Science topic
Transportation Engineering - Science topic
Transportation Engineering are transport systems planning and engineering, focussed on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Traffic Engineering and Optimization,
Questions related to Transportation Engineering
Hello everyone
I have revised my manuscript according to the reviewers' comments and tried to submit it to the Transportation Engineering journal. ""
However, I encountered a PDF build error that prevented me from completing the submission process. The error message said: "PDF build failed: There were errors building the PDF file. I checked the file but I could not understand what the problem was. I used Microsoft Word to write my manuscript and followed the journal's template and guidelines. Has anyone faced a similar issue before? How can I fix this error and submit my manuscript successfully?
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I need help with one survey to reach 3000 people (response). I will be really thankful if anyone can reply and share this survey.
Any standard, guideline, photo can help :)
Please suggest a few appropriate Journals without charge, No tamplate and fast publication for Transportation Engineering?
Based on disaster resilience road- landslide, slope stabilization.
What is the difference or relation between "Digital solutions" and "Intelligent Transportation Systems"? Especially in Urban areas/urban mobility
I'm currently writing my master’s thesis at the Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with the Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, which evaluates the design and implementation of MaaS (Mobility as a Service).
To design a customer-centric mobility, I created a survey to understand the needs and problems of the users and identify their preferences.
The questionnaire takes only a few minutes of your time. By filling it out and sharing it with friends/acquaintances of your network you will give me a great help and you will contribute shaping the future of mobility!
Here below you can find the link:
The new trend of transportation Engineering Activities enrolled different technologies. These technologies include: Computer Vision, GIS, Neural Network, Artificial Intelligence; Digital Photogrmmetry, Unmanned drones, Expert and Knowledge-based systems, Digital Mapping, cellular phone usage, 3D-mapping; etc.
What do you thing the second era for the new millennium will be?
When considered at the regional level, what is the major purpose of a regional transportation system?
For instance, in urban transportation there are several participants, e.g., mobility service providers, infrastructure and traffic management centres, passengers, local-, and state governance etc. Each participant collect/generate- and store data. The level of integration would be higher if either
- the participants share their data with each other (which would be quite idealistic), or
- there are a data platform, to where participants transfer their data (this can be a data warehouse for example).
High integration would be advantageous, as development projects require data for efficient execution. The main reason of my related research is to enable efficient, standardized and data-based decision support for transportation development projects.
I've thought about interpreting data systems as graphs and calculate the level of integration, based on the number of different connections/relations between the participants, but this may result in a rather decentralised/overcomplicated system, in which, the more connections are, the higher the integration is.
I would aim to
- estimate the optimal number of connections between participants, and
- develop a data warehouse framework, where participants do not need to communicate but they transfer their data to the warehouse, in which the data is stored in a structured manner.
In the next step, maybe compare the two solutions. I know there are several policy/management related barriers of data sharing (specially between the participants), this way, the data warehouse seems like a better idea. Of course, sharing data with the warehouse may assume some central legal actions (e.g., law enforcement of data sharing).
Thank you very much for your answers in advance!
My area of interest is in Transportation Engineering. I need a topic to research on. Kindly recommend
Hello Dears,
I'm doing a safety study on Malaysian Expressways (E1, E2, & E8) so, I need traffic volume data of the North-South Expressway (E1, E2) and East Coast Expressway (E8) includes, Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of heavy vehicles for at least one year such as 2016, 2017, or 2018.
Please help me with this thank you All.
Best Regards
Fathi Alkhatni
I am doing a comparative LCA study between different roads in EU and I am looking for data related to machines used during (for instance: laying the pavement, etc.) the construction and maintenance phase of the road ( ex. per 1m2 or 1 km of road).
I hope everyone is safe and healthy.
The purpose of this survey is to study travel behavior during COVID-19. It does not ask for any personal information and will take about 10 - 15 minutes.
Your response will be highly appreciated.
Edit: Thanks everyone for your responses. They survey is now closed.
