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Transdisciplinarity - Science topic
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Questions related to Transdisciplinarity
Esta pregunta esta relacionada a como influye la investigación transdisciplinar, en la neurociencia o viceversa, por lo cual es imprescindible entender ambos contenidos de conocimiento para que puedan apoyar uno al otro
Para evaluar la efectividad y el impacto de proyectos de investigación transdisciplinar, es importante considerar la integración de conocimientos de diversas disciplinas, la colaboración efectiva entre investigadores y el impacto práctico y teórico de los resultados obtenidos.
Es esencial evaluar la eficacia de proyectos de investigación transdisciplinar observando cómo se amalgaman las disciplinas, la colaboración entre especialistas de diversas áreas, y la relevancia de los resultados y su aplicación práctica.
La pregunta de análisis es la siguiente:
¿Cómo puede la investigación transdisciplinar influir en la formulación de políticas públicas en áreas como el cambio climático, la salud y la tecnología?
Se debe examinar cómo los enfoques transdisciplinares pueden aportar soluciones innovadoras y efectivas a problemas complejos de política, y cómo dichas investigaciones se traducen en decisiones políticas prácticas.
For instance what roles does emergence play in inorganic chemistry, in the earth sciences, in organic chemistry, the molecular biology of the cell, physiology, psychology, sociology, in ecology, economics, or in astrophysics?
I am studying the development of emergence up through the levels of the hierarchic organization of material reality, from elementary particles to the emergence of galactic clusters.
Another goal is to reveal the isomorphic aspects of the stages of emergence as they occur throughout that development.
I am interested in the following:
1. What are the initial components of the process of emergence in cases of emergence in your field of research?
2. What are the major stages of the process of emergence in those cases?
3. How does the list of components change with the changing stages of your processes of emergence?
4. What then are the components that constitute the final emergent product, whether it be a quality, an object, or a pattern-of-organization of material structure or process?
An Emergence Primer
Ø In its simplest form, emergence is the coming into existence of newly occurring patterns-of-organization of material structure and process due to the motion of units of matter.
Ø Emergence is a creative process, and is the source of the organized complexity of the material universe.
Ø There are two basic stages of emergence—first there is the process of emergence, and second there is the event of emergence that occurs as the consequence of the prior process.
Ø Emergence develops. It occurs in simple forms in simple situations in which few other factors are playing roles, and in progressively more complex forms in progressively more complex situations where increasing numbers of other factors are playing roles.
Ø Emergence is isomorphic because the simplest form of emergence also occurs within the core of all developed forms, giving them their intrinsic-identity as cases of emergence. An isomorphy is a pattern-of-material-organization that occurs in two to many different situations or systems. What is known about an isomorphy and the role it plays in one situation can be used to enhance the understanding of a different situation in which that isomorphy also occurs and plays a role. Thus what is known about emergence and its role in one situation can be used to enhance the understanding of a different situation where emergence also occurs and plays a role.
The Intrinsic Nature of Emergence—With Illustrations.
Vesterby, Vincent. 2011. The Intrinsic Nature of Emergence—With Illustrations. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the ISSS, Hull, U.K.
Emergence Is an Isomorphy
Vesterby, Vincent. 2017. Emergence Is an Isomorphy.
CABI has recently launched a new OA journal called CABI One Health, and a database of One Health Cases, both edited by Jakob Zinsstag from the Swiss TPH.
Our One Health resources aim to highlight how a transdisciplinary approach, combining academic and non-academic, practical, local or indigenous knowledge in the research process, has helped to co-produce transformational knowledge that leads to practical solutions, and increased the research’s relevance to society. Typically, there is incremental knowledge and information generated that could not have been produced by the academic scientists alone.
But it seems that there is a lot of confusion about transdisciplinarity means in a One Health setting. I am very curious to gain feedback on whether this concept is well understood, and if not, how we can help to gain consensus.
The research ‘field’ of Digital health is dedicated to realising digital technologies’ potential and developing knowledge about their feasibility and impacts. With the introduction of several new journals (such as Sage Digital Health, The Lancet Digital Health and Frontiers in Digital Health), Digital health is in many ways an emerging field.
