and social realities. When Dewey talks of transactions between mind and matter, aka experience, he is not just referring to ‘the totality of transactions between sentient organisms and their environing situation’ (Webb, 2007:1070). Thus, the concept of experience encompasses historical and collective experience that changes and informs our current and future transactions; our physical world, our personal and collective histories, as well as the actions of other individuals, are all acknowledged in shaping future experiences.
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1 answer
I would be interested to know which is the most appropriate data collection technique for the counting, as close as possible, of the immigrants who, at this time, live in the Chavolist settlements of the Andalusian villages, mainly in those that are cultivated Fruits and vegetables of this date. Ultimately, it seems that a great number of people live in these places, without a more or less exact number, which would be very important in the face of the intensification of social resources and of the aid destined to these localities, That for a few months multiply the number of people to attend.
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Sample survey would be logical for this. As long as you do random sampling to identify respondents, you can estimate parameters within the acceptable error margin.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
Am currently working on my thesis  concept note  on "The Implications Of Euclidean  zoning (mono zoning) On Sustainable Conservation Of Public Urban Green Spaces In Nairobi City." 
I would appreciate any leads on literature concerning the following sub headings:
1. Defining the concept of Zoning
2. Historical underpinnings of zoning (based on epochs)
3. Evolution of Euclidean or single use zoning
4. Motives and Consequences of Euclidean  zoning (focus on land use planning and green space conservation).
5. Case Studies:  Application of Euclidean zoning in land use regulation within environmentally sensitive areas e.g. green spaces        
Thanks in advance!
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  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
14 answers
We are interested by your project because we are a similar one but focused on the small centres in periurban area of the Dakar the metropolitan centre in Senegal and other one  by the senegalese estern frontiers.
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Thank you of your response wich are useful for me. Because in the case of Senagal, urban status done by only political decisions can't not to allow to distinguish rural and urban area. So official data on urbanization must  criticated to be the objectve realities of senegalese settlements 
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3 answers
In many daily situations we find that many people with reduced mobility find it impossible to access many public areas, as simple as climbing a sidewalk or Crossing a zebra crossing like the rest of the population. Even public buildings do not have ramps or elevators in case it is necessary for the access of the entire population.
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 However there are rules in many countries, about the necessity of designing urban environment and making buildings accessible and usable for all groups of people including disabled ones, kids and old people, we see such problems you mentioned in many cities around the world. There are two major factors which without them it is impossible to make good cities for public. One is democracy and the other one is wealth in today's world lead by capitalism. Civil society makes the voice of disabled people heard and forces politicians to take proper actions. Such actions require socioeconomic and political stability to accomplish the goals in the long run. Vienna is one good example. Disabled people can use the city without getting help from other people in vast areas. Transformation of a city from the state that it's not usable for handicapped people to the desirable state is a long-term complex procedure involving network of many social groups, organizations, government, planning experts and people. 
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5 answers
In Brazil, to have a taxi you need to ask for permission of the "Mayor". The number of permissions is limited. So, i'd like to know whats the ideal number of taxis per urban m² or population.
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Dear Edipo. I see this problem as a demand versus offering. But contextual and technological changes should be considered as well.
I would solve it studying some variables as: demographic change of the city in a range of 20-30 years, or more; incoming of new concurrents; profile of cab service users (average length of races, frequency of use by profile; main routes, for instance).
I think you could use linear programming to perform it, or expert assessment.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
6 answers
I am looking for the cross-regional comparative state of play of the nexus between Traffic Impact Assessment and Urban Development
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You might find the following paper, which is at least tangently related to your question, of some interest.
Larsen, James E. and John P. Blair. Price Effects of Surface Street Traffic on Residential Properties, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 2014, 7:2, 189-203. DOI: 10.1108/IJHMA-12-2012-0062.
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13 answers
New London Group manifesto (1996)
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Thank you, Bill, for the references. I didn't know of Walkyria Mor's work; obviously missed it in your new Palgrave book. Will look more carefully this time. I was a under a deadline to write my my policy & practice (remix) column (3 a year for 2 years) JAAL. Colin Harrison does the alternating three per year. I should have time at copyedit stage to add the Brazilian context. 
