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Theater - Science topic

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Questions related to Theater
  • asked a question related to Theater
2 answers
"Exploring AI as a 'creative partner' in theater set design, this discussion focuses on how artificial intelligence is transforming the Scenography of theater Current age . We'll discuss AI's potential to enhance creative collaboration, optimize design workflows, and introduce innovative visual possibilities that blend tradition with technology. Join us as we investigate the role of AI in redefining artistic expression on stage, the balance between machine-generated and human-driven creativity, and the future of scenography in a tech-driven world."
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Thank you Riham Hilal for this discussion. It is of immense interest especially as the arts in general navigate into a new era driven by AI. From my perspective collaboration with AI opens up the world of the play to limitless imagination and innovation in design and execution.
  • asked a question related to Theater
2 answers
“There’s glory for you!” “I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory.’” Alice said. Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously.
“Of course you don’t—till I tell you. I meant ‘there’s a nice knock-down argument for you!’” “But ‘glory’ doesn’t mean ‘a nice knock-down argument,” Alice objected. “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
(from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass)
Rich Hall invented the term “sniglet” for a word that should be in the dictionary, but isn’t.
· Elbonics (el bon’ iks) n. The actions of two people maneuvering for one armrest in a movie theater
· Esso Asso (eso a’so): n. The person behind you in a right-hand turn lane who cuts through the Esso Station
· Pupkus (pup’kus) n. The moist residue left on a window after a dog presses its nose to it
· Phonesia (fo nee’ zhuh) n. The affliction of dialing a phone number and forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer
Don and Alleen Nilsen “Humor Across the Academic Disciplines” PowerPoints:
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Rambabu: I agree.
  • asked a question related to Theater
1 answer
Arts Integration is the inclusion of music, dance, theater and visual/digital arts alongside “other” content (Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies) to teach a skill, strategy… Standards from both the arts content and other content are selected and assessed equally.
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1. CASEL SEL Assessment
2. Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA)
3. SSIS SEL Edition
4. Panorama Social-Emotional Learning Survey
5. The How I Think (HIT) Questionnaire: The HIT Questionnaire is a self-report survey that assesses cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of social-emotional learning. It can be adapted to measure the impact of arts integration on specific SEL competencies.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Theater
2 answers
We would like to discuss the innovative possibilities of Zoom-recorded plays that are then published to YouTube.
SEE our web site and Planet Zoom Players list of plays here:
For example:
Our group, the Planet Zoom Players, have two plays done, the second play, H. G. Wells's "The Crystal Egg," with about 500 views and gaining high praise for its production quality as an animatics video.
Our goal is to bring to attention classic science fiction stories, adapt these to scripts, and make YouTube videos of them. Many people who have read classic science fiction believe that its best works have either never been made into film or video media.Some classic SF texts have been mishandled in the adaptation process.
Please share your thoughts on this important issue in theatre. How do you think this new capability can help our recovery of worthwhile but little know and never adapated fiction?
If you wish to help our efforts via sharing--use my Facebook contact for future communications:
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There are two aspects:
1) Many who read SF feel that it is the higher cognitive level stories that do not get made into films because of the demands for onscreen sex, violence, and little philosophical underpinnings. We will highlight concept-driven SF, such as "The Crystal Egg" by H.G. Wells--our first play using much animatics technique. Everything, including the theremin solo in the opening credits serves a purpose that is part of the overall arc of the plot.
2) As the person who adapted that Wells short story for its ultimate showing as a YouTube video, the issue which you raise of technology should not drive decisions about the content of our classic science fiction, but rather be a useful part of the performance. That is, we should not be doing just any old SF story in order to be a showcase for new VR gizmos, but use these digital effects as they enhance the aesthetics of the performance, which will remain driven by a concept (trend in society, in science, in tech.)
This may not be the "norm" in this developing area of online performances, but that is what our Planet Zoom Players are in agreement about.
  • asked a question related to Theater
1 answer
Caricature in the theater, its history, mechanisms, and techniques?
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Dear Hadjera Larabi,
I would say to start with the famous satire writers that we know from the Classical Era in Greece. Aristophanes, etc. These figures are also present far back in the Mid-east and in China, but they are only being re-discovered. As more data emerges on SATIRE in many cultures, you will have growing data in the class of characters in the satirical plays. They are all caricatures.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Gloria McMillan
  • asked a question related to Theater
5 answers
In the most general way, I explore the phenomenon of affect in theater (drama and musical theater). Importantly, in my research I am not talking about feelings and emotions. Rather, I am on the side of the concept articulated by Brian Massumi: affect is an autonomous entity.
