Science topic
Urban Mobility - Science topic
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Questions related to Urban Mobility
- How does the utilization of AI technologies in Urban Planning enhance the efficiency of urban infrastructure development and management?
- What are the potential benefits of AI in urban mobility planning and transportation management, such as traffic flow optimization, intelligent transportation systems, and public transit planning?
- In what ways can AI contribute to effective land use planning, urban design, and architectural analysis, leading to more sustainable and livable cities?
- What are the drawbacks and challenges associated with the implementation of AI in Urban Planning, such as concerns about data privacy, algorithm biases, and ethical implications?
- How does AI support the creation of predictive models and simulations for urban growth, environmental impact assessment, and disaster management, enabling better decision-making and resilience planning?
- What are the potential social and economic implications of AI adoption in Urban Planning, including issues related to employment, equity, and accessibility to technological advancements?
- How can AI-based tools and platforms assist urban planners in analyzing large datasets, extracting insights, and generating actionable recommendations for urban development projects?
- What are the limitations and risks associated with relying heavily on AI algorithms and automation in decision-making processes, and how can these be mitigated to ensure responsible and transparent urban planning practices?
- In what ways can AI be used to address urban sustainability challenges, such as energy optimization, waste management, and the integration of renewable energy sources?
- How can AI-based technologies facilitate citizen engagement and participatory urban planning processes, ensuring inclusivity, transparency, and collaboration among various stakeholders?
I am studying at the minimum number of shared autonomous vehicles would need to meet all traffic demand of motor vehicles needs for a city, and considering the impact of joining rail transit to further optimize fleet size. I plan to cite the paper titled "Addressing the minimum fleet problem in on-demand urban mobility" in my paper, and compare the method of solving the minimum fleet size in this paper with my research method, so as to prove whether my research is effective. Therefore, I would like to ask if you have the source code for this article. If so, please contact me at Thank you very much!
What is the difference or relation between "Digital solutions" and "Intelligent Transportation Systems"? Especially in Urban areas/urban mobility
Hello, colleagues!
My name is Christiano Piccioni Toralles, I am a professor at the Inst. Fed. of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and student of the Doctoral Program in Spatial Planning at Un. Coimbra (Portugal), under the supervision of prof. Anabela Ribeiro. I'm here inviting volunteers to collaborate as an expert with my Ph.D. research on urban mobility, specially dedicated to walkability, in an inter/multimodal, inclusive, and participatory perspective.
The form link is found below. It starts with a brief explanation of the proposal and the Consent Form, then moving on to the questionnaire itself.
- Form in English: <>
- Form in Portuguese (if you prefer): <>
- At the beginning of the form, there are instructions for translating into other languages, if necessary.
Globally and mandatorily, this questionnaire has 222 questions with multiple choice answers, except for two open-ended questions (one for the name of your city and the last one for optional comments or suggestions), with an estimated duration of 30 minutes.
This research has as its target audience only professionals who work in urban planning, mainly dedicated to the theme of urban mobility, in public or private institutions, including academic-scientific. Planners, designers, researchers, and teachers are invited to respond. There are no restrictions about their professional qualification (for example, in Urban Planning, Architecture, Engineering, Geography, Public Health, Environmental Psychology, Tourism, Sociology, Anthropology, etc.), as long as they have some experience in the subject.
If you have any questions or would like to request further information, feel free to write on this forum. Or you can contact me by email: <>.
Thank you for your attention.
I am currently working on my research topic on “Safe Urban Mobility”. I mean by “Safe” which ensures no transmission the infections during transport journeys in the time of the pandemic (Covid-19), especially with the poor mobility choices.
After searching the literature, I got a few studies pointing to the topic.
You can view and discuss your perceptions on this topic.
I welcome all opinions.
Such a system can mean less volume of cars in large cities, which can free up parking spaces and facilitate traffic.
Dear friends and colleagues,
For a research project, we are looking for case studies, where smart technologies (IoT, AI, …) have been used in the realms of urban mobility, and fleet/parking management. I would highly appreciate it if you could let me know if you know of any noteworthy projects. Even the smallest project that would seem insignificant, may be of great interest to us.
Thank you very much for supporting our research.
I want to know the ISI journals of Architecture, urban form, built environment, safety, and urban mobility which provide a fast review process without a publishing fee or with affordable fees.
What impacts can you see on education and student mobility with the COVID-19 pandemic?
Mobility is changing. New types of mobility concepts are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus mitigate climate change or to prevent the mobility sector from becoming overloaded. Individual mobility as we know it today will not exist in this form in the coming decades! In the literature, numerous concepts such as alternative drive concepts, ridehailing, ridepooling, car sharing, more attractive public transport, better cycling and walking infrastructure are listed for future mobility. What is missing are studies that prove the effectiveness, for example, in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions! Which concepts offer the highest potentials considering which parameters (acceptance, infrastructure, financing, etc.)? Which concepts offer the least? Do you know studies on this topic?
Existing transport and mobility restrictions are: reduced public transport services (number of buses, metro), reduced capacity (number of passengers) by social distancing inside the public transport vehicles, deactivate public transport services or shared mobility modes like city bike (bike sharing), carsharing, deactivate buses, trains, flights between cities and countries, car-traffic ban between cities and countries, etc.
- How "transport and mobility restrictions during the Pandemic and COVID-19 period" impact on travel and mobility behavior (habit) of elderly people and persons with disabilities? considering the concerns to be infected in public transport vehicles or shared mobility modes.
- These (probable) travel behavior changes will continue after the Pandemic? or they will return back o their normal travel behavior/habits?