I'm enjoying the genre and just finished an 10-double-spaced page on multiliteracies. I think you will like it (if the editors of JAAL do). I see doctoral students, full( profs, and other folks using what I refer to as "so-called near- synonyms" of multiliteracies (multimodal reading and writing, new literacies, digital literacies, multiple literacies, and media literacy) in ways that I believe detract from  the concept of a pedagogy of multiliteracies. So, I wrote about 2500 words (the limit) on the importance in matters of policy and practice to distinguish between the near-synonyms and the initial take on the term. I realize language is dynamic, but when definitions are used loosely, it soon becomes a free-for-all. 
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
I studied in detail files published by BTS about CTPP files. I found following subdivisions are used:
2-State-County State-County
3-State-County-County Subdivision                                                                                             
4-State-County-County Subdivision-Place/Remainder                                                                   
7-State-County-MPO Detailed Summary Level
8-Urban area
9-State-County-Census Tract-Block Group
Also following units are used:
Traffic Analysis Zone ,Consolidated Metropolitan, Statistical Area-Primary ,Metropolitan Statistical Area Consolidated code.
What is the reason for these divisions as they could only consider for example only three types of units and subdivisions?
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Beyond that, different subdivisions are needed for different applications.  Let me give you an example that I use in my own research in the redistricting processes in the various states:
Election data is available in the United States actually pretty quickly, but at the county level only.  What happens is that the clerk counts all of votes at a polling places and then calls those in to the Secretary of State.  These are then pushed up to the county level.  If you watch CNN or otherwise on election night, those are the maps you see.
Now, let's say you want to talk about the efficacy of the redistricting process.  To do that, I need to be able to simulate districts from the map that were not drawn in a biased manner from an established set of rules employed by the various states.  The county data is not as helpful because it is a dubious proposition that the counties themselves balance (and that's not how that is done anyway).  The districts are drawn by aggregating precincts, but that data is harder to come by.  The only complete set I can find for that is for 2008 (a landmark historical election because of the victory of a minority candidate for the first time).  There is a political philosophy called even swing which says that the effect of excitement or subduing of a voter base by a particular candidate can be assumed to be systematic across a population in an area.  By that level, if you want to predict the precinct level vote in 2012, you find the precinct votes for 2008 and the county votes for 2008, compute the percentage of the Democratic vote in that county that came from that precinct (and ditto Republican), and then use the 2012 county data to adjust the vote totals against that percentage.  That requires both levels of data, even if one is attainable from the other.  If you go back to my previous answer, that is terribly inefficient to have that only as the precinct file for that purpose.
So my previous answer is the theoretical answer.  It has to do with aggregation and the computational efficiency of it.  The practical answer is you often need multiple levels of that data for various reasons.  If multiple people need the same sorts of files, it is in the best interest of the distribution agency to take care of that for the users.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
Hi all,
I am looking for a reliable source which presents the size of the British Empire following the First World War, including total area covered (colonies, dominions, mandated areas, etc.) and population size.
Any ideas? Thanks!
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Thank you, Tom! Will look them up.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
In what urban mobility scenarios ICTs can be harmful? 
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Hi Mithileysh,
It;s just a hypothetical situation of a tsunami plus flush flood in a city. No infrastructure at population level. Some satellite communication possible for Responders... 
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
How to find measure of central tendency for income of persons who have boarded a  particular train on a particular date at the originating station?
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Don't ask any questions. Instead, get the vehicle license numbers of people parked in the lot and the vehicles dropping off train travelers. From that, it may be possible to locate where the travelers originate. Use the data relating to these locations. Could this work?
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
I wont to applied the topological analysis of  roads network by using the geographic information systems (Arc GIS software) , topological indicators as accessibility, centrality , connectivity, ....etc .
Can any on help me by articles or videos .... etc.
Thanks All .   
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For that purpose, you can try with QGIS open source GIS with AequlibriaE tool. You can download this from the plugins when downloaded QGIS. This plugin was a be experimental, and you can change it with knowledge of Python code. In this tool, you can find network calculation like shortest path, Impedance Matrix, Network preparation, etc.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
I would like to know of world-wide examples where Temporary uses and Spaces are used as a 'testing' tool for traffic and/or urban design project. Whether the Government, municipality or developer decided to 'Trial' or Test the potential project before investing in the permanent change in the public realm.
