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Universe - Science topic

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Resumo O território é um instituto jurídico central para o Direito Moderno. Na modernidade foi reduzido à terra, unidade física neutra e universal, um bem capaz de ser comercializado no mercado. A Geografia Humana - em especial com Milton Santos - tem agregado complexidade ao espaço, mostrando que ele é uma produção social, onde a vida se realiza....
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Tindak pidana perdagangan orang hingga saat ini menjadi salah satu tindak pidana transnasional yang tidak kunjung selesai. Tindak pidana ini melibatkan masyarakat-masyarakat yang dianggap lemah dalam beberapa aspek untuk menjadi korbannya. Perdagangan orang menjadi kejahatan yang sulit diberantas karena pelakunya yang sangat terorganisir sehingga s...
Recent advances in linear cosmology have led us to a deterministic approach to quantum gravity based on the Planck force in a flat universe. In this context, we propose generalizing the Planck force equation from linear cosmology to the entirety of deterministic quantum gravity. We try to extend the notion of force in relativity to a quantum contex...
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de Broglie's formulation of the wave motion of the quantum particles is not universally true as this novel research work claims; de Broglie's fails, when the particle velocity reaches certain threshold value and a different kind of motion of the particles is predicted by this work contrary to the predictions of de Broglie.
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Let $$(\mathcal {G},\otimes )$$ ( G , ⊗ ) be any closed symmetric monoidal Grothendieck category. We show that K-flat covers exist universally in the category of chain complexes and that the Verdier quotient of $$K(\mathcal {G})$$ K ( G ) by the K-flat complexes is always a well generated triangulated category. Under the further assumption that $$\...
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The explanation of EXPANSION of Universe with genetic codes.Even besides the expression of Gravitational and Einstein’s Constant Numbers as genetic codes
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The goal of this paper is to analyze the likely transition from integrability to Hamiltonian chaos in the primordial Universe. The transition is driven by curvature fluctuations and favors the onset of a spacetime endowed with continuous dimensions.
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Foi realizado um estudo para prospectar a patenteabilidade de produtos cosméticos contendo insumos derivados do cacau nos últimos 20 anos. A consideração das propriedades bioativas antioxidantes do cacau discutidas na literatura foi um fator relevante na escolha dos códigos de classificação de patentes. A pesquisa foi direcionada para obter informa...
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O capítulo analisa a formação de cânones na constituição dos “estudos críticos sobre dados” (CDS). Para isso, analisamos seis edições do periódico Big Data & Society (BD&S), um de seus principais meios de disseminação. Nosso universo de análise é composto por um total de 131 artigos, a partir dos quais propomos uma breve reflexão sobre a influência...
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This article discusses the new problems that the physical reality of space (deduced from the empirical detection of gravitational waves) poses to its accelerated expansion as it is nowadays considered to occur in the observable universe.
Technical Report
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A mixed-methods feasibility and acceptability study of using the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) within universal health visiting practice in England.
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We [2] have recently demonstrated that the photon energy density parameter Ωγ of the universe in Rh = ct black hole cosmology must be exact and constant. Here, we will examine the neutrino density and the radiation density parameter thatfollow when we base our analysis on the precise photon energy density parameter.
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Philosophical arguments suggest the Universe cannot be mathematical in origin. In particular a major question is 'if a universe is to be created into what can it be put'. A space before a space makes no sense. The thesis deduces an answer to this problem suggesting the universe has, despite quantum theories, a causal basis. This requires a full def...
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Căutând piatra filozofală omul, umanitatea și știința lui pierde din vedere că nu pot cuprinde sau cunoaște mai mult decât în limitele lor ca parte sau secvență a Unicității sau Lui Dumnezeu. Altfel spus căutăm piatra filozofală doar în afara noastră sau în noi (interiorul nostru în sens clasic) uitând că orice unicitate, conținut sau entitate/univ...
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We are suggesting a temperature formula for the CNB temperature, first somewhat speculatively, then we tell how to derive it from the Haug-Spavieri universe and the Haug extremal universe. Further investigation is clearly needed to find out if there is anything to it.