In other words, I am in search of a conceptualization of the "autonomous machine" for the production of affect in theater.
However, I have not found any literature that considers affect specifically in the territory of theater.
Deleuze devoted important concepts to affect, but they were related to cinema (the close-up).
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I fully agree that the problematization of the term affect and a thorough discussion of the conflicting and unclear at Times uses of the term is the way to start your phd thesis. I wish you luck and patience with this project. When you are ready with the draft of your first chapter let me know. I would gladly read your thoughts as theory of affect is my area of interest.
  • asked a question related to Theater
1 answer
Such as arenas, opera houses and performing arts theaters. I am tasked with developing such venues in Saudi Arabia, and we wish to benefit from lessons learned around the globe with such iconic venues.
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Please clarify it in detail. I feel interested with the issue.
If possible tell me at my email
Nandan Bhattacharya*
Assistant Director, UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, Jadavpur University, Block LB, Plot 8, Sector III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700106, West Bengal, India
  • asked a question related to Theater
3 answers
If you like music, movies, theatre plays, literature, poetry, paintings, sculptures, museums, galleries, fashion, architecture, video games - we need to know your opinion!
This survey is designed to assess the differences in participation in arts by art receivers through natural/traditional versus digital/new ways.
We want to find out how the pandemic time - that forced us to move to digital ways of participation in arts - will influence our future behaviors in this area. We focus on the art receiver perspective.
Dr. Michał Szostak, University of Social Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Damian Kedziora, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Łukasz Sułkowski, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
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هذه الفنون تمل لغة ابداعية عالمية
وهناك اتفاق عام من كافة البشر بأنها مفيدة ونافعة
فإن لم يكن بقصد الجمال، فقد يكون بقصد الوظيفة
  • asked a question related to Theater
40 answers
I have my own idea but I will be very much interested in knowing your view/reflection on the matter. Is Shakespeare "translatable"?
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Shakespeare's poetic and dramatic works can be translated from the Renaissance English in which they are written, but a significant loss would occur with respect to both linguistic features and aesthetics.
  • asked a question related to Theater
8 answers
Dear play goers, actors, directors, critics and researchers on theatre, how would you read and interpret Elizabethan dumb shows?
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Jinan F. B. Al-Hajaj Hello and thank you so much. I definitely agree with you. Indeed I have recently read one article going exactly in the same sense of your insightful idea of comparison between the dumb show and silent cinema. The idea of theatrics is also very interesting.
  • asked a question related to Theater
3 answers
I look for studies in the direction of contemporary theater construction tricks. I do a comparative study between the Arab and European theater
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Unlike the barren stage of Shakespeare and the Elizabethans, modern and contemporary drama is noted for the use of advanced stage probes. In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller uses many probes to emphasize the main ideas in the play and to help the audience identify the shift in time from the present to the past and vice versa. Among the techniques used are light and darkness, music, transparent walls, and special techniques for the flashbacks. In The Great God Brown, Eugene O'Neil uses masks to reflect the inner sides of the characters.
  • asked a question related to Theater
4 answers
theater that has been devised by Arab American actors as well as playwrights.
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Its mean : the theater performances that made by the arabs refuges in america
  • asked a question related to Theater
17 answers
The real time-forecasting is working about 5 years and it is here -
This methods may give two results for forecast: magnitude and the time of new earthquake. It gave 163 successful forecasts by the time and magnitudes.
Last forecast is here:
2) and here -
Last forecast through FaceBook :
New Earthquake With Magnitude M More 5.5 Will Between 08 and 10 March 2019 -
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Earthquake forecast seems to be a difficult forecast subject
  • asked a question related to Theater
5 answers
Hello everybody,
I'm gathering information about yield management models in order to ultimately transfer them to other markets. Maybe for a cultural tour services like dance shows or theater productions.
Does anyone have any helpful information to find more models?
Thanks Tobias
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you are right, but i just found articles about dynamic pricing. For now, I don‘t need the mathemaical input. It is more about the process. like a general model. At what point could happen what and why with which tool.
  • asked a question related to Theater
3 answers
I am conducting a study on the relationship between authenticty and a Christian tradition of spirituality. ¡We may exchange views some time!
I did not see Klenke among your references, I found was a good author on the relationship between authenticy and spirituality in leadership. Thought that if so, you may want to take a look at it.