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See the publication by Bishop and Williams, Temporary City. Also, times square in NYC is a great example and the practice of <Temporary breakfasts>
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
2 answers
How to research trust? What could be good indicators that are validated?
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hello Raoul,
thank you for your reply, I am happy to see the two interesting contributions you attached. Maybe too much trust can cause a lock-in situation where critical reflection is impossible. So yes,  trust might support or lubricate transformative social learning depending on types and levels of trust....and therefore contribute to the uncertainty and complexity. yes.
regards, Jifke
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
11 answers
While there are so many books and papers on the concept of "whiteness," I have trouble finding scholars who wrote specifically on whiteness (its preservation or destabilization) and (urban) space. How does (urban) space contribute (or not) to the preservation of whiteness and white privilege? To what extent has the protection/defense of white space contributed to the formation of the American character (I'm thinking about rural farmers and vigilante groups protecting their land against menacing, often radicalized "others" in the Republic's early years). I have already read Cheryl Harris's excellent essay Whiteness as Property. I now need to read a book/paper that addresses specifically whiteness and space (private property, land, urban space if possible).
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
I need to find a scale to measure self-reported urban vs. rural classification of my respondents - being a psychological variable, rather than a spatial or a locational one. In other words, whether they perceive themselves being a part of urban or rural community. 
This is simplified as my research will adopt basic urban/rural classification based on population: Rural areas = small towns with less than 50K inhabitants and urban areas = anything above.
If you have any specific academic pieces in mind, I would hugely appreciate them, because I`m struggling to find adequate measure.
Thank you in advance!
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5 answers
Dear all, I'm wondering if anyone of you once adopted the (new) governance approach in studying non-Western countries, especially East Asian countries. I want to know how you deal with the elements/factors/characteristics that may not be consistent with the 'western' background of the theory. And how do you justify the adoption of this approach, when you are challenged that this approach is not applicable to 'non-western' countries?
Looking forward to your answers!
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Dear Avi, We do not differ but we operate at different linguistic levels. Of course, as I have mentioned, in  the English-language cultural sphere governance in public policy is well-efined - not ruling (governing?) but participatory governance. My headache is deriving from another area, namely corporate governance. I do know what are linguistic problems with transferring that term to German, Dutch, not-mentioning the Slavic languages. So if somebody begins to apply a "cultural" dimension to governance or corporate governance, then a deeper linguistic approach is needed. BTW, you have opened up another interesting area. As a "moderate constructivist" with a relative good knowledge of social sciences and mathematics, I am beginning a project titled: "Good practices of corporate governance as a social construct". What does it mean "good"?  For me the dissemination of all "good" practices, governances, etc., is a wonderful example of the impact of constructivism upon the modern science. 30 years ago it would have been mathematically-grounded "optimal" governance. Now it's just a "good" one. "Good" according to what criteria, who is setting the criteria, are they universal, what are cultural subtleties of the "good"?Unfortunately, I have only a draft presentation on that in Polish. In September I will have a text in English submitted to a journal, or perhaps presented at conferences.  
P.S. My spelling errors are deriving from fast writing and not from ignorance. There is another story with "a" and "the" but they are sometimes difficult to comprehend by somebody form outside the Anglo-Saxon language sphere. Smiilarly as the Slavic "baroque" grammar is difficult to grasp by the Anglo-Saxons and many others. 
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8 answers
Would like to seek for your opinion on the above question. As observed apparently, prefabrication construction in residential housing only takes place, successfully, in those developed countries; while traditional cast in-site construction is still prevalent in those developing countries. Does it mean that prefabrication construction is viable in a country only when that country achieved certain degree of development?   
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In the US, movement toward the use of prefabrication has been stymied by building codes that are really intended to protect the employment of certain trades (e.g., electricians and plumbers).
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
5 answers
Often looking for a job or better prosperity, people move to cities. Despite recent advances in wellbeing and technology on society, the overpopulation of big cities (greater than 10 million people) it is expected to be one of the biggest future challenges of mankind. In 2007, for the first time, the population of urban areas exceeded that of rural ones and currently, about 55% of the total population live in cities. According to estimates of the United Nations, two out of three of the total population will live in growing conurbations in 2050.
This scenario depicts a not too distant future with differences between cities and rural regions and also with predicted expectations in global sustainability at different levels disregarding the development of countries: from an individual/social impact (i.e., economic policies, relocation and change in cities design, lifestyle) to a more wider repercussion (i.e. depletion of natural resources, environmental degradation, wars, unemployment, poverty).
