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Tissue Mechanics - Science topic
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Questions related to Tissue Mechanics
Dear sir,
I am going through your paper titled " Micromechanical modelling of skeletal muscles based on the finite element method " . You have mentioned force velocity characteristics with equation (numer 9 and plotted the graph (figure 4)).In that relation kc , ke are the curvature and d is the offset of the eccentric function.
My question is kc,ke , d same for all kind of muscles ? if not how to get the values of kc,ke , d values for different muscles?
Could you please reply me sir.
I am trying to find a reference for elemental and molecular composition of different tissues.The only ones I could find are from 1970s. NMR, MRI or mass spectrometry studies?
In a way it is so basic knowledge it's hard to find good references.
Thank you!
I'm developing with my team a bioreactor intended for soft tissues' mechanical stimulation, we were interested in a SFF method for its realization. Are there any polymers suitable (medical grade) for the production of a bioreactor culture chamber and parts?
Ultrasound frequency waves may affect developing tissue mechanically
Bone fracture is the most common effect in osteoporosis. one the reason is the impact of osteoporosis on the density of the cortical bone. So I'm looking for the role of the density disorder which is caused by osteoporosis in bone fracture.
It's clear, osteoporosis has a direct impact on bone density. How can I figure out the manner of this effect in spongy and cortical bone, separately?
On the other hand, I'd check out how this effect of osteoporosis changes the orientation of bone blades?
I am going to measure flow using ultrasound.
I stained the human tissues with DAB and I have to see the effect of another protein so I stained with alkaline phosphatase. I believe by go through xylene and alcohol, DAB and hematoxylin will get rid off but not done well.
I have one slide only so I have to strip both DAB and alkaline Phosphatase along with counter staining of Hematoxylin to do the one protein stain with alkaline phosphatase. Please let me know if anyone know any protocol to strip both DAB and alkaline Phosphatase along with counter staining of Hematoxylin.?
Good evening, ladies and gentleman.
Could you bring to me a little of your wise scientific expertise?
I was wondering whether if all tissues (in particular: CNS, splenic and liver) are equally susceptible to IL-1beta induced COX2 expression.
Anyvbody out there? :)
Thank you a lot and good Science to all
I have a cardiac fibroblast, but it seems that they grow slowly. I am using DMEM supplemented with L-glutamine, FBS, and PS.
After trypsin, the cardiac fibroblasts did not attach well (less than 5 out of 100 were attached on the second day after trypsin). This also happened for cells taken from liquid nitrogen. I can see the cells are floating.
I starting some work on scaffolds for tissue engineering using biodegradable materials. At the moment, I'm doing some preliminary experiments with SU-8, which is highly suitable for soft-lithography but lacks biodegradability. I'm looking for a suitable substitute material for long term use. Does anyone have any suggestions?