Klenke, K. (2005). The internal theater of the authentic leader: Integrating cognitive, affective, conative and spiritual facets of authentic leadership. In F. O. Walumbwa, B. J. Avolio, W. L. Gardner, & U. of Nebraska (Eds.), Authentic Leadership Theory and Practice: Origins, Effects and Development. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Emerald Book
Klenke, K. (2007). Authentic leadership: A self, leader, and spiritual identity perspective. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 3(1), 68–97.
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اشاطركم الرأي
  • asked a question related to Theater
4 answers
Swarms of small, cheap drones, armed with concentrated charges, can take over the theater of operations of the future. These can create a lethal environment where soldiers or armed men can not exist. What do you think about this?
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What an interesting idea.
Yes - it is a distinct possiblity and would think it is technically possible now.
The added advance might well be drones without a human controller and able to attack independently of human control. I think such a developmetn is not that far away. We have self-driving cars - what is needed is a way for drones to distinguish benwteen the enemy and the freinds, attacking only the enemy.
It would immediately lead to a war fought by drones.
If one side won, it would be a crushing defeat as the defeated would have no chance of rebuolding and responding as the victor's drones would gave supremacy. The victory would be total.
If the drones eliminated each others' side so as the remaining drones were ineffective, then the war woudl return to soldier vs soldier.
  • asked a question related to Theater
9 answers
When speaking about the body in theater (and performance as well), we usually have the body of an actor or a performer in mind. But since we have accepted spectators and participants are (equally?) important for production of a play or a performance, the body of the theatergoer has to be (equally?) important, too. And what is the researcher or the reviewer if s/he is not a passionate and regular theatergoer who has the body? However, I have found only a few scholars who take the body of the researcher or the reviewer seriously in this matter (for instance Diana Damian Martin, Jennifer Starbuck-Parker, Roberta Mock and Marina Garcies). How come? And should we go after the researcher’s and reviewer’s body in theater? And if, how?
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In our evaluation of theatrical performance, we should certainly try to triangulate our sources . As you have very rightly observed , total reliance on the body of actors or performers is not a valid way of ascertaining performance quality because the specialized researcher and or the interviewer cannot provide us with a clear picture . The interpretation involving the theater goers or spectators would be very rewarding because it can reveal an in-depth explanation about the real merits/ demerits of the play under scrutiny.
  • asked a question related to Theater
4 answers
African American Dramatists & their Contribution in Black Theater
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Which is your country sir & what is your area of research?
  • asked a question related to Theater
82 answers
This question include all sort of arts : fine arts, visual arts, dance, theater, performances, architecture, cinema, videos, etc.
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Boundaries are basically a definition (the literal sense of the word). Definition gives shape and coherence, and with that meaning. If we all come with our own personal ideas of what 'art', or any other concept for that matter, should be, the result is chaos...
To find what the boundaries of art are (and to see how elastic they can become), it may help to ask the opposite question: what is NOT art?
  • asked a question related to Theater
6 answers
Hello everybody,
I am working my Phd thesis about outdoor theater as a tool for community development. I need some studies that can help my research about this art as an important social and educative impact.I start to check all articles and thesis about outdoor theater in Portugal (my country), but I've just found two. Now, i'm searching outdoor theater in a global context.
Thank you in advance!
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Good day,
I'm sending my studio. I'm going to help.
Have a nice day.
Dagmar INštitorisová
  • asked a question related to Theater
2 answers
Can anyone help me with a phone app wherein I can superimpose a graph or a scale to accurately and quickly measure the height of waveforms from monitor photographs ( taken in the theater) ?
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Thank you, Dibakar- although I was looking for something much simpler- like take a snap shop from the patient monitor and then measure the waves .
  • asked a question related to Theater
3 answers
I am working on my book project about the sustainability development in cultural management context and try to collect as much examples as possible. Especially I am looking for examples to show formal organizations/institutions/business where a social participation is one of a management method. So if it is possible:
Could you give me some interesting examples where: - budget - program / offer is/was created together with different stakeholders, and especially with the recipients/audience? I think about different organizations like cinema houses, permanent organizations, culture businesses, theaters etc.
Please give me detailed information that will allow me to contact the institution directly, or website address or English-language research/articles etc. on this subject.
I also collect examples of social participation in cultural policy making so this kind of examples are welcome but this first point is more important for me now.
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Thank you Mirna. I'll read it.
I work on starategic management and New Public Management in the cultural field with the context of sustainability development. Very difficult to find institutional excamples, in the NPM we have many.