To deal with that, different global reports have proposed some solutions, such as:
  • promote economic development and job creation, 
  • involve local community in local government, 
  • reduce air pollution by upgrading energy use and alternative transport systems,
  • create private-public partnerships to provide services such as waste disposal and housing,
  • plant trees and incorporate the care of city green spaces as a key element in urban planning: sustainable urbanization,
  • implement educational policies reflecting social change: tax exemptions for limited children, sex education.
Can you suggest any other scientific approach to alleviate this issue? I would like to emphasize the role of both science and technology.
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Agglomeration in cities are aggravating the problems of sane food production, safe health services and meaningful education for kids. We currently have the tools to provide decent education for rural kids and to pay proper prices for agricultural production, which are the main reasons rural folks seek to migrate.
But as long as we simply keep 'counting heads' in elections, the politicians have no incentive to put breaks in migration to cities, because it costs more to seek votes in rural areas. Unless we establish area-wise proportional representation in elections, giving more weight to rural voters, we won't see an end to over crowding in cities.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
3 answers
Data - Quickbird
Year - 2015
Motive - to develop 3D views and calculate volumes of select buildings, in an urban database
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Using Bundle Adjustment, you can create 3D models from aerial or satellite imageries. In order to do this, different Softwares are developed. One that I have used is Photoscan.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
The "cluster' plus a "ecosystem" become a term that could introduce a industry to a city, to link geographical concentration to a wider sense of urban environment, to connect the industrial workers to the stakeholders, to merge working with living. That is why i believe a local contexts of a place, which is accumulated by urban development trajectory, needs being taken account in most of urban studies. Particular in cultural and creative industries, because their value is generated by "people", "knowledge" and the "creativity". This also relates to how network and communities playing in a various ways to stimulate the creative economy, and to connect creative workers into potential market and client from informal network approach.
The other IP right, especially in which how IP role in the information and knowledge exchange process and how it present in the cluster ecosystem, however requires more study..  
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Hi Pei, as a starting point I would recommend reading four relevant papers about literature reviews:
Cruz and Teixeira, 2010; Martínez-Fernández, Capó-Vicedo, Vallet-Bellmunt, 2012; Lazzeretti, Sedita and Caloffi, 2014; Hervas-Oliver, Gonzalez, Caja, Sempere-Ripoll, 2015.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
5 answers
Nowadays, many studies have been done to measure the urban extension and distribution horizontally. On the other hand, I am looking for your help to advise me for which kind of models and softwares that can measure the urban growth vertically.
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Another option of software is Quantum GIS, which is opensource, highly customizable with LOTS of free plugins, developed using Pyhton (flexible, very popular between academics, good support community, and platform independent).   Whatever software you eventually decide to use, the crucial aspect to have in mind is theory and method to approach your study phenomena. Your aims and goals, as well as the intended application are relevant to a more precise answer. 
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10 answers
I am a PhD student 
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Try calculating the standard deviation of blue, green, and red wavebands on a per-pixel basis.  In ERDAS Imagine this function is called "Stack Standard Deviation."  I have generated this in portions of Accra using high-resolution satellite images (e.g., 2 m) and it seemed to provide higher values in slum areas.  You might want to run a focal mean (3x3 window) to smooth the result a little.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
I’m trying to establish a list of cities/metropolitan regions, across the globe, with the highest percentage of “temporary populations” (including categories such as temporary workers, expatriates on fixed-term contracts and foreign students, but excluding immigrants who have settled). Dubai would be a good example. Who can point me to appropriate data sources or has first-hand information?
Keywords: world cities, global cities, gateway cities, temporary migration, mobility, transient population
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Dear Noel. You should consider the case of Tijuana (Mexico)-San Ysidro/San Diego (USA). The highest multipurpose (mainly workers and commercial trade,) temporary people flow around world (pedestrian, vehicle). Those flows are legal (visa) crossings and are registered by customs of both countries.
 Best regards!
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
5 answers
I want to analyze impact of ISA on the Urban surface teperature. Anyone telling me detail process of estimation ISA from landsat imagery with references and video tutorials will be highly acknowledge. Thanks in advance.
