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Tumor Markers - Science topic
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Questions related to Tumor Markers
I'm analyzing data from an oncology trial and trying to perform statistical analysis including cox regression analysis and paired t-tests.
My data includes laboratory test values, including tumor markers.
In a few cases, tumor marker values were higher than upper limit of quantification, which returns results displayed in forms of ">10000"
How should I impute the data for quantification? For values of lower than detectable limit I've seen imputations using half of lower limit of detection. Is there a similar rule of thumb for data upper than quantifiable limit?
Thanks in advance.
Immunoassays are the most commonly used method to measure tumor markers since it is easy to perform and do not require expensive materials or equipment and skills compared to other methods. Tumor markers are detected using capture and label antibodies. Aside from being affected by icteric, lipemic, and hemolyzed samples and antibody cross-reactivity, What are the others inferences or disadvantages of using this method?
I performed an immunohistochemical study and I have estimated the percentage of expression of different tumor markers, in this case, can I estimate fold changes with respect to the control ?
Is CA 125 a reliable marker for Ca ovary in a postmenopausal women with large lesion in ovary?
I did an experiment in CA 15-3 tumor marker measurement. I use ELISA and get OD value for standard : 0.00675 0.13325 0.54125 1.44975 1.96425 . Are that still an acceptable value to use as standard curve?
What's the best curve to use as curve fitting? Linear with R squared value = 0,92 or 4PL with R squared value = 1 ?
I currently doing a research for anticancer drugs and have a plan to use CA 15-3 as tumor marker to measure the effectivity. Some reference tell that CA 15-3 and MUC 1 are synonym, but i also found some reference that stated CA 15-3 and MUC are different. My question is "Could I use ELISA kit for MUC 1 to measure the CA 15-3?" because my local supplier can't find the ELISA kit for CA 15-3 in affordable price.
We all know that Alpha-fetoprotein is an importat marker for Ataxia telangiectasia diagnosis, but i wonder if anyone can explain why this tumoral marker is being high in this primary immunodeficiency ?
CA19-9 is a commonly performed tumour marker in pancreatico -biliary malignancy,but the levels keeps varying ? depending on the severity of obstruction causing cholangitis.In these circumstances if the levels are high does it mean it is a disseminated malignancy or it is probably due to cholangitis !
I want to check tumor marker concentration in rat serum. I use 30 rat dividing to 6 group. How many wells do i need in ELISA?
Does anyone have experience uding He4 tumor marker for ovarian cancer?
I ve read some papers it seems interesting.
i need to know if it makes any sense to compare between tumor markers in staging of disease and if it is possible which statistical test can be used?
tumor markers are glygoprotien can be used in diagnosis of cancer
Gain-of-functional mutant p53 exhibits a longer half-life period as compared with wild-type p53, which is why the significant accumulation of the mutant p53 in cancer cells is recognized in many kinds of malignant neoplasms.
As compared with CEA and CA19-9, anti-p53 antibody (IgG subtype) can be detected in the very early stage of esophageal, colon, breast, prostate carcinomas etc.
Given that pseudo-positive ratio of anti-p53 antibody is less than 5% in the healthy population, the detection of anti-mutant p53 IgG antibody holds much promising.
I would like to know your opinion on this useful marker.
Thank you in advance!
I have a similar article showed the serum level of that tumor marker change from (mean+-SD) 316+-564 (median 136) to 809+-1526 (median 143) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Now I want to assess the changes in serum level of a tumor marker after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in another study. How can I determine the sample size? What do I need more? What is the formula?
I would be interested in using SmartFlare to detect key markers, looking for comments about the use of this new technology in hPSC.
Are there any new discoveries on the biochemistry of pancreatic cancer that may serve as a marker?
While most times in systemic drug delivery, an overexpressed biomarker is desired in both primary and metastatic metastases. However, if one was attempting to target solely the primary tumor, what biomarkers could be utilized that would not simultaneously target metastases?
What is the most important and most used cancer markers (proteins) in human blood plasma that is in use today, and which do you think is going to be the most important cancer markers in blood plasma in the coming years for early detection of the most unfolded types of cancer?
If you know about some new research papers in this area, they are very welcome.
Thank you
Dear all,
Recently, one HCC patient of mine, his AFP level declined to the normal level three month later after liver resection. However, one month later, his AFP rebound and continue to increase. Strangely, we cannot find the evidence of recurrence from MRI and CT scan.