Yet, drawing on a critical review of the articles in the most prominent multidisciplinary digital health journals in our article , we show that the digital health field has not profoundly engaged with its core subject, namely technology. The features of digital technologies remain in the background, and research is disconnected from the complexities of healthcare settings, including multiple technologies, established practices and people. Instead, the overarching focus in the Digital Health literature is the processing capabilities of digital technologies and their posited impacts. The technologies are treated as black boxes and the context of the lab seems to be considered similar to the context of use (care, planning, coordination etc).
I would argue that if we do not take this issue seriously, the potential of the Digital Health field will be limited and eventually a dead end.
How can we develop Digital Health into a field where technology and the context of use take a more prominent role?
Between sustainability science and ethnoecology, there are many points in common: inter/transdisciplinarity, co-production of knowledge, identification of socio-environmental problems, education and awareness, but they stand out through a few dimensions. I would like to engage discussion between specialists of each domain, in the sharing of experience, dialogue and respect to imagine possible cross-fertilisation.
I am looking for case studies that provide lessons learned or successful outcomes (in conservation/environment) that have used interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary approaches.
We are working on the design of a study on challenges that companies face within the innovation process related to the collaboration between different functions and disciplines - including related methodologies that help to overcome these challenges.
I would like to start this discussion to collect previous activities on this topic area as well as your experiences collected in collaboration with companies (setting the academic world apart - even if there are similar challenges existing...)
Three questions to start the discussion:
- What are the challenges that you have seen or worked upon with or within firms?
- Did you find any insights on system interdependencies or patterns?
- What methodologies would you recommend to overcome these challenges and why?
Looking forward to your input and the discussion!
For the development of eHealth solutions, stakeholders should be involved and their opinions and experiences must be heard or it could be optional.
I accept suggestions for readings of publications on veterinary or biological conservation both related to philosophy or if you have this paper:
Fox MW. Towards a philosophy of veterinary medicine.Vet Rec. 1984 Jul 7;115(1):12-3.
I had argued with my supervisor last week. I intend to refer the 《 New Production of Knowledge》 and Concept of mode 2 to be the background of transdisciplinary research in Taiwanese new institution.
My opinion is that"Kuhnian science study is too much internal discussion in Physics(or natural science)" and Latour's ANT is too much deconstruction(Anything can be part of programme in science action) I used Mode 2 to harmonize the Kuhnian and Latour, for building a contemporary science study(science with transdisciplinarity and accountability).
My supervisor response with that "Latour's ANT could deal with any programme that you want through adjust the scale of your method and object. Why you insist to adopt conecpt of Mode 2"
According my supervisor's idea, Mode 2 can be a subsystem of Latour's ANT. I don't agree with him but haven't a good point to response. Maybe my reading is too less to hold my position.
Can two concepts put in one category to compare?
Thank you if you read my question.
I mean the strong Transdisciplinarity of Nicoluescu
Transdisciplinarity transcends the disciplinary competences of the (individual) partners in a network.
Collective intelligence transcends the individual (disciplinary?) intelligences of this same partners.
What is your theory how this concepts connect?
Kind regards
From the look of the demarcation criteria Does the geocentric theory turn out to be non-scientific versus the heliocentric cosmological theory? Is science no longer a vision surpassed by another?
In my book "Public Participation as a Tool for Integration Local Knowledge into Spatial Planning" (Springer, 2017) I claim that Local Knowledge in urban and regional planning refers to the knowledge of people who could be affected by plans, and that it is "a large, complex epistemological system related to a broad conceptual scope that includes perceptions, desires, grievances, opinions, ideas, beliefs, thoughts, speculations, preferences, common sense, feelings and sensations; it also addresses needs, cultural codes, spatial conducts, social relations, societal norms, and everyday life scenarios and practices, all of which are rooted in the locals' everyday reality".
This research question formed the basis for my Masters research.
This puts spiraling of an organization into an ontological spacetime(mattering). The spiraling fractal antenarrative assemblage and its storytelling properties is something you can find in these references.