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Thank you @Eric expecting tutorial 
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
6 answers
There is a vast literature on neighborhood and community indicators. Some focus more on economic well-being, others social well-being, health, or environmental sustainability. Researchers tend to work on a few measures in their careers. Others take a more holistic view. What is the current state of the field?
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Dear Richard,
 I use in my teaching some discussions on the notion that can be found in:
* Vallance, Perkins and Dickson, "What is social sustainabililty? A clarification of concept"
* Littig and Griessler, "Social Sustainability: A Catchword between political pragmatism and social theory"
* Dempsey et al., "The social dimension of urban dvt"
DOI: 10.1002/sd.417
* Parra and Moulaert, "La nature de la durabilité sociale : vers une lecture socioculturelle du développement territorial durable"
* Mario Polese and Richard Stren, The Social Sustainability of Cities, U. of T., 2000
I hope these references are useful to you
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
5 answers
For example: big shopping malls in middle income urban areas (not suburban)
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Dear Rosa,
There is no single way to do it. On my Msc I did an evaluation of impacts on retail structure (you can one paper in English in here:
On my PhD I used a more conprehensive analysis. In this case you can also consider the concepts used in the evaluation literature. If you need further information let me know,
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
13 answers
By small cities, I mean roughly less than 200,000 people.
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Thanks, all. I'm writing a book on how refugee resettlement transforms small cities (more than large cities) with an ethnographic focus on Fargo, North Dakota in the U.S. I need to update my literature review. I appreciate all of your suggestions and welcome more.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
25 answers
The literature on urban space usually deals with the subject through the lens of the opposition between "space(s) of oppression," such as space produced by capitalistic forces, and "space(s) of resistance," such as the spaces of (racial, sexual, religious) minorities. Is it possible to go beyond that dichotomy when dealing with urban space?
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Hi Nadege,
I think you can have a look at Foucault's heterotopia,  Henri Lefebvre's spatial trialectics, and Edward Soja's Thirdspace. in all their conceptions, they argue that human-being create and modify (produce and reproduce) spaces which are not either place of oppressor or place of oppression. It means that the oppressor or just simply everyone who is influenced by power-relations creates a space within place of power through his/her everyday life experience. An example is Kubane where Kurdish people create their own spaces which is located in within the place of power, but governed and modified by themselves through their everyday life practices. Another example is West Bank or Gaza in occupied land of Palestine, in which Palestinians create their own living places through their everyday life experiences, through their resistance. Certainly this is a place of resistance, but it does not mean that resistance as its classic meaning is presented in the space, but as its influencing process through everyday life experiences of people who are living the oppression.
I hope it helps.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
22 answers
Currently the parameter we consider while declaring an area to be urban or rural is:
So and so population
So and so Density
So and so % of people working in the non-agricultural sector.
(i.e. So and so will differ according to country)
Are these parameters enough to define urban and rural? Or there should be some more parameters to be considered?
Here I want to  question the definition of urban.
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A second statement re. defining the urban:
The reason(s) why nineteenth century thinkers (including Weber, Simmel, etc.) found it necessary to write about the 'urban' has to do with several important socio-political issues of their time: the concentration of the landed aristocracy (a political obstacle from the point of view of the ascending capitalists) in the rural areas; the locational attraction of coal mines and the formation of slums nearby; the growth of the proletariat class in the cities and hence the threat of revolutionary forces there. One can go on, but the point is, I hope, clear: there were pressing and very specific reasons — mainly socio-political — why those who raised the question re. the urban in the nineteenth century did so. What are your reasons in the specific historical and geographic context in which you find yourself? If you cannot pin that down (analogous to what I sketched above), your search is likely to remain 'academic' in the negative sense.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
I have been studying the "representations of the city" (city images, narratives and the urban imaginary) as a field of study applied to São Paulo (Brazil) case, having in particular concern the representations in music/songs. I would like to establish a comparative perspective, articulating studies of different areas and different authors, and then to build a network of researchers on this subject. I would be very grateful for any contributions and suggestions.
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Dear Marcos,
I can share a bit of my experience with you as I have been researching the capital city of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Sarajevo) as an example of a multicultural city and its intercultural, educational narratives within everyday life biographies that occur in a given material space.