Now, we are confused with the treatment and the AFP level is increasing. So, can someone tell me the answer why AFP was rebounded? What we need to do now?
Thank you for your answer.
I am going to use bombesin as a ligand for detection of MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and I am going to order bombesin peptide, but I do not know what is the best peptide sequence of bombesin for this research to detect MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines specifically.
I am looking for the company also who provides C- and N- terminal Halo tag vector with the same selection markers and mammalian expression.
Does anybody have an experience in difference between PET / CT scanning of mice tumors with a scanner designed for animals and humans?
i read about tumor marker and enjoy about its very important role in early diagnosis and help in assessment of therapy and recurrence probability,so i need to know if there is specific tumor marker for SCC effecting oral mucosa?
STR markers used are D3, D4, D12, D16, D17.
Male patient diabetic and hypertensive,with hx of choleycytectomy,has high lipase enzyme and he is asymptomatic. CT abdomen normal,tumor markers are negative.What is the cause?!
i.e. antibody staining applied on FFPE sections of tumor tissue that reveals gradient positivity correlating to O2 tension?
Hello, I'm wondering if there are there differences of expression levels of tumor markers in the same patient.
For example, in a same patient who has diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, would the expression level of CD10 or other markers on immunohistochemistry be same in different biopsy samples, or would it be different?
Would the expression level be different between the neck lymph node and inguinal lymph node?
If so, are there any references or personal experience?
Kind a lame question, but I could not get clear answers.
Thank you
Not a tumor marker which is only over-expressed in hepatic cancer but still expressed in normal tissue.
These cell lines along with available xenografts and other factors along with other biomarkers ( if you have any it would be appreciated) will be used to build a preclinical model for high risk Wilms tumors. The development of assays specific to this model will result in the ability to do novel cell line and animal testing which could potentially lead to clinical trials with new compounds for children with these disease.
I'd like to use flow cytometry to determine fibroblasts of BALB/c lymph node. I used to enzymatic digestion of lymph nodes.
I would like to know what is the best biomarkers/tumor marker/kits for colorectal cancer diagnosis?
The polyp wasn't removed at the time of the colonoscopy because the patient was on Heparin, and there was a great risk of bleeding. He is a smoker. He is hypothyroid. His CEA and Ca 19.9 were elevated. No masses or ulcers were detected in the Upper GI endoscope. Abdominal Ultrasound was clear. Full body CT scan with and without contrast was clear. It's been 2 months since the colonoscopy was done. What should be done now regarding the polyp?
For example what proteins and receptors are produced in normal breast cells and malignant cells.
A 59 year old patient who had ovarian cancer almost 5 years ago has a Ca 15-3 level of 58U/mL. Her last reading 5 months ago was 21U/mL. Her CBC and Kidney Function Test results are within normal limits. Is her Ca 15-3 result considered significant, and should further investigation be done?
Or do they evolve ( gain or loose) depending of their micro environment?
Thank you for your inputs
I am in need of some papers or articles related to my question if anyone knows please help me.
Thank you.
GBM cells can release glutamate to extra cellular through Xc system. I want to know that does this happen all time?
I want to know last methods for diagnosis and screening of colorectal cancer in the medical laboratories which is the best and specific for colorectal cancer in the same time has high Sensitivity also in first steps of cancer?
I want to know the names of markers for the Malignant melanoma specific for the Serum and Tissues.
I'm using the mice model so these markers should be very specific for the mice. (Balb/c)
Can tumor markers (alpha fetoprotein, carcinoembryonic antigen) be performed on mice tissue homogenates instead of serum? What are the other tumor markers which can be carried out on tissue homogenates of a HCC model of Swiss Albino mice?
With the growing number of biomarkers regularly discovered, going through clinical trials and more slowly translating into the clinic, what options are available to shortlist and find biomarkers? For example for:
- Developing new diagnostics/drugs
- Researchers seeking to make new biomarker discoveries
- Selecting biomarkers for disease diagnosis/treatment
- other ways biomarkers are used/needed for projects
I am going to use bombesin as a ligand for detection of MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines and I am going to order bombesin peptide, but I do not know what is the best peptide sequence of bombesin for this research to detect MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines specifically.
Simple laboratory methods like colorimetry.