I have traffic volume data collected over seven days (morning and evening daily) in 15-min intervals. I want to aggregate this seven-day (15 min counts) data into an hourly volume in order to visualize it through a heat map. Also, how to get AADT, ADT, DHV, and DDHV from this available data? Attached are the TMC sheets (All) in Excel/CSV format for seven days at an intersection (15-min interval counts).
Dear Everyone!
I'd ask you opinion about a problem, which is returning in my "softer" research field. Time to time I work on research projects, which do not have available data and/or the data would be very complex/difficult/time consuming to collect.
For example: I elaborate several models of a transportation service (physical, operational, informational, business) and apply it in a case study the results are not really based on any data outside (reasonable and baselined) assumptions and spatial characteristics. The results are some novel characteristics of the service, which can be linked with previous literature.
How would you separate application, results and discussion in this case? How can I discuss results which are not supported by data? Are assumptions and comparison between literature and my results enough to build a proper discussion section?
Thank you for you answers in advance!
Kind regards,
Simon NAGY
PhD student
If yes, what car-following/ lane-changing logic does it use?
I am working on potholes detection algorithms using image processing. Is there any appropriate dataset of potholes available or not? Anyone who also worked on it?
I am planning to build a website " ALL ABOUT CIVIL ENGINEERING " which aims to help students as well as engineers, my goal is to have a website wherein all the material regarding civil engineering is available on this website, who would like to be part of this website by providing me help to build this website, it will be totally educational website focusing on students and engineers, initially planned to keep search tab, providing my youtube links as free lectures, providing previous years question papers of various universities, IS codes and other countries codes pertaining to civil engineering, Q & A forum to ask questions related to civil engineering by logging in, separate tab for all notes of all subjects and practicals, and also separate section for the articles related to the advances in civil engineering. These are the initial requirements i have planned.
I want to know the latest suggested titles related to Transportation engineering, for which distinguished master theses can be made!
Hope you all are in good health and spirits.
IRC recommends a CBR of 15 for rural road construction, i would like to get a clear idea and ranges for different CBR value requirements.
Dear colleagues in different fields of transport planning. I am currently conducting a study called "An integrated study of Park and Ride (P&R) facilities for sustainable urban mobility," which involves research and evaluation of the P&R system components in a mid-sized Latin American city. I have already researched the following: Land use, location of facilities, starting points for travel generation, catchment area, P&R demand, P&R capacity, dynamic accessibility, environment, interaction between (conventional, autonomous, electric vehicles with the P&R system)
I would like to know your opinion as transport planners, which other components should be taken into consideration. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
I am conducting a study on connected vehicles and intelligent multimodal lane management and I was wondering if RM could be used with connected vehicles and how? (during the deployment period and after a hypothetical full deployment)
Also I recently read about the 2009 Path IRMP and was wondering if it was possible to download it.
Thank you a lot for your kind help.
Intelligent transportation systems provide many advantages as part of our daily lives. One of the most common applications of these current and increasingly widespread systems in our cities is intelligent junction control. The scope of the intelligent junction control concept which includes different approaches and algorithms, is quite wide. It is known that it needs realistic and objective technical knowledge to guide decision makers correctly. In this sense, what do you think the definition of intelligent intersection should include? Is a high-cost intersection control system with a lot of equipment always necessary? Or are the lower cost solutions that enable multi-plan control by only increasing the number of control programs? What should be the threshold or the transition point for the preference? Is it sufficient to make only cost-benefit analysis? To what extent should social benefits be taken into account for feasibility analysis? Sharing your views on this issue can be beneficial to many researchers and interested parties and can contribute to the spread of sustainable transportation (traffic management) systems.
I'm trying to simulate asphalt layers with Viscoelastic behavior in ABAQUS.
First of all, we must define a elastic property of asphalt, E and v (Poisson ratio).
After that must input viscoelastic coefficient of Prony series (g_i and k_i).
But I seen different expression of Prony series in term of define elastic module.