The aim of my research project was to reconstruct the dialectical relation between a human and a place as understanding this relation is fundamental while constructing and designing educational and pedagogical microsystem (that is the family, school, local community, community of the place and likewise), that altogether become education spaces of the self-creation.
I reconstructed the social-cultural potential and intercultural capital within the material space applying the fields of studies such as
1. human geography,
2. anthropology of place,
3. psychology of place,
4. environmental psychology,
5. place-conscious educatoin.
The research paradigms in such instance encompassed therefore symbolic interactionism and phenomenology.
As for literature I would recommend you the following (particularly the works of Yi-fu Tuan)
• Alexander C. et al., A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, New York 1977.
• Batty M., Longley P., Fractal cities, London 1994.
• Beatley T., Native to nowhere. Sustaining home and community in a global age, Washington 2004.
• Benko G., Strohmayer U., Space and Social Theory. Interpreting Modernity and Postmodernity, Oxford 1997 .
• Canter D., Environmental interaction : psychological approaches to our physical surroundings, London 1999.
• Canter D., The Psychology of Place, London 2007.
• Case D., Contributions of journeys way to the definition of home: an empirical study of a dialectical process. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 16, 1996, 1-15.
• Casey E. S., The fate of place. A philosophical history, Berkeley 1997.
• Cresswell T., Place: A short introduction, Oxford 2004.
• Edwards R., Globalisation & Pedagogy: Space, Place and Identity, Hoboken 2002.
• Grumman C.F., The phenomenological approach to people-environment studies (w:) R. B. Bechtel, A. Churchman (eds), Handbook of environmental psychology, New York 2002
• Gruenewald D. A,. Foundations of place: A multidisciplinary framework for place-conscious education. American Educational Research Journal, 40(3): 619-654, 2003
• Gustafson P., Meanings of place: Everyday experience and theoretical conceptualizations. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21, 5-16, 2001.
• Kitchen R., Vallentine G. (eds.), Key texts in human geography, London 2008.
• Lang P., Pedagogy of place : seeing space as cultural education, New York 2004.
• Low S. M., Zúñiga D. L., The Anthropology of Space and Place: Locating Culture, London 2003.
• Løvlie L., The pedagogy of place, Nordic Studies in Education, 2007, Vol.27(01).
• Massey D., Space, Place, and Gender, Minnesota 1994.
• Massey D., Jess P. (eds.), A Place in the World? Places, Cultures, Globalization, Oxford 1995.
• Norberg-Schulz C., Genius loci. Towards a phenomenology of architecture, New York 1980 .
• Relph E., Place and placelessness, London 1976.
• Seamon D., Murgerauer, R. (red.), Dwelling, place, and environment. New York 1989.
• Seamon D., Phenomenology, place, environment, and architecture. A review of the literature. Environmental and Architectural Phenomenological Newsletter (E.A.P.N.): 6-7, 2001
• Somerville M., Davies B., et al, Place Pedagogy Change, Rotterdam 2011.
• Usher R., Putting space back on the map: globalization, place and identity, Educational Philosophy and Theory, vol. 34, nr 1, 2002.
• Wattchow B., M. Brown, A Pedagogy of Place. Outdoor Education for a Changing World, Monash 2011
• Yi-fu Tuan, Topophilia : a study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values, New York 1990.
• Yi-fu Tuan, Space and place : the perspective of experience, Minneapolis 1990.
• Yi-fu Tuan, Humanist geography : an individual's search for meaning, Staunton 2012.
 Good luck with your research!
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1 answer
1- X6=1-((a-b/d)-(a-c/d))/2
2- X6=1-(((a-b)/d)-((a-c)/d))/2
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What you want to find by using node place value method?
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
14 answers
According the United Nations, in 2014, 54 per cent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 66 per cent by 2050. This growth is the result of major economic and social transformations. How can we plan our cities with alternatives for future expansion? How can we prepare for these changes, knowing that most of future urban expansion will occur within developing countries. 
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Ecosystems are changing from the local natural landscape to the global scales because  of population growth and urbanization, on the other word human activities are driving these changes and  threatening many of the ecological services that are essential to society. In this case the most fundamental human activities involve how we manage land use and shape our cities. A diagram is attached to illustrate the problems may arise during urban development. 
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
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I am looking for academics who drawing upon the figure of the flâneur used as a research method "strolling" within a urban setting in order to assess specific changes into the landscape. Thanks. 