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Perlindungan bagi konsumen merupakan hasil dan bagian yang mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan industri. Perkembangan ini ternyata telah memberikan perbedaan antara gaya hidup masyarakat tradisional dan masyarakat modern. Melalui UU Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, Kepastian hukum Indonesia menetapkan hak-hak konsumen yang perlu d...
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Time Derivative as a Negative Constant in the Observable Universe, Point of Concentrated Gravity Effects of Dark Energy Bubble, and Infinite Cosmic Wavelength A model of a uniformly dense sphere with gravity effects concentrated at the center.
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This work presents the definition of time based on the discovery that the continuing-existence of space plays the roles of time in the universe. It is a descriptive definition using the intrinsic qualities of time. The definition is realistic in that it contains no speculation--no theory, no hypothesis.
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Let $A$ be an abelian variety over a complete non-Archimedean field $K$. The universal cover of the Berkovich space attached to $A$ reflects the reduction behaviour of $A$. In this paper the universal cover of the universal vector extension $E(A)$ of $A$ is described. In a forthcoming paper ( arXiv:2007.04659), this will be one of the crucial tools...
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This very short paper demonstrates that Einstein's Universal Freefall in General Relativity theory fails to consider effects of microscopic details of objects involved in gravitational interactions. It needs to be replaced by more thoughtful theories.
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A fundação da primeira cátedra de Ciência da Religião em Genebra, em 1873, deu início à sua institucionalização em diferentes partes do mundo. Seu conhecimento empírico e teórico acumulado ao longo das décadas é hoje uma fonte indispensável para qualquer reflexão sobre o universo religioso. Nem todas as sociedades cientificas nacionais, porém, têm...
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We construct a simple model of a closed FLRW spacetime by starting from a flat five dimensional scalar field space with a quartic potential. The action contains no curvature terms. The spacetime metric is uniquely determined from the dynamical equations of the metric tensor. An SO(4) invariant ansatz for the scalar fields is shown to lead to a line...
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The questionable notion that the Universe began with a so-called "Big Bang" is at best a tenuous idea. It begs the obvious layperson questions: What was there before it occurred? Where did all the energy and matter come from? What caused it to happen? How will the universe end? On the contrary, in this paper we will provide simple evidence to suppo...
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A saúde bucal é um aspecto essencial do bem-estar geral e qualidade de vida de indivíduos. No contexto brasileiro, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) tem desempenhado um papel significativo na garantia do acesso à saúde bucal para toda a população. No entanto, a realidade mostra que ainda existem desafios significativos a serem enfrentados para que o a...
In this note, the authors show that as the size of an axon tract goes to infinity (number of axons tending to be very large), the distribution of angular inclinations approaches a Gaussian curve and the universal coordinate becomes inclination-independent. This may be why large-scale brain recordings do not show any impact of metric perturbations o...
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Esta investigación parte de una contextualización socio-histórica de lo masculino en occidente para situar los antecedentes de las masculinidades alternativas. Siguiendo una metodología estructurada, básica y documental, se realiza una lectura desde el psicoanálisis lacaniano para comprender cuál es la posición masculina en la actualidad. La princi...
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A bstract A non geometric sector of the duality group emerging in Kaluza-Klein reductions is realized as an effective symmetry in the low energy action of uncompactified type II theories. This is achieved by extending the so called β symmetry of the universal NS-NS sector to the R-R sector of type IIA, IIB and massive type IIA.
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Que conhecimento tem havido em Portugal sobre a Matemática e os seus maiores cultores? Neste trabalho analisamos os conteúdos de História da Matemática em duas enciclopédias portuguesas do século XIX: E. M. Campagne – Dicionário Universal de Educação e Ensino. Trasladado a portuguez por Camillo Castello Branco (1873); Diccionario popular historico,...