Many of them, they define prony series in term of E_infinite like below:
E(t)=E_inf + SUM ( E_i*e^(-t/tau_i) )
And E_inf=E0 - SUM(E_i)
And the additional problem is that the ABAQUS get viscoelastic property in term of dimensionless. It's mean that I must divide the E_i to E(infinite or zero).
the problem is that the i dont know what number must input. and when i try to calculate E_0 , i see the huge elastic module.
other question is when i want to compare elastic and viscoelastic material, when i want to define elastic module for elastic behavior, what elastic module must input? E_0 or E_infinite
Files that attached, is the different expression of prony series and abaqus defining of prony series
Please guide me
The energy density of most redox flow batteries is too low for transport solutions but there is a Swiss company: NanoFlowcell that claims their QUANTiNO vehicle accomplished the impossible.
“The low-voltage system in the QUANTiNO works with the nanoFlowcell® drive to form an exceptionally efficient symbiosis that promises a significantly greater potential range compared with the HV systems commonly used in electric vehicles. Furthermore, it eliminates the danger of electric shocks that can be caused by a high-voltage system in the event of an accident or when undertaking repair work to HV components.”
Only data provided by the company are the test run results. Calculations based on this data gives following results:
Energy demand: 13 kWh per 100 km
Energy density: 600 Wh per liter or kilogram
Average test run speed = around 23 kph
A full tank range at this average speed: 1,400 kilometers.
Nowadays, conventional flow batteries based on vanadium sulfate theoretically achieve energy densities of up to 19 to 38 Wh/L with respect to pure electrolyte solutions. Bromine-based systems would achieve 70 Wh/kg.
It sounds like redox flow cells are not an attractive option, as not one of these cells reaches the levels of lithium-ion ones. Maybe I’m missing something? Did anyone had contact with this compay and can can confirm their results?
Maybe somene who works with redox batteries could share his opinion?
I am looking for suitable software (paid or free) that can be used for optimizing traffic light cycles at an intersection.
Is the conversion rate a limiting factor of this technology, compared to gasification and hydrogenotrophic/acetoclastic methanogenesis? And does hydrogen have the chance to become a successful energy carrier in the transport sector, compared to methane or batteries?
I compacted unbound aggregates at optimum moisture content and then let it dry in the oven for one day. The repeated load triaxial test was carried out on this sample in which I faced a weird behavior (please find the attached figures). The permanent deformation initially increases with a high rate and then its rate decrease slowly and finally it has a negative displacement (like expansion).
This behavior only happened in dried samples and the lower stress conditions (1.59 KN and 1.767 KN deviatoric stresses and 120 and 41.7 confining pressures). These samples have normal behavior, the permanent deformation keep increasing with load cycles, at higher loading environment.
I appreciate your time.
Considering that transport is the main component of the logistics system, making domestic production more competitive is basically a strategic decision.
How can increased demand for a city's major roadway make it more competitive?
Hi there,
Thank you for concerning about my question. I am new to VISSIM.
I am now trying to match the average speed and volume of specific data collection point to the observed loop detector data. For this purpose, I have changed the desired speed distribution, Vehicle composition and driving behavior. I set Vehicle inputs by time interval with observed volume and choose Voltype as EXACT. However, I do not know why the Vehs(ALL) in data collection results list does not match the volumes which I input.
Additionally, what other parameters can I change to obtain better simulated results?
Thank you.
I am trying to design a pavement using the MEPDG method in africa. since it can be calibrated anywhere how best can i go about the methodology without the AASHTOware software for a thesis?
There is a conjested and a solution would be to design a bypass route, How can i write a thesis about it? something that starts with analysis of and a procedure would be helpful.
Dear all,
I am working on my Phd and I aim to identify the most influencial factors of Quality of Service, in order to relate them and develop a method that would assess the service quality of at grade intersections (i.e. roundabouts).
