Science topic
Urban Resilience - Science topic
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Questions related to Urban Resilience
The book has been published! Who is interested in organizing a free online seminar to discuss the contents openly?
Urban Resilience
Urban resilience is the capacity of a city’s systems, businesses, institutions, communities, and individuals to survive, adapt, and thrive, no matter what chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience.
Urban resilience has conventionally been defined as the "measurable ability of any urban system, with its inhabitants, to maintain continuity through all shocks and stresses, while positively adapting and transforming towards sustainability".
Therefore, a resilient city is one that assesses, plans and acts to prepare for and respond to hazards, regardless whether they are natural or human-made, sudden or slow-onset, expected or unexpected. Resilient Cities are better positioned to protect and enhance people's lives, secure development gains, and drive positive change
100 Resilient Cities
Understanding how zoning policies and urban development regulations can be optimized to promote vertical development and enhance land use efficiency is crucial for addressing the challenges of urban sprawl and environmental degradation. By focusing on high-density, mixed-use zoning, cities can maximize the use of limited land resources, reduce the ecological footprint of urban areas, and create more sustainable and livable communities. This question aims to explore effective regulatory frameworks and planning strategies that can support sustainable urban growth, ultimately contributing to better land conservation and improved urban resilience.
Hello, my research is about urban resilience.
I would be happy to cooperate with other researchers in this field of urban resilience.
Dear Researchers,
Currently, I am based in Jordan. My MSc thesis was about assessing the DRR in camp design by comparing two case studies of a prolonged Palestinian camp and a newly constructed camp of AlAzraq camp (for Syrian refugees). I am open to having your feedback, and suggestions to work on it to publish a paper from it, if possible.
Additionally, I am open to collaborating on any research - upon availability - on topics related to humanitarian and urbanism in Jordan.
how resilience is linked to planning and how can it be hindered
We are launching our project CoKLIMAx, which is the application of COPERNICUS data for climate-relevant urban planning using the example of water, heat, and vegetation.
Are you aware of any digital toolboxes that are already being used in the urban planning context with the objective to increase urban resilience?
We are looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Researchers.
I am looking forward to finding a well-known or prominent conference that has proceedings in disaster recovery, urban resiliency, sustainable development, and community development.
I would be appreciated if anyone can help me.
How can we measure the role of urban agriculture in urban resilience?
For the last 10 years, the word STUDENTIFICATION has found it way into the English dictionary and urban research corpus especially in the areas of geography and urban planning. Although, not a popular field yet, few scholars globally have been looking at the impacts of students geographies within university communities and how the negative impacts can be controlled.
So, Is it a good thing or a bad thing to have a lot of students live among us in our communities because their universities cant provide accommodation for all of them on-campus?
and, What are these impacts (Positive or negative) in our OWN communities?
Thank you for your feedback, answers, contributions and discussions.
Well. Do You have some reference on how the triple-helix (government/academia/industry) has been working on social disasters (e.g. outbreaks, natural ones, so on)?
I'd like to know how the triple-helix is using innovations (open innovations, new technologies, new policies, and any thing like that, any sort of nature) to manage social or urban resilience.
I'm working on urban resilience and can't access to VENSIM DSS which has DLL and game in it. I'm using Vensim PLE, ArcGIS, and Python and need to use DLL and game too. Is any way for this?
Anything unique that has been brought to the forefront in very recent years regarding health psychology?
Is there anyone who tried to use this toolkit? What are the lessons learned or challenges experienced?
I am interested in indicator-based approaches, score cards, etc.
I'm researching the resilient factor in buildings and how it could reduce the climate change impact on them.
urban-ecosystem, ecology, indicator based , resilience, urban resilience
What impacts do urbanization and land use change have on estuarine, coastal, and marine biodiversity, and in what capacity can approach and practice be incorporated to guarantee that these impacts are moderated?
Ecosystems are complex and hierarchical systems. The level of connectivity between the elements must be considered.
Good afternoon, you know of the existence of some scale of
Assessment of community violence perceived in a given neighborhood?
Many thanks in advance / Mario Millán
The ability to confidently characterise and quantify links between ecosystem structure, functions and services, and how these respond to perturbation - particularly where multiple ESs interact - seems to still represent a significant challenge for science. Ecological production functions (EPFs) have recently been explored as one way to map and quantify these dynamics - does anyone have any insights into what role EPFs will/might play in resolving these questions in the near future? I'd appreciate any feedback, thanks!