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo elucidar perspectivas do direito a EJA, indicando caminhos democráticos que garantam acesso, permanência e processos formativos significativos. Para isso a pesquisa está estruturada em uma abordagem qualitativa, sob a lente metodológica histórico-dialética, tendo como estratégia a articulação do estudo bibliográf...
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Kitab Qarabağ İqtisadi Rayonunda üzümçülük və şərabçılığın elmi əsaslarla bərpasını təmin etmək məqsədilə müasir tələblərə uyğun olaraq hazırlanmışdır. Qarabağ İqtisadi Rayonunda üzümçülük fəaliyyəti çox qədim zamanlardan bu yana həyata keçirilmişdir. Bu bölgə çox sayda müxtəlif texniki, süfrə və universal istiqamətli milli, aborigen üzüm sortla...
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Este artigo apresenta uma discussão baseada na revisão de literatura que explora os estudos sobre o uso das metodologias ativas para o processo de inclusão de pessoas com deficiência e transtorno de aprendizagem na educação. Para tanto, foram realizadas análises qualitativas dos artigos selecionados, buscando responder as questões: as metodologias...
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Buku ini mengetengahkan unsur-unsur kebudayaan universal Buton meliputi deskripsi tentang lingkungan alam, sejarah, masyarakat, bahasa, teknologi tradisional, sistem ekonomi, sistem kekerabatan, upacara lingkaran hidup individu, sistem pengetahuan, sistem kepercayaan dan upacara keagamaan, sistem kepemilikan tanah, ekspresi artisitik, folklor, perm...
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Liver transplantation (LT) remains the only curative treatment for end-stage liver disease as well as acute liver failure. With the exponential increase in organ demand due to the increasing incidence and prevalence of liver diseases, the need to overcome the supply and demand mismatch has arisen. In this review, we discuss the current universal st...
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Este livro congrega os trabalhos apresentados no CIMODE 2023, nas categorias de artigos completos do “tipo 2” e mini artigos. Este volume dos Estudos em Moda e Design oferece uma visão multidisciplinar da pesquisa no campo do ensino, prática e cultura do Design e da Moda em torno do tema “Hilar la Diversidad”. “Hilar la Diversidad” olha o design de...
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Este relato de experiência visa descrever e refletir sobre as experiências vivenciadas por professores em formação ao utilizarem narrativas mitológicas para trabalhar o tema “Terra e Universo” com uma turma de 8° ano do ensino fundamental. Objetiva também problematizar as relações entre indisciplina e ensino-aprendizagem. A coleta de dados acontece...
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Este livro congrega os trabalhos apresentados no CIMODE 2023, nas categorias de artigos completos do “tipo 2” e mini artigos. Este volume dos Estudos em Moda e Design oferece uma visão multidisciplinar da pesquisa no campo do ensino, prática e cultura do Design e da Moda em torno do tema “Hilar la Diversidad”. “Hilar la Diversidad” olha o design de...
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Member of Editorial Board of Partners Universal International Research Publication
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A Coxeter group admits infinite-dimensional irreducible complex representations if and only if it is not finite or affine. In this paper, we provide a construction of some of those representations for certain Coxeter groups using some topological information of the corresponding Coxeter graphs.
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If ponderable matter serves as a sink for an all-pervading and all-connecting fluid-like aether, the role of rotation in the stability of the universe, and also in the structure of the medium for the propagation of light, will now be examined.
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We systematically study the observable properties of dark-matter admixed neutron stars, employing a realistic nuclear EOS in combination with self-interacting fermionic dark matter respecting constraints on the self-interaction cross section. Deviations from universal relations valid for nucleonic neutron stars are analyzed over the whole parameter...
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Vacuum is the fundamental state of the electromagnetic field& this is the dark energy. Dark Energy has a characteristic frequency which is an universal constant. Every point of space-time is considered as an oscillator in its fundamental state. Vacuum has also a density of entropy. Dark Matter is a high density of vacuum energy.
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Objective This study aimed to analyze the longitudinal bond strength of a universal adhesive and chemically characterize the dentin substrate under different acid etching protocols. Methodology Dentin samples were etched with polyacrylic acid 25% (PAA) for 10 seconds (n=3) and phosphoric acid 32% (PA) for 15 seconds (n=3) and analyzed by Fourier t...