Thank u in advance
Efterpi Damaskou
Transportation Engineer
Phd candidate
"" Numerical Modelling of compressive behavior of wheat straw reinforced concrete for pavement application"
I want to do my thesis on the above topic but the problem in experimental done in previous research paper "compressive behavior of wheat straw reinforced concrete for pavement application"
is that by adding wheat straw to concrete reduce its compressive strength but increase the micro shrinkage resistance of concrete.
so the thing that lock my mind is the reduction of compressive strength so is it feasible to to do numerical modelling of it.
Need your suggestion.
I have to calculate the optimal thickness of well steining for a well foundaton having external diameter 11.6 m and depth 30 m.
IRC 78-2014 gives the formula h =kd√l .Using this formula, thickness will be about 1.9 m. It has been proposed to use Jack down method of well sinking.
Clause 708.2.3.5 of IRC:78-2014 allows to adjust the steining thickness according to design and construction requirement if specialised method of sinking such as jack down method are adopted.
Some case studies to mention here are:
Signature bridge, wazirabad in north delhi having 0.8m steining thickness for a well diameter 8m and depth 35-39 m (jack-down method used here)
Pretensioned sutlej bridge in Punjab having steining thickness 1.05m tapered to 0.75m for well having diameter 6m and depth 32m. (jack down method not used here)
According to the book "Soil Mechanics and Foundation" by B.C. Punmia page 789, steining thickness is given by
t =D/2{1-√1-4r/ρD} ; t is thickness, D is Dia of well, r is unit skin friction, ρ is unit weight of concrete for steining.
As per this equation for a constant skin friction, steining thickness should decrease with increase in diameter of well.
According to the book "Structural detailing in Concrete" by M. Y. H. Bangash, thickness of steining is given by
t=k(0.01H+0.1D) ; t is thickness, k is sub soil constant, D = external dia of wall , H is depth of well.
Using any of the formula, the thickness of steining wont come close to the thickness provided in the case studies i mentioned above.
By using Jack-down method of well sinking, thickness will be reduced, but how to calculate the optimum thickness of well steining in case of jack-down method?
I notice that the steining thickness equation provided in IRC 78-2014 gives the thickness which increases cost of the project.
Your esteemed comments and experiences are highly welcomed and appreciated on this topic.
I do not have access to sources , I need papers on topics like "Is induced traffic measured by survey ? " and other topics in this regard ! Thanks
here in Afghanistan we do not access to these sources !
I am a a 3rd year student in BSc in civil engineering in University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh.Want to Research on any Transportation Engineering Subject.may you give me a chance???
I am a a 3rd year student in BSc in civil engineering in University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh.Want to Research on any Transportation Engineering Subject.may you give me a chance???
What are the main components that govern the curvature running resistance?
Wheel radius?
Train speed?
Rail curvature?
What more?
i think it is interesting if we can go anywhere in a second . do you have any idea about how we can do it?
I want to predict the Passenger car unit (PCU) values of different vehicle types using ANN and ANFIS. Is it possible to return a series of equations in the output layer of ANN (or) ANFIS model?
Can someone give me information of a capacity, geometry and safety of an Unsignalized U-turns. Thanks
I want to calculate the lateral shifting / lane changing behaviour of vehicle in a traffic stream. I want to know about some methods by which practically this distance can be calculated on road?
For Simulation of travel time in Vissim Software i need to know the different methods to determine travel time.What are the common methods to find travel time and the difference between them..
I have found quite a few studies on this topic that have been conducted in developed countries. [viz (Sutermeister, 1956), Pretty (1973), May and Montgomery (1988), Mahalel, Gur and Shiftan
(1991), Ye, Veneziano and Lassacher (2008) etc]. As manual traffic control is only used for emergencies and special occasions in developed countries, not many studies are done compared to other hot topics. But in Asian countries, manual traffic control is quite common, but, I could not find any studies related to this topic. Can anyone suggest me a few if its available?