I focus on urban displacement and mobilities and I am looking for a good/cheap gps tracker to document people's urban mobility. Some of my work is in the global south and so I cannot rely on smart phones. Can someone recommend a good GPS tracker (around $50) that people can carry in their purses or coat pockets?
Dear colleagues in different fields of transport planning. I am currently conducting a study called "An integrated study of Park and Ride (P&R) facilities for sustainable urban mobility," which involves research and evaluation of the P&R system components in a mid-sized Latin American city. I have already researched the following: Land use, location of facilities, starting points for travel generation, catchment area, P&R demand, P&R capacity, dynamic accessibility, environment, interaction between (conventional, autonomous, electric vehicles with the P&R system)
I would like to know your opinion as transport planners, which other components should be taken into consideration. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
With continuous urbanization in India, the travel demand for commuters is increasing, with varying trip patterns and longer commuting distances. So what is the key data-based intervention that needs to be addressed in Indian urban mobility landscape?
Hello friends,
I am a beginner in urban traffic simulation.
I searched on the internet about traffic simulators in days ago.
I am familiar to Matlab and I found that Matlab can be used in VANET simulations.
Also, Sumo can be used in the Simulation of Urban Mobility.
SUMO is popular and it uses the TraCI (Traffic Control Interface) for controlling traffic.
SUMO can be coupled to the other networks such as OMNET++ and even Matlab.
While it is possible to simulate VANET with just using Matlab, so when we use SUMO for urban traffic simulation?
What is the difference between using Matlab or SUMO(with TraCI) in urban traffic control algorithms?
Thank you
How can I check if greater levels of accessibility inevitably result in greater participation in activities or more mobility?
What methodology can I use? What are the most appropriate accessibility measures?
I am currently conducting research (my master thesis) on social justice and social exclusion related to transport. My research hypothesis is whether greater levels of accessibility inevitably result in greater participation in activities or more mobility.
In this way, I would like to read articles that have already studied this relationship.
An article I found on the subject is
"Fransen, K., Farber, S., Deruyter, G., & De Maeyer, P. (2018) The spatio-temporal accessibility measure for modeling activity participation in discretionary activities. . "
Could you suggest me more papers on the subject?
I am comparing two urban transportation policies / plans and through that the effort of Vienna and Barcelona in providing a ‚sustainable‘ urban mobility. Therefore, I’d appreciate any valuable literature, case studies regarding the method of comparing.
Hello, I want to simulate VANETs routing protocols in NS2.
I need some resources to understand how to implement a VANETs routing protocol in C++ in NS2 and some source codes for some protocols that are not built-in in NS2. I use SUMO for urban mobility generation.
I have a project on urban mobility in african cities. My assumption is that the recent policy of setting up intercity long-distance bus stations does not favor urban residents' access to interurban transport
In what urban mobility scenarios ICTs can be harmful?
In the context of au European project, we are studying societal trends that have an impact on mobility and transport at the horizon 2030.
Based on the emerging consensus among social scientists (Clegg and Baumeler 2010) that it exist a shift towards liquid modernity introduced by Z. Bauman (Bauman 2000). Liquid modernity refers to more flexibility but also to an acceleration of social life identified by post Marxists (Harvey 1990), geographers (Levine 1998) and H. Rosa (Rosa 2003).
Acceleration of social life and more flexibility pushes an expectation that transport systems needs less travel planning, that information is always available.
Levine proposed a measurement of the pace of life based on the three measurements of the speed of pedestrians in streets, the time it takes to buy a stamp in a post-office and the accuracy of public clocks (Levine 1998, 131). These measurements have been criticized but they show a high level of diversity across the planet, linked to cultural differences.
Walking speed of pedestrians is considered as dependent on the size of cities (Bornstein and Bornstein 1976; Bettencourt et al. 2007; Schläpfer et al. 2014). If we follow this rationale, pace of life should increase with the increasing size of cities related to the urbanization trend (by extension through mobility and by intensification).
But beyond these elements, could you suggest sources for evidence and statistics of these ideas of acceleration?
Exploratory data analysis (Tukley, 1977) is a solution. But did someone experience any other solution to indentify the link beetwen land use changes and urban mobility ?
Urban densification has been widely adopted as a strategy to achieve the sustainable city. There is a wide consensus on the benefits of the compact city in regards to environmental performance. Yet, there are some unanswered questions mainly in connection with implementation challenges and the real gains in attaining sustainable development. This is a particularly relevant discussion in a high-income and sparsely populated country such as Norway. In such a context the strategy appears difficult to implement. The implications of urban densification with regard to the sustainable city are analysed in this paper using the concepts of feasibility and effectiveness. The study is conducted by a combination of exploration of theoretical concepts related to the sustainable city and evaluation of empirical data in four Norwegian cities: Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Stavanger. These cases are analysed in relation to densification, dwelling types, and transportation modes. Although densification is proven feasible in most of the studied cities according to the results, this may be happening not solely because of successful planning efforts, but also because of demographic trends. The effectiveness of this strategy with regard to sustainable patterns, particularly in urban mobility, offers, so far, less evident and direct benefits. Densification is only one of the many qualities that the sustainable city requires; however, it is a precondition for the existence of other essential features for urban sustainability.
1 How can I properly structure metrics for assessing health benefits of urban mobility projects, as well as healthier food supply?
2 In other words, how can HIA procedures (through detailed metrics) help urban planners to make tangible health plus economic advantages of their projects ( whether possible)?
I search particullary about how we can evaluate this plans. Thanks
I want to simulate the intersection with intelligent traffic lights. I select SUMO for the purpose. But, still confused whether I need more software to visualize the results properly or not.Please suggest and guide accordingly.
Thanks in advance.