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Desde los Grupos de Investigación "Columnaria. Historia y Dinámicas Territoriales de los Mundos Ibéricos" y "Diversidad Funcional y Derechos Humanos (DIDE)" de la Universidad de Murcia, somos conscientes de los importantes problemas que afronta la escuela rural en España. Es por este motivo que unimos esfuerzos para analizar la situación de los col...
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Ebook: Yogapsychology and Peace-Manifesto by the - It includes Bhagavad Gita for (Self-)Management and Leadership (also visible here in a separately published PowerPoint-Pdf) and it also includes an ancient 3000-5000 years old Peace-Formula of universal intercultural and timeless ethics of the 3 Gunas (20+ syno...
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Desde 1917 la práctica del terror en la Rusia soviética fue la esencia del sistema totalitario comunista como lo atestigua, entre otras muchas maneras de proceder, el universo concentracionario –el GULAG- instaurado ya por Lenin (del que se cumple, año arriba año abajo, su ominoso centenario). Durante las primeras décadas de la Unión Soviética los...
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El contexto de profunda crisis ecológica en el que nos encontramos hace posible pensar que la construcción discursiva que se ha hecho en torno a la energía durante la modernidad, por ejemplo, estaría cumpliendo las funciones de un dispositivo utópico en el sentido al que acabo de aludir. Es decir, como una narrativaque propone una particular filoso...
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Picasso twice quoted the name of Dufayel, once in relation with the name of the Louvre and once for the same period of his career, between 1910 and 1914. This essay explores the universe created by the businessman Georges Dufayel in order to understand the role it played in Picasso’s evolving cubism from that of analytic to synthetic.
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Las páginas que siguen ofrecen una perspectiva de la educación en España desde la óptica de los planteamientos programáticos en los siglos XVIII y XIX. En el primero asistimos al inicio de la implicación del Estado en la formación del mayor número posible de ciudadanos, con la meta de la regeneración económica del país, en el segundo a leyes genera...
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We provide a universal tight bound on the energy gap of topological insulators by exploring relationships between topology, quantum geometry, and optical absorption. Applications of our theory to infrared absorption near topological band inversion, magnetic circular dichroism in Chern insulators, and topological gap in moiré materials are demonstra...
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El poemario arbolito enjaulado se autodefine a través de una variedad de instancias textuales, extra-textuales, e intertextuales, un conjunto que sin duda alguna resulta de una opción estética de su autor, Dr. Abdou Khadre Bop, quien se identifica por el apodo «Don Abdul». Ya en la portada, por encima de la construcción metafórica del título, plane...
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Let G be an additive and finite Abelian group, and p a prime number that does not divide the order of G. We show that if G has the universal spectrum property, then so does G×Zp\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgr...
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Pengantar Akuntansi merupakan titik awal bagi siapa saja yang ingin menyelami dunia akuntansi. Ini adalah langkah pertama dalam memahami bahasa bisnis dan keuangan yang universal, yaitu akuntansi. Dengan fokus pada prinsip-prinsip dasar, konsep, dan teknik akuntansi, kursus ini membantu peserta didik memahami bagaimana informasi keuangan dikumpulka...
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O objetivo desta pesquisa visa analisar o que caracteriza uma mulher em vulnerabilidade, quais tipos de vulnerabilidade podem existir no universo feminino e quais fatores levam as mulheres a permanecerem em vulnerabilidade. O estudo analisou a atuação da mulher no mercado de trabalho e o empreendedorismo feminino como ferramenta estratégica para mu...
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Health Insurance, Universal Health Coverage, Health Policy and Affordability.
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En el presente trabajo se discute la necesidad de ligar la reflexión epistemológica a la tarea metodológica; ello, en primer lugar, contribuirá a despejar el equívoco de una metodología generalizada y de la investigación como una tarea universal en la que únicamente cambia el enfoque. También, se plantea la necesidad de incluir enfoques epistemológ...