I was working in the COST Acttion Investigating Cultural Sustainability before.
Best, Kasia
  • asked a question related to Theater
4 answers
I have prepared a common questionnaire for doctors and nurses and a similar questionnaire for patients with slight variation in few items. I get a score from 1-5, however i am confused about what statistics to use in this case. Should i take a mean score or mode. If i find mode in few items there are more than 1 modes. Kindly guide me to get appropriate results. The questionnaire for doctors and nurses is as under:
Part I- Scale to Evaluate Acceptability of Patient Garments
Based on your experience with the existing patient garments, please rate your level of acceptance with the following items that fulfill your functional, expressive and aesthetic needs. Your responses will help in identifying the shortcomings and hence improving patient care.
Based on the scale mentioned below tick the appropriate column for each item:
1-Not at all acceptable, 2- Slightly acceptable, 3- Neutral, 4- Very acceptable ,5- Completely acceptable
Please Note: The questionnaire does not apply to the following:
· Garments used in operation theater(OT Gowns)
· Patients below the age of 18 years
SECTION-A Functional needs (Ease of dressing undressing/size and fit /mobility/physiological comfort)
1 Access to patient’s body
2 Ease of putting on/taking off the patient’s garments
3 Ease of opening/closing fasteners (buttons, ties, etc.)
4 Appropriateness of the garments for the patients of different sizes
5 availability of different sizes
6 Appropriateness of pockets
7 Ease of walking
8 Ease of using toilets for the patients
9 Ease of using wheelchair for the patients
10 Ease of getting on and off the bed for the patients
11 Ease of movement when medical devices, catheters or other pipes are attached
12 Comfort of fasteners for the patients
13 Non-allergenic property of the fabric
14 Wrinkle resistance properties of fabrics
15 Thickness of the fabric
16 Weight of the fabric
17 Warmth or coolness of the garment
18 appropriateness for summers
19 appropriateness for winters
20 Easy visibility of blood stains on the fabric for early detection of bleeding
SECTION-B Expressive needs(social and psychological comfort/privacy)
21 Appropriateness for male patients
22 Appropriateness for female patients
23 Suitability for all age groups
24 Ability to cover patient’s body appropriately
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Perhaps it is sufficient to present the data as they are in the sense that you display the results as five groups and see which answer is the most frequent. Compare the results for doctors and nurses to see the differences "if any" Also make results for patients and try to find whether patients were more satisfied with doctors or nurses and so on.
  • asked a question related to Theater
10 answers
I have been assigned to explore supernatural elements in Theatre, the aim is (or what my professor hopes that I will be able to do my thesis on) to finally look how supernatural elements are used in new realism drama of Rabe, Shepard, Norman (maybe even Williams, Wilson etc). I am to reserch
- The role of supernatural elements in ancient Greek drama. First a brief survey, then a tragedy of your choice.
- The role of supernatural elements in Renaissance drama. Just an overview.
- Ghosts in Hamlet and Macbeth. How do they contribute to the play? The dagger? The three witches? Their dramatic function?
- David Rabe's 'Sticks and Bones': Zung's ghost?
- Sam Shepard's 'Buried Child': supernatural elements?
-Marsha Norman's 'Getting Out': Arlie?
Can you recommend any sources that I can start on for my research. Especially for the Greek drama, as I can find articles on Roman Senecan tragedy but basically nothing on Greek drama for myself.
If you can point out a few sources, articles, books, that would be amazing!
Technically, this is my assignment as the research assistant of the professor, however, as she has pointed out the real project she has been working on has already been completed and she offered the position for me so it could be financial help, I think she assigned me these so I can find a thesis topic (she has previously suggested I might look for supernatural, or extra-natural elements in new realist dramas), as I am notorious for my inability to find a thesis topic. So, I am not trying to cheat here, just looking for suggestions, or starting points for my research.
Thank you in advance
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Hi Burcu,
To a certain extent, you're questionning the essence of drama, or at least its origins, religious as you know: How to show the  invisible? How to represent the dead? The hidden forces? The Gods? The ghosts?...
As you ask for some texts on this topic, I would recommend you to look back at the writings of Jan Kott. Quite famous and influential in the 50, 60 and 70ies (namely on Peter Brook's aesthetics), he wrote on Shakespeare (Shakespeare, Our Contemporary) and on the Greek tragedy  (Eating of the Gods). I'm sure you'll find some valuable information in some chapters  of these two essays (probably more in the latter one, whose title is quite appealing, don't you think so?).
