Science topics: Organizational PsychologyTraining and Development
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Training and Development - Science topic
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Questions related to Training and Development
in regression analysis, my answer show insignificant.
also, my post-training outcome result is in percentage. is there any way to find the result in SPSS ?
What are the determinants of the development of vocational education, training of people working professionally and e-learning?
In my opinion, education, including adult education, university and vocational training, will develop mainly due to the fact that the economies of individual countries are changing faster and changing, the structure and meaning of particular sectors, branches and fields of activity in national economies, in In highly developed countries, industrial branches of the economy are transferred to countries with lower labor costs, in developed countries information, IT and ICT technologies are intensively developing, as well as Internet information services, etc.
As a result, labor markets are changing, new branches of services are emerging, new vocational professions are created in the field of Internet information services and advanced data processing in information systems.
People are increasingly changing their jobs and profession. A small part of the society throughout their lives work in one company, in one profession, in one area of the host activity, in one profession. People are increasingly moving towards faster and faster changing national economies, changing jobs, businesses, cities, etc.
Therefore, people have to retrain and become more and more educated. Increasingly, adults use training and post-graduate studies to obtain a new profession, a new profession and a new interesting job.
On the other hand, universities and schools of continuing education and vocational education adapt their educational offers to the changing labor market, to the changing demand of employees employed in specific companies, at specific positions. Universities and schools, observing the rapid development of Internet information services, create study and training offers conducted via the Internet in the e-learning system. It is a convenient form of training for people primarily adults, working and often living outside a large urban agglomeration, in another city, town, village, etc., than a university city.
Do you agree with my opinion?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What are the determinants of the development of vocational education, training of people working professionally and e-learning?
Please reply
I invite you to discussion and scientific cooperation
Best wishes

The purpose is to formulate a common research project or to plan writing research papers together, in my sabatical leave (September 2013 to February 2014).
Which factors affect integrated internal marketing mix? (These items or else. Please confirm the accuracy.)
-Recruitment Practices
-Training & Development
-Reward/Motivation Systems
-Top Management Participation/Support
-Market Segmentation
-Market Orientation
Can ESP teachers' training and developement be considered as one of the motivation elements in learning English for Academic or occupational purposes more particularly in non-native English speaking countries?
How can needs analysis identification in ESP impact learners interests in learning English for Special purposes?
Dear friends
Can any one provide the follwoing paper and scale to me
Wallach, E. (1983), ``Individuals and organization: the cultural match'', Training and Development Journal, Vol. 12, pp. 28-36.
Hallo we are a group of farmers, butcher, veterinarians and research people - and our project is "slaughtering without transporation of the living animal" here in Germany, Hessen, Kassel. We are in train to develop a mobile part of a slaughterhouse to do the first steps on the farm (fixation, stunning, bleeding). We would like to come into exchange with you.
A student, is working on the time between stunning and bleeding 60s and would like to have access to your phD.
My contact is: or +49-561-27 224
best wishes
How to measure after training, the development of leaders to attend emergency situations in the industry? articles, study in this area.
What is the impact of training and development on employee performance? The research question demands specifying the measurements of employee performance, among others. Could you please advise me resources on this issue?
I'm working as an intern in the department training and development of a firm. Sometimes the trainees here are characterized by a bad, toxic attitude. Which tools, methods and models are useful in this context?
(emphasis on detecting toxic attitudes as a basis for intervention later in time)
Satisfaction with the job and (organizational/job) commitment are important variables that influence and are influenced by job attitudes. There seems to be conceptual confusion as to what constitutes job attitudes and what not. (some authors interpret job satisfaction/commitment as job/work attitudes)
Concerning toxic attitudes at work: mainly withdrawal and turnover intention have been identified in the literature as toxic job-related attitudes. Although intuitively, there seems to be much more than just these two.
I want to determine if teachers using technology in the classroom have a leadership style of a transformational leadership. If so, should administrators incorporate such training to develop this type of leader?
Would expanding the levels of flexibility for movements of talent between firms and within firms result in a positive productivity impact (refer section 1, page 5 on Policy Document attached). On a scale of Very Low, Low, Neither Low nor High, High, Very High, what productivity impact would most likely be the result ? Are there empirical data to support your assertion ?
Policy perspectives aimed in favour of unshackling SME’s of unnecessary strictures and empowering SME's to achieve talent-driven, outwardly-focused global competitiveness should feature flexibility to respond to market dynamism.