There is a difference between embodied attunement (Heidegger, 1962) to the situation, such as fear of something known, anxiety of something unknown, and turbulent forces (such as economic crisis after crisis) --- and --- the emotional roller coaster people are on. In spiral antenarratives there is forecaring in advance, the preparations to be in a spiraling assemablage organizing for prospective sensemaking, by acts of forehaving, foreconception, forestructuring, and foresight.
In spirals fractals there is an assemblage making quicker course corrections as a flock/school/etc. than can be done by empirics of sensemaking (5 senses). Something beyond and beneath is allowing the assemblage to change directions, without bumping into each other, to move into centrifugal and centripetal outward and closeness of the whorls, and to move up and down the spiral vortex.
This is occurring in fractality of selfsameness across multiple levels or magnifications of scalability, in reality, in acts of coordinated recurrence.
Boje, D. M. (2014). Storytelling organizational practices: Managing in the quantum age. Routledge.
Boje, D. M. and Henderson, T. (Eds.) 2014) Being Quantum: Ontological Storytelling in the Age of Antenarrative. UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Boje, David M. (2016). Organizational Change and Global Standardization: Solutions to the Standards and Norms Overwhelming Organizations. London/NY: Routledge.
Henderson, Tonya; Boje, David M. (2016). Organizational Development and Change Theory: Managing Fractal Organizing Processes. London/NY: Routledge.
Rosile, G. A., M Boje, D., & Nez, C. M. (2016). Ensemble leadership theory: Collectivist, relational, and heterarchical roots from indigenous contexts. Leadership, 1742715016652933.
Boje - Double Spiral images
Boje – Quantum Energy Works
Boje – Fractal study guide for Henderson and Boje (2016) and Boje (2016) and
The concept of transdisciplinarity is becoming very popular with the increased complexity of problems and solutions that require strong collaboration and expertise across different sciences and disciplines. We can see strong integration trends between various areas of science, arts, technology, and humanities, building up new areas of research and practice in the process...
Thank you.
Knowledge tells and informs,it is theoretical,Wisdom makes, it is experimental & experiential.
This may be a very weird question but,
Could you try to explain how C and N cycles are coupled in soils ? ⛓️🔬🤔❓
How do C and N are "metabolically intricated" ?
I guess it is a bit of a dumb question, but I am trying to summarize the concept myself. So let's say it a bit of an intellectual challenge. How would you explain the extent of this relation, and it's relevance for a farming perspective.
We always present biogeochemical cycles as separated, even if in nature, they are intimately interconnected.
Many cultural anthropologists are asserting that the traditional ecological knowledge evident in the cultural beliefs and practices of local communities are scientifically driven and are agreeable to scientific conservation practices.
My M.Sc. student in planning to do researches on the effects of pulsing preservatives on the physiology and vase life of cut roses. Therefore, in order to follow the recent methodologies in the area, I seeking for recent publications on the issue.
Several studies have addressed the theory of complexity in a theoretical way, advancing in the discussions about the boundaries of this theory. However, when analyzing empirically the complexity in organizations, the difficulties are many. I am conducting a survey of the best qualitative methods for empirically studying complexity in organizations. What do you think about it? What empirical research would you indicate to me?
In general, the principle or relativity may be stated as the independency of a law from the observers. By an observer we mean that a system which is competent to verify the law. The law may belong to any subject.
As an example, the special relativistic formulation of the law governing the portfolio risk of two security case has bee discussed in 'Role of the principle of relativity.
How I can unfollow this speculative project.
I am talking about "Is human evolution has a purpose?"
Passing from the "Agricultural era" and entering into the "post-industrial era", the threatening dynamic environment led to the tendency towards productivity and consequently useful attempt for benefiting from productivity along with the economic development through the so-called "developing" synergy and finally directing the behavior management "developed" status. Please note that there is a resistant for acceptance of such a change so it should have been found some solutions. Now this question is proposed how to change the axis from "Agriculture era" thought into the "Post-industrial era" in non developed countries/counties? Post-industrial means ICT.
This question is asked only to gain insights about the requirements that modern library clientele are looking for...
Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. There are two major components of early detection of cancer: education to promote early diagnosis and screening.
Pragmatist thought was largely developed in late 19th and early 20th century United States by the likes of C.S. Peirce, William James, John Dewey and others (Hammersley 1989), and, following James. The key to the pragmatic method is a commitment to end-causes and outcomes of practice, rather than abstract first-causes.
In conclusion do we direct our resources to screening cancer instead of understanding carcinogenesis?
How can it be thought the ideas of Being and Nothingness in Sartre, as well as the notions of Nausea and Anguish and Engaged Intellectual in Sartrean existentialism for a reformulation in the scientific paradigms of the human sciences? What is the role of the full Freedom of the individual, argued by Sartre as a fundamental process of the human being and the constitution of the humanities, which, instead of proportioning dogmas, would allow full and wide debate, enabling individuals to construct and How can such theories help to reformulate the thinking of the human sciences?
Struggling to get hold of Michael Sebek's article "the Fate of the Totalitarian Object"? Does anybody have it and is happy to help?
Thank you!
The seven complex lessons in education for the future proposed by Morin is actual?
I wonder, since Piaget saw development as linear (Rowan, 2016) did he see room for horizontal growth. Example: a young person spend 4 years as an high school apprentice learning the fundamentals in animal husbandry, but needs a college to learn to interpret those skills into a scientific career. How would Piaget see this as linear or horizontal? I understand that Piaget believed that language was linear because it was a system of signs and symbols, but I wondered if he believed all learning was linear. I noticed he seemed to avoid social development. I ask because Piaget saw development in stages rather than a process and his research base was so small.
Rowan, M. C. (2016). Getting It wrong from the beginning: Our progressivist inheritance from Herbert Spencer, John Dewey, and Jean Piaget by Kieran Egan Reviewed by. Journal of Childhood Studies, 38(1), 52-53.
I am trying to develop a qualitative framework that can enhance an effective transdisciplinary communication for a research consortium. Taking into consideration the cultural influence, the disciplinary influence, power play, hierarchy and social capital.
Knowledge appears as a system in which understanding and disciplines are subsystems in mutual integration. Fundamental principle of systems science is that systems and subsystems can never isolate their problems, but have to integrate them, because they cooperate with each other to the functioning of the global system and other subsystems. This complexity requires programs and guidelines, drawn together by their mutual cooperation. This processing operation is based on a more profound and decisive reflective level. Hence the importance of reflective interdisciplinarity, or search for the structural relationships of each discipline, which aims at developing a true system of science and of the relationship between theoretical consistency and versatility of the various models. Equally important is the judgment on the fragmentation of the disciplines, which sub-divide their own experience and knowledge. Because knowledge and scientific understanding are intended to overcome the critical immediate evidence, they must update their methods and adapt them to the new requirements.
Now, if the '' human being'(in the ethical, existential, social and cultural dimensions) has always been the specific subject of the humanities, for this has always been considered "training" for excellence, I think we should ask whether this can still be considered acceptable. Lost any philosophical – metaphysical foundation justifying the unity and truth of knowledge, the multiple understanding on humans have developed in a process of proliferation similar to that of the natural sciences: law, economics, political science, sociology, cultural anthropology, demography, psychology.
This proliferation has created, however, the implicit tension of human knowledge towards a certain unity with different forms. One of the first is the modern rediscovery of interdisciplinarity, in its "weak" form of simple multidisciplinary, as "horizontal" approach that promotes better understanding or representation of an object whose full study escapes the grip of a single disciplinary method. Or else in its "strong" meta-disciplinarity or even transdisciplinarity, as an investigation of the "vertical" dependence which methods and objects of a given discipline can have when read and understood in the light of the more general and fundamental knowledge, from which can also implicitly assume, in a manner more or less aware, principles, statements or models.