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Hi Lucilla,
Walter Benjamin and Kracauer are the most traditionnal references. And the french poet Charles Baudelaire has invented the word...
Also, you could have an useful look on the work of french socio-anthropologist such as Michel Maffesoli or David Le Breton ("Eloge de la marche" 2000 translated in 2015 "Elogio del caminar / Praise of walking" ; "Marcher : Eloge des chemins et de la lenteur" 2012)
You could also have a look on :
- Shin Ji-Eun, « La flânerie : un moment de la fêlure et du mélange. », Sociétés 2/2008 (n° 100) , p. 91-107
DOI : 10.3917/soc.100.0091.
This work proposes a discourse on the modern flâneur around the sociological problem of identity, wandering, hospitality. We establish the features of anonymity and a strange communicability, associated with the “crack” of the subject. This is the moment of the demolition of ordinary oneself where the familiarity or the reassuring are transformed into distant, disturbing, strange. The crack of one allows us to approach abroad to foreigner, to become a foreigner. Etymologically the existence (ex-sistence) reminds of one’s exit, of flight, of explosion. So the term of crack can substitute itself for those of movement, cut, departure, distant, flight, explosion. We suggest that the crack of one also leads to meet the others, and finally Himself. Conclusion : to exist is to go out of oneself, to open oneself to the other one.
- Featherstone M., « The Flaneur, the City and Virtual Public Life », Urban Studies, Vol. 35, No. 5-6, 1998.
' Fleischer M., “The Gaze of the Flaneur in Sigfried Kracauer’s ‘Das Ornament der Masse”, German Life and Letters, 54:1, 2001.
- Goebel R. J., “Benjamin’s Flaneur in Japan: Urban Modernity and Conceptual Relocation”, The German Quarterly, Vol. 71, No. 4 (Autumn), 1998.
- Grosz E. (1996), “The Invisible Flaneur”, in Postmodern Cities and Spaces, Edited by Sophie Watson and Katherine Gibson, Oxford and Cambridge.
- Tester K. (ed.) The Flaneur, London, 1994.
All the best,
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
4 answers
My goal is to create a framework for the city which would determine if the conditions for investors are applicable (e.g. if the investor would be able to squeeze profits from the infrastructure use such as ublic transport). I am struggling to find any research in this field and wold be extremely grateful for any advice.
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Dear Alexander,
I think the relationship between the private sector and the smart city concept is even closer: it is of ontological nature, as the smart city concept is, at least partially, a concept promoted by a series of private actors like IBM and Cisco.  Such actors aim at selling softwares that enhance the performance of urban infrastrutures using intelligent systems and big data collection and treatment. There are of course other definitions and geneaologies of the concept, but this one is the one that, in my opinion, is the most relevant in present-day cities.
The smart city tool is thus also a marketing offensive against the domination in urban infrastructures of firms like Veolia or Suez (Engie) that historically sold hardware (tubes, sewers, waterpipes, transportation infrastructures) and their exploitation as well as the commercialisation of the ressources. Such firms try to defend their domains of competence (and their profits) in promoting alternative forms of smart city.
This context, I think, is decisive as for the interpretation of the notion of smart city.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
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I´m trying to measure the total shadow projected from these two elements. The scale level of application must be at the entire city. Not district, not neighborhood, or another scale works in this case.
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Hello Itzia,
I suggest you to use the ArcGis extensions, for this purpose. I did it in several occasion in the past years, for professional and academic purposes.
First, you should develop a DTM (Digital Terrain Model), or better a DEM (Digital Elevation Model, different from the DTM because you not only have the terrain height, but also the many elements on it, such as buildings and trees).
Then the Hillshade tool ( should be the step to do in order to project the shadow generated by the all elements (terrain hills or valleys, buildings, trees, etc.).
I hope this was useful.
Please let me know if you need more details, though on the internet there is plenty of material and tutorials ;)
Don't worry about the scale you are considering, as nowadays laptops are fare more powerful than the ones I used in 2011. You shouldn't have any problem even considering matrices of 1x1 metres.
Just to have an idea, in case you're interested, please check the paper I uploaded about the ICCSA conference of 2011, in Santander.
  • asked a question related to Urban Studies
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Can anyone suggest me VRP data sets defined in urban environments (big cities), with locations given in terms of latitude and longitude?