Hi, I was working on TRANSCAD and had confusions about creating the link O-D matrix for the larger networks based on the data obtained from the trip tables. I wanted to work on the Chicago Regional Network and I downloaded the trip tables from ( But somehow I am unable to make O-D matrix for the network. Any help would be appreciated.
Could someone please direct me to a benchmarked dataset for the subject of driver attention/distraction detection using machine learning, I've surveyed a few papers and they seem to collect their own data, which I was not able to acquire, the data signals used usually include the following, in both attention and distraction scenarios:
- Speed [m/s].
- Time to collision [s].
- Time to lane crossing [s].
- Steering angle [deg].
- Lateral position [m].
- Position of the accelerator pedal [%].
- Position of the brake pedal [%].
- Heading angle: angle between the longitudinal axis of the vehicle and the tangent on the centerline of the street.
- Lateral deviation: deviation of the center of the car from the middle of the traffic lane.
- Head rotation: rotation around the vertical axis of the car, measured using the head tracking system installed in the car console.
What are the common software to forecast travel demand? Why do we choose one over another? What are the key differences?
I find lane-based microscopic simulation models inadequate for modelling realistic trajectories of human driven vehicles and highly automated vehicles that follow a 2D path. Any suggestions or ideas are welcome.
I would like to measure the perception reaction time of driver when following or passing leading vehicle.
Available methods and data needed. Some references is appreciated.
I am interested in knowing if it is possible to study the degradation of rutting and IRI on a flexible pavement. I already know the ones form World Bank to study the IRI but for a first approach and due to the lack of data I am looking for a simplified equation.
Many thanks
Parking facilities in Delhi need to be improved and I want to use VISSIM for this purpose. Is it practically possible to do using VISSIM 5.4.
I want to work on the queuing analysis of vehicle at the intersection in Y-junction with a sensor to count the vehicles.
I need more explanation on this.
There are so many methods in estimating car traffic volume.However, methods about estimating bicycle traffic flow are very few.So I want to know some methods can estimate bicycle traffic volume.
Application, experiences, literature of asphalt in railway and tram construction?
to study the lack of parking spaces in tehran,I needed to find out how many cars commute in this city to compare to the current parking spaces.
Good Afternoon!
I want to predict the future position of a vehicle in a two dimensional road. The number of lanes are varying over the stretch of the road and I want to predict the future position of the vehicle(the position(may be x & y coordinate and the lane number) during the simulation. The position should be calculated while the simulation is running. The vehicles are free to change lanes in case of lane reduction. Is there any way to predict the positions dynamically during the simulation?
Thank you in advance!
We are conducting the safety analysis at several uncontrolled intersections where no traffic control devices are present. We want to compare Post Encroachment Time (PET) and critical gap time for the safe stop. For those who are not familiar with the term PET, here is the definition:
The time between the first road user leaving the common spatial zone (in a two road user encounter) and the second road user arriving at it.
It is possible to determine the PET manually from the recorded video. But, my question is how to come up with the critical gap required for a safe stop based on running speed.
Thanks in advance.
I am research on the road classification. It is difficult to find the full text of Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads. thanks.
Hi, I am wondering if someone has some pointers to references on individual vehicle (or two vehicles) entry speeds into an intersection / junction and the likelihood of a collision. I imagine such relationships would vary by type of control, e.g. give way sign, traffic signal roundabout. Any ideas?
Something like that is already available for individual vehicle speeds/speeding in general context (Kloenden curves), but I am not aware of intersection-specific research. Anything from micro-simulation?
I want to plot the city map on the transcad software
I am conducting a research on effect of fillers on asphalt characterictics.
The question refers to workload management from different perspectives: organisational, individual, operational demand. I'm just interesting in different viewpoints on this question
I have to design a rigid pavement road and conduct geotechnical investigation along the road alignment. In this regard, I need to conduct a few California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests along the road length. What is the requirement of CBR test frequency, namely, after how long distance, the test shall be repeated as per international standards such AASHTO or ASTM or so on?