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Correction for ‘Exploring the Mpemba effect: a universal ice pressing enables porous ceramics’ by Xiaodan Yang et al. , Mater. Horiz. , 2024, DOI:
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Based on recent progress in cosmological thermodynamics, we are presenting a new ther- modynamic formulation of the Friedmann equations, as well as for other similar equations put forward in the literature from different solutions to Einstein’s field equation. Since the CMB temperature has been measured much more accurately than the Hubble constant...
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A square-free word is one which does not contain two consecutive occurrences of the same factor; a square-free morphism is one which produces a square-free word whenever applied to a square-free word. For testing square-freeness of a morphism, the previous researches (Berstel, Ehrenfeucht-Rozenberg, Crochemore, Hsiao et al., …) dealt with the compa...
Research Proposal
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Mathematical derivation of the universal dimensionless Fine Structure Constant based on the non-factorizable nature of Prime Numbers applied to a Super-Symmetric cosmic model
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Este absurd dacă nu imposibil să credem sau să spunem că ne naștem din atomi și molecule, Unicitate sau din Dumnezeu ca parte a lor, dar murim sau dispărem pentru totdeauna ca inexistenţă cu (non existență) sau fără natură (aexistenţă), când de fapt murim sau dispărem transformând-ne în atomi și molecule, Unicitate sau Dumnezeu ca parte sau secvenț...
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Nous avons créé un automate cellulaire pour étudier de manière générale les champs d'interaction attractifs et répulsifs dans un système ouvert. À partir des résultats de ce modèle, nous proposons des hypothèses sur l'origine de ces champs, des filaments galactiques, de l'expansion de l'Univers et du fond cosmologique. We have created a cellular...
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A conjecture of Mallows and Sloane conveys the dominance of Hilbert series for finding basic invariants of finite linear groups if the Hilbert series of the invariant ring is of a certain explicit canonical form. However, the conjecture does not hold in general by a well-known counterexample of Stanley. In this article, we give a constraint on lowe...
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O artigo aborda a questão da judicialização da saúde no município de Paraíso do Tocantins, analisando suas causas, impactos e possíveis soluções. Inicia-se com um referencial teórico que contextualiza a saúde como um direito universal e discute o conceito de saúde ampliado, abrangendo diversos aspectos sociais. Destaca-se a importância do Sistema Ú...
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El abordaje metodológico de la presente investigación constituye una aproximación cuantitativa-cualitativa a la deserción como parte de la Trayectoria Escolar (TE) de los estudiantes que se matricularon en la ge- neración 2004-2009 de la Licenciatura en Geografía de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM). Por lo tanto, el universo de e...
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In this revisited work, we analyze the DN Constant (Del Gaudio-Nardelli Constant). We will describe the possible mathematical connections with Ramanujan's Recurring Numbers, some parameters of Number Theory and String Theory
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In this work, we analyze the DN Constant (Del Gaudio-Nardelli Constant). We will describe the possible mathematical connections with Ramanujan's Recurring Numbers, some parameters of Number Theory and String Theory
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This document clearly defines logic, ⟨0|1⟩ and 3R scientific modelling. It highlights the clear difference between what we perceive, the models we build, and the actual reality, urging a precise, logic-driven approach to understanding. Our brains, while proficient in crafting 3D-like models for navigating the macroscopic world, are inherently limit...
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Kompozit laminate veneerlerin, porselen laminate veneerler ile değiştirilmesi ile iyileştirilen estetik görünümün sunulmasıdır. Olgu 45 yaşındaki erkek hasta üst ön dişlerindeki eski kompozit laminate veneerlerinin değiştirilmesi isteği ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastadan alınan anamnezden sonra yapılan klinik ve radyografik muayeneler sonucunda 11,...
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Nigeria having been evangelized since the late 1800s thanks to the resilience of the early missionaries could be said to have reached some missionary level, age, and maturity. This work becomes critical of such high expectations and thus seeks to answer the following questions: if the Church in Nigeria shares in the missionary mandate and work of t...