Considering the published projections regarding climate changes, namely in Europe, should we proceed designing future buildings (that wll last for the next 100 years) using TMY (typical meteoological year) files?
There are elements of urban resilience inherent in the historic cities of kathmandu valley (for eg). Some of these elements are, its social structure, values, etc. How can these elements be strengthened and new elements introduced effectively within the reconstruction process/planning?
In addition to the manuals that some institutions have published, where can I find consistent assessments (qualitative and quantitative) of urban resilience of socio-economic point of view?
I know there are many reviews from the environmental point of view and risk management. but I'm interested in gathering indicators representing socio-economic and urban morphology aspects.
I am wondering whether the way in which sustainability (focus on carrying capacity) is framed somehow hindering any improvement on the likelihood of steering the 1960s model of gentrification that is focused on class and land toward building more resilient cities. I appreciate dissuasion, ideas, articles or any personal experience from case studies, etc.
I am researching about public space size, access, localization and distribution, and I need to know how are these critery in other countrys. Or someone can help me with suggestions papers with these informations? Thanks
Does anyone have published case studies on Urban Mining ? I am interested in both fields, landfill mining and urban mining of cities ?
I am looking for frameworks for resilience which explicitly detail i.e a step by step process guide to how to develop and measure resilience and then promote resilience in a river basin.
There are some framework that useful in urban areas and many papers attempt to make a framework and discuss the theoretical aspects without actually producing a detailed step by step guide for building the various coping capacities or capitals (social, environmental, etc.). In addition many papers discuss indicators which would could be used for measuring resilience through the capitals, however they don't seem to detail the data required or method of collection.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance in this matter, Thank you
I am looking for frameworks for community resilience which explicitly detail i.e a step by step process guide to how to develop and measure resillience
Many papers attempt to make a framework and discuss the theortical aspects without actually producing a detailed step by step guide for building the various coping capacities or capitals (social, environmental, etc). In addition many papers discuss indicators which would could be used for measuring resileince through the capitals, however they don't seem to detail the data required or method of collection.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance in this matter, Thank you
The main reference for indicators are Susan Cutter and Penny Allan, but there are no references about benchmarking
Neighborhood patterns play an important role in alleviating flood risk. What is your opinion about that?
I am working in the resilience buildings prototypes in Bogotá, Colombia. I am interesting in research about resilience engineering strategies. I appreciate some help about that topic.
Urban Agriculture (UA) can be implemented in various ways. For instance rooftop-based, land based, or in a closed controlled environment. Furthermore different cultivation methods are available (e.g. hydroponics, soilless- or soil-based agriculture). In addition, it can also be distinguished between community based concepts, private lots, or profit-orientated approaches, etc.
Aside from that UA can have a beneficial effect on urban infrastructures (storm water management, utilizing waste water and biomass, heat reduction, etc.).
My research focusses on the assessment of sustainable and resilient aspects of UA mainly from an ecological point of view. I would be grateful, if somebody could give me some recommendations how I can assess these values in order to provide a selection matrix as a tool for urban planners to incorporate UA in different urban structure types. Any recommendation is welcome ;)
How can I measure and improve the urban or city resilience? As you know, urban resilience have many indexes, some indexes are shortcoming? And how I can explore the spatial differences in a country or a region which involve in any cities?
I am conducting research on women's experience of fear of crime in public spaces. I will compare foreign literature to my findings, however, I cannot assume that there is an existing fear of crime, so I am stuck with how do I ask if there is a fear of crime without directly asking it. Thank you so much.
There is a growing need for the evaluation, assessment, or even measurment of urban resilience. In contrast to the complexity of urban processes, the physical layout of cities (that is, patterns in this case) may, to a certain extent, be measured easier. Therefore a morphological approach to urban resilience may contribute to the development and improvement of resilience assessment tools. Did anyone find spatial indicators that may be directly related to resilience? Are there any morphological studies or tools that explicitly refer to resilience?
Does urban resilience mean an improved capacity for all to avoid, cope with and recover from shocks and adversities to which the community as a whole is exposed? Are there any conflicts between resilience of some groups and that of others? Does (personal) individualized make sense? If yes, are there any conflicts between personal and collective resilience?