Science topic

Transhumanism - Science topic

Transhumanism, abbreviated as H+ or h+, is an international intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities and develop posthuman possibilities.
Questions related to Transhumanism
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I expect 'opposites' will dominate this discussion. It is axiomatic in the West and common in the East to deal with dichotomies rather than incremental differences. There is much linguistic evidence that antonyms are the most fundamental distinction, and this is supported by neurological evidence as well as cerebral traumas. Opposites are also the first reliable intellectual distinction mastered by young children. Raybeck, Douglas, and Douglas Herrmann 1996 Antonymy and Semantic Relations: The Case for a Linguistic Universal. Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science 30: 154-183.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
4 answers
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Which epistemology do you associate with biology? Why?”
- epistemology absolutely directly is associated with biology, since all points/steps in the utmost fundamental result in epistemology – “Scientific method” , see
“…An iterative,[43] pragmatic[12] scheme of the four points above is sometimes offered as a guideline for proceeding:[47]
Define a question
Gather information and resources (observe)
Form an explanatory hypothesis
Test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner
Analyze the data
Interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for a new hypothesis
Publish results
Retest (frequently done by other scientists)
The iterative cycle inherent in this step-by-step method goes from point 3 to 6 and back to 3 again. ……”
- all/every living being, even bacteria, use and perform in their lives at their behavior.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
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Preprint Nuance
Preprint Nuance 2
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Unfortunately you are conflating two completely different subject matters. Value judgements and fame and overlaying them with personal subjectivity.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
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When I point unpleasant things out, people often respond by insulting me. So, under complete eugenics I would either have been killed and or castrated at this point.
If Nazis do gain control over the USA, I may be killed first because they really hate white looking people with disabilities and or subtle non white ancestry.
The more North Western European liberal nations become multiracial democracies, the more a select few elite North Western Europeans turn into the leadership base. Hence why so many politicians and other elites are North Western Europeans. Thus, the "Great Replacement" should really be named the "Great Filter" because it consolidates whiteness(state of being North Western European). North Western European liberals did not just coincidentally invent transhumanism and eugenics.
Work Cited
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Imagine you have a toy robot that cant do amazing things like remembering every song it ever hears or remember every fun day they've ever had. Now, imagine if we could give people special abilities? oh wait, we already have people like that. We recently rebranded again as autism or something, to be honest i prefer retard, the good ol days when people still clearly told you that things werte going wrong because youre retarded..... now after evry shitty interaction i have to try and calculate what percentage went bad cause of black face and how much is the tism tax.... Transhumanism is like a big idea where scientists and inventors try to find ways to help people do things they can't do right now, like a superhero upgrade! They might use cool gadgets, special medicine, or even tiny robots to make life better and help people do amazing things.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
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In my experience the easiest way to get research journals is to examine the field, see what journals there are available, determine which ones I wish to receive and then subscribe to them. You might find some free journals, but I would question the value of them if they exist in print form. There are several good online journals in various fields that are free, but they are only online.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
3 answers
I am somewhat Hegelian because I do not believe in martyrdom, and or dying on a hill, and usually the popular, and or traditional, opinion has a deeper less obvious reason.
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I value politics, I believe in politics, and I exercise my political right as a citizen.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
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I no longer feel attracted to women nor men. I prefer robots. Liberals rightfully oppose racial animosity while acknowledging heritability to further DEI. If I make a controversial claim and no one directly opposes it then they may be silently agreeing. For right or wrong "As (insert morally superior identity) then argument" translates to "my word has more credibility because of my identity." As one of the MOST disliked people by the Nazis, I opine about race relations. Whether overt or covert, North Western Europeans("NWE") are highly eugenic and or transhumanist, hence in their most exclusionary known ideology (Nazism) they especially want to either castrate and or kill people that look like them yet have subtle non-NWE ancestry and or disabilities. Because subtle non-NWE ancestry and disabilities are both possibly hereditary. I have both subtle non-NWE ancestry and at least one(maybe multiple) disabilities(all probably hereditary), hence my right to opine about race relations. Few actually believe in martyrdom and would go through with it. A true martyr would be fired for holding integrity, courage and honor all over reputation. I will respect the authority for the common good. I also am not heterosexual, thus adding to my right to opine about race relations. My asexuality may make me a better Catholic because I seek to be fruitful and multiply(via robot sex) without acting on lust. Sir Francis Galton(Anglo Liberal and Darwin's cousin) invented eugenics. Sir Julian Huxley(Anglo Liberal, both brother of author Aldous Huxley and grandson of Darwin's Bulldog(TH Huxley) started the transhumanist movement. Sir Julian Huxley also coined the term transhumanism. Some argue principles only count if the actor's needs are met. I think principles only count if the actor's needs are met. Hence, I do not believe in nor practice martyrdom. Financial blackmail may be worse than the emotional kind because the latter usually comes from a less powerful person. More power means more potential culpability.