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El abordaje metodológico de la presente investigación constituye una aproximación cuantitativa-cualitativa a la deserción como parte de la Trayectoria Escolar (TE) de los estudiantes que se matricularon en la generación 2004-2009 de la Licenciatura en Geografía de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM). Por lo tanto, el universo de est...
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With General Relativity I explain very simply how and why the masses of particles change with the age of the Universe and consequently the variation of most of the constants of Physics. This variation corresponds to the movement of the Universe, either expanding or contracting as is happening today. Therefore, General Relativity is my support for t...
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Con La Relatividad General explico muy simplemente como y porque cambian las masas de las partículas con la edad del Universo y en consecuencia la variación de la mayoría de las constantes de la Física. Esta variación corresponde al movimiento propio del Universo, ya sea expandiéndose o contrayéndose como está sucediendo hoy. Por lo tanto, la Relat...
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En la educación matemática escolar impera la necesidad de generar espacios de conocimientos multiculturales inclusivos, es decir, espacios en los cuales exista el respeto por la diversidad cultural y se valoren y reconozcan los diversos conocimientos matemáticos culturales que los estudiantes adquieren de forma natural, producto de las prácticas y...
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تبحث الدراسة الحالية في كيفية تفاعل رواية "مكان صغير" (1988) للكاتبة جامايكا كينكيد وإعلان الأمم المتحدة العالمي لحقوق الإنسان. تناقش الدراسة كيفية تسبب إرث القطاع الاستعماري والسياحي في انتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان ضد المجتمعات المحلية في أنتيغوا وتجادل الدراسة أنه إذا كان من المقرر أن تتطور أنتيغوا وغيرها من المجتمعات المماثلة فإن مثلث الاستعمار والسيا...
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Galáxias são estruturas fundamentais no Universo. A descoberta da natureza extragaláctica das nebulosas espirais só ocorreu em meados dos anos 1920. Durante o século que se passou desde então, aprendemos muito sobre as galáxias. Este texto descreve como chegamos à conclusão de que o Universo é povoado de galáxias, muitas semelhantes à nossa própria...
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Apresentamos a Via Láctea, nossa Galáxia, primeiro com uma introdução de como a vemos no céu, e a seguir com a história dos primeiros passos de descobertas, que levaram a conclusão de que a Galáxia não é o próprio Universo, mas apenas uma entre muitas galáxias.Descrevemos seus componentes principais (disco galáctico, braços espirais, bojo, barra),...
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This book, Oh My God! is presented as a universal message describing the Divine and the Divine System drawing upon writings and teachings of some who had actually experienced the Divine Reality and understood the mysteries of our life here in this world. It starts with defining attributes of God as revealed by the Sikh Gurus in the Sikh scripture “...
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A relação linear entre as velocidades de recessão das galáxias e suas distâncias ou, de modo equivalente, entre os desvios para o vermelho nos espectros das galáxias e suas distâncias, atualmente denominada lei de Hubble-Lemaître, é um resultado fundamental na área da Cosmologia, que pode ser entendido, de acordo com o modelo cosmológico padrão, co...
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Se comparan las tradiciones críticas y analíticas a través de un análisis del concepto de Habermas sobre el "universal pragmático" (Comunicación y la evolución de la sociedad) y la noción de Talcott Parson del "paradigma de la condición humana" (Teoría de la Acción y la condición humana). Habermas y Parsons insisten fuertemente en el elemento simbó...
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This paper introduces a new method for redefining the Roman factorial using universally applicable functions that are not expressed in closed form. We present a set of foundational functions, similar to Boolean operations, to simplify the factorial expression. Through a systematic process of generalization, termed generalization process, we aim to...
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The article examines the processes associated with the formation of our Universe. A hypothesis has been put forward about the origin of the Universe as conjugate three-dimensional and two-dimensional spaces, the uneven conjugation of which led to the emergence of points of emergence of singularities that form the “three-dimensional craquelure” of g...