  • asked a question related to Theater
2 answers
I am referring to stage managers, technical directors (lighting sound vision) and design/craft areas. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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You might try SNAAP survey:
  • asked a question related to Theater
3 answers
It was during a convention called: MISPERFORMANCE
 ZAGREB, 2009
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Dear Efrat,
I dont have a researches of your subject, most of my researches in the mosaics and design during the Roman and Byzantine, you can see a reference i think in this field, i enclosed with this letter PDF file of reference.
with best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nassar
  • asked a question related to Theater
6 answers
during the current decades, daily increasing development of theater in different countries and new dramatic theories presented on the basis of high capacity of the art in improvement of the quality of life, new aspect of drama have been identified and presented.
An aspect focused by majority of educational and training bodies, scientific and academic circles is Pedagogic Theater.
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Yes Farideh, Drama has been used as pedagogical tool over and over again especially in experimental theatre practice. Here in Redeemer's  University where I work, my students and I have constantly engaged in dramatic projects using school curriculum to empower young people against social vices through drama. The effect has been both amazing and therapeutic for both facilitators and young participants who have constantly looked forward to the experience each semester. 
  • asked a question related to Theater
10 answers
I am applying the actancial method to a mechatronic performance and I would like to know if there are some research or literature in this area. Thank you
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Dear Linda Fernández Castanedo Flores,
I hope the following references and attachments may be of interest.
Kind regards,
Paul Chaney
Elaine Aston & George Savona (1991/ 2002) Theatre as Sign System: A Semiotics of Text and Performance, Routledge, ISBN 9781136112362
Warner, Rebecca (2015) The Beauty and the Beast trope in modern musical theatre, Studies in Musical Theatre, Volume 9, Number 1, March 2015, pp. 31-51.
Shu, J. (2013) Heritage theatre and semiotics: Framing a performance at an ancestral hall, Applied Theatre Research, Volume 1, Number 1, 1 January 2013, pp. 29-41.
Krpič, Tomaž (2013) Some reflections on the relation between text, the performing body and sensations in postdramatic theatre and performance, Maska, Volume 28, Numbers 155-156, 1 July 2013, pp. 58-70.
E Volek (2012) Theatrology an Zich, and Beyond: Notes Towards a Metacritical Repositioning of Theory, Semiotics, Theatre, and Aesthetics, Theatralia, [attached]
KG Tomaselli (1981) The semiotics of alternative theatre in South Africa, Critical Arts, 1981 - Taylor & Francis [attached]
Gilbert, Dennis A. (2005) From Prague to Paris: The Beginning of Theater Semiotics and Sartre's Early Esthetic of Theater, Sartre Studies International, Volume 11, Numbers 1-2, Spring 2005, pp. 195-206.
Fernando De Toro and Mario Valdes (1995) Theatre Semiotics: Text and Staging in Modern Theatre (Toronto Studies in Semiotics & Communication) ISBN-13: 978-0802075895, University of Toronto Press; 2nd Revised edition edition
Olsen, C. (2002) Theatre Audience Surveys: towards a Semiotic Approach, New Theatre Quarterly, 2002, vol. 18, no. 71, pp. 261-275.
  • asked a question related to Theater
3 answers
The double take means that the actor is looking at an object twice, thus headlighting its emotional importance. It is a common "trick" in comedy theater and I wonder, if there is there any qualitative or quantitative research on this subject.
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Thank you, Wolfgang, schöne Grüße nach Leipzig!
  • asked a question related to Theater
3 answers
I am working on a paper on the relationship between political/social theatre and migration in the Colombian context and I would like to know if anyone knows about similar examples in other contexts (papers, books, etc).
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Thanks Robyn, It is curious that I had already found previously some other articles on this also in the Australian context (not his). It seems that this is a topic of special interest in Australia, it would be interesting to know why the topic is of interest there.
  • asked a question related to Theater
1 answer
Building such forms will reduce cost and enhance use of traditional building materials in providing structures for theater departments.
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Much of what is referred to as vernacular or traditional architecture can in fact be termed sustainable or green by stating the obvious. Materials are readily available and cheaper and traditional technology usually translates to increased thermal comfort, particularly in tropical climes resulting in higher energy efficiency and building performance. Traditional architectural forms also readily lend themselves to theatre performance structures.
Upgrading the materials used would enhance maintenance as traditional materials often have a shorter life cycle , needing frequent maintenance.