Science topics: MedicineOncologyTumors
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Tumors - Science topic

A tumor is used as a synonym for a neoplasm that appears enlarged in size.
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The impact of nanoparticle size on the effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using sulfurized manganese nanoparticles (MnS@PAA) stabilized with polyacrylic acid (PAA) as a binder was thoroughly investigated. MnS@PAA nanoparticles of varying sizes were synthesized by altering the ratio of ethylene glycol (EG) to diethylene glycol (DEG) d...
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AnyGenes is mentioned in the article titled "ERRα Expression in Bone Metastases Leads to an Exacerbated Antitumor Immune Response." This study explores how ERRα expression in bone metastases influences the immune response against tumors. AnyGenes' technologies and products were utilized to analyze gene expression and study the interactions between...
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Intraosseous hemangiomas are benign vascular tumors which are more commonly seen in the vertebrae and skull but they rare in the ribs. Rib hemangiomas can mimic malignant rib lesions and definitive clinical and imaging diagnosis might be difficult and pathological confirmation will be required. Here we report a rib hemangioma in a 49-year-old male...
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Zusammenfassung Die Behandlungsaussichten beim nicht-kleinzelligen Lungenkarzinom (NSCLC) haben sich durch die Integration von Immuncheckpoint-Inhibitoren in multimodale Therapiekonzepte deutlich erweitert. Aktuell rücken kombinierte, Immuncheckpoint-Inhibitor-basierte Therapiekonzepte auch in frühe, resektable Stadien des NSCLC vor. Die neoadjuvan...
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Encapsulated apocrine papilloma of the breast without myoepithelial cell markers is a rare occurrence. For its diagnosis, histopathological examination shows encapsulated apocrine papilloma lacking myoepithelial cell markers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documented case of an encapsulated apocrine papilloma entirely devoid of myo...
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Kanker adalah penyakit yang ditandai oleh pertumbuhan sel abnormal yang tidak terkendali, yang dapat menyebar ke berbagai bagian tubuh. Neoplasma, yang mencakup tumor jinak dan ganas, merupakan hasil proliferasi sel abnormal ini. Faktor risiko meliputi genetik, lingkungan, dan gaya hidup. Kanker dapat menyerang organ apa saja, menyebabkan gangguan...
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Background: Depth of invasion (DOI) being one of the significant predictors in determining the prognosis of the disease, hence this data is available only post operatively but now with the advance technology we can assess DOI preoperatively. Here in our study, we used contrast enhanced computed tomography scan (CECT) to determine preoperative DOI....
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Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour is a rare tumour. We present an atypical case of Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour which was trachea in location, histocyte rich and ROS1 rearranged. The patient presented with upper airway obstruction, which was an asthma mimic. The tumour demonstrated rapid recurrence after mechanical coring, which subsequent...
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We analyse a Fokker-Planck like equation, driven by a scalar parameter in order to reach an integral constraint. We exhibit criteria guaranteeing existence-uniqueness of a solution. We also provide counter-examples. This problem is motivated by an application to the immune control of tumor growth.
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Lung cancer represents a substantial proportion of cancer-associated mortality worldwide, with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounting for most of these cases [...]
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Introduction B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) in adults often presents a poor prognosis. ID1 and ID3 genes have been identified as predictors of poor response in Colombian adult B-ALL patients, contributing to cancer development. In various cancer models, these genes have been associated with immune regulatory populations within the tumo...
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A collision tumor involves the coexistence of two histologically distinct neoplasms in one anatomical location. These are rare in the pancreas and are associated with a poor prognosis. We present the first case of an incidentally diagnosed pancreatic collision tumor, consisting of an extraosseous Ewing-like sarcoma and a solid pseudopapillary tumor...
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Introdução: Este relato de caso aborda o neurofibroma plexiforme, um tumor benigno raro que se origina nas bainhas dos nervos periféricos e que, embora mais comum em regiões superficiais, pode ocorrer em áreas profundas como o mediastino, apresentando desafios diagnósticos e terapêuticos. Metodologia: A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da aná...
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Background Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) represents a global health challenge, with rising incidence and mortality rates. This study aimed to elucidate the clinical course and practices of CCA in Latin America. Methods This observational cohort study investigated individuals diagnosed with CCA between 2010 and 2023 at five referral centres across Latin...
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Objectives To explore the feasibility of different radiomics models for predicting the malignant potential of small intestinal stromal tumors (SISTs), and to select the best radiomics model. Methods A retrospective analysis of 140 patients with SISTs was conducted. Radiomics features were extracted from CT-enhanced images. Support vector machine (...
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Введение. В настоящее время большое внимание уделяется изучению биологических особенностей опухоли желудка. Аутофагия является универсальным клеточным процессом, связанным с адаптацией опухоли к изменяющимся условиям, и влияет на эффективность проводимого лечения. Цель. Изучение содержания белков LC3B, Beclin-1, ATG12, ATG7, ATG5L, ATG16L, ATG3 в т...
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Введение. Развитие микросателлитной нестабильности в результате герминативной или спорадической мутации в генах системы репарации ошибочно спаренных нуклеотидов (MMR) является ключевым звеном в запуске механизмов канцерогенеза посредством формирования опухолевых неоантигенов, представляющих собой мишени для Т-лимфоцитов, что, в конечном счете, обус...
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Введение. Для онкологических пациентов, исчерпавших возможности стандартной терапии, представляется допустимым использование безопасных лекарственных препаратов, продемонстрировавших признаки противоопухолевой активности в доклинических исследованиях. Например, ингибитор дигидрооротатдегидрогеназы (DHODH) лефлуномид, используемый для противовоспали...