Flexibility covers a wide range of issues including:
a) Labour force training should be flexible in its delivery and not be rigidly tied to historical sectors and industries. Training content and packages should rather be dynamically adjustable and malleable to suit emergence of new sectors and industries. Responsive repackaging should be a key feature
b) The picking of winners and locking in / redirecting training resources to those ends is to be discouraged. The identification of areas of comparative advantage and repurposing training resources to those ends is also to be discouraged. Preference is for flexibility to be able to match market demands. Where appropriate, then time-limited Tax Incentives may be dynamically deployed to encourage training in emergent new sectors. However, there is a danger of having these incentives becoming institutionalised and remaining on the books way past their useful and value-enhancing period. Constant policy and legislative re-calibration would therefore be required.
c) Certification and training of the labour force should seek to produce an outcome where human talent is flexible and have the trained / certified individual be imbued with the capacity and capability to respond in a dynamic way to the varying job opportunities that will emerge over their lifelong working cycle.
d) Hire and Fire practices should be reviewed to eliminate rigidity and so adjusted to build in higher levels of flexibility in order to
(1) allow for easy and smooth movement of talent dynamically between firms and sectors, reducing stickiness and enhancing responsiveness as market demands change;
(2) allow for smooth movement within firms. As staff transition through their individual life cycles, job cycles and task cycles, Personal Productivity Performance changes and impacts their work output.; in some cases, upwardly and in some cases, downwardly. As individuals yearn for differing work-life balance states, then the SME firm needs an ability to flexibly treat with these employee desires in order to retain talent, or attract talent. Both individuals and firms need the capability and flexibility to adjust the form of engagement in order to align to these changing conditions. Where, on the other hand, the firm faces declines due to market conditions they will need flexibility to change talent engagement from one form to another (eg from flat-fee compensation base to a performance-fee base). Further, as the skillset of the talent becomes mismatched with market needs, then flexibility will be needed to enable enhanced responsiveness through training and development but also through job and task modifications. Rules for engagement, disengagement and modification of engagement would need to support innovativeness, productivity and competitiveness.
Technical Report Priority policy recommendations for transforming individual ...
my research topic is impact of human capital on project success.....My dependent variable is project success and independent are training and development, trust, teamwork, human capital and employee participation.My supervisor asked me to run CFA....My all variables are observed bt employee participation is unobserved....I don't know how to run CFA on the data?
I working on the construction of a model to define a training management systems for a simulation train. My question is about how obtain the expertise of train drivers. Thanks for yours suggestions.
I am working on a conceptual model (three independent variables as Organizational development, career development and training & development) and the dependent variable is 'Change Agent'. I have asked questions 5 questions on each of independent variables but for dependent variable I didn't ask any question. Now I wanted to know is there any possibility to estimate the model using the responses of independent variables only (by using AMOS)?
Note: If anybody has any relevant research paper in this regard then do share kindly.
I will prefer the recommendations in HR perspective including the references.
I want to know how the organization used a training and development programs and what it effect to the organization as a feedback of this program.
Are cross-sectional studies carried out at a single point in time or in a relatively short time frame? In your opinion, does data collection over a period of five years fit with the characteristics of a cross-sectional study? Can you indicate some bibliographic resources indicating the maximum time frame for a cross-sectional data collection?
Often, managers have the impression that research by academics is of no use for them as their problems and the real world is very different from that envisaged in research. On the other hand, some believe that managers need to understand the latest theories to manage with greater impact. Any observations in this regard?
There are many ways of explaining the complexities of the concepts to students; story-telling is one of them. But the teller must keep certain points in mind while selecting a story and narrating it so to illustrate her/his formulations. For example, it should not be too long or complex. I was wondering what all is needed to make our story as a very attractive medium of teaching and learning in higher education.
Today, management students expect the teacher to entertain them by becoming trainers, storytellers, and entertainers. I do not know if that is happening in other disciplines as well.
i believe, management education focuses on building analytical skills for analyzing problems holistically so that correct decisions can be taken in view of the various dimensions of the problem concerned. Management education therefore has to be distinguished from training; the latter focuses on developing mainly execution skills. If the students have strong foundations of management education, they can learn execution skills more fully. Therefore, it is risky to make business schools just training grounds. Some percentage of training approach could be OK, but we must guard against complete skill focus approach. That would produce poor analyzers.