The factors of this rediscovery have been manifold. The experimental progress, for example, has allowed the access to more fundamental entities - think of the quantum mechanics and generally to the physics of elementary particles, but also to the deeper understanding of chemical transformations and biological processes of living organisms - and then recognizing them as an object of disciplines other than that of departure. The need to use tools such as logic, statistics or systems theory, within disciplines traditionally handled by heuristic principles, has encouraged the emergence of new disciplines and the dialogue between the existing ones, often surpassing the fence between science and the humanities. Other times it was the complexity of the object under examination (physical systems that do not obey simple and predictable laws, living organisms, man and his health, social dynamics, economic, communication, etc.) to suggest a coordinated multidisciplinary approach.
The growth of scientific knowledge does not solve but greatly increases the problems, the uncertainties and contradictions of knowledge. The emergence of complexity has highlighted the need to integrate or change the reductionist models, of simplification of modern scientific thought.
In fact, the various knowledge multiply the related issues and opportunities to deepen the common roots. These facts have decisive value for an interdisciplinary background reflection: overcome the reductionism of the current conceptual systems; recognizing the plurality and the complex interrelationships; correctly describe the ways in which conceptual schemes and complex mutual interrelations influence our cognitive practices; identify which of these ways form the substrate base.
Science, reflecting on its procedures and results, do not abdicate its ambition of total knowledge, but project it beyond the old classifications of knowledge. Keep in mind that for the latest epistemology, this assumption is incorrect, as perpetuate the basic mistake of the old scientism, which caused major misunderstandings and obstacles for scientific activity. Abdicate complaints eloquently the old scientist prejudice, negative for others knowledge. Science abandon pure observability, to try systems or operational structures, regulatory, probabilistic, theoretical that bring together different disciplines, through transformations regulated or defined.
Recall that science and philosophy competed for the roles of the various disciplines, to outline the map or encyclopedia of knowledge. Under such conditions, the unity of knowledge proved unworkable and sciences, more interested in the practical success, ceased to care. Based on these successes, however, they claimed a priority over other forms of knowledge, when their increasing fragmentation in various specializations greatly complicated the relationship between knowledge and culture. Philosophy, in turn, found itself increasingly unable to oversee the unity of knowledge, leaving to be overwhelmed by the demands of the natural sciences, formal and human-social. In this way, in modern times, man, society and culture fell into the hand of scientific interpretations partial and provisional, which ranged between chance and necessity. Partial and provisional knowledge of science in vogue for many philosophies became the "absolute". When the one and the others fell into crisis, postmodern philosophy and weak thought, skeptics or agnostics to reason and truth, proved unable to define their identity in the face of sciences, going to a progressive dissolution. Weak and postmodern thought, then, are not able to understand the positive value of mindfulness, developed progressively by the epistemology of the twentieth century, of partiality, temporariness and falsifiability of scientific uncertainty and identity and role of science.
The 2013 complexity conference hosted by the Nanyang Institute of Technology contained the following excerpts :
"The 21st century," physicist Stephen Hawking has said, "will be the century of complexity." Likewise, the physicist Heinz Pagels has said that "the nations and people who master the new sciences of complexity will become the economic, cultural, and political superpowers of the 21st century."
General systems theory was thought to be the "skeleton of science" (Kenneth E.Boulding)
Is "multidisciplinary" and "interdisciplinary" subsumed under "transdisciplinarity"?
Does "transdisciplinarity" imply "universality"? Is it very different from the notion of "consillience" (coined by Edward O Wilson)
I am reviewing the concept transdisciplinarity by doing an intellectual history. I am only familiar with Foucault's work - a history of the present. Are there any other contemporary methodologies worth exploring?
TD work as highlighted by Henry Giroux and Susan Searls-Giroux (2004 - Take Back Higher Education) is critical of hierarchical research elites, operates on the margins, and includes non-academic partners such as INGOs, NGOs, and Indigenous stakeholders.
I’m investigating the transdisciplinary processes. I am reading about it, but I am still with few information. I would like some advice about recommended authors. I’m really looking to find out if the method has proved to be good for social research.
Evelinda Santiago
Transdisciplinary climate change research
Technical Report Social-Ecological Inventories: Building Resilience to Enviro...
As anthropologist I think we do, transdiciplinarity is it necessary in sciences or disciplines like education and psychology, commonly with defined boundaries.