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  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
7 answers
Who agrees philosophies can make interesting acronyms? How? Why?
My answer: My condensed philosophy is Humanitarianism, AntiRacism and transhumanism. Which makes the acronym HAT. I am no longer Marxist because materialism no longer appeals to me( hence my philosophical acronym used to be ATM standing for AntiRacist, Transhumanist and Marxist).
Reasons I am no longer a materialist:
(Souls Probably Exist) Source: ).
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Cosmin Visan
Do you want to have a formal debate with me with profound dialogue and nuances? If so, we need a moderator and an institution to host us. My rhetoric is only so deep.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
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I am interested.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
39 answers
🔴Human-GOD coevolution & the Religion-type of the future (technology; genetics; medicine; robotics; informatics; AI Algorithm & Quantum PC;..)🔴
Gentle RG-readers,
according to (possible) technological and informatics evolution of Homo sapiens from 2000 to 2100,
what Religion-type show the best resistance-resilience??
What will be the main Religion-type in the future??
--One GOD.
--Multiple and diverse GOD.
--Absence of Transcendence.
Moreover: GOD will be an evolutionary step of Human??
In this link (chapter pag.40) there is a quasi-fantasy scenario ...
Other papers of this series
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Is this key🔴 area {Posterior Cortical “Hot Zone,”}, the brain zone were the protein of #self are stored?? A new paper🔻 shows some intriguing results. See VanGELO Assoluto for an extreme view...
🔻🔻Surge of neurophysiological coupling and connectivity of gamma oscillations in the dying human brain. PNAS, May 1, 2023, vol.120. PMID:37126719 -- DOI:10.1073/pnas.2216268120🔻🔻
Significance.--- Is it possible for the human brain to be activated by the dying process? We addressed this issue by analyzing the electroencephalograms (EEG) of four dying patients before and after the clinical withdrawal of their ventilatory support and found that the resultant global hypoxia markedly stimulated gamma activities in two of the patients. The surge of gamma connectivity was both local, within the temporo–parieto–occipital (TPO) junctions, and global between the TPO zones and the contralateral prefrontal areas. While the mechanisms and physiological significance of these findings remain to be fully explored, these data demonstrate that the dying brain can still be active. They also suggest the need to reevaluate role of the brain during cardiac arrest.
Abstract.--- The brain is assumed to be hypoactive during cardiac arrest. However, animal models of cardiac and respiratory arrest demonstrate a surge of gamma oscillations and functional connectivity. To investigate whether these preclinical findings translate to humans, we analyzed electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram signals in four comatose dying patients before and after the withdrawal of ventilatory support. Two of the four patients exhibited a rapid and marked surge of gamma power, surge of cross-frequency coupling of gamma waves with slower oscillations, and increased interhemispheric functional and directed connectivity in gamma bands. High-frequency oscillations paralleled the activation of beta/gamma cross-frequency coupling within the somatosensory cortices. Importantly, both patients displayed surges of functional and directed connectivity at multiple frequency bands within the posterior cortical “hot zone,” a region postulated to be critical for conscious processing. This gamma activity was stimulated by global hypoxia and surged further as cardiac conditions deteriorated in the dying patients. These data demonstrate that the surge of gamma power and connectivity observed in animal models of cardiac arrest can be observed in select patients during the process of dying.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
6 answers
Draft chapters of my new book on The Psychology of Artificial Superintelligence (Springer/Nature 2020) are now available. This includes chapters on
Explanation (XAI, rule-extraction)
Digital Clones
Transhumanism and
I welcome feedback on these chapters. Please email
Many thanks,
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Dear Joachim Diederich
You raised a very important topic ... I finished the book "Intuition: The Experience of Formal Research". In this book I try to formalize many psychological phenomena: "soul", "imagination", "subjective reality", ‘Connectome-Cognitome’ , 'unconscious decision making', 'meaning of information', etc.
