Science topics: Social ScienceTourism Impacts
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Tourism Impacts - Science topic
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Questions related to Tourism Impacts
I'm looking for ways to measure or explore the effects of Covid-19 on countries where its economy is most reliant on travel and tourism.
I am doing meditation where life satisfaction is a mediator between Tourism Impact and Quality of life and I want to compare this model in two regions. Do I have to check the mediation in both the region separately or there is any other way? kindly suggest a way.....
If we want to study an area of tourist interest for bringing it under the concept of Eco-tourism, what parameters should be selected? Or what aspect we have to study and analyse? What changes are expected to convert tourism in to Eco-tourism?
This is not conventional forensic science; it is about forensic-type methods used in the social sciences, including geography, with special reference to cultural heritage.
My research paper deals with use conflicts in tourism (such as conflicts over natural ressources, social conflicts due to tourism), and I'm trying to find some articles / books about the creation of these conflicts. I would like to focus on one part on the fact that maybe some conflicts existed before the development of tourism, and tourism made them worst. I am wondering if tourism is not more like the straw that broke the camels back, than the real reason that provoked the emergence of conflicts.
In my recent study i realized that ecotourism resources are scattered in my study area, and with that, am suspected that economic growth, ecological and environmental pressure in these locations might be affected either positive or negative. Therefore, i need literature in relation to tourism and ecotourism and the implications of their spatial distributions.
Am kindly requesting for 2016 peer reviewed articles on Climate Change Adaptation and Tourism?
In context of smart destinations, colleagues and myself are developing a research project on digital visitor management. We are searching for existing cases where digital media are already being used for visitor management.
I would appreciate any tips and information from research teams working on this topic.
How to assess tourism potential of an unexplored region, had unique cultural practices, tradition & heritage in ancient time. At present, most of the reference for the region available in ancient text only along with few cultural practices and attractions.
Please help me to understand investigation procedure and way to assess potential for the region.
Thank you very much!
Tourism is believed to have various impact but are their specific impact from religious tourist? If yes how can the be measured or got from the destination given the fact that some religious sites are periodic (not always open)
I'm interest in the study of the growth of tourism in the city of Lisbon and it's impacts. Can someone recommend some projects/articles related to this?
I would like to find a specialized topic for my thesis work. I would also like the topic to focus on cooperation between Greece and Turkey in the fields of tourism and aviation.
I am doing my thesis on developing a system dynamics model to simulate interdependence of tourism, impacts on environment, and burden on urban services. As tourists visit a city, they burden urban services. If municipal bodies don't provide satisfactory level of urban services, tourists are less likely to visit the place. But, if services are well maintained, tourists may increase until some other aspects of the place are burdened enough to discourage tourism (a feedback effect).
But, for the simulation model, I need to have a quantitative relationship between urban services (mainly water supply, sanitation, and MSW) and tourism attractiveness. I am planning to conduct a survey from tourists to know how quality of each of these services affect overall tourist arrivals.
I am finding it difficult to design the survey that can help me find the quantitative relationship for the model.
I am undertaking some research on the connection between glamping (luxury camping) and landscape (production, consumption and appreciation), but can only find limited published research on glamping. Can anyone help with suggestions? Thanks in advance
I am searching for papers dealing about tourism impact (or not) in protected areas and any information would be useful. Many thanks in advance.
Many types of tourism attempt to be helpful to the poor, volunteer tourism, slum tourism, and community tourism as examples. How do these really affect those dealing with urban poverty? Which model is better, or do we need a new model?
I am carrying out research on the territorial network that tourism workers produce from their daily commutes between their homes, their workplaces, leisure and study sites.
Delivery of the thesis that the space produced by tourism is larger than the space produced by tourists and seek to prove this from the mapping of the territorial network produced by other social tourism agents: workers, businesses, government and resident population in tourist destinations .
At this early stage of research, I am conducting a literature review on the commuting of tourism workers, especially those related to lodging facilities in general.
I would like to know your views and relevant literature on the implication of tourism on coastal / near shore fisheries.
I am working on impact of tourism on locals, study area is forest and the villages that are involved in tourism are not exploiting forest much as compared to the villages that are not touristic. So, I am planning to collect data from locals through some tricky question in order to get data of forest exploitation. It is expected that people who are involved in tourism directly or indirectly are not exploiting forest. Can anybody help me?
If you want to do some research on any topic in the countries where there is more terrorism, decrease in the arrivals is mainly due to terrorism, due to which other variables results are biased. How to control it?
I need to understand if the local food influences the tourism on its territory of origin.
Is there any model to use and/or any study to refer to? How can I measure this influence? Thank you.
Hello, I am looking for good academic works on tourism and environment.
This example is more complex because I mean "normal" archeological sites, where there is no need to pay for entrance and tourism facilities don't exist or are represented only by educational table and the like. Also, the local community isn't usually aware of the existence of these sites.
I would like to assess the tourism potential of unrealized archeological resources. I can say that it has influence for regional tourism to offer, because sites development widens it. But it is only a statement, which can be formulated without any research...
Any ideas/help? Thank you in advance!
Seeking a detailed number of tourists coming to a country
When the alternative is the secular underdevelopment, socio-environmental impact assessment for future tourist destinations remain like a "good practice dictate". Nevertheless, this assessment could be the only way for a sustainable and integrated develop of particular areas of inland; or in underdeveloped countries. One of my studies shows that local communities, at the begining of these processes, wait for tourism like for "maná" (meal); impacts are considered when they appear. Some other experiences?