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ÖZET Hemanjioblastom oldukça vaskülarize, yavaş büyüyen, berrak, vakuollü sitoplazma ve spesifik immünohistokimyasal boyama özellikleri ile tanı koyulan, neoplastik stromal hücreler içeren derece 1 tümörlerdir. Hemanjiyoblastomlar beyinde, omurilikte veya retinada ortaya çıkabilir ve tüm intrakranyal tümörlerin yaklaşık %1-2,5’ unu oluşturur. Baş a...
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Retroperitoneal ancient schwannoma is a rare condition. Schwannomas are mostly seen arising from head and neck, flexor aspects of extremities, with an incidence 0.7–2.7%. Other sites of schwannoma are rare with few recorded cases. Retroperitoneal schwannomas (RPS) are relatively rare and constitute only 3% of all schwannomas and 4% of retroperitone...
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Purpose To evaluate the feasibility and efficiency between the two intelligent auto-registrations (based on hepatic vessels or based on liver surface) and manual registration for US-CT/MR fusion imaging of liver tumours. Methods From May 2017 to December 2017, 30 patients with 30 liver tumours were enrolled in this prospectively study. Two intelli...
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Введение. В работе представлен анализ патоморфологического регресса после проведения 2 циклов неоадъювантной химиотерапии с последующей химиолучевой терапии и радикальным хирургическим вмешательством у пациентов с местно-распространенным раком желудка. Материалы и методы. В МРНЦ им. А.Ф. Цыба с 2018 по 2022 гг. проведено проспективное клиническое и...
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The unique histiocytic entity of indeterminate dendritic cell tumor (IDCT) is known to cause diagnostic conundrum and treatment dilemmas with no published consensus on either. We report a rare case of cutaneous IDCT with ETV3::NOAC2 rearrangement providing further evidence to its association with this condition. With its ease of administration and...
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Schwannomas are benign tumour. Post traumatic schwannoma over head and neck region is a rare entity. The occurrence of head and neck schwannomas is approximately 25-50%. The most common site of occurrence of schwannoma in head and neck region is found to be lateral part of neck. Schwannoma is a radio-resistant tumour. Complete surgical excision is...
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O objetivo do presente estudo é enfatizar a importância da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (HR-CT) na detecção precoce e na caracterização dos adenocarcinomas pulmonares, por meio de um estudo de revisão bibliográfica. A análise detalha como a HR-CT pode identificar nódulos pulmonares e diferenciar entre opacidades de vidro fosco e nód...
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A ressecção cirúrgica de tumores cerebrais de alto grau continua a ser um dos principais desafios no campo da neurocirurgia oncológica. Técnicas minimamente invasivas, como a navegação intraoperatória, ressecção guiada por fluorescência com 5-ALA, e abordagens endoscópicas, têm ganhado destaque por possibilitar maior precisão cirúrgica, menor traum...
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Key Clinical Message Gangliocytic paragangliomas are benign neuro‐endocrine tumors of the ampulla of Vater. Their preoperative diagnosis is hampered by the low yield of biopsies and non‐specific imaging. Their management relies then on resection. But the type of resection is controversial. Radical resection is indicated in case of lymph node involv...
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Neuroendocrine tumours of bronchial origin account for ~1%–2%. They can be typical or atypical in nature and are likely to be endobronchial in growth. We report a case of a 37-year-old woman with a carcinoid tumour in the bronchus intermedius with a background of aberrant bronchial anatomy. The tumour was removed by sleeve resection and histopathol...
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Desmoid tumors, also known as deep fibromatosis or desmoid-type fibromatosis, represent a rare subset of deep fibromatoses. It is a locally aggressive tumor, with no specific symptoms, and no metastatic potential. We report a case of a 38-year-old male patient with an abdominal mass. Radiological findings showed 2 tumors, the first was a solid ingu...
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Adipose tumors are dominated by lipomas, but other rarer entities may be encountered such as hibernoma which is a benign tumor that develops from brown fat. The thigh is the preferred location for hibernomas, but the tumor can appear in other areas. The upper limb is a rare localization and there is only 1 case of hibernoma on the hand already repo...
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Úvod: Mozkové nádory, které zasahují do kortikálních neuronů nebo jejich okruhů, mohou být běžnou příčinou refrakterních fokálních záchvatů. Mezi nimi jsou nízkostupňové nádory asociované s refrakterní epilepsií (LEAT) významné pro svou asociaci se záchvaty, charakterizované časným nástupem záchvatů, tendencí k výskytu v temporálním laloku a obecně...
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Las neoplasias malignas primarias múltiples (NMPM) constituyen una situación en la cual dos o más cánceres primarios se manifiestan en un mismo individuo. Se denominan sincrónicas a aquellas que se descubren simultáneamente o con menos de 6 meses de diferencia. En este trabajo se presenta el caso de un individuo masculino de 54 años en el cual se h...
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Hemolymphangiomas of the heart are one of the rarest types of cardiac tumors. We describe the case of a 63-year-old woman with a large hemolymphangioma arising from the left atrial appendage. Complete resection of this rare tumor was performed successfully, with no tumor recurrence during the 8-year follow-up.
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El síndrome carcinoide es un síndrome paraneoplásico que se presenta en tumores neuroendocrinos. Aunque es una entidad infrecuente suele ser la primera manifestación de la enfermedad. La baja incidencia junto a la presentación inespecífica genera retrasos diagnósticos importantes. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con síntomas digestivos y tufora...