Time Lost is assumed to be (approximately) the difference between time effectively spent and the time that would be needed in free-flow conditions.
Regarding pedestrian movement in shared spaces, and assuming that conflicts against cars could be solved both by decelerating and by deviating from the shortest path, it seems to me that "free-flow condition" means to walk the shortest path with free-flow speed.
The question is exactly which free-flow speed should I assume for pedestrians in regard to this calculation. Literature recomendations are welcome.
thanks for your help,
The reference Manual mentions that deq. of a plate element should not be changed during staged construction. I want to model both the linings of different thicknesses on the same centre line. So is there any method so we can change the thickness properties of plate element so as to accommodate both temporary lining and perm. lining.? or Please suggest any other way where i can study the impact on both temp and perm lining in the same model.
I have been working with research on new predictive model of train traffic by using new railway signaling systems. I would appreciate if anyone could introduce me any work about European Raiway train management system (ERTMS), especially about safe movement of train, calculation methods of trains regulation, considering intervals between trains.
I am trying to be well updated on successful DRT:s in recent time, say the last 8 years. I am well aware of EU funded projects and fairly well aware of other projects within the EU. However, I would appreciate suggestions about DRT projects and implementation in other parts of the world. My focus is on rural transports so initiatives in population dense areas is not so interesting for me.
I want to develop a multiple linear regression with 457 samples. Among independent variables, there is one categorical variable which consists of three level (XL1, XL2 AND XL3). The number of XL1, XL2 and XL3 are 229, 214 and 14 respectively. Looking at proportion levels, XL3 is only 0.030 which can be neglected or at least merged with other levels.
Is any statistical test which can be decide whether the number of level of a design variable could be reduced?.
Any way, I have reviewed one paper which stated the hypothesis as below:
H0 : pi = 0
H1: pi ≠ 0
where pi is the proportion of class i, with 0.05 significance level
The paper claimed that if pi < 0.05, then class i can be reduced from a design variable.
I wonder how it can be since pi value fall in alternative H1 which is pi ≠ 0. Is it correct approach? If yes, please provide your explanation.
Can anyone give examples of documents which suggest this practice? It seems not to be a good idea, but maybe there is some valid reasoning behind it.
I am aware of several methods/tools for measuring the ease with which a pedestrian can traverse urban environment. While they make good sense, none of them is based on any traceable research references. Please let me know if you are aware of such 'walkability' assessment methods which have solid basis in empirical evidence. Regards.
I have developed a quantitative LOS criteria based on actual delay faced by pedestrians on Indian roads using cluster analysis. I have also conducted a user perception survey to understand the perceived pedestrian delay. I wish to develop an LOS criteria which is a combination of both quantitative delay and perceived delay. I can develop another LOS criteria solely based perceived delay, but I am not sure how to come up with a combined LOS criteria.
This is for our minor project. Time available is a month. We are trying for some alternative way for preparation of DPRs for PMGSY roads as against the traditional way of going for the surveys and then using it as a major basis for DPR preparation. We have with us an already made DPR to compare the results. We also do not expect accurate results, but want to quantify the difference. How can i use DEM or other related things for the same. Please advise on the same. Thank you
Through preliminary studies, I have selected seven attributes for SP modelling. Since I have to make separate models for A.C and Non-A.C buses, I have considered 'type of bus' as one attribute (levels are A.C and Non-A.C). However, while incorporating the attribute ‘fare’ I need to give due consideration to the present fare of A.C (ie. Rs 3.0/km)) and Non-A.C buses (Rs 1.0/km). Therefore, levels of fare considered for the experiment are 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 4.0 (Rs/km.
If I do the D-optimal design, I may get an A.C bus type with a fare less than present fare of A.C bus (say Rs 1.5/km) which is not practical. How can I tackle this issue?
I am trying to calibrate AASHTO Passing Sight Distance (PSD) for our developing countries highway. I am worried about the data needed and process of calibration.