Are you considering intuition?
All the best, Yurii
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
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At the Kazan Federal University (Russian Federation), I help organize the VII conference of the Sadykov reading."Society 5.0: The Paradoxes of the Digital Future". But I do not know how to find new contacts who may be interested to participate in.
Conference working languages: Russian, English, Chinese.
Workshops topics:
- Digital Paradise or "hello" from Big Brother?
- Homo Digitalis: Hopes, Risks, Prospects.
- Transformation of Knowledge and Education in a Digital Society
- Ontology of Virtual and Augmented Reality.
- Digital Humanity as a New Interdisciplinary Paradigm.
- Is Society 5.0. a step Towards Transhumanism?
- The fourth industrial revolution and digital capitalism.
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You might want to reach out to those at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan too.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
3 answers
I found only these: "A Spherical Camera Sensor
A stretchable circuit allows researchers to make simple, high-quality camera sensors."
"The Boston Retinal Implant Project":
"Stretchable silicon nanoribbon electronics for skin prosthesis" Jaemin Kim et al.
Nature Communications 5, Article number: 5747 doi:10.1038/ncomms6747
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It was many years ago (in 90-ies) when I have heard about the project of company Ball Semiconductor (Allen, Texas) in spherical IC manufacturing. It was declared that they invested about 100 M$ in the development of this technology. They claimed to have got some successful results. See, for example, the article "MEMS applications of Ball Semiconductor Technology" (
I do not have information about the current staus of their project.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
20 answers
Health, Science, Politics
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Colin--the system just won't show me your question. But I see it above.
Naturally, I can't tell you why researchers seek social media. I doubt it gives anyone much clout. It seems to be largely a waste of time. Having said that, I got a magic reply to one of my questions that really got me going in the right direction.
But that was a little blessing from heaven. It is not why I am here.
I can tell you my position. I am out of academe now and I like to see what others are up to. My work is now developing my discovery of a taxonomy of human elements (being posted at )
I have found (painfully) that this taxonomy discovery is unacceptable for senior people in social sciences and philosophy--they have worked hard to think as they do and something like THEE violates their self-interest and is too much effort. They just look away.
So I am seeking young people who can intuitively see there is something wrong with current scientism, the reduction of human experience to neurons, and fraudulent objective social sciences (for which the poster child is economics)--and want to do something positive rather than just complain and posture. is full of young people....but many seem caught up with the academic rat-race. They are useless for me.
I need some people with open minds and readiness to be part of an extraordinary discovery (as judged by themselves) even if it is not currently fashionable. There is much work to be done on THEE that is beyond my ability to do. Perhaps they exist on the Researchgate network, perhaps not.
Meanwhile I enjoy leaving comments here and there and seeing what happens.
  • asked a question related to Transhumanism
50 answers
I am working on a paper about transhumanism, and specifically the point at which we would say a person is "no longer human" and has become "posthuman". I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on exactly how much change would qualify someone as posthuman, and any references to literature already existing on the subject would be much appreciated.
I have seen one writer suggest that a posthuman state is achieved when the genetics of the individual no longer match human genetics, but I don't think that accounts for posthumanization from cybernetics, and other technological enhancements. I saw someone else suggest that posthumanism occurs when reproductive abilities become impossible, specifically breeding with normal humans, but I think there are already plenty of people with reproduction problems and while this is one of the better suggestions it is still fairly weak.
Let me know what you think! What is that line in between pacemakers and robot bodies where we have changed ourselves enough to be considered posthuman?
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Sara Robertson: For provocative ideas about how to frame your issue: Habermas, The Future of Human Nature (implications for lifeworld understandings); Bruno Latour's reflections on actor networks and agency; Donna Haraway's work on cyborgs and primates; John Searle, Making the Social World; GOP presidential wannabes (for empirical criteria of post-human behavior).
Are you sure you want your question to be when does a "person" become trans- or post-human? Rather than, say, how would notions of agency need to be redefined to accommodate post-humanist reflections on social action? Utilitarian notions wouldn't require much revision, but phenomenological ones would.